Everybody Hates Ethanโ€™s New Diet - H3 After Dark #24

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Did Zach stand up so weird because heโ€™s not wearing pants

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 77 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/riotclit ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 19 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I know Ethan doesn't want more people around right now, Hila's suggestion is a good one though. Being in a blessed position to be able to afford a dietitian and personal trainer to look into a personalized plan (Even one for GERD!) that would suit his habits and add a whole new layer of support for him. Even if you have to wait til after you get a vaccine shot.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 67 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 20 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Not gonna lie, that was a not at all a good representation of what we have been dealing with in Texas. Many Houstonians had no idea our power would be shut off for multiple days. So much food just went to waste. Personally, I had no power or water for almost 4 days. Waiting in line for groceries just for the whole store to be a mad house felt like we had zero hope. People died and many lost their homes. Imagine taking water from neighborhood pools just to flush your toilet... yep. While cold and waiting to get into the grocery store for water (that the store didnโ€™t have anymore) we saw Ted Cruz was going to Cancun. Itโ€™s a fucking slap in the face of good people all over this state.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 59 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 20 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Who is love?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 12 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/moeli02022000 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 20 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I think Gagas meat dress worked if itโ€™s still starting a conversation about her cause this many years later

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 49 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Skrods ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 19 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

These comments prove it, no matter episode content people are just looking for a reason to bitch.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 108 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ChitRideOrDie ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 19 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Ethan and Hila are both wrong and right about the diet advice. Keto works very well. But, Ethan doesn't realize that he needs to make it his lifestyle. He also needs to realize that Hila is totally right to suggest a nutritionist and a personal trainer. Combining the personnel plus a dedication to the new diet will result in long term results and weight loss.

Hope it works.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Carldon60 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 21 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Seeing Ethan trying all these fad diets (and failing them) is so frustrating to watch. All he needs to do is start doing cardio and eating less calories per day than he burns. Its really simple.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 82 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ApplesandRabbits ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 20 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I feel like the more talkative Hila gets, the more sexist comments I see. The narrative that sheโ€™s a party pooper or controlling is exactly what she has spoken about it the past, about how itโ€™s hard for women to find space to speak in a predominantly male space. When Dan says the exact same things, no one gets upset with him. For some reason (sexism) some people always have something to say about Hila voicing opinions though.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 176 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/BigStinkyBaIIs ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 20 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
five four three you're listening to the hp yes i am in a raging state of ketosis clearly the nutrition didn't work i can't be it's just awkward because i'm like this far i gotta scoot over a little bit okay stop that i don't love you all right i do love you it just feels weird either keeps going scoot over scoot over so i'm like over here like all my stuff's here you screwed over to me [Music] so the nutri system didn't work i hate first of all i don't recommend nutrition right nope by the way looking over all the food they give me for that nutri system it's like all super unhealthy [ __ ] you see it it's all dead muffins they're like bagel i mean that's a lot of bread it's all bread because i was looking for keto snacks last night and i couldn't use a single uh one of those now zach listen i know you guys are worried about me and well you should be but zach lost like 100 pounds of keto and so who are we to question is that i say zach you're my guru now i am your guru your sponsor i will always be here to help so i was okay with that until i kind of understood more about what is the state of ketosis that you're you're trying to achieve the enlightenment that's that's here go ahead i'll show you what how okay tell us dan was telling me it's basically you're pushing your body to survival mode well that doesn't sound healthy and last night i made ethan a great salad nobody said it was healthy the best salad and i put in it lots of veggies and garbanzo beans and zac said you can't eat garbanzo beans nope no beans no beans er carbs it has carbs ela that's not the same this is what it feels like to be on ketosis right joe rogan's in a constant state of ketosis i saw him like pee on a stick and it turned like black because i guess like the darker the better and so he peed on the stick and it was like like tar black and he's like i am in a state of and that he like flew off he could fly wow zach was just telling me before the show that there's pee sticks to pee on it and see how ketosis you are yeah that's what i was just saying joe rogan does he really do that yeah he did it he's if he's he's always in a state of ketosis and you know i strive to be more like joe rogan as possible when i meant dude i'm gonna be in such a state of ketosis that when they try to give me the vaccine the needle will just break off of my arm that sounds like you died and you're it doesn't even enter my body so tonight i'll be having if you guys are curious my keto dinner will be hot stuffed jalapenos with cream cheese wrapped in bacon and then four that's just the warm-up and then and then for din like dinner dinner like second dinner steak with a whole slab of butter and then apparently um i drink the butter first right zach and then more bacon yeah i don't like this and i am not approving of well what if i start losing weight you'll you'll see okay you lose weight but but you're not going to be healthy i know you're going to be studly dude we're also trying to get pregnant lose weight or die trying i don't think it's good for trying to get pregnant if you're not healthy dude in his favor become more potent yeah i doubt it look at joe rogan you know that guy's fertile as [ __ ] super sperm dude yeah so are you gonna take off a brain i've been on it for six months can't you tell so anyway that's my new diet guys stick with me here i'm just i'm trying everything you know everyone says i'm doing fat dye but the one normal thing that would be healthy and good which is like get actual help get someone to put together a diet for you get someone to exercise oh my god get a person to do this get a presentation of that yes get out of my life i don't need more people in my life especially during covid i would want to be left alone to eat bacon and [ __ ] cream cheese and steak and butter and cheese right zach what else oh zach goes just hit some miracle whip no no no ready whip i'm ready for the calorie account there's like less than one gram of sugar in there it's a great snack great i i agree this diet seems cuckoo as [ __ ] i say can i eat beans no beans no beans how can you not eat beans beans it's such a healthy arms they have carbs but that's a healthy one what does kenneth copeland think about beans when is kenneth copeland think about beans i'm okay with cutting bread and cookies that makes sense great um pasta fine you don't need it what's the problem with beans you're asking for the virus what you're asking for the virus you're asking for what okay whatever shut up kenneth you don't know anything so anyway today welcome to after dark obviously today's episode is sponsored by liquid iv i'm your host the fresh prince of dead air with my queen beside me uh i'm more i mean you're the queen i'm the prince if we can say that like if you're the prince is usually the queen's son no no no no that's not true if if the queen like for example queen elizabeth was the monarch when she gets married he doesn't become king because king is like higher ranking prince prince as a prince you're right but it still sounds like you're my son well i like that mommy mommy daddy change my diaper mommy stop daddy mommy dumb i like that mommy dumb anyway today's just a fun we're just gonna have a fun episode here today because i know y'all been been saying the drama is too hot it's too heavy it's too much i agree we went in deep i thought it was important i'm pulling back we're having fun welcome to africa back to the roots cool uh so i'm in a state of raging ketosis thank you thank you and then also i want to talk about ela getting inseminated yeah why do you want to talk about that well i feel like we always share our pregnancy journeys and people like me okay all right fine it's interesting okay so we've tried and just regular timing it and everything ovulation days whatever it didn't work so um they gave me the skills to take that make you ovulate more and i guess we thought i just take the pills and then we keep doing it normally but we didn't realize it's also you need to do insemination yeah it's crazy it's like so that means we go to the hot or we go to this not hospital no it's a fertility clinic on the same day i bust into a cup and then they like scoop it up with like a turkey baster base probably something like that a turkey baster oh and i mean it's probably i mean it's gotta work by the same mechanic why are you they basically they base you like a turkey with my nut okay that's why i don't want to talk about this stuff because you make it so gross well it is gross it doesn't need to be that gross so we go to the fertility clinic and then they scoop what do they scoop it up and then shove it in well they have tools yeah it's a lab but you know what i said to them i said okay if we're not like having sex and this is taking place in a lab i go how do i know it's my kid i don't want some redheaded little [ __ ] kid coming out of you like they put their own feminine you know like i guarantee that's happened in fact somebody someone looked that up i guarantee that's happened before where they use the wrong semen and so i said how do you how do i know that you can use the right signal because i don't want like a little with peace and love like a black baby coming at you what i'm just saying stop it not that i don't it's not that i care that you know they're a different race but i would just know it's not my child it would be it would be shocking to say the least i don't know i feel like you're guaranteed that happened you kind of have to like boom ian found it i'm just saying look at this doctor you sperm to father what hold on what is this what doctor used his sperm oh the doctor did it he used his sperm to father hundreds of babies with patients over four decades okay uh holy crap i don't want to do it no is this the guy with the giant band-aid on his head wait did he go to jail let's find out this just happened in december this is so disturbing why would you do this i was gonna tell you stop with a conspiracy no this is real [ __ ] because i'm not because i don't see it going in so seeing is believing you know what i mean a revered family doctor may have fathered hundreds of children using his own sperm without his patients knowledge he is let me see if he's going to jail or being sued or what one of the siblings approached in december says that he admitted to being father and to using his own sperm to father multiple babies both that sperm donor in the late 40s and his medical practice as ogbyn i can't imagine a worse betrayal ever as a doctor he's the hall says he has been matched by up to five half siblings on the website 23andme since she submitted her dna test but believes there could be hundreds more all of us were born in the same hospital all of our birth certificates show he was our ogbyn not bcg ob gyn what do i say he's saying ogb omg word straight jack all right joe you're not won the lecture it says he was he was our guy no not our father then i discovered one of his grandsons on there and he came up as my half nephew sharing 12.3 dna with me and then i have final undeniable proof and i shared it dude this guy better be in jail this guy this is too much this guy and i this is too this is infuriating someone just look up and tell me what happened to this guy i need to know so do we not do the insemination this is terrifying well that's what i that's what i was trying to convey to you that that prospect scared me like this old deal with the band-aid on his [ __ ] head is going to put his jizz in you mm-hmm well does it happen the same day does happen the same day so they think you need a chain of custody you need you need eyes on that vial the whole way that's what i oh and so well what i i told them i expressed my concern and i wonder if you could ask for that like just follow it right i mean look i know it's like overly paranoid but we're talking about our our child here like i can't doubt that that you know what i mean i don't want a roommate in any room do you see what i'm saying i see what you're saying i'm terrified now so anyway i shared my concerns with them and they say we only pre we only do one at a time we only have every one sample at a time they're saying get a female doctor we do have a female doctor but it goes through a lab and goes through different people in a lab yeah and then it's delivered to them the same day so like ab you want to follow my semen sample to make sure that i'm funny business whatever you need i'm there no i don't um amy might do a swap god stop it [ __ ] you who can i trust stop okay this conversation is over just because you have lena doesn't have siemens i trust her you have go ahead you have my permission oh what happened to that guy did anyone find out what happened to that mother [ __ ] was he put to death from the looks of that picture uh he was on it wasn't that story yeah i mean maybe we don't need the insemination because basically i'm ovulating more with the pills and then we just have regular but it does seem like more accurate because they like insert it in so it seems like a good idea it's just it's just it just makes me nervous yeah you can imagine that kid comes out and he's got red hair i don't care about what the kid might have it's not that he has red hair it's just not my kid i'm i know i just don't like your joke it's just annoying me okay that's fair enough so that's that that's what i'm dealing with right now do you have any side effects of those pills you're taking no yeah maybe we could just do it i mean that you know what i mean can't go wrong with that yeah i could just scoop up my um okay turkey based you myself i mean how hard could it be no something is about to bust i mean i've cooked i've prepared thanksgiving dinner any intel on that guy it's fate i'm googling around uh this article seems to be the most recent thing oh yeah it just happened in december so it's recent news oh my god oh my [ __ ] god i hate that guy so much what would compel you to do that like you're not even involved in their lives it's like why would you do that what kind of sick thrill is that it says at the end of this article he's 104 ian said he's probably passed away already now this was from december that [ __ ] still kick it yeah there was another guy uh dr quincy 48 that there was a documentary recently about on hbo baby god who fathered at least 24 children using his own sperm oh so this isn't the first time this is not the first time okay he's called baby god no by the way in the same in the same clinic there is there is a male doctor i don't see him but he's probably not even all the samples no i saw him a couple of times when my doctor wasn't uh available yeah and he's a weirdo it was like while he's giving me the ultrasound with you know it's like vaginal uncomfortable he was telling me jokes trying to keep you but like like because i'm israeli he was telling me like about his jewish family where they were not funny or i didn't want to hear that it was weird it was very weird i don't like that yeah oh brother so just we're not doing that that's what i'm saying i when the semen leaves my eye it then goes out of the picture like it's like the magic trick like once it's out of frame and it comes back in the frame you don't know what kind of slide a hand happened i'm just saying i'm just saying i just feel like especially now if we were in like the same office okay and then i like nutted in the bathroom and then brought it out and then they scooped it and put it in you i would do that all right it's especially after i had the weird encounter with the word doctor that i'm like didn't you tell me about that because it was just whatever i just said that guy is dead i was like well he's not my doctor i don't know i probably have 300 kids that guy's the baby he's baby he is the baby god yeah that option shout out to his family and the big family [Laughter] oh man it was like the jokes were just weird like i'm trying to remember i feel like i when i'm uncomfortable i kind of like just try to forget about it so i well it's like trying to like not even remember what happened but it was kind of talking about how like um it has like jewish family and there they made this inappropriate joke during a dinner about how like they have more sex on the weekends i don't know i don't know it was so weird like seriously that's complain maybe people who do that are that's just if he's making sexual jokes while he's doing a vaginal ultrasound that's you should complain about him he needs to stop that guy is a fathering children that he see that's why you see why like um i'm not saying i'm this wasn't that big of a deal no but i'm not a victim of anything but like the situation was so uncomfortable i was just trying to go along with it and then forget about it and that's just a glimpse into like what happens when you're abused or something right it's just like a tiny glimpse of that red flag unbelievable how old is he it's like i don't know scott he's old fergal oh he's old fifty something still fertile yeah yeah interesting okay well that's don't worry there we are regular after dark state of ketosis people [Music] i'm glad you shared my paranoia though because i thought i was being paranoid yeah but immediately when they they told me about the procedure i was like oh that was my first thought cause i'm gonna get the baby god seaman not ethan semen and trust me that could probably be better off with baby god seaman but let's be honest that's not the point you better off with anyone else's semen that's not the point right elo oh jesus oh let's talk about teddy fresh you have that video dan we got a new teddy fresh collection that i want to prim actually it's not even pro i just want to show off eela's beautiful work it's between you two right now oh cool that's hot so let's see this was restocked because and it sold out immediately again which is nuts but this photo is so cool you're not showing that though he's showing the video we prepared media okay i mean this is okay all right we got media out here beanies female beanies mature socks of stripes of [ __ ] this that that's hot and everything else this isn't that good i'd rather just show up what okay whatever you want okay here oh i can show everything it's like how it shows close-ups and [ __ ] uphill sweater such a classic sold out immediately pretty crazy but this is really something you know this is like high level designer [ __ ] so not surprised holler at your girl eel cline this one was really fun because it's one of my sketchbook pages that um i just like that we were able to translate it into this pretty cool yeah it took us a while to get it right with the colors and the textures and to make it really work and then like originally the buttons weren't the wheels and then we had the idea to use buttons and everything came together it was very nice teamwork that was our that was actually our customer support look this idea the buttons oh it was oh that's hot so this is the cardigan with the bear head print bada bing bada boom you know what time it is um this is pretty cool how's this doing this is a female it's not it's unison oh it's unisex who cares then it's a vest what um this shirt is really cool put some rhinestones just trying to [ __ ] around with rhinestones you know what i mean studs oh studs you're right how very right you are anyway let me just blast through this teddyfresh.com you got the studs you got the cardigans you got the sweaters you got the zip shirts these are gone you can't get this oh this one fast printer is next week i think there's a couple of items that were late so that would be delivery too oh we made masks i wish i had one of those here right now with me yeah the masks are cool that took a while to get right man i've been trying to make those masks likes longest time anyway head on over to teddyfish.com elo's crushing it as usual oh this is one shirt i really want to shout out this was the shirt that i'm wearing right now we did it used to say what did it say i have crippling anxiety oh i had crippling anxiety and a lot of people got very angry at us because they felt we were capitalizing on profit but little do they know uh it's true from my perspective because i through that we're profiting from mental health right yeah i don't i don't we actually well it turned out nice we donated all the money from that first round and we donated it to um mental health i think yeah we don't like that mental health yeah in america yeah we don't know like 30 50 000 i don't remember the exact amount and they just reached out to us wanting to collab because they're like hey thanks for the cheddar so i was like that sounds like fun but um anyway it's back we changed it to 2020 is over my life still sucks but hey for you those of you guys who got the first edition super rare you got the first edition it's like a pokemon yeah so 2020 is over and my life still sucks so it's a little bit of a timepiece even eh there you have it buy this shirt before someone before we have to wait you know how much how do you know how much we donated a b because we said oh we tweeted it we donated forty four thousand three hundred and seventy two dollars shout out to his family shout out to the family bro anyway okay what else we got uh that's what we got you guys want to do the impression competition with uh mojessa how do you say his name the joe biden guy so here let me pull up the video uh i wanted to do an impression competition with muhammad where he here let me show some of his videos can someone link it at the top of my document here uh we always are quoting or whatever his name is wake up and trying to do the best impression we can so i thought let's wake up let's do let's do an impression so let me show one of the videos to give you know to refresh your guys's memory and then we'll have a a impression competition and i didn't prepare for it though i would like to practice what do you want to do is just we've been practicing for like a month okay wake up 9 11. wake up okay so here's the joe biden guy just to refresh you guys memory we love him we're trying to get him on the show zach's on the trail i'm so deep i'm so close to getting you wake up here he is 911. what happened 2001 what dan is the king of uh so work of this we're gonna have to um take a a vote with the audience ian you want to start us off i feel like oh yeah let's see what you do i'm making the poll right now hold on okay oh love how you feeling you want to start us off i feel like you might have a video [Laughter] oh you're muted wake up now you're living there you are you're putting me on the spot here monk we're all this was not planned you're putting all of us on the screen yeah yes okay okay okay so just joe biden go buy them 911 [Music] just maybe a little less hot on the mic oh not not straightens the mic okay um joe biden nine eleven all right meet your my king because you have music thank you no that's no that's zach oh zach is actually playing uh segment music yes oh fantastic a b you want to give us your best shot joe biden joe biden bad boy trump i think you gotta dig a little deeper yeah you gotta like eleven all right thank you a.b ela you want to go i mean i think you're pretty good at it well here you want to watch this watch yeah refresh your mind what happened 2001 what happened wake up what happened 2001 that was good i'm 9 11. i can't do it so it takes a long time it's good though i appreciate that for you doug d that's what i like that's all i can say dug deep all right ian it's your turn that's pretty good oh hmm [Laughter] 2001. but i didn't wake up your buddies and snack you ready now you're living today what go ahead zach let's hear what you got this method from jalapeno there you go maybe one we could have someone call in with the if they think they have a really good impression yeah maybe we could have a competition for the best impression in the audience all right the moment is now dan dan it's your time to shine we all know you you're building up way too much dan is definitely the most committed it's just that i've watched it the most well nah you don't make it wake up wake up this message from very good that was good okay here i go let me listen to it dance tough one now you're living [Music] all right here i go the competition is stiff especially with dan coming in i think the trick is to like not use your tongue yeah you gotta act like it's like swollen you don't have teeth yeah okay okay draw by then wake up this is a message from 9 11. what happened 2000 two thousand one yo buy them nine eleven nine eleven wake up you wake up wake up pretty good i think the girl's closed the girl's doing you a favor here right all right let's see yeah all right drop your butt boy you're a bad boy jordan you're a bad boy i'm gonna vote for myself because no you know what i'm not that egotistical i'm not gonna vote you know what i'm gonna vote for you but you guys who do i think did the best uh i'm just gonna see the results guys i'm not gonna vote i'm not gonna is it at the chat i don't see it yeah ian spamming it i just pinned oh who voted for a b who voted for a b there's one vote what maybe yeah exactly it was good i saw a lot of zeros out of ten in the audience so yes that was probably wavy just oh wow dan is just like i'm not even close on this one he looks pretty going pretty high too wait ian you're not even on here what the heck oh what why'd you not add yourself ian oh shoot i forgot the integrity of the pool start over get this out of here bro you gotta yeah i know according to the uh according to these the the personality test ian doesn't exist pretty much he got like a zero right he's just i'm stroking [ __ ] down here right dude you don't have to let us know you gotta recast that ian outrageous do we have any people who want to call in and give their best joe biden uh if we're going to do that we should take a minute to to zach maybe you can get some good contestants we're actually uh coming up on uh break time anyway so we should probably do that wake up wake up you wake up wake up man i got a ton of great videos here today to watch with you guys okay here's the new straw poll with ian above i'm voting for a b because he voted for him cell phone we caught him then your link i don't appreciate you oh so ian is coming in pretty hot now i don't know if that's because he didn't add himself right oh dan no dan's taking the lead oh but he handed a better one than me now why am i lower than eli and ian when last time i was second place this is some dog [ __ ] he is a legend wait this [ __ ] is weird you guys why okay now dan hmm okay stop the count stop the gun i got a [ __ ] zero percent you only get well love poor guy not to be fair i think the accent doesn't help it's hard he's got a swedish accent and he's doing this guy's middle eastern accent who's speaking there's a lot of layers wow there's a lot of movement this is pretty exciting i mean ian and dan are in close competition gila too much neck and neck not that close to me well you're beating me which does hurt i'm not going to lie it does hurt look at this this election was a fraud ian are you impressed that you're getting so high on this dan totally okay let's get one more from you guys give me give me your best 911 from ian and then yeah yeah who goes go ahead ian ian first give me your best shot joe you want me to play i lost it you want me to play it sure yeah let's refresh your memory stay energized this is important the people deserve to yeah okay so how you fix that dan i unplug it and replug it back in the classic is it a computer issue yeah okay we bought a new computer but because all these bitcoin miners you can kill the music zack thank you all these bitcoin miners are buying all the graphics cards in the world bitcoin bitcoin why are people so excited about bitcoin it is ruining society we have no graphics cards people are literally just is that really what's happening yes oh my gosh well that's it that's part of it they're buying graphics cards and you know what they just they waste so much electricity like so many servers what's the deal they're like well i guess you mine bitcoin bitcoin it uses a graphics card to do it and so a lot of people buy up you're solving like complicated algorithms and so you need like lots of computing power but as far as i can tell correct me if i'm wrong there is no it's not like doing meaningful work it's just blasting energy into the void right like it's not actually working towards any meaningful end i mean it depends on your point of view on if bitcoin is a good thing or a bad thing i guess no but like they're what algorithm are they you know what i mean like we're not like trying to figure out like how to bl how to go to mars or some [ __ ] it's just literally some dumb blockchain [ __ ] uh that yeah yes it's not it's not solving the problem that is being solved is not useful in of itself yes right exactly i thought it was yeah that would be nice right no so you've got tons of people just like processing thousands of graphics there's like farms of computers yeah i saw this really interesting documentary there's a really big bit uh coin farming operation like iceland and the reason it's there is because they don't have to cool the computers they suck in the air from the outside and blow it through the servers and so that that's crazy saving money on the cooling actually gives them the edge on farming to to be profitable let's huh i think so you know someone pointed out that your nutrisystem is very wasteful with all that packaging of everything okay um i'm bad i eat too much i'm wasteful everything is not talking about you we're talking about i agree it's a [ __ ] it's a training product yeah it's a train wreck okay you said we have to do a break yeah uh we sure do all right let's do a break when we come back i have tons of funds videos to watch lots of goofs and gaffs we're going to have so much fun don't go away liquid iv liquid iv is helping me accomplish my new year's resolution i am trying to lose weight by any means necessary and liquid iv helps me keep hydrated you know it's stressful it's hard work whatever it's doing pour some of that liquid iv in a cup of water and you are getting super hydrated because liquid iv is more hydrating than water is that possible yes according to them uh i have just one goal okay and first of all what helps me get there i like the hydration liquid iv can you show it off dan dan was screaming his head off during the pokemon on on damn why don't you hit that liquid iv interesting so let's see you know you just pour in a pack you mix it up and you've got a beautiful refreshing cup of hydrating liquid iv hit that feel the course through your veins feel the cure hydrating [Applause] powerful how's that that's impressive that was a go ahead dan how was that drink was good he's good see you're here you feel hydrated yeah nice not a boy they all so here's the deal that's just the hydrating one but they have a few other flavors watermelon lemon lime passion fruit they even launched strawberry hello and they have different they have like a um keep your body uh what's it called no not yeah that is one but that's the one i'm thinking of that is another one what's the one where they protect your body from [ __ ] no immune yes thank you they have an immune boost one and they have a caffeine one now i like the caffeine one because i'm not necessarily into drinking coffee because i have a gerd and it makes my gerd situation bad so i can get a jolt of hydrating caffeine from liquid iv the caffeine one the energy one so that's what it is i love liquid iv super easy to use tastes great that's how it is baby first thing in the morning before a workout when you feel run down daily hydration maintenance hangover cures etc it's good for all of that so grab your strawberry liquid iv or any of the other great flavors in bulk at nationwide at costco oh wow let's go dude you could probably buy like 10 000 of these at costco i just realized how much i missed costco i know i haven't been in costco god knows a year yeah is this dude are they still are you sure dan they put it there are they still doing samples at costco or is that like a dead meme probably not wow bro come on that's just that's just a tragedy dude that's unforgivable anyway go to costco or get 25 off when you go to liquidity.com and use code h3 at checkout that's 25 off anything when you order when you use the promo code h3 at liquidity.com get better hydration today at liquidity.com promo code h3o thank you we are back and fully hydrated yep all right let's move it on you know i've got all this there's so many crazy media from what's happening in texas you guys know that like this crazy cold storm way beyond the normal hit texas and their power grid went out and all these poor people in texas are like their toilet water is freezing i mean can you imagine it's like below freezing and you don't have heat no i don't know what to what do you do i know i saw reports of people like burning their furniture oh and to keep warm people are sleeping in their cars a lot of stuff like that there's like warming shelters joel austin is like letting people freeze to death outside his church that's actually partially true he he got [ __ ] again and then again joel osteen waited until people gave him a ton of [ __ ] until he opened his church nice guy but there's the one thing that's been happening a lot that i've been following on tick tock is that people's pipes are busting which see i've never lived in freezing i've never lived in freezing cold temperatures so forgive me if i'm coming off as ignorant because i just don't know a lot about this but if i guess you're supposed to leave your water running yeah because if the water remains stagnant and freezes and when it freezes it expands and the pipes bust and then you get these crazy leaks wow so that's what's been happening i think texas just aren't used to freezing temperatures in colder areas the plumbing is insulated too but it's not right because they're not oh this doesn't ever happen in texas so they're not the infrastructure's not there the people don't know how to handle it oh god so and then obviously the power grid wasn't prepared so people are like freezing to death actually which is very very uh tragic and a [ __ ] and it's been like a week now you know what i mean um was this something that they knew was coming like yes they knew it for a week yeah it's there's actually here if you guys are curious now i'm not gonna get too heavy here i just there's like so many interesting videos of like pipes bursting and houses flooding and just crazy [ __ ] that i've never seen it's all over tick tock uh that i thought it'd be interesting to watch with peace and love possible but this lady is faring better than texas here's what it is a really good explanation oklahoma actually shares a power grid with its neighbors here's what it breaks down to the state gets its energy from the southwest power pool along with 13 other states so when the temperature dipped down in oklahoma and demand went up the pool had enough energy are we having audio issues or is she reserved to respond to this emergency like omar said texas has its own power grid that is run by the company ercot it doesn't have the luxury of relying on other states for help so basically texas is the yeehaw we're the lone state boys no regulations no regulation no central government we don't like we will job by the number he's just under everything yeah because of texas's whole like we ain't we ain't got to deal with no other state boys amen you know so now that their grid got super overloaded because everyone was trying to keep their house the power just went [ __ ] dead on the whole stage crazy meanwhile joe biden 3am the governor of texas is like 11. what happened 2001. he's like wake up what's happening anyway it's not funny a lot of people are in really dire situations but the videos are very interesting let's see guys um so this is my house yeah these are just pipes busting in the freezing cold and like it's just it's so [ __ ] up so they were supposed to leave water running to avoid this well some people did it and it just it still didn't help because the the pipes weren't just built for this yeah oh my god it's awful it's been 40 hours no power 40 hours no power it's freezing it hasn't snowed here since 1973 wow our hot tub and pull literally frozen it's it's it's crazy you know people don't realize but this is quite the effect of climate change more extreme weather poor ducks it's crazy i'm sure it won't change anyone in texas's mind you're surviving baby [Music] oh i don't need that whole i don't need that whole inspirational music but this is so so i can't even i wouldn't even know what to do i don't know what to do i always had heat in my house bro i'm in the bathroom with the steam on brothers oh god i'm coming pay you i got about 10 jackets on oh my god i don't think i'm gonna make it no more so who got heated they has bro i'm coming over i'm gonna pay you how cold is it oh it's like at night it's like 10 degrees and they're [ __ ] hot yeah no it's it's bad it's really bad and your hope they've gotten churned hey man yeah i mean that's your house dude and it's like 10 degrees [Music] it's tick-tock everybody gotta have wake up governor what's the governors of texas names i believe abbott governor abbott wake up this [ __ ] guy when it started happening all this [ __ ] he gets on the tv and starts blaming green energy it's the craziest thing i've ever seen yeah so this is happening a lot i was shocked my whole tick tock feed is just full of videos like this i think the whole narrative around the green energy thing was because uh they're they have a lot of windmills in texas and they froze and they're like oh see it's not reliable but um i think the whole thing is that they just didn't prepare for it because there's there's windmills and cold climates all over the place and they don't freeze well the the what i read was that gas pipes are freezing and that was the big right that i'm saying that's what his narrative was yeah it's it it's coming out that it seems like it was largely a failure of the gas infrastructure in texas and also not being attached to any other grid for no [ __ ] good reason like there's a you know what i mean smart grid is is one of the best from the bet you need a whole unified grid because sometimes you need more energy here less energy there this guy's burning his child's uh he's burning some kind of furniture to grill outside so i can at least cook something hot jesus kenneth oh yeah this person's fan fro there's ted cruz going to cancun i didn't put i wasn't planning to talk about that but ted cruz is a senator from texas that everybody hates and he bounced the [ __ ] state and went to cancun with his family can you imagine dude it's crazy shout out to his family yeah he also got a horrible haircut you noticed that yes oh my god bro i really i just can't believe this she forgot to do the dishes again like how many times yeah good for her for keeping a good attitude oh [Music] people saying fled cruz and when they're like they're probably stuck without food too well grocery stores like there's no power uh [Music] well there's people we have people from texas lined up maybe we can ask them yeah people there was like i saw a clip there was like one dominoes open and they sold like a weeks of food in two hours or something let's talk to someone from texas let me get it set up cool what oh [ __ ] oh that's a campus oh my god wow that looks so [ __ ] up that is gonna be so much damage stairwell looks like the titanic [Music] look at this it looks like the universal studio is set holy my good dude man i have a caller lined up what's his name her name um miguel miguel bring him in he is on the line miguel miguel and there's a line hello hello hello outside reporting for duty do you have uh heat do you have power um yeah yeah i've been lucky enough to have uh to have power and water working um did it ever go out for you it it hasn't except for yesterday um you know how we've been we've been saying that something is about the bus to all my water pipes busted yesterday so wow oh yeah yeah yeah so what happened i'm not you know i i had to um i had to get out and drive to uh to a hardware store and buy some things and i came back you know i'm not a plumber i don't know i don't know anything about it i was just hammering stuff trying to do like a temporary fix um but it ended up busting bursting again today oh no this morning so wow so inside your house where's this pipe located it's outside okay so it's not ruining your property or anything uh no not the not the interior it's all outside seems like you were lucky yeah yeah so are you able to get food what's the situation like there on the ground yeah so um when was it i went to go get food on wednesday when i went to the hardware store i came back and i noticed that this local supermarket was open when i went in um the lights were off it was dark oh great like they did not have power so i walked in uh and the only thing you saw or you could see were these little beams of light which were just people with their cell phones out like oh my god so i was able to get a couple things and on my way to check out i hadn't realized that they had signs outside that said um cash only which makes sense because they don't have any power right but i hadn't realized that and i was i guess i was visit visibly panicking because this very nice gentleman came up to me and he handed me a 20. yeah he handed me a 20 to buy my stuff wow that's so awesome yeah yeah so shout out to his family what a guy you know i offered to venmo him and then paypal him back but uh yeah you know he refused so he was very very kind if only joel osteen had a heart like that man [Applause] texas would be saved already where do you live in texas what city i'm in austin oh yeah downtown yeah how do you how do you how do you feel about ted cruz bouncing to cancun um you know it's uh no it's [ __ ] but i just i wonder because people keep electing ted cruz like by a lot like people actually like ted cruz in texas which is weird because it's the only but whatever it's not that but are people angry about that in texas or people like ah it's ted cruz what was he going to do i i'm like i spend all day browsing on twitter because i have nothing else to do and um yeah people are all just just roasting him and that's all i see on my feet um i see people blaming it on five g it's the 5g 5b wait how is it 5g that's well i believe it i mean i it's not that much of a stretch of the imagination after everything we've seen last year yeah was it antifa is anyone saying that yet i'm sure yeah yesterday i went to another another grocery store i was in the line for maybe like an hour and a half wow yeah just uh just to buy like yeah eggs and milk or whatever yeah yeah well so it's tough i'm hoping that clears soon and i'm glad you're you're doing okay yeah yeah we finally we got some sun today uh it's been very opaque and i think that's that's been very um demoralizing for people here but hopefully it starts to look up and um yeah yeah well god bless you miguel uh god bless that man who gave you a 20 what a legend i know right be that man shout out to his family all right dude stay warm all right take an honor thank you all right bye miguel everybody staying warm in texas good people in texas there you go of course well also austin is like the cool area no is it i don't know austin rocks it does yeah i love austin okay good for austin so that's texas yada yada i have a question for you uh zach would you i know you like doula aleppo is she like your celebrity crush doula do a lipa i think i'm off to do a lipa train what what what well considering what you're about to show because of that why do you know what i was they use the image of james charles instead of dua lipa for real why they thought it was her oh my god my sister he was recreating one of her looks with this photo so yeah i have i have the side-by-side in the uh let's see it wow sister so you won't fight you wouldn't i thought you might go for it zach honestly it just totally threw me the other direction here it is it's actually so close that's why it's yeah this is not okay that james charles ruined your dual leap of fantasy uh he's ruined my fantasies stole the teddy fresh hoodie i mean this was a menace to society yeah i'll agree with you on that one you know the thing these days i've noticed with girls is they they get their eyebrows all all like they like glue their eyebrows so that you can see like individual eyebrows kind of interesting sister james has got that going on you could probably do it do you think i could do that no thank you [Music] what's the next look oh hey if you were drunk enough you would smash james charles because you'd be like oh zoo alipa it's impressive he did really good it's very impressive but it just totally just makes you uncomfortable no i wouldn't say it makes me uncomfortable it's just it's like okay now i see [ __ ] james charles when you know it's like so if you if you ever like beat off to the fantasy of her and then all of a sudden it's james charles there no you know what i mean like sometimes you can't control your imagination it's like james charles hi sister that's a shame i'm sorry to hear that that's it just you know it's you know shout out to the web i mean shout out to the website that use james charles what the hell that's weird let's watch some videos okay first of all you guys remember sam pepper yeah well i do but i don't know actually if the audience does he's one of the original [ __ ] pranksters of uh youtube like back in the day he was like uh cancelled right yeah big time but he was a huge deal on youtube for a minute what was he cancelled he did this one like inappropriate pranks so he did a prank that okay this was super weird but he was like grabbing or what was it yeah he was grabbing her having asses of people he had like a fake hand and he was grabbing a girl's ass with the fake hand being like i didn't touch you and everyone's like this is mega [ __ ] up but then he's saying he tried saying oh it was god it was one of the weirdest he made this whole big video being like this was all a social experiment but it wasn't he tried to spin it like he meant to do it all and he knew how people react but it was like a total [ __ ] lie and everybody knew it oh wait they are getting divorced kim and this is breaking news oh doesn't that happen every week the sun appears to be this is not this is variety reporting and they say they've confirmed well okay oh wow ian did you know about this literally like 30 minutes ago this article was posted kim kardashian files for divorce from kanye west and weirdly it says she's filing for conservatorship over his estate [Laughter] ian can we get your your thoughts on this breaking news yeah i mean you know it's never divorce never a good time you know hope the kids are all good wow very diplomatic yeah i mean what is it it's not it's not it's not funny or you know very just feel bad yeah it always sucks to see jesus flavor alone took it down quite a bit so i already saw an article like that somewhere recently and i and it also said like this is for real happening and then i and then nothing happened i think the difference is that she filed uh she's actually filed maybe maybe they've been talking about it so it was real let's hear let's read this yada yada kim kardashian divorce is eminent imminent yadda yadda sources are close okay who cares oh also sam pepper did the killing best friend yeah well kim's available i wonder who's going to who's going to swoop in on that eligible bachelorette i wonder how long before she is dating ian there's probably a million people and honestly um [Music] i just i guess wish them the best i don't know yeah yeah for sure yeah that was ian's point which was boring but i questioned it so anyway he did this one at this other prank so if he was he was almost cancelled from that one then he did another one that absolutely buried him where he he pretended to kidnap a friend and i think he had a mask on he had a mask on and then to like threaten to kill him it was like this really traumatic crazy thing it was all fake by the way they pretended like it was real youtube erased it everybody was talking about it it was just horrible it's just horrible and he disappeared off the internet yeah it was a tr it was kind of like a really early cancellation right right you had never we had no idea i don't think it was even considered a cancellation that word wasn't even really used yeah i think just everybody turned on him and he um man he had the worst reputation ever yeah so now he's on tick tock this should show up on my feet and this is going viral it's so embarrassing like oh my god these pranksters are like literally like [ __ ] cockroaches they're unstoppable they got like soulflow joey salads they just they go from one platform to the other just kobe person isn't kobe person you know what i mean they just it's a prank bro you know how like uh during world war ii the russians scorched earth that's what they did that's what these pranksters are doing they leave nothing left for the rest of us they just scorch earth moving from platform to platform this has six so this one's going super viral that's six million views it was just posted less than 24 hours ago oh my god like first of all it doesn't look anything like justin bieber it does it's not even convincing in the slightest bit people are buying this loving this on tick tock let me show you this look at this guy that's not justin bieber it's not even close also what he says is not funny what you call a girl from canada who can't sing justin bieber is a girl jokes was that like 2008 2009-ish that was all that's not your id anyway anyway all the comments were like ah my respect for this guy's up i love this guy i was like oh brother here we go sam [ __ ] pepper on tick tock watch out people this [ __ ] idiot's back they just send you a pic oh you sent me a close-up of this uh yeah here's jack excuse me my new avatar for my for the podcast there's justin bieber justine weaver justin bliber let's see what other [ __ ] he's up there i challenge sam and we agree that if he wins i will dump my love jarvis and i will date him but as you can see i was in the lead oh it's an ad they're using energy cans so [ __ ] dumb i can't do it when ten thousand dollars whipped cream to the face eat a jalapeno or drink a bang it's my turn dude they just literally make bang videos so nervous oh my gosh please they're like this energy drink that has like infiltrated tick-tock it's like a meme where everybody's talking about bang energy it's like everywhere i've never had a banana drink what's the thing you people actually walk around drinking bang we did like a we did a deep dive on it once but i don't think we ever actually used it on the show the the ceo is like a freak he's wait did we where's bank energy evil boys bang injury not paying me i won't bait that bang money that's a good question i don't know bro yeah this this guy jack a walk take a walk jack jack thing we either have to drink and eat a pie eat a jalapeno or drink a bang please get the bang please get the bang oh god this is some compelling stuff sam pepper yeah there i am uh-huh she's so cute who is she oh my god i don't know oh here he goes this is a dude huh oh is he gonna get the bang is he gonna get the bang no it's gonna get the jalapenos come on no oh we got the whipper into the face yeah this is some really dog [ __ ] when ten thousand dollars well it's all about fake content so i think it's just like um just a new wave of fake stuff on tick tock this one has 10 million views let's see what he did sam that i would date him if he got a red cup into the other red cup and he was it all about yeah i'm not gonna [ __ ] him unless he can achieve this yeah hey listen buddy you can only get my panties if you can get a cup and a cup like oh thank god i don't have to date this guy like look at him he's like so not athletic i was like this is definitely not gonna work like he's not gonna get it like look at him yeah 1.3 million likes man this is like kind of sad to watch it kept hitting me in the face too oh she's holding a bang girl you those bang people got you in under their thumb when did this turn into a beautiful world look at it just holding the bang like oh my god i guarantee you that girl don't drink bang that bang can't the size of her head crying everywhere like it was it was pretty crazy but then during this one i was like oh wait a sec wait a sec oh oh oh no god i was like oh no oh you gotta [ __ ] me now you gotta give it up anyways i was like wow this guy he really deserved this [Music] kicking me now 10 million views on that tick tock's amazing man all right yep i don't know why why is she in charge of his channel i thought this was the sam pepper channel so here it is i have the craziest treat what is this the big channel bang dude when did you just turn into a bang spokesman all right sam tell me about bang energy drink my backyard you've got to see this you've got to see this bigger inside than it is on the outside you've got to see this it's actually really really trippy yeah whoa it's like okay am i not supposed to acknowledge that bang is like he's holding it perfectly am i literally not am i supposed to ignore that what the [ __ ] this is so weird it's massive in here why what's with the can the craziest treehouse oh my god maybe it's a joke it's not it's gotta be a parody this is not a parody it did oh my god it has to be a bear at first i thought wait okay look at this he's not acknowledging it and it's fully in the shot this is sam pepper that has to be apparently this is my tree house is way bigger inside than you think here it is my backyard you've got to see this actually way bigger inside than it is on the outside you've got to see this it's actually really really trippy love please tell us if this is a parody look in the he's holding a comments great craziest thing i didn't realize this was such a treasure trove oh we got kate comments about my um about my diet no you're living oh this is just the general chat no wonder here i'm in the general chat for some reason but i'll read this general chat it's just the discord with everybody as a nutritionist it pains me to see how ethan is struggling with his food choices i want to help him meet his goals without feeling like he has to suffer how can i offer my expertise you can't i have i'm getting zach's expertise that's all the expertise i need that's right yeah yeah no beans sorry i already tried working with a nutritionist you didn't that that was everybody's a nutritionist yeah you tried one time and it was just it didn't work like try someone else oh the bang ceos tweeted out to jam to real donald trump your brilliance has fueled the most epic turn of events in history of politics god bless the inevitable trump wins that's been that's the bang guy he is a legend this is him look at the bang ceo oh i'm talking oh my god trying to tell you this guy is look at the get a load of this guy quite a character just just do google images bang ceo well here love sent me the bang now i'm i'm going down the bang hole y'all on the bang hole you're just a you're just a light weight here love sent me the bang energy oh wait no send me his tick talker send me something interesting to watch bro sam why is this the bank channel what the [ __ ] every goddamn video is has bang in it things that i owned that just don't make sense this is here let's see let's see if there's bang in this one okay wait i can't here thinks i owned it hey [ __ ] you sam pepper here's a cop i'm sure this one's gonna watch this hey excuse me i've never been a cop car can i just sit down for a minute yeah check it out yeah of course get out this is not fake you have like an aux in this no way okay listen to this one [Music] get out of here okay look at this cocktail watch this [Music] sam pepper is on tick tock oh boy he was trying so hard for a while to rebrand on youtube and it wasn't really succeeding so the winner gets to drink bang winner gets to drink bank energy [Music] i think i just saw oh here's oh 7.5 million in summer for a while you know it's been wondering what's inside your pants can they find out i got a snake in my pants summer yes what oh i thought i heard zach say ethan was it in this video breathing oh breathing on me i see that that did sound like anyway the bang hole is crazy man that was a fresh the fresh wild run all of a sudden i'm craving bang energy i put the bang ceos uh instagram in the chat if you want to check them out okay here we go down the bang hole y'all i didn't plan for this but now here we are 1.1 million followers ceo of bang energy he is a legend if you scroll down so this is how you know someone has a really good page 1.1 million followers 400 likes [Laughter] that's good [ __ ] bro there he is on the right there what's with this what are they marketing to kids they want kids to drink bang energy it's got like a my little pony no he's just so edgy really and young here he is don't tell tell me thank god oh no i'm getting major jimmy lee vibes from this paying energy guy you're right i hate everything how about this i mean it's just exactly talking around i can't believe there's still people making money in energy drinks like i mean just it's like there's red bull they did it you know just buy red bull like monster came out they're like now red bull's not hard enough you need [ __ ] monster jizz you need radioactive monster jizz is that never enough from the energy drink space what's the other one that's the same [ __ ] as rock star that's the other big oh i would dude if you're actually walking around something called rockstar you should just [ __ ] have a heart attack oh bang is just a nightmare what's that i had a friend that drank six rock stars a day in high school is he still alive yeah he said one time his piss was green yeah like no joke i believe that this is him i'm super impressed dude oh my god look at his chain here look at him welcome friends check this out we moved all [Music] additional pieces of new killer equipment search the world for it to bring you the bang now we're bringing you the bang we're going to take you to the bring me the bang boy photography i bet you this guy injects [ __ ] into his [ __ ] because he can't get it up there's people with like extreme ed that have to inject some kind of crazy chemicals into their dicks to get hard i bet you he does that hold on baby let me get my syringe get inside the big gym [Music] follow me so how old is this guy because he's trying to look young but obviously he's super old wake up wake up wake up wake up big boy now they're still doing construction this is the 911 of energy drinks 59 59 that's pretty insane he's almost 60 and he's creeping around all banged out what are you talking about dude what are you talking about just stop so this is sam sam and this guy are close oh my [ __ ] look at this photo everybody stop what you're doing and look at the screen right now dude you can't be serious oh my god oh oh and read the caption i was right yeah grounding sun great sex killer pumps what great sex grow up great sex can you imagine having great sex with bang boy yeah that guy injects in his [ __ ] i've never been more sure of anything in my life how does that work the injection yeah well are you making it out no no it's a real thing it's a real thing i don't know exactly the the chemistry but i know like if you have a total noodle dick and nothing works there's like the most extreme version is you you shoot your dick up with some kind of hormones or adrenaline or something and it makes your dick hard so yeah dude why is he what does he think people really want to see his tit from that angle oh this guy is [ __ ] awesome that's crazy titties i just get the vibe that is like hanging out with um 18 year old sam pepper yeah exactly so wow i didn't know about all this bang [ __ ] i wonder how she's paying sam pepper to turn his whole identity into being the bang spokesman reach out to me bank ceo i'm available don't want to work with him you don't work with bang bang energy you know there's like warnings on those kinds of energy drinks now saying don't drink if pregnant it's awesome may cause birth defects if you drink bang energy disclaimer look at our ceo a disclaimer this might end up looking like our ceo also let me tell you this guy's not a [ __ ] chemist you know what i mean like you have no business formulating an energy drink dude no he's formulating his money in the bank great sex great sex he literally said that okay here we go this is disgusting we recently saw what we saw a guy scratches crotch and smell it is that what we saw the german coach right yeah so this guy here is another university coach jim boheme picks his own booger and eats it during a game it's a lot nc state history bro what the [ __ ] dude stop you no i hate it wait does he have the mask pulled down too yeah because he's picking his nose how are you gonna pick your nose and eat your booger if you have with a mask on he did it so fast like he was super experienced at it does he think people wouldn't notice because it's so fast oh i can't they're so disgusting eating boogers is one thing i just i find it the most i've never could never understand that one of y'all eat boogers because statistically some people do it so just fess up it's not me i've always found it even as a kid i thought that was so gross somebody fess up who eats their boogers a b you eat your bugs no sir i don't believe you i've seen them do it ian is kind of quiet ian you eat your bugs no are boogers keto that's a good question maybe not love you beat your bugs no no you guys are lying i mean if zach didn't hate it so much i would have i would again pull jack i'd rather eat turd than a booger i believe the sack i mean jack doesn't lie about this stuff so no i believe him you know my hunch is on uh my hunch is on ap eating his boogers with peace and love god bless but what do i know i couldn't know for certain i'll tell you i'll eat a booger before before downing mayo like zach really i would take the mail yeah you eat your boogers baby now the sauce is so nasty to me i don't know why yeah i would eat mayo easily before the booger all right this is this is old but gold as it gets this [ __ ] blew my mind i'm so glad you enjoyed this because i was dying yeah i mean this is such a timepiece too like what year is this from it's 99. yeah so laura croft you know who lorcraft is the tomb raider protagonist with big ass titties tight as l everyone beat off to lara croft now you all can own up to that right i didn't have a playstation like i was aware of her but i didn't have a place to silence because like it's a kids game but this girl is so [ __ ] packing tight pants big ass titties and a tight or her tails are like kind of sharp and triangles yeah but not when you're okay you use your yeah they're like straight up like pointy but they got more voluptuous yeah as the graphics got better but that was all i needed at that age i was like show me the [ __ ] you should look up the old oh yeah there here yes no that's the new one see that one's not as hot it almost seems subtle compared to today's the new exactly the new laura croft isn't as hot because they're trying too hard to make her realistic but i'll show you the one that was the most hot for me hold on this that one was good that was one of the good ones i mean here this was the most hot for me i swear to god this one this one that was the one i noted too because that's all you need as a kid you're like holy [ __ ] but then there was the one there was one that was really good too this one like oh let's go dude that whole idea of a girl looking like this for some reason i think of angelina and julie did she yeah she did she did did you like her no no no not really like who's this like would you rather [ __ ] this or this like hello this is that was everything so anyway this game was superb this is what laura croft looked like she was a sex icon this is what it looked like when this video took place in 99 everybody's playing this game tomb raider so they bring out tomb raider to these kids it's incredible yeah what about lara croft in tomb raider she's dropped to improve lots on that but it would be almost like yeah she was in the room with you it actually almost looks like a real person in parts of it it looks okay it's fairly unbelievable yeah okay that's what i imagined you know what i mean that's what i saw so like there's no plan that's kind of what like there's no plan the kids literally don't know what to do [Music] and it goes on for so long look at these four kids i mean i wake up wake up miss lara croft wow [Applause] [Music] all right boys i believe their eyes are here yes that was pretty good huh wake up wake up wake up i didn't go back and wake up oh elo okay you're not gonna like this i think it's worth watching i disagree with the premise but somebody says that you sound like ricegum when you laugh in this moment this one's great so this one so hit play me the ricegum one zack okay fine okay wait this one's great okay go ahead do you have either soundbite isolated do you have that isolated zach yeah oh you are yeah then plate right yeah i mean braces is way worse because you're just giggling and he's going drink it okay what does rice come up to i heard from is ricegum making content still i've ever heard his name in years at this point let's see what he's up to oh he hasn't uploaded in seven months what is he doing streaming on twitch oh no i think everyone just moved on from youtube it's just easier they just make more money on twitch they've just kind of like it's like you you get kind of criticized on on one platform but it stays there like yeah it's another platform and it's all new wait he's really popular on twitch is that right some of these vods have here this is from 20 hours ago here let's watch this this video is only available to subscribers but it has four half a million what the f you know how do you know everything about twitch love what is going on with this he's he's young he's a he's a zoomer he's he's with it man yeah but i think those views are counted from the live as well i just need your consent or serious type [ __ ] i'm not showing this because it's actually [ __ ] up so just say yes and we good and just say yes okay yes yes you know i'm out here yo what the [ __ ] is this the role playing gta how was that wait what they roll they're playing gta role playing oh yeah that's like super popular now what yeah like it's the only thing on twitch right now yeah it's like it's it's the new craze right now on twitter what is it you just role play on twitch yeah and like sir like how does that work you're in certain situations and i don't watch that just take it seriously do you like it love i mean you tell me about it because you're the expert yeah it's really entertaining but it's yeah i mean rp has a like a weird reputation i guess but it's pretty entertaining to watch huh yeah am i role playing right now maybe you tell me i don't know you could probably get into the biggest server that would be fun to watch you i know uh hassan has gotten really into it recently so how does it work you're in different situations where you're like hey you're you play different parts or you just go in and be like hey this is me now like third life [ __ ] well it's a open world uh game so you can go wherever you want i guess it sounds like a lot is it sexual or no you know we knew that we didn't have any heavy come on you can't blame a guy here you know jack you ever do role play like sexual role play i don't remember what kind of roles have you done no comment oh come on now i'm curious what kind of roles you done give me something toss me a bone here uh i was a jar of mayonnaise and now seriously i'm doing keto for you against everybody's advice and you can't even tell me you pretended to be a baby and let me change your diaper you're doing it for yourself not me don't twist this you're my guru i am and i'm advising you it comes from inner self let's make a count here uh myself dan and a.b are all against it right you guys are skinny i mean i it's not that i'm necessarily against it i just it's just it's i don't think it's going to work i don't yeah it's not it's okay but how are you going to maintain afterwards if you lose a bunch of weight dan's a hater i don't think i just did not hate him oh i didn't learn that he's got a song that says dan the hater damn the hater what about ian can he speak logic to you ian what do you think i mean i don't want to be you know dan level hater but um i don't know i've worked here a few years now and i've watched you do you've watched me get fatter and fatter and fatter i've watched you do what five six different sort of like fad diets i think you move too quick and i think you have to have a very stable schedule that's very very locked in well i'm trying to find one that like i'm it works for me you know what i mean so that's what i'm trying i'm trying stuff that works for me and when i maybe but something loses weight you guys are going to be all well we were wrong yes exactly thank you zach two [ __ ] weeks guaranteed two weeks two weeks that's short term i guess we're more in the long term question you know like short term you can lose weight but don't worry i haven't i've been able to lose any [ __ ] weight okay fat pathetic piece of [ __ ] no don't put yourself down you're keto man now you're stud i apparently i don't reach full ketosis for like three to five days so bear with me that's okay man you're gonna lose your water weight your stomach's gonna go down trust me wait water weight that doesn't sound helpful yeah like your bloat you know you lose your blood yeah but it's just water it's not real weight loss well right but i mean that's step one you're gonna see results yeah why am i losing water weight well do you start by losing your bloat first then you get your bloat yeah i'm starting to think zach doesn't know what he's talking about what do you what do you mean you're listening to a dude with the backwards kangal cap i don't know [ __ ] you danny you're just mad because you can't rock this [ __ ] he has a point then zach dude you showed me a picture of you you were so big you looked like a different person and now you're like suave ass cool [ __ ] you [ __ ] porn stars now bro and do role play role tell me about the role play give me one anecdote and i'll stick with keto come on i can't i can't it's that bad i can't i can't i can't illegal [ __ ] no not illegal taboo [ __ ] no no no no i'm i'm just i'm zipping my mouth did you do a role play with the porn star was it with like a girlfriend no no no no it must be embarrassing okay if i glue how about if i set a milestone and then will you tell me if i lose a certain amount of weight you lose 50 pounds i'll tell you and then you have to put mayonnaise on your dome at 200 pounds dan right whenever that happens that's a standing offer right it's a standing officer that's true all right i get all kinds of good things to look forward to dan should mail up that dome [Laughter] all right let's push forward i am dreaming of jalapeno bacon chicken steak no beans no beans my brother lost over 100 pounds on keto yeah no people have currently been on keto yeah losing weight as long as you're consistent it will work that's see that's the problem i don't you were already cheating yesterday it was day one and you were already cheating ethan yeah but it wasn't like i had a few [ __ ] peters they either put myself like oh my god dan you're such a man garbanzo beans yeah oh yeah goodbyes or beans now how do you do you get tempted easy that's my question well here's the thing i'm gonna try this diet i i don't know i mean i don't know let's see i think i'll get better at it and finding good keto foods that i can eat yeah they make a lot of keto products too so does it really make sense to be eating keto ice cream like what's the point if you're eating keto ice cream it's less sugar i mean practically no sugar uh no to few carbs um what about exercise are you supposed to exercise i mean yeah obviously no i'm not doing it but that's not part of the thing i mean you will lose weight fast on keto i mean but when i did i ran every [ __ ] day so it was just terrible are you sure it wasn't just the running no it was keto because there was a period where i didn't run for like two weeks and i was still losing weight two weeks but you were running every day for the yeah yeah i'm gonna start a big thing but i'm telling you lots of people lost tons of weight on keto yeah but i just feel like okay just watch watch the fireworks baby you're gonna stick with it you stick with it and i guarantee man i guaran [ __ ] teeth what about wearing a shirt zach you wear a shirt on keto what does that mean i was actually gonna i was gonna ask are you not wearing a shirt under your jacket oh you're not wearing a shirt zack stand up for me zach what the hell am i gonna dress like that angle but i wasn't sure ethan that'll be you before you know it i'm just jealous of this lush chest hairy i am you're like five years younger than me i have no chest hair that guy i mean my like a lot of people are saying that it's really about changing your lifestyle and i think that yeah everybody's a specialist everybody's a [ __ ] specialist of course if i could just snap my fingers and then not care about your face of course it's about changing lifestyle that's not helpful to me i'm looking for a cheat i'm not looking for a cheat i'm just losing i'm looking to lose 50 [ __ ] pounds by tomorrow it will happen that's not a cheat there's lipo you could just go do the lipo no i'm not doing all things are possible with god get your stomach stapled that's for like 600 pound people you you will be okay you will do this i guarantee you've got to get zach he changed his whole [ __ ] life and he was running every day forgot to mention that a little bit of a break because i was starving myself on nutrition 1000 calories a day they literally said on the nutrisystem pamphlet don't exercise because you are not getting enough calories you believe that [ __ ] well it's probably a safety thing like they don't yes but that's how dangerous their [ __ ] diet is they say they got all the carbs you were eating on that like you you were so many carbs you eat carbs now zach uh i mean i would say i'm less strict on keto um as i was um but i'll have like a low carb tortilla something like that what's a low carb tortilla is in tortilla just carbs yeah but they make low carb low calorie ones it's good [ __ ] i'm doing it i don't care what anybody says i'll die doing keto i'll die in a pool of bacon grease and butter there you go man born to be wild joe rogan is my spirit animal i'm going to be eating elk before the end of the week here you guys want to watch some funny [ __ ] this is my favorite video ever i used to laugh at this [ __ ] video oh my god me and sean balog back in the day we would just die watched it at some point already on the podcast it's probably a while ago it's less funny with the whole backstory because you feel bad for him let's cut this [ __ ] because i don't want to feel bad i just want to laugh [Applause] brian charges just repeating it but like have you ever seen anybody eat [ __ ] this hard in your life yeah i'm gonna mute it i don't want to feel bad boom let's go dude he's fine you guys by the way anyone worried [Applause] but have you ever seen anyone eat [ __ ] that hard and like he did it to himself man shout out to his family i don't know why i'm not it's not that funny to me anymore okay it was evolved [Music] what about this one here's another gymnast uh accident similar but honestly not it's good not as good it's the same accident though i'm starving oh my god do you guys have any intel on this slide because like this [ __ ] blew my mind okay ela like whoa explain this what kind of [ __ ] slide is this the guy ragdolled out of there at full speed this one hits far right did someone mess with that i don't know but that one looks like like traumatic neck injury that last one it doesn't look right [Laughter] oh man is this for kids i mean what is this but it looks like it doesn't look like it was professionally made look at this well clearly not that's got to be russia right i mean where else could something like this exist i think it's a water slide that's frozen but even still it just stayed in those corners way too hard dude how is it a water slide it goes into a sand pit well like it could have been drained for winter like in michigan i've seen stuff like this because at the bottom you can see a little bit of the other parts of the park right there like the mushroom thing so you think if there was water in it i think if there was water you'd hit it just as hard yeah you'd be going just as fast last quarter so hard zack i love that you hit that sound button every time he talks it's so [ __ ] up i love you amy i i you know you know i love you too man all right y'all ready for some weird [ __ ] yep what's that once again this was all on my tick tock feed okay this one's actually not as bad as the other one but here you go apparently people wash themselves in cow urine what so you you can and you will stop it well imagine soaking your hand why is she doing that what is this you could see them pinching it off like humans do where they go why are people bathing is there any intel on this what i love that you're playing splashy splashy with the urine too look at that splashy splashy girl you got [ __ ] you ain't so anyway that one ain't nothing next compared to the next one trust me with peace and love this next one's going to [ __ ] you up this was on my home page on tick tock and this is why i will continue the day i die saying tick stock's the best social world because real quick uh cow urine is used in medicine in india myanmar nepal and nigeria wow urine and cow dung has benefits as fertilizers the proponents claims about curing diseases and cancer have no scientific backing according what cow urine doesn't cure cancer how do you know this is on my homepage y'all this is just [ __ ] i was like what am i looking at i guess if you have nothing else no i know i mean the cows are seeking the cow is clearly drinking a lot of water yeah that's a lot of liquid and then the song they're playing is um shower by becky g shower and this one is eating the poo poo all over the place [Laughter] dude [Laughter] i love that purple color either the guy is bathing in urine yeah but it's so stylish it's a nice purple what else do you like what else do you like about this um dude that cow is like a gaping vag [Laughter] it wouldn't be after dark without a little urine shower look it cures cancer apparently what else do they say it does well it says just cures and i was using all kinds of folk medicine i mean yeah in in india and a lot of southeast asia cows are are holy animals so i'm not surprised right i mean he's not drinking it yeah and that's what i'm saying and he's looking good while doing it oh last week i was looking for this slurpee tick tock that was removed and i we got the backup so i'm excited to share with you guys the slurpee video a lot of people are saying it's fake this ain't fake i thought went to this guy's channel and he had like all these celebratory videos him with the slurpee like chilling with his family on a swing this this video is real as a heart attack which he will be having i guarantee here we go one cup is one i'm buying all the cups how many cups this one this is four cups how much this one what's in the bucket slurpee just listen just listen to what i'm saying number five that's five unreal this is unreal oh my god okay so wait what is taking the cable that's going oh it's just so it's his straw no so he can he goes in the car with that so he can like he'd be hitting slurpee at any time anywhere there's a video of him in his car with the cable in his mouth so it's like um that's he's a [ __ ] king yeah he's a king he's he you know what maybe he did it his way he that's a guy whose theme song is i did it my way yeah he's uh he's a true original i did it my way [Laughter] that's his strong yeah how do you get to this point what else are you gonna do if you want some fresh flour it's actually the one i saw was longer than this just this is what i'm saying number five it's unreal this is unreal so by the way there's someone going this is unreal that's like his friend it's not like oh he's a friend that is is upset like yeah this is unreal upsetting he's saying why can't he just buy this so it's not like a customer who's like i can't believe it read alert love is saying he's 99 sure it's an act [ __ ] love you don't know why why do you think that as love love what did you get better back that up you're calling them but i mean there's a bunch of skits on their tick tocks with the same principle show me one you'd like to show me one no i don't have the link maybe the guy loves slurpee and he records himself getting slurpee he's it of course this guy's done it yeah he's got skittles this is a man that loves slurpee no if he's gonna you have to acknowledge that if he's got skits on his kids his kids would everybody in the chat neither of you yeah i love you you don't understand american gluttony right i'm with 10 when i see the extra large cups it's like so unappealing to me okay that's why you're did you know that's why i decided did you not see this is a man that drinks slurpee every time zach agrees with you always go what a surprise just to mess with him wow so we need to know where ian stands i'm sorry i went to the bathroom i have no idea what you guys know this whole thing with ian too much just waiting for love is trying to prove me wrong it's slurpee slurpee's not the keto right i'm just saying if they do like you're sugar if they do like tick-tock pranks then it's mostly he doesn't do pranks love is wrong he doesn't know what he's talking about i know for a fight this is fake oh you better back that [ __ ] up right [ __ ] house i step into my house when you say hold on we gotta we gotta define what we mean by fake i mean he is feeling like a bucket full of slurpee what's fake absolutely yeah nah it's a skit it's a skin it's not a skin it's not a skin you're backtracking you're saying the election wasn't real you come into my home and you tell me that this is going to be no bit is a skit on the day of my ketosis day number one you come to me and tell me slurpee is not keto i know it was you freedom [Music] with peace and love i can't with love and love i can't do this [Music] and you're going to come and say the slurpee is fake and without the receipts [Music] okay all right go ahead something let's see that's the first one all right hang on use the double golf cup for the [ __ ] slurpee this right here this is slightly cup you use this [ __ ] every time you make a big deal bet i always paid for it what's what's wrong you and my friend let's be friends this one is the slurpee cup don't care about your scooby cup wait this isn't on his channel is it this is someone else how do we even know that's the same guy oh it is the same guy for sure oh here here the original is back up okay here's the let's see all right this is the full experience the original didn't have the employee blurred he probably had to take it down to not get the employee in trouble because it's not staged that's exactly what happened no but it was removed because in the first one the employee's face was visible and the re-upload his face was blurred out but it is if he's if he's pranking the employee it's still a prank he's not pranking anybody the employee's telling him you can't get that many slurpee you can't do that and he's filming it but it's real but is he buying it just for the prank or is he really that guy there's a follow-up video there go back to the whole thing this is foreign this is unreal still the fact that he went to a 7-eleven with a bucket i mean that takes balls to do that one second i wouldn't have this already clearly you're going longer than that [ __ ] liar you gotta you bought a pipe bucket this ain't no pike this is a crazy straw i didn't buy a bucket about a slurpee cup this is the brand new swervy cup okay on the way home you go over a bump and this [ __ ] [ __ ] falls all over the car i told you this is that new design 7-eleven just made this it's spill proof you doesn't matter what you can do nothing's gonna fall out of it this is [ __ ] man okay it's a gag it's a gag okay but i still think this is real this is a real moment this is a real interaction with him trying to make anybody's doing it for the video it's not right he's he's filling up the bucket for whoa whoa whoa whoa that is not love says this is fake this is real it's a gag but this is real now it's a real interaction between him and the ploy no one was talking about love said it was fake clarify love and i don't think that's what he meant yes it is so i i think they're both in on it oh you think yeah yeah he thinks that's why i was trying to define what we mean by facebook he thinks the whole thing stage i think he was filling up a bucket of slurpee for his stupid sketch yeah and the employee got mad at him yeah but originally didn't you think he was just drinking that for just that's like yeah but he's being funny yeah because i i'm pretty sure i've seen more of these guys and they both were talking of i i i can't find it now but i will find it until the next show is your boy man why would you put the lid on top of the [ __ ] glass like why do you care what does it matter to you seven eleven it's weird and strange is different i'm just trying to be different kiddo this guy's whole channel is dedicated to slurping you all gonna [ __ ] question yeah bottom line is everyone was wrong about me sorry how do you think about that is that the explanation you're now switching what you thought you thought it was for real that's i i i was saying it's fake because he's not with some serious [ __ ] okay whatever you're rewriting history where's huh you're advertising for it it's not here huh that's what i wanted people on this thing [ __ ] manners where's the watermelon huh no it's racist where's the pizza i don't like it man this guy this guy you gotta tip the beanie to him he has a whole career out of slurp again oh it's not a career i thought yeah 100 if you guys want to follow the slurpee experience at mit at amit sphere it's like atmosphere but i guess his name is probably ammon by a slurpee joe biden oh so someone said i'm a giant is that you kate i can't see you through the camera okay are you in there okay wake up are you watching us kate are you mean to me this guy definitely loves slurpee though we can we can yeah yeah okay this guy is a slurpee oh grandma y'all want to see some weird [ __ ] i mean i guess it's kick so there's a sport in india called karum carom carom and this guy is apparently really good at it i don't know i can't verify that or not but his videos are fascinating to me i've never heard of karum what is that but his look and everything just captivates me and then he goes like oh then he does his little thing never seen that he's the careroom king i'm fascinated by your fascination of this because like how do we know if he makes it look intentional but all he does is this and then he could just be hitting i mean no look he called it well before it wound up and knocked just doesn't it just doesn't impress me though wait you understand what the game is i'm still trying to i don't know what the game is but he's look he's ricocheting and he's saying it's going to go into this top left corner he points at it i mean it doesn't impress me that much clearly doesn't impress that much people anyway because it doesn't have that many views there's just another weird thing on my home page but his look interests me too like he's got like justin bieber here you know and i can't tell if he's like 20 or 50. i'm curious about the game the lookout but look he just he literally just does this he just did this wake up what do you mean he tries to be like look what i'm gonna do but all he does is like this now you're living here watch out what he does in the beginning watch his hand movement it's like i don't know nobody cares what are you talking about he's calling what it's going to do yeah but he's he's uh is doing that right so but he just like you could barely follow what he's calling it's just [ __ ] every move looks the same he ricochets it off the side it bounces a bunch of times and ends up in this hall like every move looks exactly the same haha [ __ ] i'm laughing because you big man exactly exactly all right you this is a again this was just on my tick tock feed bro i [ __ ] dare you to make sense of this what and by the way the guy doesn't crack a smile or anything this was on my home page bruh kicks the guy in the nuts and then his heart is pounding out of his chest the guy does not crack a smile he does not show any emotion no pain nothing and then he walks off this is so weird yes sir wow this was on my homepage this is what tick tock does to me okay so weird yeah this isn't my first rodeo no okay we're gonna well how long we've been going because i feel like this is a good one to end on uh two hours bruh you want me to see some weird [ __ ] [ __ ] lady gaga lady gaga live let me show you this clip from lady gaga live at south by southwest old or what old clip 2014. pretty old [Music] lady gaga's jamming out on the drums she's having a crazy time this girl is making herself gag oh not and she's putting her fingers down her throat right next to gaga and then she's puking on lady gaga green oh green neon green pew oh my god onto lady gaga why yeah and lady gaga's drumming through it and she's just a lot of green onto lady gaga's chest and uh she's covered in green vomit and she's drumming on her she loves it gaga loves it and she just walks off into the sunset and gaga continues her set [ __ ] nailed it what is that rock and roll zack or what was that is that rock and roll that's some demonic [ __ ] man oh that wasn't rock and roll i mean no it is rock and roll it's very you know just not sure if it's rock and roll or what i uh it's a first yeah i mean because like ozzy ate a bat head off i mean so what's the difference between tearing a bat off and having a girl puke on you yeah yeah i guess nothing i mean minus the rabies i guess you'll catch like you know stomach flu or something it's just pretty wild thought to be like i want someone to puke on me during a live set i don't think a lot of people sign up to see that but there it is well maybe they do i mean really yeah i think people were expecting something crazy really okay to i guess i don't know gaga very well i think she's come down a lot and now but like how's she saying the national anthem at the inauguration and you went yeah that's she's come a long way from being puked on there used to be this punk guy uh named gigi allen who used to perform naked and [ __ ] in his hand and oh that's funny yeah that's rock does that rock and roll that's that's punk rock that's that's some hard what would he do with his turret once it was in his hand he would like smear it all over his body and oh yeah and piss on himself [ __ ] gross he would cut himself it was gigi was iggy was his music good i mean it was punk rock you know um he's angry huh god rest his soul you ever been that angry that you [ __ ] in your hand and smear it on your face i can't say i have i've eaten mayonnaise but that's pretty much it i don't know if that's totally comparable mayonnaise isn't so much anger as desperation i'm pretty desperate i'm just saying like [ __ ] on your hand and smearing on your face it's hardcore and he would do a naked too like fully nude well that doesn't shock me as much that seems secondary to the [ __ ] aspect of it yeah apparently this artist is like that's her thing it's just puking she like gets milk and dyes it a really vibrant color and then pukes it onto a canvas on the canvas all right that's like her whole thing which all right i don't know art is art is it art is art love is love it's art art is love and art is art i'm not sure art is art what if like you're doing an exhibit you know she puts it up it must smell right she does i mean that's what she does there was another video of her maybe over time people are watching her do it there's like and they're all like applauding and she pukes it's just i don't know it's like an interesting gag i guess once but to build your whole career out of just puking ink colored milk his art art and you know she's gonna think of some like really elaborate explanation for why it's interesting but it's like okay you wrote that after you started puking wake up [Music] there's this other girl who does this egg plop she puts like eggs injected with ink upper badge and then and then pushes them out onto a canvas it's it's all performance art they get pretty weird performance art oh the same girl she went into a public place and butt naked with a box over a veg and let strangers like finger her it's disgusting and there was a camera in the box and you could see his and you could see what people were doing to her jesus that one's more interesting though i guess maybe than puking or plopping eggs just because like from the social aspect you can see how weird people are right i feel like zach would put his hand in there oh god no that that [ __ ] no what oh no okay i thought i mean is that well most of the people who did do it were like like on the verge of looking homeless you know like it sounds very like there's no consent there no that no no she was inviting people she was inviting people to do that performance yeah total concern yeah there was it was not an assault yeah i think that inspired the cookie the cookie filling oh color whoa if you uh eat enough of these damn she got her own oreo based on this performance i didn't know it was so iconic good find ian bravo got gotta shout out my brand sponsorship all right well it's friday it's friday rebecca black did you hear that that hot new remix of the friday song i didn't she dropped it oh wait i did hear it it was one of the worst things i've ever heard yeah it wasn't it's like she didn't try to make it better no i mean maybe she realized that it was only a thing because it was so bad so she's doubling down gogg and a meat dress i've heard about this but i don't know some of these guys on the crew were lying to themselves saying they liked it but it was not good is this actual meat oh yeah it is gross what's the statement here is she a vegetarian or something or not i doubt it based off of what i'm saying on the meat show mark zuckerberg what are your thoughts on this i'm making meats now smoking these meats here mark likes it ela you what do you think about this as a fashion designer and semi-vegetarian well i don't know what was involved in the making of this like was this something i'm sure it's designer was but i don't know i mean it's kind of interesting as yeah i agree that's kind of interesting and i mean the execution is pretty good good draping on that meat i didn't know that meat draped so well i don't really listen to her music but i always kind of liked her just her thing it was designed by frank ferner ferdinand fernandez is that a joke you're saying frankfurt like a sausage no is the artist who made it i'm not familiar i wonder if i can buy this in macy's or something does it come with a refrigerator too i know that thing got a stink by the end of the night oh it was archived after being preserved by a taxidermist as a type of jerky so there's like a jerky they jerkified this dress and now it's sitting in a museum i don't get that because i'm sure it doesn't look could you have a picture of the joker that's okay yeah i was just thinking i want to see what it looks like now so she said somewhere explain the following awards ceremony that the dress was a statement about one's need to fight for what one believes in and highlighted her distaste for the us military's don't ask doesn't tell police it doesn't say that wait it wasn't it wasn't a like a animal rights protester no gay people in the military yeah i'm seeing multiple reasons but yeah i'm not saying anything this is her dress now how did it turn into this it's been jerkified it's just a big slab of beef jerky huh it still looks pretty good i'm kind of impressed a girl boss wait this does not mean gay rights in the military this is a woman in a meat dress so i'm saying art is not art like explain this to me again it has to do with gays in the military we need how more so who is gay gays bombing civilians in the middle east let's see if we don't stand up for what we believe in and we don't fight for our rights pretty soon we're going to have as much rights i don't know if anyone has touched it but what's the texture of the dress now like someone asked if they said it's very hard if anyone's wondering the current texture of the dress very hard like zach right now looking at this dress that's [ __ ] right like she clearly just liked the meat dress and was like ah how do i make this interesting cause we can apply this to yeah i mean i thought gays in the military no the first meeting yeah that makes no sense the first thing that i was thinking about is like a statement on leather like if this was a leather address that would be a great statement because if it was leather you wouldn't think twice about it right but it's meat then you realize how gross it is that would have been a great statement but she's like i like meat there's tons of pictures of me eating meat so who is gay it's not nobody's gay it's just uh right that's a fair question who is gay and i got news for you that means you're gay keto dress it's a keto dress i could eat that dress all right so guys uh see you guys on the tuesday for fredbies we'll be back you know the whole gang will be back for another slam dunk fun week of explosive hot memes and entertainment this is history podcast the greatest show on the internet bar none i'm here to announce that i will not be moving to texas like everybody else i will be staying in california with peace and love not that there's anything wrong with texas but everybody's yeah logan paul is going to puerto rico that he's going to get rob like he's going to get robbed it's not that's not a very nice thing to say about puerto rico right i'm a [ __ ] i saw them on tick tock i saw all the puerto ricans blasting him insane there was all these memes going around that like the minute he gets off the plane i think it's just because puerto ricans are like not down with like it's like kind of a colonial thing and he's going there to evade taxes so from what i saw on puerto rican tick tock is that they're getting ready to rob him that was the jokes they were making they can make that joke okay right so god bless up i'm staying right oh and um and uh and kim kardashian is single so happy hunting to iain slater oh wait you're in the relationship i'm sorry he wouldn't do that to his boy right let me ask you a question ian hypothetically you meet what is this about kim kardashian okay you me you're single let's just say you're single because i don't want to complicate things with your girlfriend who we all love sam what's the uh what's the percentage that i'm gonna like what you say next i think we should do a poll on that well what is this music you don't have to like it i'm just curious like my question is this if you were single you met kim kardashian at a party you guys were hitting it off she was clearly sending signals would your fandom of kanye prohibit you from making a move on on kim or would you not care about your allegiance to kanye or would it make you maybe more enticing make you more interested that you could be you could have your dick in the same place that kanye's once was thoughts what's going on in your head i just laid it all out for you obviously ian would go for it that's what i think too but i don't know if he's like love for kanye like you know you're not supposed to hook up with your bros yeah but i think that love is faded kind of would you make a move on kim or would you respect kanye and pass the opportunity can't even conceive this hypothetical situation and uh i'd like to say hi to my girlfriend who is watching and i love you sam's not threatened by kim sam i promise is not threatened by kim kardashian what does that mean ian is not hooking up with kim kardashian how dare you okay well maybe he has a chance i'm sorry he's a great guy with a lot of redeeming qualities thank you yes the wrong answer the answer is that it's a hypothetical so she shouldn't have to worry obvious well what is the chance that ian's going to get i think there's something i i forgot to mention i totally remembered yeah because we were talking about zach's dream girl dua lipa and i forgot that i own her sunglasses oh yeah yeah hold on let me just think do you think ian is still afraid of the kanye community turning on him because like he doesn't play these kanye games anymore and i don't are you afraid of the kanye community is that why you're refusing to answer these wait what yeah he is because so ian was super deep it is it's not it's that it just well he started talking about it because he was feeling bad for kanye because no because he's in deep with the kanye community they all know him now because he's such a prominent voice or was at least and so anytime he did this they would get mad at him like dude you can't talk about [ __ ] kim kardashian this is not cool and like one time so i'm just saying you know i think that's why he's so hesitant i clicked on a link on twitter one time and it it was like enter to win what was it it was like duolippa's like uh something from her music video and i clicked on it and i forgot and then a few months later i got this oh what in the mail this was like years ago and so what sunglasses sell the sunglasses i wore when i did the oreo thing these like belong to dual leap that's why you think it still has their dna on it maybe i was like zach do you want to get your hands on these but you're saying that anymore are they like a brand or just some kind of it was called a dual livery why did they give that to you or like why do you have why what apparently she wore these at like a concert or something they're cool yeah so shout out to duolingo yeah i wonder if we can extract dna though from it there's there's a lot of possibilities once we can isolate our dna duopoly all right off the rails god bless well that's exciting do you think i think he would [ __ ] kim if he was single and had the opportunity why do you who cares oh my goodness what do you mean who cares everybody's wondering literally all right have a great weekend guys happy friday take care of yourselves stay away from those carbs you're listening to this stay away from those carbs what we got on the sink but you can take one hit of miracle whip right ready ready scott yeah i've seen people do this on keto they fry cheese into a bread like cracker yeah that's great you make parmesan no you make parmesan you make parmesan crisps in the oven those are really good so i can make a sandwich with cheese instead of bread and it's [ __ ] fantastic you think it's [ __ ] crazy but it's it it works and then well i could also just use lettuce for the sandwich i'm gonna i'm gonna fry a [ __ ] is there like a limit do i need to control myself can i just fry a block of cheese i mean obviously any like anything in life anything in life yeah i'm gonna go make some jalapeno bacon poppers that sounds good thank you all right guys take care we'll see you next week god bless ma forget about it huh all right shout out bye bye bye bye you're listening to the hd podcast what we got on the scene could it be papa shoe nights or build elfin talking front wiper back wife what you gonna do with me then you know and the whole damn crew goosing gaps with all the guests you'll see the best
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,355,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3h3, h3, h3 after dark, h3h3productions, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, after dark
Id: MjIl6wwLeEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 139min 28sec (8368 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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