Joe Rogan Trashed Hila On His Podcast - H3 After Dark # 37

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Ian, if you are in trouble or are being held in the studio against your will by Ethan and, let’s be honest, Dan, please wear the color yellow next week.

👍︎︎ 361 👤︎︎ u/shakibuju 📅︎︎ May 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

Dan “After Midnight is Technically Tomorrow” Swerdlove

👍︎︎ 131 👤︎︎ u/segasaturns 📅︎︎ May 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

Kinda a shame that Post didn't end up texting Ethan but can't really blame him for not following through on "I'll do 'x' later". You always mean it at the time...

👍︎︎ 176 👤︎︎ u/mrwho995 📅︎︎ May 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

What's going on man? How's it going?

👍︎︎ 54 👤︎︎ u/atomobot 📅︎︎ May 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

My favorite part of this was seeing ian's head pop up behind the computers when dan was talking about the covid podcast set up.

👍︎︎ 50 👤︎︎ u/lostinthederpness 📅︎︎ May 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

Ian blink twice for help

👍︎︎ 43 👤︎︎ u/Dinnosaurocks 📅︎︎ May 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

Felt bad for the homie Gabe when they called him back. He seemed a little confused haha

👍︎︎ 114 👤︎︎ u/riiiiseup 📅︎︎ May 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

Okay, my take on 'Monday-gate'.

I'd call in ambiguous and would avoid using 'next' in that context.

If it's Thursday and someone says 'next Friday', you won't take that to mean tomorrow, you'll take it to mean the Friday of next week, right? In other words, one Friday from the upcoming Friday. That's not what 'next' actually means, though. If it's a Thursday and you say 'next Friday', that would literally mean tomorrow, but everyone knows it doesn't actually mean that. Either you can think of it as 'the Friday of next week' or you can take it to mean 'the Friday after the coming Friday'. Now take the same logic, but it's a Friday and you're talking about 'next Monday'. If you take the first interpretation, 'the Monday of next week', you're thinking as White Claw Gabe and apparently most other people thought. If you take the second interpretation, 'the monday after the upcoming Monday', then you'll go with what Dan was saying. It's ambiguous because 'next [day]' is used as shorthand and usually used in the context of referring to a day later in the week than you are currently.

Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/mrwho995 📅︎︎ May 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

Kraft mayo is garbage, you don't want to represent them anyway. Throw a Kewpie mayonnaise billboard up next to the Kraft one!

👍︎︎ 99 👤︎︎ u/alwayssunnyinsequim 📅︎︎ May 21 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] you're listening to the hp podcast what we got on this oh we're back h3 after dark in the new studio so hyped oh how's that how's the new wallpaper look let's take it from me looks pretty good it's pretty sick looks very um what's the word it looks urban um a little gritty even you might say a little gritty like us it's after dark dating it is afternoon nice to see you you know it's such a shame to go the whole week without you people only want to watch after dark because and for enemies and for enemies no off the rails nobody cares about off the rails what can i do no they care we post off the rails and then people start unsubbing swear to god i swear to god i was sitting there watching the subs people don't like off the rails i watched it too it didn't happen i don't know what can i do some you love some you don't love we love when he lives here this is not off the rails today we are sponsored by hbo max shady rays um boy do we have a lot of good stuff to talk about today how's everybody doing little check in though first pretty good pretty good we got pretty good got it pretty good okay all right guys thank you i'm so excited now i'm still so weirded out that this is it we're back yeah i don't know some normalcy yeah we're not quite done with the studio because we just we erected this in like one weekend yeah got him and so like it's a little echo in here you guys can't tell but the roof we need like um some something to absorb the sound because you feel the echo i guess maybe yeah um are we wearing this for a reason oh you can bring that up already oh we're not bringing it out i was just gonna try to pretend like we weren't all wearing bass pro shop hats yes we're wearing it for a reason i am pro i'm joining the movement i bought everybody a bass pro shop hat i spent hundreds of dollars on bass pro shop hats got your hat because because i'm joining the bass pro shop movement i don't know anything about fish fishing i've never even been i didn't even know bass pro shop was a place yeah but i'm getting the hat and i'm joining the movement everybody's got a bass pro shop people just love the logo like it's just a great logo bro i don't know what it is but like every d-bag in the world is walking around the bass pro shop hat all of a sudden i'm ashamed to admit that i actually do own one no okay tell me the orc okay zach tell me the origin story of the hat yes um well bass pro shop is like this freaking amazing uh like indoor sports world they got food and um i don't know it's just how long have you had the hat uh probably a couple years okay so you were before the movement right you're an original bass pro shopping i'm an og yeah yeah i think it's something else i think it's like just these tik tok douches uh trying to dress like normal people i guess normal core yeah i guess normal core if you will yeah they're trying to be down with they're working on yeah i guess so it's like i could see that yeah it's kind of white trashy isn't it i hate to go back there but it's like bass bro we go down the leg fishing trap some bass right that's the end of the show yeah let's stay on i've got me a big bass i ain't taking no covid shot boy bill gates made that put a microchip in me oh that's mexican oh my god that's i'm just saying white trash don't do that am i mixing up my caricatures okay okay what is today i have a document with topics okay this isn't off the rails you're right um yo okay so today's friday yes before we get too deep into the show we have to celebrate with gabe you want to do it yes [Music] bring gabe we need to celebrate that it's friday baby you know we friday means no school means no work it's friday baby there he is but get him up get him on my screen oh my god i thought it was a sound bite that what i think that was a sound but it wasn't somewhere yeah so friday means there's no school what's today dude friday it's friday baby it's the weekend [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah is there work today crack opener white pop baby [ __ ] it [ __ ] baby jump jump let's go [Applause] iced tea oh what do we got planned for the weekend gabe uh we got um fight night tomorrow [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] yeah baby carpenter baby [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah but until then it's friday it's friday baby friday yeah yes weekend it's the weekend baby [ __ ] yeah friday saturday sunday oh [ __ ] yeah well it's a holiday and it's a four day weekend it is it is memorial day next week are you kidding me did we just learn from gabe that it's memorial day baby it's a four day weekend [ __ ] yeah what's on tuesday tuesday tony tuesday i was gonna say we don't talk about tuesday because we all got to go back to work and stuff oh yeah that [ __ ] yeah all right gabe we're gonna um we're thinking about doing burger tuesday you know oh mix it up that could work too it sounds good to me man yeah you work you work out you seem kind of trimmed because it seems like you enjoy your food a lot but you look healthy yeah i do my daily walks like in the morning and stuff and you know i just keep myself active you know that's good yeah yeah that's good i'm jealous i mean i'm a big fan i could have a lot to learn from gabe anyway i get sweet after eight and i don't eat till after like 11 or 12. that's it what about white claws after 12. what it's good because it's better than soda because it's sure less sugar less calories so you don't have much alcohol so do you drink white cloth when you're thirsty or just when you're trying to get drunk i drink it when i'm thursday when i feel like i i'm gonna have a soda i really have a white cloth damn quench your thirst with the white claw all right yeah baby yeah all right well it's friday we're gonna do our thing i hope you have a great [ __ ] friday baby you know [ __ ] [ __ ] come on baby oh 500k white clock gabe you just hit 500k on tick tock right i just made 5000k um followers of tick tock yeah that's [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] baby yeah got 500 000 more than we reach a million baby [ __ ] let's go let's times that by two baby [ __ ] come on baby yeah yeah all right happy friday gabe happy friday take care buddy see you next week all right baby see you on friday baby [ __ ] yeah with an angel gabe everybody what clock gabe everywhere you can find him on cameo too small correction it is not memorial day next week gabe what the [ __ ] get him back on the phone get him back on the phone it's the it's the following week he was a little complicated getting back on the phone hang on we just caused like a lot of people we have to clarify here we can't just put that out there i'm getting back hold on yeah we need gabe back on i need to confront him about that all right stand by because he can't give me a false four day weekend baby i feel like gabe's gotta correct the record on that one anyway white clock gabe's on cameo he's crushing it there pretty awesome man a cameo is really cool for you know gabe is making a living out there so support your boy can i say i actually ran into gabe in person oh yeah oh oh my god zach sent a photo of him and white clock gabe together yeah i dropped it in the uh our chat oh i was i was like no how is it what wait when you say our chat you mean discord discord yeah um you guys are not going to believe this this just happened a few days ago yeah i was like what the hell zach and white club gabe what's the story here uh he was at a gas station um and i saw him pulling through the car wash and he was in his car and like i was inside paying and i see him through the window i'm like i gotta go get him like i gotta go take a picture with him wow i run out i catch him right before he goes into the drive to the car i'm like dude there's no such thing as a coincidence seriously you guys are energy energetically aligned seriously that's crazy is gabe dodging us now that he knows of his critical heir he has not yet called back okay well uh if i get him i'll i'll let you all right well everybody is not memorial weekend we were gabe was just a little gumbo about his four day weekend which i don't blame him because it's friday baby [ __ ] all right let's move on shall we oh well one other thing before we move on just real quick you know how it is we shall not you know what to do elo you want to give me the voiceover um uh i actually i'm wearing the cardigan which is one of my favorites and we it was a surprise that it came early like that almost never happens things are always late so we didn't get to shoot it on a model so um just so you guys know it is out cardigan hoodies we got the uh yeah we got the color blocks back we got the neons we got new colors this jacket already sold out sorry honestly i was moved because i love that jacket so much and it was you know kind of like more expensive than our normal stuff and i didn't know what to expect people believe in you anyway head on over to we've got all kinds of new fun exciting things especially i will say for the i i want to say especially i'll say we have women's we're definitely got lots of women's stuff now underneath is like the tiny pocket t-shirt you can fit a lighter or a coin in it the options are endless anyway head on over to and see what's out there [ __ ] [Music] all right so everybody in the chat's yelling at me saying that gabe got it right he said next week oh he oh he did but no but he said long weekend didn't he huh we all heard it somebody's gotta say next monday can you go back he should be in the zoom waiting room right now oh let's hang it up okay he's back let's just go straight to the source we can clear this okay yeah let's just ask him and he'll say he'll say bring him on yeah give me one sec so we're bringing gabe back to find out to get clarity on when is the four day weekend gabe what's up what's going on we need a clarity [ __ ] yeah baby yeah 2 30 stuff baby yeah on monday do we go to work or are we not going to work well if it's monday is your day you know make monday your day you know [ __ ] if you got to go to work or go slow [ __ ] mondays baby [ __ ] yeah okay your day make up monday make every day but is it memorial day this monday next probably next monday oh okay gabe had it right the whole time next monday is what what's the next monday what's the next monday coming up what's the next what are you doing what do you mean that's next week all right it's two mondays from now i'm just trying to okay okay whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa where are we going we got to be clear here because a lot of people are not on this monday obviously this monday would be in three or four days would you say the next month next month next monday next monday is the next monday that arrives that's next monday dan what are you doing right now then you're being really you're trying to ruin the show the game is next monday gabe's right right right i would call it two mondays for me okay but okay so is it this monday monday's from now it's so warranty though what's the date exactly okay it's next monday damn it's next monday gabe is right i'm sorry again has a point because how would you refer to monday that would be this monday it's the next monday you would say this monday right gabe monday it's confusing what phrases and stuff so this monday would be after the weekend next monday would be memorial day yeah barbecue and hot dogs and stuff yeah see gabe's got his mind on the right things dan is just trying to derail this all right gabe take care we we love you all right thanks a lot see you we'll see you on friday thanks for clarifying which friday next next friday next friday right because next week's friday would be next friday okay it's next friday next friday baby [ __ ] thanks gabe did we really bring him back for that i thought he was next monday is clear i think because monday coming is this monday welcome to the h3 podcast you just said we'll see you next friday referring to the next friday yeah because it's friday today next friday is the next friday this monday got it all right stop nobody cares [Music] no we don't need to go that far all right let's talk about something real important on like this [ __ ] uh wiki feet there's been a full-on wiki feed mutiny by the mods of the website okay i want to smell they've locked me out they have uh banned me outright first they turned off the rating i was like okay they locked me at five and then love love you want to talk about the war you raged over the weekend well yeah sure yeah give us the summer well after you got banned yeah i thought no one took action i was just sitting by at the side and after a while i just decided to take action in my own hands the only thing i did was i rallied the foot soldiers i didn't do anything personally i just called out all the foot soldiers out there and we went to war fill out war with wikifeed and since your page was locked oh you actually weren't removed yet you were locked to five stars moved to a pathetic five-star rating from 7.12 so they capped you at five they said this [ __ ] is not going to go about five so i had no chance of being number one on the site until love took action to downvote every other person with above five stars do you understand the battle that was waged is this illegal somehow well it was a long time he's in sweden yeah and love made it very clear he didn't do any action he just he just put it out there rallied all the foot soldiers yeah well so weirdly now if you go to the top it's zach and moses zach you're number one which is like this was never meant to be here's zach's number one toes i don't know what to say man those are joker toes [Laughter] so um so i'm off the website ooh some of those are graphic yikes graphic yeah they're like from like gay porn shoots like legitimately like they're not nude no they're not nude it's just like a dude in a speedo you know okay it's all good and i got news for you that means you're gay i didn't but i didn't look i mean i barely looked at it it doesn't mean i'm gay i just barely looked at it so who is gay who is gay i think he probably is not me not that there's anything wrong with it um so i'm off the website i was back to number one when love waged the all-out war to downvote everyone else and now there's more interesting developments um what else so here here i'm just going to show you i've got kind of the is this is this what the state was after you downvoted everyone or is this what it looked like before they banned me oh i can't see your screen but it's daniel moses zach bobby lee yeah that must be after so that was it after they banned us and then we actually there was there was full-on mutiny on the wiki feet uh we have insiders in the wiki feet like guild which is like their top users and they sending us screenshots well i gotta show the screenshot they're gonna know how i got it i didn't say who it was okay we have spies on the inside no we don't how do we get this is a private mess this is from the private forum we literally have spot we have infiltrated wiki feet at every level we didn't do anything not only is so here here's the inner uh conversation going on not only have his fans uh messes not only have his fans messed others galleries but they've also created galleries of his own crew and giving them astronomical ratings i'm sorry i believe those feet got raided on their own merit can you disable the ratings on dan's sword love and zach's page two it's ridiculous it's excellent here's one i found evidence that ethan klein's fan raided other celebs one star to keep ethan at the top i did not do that i didn't even know this was going on this is completely unacceptable it is one thing to ask your fans to rate you favorably it's a whole different matter when galleries are affected i am disabling ratings on this page and deleting all false votes made by ethan klein fans hey i didn't do that that was love he's in sweden this is an international issue get interpol involved [Laughter] holy fit they say i would delete the entire goddamn gallery at this point this is straight up rigging and he doesn't deserve to have a galley for this [ __ ] now remind you guys this is wiki feet so it's not you know that's what that's kind of why i like to wage war here's because it's really it's just wiki feet you know i didn't do this though i i swear to god i had no idea this was going on you know um but here we we've struck back and we've made up a website called ethan's feet a place where i'll never be below 5 stars here this is love was working on this oh what happened okay guys this is a real website that we've made what are those comments you can always vote five stars yeah there's tweets about it um kanye tweeted you better have you have way better feet than kim he said oh interesting is kim does kim have a wiki feed page she must um dan dan the hater said it would be funny if abe got a higher wikifeed score than ethan not on this website hater hater asks dan one's half like zero stars and then even keemstar said i would never say this on my main but i love ethan's feet [Laughter] even keemstar bits shoe size 22. what i feel like that's the whole size of my body 22 foot you know but but guys the war so this is kind of our shrine where i'll always have five stars but we're not done okay i am not done with wiki feet it's not right first of all they don't this first of all they do not this i have a constitutional right to be on wikipedia they cannot refuse me service they're stealing it okay and so listen we have infiltrated wiki we are making a push to get me back on top we have made a very incognito account called ethan kleinschkroth we're currently at seven out of five someone already gave us one stars the haters are coming in but what we've done is that we've edited it to make it oh this one oh they're adding it okay well here let me go to the get people already adding okay so ethan crine straw they're all disguised me what covered with the map you can't tell that that's me that's ethan kleinscroft seven out of five stars i'm deep under the cover who's that client i know his name is ethan and he's got beautiful feet [Music] i'm deep undercover right here you can't tell it's me bag over my head and that's how eela likes to have sex with me [Laughter] oh people already adding photos so cat's out of the bag but who's the second photo this is it i think that oh that's that's a fan oh somebody must have just added oh oh my god guys come on this is not a joke don't make a joke out of this all right guys we're up to dude we're up to 7.42 i have never seen a rating that high now let's go to sight rating and just until i think they're gonna oh ethan's client scroll back number one someone take a screenshot because where it's 7.42 i've never seen a rating that high that is the highest rating i've ever seen we're back at number one guys so we're just gonna keep it cool keep it low profile ethan kleinscroft oh no wait someone dared to give it four stars i'm sorry yo that that one four star rating took away like a whole wow a whole point value rough tough crowd huh so that's exciting so we'll keep checking in on this wow but we're number one for now we are number one officially um so you guys keep me updated as things develop it's exciting but keep don't tell anyone we are coming and we are coming i mean i listen wikifeet they they think they can get rid of they think i'm the true king it's like you can't exile the king and ex like i'm number one that's my seat of power not you but uh clients crowd right i got a chance crying scott whoever that is yeah [Music] they don't know who they're messing with and speaking of the fog horn of war oh by the way there's all these wiki feed memes that you guys been making let's see foot soldiers wiki feet mods moses lord of foot fairies dan the betrayer dead face down which is where he belongs on this on this field of battle tell ethan i want him to know it was me dan that one's amazing the color block down you are a [ __ ] betrayer dude that is you did you tank everyone on wikifeed so ethan would be number one again yes what did it cost everything they're good these are good actually wicky feed what does that say palm day footwinner just a little photoshop game of toes oh yes i am inevitable uh wow and of course there's no such thing as a coincidence with thanos wikifeet mods foot soldiers ethan yeah it's a great uh man renaissance is a whole biblical battle playing out on wicked foods right now there's no such thing as a coincidence see i'm seeing reports that wikifeet is down i think we may have crashed why [ __ ] see that's what i'm saying no i didn't it's still up but uh how am i myself the trolls beware uh warning symbol is back up right um i just resent that instead like insinuation that were trolls now wikifeed is definitely down for me was that a sound bite what was that oh my god i heard a clap of thunder did you hear that yeah it's probably just that or something i heard a clap of thunder like a biblical clap of thunder you guys i swear to god i think i'm energetically aligned with you all right now okay we're still number one good wow that spooked me there's no such thing as a coincidence either we are energetically aligned right now there is no such thing as a coincidence okay speaking of war you know zach put together this fantastic video submission for crafts mayo competition and did they have been snubbing zach zac's been having a little bit of a meltdown actually to be honest yeah zach tell me about tell me about um tell me about your emotions how you been feeling just knowing that they've been snubbing you i mean it it sucks like it it [ __ ] sucks like and they you know are retweeting other people that quite frankly don't have [ __ ] on me and uh you know not to put anyone down like that but they don't have [ __ ] on me and um it just like they're i'm totally being snuffed like no retweets no acknowledgement didn't they like it they liked it but that's just like oh okay you know that's not enough you're right because they've been they've been retweeting other people's videos i don't know so i've been trying to wreck do we have the video i want to show people kind of just who who maybe missed it i'll just show it briefly um it should be on the podcast twitter you know we made this whole you guys spent all day you guys spent a lot of time investing in this and talking about craft mail we ruined the uh the uh asphalt it's all stained with my yeah have you guys noticed that there's permanent zack footprints on the asphalt in the parking lot now oh there's there's from the oil and the mayo when he got out of it if you go out there you'll see what i'm talking about there's like footprints all over i saw the uh you really craft mayo you're not even here it is gonna acknowledge so what i was dude 13 000 likes i mean peace and love nobody's holding a candle to that 200 000 views so what i was wondering because originally it zac there was like some edgy jokes and stuff i was like you got to take all the edgy stuff out because craft is not gonna they're gonna want a family family man yeah and so what i'm wondering is if there was something edgy left in here well i went through and there was absolutely no cursing whatsoever hi how you doing today i am zach lewis what's wrong with this video there's nothing wrong with this video i think i'm just too sexy man i think that's a problem i'm going to show you sexy for mayonnaise i'm the true mailman and why maybe they thought you were making a mockery of the mail are you mocking the mail absolutely not i respect it yeah i mean you just took a shot of it bro i mean that's respect oh that's where the the toe shot came from yeah so it's all there's no such thing as a coincidence i mean i'm a sexy beast maybe that's it you know did they think this was appropriate like inappropriate maybe they thought it was gross i mean they're trying to create like a viral campaign i mean it's mayonnaise you guys are missing the point it's mayonnaise nobody gives a [ __ ] about mayonnaise nobody's on a mayonnaise page unless we send them there they're gonna ignore this masterpiece but somehow look for a viral moment we this is the viral moment maybe they like well mayonnaise isn't gross he's making it gross i mean i don't think so i think he looks like a snack to me thank you it's an artistic decision i mean i plugged the [ __ ] out of them maybe the bite you took is too small here i noticed you took a nibble you're a little apprehensive maybe they could tell you're grossed out here i i mean no i thoroughly enjoyed it well why'd you take such a small bite then well i take another bite you do yeah yeah i mean look at that reaction yeah no you loved it yeah i can't even pretend like you didn't this shot was maybe too sexual this is sexual moment was this a sexual moment i don't i mean i was just enjoying myself i was on a good time zack you nasty boy bro i mean maybe this this [ __ ] style but you know i'm just i'm just enjoying the mayonnaise like what what's wrong with that i'm being shamed for doing that you know right i think it's i don't think it's right that they don't even acknowledge you there's nothing wrong with this video it's it's it's it's frankly it's upsetting and you know it's it is upsetting and you know like we've been they know right like that we're out here like recently we said you know they've reposted this other guys who it was a fair submission i don't want to [ __ ] on him but what i said why are you ignoring zach 3 200 likes and no response from real craft man yeah they they're just [ __ ] with us they're totally no why are they ignoring you i don't know why i and all of their comments everywhere is what about zach well i don't understand literally i mean the foot soldiers have gone through and through tagging my instagram well the truth is though they don't announce the winners until june 1st right right and then there's a voting thing with the top eight finalists on the 25th yeah i don't think you're going to make it to the finalist round that's i don't think they're going to put you up there it's so [ __ ] i mean i don't know for sure but it just seems like they are ignoring you this is where we start our own mayonnaise brand now that's an idea well i was thinking about maybe endorsing a different mayonnaise brand i won't say the name because we won't go there yet everybody would want us no they don't i'm saying they don't we don't need their permission i'll just go full all out but what if we create our own brand and zach is the you want to start struggling mayonnaise mail sale oh yeah sign me up for some zail i just i just it's a dream come true to have a billboard and you know that's like the one thing that would just well i'll tell you one thing whoever wins that billboard if it's not you we're buying one of you across the street and i don't care and i'll i don't care the money i don't care the commitment i'll do whatever it takes and invest any dollar amount to get you that billboard zach i appreciate it i'll even sign a five-year lease on that the the world may be over by the time the leaf sometimes you know you got to put the your money where your mouth is on those billboards i really appreciate that yeah but yeah this is [ __ ] that craft is doing this like just it's a total [ __ ] you to me and the show so it's like here's what they say the judging criteria is passion for craft mail 40 the passion is there i mean that's 40 out of 4 yeah that's 40 out of 40. originality 30 i'm sorry who else took a bath thank you personality thirty percent uh personality oodle oodles there's there's as much personality in that bathtub as there is mayonnaise true they just better i i'm just i have a bad feeling they're not gonna put them on there because they they're just ignoring it's just not okay and i know we we you know threaten this towards the beginning of the conversation but you know they're i'm gonna take a big stance against this and should we take a legal action i'm going to take a big stance against this and you know what it is well here's a big stance we created did you know that craft mayonnaise has a wikipedia not a good score by the way 3.9 one yeah real craft mayonnaise oh look at those we should say the audience shouldn't necessarily take this yet but just know that if zach doesn't win there will be consequences yeah seriously there will be consequences real craft mayonnaise i will say that this is not a threat but there will be dire grave consequences if you do not at least put our boy on the top i mean i i looked i looked back at the other submissions and like i said no one holds a [ __ ] candle well like okay maybe well let's not let's not trash on the other submitters but like you definitely deserve to be acknowledged and put in the finalists [ __ ] a like i just [ __ ] it's so [ __ ] dan you said he was like screaming he was like genuinely upset i was here at the studio i was setting up on the stage he was at the front of the building and i just hear him going off i don't think he was even talking to everybody really you were just i was talking about i don't know but he was he was he was this was off camera well it's not right what they're doing today yeah it was i was i was very upset [ __ ] living we need to march on washington seriously man i i i i i'm speechless because you know it's just so [ __ ] because i am the [ __ ] male man and they're just [ __ ] me right now okay he was talking to me we were trying to put something together and he kept just walking away well i needed him to hold it up and he [ __ ] craft me okay walking away while i'm trying to put it together and dan's like what are you guys doing out there i'm like zach is leaving me stranded while i'm trying to put together this uh tv stand i almost threw my phone like he was pissed he just kept walking away like i at first i said as a joke i'm like bro i really need you to hold this up it's heavy he kept walking away coming back but yeah he was back get pull your [ __ ] together man whatever happens we're going to make it right by you you understand you got nothing to worry about that billboard either through love through war or peace we will make it happen for you uh i think and if you guys here is craft mayonnaise wiki page so you know what to do with this show them show them we mean business do we need presents in sweden in sweden because of love like get a billboard in sweden oh stockholm represent representing stockholm international exec number one yeah it's not a bad idea but i i appreciate all the love and support from everybody and uh of course you know you know we got your bad this is this is outrageous yeah they're stealing it oh oh oh hey hey guys just to be clear i see the rating going up on craft mayo should we make craft mail number one on the website oh yeah for sure but then they're gonna ban me if we make craft mayo number one they're definitely going to ban me i mean that ship sailed at this point by the way they can't by the way you're already the comments um everybody knows it's us although they pissed me off i gotta admit that the foot soldiers are hilarious sometimes and that's from toejob69 all right job totally 69 was one of the main haters actually i remember that name yeah he gave it it says he gave it a one star but i think that's what we want but i think he's trying to hate but he's actually fulfilling the prophecy that we've set forth right so this is toejob69 one of our main haters yeah i remember when we when we got those uh when our mole uh shared the information from the guild with us i love that they call themselves the guild the together the toe guild or the foot guild yeah i remember that that name stuck out to me because it's really weird i tell you what wikifeet guild the toe guild you can banish me but you will miss the days of battle you will be like damn i miss having ethan klein number one i'm just saying i mean we've brought an immense amount of traffic to their website and amy and though i'm sure the vast majority of our audience is just participating in the gag i mean five percent actually are jerking off that's what i'm saying they're like oh wow this is this is definitely a large number of people that are sticking around and i'm still number one just an update thank you uh we have to uh do our break oh we do it ready uh we're actually at 37 minutes holy oh frick time's flying baby so fast um anyway you know uh we will we will find you justice zach everybody's wondering if towjob is watching by toejob69 call in if you're watching let us know i want to talk to you yep yeah i'd love to talk to joe job i think he's keeping it anonymous though it's kind of oh we have more comments um ethan klein people giving low rating to everyone who goes near a five star so he gets number one seems like the mail site has been given a roof for the rating since ethan klein has only five of five and it doesn't seem to be any more gorgeous pages of course it's awesome i don't know but it's awesome all right guys today we thank the people who are supporting our lawsuit hb is like hey don't bring me into it dude i love hbo max bro this is hbo max sponsor right here but i found out something yeah ah hbo max is so awesome first of all i love their app but they have like um how did they call it like sister sites or or like if there's an option they bought other services i guess like they have crunchyroll on there and all these other services and it was like wow yeah there's so much content the anime portion was huge and it's really nice categorized like you have dub do you have everything dude crunchyroll is amazing if you like anime and like that comes with hbo max and there was i don't remember the other ones but there was a bunch of other stuff too oh they had like studio ghibli right crazy many of us are plumbing uh plumbing the depths of our streaming platform searching for something new to watch looking for an entertainment fix and if that's true for you boy do i have a suggestion hbo max has same day movie premieres that's true also of the biggest movies of 2021 every single month that's right the biggest warner brothers pictures will be released be available in theaters and your living room the same day good i love it i love spiel max i really do um i watched what did i watch i recently watched mortal kombat i liked it i don't know there was some i hear a lot of people liked it actually i heard a lot of people hated it there was a lot of ups and i think i went in with like zero uh expectations and i loved that i was at home i didn't have to like the thing is when you get invested in going to the theater and doing all this [ __ ] and making plans then you have more expectations for a film but because i was able to watch on hbo max movie premiere on the and the comfort of my own living room uh i was i liked it a lot they also just some suggestions for you guys of the heights the musical event that celebrates the meaning of home you can't go wrong with the creator of hamilton and the director of crazy rich asians the heights also space jam the new space jam a new legacy you knew and loved the original and now the jam is back with nba champ and icon lebron james going in an epic ride with toon bugs bunny tuned but why am i tuned but why does it say toon bugs bunny i know bugs bunny as opposed to the live-action bugs bunny yes oh a live action event oh god these titles and many more will be available in theaters and on hbo max for a limited time and at no extra charge to subscribers release dates are subject to change so get on in it and sign up for hbo max at hbo uh m a dot a x what the [ __ ] is this link then okay let me let me do this again it's it's it's in the description yeah you could just say that hbo mother f this is the weirdest link ever bro yeah it's h o m a x correct h-b-o-m-a this what is h-phil you gotta you've got better urls than this hbom dot ax slash h3ma bruh it's in the link yeah just go to the description and click it one more time because i don't want them to make me do it again hbom dot ax slash h3ma hbo you can do better urls than that but i love your service thank you love it one more from shady rays oh jesus uh let's see shady rays is a beautiful sunglass company everybody loves sunglasses right here let's pull up their website let's see what kind of stuff we got on shady rays oh they got these woody frames bro i love these woody frames with polarized sunglasses lost broken protection you like those woody frames what's going on this oh look oh [ __ ] this guy's so [ __ ] sick bro he's putting stones like bro this is the kind of dope ass dude who wears shoulder shady rays what who's got a puka shell why would you bring that up dan no shady raised people don't wear pooka jean necklace they're cooler than that oh like a icy kind of fibery lens bra and this guy's like on a hike somewhere nice hiking around exploring not pooka shells you know six thousand six hundred reviews comes in all that colors yeah oh that's the lens cool i love that woody one man get that woody bruh get a woody with that woody black ice your performance yo so sick so many styles listen let me tell you about shady rays um my here live that air looks in they're high quality shades for way less than the expensive brands they've got one of the best warranties in the sunglass industry and if you lose or break that your sunglasses they're going to replace it with a lifetime craftsmanship warranty plus they donate 10 meals to fight hunger in america with every order 10 meals oh i need 10 meals i've been eating all day i don't understand why sunglasses are so expensive you know shady raise is on a mission to change that they're an independently owned sunglass company and they do everything their way it's very rare in this industry they make premium polarized shades at a fraction of the price of the big name brands so you're not going to overpay anymore you can get the same amazing quality with this warranty stop it stop paying those crazy prices bro they start at just 48 hold pairs in hand try them on do whatever you know 48 bucks come on they also provide 10 meals to fight hunger in america with every order and they've donated over 15 million meals to date they stand behind their product and have told their team that if anyone has a problem they will throw profit out the window and do whatever it takes to make it right they once got a complaint about glasses they didn't like and the owner was like [ __ ] dude and he [ __ ] shot he's like start breaking windows and [ __ ] in a rage he's like i refuse to sell glasses he was so angry that this one person didn't like it he flew to his house and he's just with a buck in the glasses he's like take them all that uh your experience may vary that didn't happen look at my dogs is a mess look at my document it's over here and they don't see that why is it over there okay confusing uh so change the way you wear sunglasses and give shady razor risk-free shot we're thinking we think you're going to love them and if you're they're not for you you can return them for free anyway exclusively for our listener shady rays is running their deepest deal of the season use code h3 for 50 off two or more pairs at buy one get one free that means you can get two pairs for forty eight dollars redeem only at where you can find all their newest and best shades use code h3 thank you all right nice thank you thank you with peace and love um the chad is having a mini meltdown my laptop do you think that ian is uh not here or something i don't know i'm looking right at him i think he just had nobody's cut to him yet show ian he's here yeah ian's here i think we probably should explain newer viewers might not know this but um prior to the pandemic and the move to the basement ian would switch and i would just be doing the producing but because we were trying to keep the cross-contamination as minimal as possible i was basically doing everything over the course of the last year i was at the house switching and doing the audio and everything but we're back so ian's switching again so that's that's why he's uh back there behind me uh handling business ian please stand up can you stand up please ian ian stand up [Applause] there it is we love you man ian how you doing lately you feel good you all right yes doing good am i torturing you are you miserable well people think i'm like torturing him because he's just you know are you okay are you healthy are you being well treated i am not wearing pants oh um can you at least answer the question they think i'm holding you like capture or something no no it's great and i'm getting a lot of exercise because i have to stand up like every time you talk to me so i'm staying fit you don't have to stand up just use your mic okay i thought zach was going to play the stand up all right moving on i just trying to talk to ian because people think that like ian's miserable and that i'm holding him captive and hey but but we're dispelling that right now you are here on your own free will right ian that is right yes yes thank you and are you being are you being treated well are they are you being fed oh here let me get the script again uh ethan klein loves me uh he takes care of me he is a legend huh five star man thank you you guys see nice that was very everything's organic i've been chugging the water all right you want to talk about joe rogan the reason why we're all here today bro does joe rogan have a wikifeed page he must right i've never visited joe's page let's see what kind of toes this look this uh toe rogan has he looks like a toe oh brutal i don't know if i don't know if we had anything to do with that but he's been brutalized holy [ __ ] one star i doubt that we dance you think so someone's got to show this to joe whoever's the guest i didn't do anything but i find one star kind of suspicious yeah one star is like brutal that's brutal love him his photos are amazing dude's got he's got weights on his feet and his hands love that um so he has one star um so joe rogan first of all okay listen i didn't want to have to do this joe but he came after ela he literally called ela an idiot like i can't believe this conversation we're about to have um joe rogan called ila our queen an idiot i kind of feel like it's a flex for me like it's a big flex i could be like yo joe organ called me dumb right yeah i guess so still have an infinitely higher iq than banks here's the clip let's watch it now whitney cummings she's a friend of art so you know i love whitney but i don't know the context of this has anyone watched this they were there whitney was throwing these parties at her house now let me remind you this is during the height of the pandemic people were not even supposed to be gathering at the time yeah everyone there was supposed to be wearing a mask the first time i think i was invited i didn't go second time i was like i mean it does look really fun i haven't done anything in like months and she said basically it's outdoors everyone's getting taste tested so you know um so i decided to go but i was super paranoid about even going i was very uncomfortable going to that party you know just not that i was forced to do it but i it was very uncomfortable experience it was during the worst time of the pandemic yeah the city was saying don't gather there was no talk of a vaccine or anything at that time right and it was like surging and you know um yeah so and we we had we were trying to be very careful because of our son and our nanny and and people in our you know everyone i have i have employees to worry like i'm not trying to give anyone covered in my life so everyone there was technically supposed to be wearing a mask and this was during a time by the way when we were [ __ ] on a lot of influencers who were being super irresponsible going and not wearing masks and stuff so it's like you know we don't want to be caught [ __ ] being hypocrites you know ela was there she was protected she was wearing a mask it was outside and um listen to what joe [ __ ] toe rogan sauna boy had to say about it who's wearing the mask that is hila klein olivia's not she's a gangster look at her she's a gangster meanwhile people have been listening to this outside with a mask on and everyone's tested that's what's so dumb it's not so dumb [ __ ] first of all i don't know why he keeps insisting on this war against like dude again even if it was taken yesterday why do you [ __ ] care if someone's wearing a mask you don't you know why is he he he's he can't why are you trying to prove so wrong bro jogan what are you trying to prove so wrong that you're a gangster all right he's too invested in like hating kovitz it's like part of his identity because he's a tough guy he doesn't need a mask that's for puss is he yeah and he said [ __ ] are are for matt are [ __ ] are for masks i mean i thought he people said that he was joking when he said that but um that doesn't look like he's joking so it's like a theme now that i've seen over a few episodes well yeah he so bill burke called him out when he said he around this time ironically where this actual video was shot joe rogan said masks are for [ __ ] on his show which is like bro i can't get over what a dumb statement that is but bill burr set him straight immediately and he's always been trying to be like oh i'm just kidding but he keeps saying [ __ ] like that which shows that like he clearly is not kidding a whole [ __ ] time there's been [ __ ] [ __ ] on my street walking around no masks you know not quarantining like the people that come by the houses you see the [ __ ] you know the same people that were going in and out of the house who are not part of their family still going in and out of the house you want people to walk down the street with a mask on let's not start this job let's not start this i love how bill was like you [ __ ] dumbass yeah and this is the height of the pandemic this isn't really like a debate like a mainstream debate i mean except beyond like total partisans like queuing on people you know what i mean like the only people that were saying don't wear a mask or people they're like they're stealing it wearing a mask as a symbol of oppression they're just trying to control us so this is like some really alpha to the moon [ __ ] you know what i i don't want to stop [ __ ] like my respect for bill burr went up like times 1000 because i just feel like i don't know everyone like just kind of like caves to bro jogging mm-hmm and um he's alpha what do you expect and bill burr is like he was so quick to be like no no no no no you don't even go there bill is this amazing force that he cannot he will never be influenced or cave like i feel like other comedians go on there and then all of a sudden they turn into like uh i trish always says this but like pick me people where they're like oh joe rogan yeah smoke wedge i'm down for whatever you say or cool yeah [ __ ] masks but bill burr was like [ __ ] you idiot love that here with no medical degree listening to you with no medical degree with an american flag behind you smoking a cigar acting like we know what's up better than the cdc all i do is i list i watch the news once every two weeks i'm like mascara no mess still mask all right mask that's all i give a [ __ ] about i don't care but even they say you shouldn't wear a mask unless you're treating a coronavirus patient no world they didn't say that initially they didn't say it initially no they didn't they did and then it gradually then and then well thank you everybody this is like rollerblading everybody [ __ ] rollerbladed and then there was that one [ __ ] homophobic joke and then everybody acted like they never did it thank you bill and then a hundred million [ __ ] rollerblades got thrown into the [ __ ] ocean we all wore math and then all of a sudden people are [ __ ] sitting there but you don't have the body type for it too scrape [Laughter] man bill bird traumatized me though [Music] it's still part of me that's just scared of him or like just traumatized even though we had like a good uh second yeah yeah the follow-up episode was great [Laughter] but anyway um you know like dude really and then that so it's like imagine it's like olivia is awesome eloquent dumbass god it's such a short clip and so much to unpack but it's like bill said i'm following the rules back then they said you gotta wear a mask so i'm out there wearing a mask wow big deal and then now they say you know if you're outside you don't need to wear a mask it's pretty simple you want to talk about who's dumb yeah i mean there's a whole there's a whole the cdc is like this whole governmental body with scientists and [ __ ] they just tell us what to do you don't have to think about it dude you're wearing the mask that is who's wearing a mask who's that [ __ ] who's wearing a mask who's that piece of [ __ ] yeah i want to name her can that person come up and like go shove themselves fine olivia's not she's a gangster look at her in the front row [ __ ] it give me all the copic meanwhile people have been look at this outside with a mask on and everyone's tested that's what's so dumb hey joe okay you want to talk about dom the the testing doesn't mean anything you can get tested fine but it doesn't give you the guarantee there's a fake you know there's a pulse a false negative yep you can get that and then you would still give it to everyone in the party sorry i don't want to do that to other people i don't want to be the one that's going to end up giving 20 people by accident because my tests didn't work that one time um give them covet and then they give it to their mom and their mom dies yeah he doesn't give a [ __ ] you know again i keep going back the white house who's gangster and who's dumb dude i think that i think being a male means protecting the people right well i'm not giving i don't want to get into like stereo gender stereotypes but like even the traditional male stereotype that he loves males are supposed to protect people right like so what the [ __ ] is protective about being a douche and [ __ ] spreading covered people by the way the white house super spreading event was outside and everyone was tested one person came with covid and a bunch of people got it and almost died including the president joe rogan's actually on the phone he wants to defend himself joe rogan oh he's he's calling in right now the joe logan experience [Music] podcast experience [Music] what's going on man good to see you joe what okay thanks for calling in um i wanted to ask you why do you want red yeah what's in that picture why you look red we're like we're in like this wave of like being evolved and not being involved at the same time like technologically spectacularly evolved to the point okay joe but i wanted to ask you about math fly robots to mars and take pictures okay so can you i just want to discuss math if you can tone it down when it comes to like technology in our opinion here but that is really interesting about monkeys but i wanted to ask you about send people over with metal tanks and guns and shoot people thank you joe from the other people yeah you can hang up on him that guy is not guys that was weird i can't chill for a second just talk about the issue yeah he just kind of seemed like he had when he wanted yeah what he wanted to talk about and just wasn't really listening yeah you know joe rogan got was also in the news recently for saying here actually here let's watch the clip he said something about white man can no longer exist uh here let me play it you can never be woke enough that's the problem it keeps going it keeps going further and further and further down the line and if you get to the point where you capitulate where you agree to all these demands it will eventually get to straight white men are not allowed to talk right because it's your privilege to express yourself when other people of color have been science throughout history it will be you're not allowed to go outside right because so many people were imprisoned for so many years i mean i'm not joking no well i didn't hear the whole thing wait great white men are not going able to go outside i didn't watch this whole thing um did you see this previous clip where you yourself were just talking some really dumb [ __ ] to um another comedian and no one said anything to you and you were sitting there getting paid and doing whatever the [ __ ] you want yeah these straight white male are not gonna be able to go outside but you know okay let me let me finish the clip because this caught me by surprise the whole can't go outside thing that seems to be more interesting than the beginning the part that he was quoted for it's that crazy you know we just got to be nice to you this guy literally laughed at him there's a lot of people that are taking advantage of this weirdness in our culture and then that becomes their thing their thing is calling people out for their privilege calling people out for their position you know so your turn maybe activism crazy times yeah most you know what's funny to me well here joe do you want okay joe's back on the line yeah we got him back if we want to so okay joe do you want to maybe have a more nuanced conversation about the white male experience what's going on man good to see you all right joe joe i wanted to ask you about your comments about do you really think that white straight men are not gonna be able to leave their house not about men who decide they're women who want to use the girls room [ __ ] roseanne barr everyone's mad everyone is so mad and while all this is all this weird personal interaction [ __ ] is happening it's just so i wanted to talk about one more culture the better ai gets it's like we're a.i this was a trash artificial intelligence you're sure my mic's gone back on time i know mine's on so i'm joe will just plant this idea in their heads and just like joe the ass is the way to go because it's like open okay not listening he just he has what he wants to say and he's just he'll just talk about monkeys and ai and [ __ ] and he's saying that he feels like he's gonna be silenced i mean the guy doesn't stop talking i know just shut up and listen i wanna have a conversation um joe actually i want to break this down a little bit because it's you can never be woken up i don't know why he he won't give up on this rabbit hole of like the woe culture you know first of all there's an inherent irony of joe rogan a straight white male who's being paid 100 million plus dollars from spotify to go on you know out to the public and like spread coven misinformation for example like i don't they're that's like the epitome of not being silenced but also what culture isn't just targeting straight white men i mean like i i i hear him about like wolf culture but i always hear about like um natalie what's her name what's her channel i keep forgetting oh you talking about contra point yeah contra points you know she's trans super woke um person and she gets [ __ ] on by the rest of the trans community for not being woke enough so it's like it's not just straight white men and you know what happens to people of color it happens to to women it happens to gay i mean it happens to everybody so like he wants to be i don't know why straight white men they're just so desperate to be victim not all of them but like there's a whole like pity party for straight white men these days and i find it very bizarre i really do that's the problem that's the problem it keeps going further and further and further down the line and if you get to the point where you capitulate where you agree to all these demands it will eventually get to straight white men are not allowed to talk right i feel like he's just mad that people keep [ __ ] on him for his dumb tape for being an idiot yeah he's not an idiot he's a gangster which let's be honest i get [ __ ] on for dumb takes all the time right like i mean that's part of being a public figure that speaks on the microphone all the time sounds like free speech to me i'm not a doctor i'm a for people right let them say their peace too but there's there's certain things that joe's been saying that's like dangerous like the covet [ __ ] like i don't get he's telling his audience don't get the shot he's saying masks was for [ __ ] he literally just like the other day would you have to correct what mr rogan said on his podcast yeah he said young healthy people do need to get the vaccine that's the whole point we need them specifically actually to get the vaccine um right because it's your privilege to express yourself when other people of color have been silenced throughout history it will be you're not allowed to go outside because so many people were imprisoned for so many years i mean i'm not joking no you better be uh you've got to be [ __ ] kidding me bro you better be kidding me i that take is cr dude why why is that not the headline straight white men will not be able to go outside and i'm not joking people think he's joking that's right the guy literally laughed wait i gotta go back it's a great moment it will be you're not allowed to go outside because so many people were imprisoned for so many years i mean i'm not joking no i know i know it really will get there no he's like no i know you're an idiot i know you are actually just really believe that that crazy you know we just got to be nice to each other man and there's a lot of people that we got to be nice to each other shut up you just called my wife an idiot because you wear a mask during a [ __ ] pandemic dick joe's a dick and the dude has the most popular podcast in the world he just got paid a hundred million dollars real quickly do his show for another couple years it's really bizarre that's him and his position he's not complaining yeah complaining about being silenced it's like bro you're like you're literally making it you have like the talking you literally have like the most listened to show in the world yeah where you just smoke weed and ramble about [ __ ] aliens and and ai and [ __ ] all right well hold on hold on hold on we actually have joe on back on the line again is he gonna talk to us uh oh okay so this time i wanna specifically ask him [Music] [Music] okay joe are you there what's going on man good to see you let's see he said the same thing every time i talk to him so odd joe okay how is it that you're being silenced when you have the biggest podcast in the world you're being paid tons of money by spotify hundreds of millions of dollars and it seems to me that you are uh not being silenced at all in fact you're being encouraged uh oh what how do you justify that it's the [ __ ] human interaction part is the part that we can't get right it's real weird look at all the different kinds of interactions that we managed to successfully navigate i mean people have obviously have some kind of relevant business and there's lawsuits in business and there's people that get fired and there's all sorts of problems with people doing business that is very interesting but can you address those done right like business keeps improving things keep getting no i didn't i don't need to know about business we treat each other like the way human beings treat each other we barely get what is what do you think about the wolfness we're not tolerating that [ __ ] her hello joe rogan immediate reactions so it's like when i when i'm he's not i don't think all right thank you joe all right we're cutting them off joe i'm sorry all right the guy is for a con for for one of the greatest conversationalists of all time the guy does not [ __ ] like yeah he's just he can't even stick to the place dumb ass i'm sorry i know people like him but man that's just crazy to me it's just crazy black very entertained by joe um here's falchy correcting joe rogan by the way literally the guy you have such a prolific voice heard by so many people that when you go and say young healthy people shouldn't get vaccinated the head the [ __ ] dr fauci has to go on the news and be like this guy's wrong that's what a what that's how big your voice is i want to ask you popular uh podcast host joe rogan you may have heard about this made comments about young people getting vaccinate vaccinated it's getting a lot of buzz he said if you're like 21 years old and you say to me should i get vaccinated i say no if you're a healthy person and you're exercising all the time and you're young and you're eating well i don't think you need to worry about this saying young healthy people shouldn't get vaccinated just quickly your response well that's incorrect savannah and the reason why that's him putting it nicely yeah yeah you're talking about yourself in a vacuum man right you're worried about yourself this guy knows what he's getting infected in likelihood that you're not going to get any symptoms but you can get infected and will get infected if you put yourself at risk and even if you don't have any symptoms you're propagating the outbreak because it is likely that you even if you have no symptoms that you may need to do like a translation like i don't think joe rogan can understand this language we need a translation like even if you're a gangster um the virus can still break into your body and you can still be like a little [ __ ] underneath but you know you're still a gangster but your body's a [ __ ] it's not your fault it's not your fault if you don't want your mom to be [ __ ] then if your mom is a gangster she could still be a [ __ ] just because you're a [ __ ] underneath that's a really good translation here here's another one if there's a if there's a whole group of chimps and the chimps they are they're bad ass gyms but like one of them see these chimps these chips are amazing wow but one of these chimps gets this [ __ ] disease right he doesn't know he has the [ __ ] disease but maybe the biggest pimp chimp there is the ped chip alpha pimp chimp gets this [ __ ] disease from the other chimp right does he have milk meat he he does eat health meat but not enough i don't know enough not enough alchemy no he ate some fruits or something some [ __ ] [ __ ] some [ __ ] [ __ ] like apples yeah did you guys see this clip there's a meme of him going around too of the um where's can you guys link the red photo of him uh yeah it's been the whole time yeah that was one he posted of him in his sauna the guy is like the guy needs to give up this whole male thing and he's got to be gay i'm sorry to say that but i i hate to unclose it him but there's no way he could be that obsessed with masculinity and not be gay there's no way why is he so obsessed with masculinity the dude loves dude i think i think he's he loves dude i think he's deeply insecure about his masculinity because he's such a little definitely he wants to touch another man's penis because he's obsessed with men he loves their muscles he loves their he loves their hormones he loves everything about men he also it stands to tell that he would also love their penis and there's nothing wrong with that but if you worship the maleness you all the penis is like the is a huge part of the maleness he wants to take a dick interesting science maybe the octopus can speak you got anything on that i'm not a doctor i'm a [ __ ] [ __ ] lee then infect someone else who might infect someone who really could have a problem with a severe outcome so if you want to only worry about yourself and not society then that's okay but if you're saying to yourself even if i get infected i could do damage to somebody else even if i have no symptoms at all and that's the reason why you've got to be careful and get vaccinated thank you dr fauci legendship the man knows what he's talking about oh here's his response since we're in the joe rogan rabbit hole whatever he went after my wife you guys you know this is personal it's like it didn't really go after me but you know what look it's like a perfect storm for me yeah it's like the anti-matter i've already and it's about you yeah i've already been so over this guy with his dumb ideas and then he comes and calms me down it's perfect yeah it's a perfect storm so forgive me for getting a little too amped up over to rogan over here science behind this is not so this is him clearly this is like the thing about this whole thing this uh people being upset at me i didn't say i'm not i'm not an anti-vaxx person right in fact i i mean dude do people always say right to i think so seeing a common thread here they they coach them before they go out just agree say right it's like okay you want to be a guest on this show let me hear you say right um he did say don't get vaccinated so i mean said i believe they're safe and i encourage many people to take them my parents were vaccinated i just said i don't think that if you're a young healthy person that you need it they're wrong that's not what he said though either he said if somebody is 21 and healthy ask me i would say and the way he said it he goes no no you should not get it other people so you don't transmit the virus that makes more sense so i'm not young but that's a different argument that's an argument never trust the argument that you would transmit it to other people wait why is he saying that's a different argument because because andrew is saying you take the vaccine so you don't give it to other people yeah that's not a different argument that's the same that's a different argument it's the vaccine it's one conversation you said don't get it but that's a different argument so healthy person you're not that young okay joe thanks man you're not okay if you were a hot chick then you'd say i was you i'd be like you're on the ropes am i backed up a little bit 37. yeah you're on the ropes bro i love andrew don't say that to him he's a beautiful man anyway that was about sums it up but yeah i feel like joe rogan just turned into a place where every comedian needs to go kiss the ring right it's kind of like go kiss the fortunately even though i not to um throw shade at anyone no that's just kind of like hey i love all these guys they get invited it's this huge platform you go kiss the ring kiss the toe joe rogan's calling in again should we take it i don't know i can't really go over that grade the last few times joe wants to make one more comment in defense of his show saying that it's not just come kiss the ring he's coming back the joe don't you say what's going on man good to see you what's going on bro don't you have more all right joe what's going on man you said according to the phone screeners you said that you wanted to defend your show and say it's not just a place for comedians to come kiss the rink go ahead it's because we're scared i legitimately feel like we're scared and i think when someone like trump is in office we're more scared because we realize how easy it is trump isn't in office anymore you know he's using the term regular person because he's definitely not a regular person he's very sick and everybody knew who he was he's kind of yeah becomes the leader of okay get the [ __ ] out of here because [ __ ] idiot that guy has fried his brain man he can't keep his [ __ ] together no no no no no no no hey stop it all day joe get the [ __ ] off my show bro you have your own show it's way more popular what the [ __ ] sick of that guy i'm not taking his calls anymore can't keep it there's a comment saying this is the new anti-vaxx saying i'm not anti-vaxx i'm just asking questions yeah of course okay what are your questions and by the way joe never explained why he suggested a 21-year-old should not get the virus why because they don't need it because they won't die from kovid well that's where when uh andrew said well you also take it not just because of yourself but also to not transmit it to other people that's a different issue that's a whole different other argument all right that i never heard all right jim okay joe rogan is a giant human toe you know he's got only daughters he's like in a fully his house is like his wife and daughters kind of interesting because you know why because his nuts secrete uh uh what's the female hormone ethan what's the female move on moving on estrogen yeah like man is naturally an estrogen honeypot everywhere he goes just estrogen everywhere all right you want to talk about kendall jenner this shit's pretty funny kendall has the worst marketing people of all time oh vin likes that um truly the worst marketing people of all time you know she's been getting a lot of trouble for her apparently she has this 818 tequila which everyone was already like why is she making tequila you know the [ __ ] does she know everyone's getting rich making alcohol these days you know that like george clooney sold his out was also tequila for like a billion dollars it's a very trendy thing for uh for celebs and even youtube uh wasn't dobrick was making uh alcohol before before he uh we need an alcohol i never drink so i was thinking we should make mayo but oh mayo you gotta yeah wait wasn't that the thing too though that uh dobrik um he doesn't drink he doesn't drink at all and he was selling alcohol yeah he's like known for not drinking weirdos yeah i hate that by the way when you like go out with a friend and they're like let's drink and they get you all right up to drink and then they don't drink how are you going to encourage me to drink how are you what happened to you just like a like a girlfriend not not a guy being weird but it's she's let's go out and drink we're all gonna go out and drink and blah blah and then um what what are you gonna have to drink and then and then i find out like two minutes later she's not drinking that's weird weird bro can you guys look up celebrity alcohol sales so here's kendall on the ranch you know she's an agave farmer you know yeah she knows all about it um are we having problems so what's the what's the criticism here that she's just pretending to care about tequila in specific here even that first one then like people were like even the window is like oh it's all like uh oh that's so stupid it's got like a trash can bag over it like the window broke or something and it's a temporary fix it's like you live in a palace in calabasas like that never happened to you and by the way let's not pretend that there's not like a hundred people with you right now with cameras and lights and makeup and publicist and bodyguard just me on the agave farm right off the camera there's like a hundred people here guaranteed okay i get it they're so annoying i wish they would just [ __ ] off she's so annoying and what's even worse is people that actually buy her alcohol that's even more annoying to me is people who are actually influenced by this [ __ ] nothing of a human being out in the agave farm drinking by herself freak horseback through the agave farm ew also maybe there's more meaning to this but eight one eight is like the area code of the san fernando valley it's like not a place literally not portugal it's just a suburb of la yes so it's like trying to appeal to yeah 818 is like a bougie area code in l.a yeah it's like val it's like it's the valley wait what's the story behind eight one eight then yeah well that's why i i qualify for this maybe there's some other meeting that let's find out but she's from the valley is the thing so that's why let's find out okay let's find out how to speculate i think it i think you're right 818 is our home state california dude that's so you say you're right then it's like kanye it is that then brand is presumably named after the area code for calabasas there you go exactly it's like that's what i'm saying it's just like what that dude you seriously are so embarrassing well the thing about like tequila farmers too is that like it's a really like it is a really rural rustic uh kind of farmer salt of the earth industry in mexico like my parents live there and you see these um is it called no what are they called these agave yeah it's called agave you see these everywhere in mexico and these are like real rural farmers and [ __ ] so yeah she's definitely in that marketing she's trying to project that you know she's just a small town farm girl just like one or two agave plants in calabasas yeah well they they use them often for decorations right but um this fact that it's actually eight one eight after that valley [ __ ] calabasas area code is is honestly insane that's culture appropriation oh my god look at the how the connie also famously put the word calabasas on a shirt so yeah but at least he was like calabasas it says calabasas right who cares about calabasas this is like [ __ ] i hate calabasas is not that cool i feel like they're trying to do like i feel like that only works with other places like new york you know when new york is really interesting it's cool to say new york calabasas for you guys l.a is not cool not like that well some place you could do some places of value but not calabasas yeah santa you could say hollywood that's cool hollywood i mean kind of that's kind of chewy oh it's juggie okay but for you for you guys well i'm not saying i would do it don't get mad at me calabasas is the is like this rich pure white suburb of l.a blacklist is what we called it growing up yeah i grew up near not in calabasas but near it and yeah i mean it's it's it it holds up to that i haven't heard that name before very like kanye lives there so there's also uh hidden hills it's called a hidden bills probably it's true well anyway it's like a gated it's the whole city is gated off and it's just there's nothing there except rich people and they're making yeah it's it's not like beverly hills has like cool mystique you can drive through their shops and stuff calabasas is like so [ __ ] lame and boring i hate it there one starbucks looks really nice but like it's a really nice suburb it's far away too so i don't know what about this whole thing about 818 okay stop it but i don't really care i'm just pretending to be outraged i think it's funny it's funny i'm not going on twitter and being like i mean the celebrities do the show all the time they're [ __ ] just whoring they're just like david dobrik was doing the same thing it's like how do i make the most money as fast as possible but they are very tone deaf i will say that because if you call recall uh kendall's ooh so my finger was getting electrocuted uh if you recall kendall's pepsi ad i mean she is the queen of being um being out of touch tortured artist she kind of sucks as an artist can't make anything good we don't know what they're protesting but we're in tortured souls only oh let's go little dance little music yeah hell yeah it's a festival up there you know protests are wait so right is it a protest or a festival they're protesting like uh they're pressing like someone murdered by um the police and the guys yeah they're like [Laughter] dancing for joy and [ __ ] 2017 this would have been like uh when the ferguson protests and all that was going on yeah so they're out there like definitely not a good time no good times were happening during that it's like it looked like a party to me i'm ready to go protest looks fun someone get the barbecue yeah what is this song yeah i don't know why you did here yeah what's up girl what's up girl yo she's like i'm not interested in the protest i don't want to [ __ ] that guy like everything about this dismissed the mark outfit change no more [ __ ] i'm going to come trump loves it oh and pepsi oh and then then the protest just has like hot nice cool icy bucket of pepsi products like all protests still oh my god got diet pepsi pepsi blue pepsi black what's up dude you wanna [ __ ] i'm gonna impress you right now i don't care he's like what are you guys protesting here i'm about to i'm about to fix this whole situation semen is is another kind of milk dude i literally am dying i'm this is so cringy this is so upsetting it's just people are so people are celebrating that he sipped a pepsi they're hugging do you understand we did it we did it guys he's i got to sip the pepsi i can't deal with this do you guys understand how bad that was i forgot how upsetting that is i think i was wrong the ferguson stuff was in 2015 actually so i don't know 2017. i guess trump just got elected they might have been referencing there was like a women's the women's march yeah i guess that that was more around that time but uh regardless can you imagine the whole parade is focusing on this moment the one she's the center of attention of everybody everybody's holding the breath is he gonna take it huh he took the pepsi no she got the camera ready this is the moment he sipped the pepsi oh we've achieved peace i'm gonna cut the prisoners just got freed we're hugging we're crying [Laughter] i don't know i hope a lot of people got fired for this i really do yeah i mean a bro is well i can't believe this [ __ ] it's the worst thing i've ever seen yeah we did a video where i was drinking pepsi and started slowly dying that was right when youtube started changing the rules and i remember yeah arguing with my guy about he's like dude you're dying from drinking a pepsi that's not family-friendly i was like blood looks too real i was like dude this is [ __ ] comedy like what the [ __ ] here pepsi saves the world let's see we just ended it with um yeah oh they can't put blood in the creature production's new no skip all that it's just the end sketch we did back before covet remember when you could go to the pier [Music] yeah youtube was pissed about this would you like a pepsi he didn't want a pepsi [Music] this is back in the day man we used to get weird and wild with it we had to sneak the pepsis on the roller coaster and [ __ ] we weren't supposed to be drinking that's supposed to be blood okay it's clear [Music] yeah the pepsi is slowly killing me it's poison i think the point the joke i was trying to make is like let's be honest this is poison you're selling like right sugared water to the point of it being poison and trying to sell it like world peace i mean let's be real about what it is people are saying pepsi lives matter pepsi lives matter plm [Music] yeah the role getting on that roller coaster was uh tough they kicked us off when we got off they were super angry hila did my makeup my white makeup you did a pretty good job with the makeup the water was freezing by the way yeah really didn't want to feel it if you don't live in california the water is always cold crazy look at this there's kids playing in the water it was freezing it was like 50 degrees it was horrible [Music] by the way i'll grab the cap so don't worry about the all the littering oh yeah there it is you're really committed to the bit there with the fall ethan always does we always that's what trish does understand about me i always commit i miss making videos like that but honestly pepsi lives matter you guys are right by the way am i still number one on wiki feet uh let's see ethan kleinschrom there's a bunch of new ones oh somebody else has been doing uh censored uh oh so much doing the work yeah oh i'm flattered thank you so much here let's see ethan crying scroth yeah we've got a lot of work here you guys been busy out here 6.7 yeah joe rogan toads wow who did that not one of you guys someone else did that we've been doing the show somebody has been pumping these out wow everybody's playing along nice it says one says you shall not silence the foot soldiers oh with the guy fox mask yes [Laughter] we're still number one here let's look at the comments how do i look at comments is there nothing oh there's a button at the bottom it says comment section yeah i'm gonna get the craft mayonnaise craft man oh it looks like there's just no there's just no no oh they're reporting it yo you guys are giving him a good rating israeli man oh nice zach mayonnaise lots of feet ooh stinky oh stinky these are nice feet get that out of here whose side are you guys on anyway well you baby you said earlier to to vote it up i guess there's been some mis uh mis-messaging mixed messaging here on this one we're not going to tank it until they screw right let's show them how much they have to lose right exactly yo why is there no comment section on schmidt and schwein it might be locked i mean i have a feeling ethan well that's uh can't we get some videos to watch and stuff lady wipes ass in the middle of best buy uh that one's [ __ ] up i'm not gonna watch that one it's nasty it's too nasty because after dark baby no it's tuna bro you can see like [ __ ] on her hand yeah she like goes into a best buy she's like this really big lady and she like is doing a sniff test sniff test who does that ethan does i'm not no i won't say that i feel like you've talked about it on the show before on if i [ __ ] myself no not no the sniff test i'll smell my hand yeah right but i think she i think what she was doing is a little further like a poop you know what this will be fun ela you narrate what's happening go fold dipstick here let's do this ela will narrate what's happening okay go ahead so go ahead yeah explain explain to the audience what you're saying i don't know what do you see having her hand in there gross yeah and that's awful there's visible poop on her hand and um she gave it a good smile horrific she chat's demanding to see this video all right you've built it up too much it's really not it's just disgusting here we go let me refresh it so here she's kind of it goes now look at this you gotta love that yeah i mean that's that's more than a sniff test that's she is that's right yeah that's a dip that's a dipstick exactly she's got some uh she's checking the oil line she got some mustard back there oh my goodness was there visible poop on her hand i couldn't tell or not ugh why'd you show that that's gross can you imagine seeing one someone in public do that like would you call them out like what would you do i would i would probably just keep watching from a spoiler you know what i mean because i would want to see i would be really fascinated by it but i wouldn't want to oh she's touching [ __ ] oh she got i found it really fascinating oh she's got paper she's going in for a while did you hear about a restroom what yeah you can do taking this so far wait you can totally go to the bathroom there's bathrooms oh oh my god there's nice bathrooms in best buy oh her homemade or her husband and child are there wait where did the napkins come from she grabbed it i think for something you guys wanted it so here it is those are just nice bathrooms in best buy i don't know why it had to be like this that you know i second that there are very nice restrooms in best buy so she got you you know this oh yeah i have a memory of good bathrooms and best buy pleasant dump experience in there really you know what's wild is your husband it was just like what's up baby wiping your ass you get it all is it like a fetish thing you think oh what's up baby i don't say that no i don't think so she just i think she's just wiping her ass bruh i don't know if it's a fetish thing all right what else do you got [Music] dude smokes i don't think i can watch this either you guys to be frank someone said this is how kobe started [Laughter] this guy's smoking and then it hurts that's on fire here let me what the hell [Music] oh my god what a dumbass he's lighting a cigarette or something under his shirt oh like no he's hiding no dan he's smoking a cigarette oh he's under his shirt he's smoking a cigarette that's right he's lighting a cigarette under his shirt because it's windy it's a cigarette and he literally he liked his shirt on fire i mean he really did it oh my god dude you uh drugs in public guys whoa dude you're on fire you're on fire [Laughter] what what he hits it and while he's on fire dude had his priorities all mixed up [Laughter] okay decision making at the end there and so so it's like a like a battle pipe it's a tobacco water pipe okay yeah smoking you ever gonna hedge up in the goat we call it water water pipes they'll kick you out if you don't yeah although i mean things are different now no they're water pipes in california it's cigarette papers yes exactly what a [ __ ] gun man that's amazing oh we got a new tick tock joker oh yeah this guy's pretty good we have the whole joker hierarchy i mean hila you tell me what you think about him sometimes you get what you [ __ ] deserve wow sometimes you don't get what you [ __ ] deserve sometimes you get what you truly deserve good insight i kind of love it sometimes you don't get what you [ __ ] deserve it's a good insight like you know how new better than jared leto new action movies have this like super realistic dark look to them so this is like taking it to the next level um this is realistic as it gets here let's watch some more joker content you know whenever i think of batman my heart is just filled with murder [Laughter] i might be my new favorite joker it wasn't it uh 136 likes it went back about 30 foot opened up into a big cavern that was about is this a joe rogan call what is he talking about [Laughter] hey joe you want to talk to this guy joe you want to talk to the driver conference call them yeah let's get them online conference column maybe joe can break through to this guy i don't know uh uh okay all right joe stop with the pump just just stop [Music] just cut to the point yo can you interpret this video for me what's going on man good to see you stop it just talk to him it's because we're scared i legitimately feel like we're scared and i think when someone like trump is in office we're more scared because we realize how easy it is for you making anything of this you know i hate to use the term regular can you turn up his death you're not a regular person he's very successful and very famous and everybody knew who he was but when a crazy showman becomes the leader of the thing whether or not he's doing good arguing politically [Music] i don't know but it's just how he behaves it's who he is that it's who he is like that that freaks people out and that makes people more on edge and so they're more angry and they're they're they're breaking through people out on things and they're more looking to stomp out racism i get it i think they're having a meaning i think they're having a meaningful connection yeah they can batch like caves marijuana has got two bad side effects one oh man i'm out of weed [Laughter] marijuana that's a real joker brain right there step the [ __ ] down dude i don't want to ever see you hear you say joker brain again this guy i i mean yeah there's no competition there let's see i mean we've talked about everything it's kind of what how long we've been going uh about an hour or 45. so we've got jake paul left triller this was a crazy development jake paul was like triller such a dumpster fire then even i am going to leave it got your hat so got your hat i feel like this whole lawsuit was a lot fueled by yeah jake paul and this one guy who's funding the lawsuit and so i think jake surprised them and left to go to showtime it's sent to the show vibe and um i wonder what does it mean for a lawsuit does it mean nothing well i think i mean i could speculate that the that it would weaken their their their motivation less excitement there probably yeah but i i my prediction for triller as a media company is that they'll be they'll be totally bankrupt in two years within two years easily there's they are hemorrhaging cash on their app these fights they're not making money there's no way you think they're making money and coming to me and begging [ __ ] begging money for me just because i watched the dumbass clip gotcha i mean they're going after people in instagram dms right right right you think that they're making money they're literally threatening people on instagram dms well jake you don't even work there anymore apparently you left not really imagine being too much of a dumpster fire for a man that was accused of essay by the new york times jake paul who's already been denounced by puerto rico after living there for a month and jake paul's like trill is too much of a dumpster fire for me okay yeah so i don't have any significant uh did we ever even cover the the turtle thing on the show did we talk about the turtle thing i think we did in front of me did we oh maybe i'm friends yeah jake and logan were driving their golf courses on a protected beach in puerto rico right i saw a headline sea turtle's nest during this time of year yeah and the there's a clip of logan getting all butt hurt that people are calling them out can you find that really because uh but but like at the same time that he's crying about like oh the media's so [ __ ] up everything i do is scrutinized the [ __ ] puerto rican government put out a press release saying they're investigating it no so you can find that too and they were there for like like a week before yes happened like a week awesome one [ __ ] week let me tell you about banana let me tell you about smashed protected turtle eggs i'm a mother freaking blueberry here's the video of them jake's ain't driving a cauliflower with threads through a turtle nesting area allegedly filled with turtles turtle eggs in puerto rico can you imagine that turtles are federally protected wildlife dude can you just chill for like one second and then jake paul's like jake paul's like yo trailer's way too much of a dumpster fire for me imagine being that [ __ ] so and then there's then logan paul gets pissed off because apparently he was there too i can't find my mouse i can't find my mouse you guys it's there i got it well dan switched he reverses on me so now i'm hella confused no you said you want to go up i'm used to going right you can do that but it doesn't make you go any direction you want you know what it's easy to change yeah but if i'm thank you zach if i go right with it the tv is on my left it doesn't make any sense you know what it's in your brain are you breaking open chips oh my god i'm a sick [ __ ] guy like a quick [ __ ] uh [Music] all right guys back baby part of the episode all right i don't know we have a lot of new people i feel like on the show i don't know how many of you remember that then he's got a chip problem and he starts crunching during the show every time i will call him he's eating something like dude can you not eat during the show i am starving but what kind of show is this everyone is chewing it's the back half this is a notorious back off we put up we put our hair down we start eating it's a nightmare look at this official statement from the department of natural and environmental resources i need that harsh me for the chips oh that's a good idea do we have the hush me we can test it with chip eating yeah grab your i know where it is going to try it with chipping yeah well we just moved so so they said this is a statement from secretary rafael machado i have ordered an investigation to determine the circumstance surrounding the use of two motor vehicles on beaches that are presumed to be in puerto rico some media published a video of an influencer jake paul on a motor vehicle on the beach an activity that is prohibited apart from law enforcement agencies although the video does not establish where or when it was carried out dner reminds citizens that this type of activity is prohibited by law to protect the environment and species that can nest or live in the beaches those who violate the law face fines and other penalties i call for us to share the beaches and other natural resources considering their conserve conservation and preservation likewise we applaud that our citizens become eyes and spokesman for the possible environmental damage that some people cause due to ignorance or unscrupulousness we don't care yeah that's clear that's clear so either you can do a chip test very convenient are we off the rails here and then there's something else did you get the video logan complaining how did i do this yeah no it doesn't feel right here let me help you so it's not the most comfortable that right here all right yeah so you want to put a chip in there and then go up to the microphone that looks funny i can definitely hear it in the headphones i can hear it yeah of course sure i can pretty sure i hear it try talking into the mic you looked like you were maybe not hearing no i was laughing because it sounded funny hush me guys on what does it matter yeah i guess i don't really know if the if the on matters for the noise cancellation anything i'm crashing pretty loud is it i mean it's muffled a little muffled it's muffled [Laughter] yeah i can hear it you can definitely hear it we can't even i can't even mute a chip [Laughter] that's fine so wait did you find the video of logan crying about being misrepresented i'm looking for her now i mean i see one where he shared the security guards talking about it [Music] was that no i saw i think it was on his pockets like i'm sick of the media taking me out of context wait out of context for running over a turtle those people don't know what those turtles did before the camera they had a comment they'd added that [ __ ] coming no he was saying there was no turtles on the beach and other people were driving their cars he was like he was just saying that he's been framed and stuff you're [ __ ] savage you gotta do it well i've got nothing left on my document so you guys got any questions anything interesting coming from the uh chat should we do a little q a uh the chat i was in the chat when we were talking about rogan a lot asking um like what you think about whitney not standing up for you in that clip um i don't know i didn't really care because i feel like she was probably just nervous in that situation um i mean it's awkward i think it's kind of awkward and like she's been always really nice to me they're munching chips he was having an emotional moment dancing i'm stress eating sorry so i don't feel like really betrayed or something i think it's whatever it's just that she was probably just nervous and like didn't she doesn't want to set it i think she didn't really hear it i think it just kind of rolled past her mm-hmm yeah she's nice we love whitney i think joe's just a douche i mean it would have been nice if whitney was like oh this is from like months ago but it doesn't really matter because honestly shut the [ __ ] up regardless yeah yeah i see people saying posty all right there was a clip of him on steve they're saying that yeah we can watch it let's watch that um oh yeah oh you know this wasn't this was definitely inspired by post right for sure i did the teddy the polar bear with the post malone tattoo for sure there is no such thing as a coincidence speaking of that um yeah so po you guys remember a lot of people i guess remembered my comment about how i was kind of falling out of touch with post um and so he commented on it on stevo's podcast also a friend of the show small world huh yeah dude and here's the clip um ethan just uh he said he's he just i guess this was like yesterday or the day before he said he was sad because we don't talk anymore oh yeah and it's so funny you mentioned him i just got his number back again so i'm gonna text him tonight he's he's an incredible guy and ela's the most amazing person yeah i i [ __ ] love that dude man love both those guys that's really sweet steve was a nice guest stevo's such a cool interesting guy i i honestly love stevo so much and this is new or from i think he must have like backlogged it or something huh did this just come out i feel like it must have just come out cause he said yeah stevo must have been sitting on that for a hot minute he was sitting on that for like a month stevo's wild ride that's cool he's actually in person though because mine was over a zoom because of the yeah he was supposed to one day ago um genuinely love both those guys yeah i feel like i wish i was and ethan just uh he said he's he just i guess this was yeah so you guys probably want to hear if i heard from post or not i guess yeah dude well like he i didn't but but again it's like see i didn't want to talk about i didn't want to talk about because i seem like a little [ __ ] ass whiny [ __ ] i'm not trying to make a big deal out of it um dude i don't i do that thing too where i don't text people uh i don't text people so i get it but it's nice to hear them say nice things about me because i really respect and love both those guys too so it's nice yeah post is uh cool dude he's really a sweetheart he's really just such as we are and steve was such an interesting cool guy he was um post was one of the earliest guests on the show when i started working for you guys right um and i had no idea who he was and i guess it was before he had really catapulted into that's true because our sound guy alex at the time also didn't know who he was right so interesting yeah um yeah i think it was like later that year that his album came out and he became one of the biggest artists in the world but um you know i was i you know i had just started working for you guys and he was so cool so chill just uh yeah it was super fun hung out with us after the show and everything he's just a really down-to-earth dude his one of his assistants texted me and was like hey i work with post uh let me get your number and i was like here's my number and that's it that's all that's all that happened i don't know how to tell the story without seeming like a little bit so i found it really fascinating i don't want to make it sound like desperate or anything [Laughter] you know so that's that but anyway it was really nice to see them talk nice about me love those two [ __ ] there's people spamming uh ms kiff in the uh chat oh what about miss kif i'm talking with him we want to do something with him yeah i guess he's in uh he was in la he left but he'll be back again oh okay and then i was thinking we could oh you know love had a really good idea that we would buy a rare pokemon box like a super rare 10 000 pokemon box and open it with him he's very into that or maybe you know be crazy you know people do the thing where they cut the cards in half that would be really charged that'd be powerful why do people do that i guess they it's just exciting like they take one pack out of the box and go okay i'm gonna cut this one in half it's like it's like a reverse it's exciting because you're like oh i hope i didn't [ __ ] cut up a really valuable one yeah so it's like a game of risk it's russian roulette with pokemon cards pokemon cards are interesting of your life interesting um people what else were people asking about oh bella um she i guess we we moved there to next week right it's not it's not [ __ ] yet it's not official it'll it'll happen eventually i'm sure but uh it might be next week it might be later so got moved to next week but we haven't confirmed it so we don't know what busy lady i swear to god you're already big timing me you know what i'm saying like and then post them alone everyone drops me the minute they they go superstar like her video was so successful it was amazing um i was really happy for her that her video did so well but it's like oh big time ethan no i don't think so everybody everybody big times ethan i don't think it's like that's not true little stupid ethan pathetic ethan everybody hates him people asking for an update on your diet a lot of comments about your weight loss lately it's definitely noticeable and i'm not not just saying that uh well thank you actually um that's funny i was just with him yesterday i like my trainer actually he's a nice guy we have over nice 80 million 80 million dude her video is crushing it bro wow that's awesome i'm soaked for fair i thought it was good i don't know i thought i thought it was pretty cool look good she sounds good i don't get you know but uh i'll just be sitting here in my stupid [ __ ] podcast studio small time ethan uh we're talking about my weight loss i'm not going on the scale i refuse to get on the scale yeah you don't need to i have a bad feeling if i got on that scale it's going to be 240 fat ass and then i'll lose all my but you guys tell me i don't know well everyone i agree that you look like you lost weight there is a big part of me still that doesn't believe you guys no in your face especially there's a big part of me that's like they're just because so many times i've said i wanted to lose weight and i'm weighing myself and i know i'm not losing weight and and then people say oh you lose weight because they're telling you what you want to hear so that's what so no cookies for you not correct chris not in this case i don't think i mean you were um with peace and love you were i was big you were approaching the triple chin you're down to a double now the number of pins has have been reduced i mean so it's hard to know because i i have to say this about myself i was getting massive for a minute there like 240 i was like whoa that's crazy i heard you talking to trey shy about how cause she's it it is true that your body is just weird a little like big ass hips yeah and i was there with you we were trying to shop pants and it's like it doesn't look like ethan is big but um you can't buy the stuff you want to buy and that sucks thank you it sucks yeah thank you so much i was i was asking ila last night i was like you know how alex jones is before and afters so there's fat ethan here i'm going to pull up my shirt i don't care there's fat ethan or the husky than alex jones ethan and then there's fat do you prefer fat either because i feel like these these two body types are real some of these just carry their weight like this dude some dudes literally carry all their weight like this like and they just cruise around like this and they look fine but my body is like this yeah so do you like fat ethan or husky vanilla because i can be whatever you want um i like fatty thin you do you don't like alex jones eat them congratulations you're fat no look how skinny i look husky ethan looks so skinny there's dudes that carry it like this how hardcore are you sucking in right now as hard as possible [Laughter] hard as possible i couldn't carry this for a long time daddy let's get some daddies in the comments for me actually i do look pretty skinny though i'll accept compliment i've been working really hard on it i've been eating the most boring [ __ ] food i've been working my ass off drinking lemon water and not like pleasant lemon water like really sour [ __ ] up lemon water where's your daddy what is the purpose of that i don't know to him i'm just curious daddy i have definitely noticed as i've seen other people point out though that my gerd is like way better right it is oh i haven't even thought about that but it yeah that's that's way better yeah this is me this could be me ela i feel like me and alex jones weigh the same amount in this photo he just carries it different like a real man yeah similar [ __ ] ding dong yeah it's pretty similar actually here this could be me do you like red me or white me [Laughter] like you look the same thing he's just as fat as me like look my body looks just like his and i'm massive yeah you're 40. i've never sucked i'm just husky or him like this do you think he's sucking in his stomach right here yeah how tall are you i'm like 5 10 5 11. that's how tall alex jones is so yeah he is he's 5 10. so he's sucking it in for sure [ __ ] wow congratulations you're fat yeah so yeah things are going i'm feeling good actually i'm feeling proud of myself to be able to do tips for people weight loss tips this is alex jones are you [ __ ] kidding me are you serious 30 years ago really what's up boy let's go alex how you doing looks so different i see the faces no i see it but he looks extraordinary different yeah like if i saw this and didn't know it was alex jones i wouldn't guess it was him yeah never hmm sucking a ding dong how do i have weight loss tips no it's brut the way to lose weight is that it [ __ ] sucks it's the hardest thing you'll ever have to do in your life you're just gonna have to buck up and just suffer through it because it's [ __ ] awful that's my job that's the tip yep you're just gonna have to suffer good you're just gonna have to suffer that's it that's the truth how am i gonna keep it off once i lose it i don't know i have no idea i have no idea how i could possibly stay skinny you don't think you're gaining like good habits i am but like i always said that before when i lost weight too and i just get fatter than ever but like for example we ordered a burrito keep exercising even if you like lost weight dude i would like to but honestly i like working out i feel stronger but i hate it so much i hate it so really you don't get any enjoyment out of it like you don't get like the euphoria no words i do not know this euphoria of people do you what about like just feeling good about your body yeah no i love that i love that i feel confident i feel afterwards like good like i look better you know so i like that right i love that but the act is just it's horrible it like ruins my whole day it really does because i look forward to it and i'm just like oh [ __ ] i gotta do this then i don't know maybe i'm wrong i'd like to prove myself wrong but for example on tuesday we ordered mexican food i had a burrito didn't eat for the rest of the day did you guys do that i don't remember you guys all had gnarly burritos what did you guys do afterwards i went home and got bubble tea with lena and then i ate some cheesecake at the place don't ask abe yeah well i'm just curious you all you you guys both had gnarly burritos too zach yeah it gave me gnarly sheds too yeah mine wasn't gnarly remember i i had a i had a veggie burrito it was like yeah you were you was but did you eat the rest of the day zach no i was full okay so so i i think i was just living like super gnarly because i would definitely usually eat another i had another meal after that but i didn't eat for the rest of the day that was a plump [ __ ] yeah that was a huge that was huge yeah and i finished it by the way i noticed i was the only one that literally finished every drop of it and i had some chips as well that's what i'm saying i have i have a disease okay but you made progress you didn't eat the rest of the day no no i agree previously you would have definitely oh yeah what's for dinner exactly money look we like there's nothing wrong with liking food but that's progress no there's nothing wrong with liking crack either but you shouldn't smoke it you know anyway ian what do you do what you would do in why why do you um in ian please stand up stand up here stand up stand up [Applause] round of applause for you did you eat the rest of the day in uh no i didn't oh okay interesting so i was expecting them to say yes i did only maybe but you know it would be i didn't have a whole meal either you still have that like metabolism of like he's a young man a young man yeah he's starting to wear but but he didn't even have a whole meal i noticed he had a boba and a cake i mean yeah yeah it's not that crazy so that tells me that i because i was expecting they said i did eat i was living like a monster that's one meal and for me to go home and that's how you can maintain because when you feel like you want to eat something like a burrito you can just don't eat the rest of the day that never occurred to me before to be honest with you and the effort that i made not to eat i felt was personally heroic like after i went got through that day and didn't eat the rest of the day i was like that was heroic that i was able to not eat and yet all of you guys inherently knew not to eat the rest of the day well it's like a feel like when you eat so much it makes you feel sick you know i was hungry though like an hour later two hours later before before you started like your diet what would be like a go-to meal for you like a bad just it could be anything like if there's frozen pizza every time you could just make that at whatever moment you know frozen pizza is not good so what i do is i take cheese and black olives i chop it up i add salt too because it's not salty enough i st and then i make this whole cheese olive medley and i put it all over the [ __ ] pizza so good would you ever like sneak a mcdonald's like would you go through that no i i no i wouldn't sneak food very much i was sneaking ice cream i was eating a lot of ice cream because it was trying the pro also the problem with this relationship is either's always trying to gain weight i'm almost trying to lose weight so she got the pantry stocked with ice cream and snacks and all this [ __ ] and every time i opened the freezer when you put it away i put it away what else can i not have a snack well you put them away and i'm just checking that pantry now right what do you want from me nothing i'm just saying there's a ton of ice cream in the freezer this is not a pan it's it's two things of ice cream my wife still doesn't believe it i'm not blaming you and for me it would last a month but but you come in and he's blaming you i'm just saying that i sometimes lose control and eat a whole thing of ice cream not recently i got an argument yeah i'm sorry i mean i got an argument about this yesterday um for the same reasons but she just keeps buying like really unhealthy like honey buns like the worst thing you could buy like the dollar really it's a cheap one it's a bun it's a honey bun yeah okay like a sweet like a pastry like a sweet rice yeah cinnamon rolls donuts she's buying it for herself or for you for both of us but i can't resist and i'm trying i'm trying to lose weight too so it's a little it's little you guys got an argument not an argument but just like uh help me out here meet me halfway give me some variety and the snacks does lena have like a really healthy relationship with food i don't know she eats she eats bad she's the same way as me but she doesn't gain any weight whatsoever yeah she probably eats small portions and then like like with either she goes we eat the same thing and then you look at the plate i the burrito was destroyed i feel like i've stopped saying that yeah because i call it started calling eel out she goes we eat the same thing why are you gaining so much weight she eats 10 of her burrito i destroy the whole [ __ ] thing and then start eating hers speaking of which though friday is my cheat day friday baby [ __ ] should we get him back on the phone friday baby i'm kidding well that about wraps it up i think friday baby if i could just say this is my first time in the studio with everyone oh right so how does it feel i'm honored very cool i hope this doesn't make you sound like a dude joe rogan's on the fly it's really it's kind of so real to finally be at this moment and should we take care of rogan's call he's on the line i don't want to be rude to make him lay okay what does he have to say he wanted to compliment us from the new studio and carry the hatchet yeah oh here he comes all right joe what's going on man good to see you i'm so sick of this guy he just joe why i don't know why you have to call in and ruin my show we're having a good time you play the music it's so arrogant you say the same stupid thing all right you want to bury the hatchet is that why you're calling that about men who decide they're women who want to use the girls room [ __ ] roseanne barr everyone's mad everyone is so mad i think i've heard this weird thing i already heard someone about roseanne is happening that's distracting the [ __ ] out all right joe wrap it up the better guys thank you for watching you can keep playing it are you going to explain the hats again because i just saw some people say like they're not going to say anything they're probably joining me it's fashion what can i say joe's back on the line he wanted to talk over me as i close out the show you don't have to do the whole thing just play the damn guy talking thank you peace and love it's the [ __ ] human interest thank you for watching everybody we can't get right i hope you have a great friday it's friday baby come on navigating yeah obviously have problems in business and there's lawsuits in business people get fired uh appreciate y'all coming by but overall love you guys love our friends joe right like business joe's not gonna let me finish she's just gonna keep talking over me the guy has no manners at all joe can i at least close up the show things treat each other no we barely get better at that ugh i can't barely talk over this guy so i'm gonna wrap it up because he just won't shut the [ __ ] up someone for doing something that's the word anyway guys uh with like i'll just leave you with joe i guess thanks for watching everybody was like no [ __ ] [Music] [Music] all this weird personal interaction [ __ ] is happening that's distracting the [ __ ] out of us the more it ramps up the better ai it's like we're we're falling into this whole like if this was a trap if i was artificial intelligence and i knew i'd be like well is what we'll do we'll just go back in time and set people up and make them make us we'll just plant this idea in their heads and just like well the ass is the way to go because it's like open and it's not like you don't go through the dermis just connects with you and you [ __ ] see augmented reality with a little tiny robot dick [Music] you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,782,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3h3, h3, h3 after dark, h3h3productions, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, after dark
Id: SaC97huq9Ss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 21sec (8001 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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