How to Conquer Complicated Intersections & Tame Trains in Cities Skylines Vanilla!

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hello everybody welcome back to the next episode of city skylines with me biffer here in antarctica and i love it when you start up your city and houses have just randomly upgraded themselves listen to that noise you can see all the arrows as well above the houses which just means they're all upgrading they're so pleased with changes that we've been making to our city which is absolutely fan flipping tastic i love it and you can see all the houses are changing as well this is nice i said what we've got here uh self-sufficient buildings of course oh yeah i love the look of these ones nice excellent and we've just passed 10 000 population which is just absolutely brilliant so what is our next goal big city which is 14 000 but we've unlocked so many other things that we haven't even touched on yet which is just great i love the fact that you get so many things to play with in this game so let's just take a look around and see there's a couple of things that we can get working even these are all upgrading over here it's just i don't know what i've done differently to suddenly have this happen but it's fantastic people are just moving in in their droves look at it they're all just upgraded right okay so i would like to try and get our forestry up to the next level so i might just get that set up and then we can just leave that going during the episode so we need to get um our workers up to 550 actually let's just check our so unemployment nine percent so we do have some unemployment there um which they could come over here and work couldn't they so maybe we could just i bet we could probably buy a couple of squares this song would be good which would also give us access to the highway so i'm gonna get that we've expanded people are pleased yeah there we go we have this access to the highway here because a lot of people said that would be good to stop all the traffic coming here back through the main uh main connection over here so let's do that let's have a look at this little roundabout here it is very snowy isn't it here on emma highway uh this is three lanes going around here so if we just use one of these off the side is there going to be a node i can easily attach to we could come off of there oh do you know what i just pressed ctrl a for anakin it wouldn't let me oh there we go we can come off of there excellent that's what i want and then we can run that down to i mean this is just a bog standards road isn't it um yeah i'd like to give them a like a faster road to get up here so tell him what we'll do if we just switch it out for a normal two-lane road like this and then we can just actually connect up to there let's go want to go straight straight please straight to there and then we'll hook up a curve like that there we go so they can now get out that way and i think you know what i think it's time to maybe upgrade these if it lets us and of course it's not going to let us all the way down so how about we just leave them as they are yeah that'll be fine so then what we can do is we can expand out this way a bit wow the weather is coming in good gravy so we've got some soil available to us so what i want to try and do is already look already they're coming in this way which is fantastic i want to try and make sure as well let's just push this back here we go that one there we go that's better what i want to do is try and make sure that people aren't going to use this as just a cut through to come into the city so they're going to come down here let's just follow this road and that's going to come out right here and this junction i'm not very happy with i do want to change where that tram connects but that means this junction here is going to get super busy because there's no other road connections into the city i'm just thinking whether because some of these huge long blocks we've got here whether this road that runs down the back should be upgraded and actually come through here but we've got all our buildings and stuff here haven't we now yeah maybe not i tell you what we'll do is we will add a few more connections here if we can so i'm thinking maybe down here is that like up against the building yes if we go down just down there is that too steep no that's okay so they can get in and out up there and then what i'll do as well is i'll add on uh asymmetric road there there we go two lanes that way i'm gonna do the same there yep two lanes going up and we're gonna do the same here which way around is that going it's really hard to see isn't it with the snow come on can we stop with the snow which way is that going let's zoom in yeah there we go we've got the two lanes nope we've got the two lines going in i want the two lanes coming out so that'll be that way excellent that's good that means at least they can cut through up to this road which will be handy i'm also going to give that there so they get a dedicated lane to go in yeah that's good so if you want to cut through up to here they can and then wow this storm and then we could actually put another little cut through here straight through i just think that would be a good idea and where's that giving us the two lanes up again so let's turn that around there we'll add one there and we'll add one there yeah that was right the first time and so is that there we go yeah i've just noticed this dedicated turning lanes we've got this one going in but also this one going straight ahead and in because all of this has got two lanes down the side so what i'm going to do is actually delete that i'm going to use this one here just to do half and then i'm going to just use a normal one to do the other half there we go and then we're going to turn this around where's it gone here it is the end piece so we've got the two lanes going into here which has got three different ways to go and then we can do this piece separately yeah there we go we've got the two lanes coming out now they're dedicated now these should be yep dedicated turning and one straight on dedicated turning one straight on excellent excellent i need to be really careful of how the traffic's gonna go but i'm hoping the amount of people coming this way is going to mean not so much going out this way yeah anyway there we go so now we can extend extend our forestry a little bit further along here um and as we've got into all the traffic stuff and the roads we're actually spending more time on this than i wanted but that's fine because once we've got it done we can just leave that running and that was the wrong type of zone we'll take that back and we'll grab our industry one there we go um i can also chuck in a load of trees before we start which would be a good idea yes i know trees cost money when i when i said before the trees are free i just meant that they're so cheap they might as well be free they're like it says on here what price they are like 12 that one's 10. this is probably even cheaper this one over here that's 10. it's exactly the same there we go in case you wonder why i'm doing that there we go now that is nice and thick with forestry so anything we add over the top of there we're going to get extra benefits which is good so at the minute the small tree sapling is like these ones yeah i actually want to put some rather than the closed in the greenhouse i'd like to try and put in some of these but they're so big um actually it's not too bad i could fit three of those in like that up the hillside yeah that looks good and then we'll just add some of these extra trees in around here just to sort of blend that in there we go we'll run some water down here for these people also going to connect that one to that one excellent let's just check our storage yes we've got more space in there for storage which is fine we've got all the paper coming in there we've got plenty of storage there yeah so we're fine for storage and stuff so we're just going to let that one run and hopefully oh actually is that giving us 521 oh my goodness we're so close let's just add in a couple more until we get as much as we need so yeah i would say maybe two more there we go we've got space for 601 workers so we're just going to wait for people to move in now excellent that is good so another thing that needs dealing with as well at the moment is our road condition and coverage so it's taking so long for the lovely trucks over here and our snow dumps to get around the city that they're not quite covering all of this area down here so we as you can see we do get snow storms quite often so i'm thinking we could just do with another snow dump over there i did quite a few comments telling me that snow dumps give off pollution as well that is not the right one and they don't look you can clearly see there is no pollution around these two snow dumps there you go the pollution that we've got over here is coming from our incineration plant and our recycling centers yeah there we go so we can actually add in one of those snow dumps almost anywhere the only thing to keep in mind is the noise uh where is this thing so it's got pollution zero well there we go that told you noise pollution 100 so actually yeah they're not going to be happy with that so maybe we could do a little something over here where we've got our tram depot i think we could try and use this space at the back here so let's come down here need to take a look at it's got a little backup of traffic we'll sort that in a sec um so that's going to come to there then we're going to take a normal road say to there actually that could probably go a bit closer couldn't it yeah there we go i want to go like that down there oh add it there go on one there we go and along the back so it sort of runs parallel to there excellent and then if we grab our snow dump so i wanted that one yeah that one could go there and we don't actually have a road maintenance depot now that we've got the money uh we might as well do that as well because that is going to boost the traveling speed of everybody and that could perhaps come along here and then we'll have that road going up the side excellent sort of making a little community of things along here let's give these lovely people some heating there we go that'll be good and let's just take a look at what's going on here with the traffic so they're stopping here i'm assuming there's either a traffic light or a stop sign there and a stop sign there but not there that is odds so if i put a stop sign in actually take it even longer so why are they stopping there is this gonna be one of those weird vanilla things for no reason there's nobody crossing is it because of the tram line that they're deciding they want to stop and that's a bit annoying because that's going to start causing traffic back there yeah they'll do a similar thing here and they're turning around oh my goodness me vanilla game mechanics and that's all building up back there huh what could i do about this i don't know yeah i think it was because this node here was too close to this i've just moved over here it was too close to this node which was right here and those two nodes together was making them stop and start whereas now that i've shifted it over look they're all going through perfectly fine so i'm wondering whether let's put this one back in there whether we could just try and change this round a bit we'll put those roads back instead of having that come out that way let's have it come out a little bit further down just so there's more of a space between this node and this node and i think we'll be okay i mean one you know vanilla game mechanics once you realize it's this one here i want isn't it what is going on it shouldn't be too bad i mean if i go we're going to lose two shots let's go where we just lose one and then we'll take that bit out um [Music] yeah let's try that so this node here is now further away from there oh we got traffic lights let's take those away to junction i just want stop sign and stop sign actually i'll be i keep forgetting if we adjust the roads here and make this our main road through here so we're going to do that one so that goes up there all along there all the down there all the over there yeah we've got that actually already set up i'm going to leave that as it is yeah i was told actually i don't think it does that so that was already set as the main road i was told oh hang on hang on hang on hang on hang on junctions routes adjust road i want to adjust this road this road priority road there we go that is what i want to do so now if i take traffic lights out it will automatically put stop signs on the side yep that stop sign can go that one's going to go as well just so hopefully they keep moving and i think this is the same look the this node is possibly too close to that node and it's just causing all sorts of weird oddities going on i think for this one you know vanilla game mechanic say can that go straight into there no okay that's fine well that's good because actually i don't want that to go straight into there i want these to come out right there maybe not there here we go what have i done okay if you go there and you go there and then we'll turn you around so it's still a bit winky wonky at the bottom here but you've got a longer run i mean to be honest i think this roundabout's gonna change anyway because these are absolutely look at the size of that thing absolutely tiny so if that doesn't help i'm gonna i'm gonna rip it out and redo it anyway so let's just have a quick look at the yeah look at that they're going up there and round instead of just going around the roundabout yeah nobody's going down this road look that is odd so something is not right here is it something is not right okay we'll come back to that you carry on being stupid yeah there we go so all this traffic has gone down here now so that's fine yeah pleased with that okay uh let's just redo this thing over here um [Music] yeah so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna delete this and i'm gonna delete this over here oh auto save quick sympathy ah i'm gonna delete these so we know they've got to connect and we know they've got to connect and this one is going out to i mean it just seems a bit pointless that one but we'll do that anyway and i'm just wondering whether we could just change how this is i feel like this could just go straight under there and not have these two separate roads and it may be work a bit better let's let's try that let's get rid of those let's get rid of that is there another one under there oh man i'm gonna regret this because we're not gonna have enough room now to get this underneath yet again i've completely forgotten i don't have load anarchy so if i take that under there it ain't gonna work is it gosh darn it okay which angle is that going that is not going at the right angle let's just try and see where this would go let's turn off road guidelines so i want that to connect to there actually we could put that in couldn't we um yeah if we go like that and then i want this to dip down under here so that's what's happened we've lost our dips haven't we so i'm going to delete that that that that that and that and that yeah let's take this one out and we're going to pop this through here i bet there's gonna be a way i could get that through there no okay oh man i'm just ruining this junction so if we go like that and then over here we'll dip this down i've got a plan i'm a man with a plan uh she want this one we want smaller and we want to go let's see want to go down let's try that i'm not sure that that's low enough but we'll we'll give it a go and then it comes up the other side i mean that's barely gone down at all is it but actually we might be able to just connect these up over the top without worrying too much so let's give that a go because we can go up to there over the top and to there that isn't low enough okay that's fine we'll go lower yeah i'm thinking what the problem is that we're getting here is all of this junction was built by somebody using anarchy and move it mod and all that sort of stuff and i'm trying to squeeze roads in that actually in the game would normally not be able to be this close to each other um so well actually i've got that one in there though haven't i maybe i can not quite not quite uh let's get rid of that we've managed to get that over the top okay that's good we are getting there we are getting there [Music] yeah see this is the one i don't think we're necessarily going to get in because they seemed really close to me oh there we go so we have managed to connect that up wow i'm quite pleased with that i think this one's gonna have to go down a bit lower as well yeah let me just adjust this we're getting there we're getting there right i think that's all that connected back up good grief um and then just just see whether we can get this to connect into here uh okay i'll tell you what i do have a newfound respect for people that play on vanilla all the time i have completely forgotten uh what it's like um this really isn't very good up there but i think for now we're just going to go with what we've got this needs to change a bit what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna bring this down to there we're gonna connect that to there and then this bit here so we've got this connection over here as well which is a little bit odd but i'm going to bring that down to connect to there see in these two coming in here this could be a reasonable size roundabout so let's get oh man making roundabouts by hand haven't done that for a while have we let's grab that um and we're gonna go this way so i want that to connect to there i'm gonna go like that we're gonna make it a decent size roundabout um let's go to row length that's what i want in the middle so we're going to have 10 out that way and let's get rid of those 10 out this way okay i think that is definitely better than it was i'm pretty sure we've got everything connected as it should be um we'll see how that goes let us just check our junction so okay let's try this again let's close that check our junctions yeah so we'd probably have a stop sign on there but i'm going to try it without i'm going to put one there actually i might just leave it without any stop signs and just see how it goes and i'm hoping then with that connection across here as well it's actually going to run okay let's just keep our eyes on this for a moment yep going really well no traffic coming on or off of this at all which is great i've just got the achievement faster road which is fantastic oh man you're just running out of water we'll come back to you guys which i think there we go road maintenance condition and coverage um which is a coverage doesn't go that far but condition okay i wonder whether they will get all the way out there 13 are out so we'll just see how they go right our water heating availability water availability do we have oh we're so close i just want the large water tower but i think as money is no object and we're gonna be getting that soon anyway i'm just gonna pop this down somewhere all away from the pollution you know we did that before it's not going there just so we don't have everybody dying there's a little bit of noise attached to that but i don't think people are going to be that bothered and we'll just go like that yep that'll do for now are you all happy do you love me again yes you do excellent right okay so what is that taking our traffic to back to 90 percent again excellent excellent excellent right so i see this needs to be changed at some point we'll get to it how's this one over here going it's fine can't complain at that so we need to expand some more so i'm just taking a couple of moments to get an overview of the city and see perhaps how we could plan things out here so for access in and out of the city we have this roundabout at the top that we've sort of just put into our forestry i think this could come straight across here on a bridge and bring in another collector down into this area also with this big roundabout here and access to the highway here we could bring this one up and have this sort of attached to that road which i think will be fine um and that gives us another collector through here as well as this one through here which i think would be good and then i mean we could even have a little junction to the highway over here by the mountains which just look absolutely stunning i have to say they just look great don't they so yeah as we come down here before we get to this bridge i think maybe we could have another highway connection so let's just pause the game let's just run some roads through here and see how this looks is that coming out there straight i think it is excellent so again we've got our railway line here which we need to deal with um which i completely forgot about what's going on over there i was a little bridge so yeah somewhere we need to bring that in and have some sort of train connection it might even be that we use this spot to have a train connection in there but yeah we'll get to that another time and then this road here let's just delete that uh that could come across here this would be a perfect spot for a bridge let's pick one of the new bridges from our dlc probably the one that we used before uh four lane stone bridge because i do like that one there we go that looks good and then if we can get this to line up as well over here that would be fantastic and i was just going i was gonna just do the thing i normally would do in a situation like this which is put anarchy on and just draw that straight over the top like that and then lower this down but of course we can't do that so actually that dips down quite well so it may be that we can just get over that is that a big jump yeah i don't want it to jump that big let's go so what would be almost flat that would be almost flat and that could just go straight over the top like that oh that is just perfect and then do i keep that up in the air when we get over here in fact this bridge just needs adjusting that has not worked out right at all let's try that again so we're going to go across there let's go halfway right we're going to turn off road guidelines so we can get halfway and i want this to be flat so that's flat and then this side when it gets to the other side how's that looking that is looking flat to me and then when we get over here it just seems a bit silly to try and put this down to the ground again so i think we're going to keep this up in the air like so and just bring that every row guidelines on again and just bring this in to here so if we go there like that no let's do it this way yeah got that weird sort of dip going on down there don't like that at all um so maybe what we'll do is when we get there is we'll bring this down lower so let's go straight to there instead if we do that and then join them still got some weird freaky horky bulky stuff going on i am gonna fix this there we go that's not too bad bit more of a slope going on there i'm just wondering whether we could slope this up a bit better no we'll leave it like that that's fine yep i'm happy with that and then the rail line goes underneath which is just great and that can then hook up to here and then this road over here can just hook straight in to there excellent and then we're definitely going to give these guys a little upgrade for some dedicated turning lanes and we are also going to do i don't want traffic lights blocking the flow of this going through um so i'm afraid it's gonna have to be a stop sign which is all we've got available there excellent and before we unpause this road here could just literally go straight into there i don't think the amount of traffic that comes through is going to be too much of an issue if we do that now normally with a collector meeting a collector you would have a traffic light here we can start the game up again because there's so many cars coming down but that is so near to the roundabout that again i'm going to sort of treat it this way and we're going to go junctions turn that off and do that what we could also do as well is adjust roads make that a priority mode all the way through up to the end there we go and then just make sure yeah we don't want that that's okay that's okay and we don't want that yeah and i think that should be okay so they're gonna stop here i mean it's not that busy so just i might just take the stop sign off and just go without and just keep that moving yeah we'll go with that i mean if we need to adjust it we could actually run that into the roundabout here but we'll go with that for now and see how that goes excellent so that gives us another big parcel of land in the middle here to work with and i'm pretty sure a collector off of this main road coming through to this main collector here would be good which means upgrading one of these and losing some houses um [Music] to me it seems like this one through here would be the best one because people are gonna cut through anyway so we might as well do that let's give them one with trees on as a way of apologizing for all the buildings we're about to delete i'm just double checking if i can do that yeah we need to move some stuff so the firehouse could move just over there so it's on the side road but near the main road that'll be okay that'll be okay yep it's all okay there we go excellent and i'm going to do the same here all this noise is driving me crazy yeah sorry if you're struggling with noise yeah we'll do that down at the middle there and we've got a lot of extra little roads that come off the side actually if i do adjust road there make that a priority road and then we just need to make sure we change that now all of these have got traffic lights so now that should automatically put the stop signs in for us yep and then down here again i'm just going to go with the stop sign coming on uh the only other one i might change is this one we've got the tram we'll see how it goes i mean i'm seeing this and this one as the two big main roads and even though this road's the same size it's a smaller sort of main road i mean collector sort of thing so maybe we'll go with that and we'll see how that does us okay we probably just need to put a little bit of zoning back in here so let's fix this up there we go i think that's it that's fine what's that building there oh it's just a house excellent okay so let us take a look at what we're gonna do in here i'm tempted to leave this train line going through here like we said and see if we can get a station in here now we have unlocked those now haven't we yes we have so what is the noise radius 115 let's just have a look at that that's not too bad what is this here so this high density residential low density it may be that we change some of these to offices if they complain too much because this side it doesn't really overlap that side it overlaps a lot but actually that is facing the wrong way isn't it all together that is not gonna work let's put in a road and maybe go across like that that is not gonna give us enough space to get in and out with the rail line we're going to lose this row down here we've got a load of money so let's just pop this i don't even think we're going to get up and over there you know let's pop it in and see yeah everyone's happy anyway it means coming down here moving the hospital perhaps hmm let's see what we can do oh do you know what i'm a bonehead i bet we've got a raised are these are all metro yeah elevated jewel island train that is just humongous that would not fit in there what's this one elevated bypass station that one would have worked do you know what we're gonna take that one out and that is already raised that is definitely train isn't it train station let's do that one oh that just goes right down the road though look it's set so far back darn it okay we'll do a little bit of maneuvering oh it needs emptying before i can move it darn it um what's going to do is shift that over move this road back and then the rail line is going to come down here instead all right while that's emptying uh we've got our hospital here that we're going to need to move let's pop that yeah let's pop that there no what's that in there oh fire station okay you can come off the side road there you can come off of there space ready occupied what else have we got oh a police headquarters can you squeeze in there no yeah you're gonna go there space ready occupied over there thank you sorry for your loss of a very good street that you used to live in okay so we have to wait for this to empty probably gonna take a while it stopped emptying okay please empty hey and off camera we've hit big city so extra square at liberal arts college campus visiting scholars what's that policy got some nice parts and things so crematoriums which is good we generally want to be using those and large water tower excellent train metro hub cool crossover train hub old market station i do like this one multi-platform elevated no i don't want any multi-platform type stuff in the middle here but there's just this one that i found the elevated island platform train station two platforms one upline one downline that would fit there and then the line would go up the other side so we didn't need to move everything and then coming the other way i mean so much more you need thought you need to put in when you can't just anarchy stuff in oh i want to just go for that one let's just go for that one let's stop emptying that yeah and instead we're going to go straight down here with our line so let's just see where this ends up uh if you come on there so are we up in the air the same you think we are no space already occupied i know it's just houses and stuff oh it's not letting me because of the road underneath what what if i delete that and run that along there can i then put this road back in uh it was this one yes few there we go that was just a which order you place the things in issue that's fine now this line is going to give us um some noise all the people that live here and where we're trying to get to over there so we're going to have to maybe redo that yeah but i think what we're gonna do is we're gonna remove all the houses that are either side like this and we're gonna put offices in because offices tend to not care about the noise and they will buffer the noise to a certain extent that's like trees and things yeah and trees and things will as well so we can put a load of trees along there okay that's that one and then this we just need to get out to the other side um so if i went straight across like that it's gonna have the same problem isn't it uh okay let's delete that yeah i can get across then we'll pop in the tram road again hopefully with no issue yeah that's good excellent and then i'm thinking where to go here i mean we probably could literally go straight through and the reason i'm doing this is just purely for interest you know we'll deal with any noise problems later but having a railway line sort of running through an area like this and then maybe changing the way the roads are set up around it i just think that's great because in my mind it's almost like this was all built you know old dirt roads and then we sort of upgraded it a bit and then we've got some wonky rows through the middle and it just makes a grid more interesting so then if too many people complain about the noise from the railway line through here we'll change some of the roads we'll get uh we'll take some more low at loans yes loans uh as a small town and we'll we'll do some changes um okay let's just pause again well amanda avenue is gonna get deleted a bit we're gonna come through there and then hopefully that's going to go back again with no issue is it it's going to have issue oh yeah it's got that's a little bit there um okay we need to put some thought into this then don't we how we're going to do this let's pop that in let's delete that let's bring in the railway line but i want it as close as possible so we'll turn off road guidelines we'll turn off a grid and turn off road links yeah there we go so we can get this right up to the edge like that and then will that go over the top yeah it's wanting to put a pillar in the middle that's the only problem oh i know what i'm talking about look we're getting over the top now oh fine fine fine fine and then we can go straight through here so what's it hitting now it's hitting this place the elder care okay uh what have we got in there the child health care center what's that going to cost to move we've still got 330 000 so it's not too bad that was just such a cool spot for that unless we bend it a little bit like beckham if we grab this and just sort of start bringing that around a bit we can move this this is gonna have to go anyway firehouse yeah that can go oh i don't want it off the main road i'll make it off the side road oh then i'm probably not going to bend around it now am i nope that was a stupid place to put it um okay yep that's fine so then if we take this and just bend it round slightly i want to get up and over here maybe there and then can i go straight out here that road's not gonna like it okay we'll delete that road we'll get up to there see whether that works then we'll pop our road back in it's that pillar okay that's fine what we can do then is we can come out here and we can bend a little bit can you let me bend turn off an angle yeah there we go so we bend and come out straight oh i thought i'd click to my mouse didn't click there and pop that road back in no oh we're so close we're so close yay there we go so we can come out there and then we delete all of that and then this might change let's have a look let's have a look we've already got it going under there i'm just wondering to bring it along here up nice and high oh auto save quick 70 like that um let's turn off road guidelines so maybe out to there and try and get this to curve around and come up and that leaves all of this space free and we've just sort of more or less got it going along the road and we can have some offices and things down there yeah let's see let's see what we can do there we go i think that's okay i mean we could i'm just thinking about a different way of doing it now we could just go straight across there and then come down to meet that side maybe i'll come back to that we'll see we're going to be building up in this area at some point anyway and then the same with this one here i'm just wondering whether we could just go straight over the highway probably not i would imagine with the height for that no how close is that not close at all um so we could just redo this and instead of that bridge part being there being here but it's um ideally what i'd like to do is keep the railway at the same grade and i know what's going to happen i'm going to delete this highway and i'm not going to be able to place them close enough together all right we'll do what we can let's bring that across there like that because now i'd like these both to dip down to go under here just probably got enough room to spin it through there let's see yeah see that's the problem as soon as i draw in next to here it's just saying there's no room because this one is right smack up against it which is such a flipping pain using a map from the workshop was over here there's plenty of room so yeah bit annoying bit annoying yeah i'm going to end up redrawing in all of this am i ever going to be able to connect this highway again because it's so close all the way down here and it goes off the map until we get up there i could have really have done myself in here although this isn't the main way into the the city by any stretch of the imagination but oh this is so frustrating when it does this for no reason at all other than the roads are right next to each other huh oh okay i think i found the solution i've literally just deleted the next segment back and there's just enough room to get it in there like that ah beautiful look at that road that is just amazing so all i need to do is work on getting all this flat and i think we're okay so that's good oh there we go that's much better then let's just turn these around that connects we've done it so it goes down underneath this doesn't need to go oh that's a load i've deleted that already yep that's fine and then that can come across here you can come down and connect to that round there oh yes absolutely excellent let's put all of these back on again let's go down and there we go we've got our train connection i don't think that's too bad through there let's unmute that i put these flying cars they're loving it excellent okay i might bring i'm just thinking it dips down quite a lot here might bring this a bit closer we might end up with some other things going over the top let's see what happens um so through here we just take a look at our noise so this is a lot of noise we're going to put some buildings around that but the actual rail line itself isn't too bad um but what i'm going to do is any spot along here that's like right up against it i'm just going to put offices in there instead so we're going to take that oops wrong one and take that out and pop that in there we go and that's all offices down there so yeah that's fine that is good excellent so then what are we going to do with this area um i don't mind leaving this here i've stopped it emptying it doesn't matter and then on here we've got intercity trains because that's the only station that we've got so that will be fine we've got plenty of parking in here our trees that was something i wanted to place um let's get a nice big tall tree how big is that one yeah they're the ones we normally use i want a nice big thick tall tree they look a bit spindly yeah something like that along here would be good i think do we have any yeah so it's just this little section in between yeah i think that'll be okay and then when we get down here we've got some smaller trees going on in here so let's grab some of these ones and then we want to get some walking paths around here for our lovely people um yeah let's go with let's have a look let's have a look i like these ones here let's go for trade school path with decorations and ideally i'd like that to go through the middle so let's turn off row guidelines and grids get that as close as we can yep through there like that hmm i don't like the way you can't sort of bring it even closer and you get that sort of annoying sort of bit if we get it as close as we can we might just have to we might just have to live with that that's fine we go so people can get through from there it's not too far of a walk from other places as well um i'm sure there's going to be something nice that we could add into this area here if it isn't too big uh cinema noise pollution 30. you know i don't know what is the top sort of noise pollution people would complain that i really don't uh shopping center that's noise pollution 100 that would be okay you know having a little cinema here tucked into this area let's pop that up to there yeah no one's complaining about that that's fine and there may be a little park or something out here let's have a look at what have we got what have we got spa hotel nice little small one like this yeah the plaza with the dead fits in there well and i think now i want to move this over to get that sort of in the middle ish yeah there we go turn this into a nice plaza sort of area excellent with all of our snow and then we'll just pop some trees and things in here to pretty this up as well okay i'm pleased with that connection through there this end here i'm gonna change it a bit i'll work on that when we get to that part of the city and one little issue i need to look at is education uh we've grown a lot but not increased the schools um so our elementary school this one here is almost over subscribed this one here is pretty much jam-packed as well and we put all this density stuff over here and we didn't pop in any other schools so let us go for this type of elementary school and there's actually a nice little slot right there which we're going to pop it in excellent and then i also think we need one down here so we're going to use oh we've got our water oh yeah we can upgrade our water can't we uh we will get to that uh up the back here yep that's fine so that should cover that area and then if we go back to our high school there we go we've only got one high school over here that is jam-packed uh that one's jam-packed as well yeah so we definitely need another high school um could we put that what we got down here well that's an elementary school could we squeeze it in here we could that is a high school listening yeah well so we squeeze one of those in there and i almost feel like i want another one in here but let's go with that one for now and then universities and we have none okay excellent so that's why some of these places are complaining of not enough educated workers because they would like a highly educated worker but we don't have any highly educated workers i am wondering whether some sort of university in this area here would be good let me know what you think because we've got these available now haven't we let's have a look what have we got yeah we've got the trade school campus the liberal arts campus which university would you like to see or we've got the university campus that will unlock at 28 000. let me know in the comments below and i think this spot here would be good because we're going to start expanding out a lot over here and we're going to run out of electricity it's getting cold so what i'm going to do is just mark this in and it's got great access to transportation here as well so campus area question mark let's pop that let me know what you think what's going on with our power whoa is there a fire somewhere yes there is this has caught fire okay are they gonna come and put this out super quick if you don't mind yes and here they are excellent thank you well i think we're gonna leave it there for today let me know your thoughts in the comments below thank you very much for your continued support don't forget tomorrow we have new tealand which is our modded city and then we alternate back to our vanilla city here antarctica have a great day thank you and goodbye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 101,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines how to start, cities skylines how to start your city, how to start a city in cities skylines, cities skylines no mods, cities skylines vanilla, Cities Skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, biffa plays, cities: skylines, cities:skylines, biffa2001, city builder, cities skylines how to start your first city, cities skylines vanilla lets play, cities skylines snowfall, cities skylines trams, cities skylines trains
Id: 6qqDISEOtvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 38sec (3158 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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