SML Movie: The Free Pizza!

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guys guess what day it is it's pizza paloa oh dude you know I love pizza poooa yeah guys I think it's so cool we have a pizza party every weekend Oh I know oh dude we got to go over the top this week yeah we got to order like 10 pepperoni 10 Supreme well stop flapping your gums and order that Z Junior okay let me get Chef pe's credit card Chef peipe get in here what do you want junior can we borrow your credit card so we can order pizza for pizza paloa what the hell is a pizza paloa every weekend we order pizza and have a pizza party no the hell you don't Pizza is expensive and we don't have the money for that well does does Dad have the money no your dad is out of town at a chubby taster convention you know you love them fat [ __ ] well well did he leave any money behind no well then what are we going to eat oh your fingers cuz I'm not cooking for you huh what no pizza Ballo a dude I'm going home yeah screw this no guys guys guys we're still going to order the pizza and we're still going to have pizza paloa but Junior we don't have any money no money yeah they don't just give pieces out for free dude well I was thinking oh we got to think of a plan we can just do something um hey everybody shut up my favorite pizza commercials on boy have you found me any good deals on pizza yet not yet Captain well you better hurry up and find me one or you'll be walking the plank wa look there Captain Pizza aoy y that'd be a beautiful Pizza I just wish we could get to that pizza faster boy we have the fastest ship in the Seven Seas we'll get to that pizza and Fire 5 minutes or less or it be free what you hear that at Speedy Pirates Pizza we'll get your pizza to you in 5 minutes or less or it's absolutely free yard cuz we go as fast as a pirate ship you know pirate ships don't actually go that fast it just kind of depends on the wind I mean boats are actually the slowest means of transportation none of this really makes any sense why are we a pirate pizza company listen man I lost my eyeball and my hand in the Marines it's the only business I can start oh I I guess that makes sense it's just Pirates aren't really known for being fast is really my point man I love that commercial see it's great because it doesn't make any sense like why are they pirates pirates aren't fast like it would make sense if they were race car drivers or maybe astronauts and a rocket ship or maybe like 911 pizza and they were cops but Pirates doesn't make any sense guys I just got an idea that commercial says that if the pizza doesn't get here in 5 minutes that it's free so why don't we order the pizza and then stop them from getting here on time and then we get the pizza for free and we can still have pizza paloa dude that might work but Junior what if the pizza does get here on time we won't be able to pay for it okay if it does get here on time we just either we won't answer the door or we'll answer it and say we didn't order that people prank pizza places all the time oh yeah I guess you're right the stakes are pretty low on this one yeah so let's order the pizza and then try to stop from getting here let me get my phone okay all right guys it's ringing yor thanks for calling Speedy Pirates Pizza where if we don't deliver your pizza in 5 minutes or less it's free and I have to walk the plank yeah we want pizza okay what kind of pizza make sure to tell them are specials hold on I have to put you on hold cuz we're hitting some Rough Waters and I don't want to fall overboard what I said make sure to tell them our specials and for God's sake read off your damn script boy okay specials got it okay I'm back we almost had a mutiny on board but that's over so I'm ready to disembark on your order we want pizza okay I got that you want pizza you called the [ __ ] pizza place hey what's your language lad Pirates cuss okay not these Pirates long gone are the days where Pirates be rated God I hate this place that's why it's called a sailor mouth okay what do you want pizza yeah I know you want pizza what kind of pizza a big one a big one a large pizza a large pizza super large super large are you sure you don't want the medium large no the super large okay well for five Delo more I can make that a Super Ultra Mega large it's a 16in pie instead of a 14in yeah we want that one okay do you want some parrot wings with that no what about some Peg Leg bread sticks yeah I think we want bread sticks mhm do you want that with Davey Jones's garlic sauce no we want the mermaid marinara okay mermaid marinara got it well can I interest you in some of pey pirates pickled peppers no what about pety Pirates bucking ear of corn uh we don't eat corn in Pizza doesn't make any sense no I know but it's on the menu I no we don't want that okay what about a yoh ho ho in a bottle of Diet Pepsi no okay well can I interest you in some scallywag sugar cookies we just want the pizza okay just the pizza well your total is going to be $27.16 de Bloon and I'll be there in 5 minutes or lesser it's free but don't get your hopes up cuz this ship goes fast that was that was a cruise ship noise but pirate ships don't make that noise pirate ships don't make any noise they just kind of Creak ju just shut up and deliver the food boy okay I'll be right there Jesus oh oh oh yeah by the way uh heav an ARG amazing a night God I hate this [ __ ] place all right guys the pizza's ordered okay let's start the timer so Junior how are you going to stop the pizza from getting here on time time I was thinking we could call the cops and say there's a dangerous drunk driver with a bomb in his car going down the road and the cops will pull him over and that'll eat up a few minutes but Junior that's making a false police report that's illegal dude that's definitely going to work thanks Joseph let me use your phone to call the cops Cody Junior I'm not letting you use my phone to make a false police report I can't use my phone Cody my phone has the timer on it bro don't R going the plan okay fine just block the number okay Junior here's my phone all right it's ringing 911 what's your emergency ah there's a guy driving crazy and he's drunk and he has a bomb pull over but let him go cuz he has pizza all right I think they're going to get him okay hope that works God I hate this stupid [ __ ] Pizza Pirate [ __ ] and I hit my manager in his stupid fake ass Mr Krabs voice and I hate this stupid Pizza truck cuz it tracks my speed to make sure I get there in time God damn it you have got to be [ __ ] kidding me I'm a cop [ __ ] I don't have time to get pulled over I got to deliver this pizza in 5 minutes or less or Mr Krabs is going to suck my ass or whatever I don't have time for this God this is such [ __ ] I got a call that you driving recklessly drunk and you had a bomb Simmons I do not have time for this oh hey mate why are you dressed like a pirate I picked up an extra shift at some stupid [ __ ] Pizza Pirate Place oh well I got a call that you're driving recklessly drunk and you had a bomb I wish I was drunk you know that's illegal mik yes Simmons I'm a cop I know the law well do you have a bomb in the car no I don't have a bomb where would I get a bomb I don't know but do you have one no I do not have a bomb all I have is a stupid pizza oh what flavor is it it doesn't matter Simmons it's pepperoni oh can I have a slice no I'm in a hurry oh all right mate well one more thing before you go you're a doctor right yes I'm a doctor well I got this weird boil thing on my ass I was worried that it might be happies can you take a look at it for me I do not have time for this oh come on mate it'll be real quick okay fine it looks like a skin tag oh thank God mate all right you're free to go guys look he got pulled over it's actually working we just have to hope that stalls him for about 2 and 1/2 minutes oh dude it looks like he's about to leave though what are we going to do junior uh well I have the this stroller with a homeless guy in it I think we should push it in the middle of the road so he thinks he hit a baby junior you're going to kill a homeless guy just for free pizza why not just push an empty stroller well if he hits an empty stroller he's going to know it's empty there has to be a body in it for it to feel like there's a baby in it yeah you got to make it look real dude what well look also look the homeless guy is sleeping he won't even know what happened dude he's pulling off he's pulling off push it push it push it I'm going to have to speed to get there in [Music] time God damn I said God damn oh [ __ ] did I just hit a stroller with a baby in it oh God was that a baby oh my God okay I'm going to jail I'm going to jail I just killed a baby oh God please don't be a baby please don't be a baby please don't be a baby yes homeless guy oh God I got so lucky okay let's get back to delivering this pizza he's driving off again Junior and we still have about two more minutes to get that free pizza okay I have another idea to stall oh my God what the hell is this oh it's Darth Maul's cousin Zachary Maul he's not going to move unless I beat him in a lightsaber duel I better make this quick okay I hired Zachary Maul to stop him for a lightsaber battle oh that'll work he's a Sith Lord listen man I don't have time for this I got to deliver a pizza oh no he shaved his balls for this oh he looks like a kid that runs to lunch look if it's a fight you want it's a fight you'll get oh my God I'm going to lose this is [ __ ] hey is that Darth cidus he looks really mad about your buy okay let's deliver that pizza Junior we still have like a minute and a half okay I have one last idea to stall come on okay I'm here and I still have about a minute and a half left so I'm safe oh they're paying for this pizza okay let's get this over with hey there big boy oh God damn isn't it a little cold out here for you to be wearing nothing oh my god I've always wanted to hook up with a sexy pirate well yeah yeah ma'am that's me do me a favor and go ar ar oh my God that's so hot let's get in your truck right now and bang right now cuz I I just got to deliver this pizza like real quick like 1 minute no it has to be right now let's go really cuz it's it's just going to take just like a second it's just going to be right there and then back please I want your peg leg let's go in your truck well then shiver me timbers let's go yay okay they're in the truck banging Junior how did you get the prostitute to stall him we don't have any money oh I told her that if she didn't do this we'd call the cops on her and she' get arrested oh okay I just hope he lasts long h a h h h h a pound right in the kisser wow that was really quick yeah I wish I could say it's cuz I was in a hurry but honestly it's always like that okay well pay up wait pay up oh that's what you are I just thought you were really into Pirates well it's like my dad always used to say if it seems too good to be true it probably is okay so pay up no I'm a cop I could arrest you oh my god do you have handcuffs that'd be so hot I could go again oh I think they're going for round two oh we got this free pizza dud dude I'm hungry let's get it yeah I'm I'm going to pow right in the kisser oh my God that was even quicker than the first time yeah yeah that happens oh [ __ ] I only have like 10 seconds to deliver this pizza okay well you got to pay me I told you I'm a cop I can't do that oh no Junior here he comes and now he's bringing the pizza we got to stop him I'm here I'm here open up guys he's here Cody what's the time junior he made it f a no pizza no pizza but we tried so hard I'll answer the door hello hey I got here with 1 second to spare that'll be $27 and 16 de Bloons why do you have pizza what do you mean we didn't order no pizza wait really guys did we order pizza hell no we hate pizza but pizza's gross oh well I guess it was a prank phone call then yeah must have been a prank well listen guys I just busted a nut twice and killed a homeless man so you guys want to eat this pizza with me yeah I'm quitting tonight anyway this pizza looks so good and so on that fateful night Junior Joseph Cody Jeffy and Brooklyn guy all enjoyed the most delicious pizza of their lives unfortunately Brooklyn guy did contract chlamidia from that hooker [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 3,197,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, entertainment, puppet, puppets, show, junior, joseph, cody, brooklyn guy, pizza, the free pizza, scam, hilarious, joke, fun, adventure, free pizza, pirates, pirate pizza, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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