SML Movie: The Stake Out!

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officer Simmons officer guy get in here nuh-uh yeahuh nuh-uh okay we'll ask the chief chief when you're pulling somebody over for a DUI is it okay to let them go if they're almost home because they've won they're already almost there no you're supposed to arrest them see Simmons I told you Don I guess I made a mistake well I need you two to focus because I have a very important mission for you now this is one of the FBI's most wanted criminals and he's on the loose but we got an anonymous tip that says he's going to be at a house later tonight so I need you two to stake out the house and if he shows up arrest him but make sure doesn't see you because this is our last chance to arrest him before he gets on a plane to Cuba but sir if we know he's going to Cuba why don't we just arrest him at the airport because it's Charlotte Airport oh god oh yeah no I [ __ ] hate Charlotte Airport you're right this is our last chance come on Simmons H can we stop at Dairy queenn on the way there Dairy Queen why cuz they get the ice cream you can flip upside down and it won't spill out nuh-uh nuh-uh nuh-uh all right Simmons that's the house look m it's not spilling I swear to God Simmons if you spill that ice cream in my Hyundai Sonata the next crime we investigate is going to be your murder it's not going to spill mate it's a blizzard well look let's just focus hold on let me see if I can see anything through my binoculars okay Simmons I don't see anything uh my I don't think this is the address we're supposed to be at I know this is my ex-girlfriend's house I just want to see if she's moved on well aren't you married yes but she's the one that got away she was so hot and she broke my heart let's see oh there's two cars in the driveway and one of them is a pickup truck that has to be a guy oh God I bet he's bigger than me and I bet he's uncircumcised oh look at that license plate it says uncut he's definitely uncircumcised and he has those big aluminum testicles hanging off the back she just opened the blinds oh God I think she sees me wait she's pointing at me oh God he just walked up and he's naked and he is uncircumcised wait now she's pointing at it oh my God that is the most uncircumcised penis I've ever seen now she's holding up a sign that says I bet you wish you were this uncircumcised I do I'm sorry it's not my fault it's my parents fault oh God that is so uncircumcised it looks like an umbilical Court Simmons we got to go to the house we're supposed to be at I can't look at this [Music] anymore okay Simmons now we're at the correct house well what do we do now well now we just sit here and wait for that criminal to show up wait somebody's walking up to the house right now oh hi there I'm here to get down the business all right come on in look Simmons that dark complected man just went into the house is that the criminal not this time well what do we do now well now we just wait for the real criminal let me have some of that ice cream oh probably nothing what what the [ __ ] there's a guy behind us God damn it he's going to blow our cover go around I'm parked what go around oh Jesus this guy's going to are you [ __ ] me hey move out of the road dumb ass hey [ __ ] tart I'm parked on the curb yeah I know I almost hit your ass now move well maybe you need to learn how to [ __ ] drive idiot well maybe you need to stop being such a [ __ ] oh yeah well guess what I'm a cop and if I wasn't on a steak out right now I'd cream your ass oh yeah do it [ __ ] yeah I would but your mother how about that hey hey what you say about my mother I want to come over there and beat your ass yeah she's ugly oh yeah well at least my mother loves me I bet yours hates your guts she does and that was very hurtful yeah now get out of here ugly my next Stop's going to be your wife's house that way I can bang up oh how about you just go where you going and you stop yelling at me I don't think I want to I think I like it here look I'm doing very important work right now just go away I don't give a [ __ ] trying to be inconspicuous and you're [ __ ] it up I don't give a [ __ ] up your ass how how much do I have to pay you to leave $10 well all I got is a five well blow it up your ass big what hey hey hey how about you just how about you just take the five come on uh okay fine fine fine give it here fine just take the Goddamn money all right thank you sir this [ __ ] guy he mate what was all that yelling about that [ __ ] behind us he just kept coming with The Comebacks he was very witty I had to pay him $5 to go away cuz he was blowing a cover but I promise you if this wasn't a stake out I would have shot his ass yeah mate just remember to turn off your body cam yeah I mean it wouldn't be the first time right what what the what the hell is he doing oh no come on I gave you $5 go away okay Simmons Get Your Gun this could get ugly all right wait wait you don't think he's going in the house do you hold on let me grab my binoculars all right let's see what's going on hey you made it hey you started without me yeah I had to test it out it was warm okay let's get it Simmons that was weird what happened M well the dark complexion man answered the door naked and then the mean guy went inside well maybe that guy was in the shower yeah maybe damn it I'm getting a phone call it's my daughter hello Dad are you going to make it to my piano recital sure honey when is it right now right now oh no that that is not happening dad you always miss them you said you'd be here for this one yeah but Daddy's on a really important stake out right now you know no daddy catches bad guys I can't believe you're missing my piano recital again you're the worst dad ever no no I'm not come on just FaceTime me I can watch it through the phone it's not the same yes it is come on just FaceTime me okay okay she's FaceTiming all right Dad can you see me I sure can princess now you rock the [ __ ] out of that piano okay oh great that's great honey yeah that that's definitely what I paid for those piano for all that noise Jesus Simmons this is terrible I I'm just going to hang up and pretend the call dropped oh look mate someone else is going up to the door where hey my brother all right let's do this I got a balloon full of Coke in my ass it's not clowning around and get in well Simmons it just got weirder a clown just showed up maybe it's a birthday party oh you're right maybe that's why the criminal's coming it's a surprise party for him yeah we can't ruin it well yes we can Simmons just like you can arrest somebody for a DUI even if they're close to their house wait somebody's walking up to the car hey man I don't have any money go away is this an electric vehicle what no this is a Hyundai Sonata you know that's bad for the environment man okay this car gets 38 MP gallon on the highway I think the environment is going to be just fine but the ozone layer is melting and the baby polar bears are dying man because it's hot it's hot as [ __ ] man yeah I don't give a [ __ ] about the baby polar bears I'm on a steak out right now and you shouldn't eat steak man that's a red meat and they have to kill the happy cat cow yeah well the happy cows are delicious so get out of my face you hippie freak you're going to get me caught oh by that house over there yes I'm going to go check it out no no no come back [ __ ] Simmons we're in trouble hey wait who invited you I just want to see what's going on man hey we got room for one more yeah you can come on come on in man right on man whoa Simmons they just let that guy inside they let that guy inside yeah there can't be any illegal activity going on in there if they're just letting random people in you know what Simmons you go in there I can't go in there I'm dressed like a cop well take your uniform off I don't have any other clothes underneath my uniform well you can go in there naked the black guy's already naked but then they'll see my shrimp and I don't have an Outback colossal shrimp I have one of the little popcorn shrimps Simmons nobody's going to judge your shrimp and besides the the criminal might already be in there so just get in there all right mate I'll do it don't look at my shrimp wait what are you doing here we don't got room for no more oh come on I just want to come inside and check it out I mean you are in your birthday suit already so come come on huh they let Simmons inside well I guess I'm just going to sit here and wait and see if he calls for backup morvin there's a strange car parked outside the hucker do house I haven't seen it before and a bunch of people are going inside the house too let me call Hank and make sure everything's fine it's ringing howdy Marvin hey Hank uh are you at home no I'm out on a business trip and the kids are at their grandparents house and my wife's home alone oh well there's a weird car parked outside your house and my wife said she saw a bunch of people going inside your house uh she probably probably ordered uberit or some door Dash or some Gro ho okay just making sure everything's fine yeah just call me if there's an emergency Marvin all right I'll let you know he doesn't seem worried about it okay oh God damn it m what Simmons what happened in there she made my popcorn shrimp feel like a lobster tail what I put it in her out back and then I went down under and got a face full of chocolate lava cake well was there any illegal activity in there there should have been her taking six shrimps at once should have been illegal she looked like a blooming onion what are you talking about I made a pho oh ew was the criminal in there I don't know I couldn't see it because my face was BET's two butt cheeks how much longer we going to have to wait for this guy my ass is starting to hurt yes H H oh wait I think I see him hey man you late it's all dried up now I don't care I'll lick it up that's the spear get your ass in here [ __ ] that's him that's him Simmons let's go get him please don't make me go back in there mate I'm going to want seconds ew Simmons ew I'll go get him then all right don't get tempted M I won't police freeze everybody on the ground oh God you're already on the ground wait who invited a car well I didn't uh I guess everybody just like disconnect good news everyone the coke balloon is still in my ass we'll come back to that later you are under arrest a man I'll let you finish though ah my man all right sir we got him well what took you boy so flippity flapping long well I had to let him finish I last a long time yeah he does lucky well good work boys but officer Simmons I couldn't help but notice from your body cam footage that you took your uniform off why I had to go spunking in a cave it was a chocolate cave from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory I don't understand well let me explain sir what what Simmons you banged a witness oh that is it you are suspended for 2 weeks without pay well I'd spend 2 weeks to pay on that experience and since I'm already suspended I might as well go back over there you know what I think I might go check it out too you know what I think I'm going to go too okay you guys have fun now wait a minute get back here you can't do that oh rats I almost got you yeah you're under arrest but I'm going to go check it out wait no one's here to watch me I mean I might as well go back over there [Music] too
Channel: SML
Views: 2,700,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jefjry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, entertainment, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, puppet, puppets, show, laugh, fun, brooklyn guy, cop, the stake out, simmons, marvin, rose, investigation
Id: M8HLxrc28Os
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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