SML Movie: The Future Machine!

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so guys what do you want to do today how about we play some fortnite no way dude the new fortnite is ass and I'm talking dog ass like sniff your own ass ass okay Joseph we won't play fortnite thank you let me know when they bring the OG fortnite back cuz they doing too damn much well I don't really know any other fun games we can play guys guys guys yeah what's wrong Cody the Grand Theft A6 trailer came out today no way no they lying let me see it let me see it okay have you seen it no I was waiting to watch it with you guys well press play yeah press it wo look at those Graphics it's in Miami dude look at that girl shaking her ass look at those guys wait wait do you think it's going to come out before Christmas it has to dude it has to yeah of course Junior they made us wait 10 years they're not going to release a trailer and then make us wait even more oh there's a release thing right there 2025 bro no way damn dog them shit's serious yeah them shit's serious bro this is brazy they made us wait 10 years and they're asking for two more what have they been doing sitting on their fat lazy asses I'm going to go to Rockstar right now and get the game 12 years huh when Grand Theft Auto 5 came out I was five now I'm going to be 18 when this comes out I won't even need an adult to buy the game what do you think it's going to be worth it well the graphics look nice and there's an alligator and a gas station if they needed 12 years to make a stupid game it better be the whole world not just Florida Universe [Music] dude sir sir wake up hey what's up last month's revenue from GTA 5 online just came in it's $75 million again goody my favorite time of month you know I don't know why they think they're ever going to get GTA 6 when they keep giving us this much money every month just from playing the old one online all right now scram leave me alone with my money Hey sir so great news the fans are really loving the fake GTA 6 trailer that I made in fact I can't believe they bought it yeah good job you know we had to give those animals something but there are some bad news they aren't very happy about the 2025 release date [ __ ] them who cares they're still playing the last one we're making $75 million a month I just think it would be in our best interest to maybe actually start working on the GTA 6 game oh yeah really you think so H okay I'll tell you what how about you get started working on that one take your time I mean you got two years dog even even if you don't finish it in 2 years just we'll push the release State back and give him like a million ingame bucks or something well I count my 75 million real life bucks sir you can't go in there hey I need to talk to you Susan why is there a kid in a helmet yelling at me during my money bath you know I don't like people yelling at me during my money bath Susan I don't know sir he just barged in I'm not waiting till 2025 for GTA 6 I want it right now oh you want GTA 6 of course why didn't you say so you know I actually have a copy right under here just for you there you go there it is how about you play it buddy I'm going to kick your ass oh I'm so scared money protect me Susan get security to get his ass out of here come here come on big guy I know 2025 is [ __ ] but you got to go bye-bye money so what do you guys want to do now we could play GTA 5 I don't want to play a 10-year-old game Cody oh even hearing that pisses me off 10 years old they could make the great well of China faster no they couldn't Junior that took 2,000 years it's it's going to take 2,000 years for them to make GTA 7 oh don't even mention GTA 7 we're going to be dead by then maybe our great great grandkids can play it no not even them hey guys hey what' Rockstar say they kick me out yeah I thought they might do that guys I have the perfect idea to get GTA 6 within a few weeks how we asked Santa Claus to make us GTA 6 cuz his elves can make anything dude that's a genius idea it might actually work yeah that could work I could call Santa Claus you have Santa Claus's number yeah you don't know my squad me and Santa Claus run zombies with the Easter Bunny what's Santa Claus's username on PS5 a dick you down what's the Easter Bunny's username hop hop on your [ __ ] ass I'm going to add him well yeah call Santa Claus okay okay Junior it's ringing hey Cody you're ready to play some zombies no not right now Nicholas I actually have a favor to ask you oh anything for you buddy well all I really want for Christmas is GTA 6 o no what's wrong your elves can't make that oh no my elves can make anything it's just that that game's rated in for mature and you're not quite 17 yet what the hell are you talking about Santa Claus we play Call of Duty together that's right it am yeah but I didn't get you that game now did I okay well my friend jeffy's 19 and he wants the game too you know that Jeffrey's on the naughty list he gets coold oh [ __ ] you Nicholas stop saying ho ho ho I'm going to kick Santa Claus's ass sorry Junior he's not going to do it well I got another idea Cody you know how to make time machines so why don't you make us a time machine and we go to the Future to 2025 so we can play the game you know what Junior I'm taking my sad eyes off cuz that's a good idea I'm going to go make it yeah guys let's take our eyelids off yeah okay guys I made the go go go go to the Future machine wa what's it do junior don't start this [ __ ] you know what it does you told me to build it it really takes us to the Future yes but that's all it can do it can't go back time only to the Future so there might be problems what problems could there be well once we go to the future we can't come back why would we want to come back to 2023 there's no GTA 6 here well maybe some of our family members die in the next 2 years who needs family members if you have GTA 6 yeah they come and go anyway dude yeah I guess you're right so what do we do just cram in there hey I can't fit wait Jeffy can't fit oh man oh well I guess one of us is going to have to stay behind and wait the 2 years I'm not waiting 2 years yeah me either dude cold day in Hell before I wait 2 years I'm not not waiting either okay so Jeffy has to go cuz he's the only reason we get views yeah I guess you're right but I I got to go too dude I'm the only black person here Joseph is Right black lives matter so Joseph has to go too so Cody either me or you have to stay behind well I made the machine well I don't want to not see GTA 6 I want to play it well I'm not waiting two years okay hold on how about only people whose Nam start with Jay get to go so Joseph goes Junior goes and Jeffy goes what no that's not fair because my middle name is jacobe jacobe yes my full name is Cody jacobe nutkiss yeah I've never heard of that well you just never asked before okay think of something else what else can we do how about whoever can say pie the longest gets to go you're wrong p no that's that's not what I meant by pie no Junior not that kind of pie [Music] Junior I said Pi for like 10 seconds dude that's a record yeah you didn't say Pi at all so you lose Cody Junior that's not what I was talking about I was talking about the number pie the number pie okay count the pie 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 I haven't heard pie yet 9 10 11 no Junior it's a special number for circles 3.14 you didn't say to say what number you preheat the oven to make a pie you said the number pie whatever get get no no guys guys don't leave me here you didn't say pie but guys this is [ __ ] I built a machine no no no no I wanted to go to the Future and play GTA 6 guys we're in December 2025 there they are officer wow the missing kids I guess you were telling the truth Cody what's going on well Junior I've been in prison for the last 2 years because everybody thought I killed you guys see when you guys went missing nobody believed me that I sent you to the Future in a go go go go to the Future machine and I thought I murdered you but I told the officer if we come here at this exact time you guys would be here and you are yeah officer he didn't kill us we were in this time machine well I guess you're free to go then thank you so Cody how's GTA 6 I wouldn't know it's not out yet and also I've been in prison for 2 years what do you mean is not out yet well they moved the release date back to 2028 cuz they said nobody was ready yet 2028 NE I don't want to wait that long you didn't have to wait at all it was like 1 second for you I've been in prison for 2 years well what else has happened the last 2 years well the rock is president now but Dwayne The Rock Johnson is President yeah Kevin Harts is Vice President the whole thing's basically a movie they've been filming all of it and they're just going to release the whole thing as one big foure long movie has there been any celebrity deaths well the rock did have Vin Diesel publicly executed why well after fast X part 2 came out he announced they were going to make fast X part two to fast X Too Furious too serious dot dot dot a little curious and everybody got tired of that and we just shot him oh what about sports dude well LeBron James has won back-to-back championships wait for the Lakers no for the Las Vegas Aces he's in the WNBA now he's transgender a man LeBron's a girl now who would have thought he Swit team again yeah he's been averaging 100 points a game he's got that LE busy so who's won the Super Bowl the last two years the Miami Dolphins both times oh that's kind of cool all right guys let's go to 2028 well can I come this time there's not enough room Cody well I don't want to wait another 3 years well weren't you in prison you had fun no I didn't prison sucked although my cellmate was a top and he was hung like a donkey so it wasn't all bad oh well go have fun with him wait guys instead of going to 2028 we should go to the year 2030 that gives time for the game to come out in 2028 and Grand Theft Auto online to be out already oh dude that's a smart idea wa you guys are going to make me wait another 5 years come on Cody take one for the team come on guys 2030 God damn it so oh guys what you want to do today ooh I was thinking that maybe we do our homework but I think we do our nail today no we do our nail yesterday we do our homework today yeah we do our homework today the [ __ ] guys we're in 2030 holy [ __ ] Guy come out the microwave Cody who's your Asian friend oh hey guys yeah these are my friends now see in The Last 5 Years China invaded America and they won so we're all Chinese now ooh guys we're sing the ch NE national anthem pinging pinging pinging pinging pong ping ping pinging ping pong pinging pinging pinging pinging it's just a Star Spangled Banner in a very racist Chinese accent can you tell him to leave yeah hey hey hey guys guys could you take that to the please Oh you mean the ribbing room yeah we go to the king yeah thanks so Cody how's Grand Theft Auto 6 it's still not out now they're saying 2050 2050 that's in 20 more years I know but when China invaded all the computers got destroyed so now they're saying it's going to take at least till 2050 to finish it okay you know what guys we're going to 2050 guys guys you have to take me along no please don't leave me here again guys we're in 2050 H Cody why you wearing this Sombrero well Junior in World War I Mexico beat China so now everything is Mexico why do you have gray hair well the years have not been kind to me I've been through two world wars fought in both actually oh well where's GRE the Auto 6 guess what Junior it's still not out yet it's still not out yet it's 20150 I know they're saying it could come out at any minute dud the news breaking news Okay graro 6 will be released later today and we have a message from the CEO hello my fellow Mexican it is I the CEO of Rockstar Games now I know what you're thinking why haven't I aged in the last 40 years well that's because I've spent all my money on stem cell research to slow my aging process I know you were wondering about that but the reason we're all here Grand Theft Auto 6 is finally coming out after 40 years I know it's very exciting but guess what you don't just get to buy the game once oh no no no no no it's going to be a monthly subscription you're going to have to pay $100 a month month just for the standard edition base game if you want guns in the game that's going to be another $200 a month oh and it gets even better you can't buy a physical copy no we don't want you sharing it no no no you're going to have to buy the digital version and it gets even better see you can't buy this game on PlayStation 9 or Xbox series xxxxxxx no you can only play our game on our personal console we made the Grand Theft Auto 6 box which guess what is also a mon L subscription you're going to have to pay $1,000 a month for it go buy it [ __ ] [ __ ] what we waited 40 years for that you didn't wait at all this is [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ]
Channel: SML
Views: 5,233,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, entertainment, superluigilogan, sll, siperbowserlogan, sbl, grand theft auto 6, grand theft auto vi, junior, joseph, cody, brooklyn guy, laugh, the future machine, machine, time machine, puppet, puppets, joke, logan, video game, hilarious
Id: aMMnH5jlCcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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