SML Movie: Boys Night Out!

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M M M my fish sandwich looks delicious oo I can't wait to take the first bite oh man and it smells like my ex I should call her I love this Nostalgia o wait wait my fish sandwich is missing something what is it missing oh yeah spices duh what do we got chili powder no Itali seasoning no Jeffy get back with my sandwich no help me find my ch Jeffy where'd you get that fish I found it no he didn't he stole it now give it back Jeffy no he's going to find his son no he's going to find my mouth because I'm hungry give it back no Jeffy that's not even a clown fish well maybe he lost his job no one's hiring clowns in this economy give me my fish back I'm hungry Jeffy get it back get it back there's someone at the door hold on give him his fish back Jeffy give him my damn fish hello hey there we were just going door to door selling our sexy policemen calendars but then we heard screaming so now we're here for business not pleasure oh no my son was just screaming about a fish yeah Finding Nemo can be pretty scary oh it's a dead fish oh I think maybe we should come in and look around no no no what's these calendars about oh you like them yeah I made them myself we actually photoshopped our heads on to stock photos of sexy men that's not actually my body I wish it was but I like cheesecake too much but it goes straight to my hips I have to write you a ticket for being too sexy yeah I came up with that read mine freeze I need to do a strip search oh that's really clever you want to buy one how much is it $54 $4 for a calendar yeah I mean people are trying to like defund the police so this is how we're trying to fund it I mean we will sign it for you oh well what's your autograph worth but okay dick you're Marvin I'm Brooklyn guy okay do you know who I am I'm in every video you guys would crumble without me if I'm not here nothing happens Chef pee's girlfriend everybody hated that so I think my autograph is worth quite a bit so now we're going to come in and see what all the screaming is about who's at the door Marvin it was the police whoop whoop that's the sound of the uh us we heard screaming and unless there's ice cream in here for us all to scream for that's pretty suspicious I told you my son was screaming about a fish I see no son and I see no fish well he left with it mm-m no I'm not buying it Simmons something in here smells pretty fishy because there was a fish on the couch a minute ago no this is what I think happened I think you and your wife murdered someone and that was the scream we heard and then you hid the body and you didn't want to buy a calendar because you didn't want us to get your DNA off the money to compare to the murder victim no I didn't buy your stupid calendar cuz it sucks oh look what you did you made Simmons cry that's not my fault I don't have ABS like that Marvin you owe me a new fish cuz Jeffy put his Dirty Fingers all over it huh I guess you were telling the truth I told you I tell the truth jeez okay you don't have to snap at me Simmons if he was a turtle he'd be a snapping turtle go on M I wouldn't be a snapping turtle be a regular turtle Marvin you seem so stressed out you need a boy night out did somebody say boys night out did somebody say Applebees and casino and strip club I said boys night out but I didn't say strip club wa wa wait wait hey I heard Applebees I love me some damn Applebees now yeah you guys want to go to Applebees and a casino and also a strip club no strip club okay fine come on let's go to Applebees Applebees I kind of just want to stay inside tonight Jesus Marvin don't be such a puss let's go to Applebees yeah come on the bees okay baby I'll be back bye oh man Marvin you know what I love so much about Applebees the culture one meal you're in Greece another meal you're in Italy the next meal you're in Asia like chicken won tacos that's Asia in Mexico [ __ ] choose a country yeah exactly I feel like I need a passport to eat here I feel like I'm eating in an airport bro Applebees is the eighth wonder of the world so what do you recommend here what do I recommend Marvin it's Applebee's look at the menu I recommend all of it everything here is cooked fresh in the microwave uh M where's the bloom onion Simmons that's Outback the Australian Applebees oh okay let's see if the chef has added anything new to the menu ooh I've never seen this before chicken tenders platter I can't decide between that or The Bourbon Street chicken and shrimp and hello what's this Mountain Dew dark berry bash don't mind if I do it's like somebody nutted right in my mouth I don't know why you would want salty nut in your mouth there's presses on the menu yes there are hi thank you for coming to Applebees no thank you for being Applebees my name's Clarissa I'll be your server tonight can I start you off with a round of drinks yeah let me get a sip of you your tall glass of water looking ass I'm parched uh sir how about I start with you oh I'll have a captain Bahama Mama oh I'm so sorry we're out of those well of course you are I mean Apple bees is so busy I can't believe you guys could keep it in stock okay so I'll have a Coke instead is Pepsi okay oh [ __ ] no no it is not okay you know what I'll just have a water you know a round of water is for the whole table see that's the one downside of Applebees all they have is Pepsi products okay I'll be right back with those you know I actually think we're ready to order oh go ahead now what comes on the kids cheese pizza cheese okay but what kind of cheese are we talking Mano monster guda cuz I know the chef likes to have a cheese of the week whatever's imported oh no he doesn't it's mozzarella ooh fancy and how is that prepared is that thin crust or stuffed crust it's microwaved I'll have that oh I'm so sorry sir you can't it's 12 or under what you have to be 12 years old or under to order off the kids menu oh well in that case my son is coming later and he wants the kids cheese pizza oh okay then what would you like to eat nothing but my son wants the kids cheese pizza you're not eating no but my son wants the kids cheese pizza so get me a goddamn kids cheese pizza my son's not really coming later I just really wanted the kids cheese pizza Pizza it's exactly the right amount of food it's not too much you can take someone else's order now I mean can you believe this I mean it's not like I'm going to check my ID and see how old I am it's not like this food police that are going to come arrest me if she gives me the wrong Pizza I said you can take a different order sir what would you like to eat I'll have the steak not microwaved oh how would you like that cooked on the grill no I mean your temperature well done okay anything else I want out back Simmons down boy sir what would you like to eat [ __ ] I'm starving like a [ __ ] I can eat a quad droop of cheeseburger for real for real ooh ordering off the secret menu hey my guy my guy he knows oh and I want to Stak how would you like that cooked [ __ ] on your fine ass on that wagon back there yeah meting well uh sir what would you like uh can I just get a cheeseburger yes okay oh y'all see the fine ass waitress oh I'll Pat that ass right now yes I would also have sex with the waitress what about you Simmons would you have sex with the waitress if the opportunity presented itself no I only like having sex with your ew but I'm not going to let that ruin my good time here at Applebee's What About You Marvin sex with the waitress does she have a disease come on Marvin come on take a chance take a chance Marvin this is Applebee's she's an Applebee's waitress she's not going to have a disease I'm pretty sure they check well um do my wife find out Jesus just just say yes yeah yeah that's my boy that's my boy right there you dirty old bastard oh you nasty all right here's your food does everything look okay I mean your cute ass ain't butt naked on my plate right now sir please stop Marvin if that's not just the freshest mozzarella cheese I've ever seen bone dry I can't wait to take the first bite of that I I mean I can't wait until my son takes the first bite I'm eating this pizza I know and what's this Ms apples sauce tell the chef I love him let me know if you need anything damn peeee look at that Burger they gave you the whole cow I didn't know my ex-wife was on the menu well guys let's eat it we still have to hit the casino after this hey Marvin you want to see my happy cheese pizza face I love pizza all right guys we got to eat oh Marvin that kid's cheese pizza sure hit the spot I'm glad you enjoyed your kids's Pizza sir yeah and that MZ applesauce cup my compliments to the chef it's store bought well someone picked it sir it looks like you enjoyed your food you ate almost all of it yeah I was making room for dessert so come lay your fine ass on this plate or sit on Big Daddy's mustache and I give you a licking okay are you all paying on one check or paying separately uh police officers eat for free right no I didn't like mine you ate almost all of it but I asked for well done and it wasn't well done you ate almost all of it uh ma'am could you give us a second please okay okay so who's paying y'all ass I was invited I I didn't even want to come here I have food at the house I am a chef I can cook y'all are cops y'all got Buu cash pay for it yeah and I only brought $20 okay I have an idea uh waitress yes my friend Marvin here says you're really hot and he would have sex with you if he could what no you guys said you would no no no he said he'll P your ass right now on this table on top of this place no y'all said y'all would Pat sir how are you paying for the check a [ __ ] Marvin that didn't work I have another idea what's that dispatch there's a shooting and kids oh no man we got to go right now those two aren't cops uh yes they are they're undercover cops right officers yeah I I captain yeah I I captain yeah three of us are cops and one of us is a pirate so let's go all right boys let's bankrupt these scammers appreciate you bro for spotting me $20 I was broke as a joke I'll just spend it wisely ooh thanks Dad oh don't worry we're going to leave this casino millionaires you hear that [ __ ] we're going to own this casino what do you think it's going to land on Marvin what does 1 to 12 mean well apparently it's the age you have to be to order a [ __ ] cheese pizza at Applebees oh well I'm going to put on that what about you Simmons black where oh sorry my my cop instincts kicked in you meant on the table I'm going to go with boobies they never failed me it never lands on double zero I'm going to bet on the age of consent oh no no no no not not 13 I'm a cop I I actually know the age of consent not the age of consent in Japan look it up it's true it was 13 until just this year they bumped it up to 16 I guess that's progress okay [ __ ] spin that [Music] [ __ ] come on come on 18 18 block block block where where where come on d0o come on Z make me a millionaire 17 yes I won [ __ ] I was one off that has to count for something right damn it damn it damn it damn it damn it wait wait did I win was it 1 to 12 is 17 between 1 and 12 no no only Simmons won all right give me my money baby okay guys we only got one bet left well I got three I'm a stick with my boobies it never lands on that I'm going to go all in on red H tempting but I'm going to put it on the number of times I've cheated on my wife 28 I've counted um what does ODD mean really Marvin it means if it lands on an odd number okay well can you put mine on even for me okay yeah fine okay ho could you spin that [Music] please come on 28 come on 28 red red red double zero woo yeah that's right [ __ ] I'm a millionaire hey come here ho I'm a millionaire you know it only pays out $350 right and you owe me 20 of that [ __ ] I don't know you all this money going to the strip club for some hoes I want to what are you talking about Simmons it landed on dble zero that's green no it's red what wait Simmons are you color blind what's that what color is this Matt uh red oh Jesus you're color blind wait did I win no Marvin it landed on double zeros you bet on even numbers well double zero is even what are you talking about well because each person gets zero but what okay look if we had one apple then we have an odd amount of apples right but if we each had an apple that's an even amount of apples but if we both had no apples we evenly have nothing huh yeah yeah wait wait a minute did he win no no no no this is [ __ ] I want to talk to the manager yeah I definitely wanton get the manager is there a problem here gentlemen yeah Marvin you tell them what you told me okay so I bet on even numbers and it landed on double zero correct so did I win no well well you see double z is an even number cuz each person gets zero and double Zer is exactly how many house payments you've made this month Marvin so why the hell are you spending money in my Casino it was only $20 get the [ __ ] out what about my friend he's colorblind in zero looks red to him get the [ __ ] out okay let's go to the strip [Music] club uh can someone increase the poll please oh sweet Jesus if I had any money left I'd give it to her and she'd forget I existed excuse me ma'am what are you willing to do for $3 uh nothing you're a cop a damn it Simmons we're still dressed like cops of course she's not willing to have sex with you in exchange for $3 uh ma' we are cops but when we get off duty you should talk to him he's a very nice man okay whatever I want to leave no Marvin come on have some fun look at the [ __ ] that's someone's daughter I have a daughter ma'am what do I have to do to make sure my daughter doesn't end up like you don't kick her out of the house at 16 okay I'll write that down but what about 18 I don't know I didn't make it get that far how many kids do you have four and a half what does half mean all right [ __ ] I got $350 in one so let me see that ass twerk a little bit oh that's what I'm talking about hey hey hey meet me in the bathroom right now oh what's wrong Simmons are you sad that she wouldn't have sex with you for $3 yeah I'm sorry buddy you think the next stripper will do it no okay well how about this I got one more dollar you think we can do it for four yeah yeah we'll get her to do it next stripper please coming up next on stage we have Clarissa oh no way no [ __ ] way boys it's the Applebee's waitress hi hey you guys again you walked out without paying your bill yeah well we had a really important call at the casino actually they robbed us well that came out of my pay well sorry is that why you're dancing here I worked two jobs to provide for my son oh that's sad Simmons ask her the question ma'am what are you willing to do for $4 nothing leave me alone oh look you made Simmons sad look please he really just wants to have sex with a woman tonight for a ridiculously small amount of money well I really need the money okay wait so that's a yes yes get on the ground [ __ ] you're under arrest what yeah you're under arrest for prostitution we got her Simmons yeah I always get him with the puppy dog o wait wait what's going on oh every week me and Simmons go to strip clubs to see if we can arrest the strippers for prostitution Simmons usually does get them she's going to lose her job at Applebees yeah hey what you do with my go friend get him Greg I got you baby oh look Simmon's a challenger get him Marvin what me what you want old man nothing I don't want anything Marvin here said he was going to P your girlfriend what I I didn't say I'd P they said they'd Pap and I I said I'd P was that Applebees me and you outside right now I'mma beat your ass what go on Marvin kick his ass no I'm going to lose come on Marvin it's a classic strip club fight you got him he looks like a [ __ ] what I can't fight I'm not come on Marvin you can do it no Marvin what happened to you he had the time of his life that's what happened oh well I'm glad you enjoyed your boy night out no Marvin I know you lost that fight but we arrested that guy and he's in jail for assault now a fight oh yeah uh it was at Applebee's they only gave him four mozzarella sticks and things got pretty heated oh my God guys I had the night of my life man boys night out that was a blast I had Burgers cash in ass woo talk about a night to live for ohoo man we need to do this more often ask what is he talking about oh uh we we went to a donkey show at Applebee's where where the donkeys they they get up on stage and dance yeah yeah anyway me and Simmons are going to go back to selling calendars come on Simmons let's get on the invisible police [Music] horse
Channel: SML
Views: 7,862,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, entertainment, boys night out, marvin, brooklyn guy, puppet, puppets, show, laugh, fun, joke, club, chef, mr goodman, hilarious, friends, applebees
Id: Ko0zHMB14xo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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