SML Movie: Jeffy's 16th Birthday!

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there everything is perfect for jeffy's 16th birthday party cupcakes mario you should have gotten him a real cake well the store was sold out of real cakes and jeffy loves cupcakes listen jeffy's not even gonna remember that today's his birthday so this is gonna be a big surprise party for him he's definitely going to remember it's his birthday mario trust me baby he's not gonna remember today's birthday he doesn't remember anything we'll see who birthday jeffy birthday who birthday jeffy birthday daddy who birthday jeffy birthday yeah jeffy's not gonna birthday huh happy birthday jeffy oh thank you mother thank you father i'm so happy to have both of my parents on my sweet 16. yeah you're my big old boy is 16 years old and just two more years and we get that money mario and since i turned 16. you know what that means today what [Applause] oh no a get them out of the car no you'll never take me alive you have the right to remain silent no no i now sentence you to 25 years to life oh look show drop i don't get it you're supposed to get me a car daddy a car mario it is his 16th birthday i'm not buying him a car he doesn't know how to drive it he doesn't even have a license hey daddy i don't need a license because i'm 16 now jeffy what are you gonna do when you get pulled over you don't have a license well if the police officer knows how you do his job i'll just tell him now i'm 16 and he'll let me go that's all that works mario you have to get your son a car for his birthday i'm not going to get him a car you don't know how to drive i don't trust him behind the wheel of a car mario you go get your son a car right now but where am i supposed to get that i have money go mario go what this stupid hat anymore oh look jeffy it's a car you're never gonna have because your daddy hates you oh look oh whoa what is he doing he's playing with a toy car mario since he wouldn't buy him a real one for his birthday as a matter of fact i just bought him a car you did oh you got me a car daddy yeah you're the best daddy ever i love you when you give me stuff and i don't even have to ask for it mario you're the greatest yeah yeah yeah i am all right jeffy close your eyes let's go outside all right day i'm just going to turn my eyes off all right jeffy close your eyes all right daddy jeffy i said close your eyes well daddy i turned my eyes off so now i can't see so it might look like my eyes are open but really i can't see anything because i turned my eyes off chef you can't turn your eyes off you cover your eyes fine daddy look this way when i tell you to you can look okay look surprise do you love it daddy i sure hope you wiped after you put this big pile of crap in the driveway jeffy it's not a big pile of crap it's your first car mario no that car was way too old and it's damaged well every kid needs a beat up car for their first car so they can beat it up well who owned it before you bought it chris brown because you sure beat it up well no jeffy look it's supposed to be a car that you can you don't have to be afraid to wreck it because you know if you run into stuff you won't be worried okay so when i drive it i can run in your stuff and hit people whatever you still can't hit people running and stuff then why'd you buy me a car and i was already beat up mario new cars are safer and they have air bags yeah and more than one headlight well jeffy just get inside it you might love it it's red okay well let's hope that the door handle is working there's actually seats all right jeffy look just get inside you might love it danny who blew a big fart and ripped his sheet well jeffy look look we can just tape it shrek drove it a few times so he ripped it but look just get in like start the car you might love it where are we going what what are you doing in here this is my home no no no that's not your home i bought this car for 300 it's not your home you have to get out one day looks like he lives here so i'm not driving this car jeffy oh get out of this car mario i can't believe you got jeffy that piece of crap car strap it on and pound me mommy it's not a piece of crap car it's red it's fast it's a porsche daddy you can't spell porsche without poor and that car outside is poor and the last part of the word porsche is sh because we have to be quiet because we might hurt its feelings talking about how poor it is so daddy you hush your mouth mario you couldn't have gotten him a nicer car than that well i don't have money just to drop on a new car all right daddy well then we better not eat ever again what does food have to do with any of this well if we can't afford a car then we sure can't afford food and you better turn off all these lines because if we can't afford a new car or food then we can't afford electricity i have money for bills i just don't have money for a new car well i bet you have a car well i do but i have to drive places i have to drive places too where do you have to go chuck e cheese i can take you no i want to take me or jeffy you know what what is that i think i think i hear cake here cake daddy there better be a girl twerking downstairs if you say you can hear cake here cake mario i was trying to end the conversation because he was winning the argument danny you're lucky and so am i if this girl when you've been down here twerking bottom you would have been getting a spanking on yours all right jeffy let's light your birthday candles and you can blow out the candles we can see you have a birthday all right where's my cake with that is your cake three tiny cupcakes where's my big cake well the stores were sold out of big cakes daddy who hurt you wha what who hurt you as a kid to where when you grew up you had to make my life so bad jeffy you better be grateful some kids don't even have birthday parties grateful this party sucks baby can you answer the door i'm dealing with jeffy okay mario you gotta be great well jeffy look just eat your cupcakes the only thing i'm grateful for is this twerking bottle now i'm about to tame this bottom hello hey what's up gorgeous super d i haven't seen you in years ever since the breakup yeah you know i just been saving the world working on my abs oh you've always had the nicest abs yeah go ahead and give them a punch just like old time ow yeah they're still rock hard so what are you doing here well you know i was saving a family of kittens from that tree over there and then i heard your voice with my super hearing so i decided to come see what you're up to oh well actually it's my son's birthday today son you didn't tell me you had a kid adopted oh thank god i was about to take off faster than a speeding bullet oh man and then i wouldn't want your perfect body to be ruined and you know how i don't like kids you know and then i wouldn't want to have to take care of a kid that wasn't mine and then one day he'd be like you're not my real dad and he'd be right i don't want to deal with all that well it was very nice wait wait wait wait uh can i come in oh sure i'm sure jeffy would love to meet a superhero on his birthday yeah spider-man ain't get crap on me jeffy please be happy if you're shining you know it cause your daddy shucks raise your hand if you're shy and you know it cause your daddy shucks raise your hand if you're saddening you know it then you really want to show it cause your daddy shucks raise your hand jeffy stop it mario look who i found baby i thought we were hiring spider-man no silly this is one of my ex-boyfriend super d what's up little man ex-boyfriend it was super deep you gotta tell me about him oh mario it was so long ago but it feels like it was just yesterday why did you guys break up it wasn't my abs i'll tell you that they are perfect no it wasn't the abs he was just always gone mario off saving the world and all the praise and the fame and the attention it was just too much to handle yeah it's understandable well i bet he's not even really a superhero i bet he just dresses like that i bet he doesn't have any powers actually mario he has cake vision cake vision yeah show them oh come on babe you know i don't like to show off that's the coolest cake ever thanks super d well you are so cool super d yeah i know what i have to just do that who's at the door is it another one of your ex-boyfriend probably not mario better not be oh you were always so possessive well you two separate oh hold on to the door hello hi fat boy what are you doing here throwing doesn't call 9-1-1 says getting hot in here you're getting hot i'm going to take off all my clothes it's getting hot in here so take all your clothes i am getting so hot screw's gonna have to take his clothes off uh-oh there's my hose and hose knob scooter hose can you get out of here okay this is really good cake super d yeah super d i wish you could be my daddy because my current daddy blows you guys are eating cake what happened to singing happy birthday oh we already sing happy birthday mario you already sang it without me i'm jeffy's father i should be here for that hey you want some cake bro no i don't want some cake bro okay what's your problem man because you just shot cake out of your eyes i didn't shoot cake out of my eyes i turned your bad cake into better cake well my cake wasn't bad your your cake's bad my cake was perfectly fine mario who was at the door no one and i think it's time for super d to be leaving what does super d even stand for super dumb well rosalina gave me the name actually what yeah i don't really know what it stands for though because my name is zach we thought about going with zak attack but then yeah we went on one date she wanted to call me super d afterward actually now that i think about it all the women i go out on dates with want i call me super d well i mean i do have mrs incredible powers from the waist down so i'm very tall well you know i i don't care i've had enough with you i think it's time for you to leave because me and jeffy have to go drive his new car isn't that right jeffy daddy i don't want to drive that piece of crap car out there that car shut i want a better nicer car a car with my face on you're not gonna get that jeffy huh a nicer car huh hold on you're gonna fix our roof that's it rosalina i don't know what you're talking to him ever again mario i didn't invite him over he just showed up well that's weird and stalker so the first thing in the morning we'll go to the courthouse and get her straight order on him mario don't be ridiculous all right i'm back everybody come outside i got a cool surprise how about you just go outside and never come back we don't want to see your face again mario don't be rude you're embarrassing me yeah you're embarrassing your uh what are you two again friends oh we're married look at my ring married all right it's time to use my divorce vision no no divorce vision how about you let you use your leave vision and go away forever vision because we don't want to see you ever again well i can't leave before jeffy sees his cool new birthday present come on it's in the driveway you got me a birthday present yeah close your eyes jeffy let's go outside okay all right jeffy open your eyes it can't be any worse in my daddy's car it's pee-pee that's the coolest car in the world thanks super daddy don't mention it son that's the greatest gift ever super d anything for you babe wait how did you do that well first i flew to a car dealership with my flying powers and then i picked up a car i liked with my super strength see my abs then i brought it back here and painted it to look like jeffy's face with my paint vision but paint vision yeah it's just one of my many superpowers isn't he the greatest mario well just cuz you can do a bunch of great things i mean you're great i think that's actually the definition of greatness doing a bunch of great things hey super daddy you think we can go for a drive sure thing kiddo yay mario why are you so mad because your stupid dumb ex-boyfriend just showed up and it's all so cool and perfect why don't you go with him to make you happier mario you don't need to get jealous i'm not jealous you're clearly jealous mario i'm not jealous of his perfect abs or a full head of hair or his superpowers or picking up cards or where's cake vision i just think it's he's dumb mario then why are you angry i'm i'm angry because he just showed up uninvited like call next time like don't just show up that's rude mario can't we please just enjoy the day for jeffy he's having a good time oh man i can't wait to catch me some speeders gotta beat my quota for the month come on where are you whoa i clocked him going over 110 oh i love a good car chase just acting natural i've dealt with these pigs before do you have any idea how fast you were going obviously not fast enough because you caught up with me bit bit yeah well my hairdryer said you were going over 100 miles an hour and by the way do you know this car was reported stolen stolen yeah apparently somebody just picked it up with their bare hands right off the dealership lot and flew away with it oh i didn't steal anything you might want to talk to this guy what super d is that you oh no what all right kid you're in a lot of trouble because i can't fly after him me i didn't even do anything just step out of the car oh [Music] mario there's someone at the door why don't you go answer it might be one of the other ex-boyfriends i don't know about like maybe this was an astronaut or a rapper or an archaeologist oh mario we don't talk about them what come on let's go answer uh hello what's going on here daddy i arrest you wait wait wait wait wait this isn't right you get in front of me jeffy why are you arrested i caught your son driving a stolen vehicle a stolen vehicle i thought super d bought it for him no you don't want to be messing with super d you know what the d stands for what ding-a-ling and it also stands for super delinquent because he's a super villain a super villain but he always used his powers for good when we were dating oh yeah well you ever heard of super tax evasion because he did it you know you can't go saving all those people and destroying buildings without paying taxes i hate super dave he got me in trouble and then he left me there well thank you officer for bringing jeffy back come on no no no no no no jeffy's going to jail for five years what five years it's his birthday yeah well it's my birthday too and i don't get off on my birthday not even when i get home well is there anything we can do we don't want jeffy going to jail well if you throw me the best birthday party ever i'll let him go i guess just take him to jail mario we have to try all right come inside we'll try to throw you a party yay all right broken guy you can have the rest of jeffy's cake yay cake and you can have a cupcake if you want one oh my god i love cupcakes i love cupcakes more than regular cake honestly if you just got me a cupcake instead of a normal cake i'd be just as happy if not more so hmm so what do you want to do your cupcake well i really just hope you bought me a car for my birthday and honestly i don't even care what it looks like it could have four flat tires one headlight and a clown living in the trunk and i'd still be happy jeffy are you having an epiphany um daddy i just wanted to apologize because i've been a really bad booger lately and you were just trying to be the tissue that extracts that looker from my nasal cavity so i wanted to apologize for not being appreciative for the things that you were trying to get me yeah mario we're really sorry i didn't realize super d was such a bad person until the cop told us well he's such a real super d-bag ding-a-ling so i'm glad you guys understand now i understand that i love you jeffy and i love you too i don't want to lose anyone and i just have a really awesome birthday we all celebrate together okay wait wait wait is that christmas music yeah well that doesn't fit at all [Music] hello hey fat boy someone called 911. it's about noise complaint saying you weren't making enough noise get out of here okay [Music] [Music] so
Channel: SML
Views: 21,595,182
Rating: 4.841404 out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, birthday, 16th birthday, sweet 16, jeffys 16th birthday, car, corvette, super hero, hero, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, logan, mario, super mario, rosalina, super, birthday cake, presents, jeffy car, brooklyn guy, hilarious, comedy, skit, entertainment, laugh
Id: x07ysRRnoPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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