SML Movie: Jeffy's Country!

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dad I'm going to Snee what do I do oh baby grab my tissue okay here you go here go Jeffy Jeffy why would you s in my face God damn it sorry Daddy I didn't know when you sneeze you grab a tissue from the tissue box okay Daddy I'm going to sneeze again grab a tissue grab a tissue to me I said grab a tissue I did you're supposed to sneeze into it you didn't tell me that part it's common sense you idiot well life is too hard I didn't know they made paper for you to sneeze into Marvin calm down are you hungry yes would a MC rib make you feel better of course a MC rib would make me feel better it's MC rib SE MC ribs are delicious well then why don't you and Jeffy go get MC ribs W you talking about the MC rib with the onions and the pickles on it Jeffy how about you go get us three MC ribs one for all of us oh no Marvin I don't want one I think they're disgusting still get three cuz I want two all right Daddy I'll be right back hello trash can home sweet home F to go get this Mickey D boy MC rib here I [Music] come hey you hit my house oh [ __ ] jeffy's taking forever with my McRib Marvin you're just hungry hey there the cops Jeffy what did you do daddy you know I [ __ ] up all the time what did you do officer what did he do well he crashed his car in a someone's house you crashed a car into a house JY well I didn't see the house how do you not see a house because it was behind you're supposed to use your rearview Mir how much damage to the house it's got a pretty big dent in it oh my God how much damage to his car oh it's fine I didn't see a scratch on it okay whose house did he hit this homeless guys wait a homeless guy a homeless guy doesn't have a house well it's really more of a trash can actually it's your trash can the homeless guy was living in your trash can wait wait wait wait wait wait so Jeffy hit my trash can that had a homeless guy in it yeah okay then tell the homeless guy to get out of my trash can well see the problem is here in Florida we have squatters rights so if a person's been living in a place long enough it technically becomes their home and the homeless guy says he's been living in your trash can for the last 6 months he showed me mail with his name on it no no no you got to be kidding me that does not count he cannot live in my trash can tell him to get out well I can't do that it's the law if you want him out you got to give him 6 months eviction notice I have to give him 6 months eviction notice no no it's my trash can I own it you can't live in my trash can you're going to have to take him to court he has to have time to get his stuff out of there and find a new trash can I'm not taking a homeless guy over to court over a trash okay how about this how about this how about I don't care anymore just tell him he can keep the trash can he can live in it but I don't want him living on my property I'll just buy a new trash can well technically the trash can's not on your property anymore cuz it's in your neighbor's yard but he did say he wanted to bring the trash can back to your driveway cuz you have good trash no he is not allowed on my property he can keep the trash can I'll buy a new one but tell him he's not allowed to put that trash can on my property okay how about this I'll check the land survey to see if his trash can is on the property line yeah yeah make sure it's not on my property hey there I'm back and I have some interesting news what's going on so you see how your property's all in red right here yeah that means it's not part of the United States what are you talking about well you see back when the Louisiana Purchase happened France owned Louisiana and a bunch of other states but they also owned this little part of Florida right here so they sold all the rest of that to America but they forgot about this part so America doesn't own it and France doesn't want it back I called and they said no so technically your property is its own country you're telling me my house is its own country yeah that's exactly what I'm telling you so you're going to have to figure out who your president's going to be if you decide to do that and you're going to have to figure out a name for your country and what your flag's going to be but hey look the good thing is that homeless guy can't stay here cuz he doesn't have a passport unless you want to give him a citizenship or Asylum or something no I don't want him here okay but I can't get rid of him cuz this is outside my jurisdiction so you're going to have to start your own police force and Military and all that well no I want to be a part of Florida tell tell America we want to be a part of them I'm sorry it doesn't work that way so if you come in and out of your country we're going to have to set up a customs checkpoint at the end of your driveway so anything you bring in and out has to go through there oh yeah and we're also going to have the Coast Guard patrolling in your Lake back here so you don't try to swim to America well no we want to be Americans we we are Americans you know we're Americans sorry you're your own country so uh I'm just going to let you guys figure out how your country is going to work cuz I know this is a lot there's no way this is happening there's no way wo Marvin since we have our own country now we should be a monarchy like with a king and a queen dib on King dibs on Queen no there's not going to be a king or a queen cuz if there was a king it would be me no I already called dibs on King respect the dibs Marvin it's the law yeah the diar we're not going to have a diar because we're not going to have our own country we're going to go join America and this whole thing's going to end oh Danny can I draw the country's flag we don't need a flag all right I'm going to go get on it come on Marvin it'll be so fun running our own country and making up our own laws but baby we have to go through customs just to go to the grocery store we never leave the house anyway Marvin all we do is watch TV please can we be our own country please okay we'll be our own country for one day yay I'm going to put on my queen outfit what queen outfit all right Dad your our flag PE PE suck land we're not calling our country PP suck land PP suck world it's not an amusement park Jeffy PP suck Studios Marvin I have now dressed in my Queen's garments take that off I will not I am not a harlot I said that if anyone was going to be the king it was going to be me but Marvin Jeffy called dibs T well you know what I think we should vote who votes me king who votes Jeffy King me me me me me no I'm the king Jeffy won the vote he is now president King Jeffy of pp suck land well King I think we should sell ourselves back to America so we can have rights no PE suck land will be one of the most powerful forces in all the world no we're not because America has nukes we don't have nukes well we will build the nukes good thinking King we're not going to build a nuke Lieutenant guy get in here yes sir what's this I'm hearing about a country inside of America oh yeah sir that's a peee suland are they dangerous oh no sir I don't think so they have a hamster and a goldfish on their flag and their country is named after a fun activity okay sir sir sir our satellites picked up PP suck land discussing building a nuke a nuke God damn it guy you you told me they weren't dangerous well sir I've been to Pepe suland and I don't think they have the resources to build a nuke but the fact that they're even thinking about it means they're pled on going to war we got to bomb the hell out of them we got to turn their country into a Walmart parking lot but sir I don't think it's a good idea to go to war with such a small country right now it doesn't matter we need to find a reason to invade them well we can see if they have oil oh yeah it's a good idea let's do that again you go over there and see if they have oil or if they're willing to surrender their country to us okay build the nuclear weapon peasant I'm working on it all we have is Legos will it explode yes if you throw it at the wall it'll explode into a million pieces good father I am hungry and quite parched travel to America and get me a MC rib and a large Sprite I can't go to America I don't have a passport we must hunt our own land for food Go Fish in the lake peasant I can't fish in the lake cuz the Coast Guard will blow my head off a well our children will grow hungry ooh we could Uber eat something they won't deliver to our country well I must Bang my own mother like edus let me see who's at the door hello hey there PP suland it's me Brooklyn guy with the United States military you were just here as a cop yeah well I'm with the Army now because the United States would like to know if your country has oil uh do we have any oil I think there's cooking oil in the kitchen and I'm sure there's oil in the engine of my car okay so you do have oil I think so okay give me what do you mean give me I mean give me your oil well I paid for it it's mine no it belongs to us now actually as a matter of fact we want your whole country I'll give you the country I don't want to be a part of this stupid country I want to be the United States oh that's great but I do need to talk to your king first speak to the king no you can speak to me I own the house no sorry I know you guys are a monarchy so I got to talk to your king Jeffy get in here who King Jeffy what do you want peasant hello your highness your hin right well the United States government would like your entire country and all of its resources no we Jeff give it to them well you do realize there's a bunch of Tanks pointed at your house right PP suck land will not be intimidated so if you want war we accept give me your thumb oh no it's not like a thumb war I I mean like a real war with guns and bombs well we accept that too no we don't okay you asked for it no we don't accept Jeff Queen prepare the troops for war we have no troops s Jeffy we're not going to war with America well they're picking on us daddyy and I got to show him that I have big grapefruit gorilla size testicles you don't Jeffy yes I do oh it doesn't matter how big your balls are Jeffy they can wipe out our entire country by pressing one button they're not going to press it because I have big gorilla testicles okay sir I just knocked on peepe suckling's door and it turns out they do have o but they are not willing to be part of America well you know what that means guy find something to blame them for then bomb the hell out of them all right Susan scramble the f16s sir yes sir and you tell them to make sure they empty all their goddamn bombs in that little piece of [ __ ] country yes sir hurry up with that nuke Daddy because did they attack us I want to retaliate I'm trying to figure out where this piece goes what was that sounds like f-16s we're about to get Reed what is reamed mean railed and creamed me going get down take this America no D the nuke didn't work put your head down toy per it make it stop I can't I think it's over but but we lost power um daddy I don't want to be king anymore I'm going to my room I'm grounding myself Jeffy you can't start [ __ ] with America then make me deal with it Marvin I want to be America again me too but I'm afraid to go outside I don't want to get shot okay sir we bombed him to Kingdom come but we kind of missed the house everything around the house is to Grand camp and they have no power but they're still in the house and I think they're afraid to come out well let's give them something to be afraid of send Seal Team 6 in there to capture them and drag their asses out of there Susan SEAL Team Six do we get to crash the helicopter on the front lawn again this time of course you do America [ __ ] yeah get it done all right boys we're going to get in there and take them out you see a gun you blow the damn head off now let's move let's move let's move this room's clear let's move let's move more mvin what's that sound I don't know oh my God mvin what's on your face what is it get on the ground ow got one I got the other s we got them did you blow their heads off not this time we're bringing them in here they are we got them sir H how you like getting bombed by America you [ __ ] you didn't even have to bomb us I already gave up oh yeah sir you're giving up now that you had a good oldfashioned American ass woman listen I don't want to fight you can have the country what we need you to do is sign a piece of paper that says that you surrendered and we can have all your stuff okay I'll sign it no Marvin we should get something out of giving up our whole country listen I'll give him the whole thing all I want is that MC RB right there nuh-uh man you better stop looking at my MCB that's my dinner gu give him the goddamn McRib but sir it's my dinner he's trading us a country for a MCB you better give it to him you can have my MC rib oh my [Music] God o
Channel: SML
Views: 4,415,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, entertainment, jeffys country, country, puppet, puppets, show, laugh, joke, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, marvin, rose, fighter jet, tank, hilarious, brooklyn guy, chief
Id: qxad1jurjMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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