SML Movie: The Weekend!

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so guys what do you want to do this weekend I don't know dude we have the whole weekend to ourselves we I gotta go some go somewhere where you going nerd oh my sending me to straight they're sending you to straight Camp yeah so I need you guys to watch ken for the weekend why do we have to watch ken well I can't bring my boyfriend to straight camp and I might try to get some strange you can't do that Cody They're Not Gonna Let You Junior it's a whole Camp full of gay dudes who don't want to be straight and they're going to pile us all in the same cabin all sleeping in the same room are you kidding me it's gonna be like fishing with dynamite it's not even gonna be fair I get to close my eyes throw a dart and hit a bullseye I'm like Gary goddamn Anderson well have fun buddy okay Cody come on let's go get you straightened out mom if you think that stupid Camp is gonna get me to stop liking weiner you're wrong boys we recently found out that Cody liking men is a sin so we're trying to stop it good luck with that I'm a weinerholic I don't doubt that okay Junior a few more things about Ken uh he's gonna want two ham and cheese Hot Pockets in the morning only give him one you're not a fatty Ken oh yeah and I need you to brush his teeth four times a day how else do you think his teeth stay so white because it's painted on shut up Joseph oh and I need you to brush his hair too I mean how else do you think his hairs taste so nice because it's glued on shut up Joseph oh and I need you to iron his clothes because how else do you think is close stay so unwrinkled because it's stitched on dude oh yeah and I need you to make sure he works out too because how else do you think he keeps his washboard abs he's a dog oh yeah and Jenny I need you to read him The Great Gatsby before bed every night I know it's a pain in the ass but it helps him sleep and don't even think about letting him read Beowulf it's too sexy oh yeah and no Ryan Reynolds movies either because I once asked him if he had a hell pass to smash any celebrity he wanted who would it be and he said Ryan Reynolds and I don't want him getting any ideas okay Cody come on hold on mom see this is what we're trying to stop if you didn't like that Mom that was just an appetizer for the Golden Corral of man ass I'm gonna be munching on dude are we really gonna watch this stupid doll no we're not gonna watch Kenneth stupid he's a stupid doll and we don't even need to watch him he's gonna leave him right there the whole weekend oh dude I got an idea how about we play catch with Ken we can't play catch with Ken he can't catch a ball dude we play catch with Ken Ken is the ball Oh you mean play catch with Ken duh yeah let's do it okay Jose are you ready to catch Ken yeah dude make sure you throw it far okay no dude that's too far oh man the lawnmower died I guess I need more gas oh my God Joseph is getting destroyed I don't know dude let me check oh he's perfectly fine not a scratch on him that was close yeah that was way too close Joseph I don't think we should play with Ken anymore yeah you're right dude how about we just go swimming that's perfectly safe yeah let's just go swimming water is safe let's go yeah I'm swimming Joseph dude swim Joseph I'm a whale dude oh look I'm a Titanic victim my boat's sinking and I'm dry money save me Jack oh that's so funny hey Joseph you think Ken is safe dude we're in a pool and he's right there nothing bad can happen wait dude is that a shark what what dude all right I got kids oh dude let's get out of here those jokes are where the shark come from I don't know dude that doesn't make any sense yeah let's just do nothing but safe things the whole weekend yeah like eat yeah I'm hungry hey Chef PeePee can you make us something to eat yeah sure Junior just hold on a second I need to fly this Pop-Tart real quick I'm talking about baby yeah Joseph maybe I should keep Ken away from this yeah dude okay Joseph we have to put Ken somewhere safe because too many dangerous things are happening to him I know dude but where uh oh we could put him in my mailbox because they're legal to go through people's mail so no one will mess with them oh dude that's smart yeah that's smart you know what no one breaks the law these days that's a genius idea yeah let's go okay Joseph put them in the mailbox all right dude I got you oh come on what's wrong dude it won't budge we'll pull it okay dude yes no is he okay kid why the are you in the road are you trying to get paid because I have the best lawyers so you're not getting is getting okay I think so can you grab him oh yeah dude okay this is way too close let's just take Ken inside and put him on the bed yeah you're right dude let's go dude I hate that Cody asked us to watch this stupid dog for him I know it sucks but I think you should let me hold Ken why because I can't trust you with him do is it cause I'm black no it's just because every time you hold him something bad almost happens to him well you don't want to run out and ran over bro you almost got him ran over by a car you told me to put it inbox I was just doing what you asked just let me hold it no no I can't let me get out of him dude time to put these in the wood chipper oh get in there you bugger no way I need that well you collect Sticks no the doll oh there is a doll in there isn't he oh you beat me what yeah you could have been fed to the chipper let me get him oh he's stuck in there tight little road isn't it all right dude toss can on the bed since you don't trust me your best friend well I don't want to toss them on that bed because that's where Chef PeePee sleeps so I'm gonna toss him on the top bunk okay then whatever works dude all right dude why did you throw him in the silly fan I didn't mean to I was trying to talk about the talk but the ceiling fan got in the way you obviously was trying to take off his head no listen Joseph everything we do kin almost gets destroyed so I think we should just put him on the couch and not touch him all weekend yeah you're right that's a good plan dude all right Ken is gonna sit right there all weekend and we're not gonna touch him yeah I'm not touching him at all he better not move yeah so we can do all the fun things we want we don't have to worry about him oh yeah dude let's do it yeah let's go ringing yeah hello hey Junior hey Cody what's going on I'm coming home already yeah I got kicked out of straight cam for skiing it was a snow resort no I just got caught skiing with two other boys you know one on each side I don't get it well think about what you do with your hands when you're skiing oh yeah I'm a freak yeah and I also think I turned one of the counselors gay we were having a hot dog eating contest we ran out of hot dogs but I didn't stop my nickname at this Camp is that Glizzy Goblin well that's really cool so how's Ken doing oh Ken's doing great not one time today did he almost get destroyed not one time that's really good to hear Junior can I talk to him how would you talk to him well just put the phone up to his ear he's doll here hey baby how's it going what what oh no give the phone back to Junior what's going on junior what's this I hear about Ken getting bit by a shark dude how do you know that uh where'd you hear that from Ken just told me well he didn't get bit by a shark he's a doll he didn't get bit by a shark we were watching Jaws so I don't know how you heard that but Junior you're not supposed to let him watch scary movies only I can do that so that when he gets scared he puts his head under the covers while I'm not wearing pants oh well you didn't say we couldn't watch Jaws you said not to watch Ryan Reynolds movies well I guess that's true I did say that but he's gonna have nightmares now and I'm gonna have to be the big spoon it's so lame well look when are you coming back well I should be back any minute I'm about to pull up okay well we'll see you in a minute all right well tell my sweet little buttercup cake pants that I love them all right is that me no it's Ken oh okay well we'll see you in a minute all right Cody's gonna be here any minute yeah thank God I'm tired of watching that stupid dog yeah Joseph what what happened to kid's legs oh God I didn't notice that dude I was standing right by you oh yeah I was on the phone what happened Joseph dude I don't know maybe a raccoon took his legs did you see a raccoon no she said why would you say it where did they go hey oh no dude when I put kid on the phone he had legs there's no way he just doesn't have legs now bro I'm clueless I was right by you oh no that's Cody at the door trying to find some legs my legs from do I just try oh my God I'm a stall hello Cody what are you doing here I'm here to pick up Ken remember the conversation we just had on the phone did we just talk on the phone yeah we did oh yeah we did so I'm just gonna come in and get Ken well hold on don't you want to leave Ken here for the weekend and have the weekend to yourself no that straight can't made me real hungry for GI Joe crotch plate oh well Ken had a really amazing time here he doesn't want to leave I don't like the sound of that I don't want him having too much fun without me I'm gonna have to spank that little tush well didn't you say you were hungry why don't you go to McDonald's to get your free medium french fry you haven't had that in Forever well that's true but I get kind of tired of french fries well how about go grab some no I I don't think so I think I'll take Ken with me after no how about you grab some french fries and surprise Ken with them well I don't want Ken eating french fries he's on a no-carb diet he only gets one cheat meal a day and that's his Hot Pocket in the morning oh well you know what my dad just yelled and said that no one's allowed in the house oh well can you go get Ken and bring him here yeah let me go get him well hold on man the stairs are getting steamed cleaned and I don't want to step on the stairs you know what Junior I don't think your dad really cares this so I'm just gonna come and get him damn Junior you went upstairs fast I'd like to take my time wait I thought you said these stairs were getting steam cleaned Joseph Joseph Cody's on his way up it's all good Junior I already found some legs you're welcome you chose black legs the stolich yeah I could find Cody's not gonna believe this well how about you just tell him that he's half Kenyan it took me forever to get up those stairs I don't know how you do it so fast I guess I'm just getting old whoa nice leg tan Ken Jenny you didn't tell me Ken sunbathe by the pool oh yeah yeah Ken wanted to surprise you by getting a tan only on his lower half oh it's the only half that matters oh I can't wait to lick him yeah so just take Ken and go home I just want to ask him about his day first so how was it Ken yeah so weird really what guys what what Ken says you guys lost his legs and replaced his legs with GI Joe legs no liar Jr can never lies to me okay fine we lost his legs but we don't know what happened he was literally just sitting here when I was on the phone with you and his legs just disappeared uh dude I actually know what happened I got hungry and I wanted to eat some chicken legs [Applause] okay that was pretty good [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 7,407,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, entertainment, junior, joseph, cody, the weekend, ken, puppet, puppets, show, logan, hilarious, lovell, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, laugh, joke, fun, happy, mistake
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 12 2023
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