SML Movie: Jeffy and Junior's Hotel!

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Jeffy get in here Jor get your butt in here yeah Dad what do you want Daddy well me Braxton and Rose are going to a bar to play Bingo and sing karaoke yeah Junior your dad's going to be the next Beyonce all the single lettuce all the single lettuce yeah you know that song right so are you two going to be okay to stay home alone for a few hours sure daddy I'm just going to work on patenting my new as wiper 3000 I'll never have stinky fingers again hold on hold on that boy is a genius I might need that later I get nervous at karaoke and I got I be yes oh well look we're going to leave so if you need anything just call us and do not burn the house down all right wait wait you guys are not alone uh junior uh shfp stand here to watch over you guys cuz I don't trust you with the house so shf peipi get up here and do your job well well well look who's King of the castle now Lord peep don't call yourself that Chef Pee what the hell wait wait there's a Chef Pee here where is he where is he cuz all I see is royalty so call me Lord peep your majesty your highness or your peepness something that pertains to royalty and since I'm in charge now you peasants got to do what I say and if you got a problem with it your ass going to the dungeon you hear me yeah yeah yeah do I have any objections what the hell was that as wiper 3000 well no more ass Wier 3,000 unless you wiping my ass yes Lord penis no it's Lord pepis God look I I'm going to sleep in Braxton's bed do not bother me or you will fill the wrath of Lord peep there's someone at the door Jeffy let's go answer it okay hello what up dudes who are you the name's Crush cuz I [ __ ] crush it all the time man what are you doing here Crush well I was driving through Florida to get down to the Everglades to live in the woods like Winnie the Pooh bear or some [ __ ] and on the way down I was smoking this wicked gong in my car dude and got [ __ ] up dude like I couldn't even drive so I was starting to look for a hotel room but then I was like I don't have a phone cuz I don't believe believe in technology I believe in squirrels dude have you ever seen a [ __ ] squirrel they're [ __ ] awesome they got this like built-in geographical positioning system in their head dude they always know where all the good nuts are and that's me man I'm just trying to be a squirrel and try to get my nut dude so you guys know where any hotels are no we don't know where any hotels are oh well that's crazy cuz I was at [ __ ] this gas station dude and I got this map of Cuba and I'm looking at it and I'm like I don't know where the [ __ ] I am dudee but if you turn it sideways it kind of looks like Florida or a seahorse and and I'm like if I find a hotel it's got to be cheap dude cuz all I got is 160 bucks 160 bucks cash yeah Jeffy we we can let him stay here and we can get $160 we get paid for him to sleep uh so technically this place is a hotel no way dude this looks like a house well we built it to look like that because we want people to feel like they're at home dude I do do feel that way I feel like I'm at home yeah so if you stay here you have to give us 160 bucks okay cool man here's your 160 bucks oh my God yeah let me show you to your room cool okay here's your room you can either have the bottom bunk or the top bunk oh dude I'm bottom bunk all the way man because if I was up there and there was a fire like how would I get down Dude down here is so chill man it's like my own little bird nest CUO cachu well let us know if you need anything go to sleep wait how do you have toes wa man where did your little piggies go did they run off to like the market my Piggies are right here dude just chilling a total Vibe all right Jeffy let's go oh my God Jeffy look we just made $160 by letting someone sleep in our bed for the night junior did you see his toes why don't I have toes like that I think when he falls asleep I'm going to go in there and steal his toes no Jeffy if we rent out the top bunk for another $160 then you can buy yourself new toes you're right Junior so I'm going to go make a sign and put on the front door saying that we're a hotel and that we're open okay there Hotel open $16 ah the devil yes it is me the devil what are you doing here well I needed a vacation from hell and I saw your sign that says Hotel open $160 but I only have $200 well that's enough you can stay here oh you're not even going to give me my change how evil I love it here let me show you your room so I got some good news for you sir we upgraded you to the top bunk oh the top bunk I'm in heaven wait I don't want to be in heaven oh Wicked man he's going to clip my toenails for me this place is the best what are you doing Jeffy I want his toes Junior come on Jeffy cut it out Jeffy I was trying to cut it out all 10 of his toes no Jeffy look we just made $360 in one night by letting two people sleep in our bunk beds that is pretty the tits yeah so let me go remove the sign from the front door cuz I don't want anyone else thinking they can stay here oh no there's someone at the door hello hi there is this a hotel uh no officer this is not a hotel well that's a damn shame because we were hoping for some bed and breakfast type [ __ ] yeah I was trying to get lucky get lucky he's already lucky this [ __ ] hit the goddamn jackpot he gets to be all up in this bab's cooch well sorry we don't have any rooms available for the night well that's a damn shame because where else was I going to spend my $500 $500 yeah good dick ain't cheap well I think for $500 I can get a room ready for you guys so come wait in the lobby really yeah come wait thank you young man all right you two just sit right here your room will be available shortly is there anything I can get you yeah Lube five paper towels and a Pringles can okay and leave one of the Pringles in it Jeffy we have a problem what Junior we too [ __ ] paid no but seriously there's these two people that want to rent a room for $500 but we don't have any rooms left well what if we rented out your dad's room what we can't do that Chef peee is sleeping in there what if we move Chef Pee somewhere else that's a good idea Jeffy let's go move Chef peep we have to be really quiet okay Lord peep okay Jeffy grab his head wait stop teabagging him oh you're okay I'll grab his legs you grab his head okay okay Jeffy now that Chef peee is sleeping in the bathtub we can run out my dad's room yeah Junior I like you do you like me oh I hate sending risky text I'm not even going to look at my phone okay just real quick she hasn't answered yet hey man oh dude why are you Red like a pepper because I am the devil all right on man I love your lettuce speaking of Devil's lettuce do you have a light cuz I'm trying to hot boox this bunk bed dude do I have a light I am a light I am the king of fire all right on man cuz I'm trying to get zoty MC scoty dude sorry for the weight but your room is now ready wow this is nicy [ __ ] it feels like I'm in Dubai or something and what is this is this one of those Tempa Pedic mattresses put a glass of wine on the bed and see if it falls over while we're banging is there anything else I can get you to yeah give me some candles a pack of cigarettes a can of fabreze and a yellow potty City balloon to douche and also three more layers of sheets all right I'll be here in minute all right and leave it by the door cuzz we're going to go ahead and get started guys do you need anything peekaboo cachu hey man we're high as [ __ ] bro and we're on the bottom bunk well just making sure you guys didn't need anything no man we're fabuloso my guy we're like Jack in the beant stock but we're the guy in the clouds yeah we're like a cumulo nimbus dude that was the name of Harry Potter's broom oh well I'll let you guys just keep hanging out there's someone at the door hold on all right dude we're going to be in outer space hello hey is my partner Simmons here his squad car is parked outside and he's not answering his radio oh well a cop checked in a few minutes ago checked in what do you mean this isn't a hotel uh it's like a Airbnb oh okay well what rooms he in cuz I really need his help for an emergency see there's this fat person that's at a buffet and they refus to leave and at first I thought it might be my ex-wife but that's not possible because she's banned from all buffets worldwi wide and apparently the gym but no it's not her it's this fat guy that's been there since lunchtime and now he thinks he can live there since it's all you can eat and I'm going to need another officer to help me drag his fat ass out of there oh well he's up there in the room to the left okay thank you I can't believe Simmons would get a hotel room while he's on duty he's so lazy okay Simmons take the toothbrush out of my ass and give me a bloody Dragon I thought we were doing the Panamanian petting zoo no [ __ ] that give me the Kentucky clite mom what the is that the room sir come on inside and look what I'm doing to sims's balls what Mom Brookie is that you can you get us some bottles of water oh hiy M can you take a picture I didn't know your mom was this flexible that's it mom get out go home I can't believe you can't accept me and Simmons's love that that was not love okay and I will never accept my partner sleeping with my mom get your hand off him Simmons come on we got to go to a buffet he's full he had a whole Buffet of roast beef from the back oh God come on on [Music] Simmons wait is that a fire oh my God it's on fire Jun Jun Jun we got to get out of the house it's on fire whoa dude look it's Lord farquad far out man wait what who the hell are you the name's Crush like the soda oh y'all boys getting litty here ain't you litty to titty we're blazing man yeah you should join us King Tut oh you know Lord people proove pass it to me I can't believe we didn't win a single game of bingo all night look those old ladies were cheating Morphin look there's a sign on our door it says Hotel open $160 it must be some kids in the neighborhood pulling a prank I'm going to take the sign down Marvin do you see that smoke in the air oh my God the house might be on fire we have to get the kids oh no the house ain't on fire that's gas straight gas Marvin I think they're in the bunk bed come on kids we got to go wao I didn't know it was going to be a powow Crush oh zero gag reflex chick what's up stop that's a hell of a nickname wa you know him yeah we met at a festival once we shared a tent yeah we did that makes sense now well get the hell out of my house well I paid legal tender to be here so get out of my hotel room this is not a hotel room this is my house and I want you to leave oh man buzz kill yeah everyone leave everyone get out oh look the fire alarms going off Jesus okay Jeffy out of the $855 we made by renting out all the the bedrooms we both get $425 each but I don't know how to split this last $5 let me see it Jeffy why are there random people in the house I don't know Junior where did you get all this money from oh uh people at school pay me to do their homework for them I know that's a damn lie cuz you are dumb as hell but I'm going to take all this money for rent by the time you start being treated as an adult wow I only made [Music] $5 [Music] m
Channel: SML
Views: 6,931,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, entertainment, jeffy and juniors hotel, hotel, junior, joseph, cody, craig, hilarious, brooklyn guy, puppet, puppets, show, laugh, joke, fun, superluigilogan, sll, suoerbowserlogan, sbl, hippie
Id: tcDNnqALhOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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