SML Movie: Junior's Big Playtime 2

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[Music] what is taking Junior so long I don't know but it's taking forever though guys we can't play house today but why come on dude I've been looking for my fake mustache everywhere and I can't find it Well you don't need it we're already in costume it's just a mustache dude but I'm the dad the dad needs a mustache well we can just say you shaved okay fine let's play house okay thank you Sally Junior dinner's ready o mom you ordered pizza yummy mhm wait what the hell is this oh what now why'd you order pizza you know we can't afford that I don't have a job right now well that's not my fault I didn't feel like cooking oh big surprise you didn't feel like cooking I don't feel like cooking I don't feel like doing my makeup I don't feel like trying to lose weight I don't feel like not trying to bang every guy I see oh I didn't feel like filling out a job application I didn't feel like getting my fat ass off a couch oh I didn't feel like go to an a meeting or stop drinking and driving well at least you're correct about you not getting your fat ass off the couch I was was talking about you guys guys aren't you divorced why are you still arguing we decided not to get divorced because your mom's new boyfriend got tired of her old stinky snatch and she said that she wanted me to hit it again oh no you got it wrong yeah your dad still has a rectile dysfunction and I'm his last H so yeah you think that I can get it up looking at that ugly thing yeah right how dare you we decided to go to marriage counseling to try to work things out at least until you graduate high school yeah oh well I hope the marriage counseling works out for you guys could you pass me the parmesian cheese what the parmesian cheese what the hell you say are you trying to say parmesan cheese yeah that what you're telling me I pay $10,000 a year for you to go to some shitty ass private school and you can't even say parmesan right well you didn't want me to go to public school because you said you didn't want me to end up a [ __ ] like Mom oh yeah that is correct you know why would you say that Junior cuz you went to public school and you banged every single guy on the football team but guess what I'm paying for private school for no reason because you don't the Apple doesn't fall far from from the tree so you're going to end up like a [ __ ] just like your mom you're just mad cuz I was popular in high school I wasn't aore no popular isn't banging every guy every guy would bang a girl here here's your parmesian cheese or whatever let's go to our marriage counseling hey there welcome to marage counseling my name is Dr Patrick but you can call me Pat okay Pat oh hell no the moment she starts calling you by a nickname she's going to start trying to sleep with you shut up Junior you're just mad look see this is why we're here doctor I mean Pat okay just pull his pants down and beg for it at this point you're always jealous Junior I'm not jealous you're trying to S do want you're ug he doesn't want me though we should just calm down and see what's going on here junior why are you so angry well I'm a hardw worker loyal great fall is there something you want to say oh oh me I'm sorry no no no no no let him continue lying oh I'm not lying let me tell you about her she's a stay-at-home what good Mom no she's a stay-at-home devoted wife no what's the word I'm thinking of she's a stay-at-home [ __ ] no I'm not a [ __ ] how dare yes you are you know Golden Corral the buffet guys line up for her vagina just like that watch your mouth how dare you Junior okay I think we need to do an exercise to see what you got going on in your head so we're going to do this ink blot test you look at this inklot and tell me what it looks like to you oh that's my wife cheating on me with another man like the 10th one this week no that's you getting drunk in the baby shower remember oh no that is the baby shower I see the balloons but if I look really hard in the back that's you banging the DJ while our daughter's in your stomach I never banged a DJ yes you did you banged the DJ cuz he played Maroon 5 and you like that B I don't even like Maroon 5 yes you do I like ins sync you like Adam the a minute I think I think we should try this other picture oh oh how did you get that photo it's like the camera was in the bedroom that that's my wife getting gang bang by three guys no I never been gang banged by three guys okay two guys in a [ __ ] the [ __ ] right there on top watch your mouth no that's you definitely beat me after drinking too much Bud Light oh you know I did beat you after I pulled the [ __ ] off top of you that's right there no no wait wait wait wait is didn't you get pulled over is that is that the officer in the baby in the back seat yeah that is oh that's you yeah that is me getting the DIY but that's me drinking cuz I don't want to see your ugly face watch your [ __ ] mouth I think we should try one last pit oh my God that's what my wife likes to suck on that's what she likes to ride on that's what you like to get from every single guy you meet that's the size that you wish you had okay that's it you know I'm insecure about the size of my bit that's not my problem okay everybody calm down I think we should do a breathing exercise so next time you guys get angry I want you to try to breathe like this is wait wait wait keep that sound going keep that sound going where do I hear that sound at I've heard that sound before Oh that's the sound I hear when I come home from work coming from the bedroom her getting railed by another guy what oh it's least guys know what to do you don't know how to do it right oh yeah okay the Walmart manager okay sure yeah he said he works in the fish department they don't even have a fish department yeah okay okay we're out of time but I think we made a lot of progress today and I'll see you guys next week no I'm ubering I'm over this [ __ ] Sally Junior breakfast is ready M yummy oh wow I never thought I'd see a home-cooked meal ever again Junior I mean it looks delicious honey Sally no soda for breakfast but it's just my Mountain Cola no you keep drinking soda you get fat like your mother oh junior did you brush your teeth this morning I hear a lot of [ __ ] coming out of your mouth so how did marriage counseling go oh I really liked it oh did you like the counseling or did you just like the doctor cuz you want to sleep with him here we go I was just in awe cuz I never met a man so successful in my life I wish you were actually successful well you know you know he actually doesn't want you right he's a doctor he wants a real woman like a supermodel not some ugly girl with braces in her teeth I'm not ugly you know I'm Miss care about my damn braces I went to a bad dentist oh no your teeth have been fine for years you're just sleeping with that dentist that's why you keep going back and I'm going keep sleeping with them cuz they're successful unlike you okay oh wow the power went out why it's not storming outside you didn't pay the bill did you I don't have a job I can't afford to pay the bill well go and get a damn job you lazy bom okay I'm going to go back for my job back yeah please damn the Market's down 5% but not meta they crushed their earnings so they're up 13% in after hours excuse me sir Junior what the hell are you doing here I fired you and told you never to come back I know I'm very sorry I know I messed up big but I need my job back I even quit drinking you quit drinking when was the last time you had a drink last night last night it's been about 12 hours but I'm completely sober and I don't even think about beer 12 hours junior I'm going to need to see some more Improvement Before I Let You in business meetings and trust you with people's financials I completely understand I'm willing to start at the very bottom even sweet floors well that's exactly where you're going to start cuz I'm going to start you off at intern janitor what's the starting pay nothing you're the intern you're literally learning how to be a janitor okay but my lights got shut off so I need to get paid I don't give a [ __ ] yes sir when can I be CFO again well I wouldn't hold your breath actually I I think you should because I take some stinky shits in the handicap stall but you're not handicap I know [ __ ] them we don't hire handicaps here we don't have ramps or elevators to the building we don't know how they get in oh okay well then why even have handicap stalled because they're big and comfy and they have a lot of room in there and also they have a sink so I can play in the water and also since they're so big I like to stand as far away from the toilet as possible and try to piss and it never makes it in the bowl it's always on the floor for you to clean up okay when do I start right now but I have a business meeting to go to so don't you [ __ ] me and also your name's not Junior anymore it's Pepe why Pepe cuz it's funny and I run a clean ship so go ahead and get started I I sir oh also one more thing Roberto took a big [ __ ] in the Ural so go clean that happily [Music] sir I took off my glasses so you know it's serious anybody want to explain to me why PJ's PJ sales are tanking so hard I guess people aren't wearing pajamas anymore what about you Roberto what do you got up in that taco Noggin of yours see no one want to wear their pajamas I can Cur well we got to figure out a way to break the news to PJ he's one of our biggest clients so we can't lose him so start brainstorming hey guys oh [ __ ] he's early hey PJ oh what's up PJ man I like them pajamas you wearing you really rocking them see mucho pajama thanks guys how are PJ's PJ sales doing you'll have to explain it to me cuz I can't read graphs well Mr PJ we were doing all right on Sunday and then come Monday it's like we took mirax cuz the [ __ ] kept coming and by Friday we were at new alltime lows what the [ __ ] guys I trusted you with my brand if this keeps up I'm going to have to find another firm oh no need to do that Mr PJ we'll figure out a way to get your sales up well you better figure it out because I am one mistake away from pulling out Mr Richard I got the turd out of the Ural for you God damn it Pepe why would you bring a [ __ ] to a business meeting is that a [ __ ] dude you don't put [ __ ] on the table well P Pepe was just doing what Pepe was told to do and pepe got the turn out the Ural so did Pepe do good no Pepe do bad Pepe do real bad Roberto is that your [ __ ] from the Ural see you told me to take a [ __ ] inal so Pepe had to clean it up God damn it Pepe you weren't supposed to bring it to the business meeting look guys if all you can bring to the table is [ __ ] I'm out oh no Mr PJ [ __ ] Pepe you just made us lose our biggest partner you're [ __ ] fire Pepe need this job Pepe need money well Pepe is screwed and pepe needs to return to Lassa because Pepe's fired as [ __ ] God damn it [Music] Pepe oh guess who's late for dinner and you're drunk again did you get your job back yes so where's the money we need to turn the lights on I got fired again you got fired again you must have been drunk on the job no Pepe did a good job but Pepe still got fired who the hell is Pepe listen I'll get another job tomorrow tomorrow what's for dinner is crackers and pasta O's she didn't have a can opener so she couldn't open it and the power's not on so I can't even heat them up all I have to eat is a hot dog bun of potato chips and all I can drink is ketchup and mustard are you complaining Sally no mother listen guys I'll get a job tomorrow and the power will be back on just let me enjoy my beer no you won't you're just going to get drunk and get fired again I'm going to have to go and get a job forget it oh yeah where you going to get a job at you going to be a shoe salesman at a centipede arm I can't believe I got to sell my body on the street just to pay the bills hey I'm looking for a lady tonight are you a hooker ooh nice car yeah I'm rich what that mouth do oh anything you want for a nice price okay well I got a bucket of ranch and a bucket of honey mustard I'm going to dip my balls in it you down for that oh yeah let's go all right hop in wait how was the power on cuz I did what you couldn't do I handle business now I need to go and brush my teeth and wash my hair I'm a dirty filthy girl all right everybody breakfast is ready come and enjoy your food wa what kind of job did Dad get to be able to afford this whole schoras Board of food Oh Daddy didn't do this this all mommy [ __ ] wait we can't afford all this food yeah you can't afford [ __ ] you don't do anything thing this is all Mommy's doing this Mama's House Big Mama's House okay yeah just enjoy your food and be grateful [ __ ] wait what kind of what kind of job did you even get oh don't worry about it I climbed the corporate ladder the big corporate ladder hey Josephine I have a very stressful meeting today and I need a release oh sure I'll come with you wait wait wait you hired my wife wait a minute you're married to Pepe it's complicated wait you hired my wife instead of me yeah she's my secretary and come on Josephine I have a bucket of sweet and sour sauce this time oo you switching it up okay wait Sally call me crazy but is mom is your mom cheating on me with my ex- boss oh yeah definitely I can't believe this are you kidding me I worked so hard I did everything I used to be the bread winner I'm the one who supported this family dad you're scaring me I'm going to take it out on you because you remind me of your mother you think I like it when I hit you maybe what's all that noise in here oh well we're playing house and Joseph is sleeping with my ex- boss so I was beating my daughter because of it you need to calm down and tell your friends the gold they need to leave now okay sorry Cody if I was hitting you too hard no that's okay I kind of liked it next time you should give me a [Music] spanking
Channel: SML
Views: 2,780,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, entertainment, juniors big playtime 2, big, junior, joseph, cody, juniors playtime, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, puppet, puppets, show, laugh, fun, joke, mr goodman, richard, house, patrick, logan, lance
Id: 1bOnpZo7AFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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