SML Movie: Jeffy Catches A Predator!

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so guys what do you want to do today I don't know Joseph who are you T don't ask him do not give him the attention that he wants but I want to know Junior it's not worth it it's never worth it n crazy oh Junior I got to ask him please don't ask him please oh Junior it's killing me I have fomo I need to be included in the joke people like that only want attention why you s a picture like that Joseph who are you texting oh my God you so damn nosy Cody but if you must know I just been texting a dude that I met online he's pretty chill wait you met a dude online yeah it's nothing weird like that get your mind out of the gutter God all we do is talk about sports he's an Eagles fan wait how old is this guy uh he's in his 30s or 40s that's weird Joseph no it's not we just talk about basketball and football I promise nothing weird the only weird thing he's ever done was send me a picture of his junk but I think it was by accident he must have been trying to send it to his doctor or something but he just sent it multiple times like many times over more than I can count Joseph he's starting to sound like one of these n don't try my homeboy like that he's not one of those n he's he can't be can't be he just likes cupcakes and I invited him over to EA you invited him over to my house yeah he's pretty chill I thought you would like that Joseph who buys gray yellow and white cupcakes they're the color of my sadness Cody H yes Jeffy cupcakes yummy wait why are the cupcakes all messed up yeah what did you pogo stick on the way over here now you know my only way of transportation is a pogo stick Cody oh that's him dude oh let's meet him downstairs with the cupcakes I'm going to call the call the cops yeah I was going to say call the cops yeah what's up dude I got the cupcakes I'm glad you can make it what the going on everybody it's your boy 445 if that's his name yeah it's pretty cool isn't it so what are you doing here yeah I just took a mean ass Chipotle and um I've been holding this for almost what 15 16 hours I used so much tissue to wipe my ass with when I flushed the toilet it didn't go all the way the down so um of course there's tissue not all of the tissue can go down in the toilet you feel me yeah that that makes sense oh look the cops are here okay freeze get up against the wall you're under arrest yeah arrest them for talking to kids online no don't arrest my friend what are you doing here bub well I was actually coming out here to pick up a cupcake and then go back home oh yeah likely story you're coming with me yeah that's right arrest him dang it guys I can't believe you got my friend freaking arrested you guys suck well Joseph he got himself arrested he was one of these no he wasn't he was not one of those you're a liar hey guys thanks for helping me catch that guy who knows what could have happened he would have ate a cupcake oh I don't think he was after cupcakes yes he was look at the text that's all he want it oh God so much penis oh it's a good thing he's in jail he already had several charges including destroying a Chipotle bathroom what do you guys want to do now well you guys are so good at helping me catch people like that if you guys weren't underage I'd use you as bait all the time well I'm not underage I think we have today's video idea okay kids you can scram this is a Jeffy video now Jeffy call your dad in here Dy what do you want Jeffy what are you doing here oh I just came to arrest you for how you've been treating these cupcakes those aren't my cupcakes ooh so you're saying I can have one sure okay well it's actually illegal to give away something that's not yours but I'll let it slide just this once if I can have a cupcake I said you can okay well I can't let it slide twice you're under arrest for what I'm just joshing you calm down what are you doing here oh well I got a job offer for Jeffy oh no I'm not working at that Five Nights at Freddy's place uh no no that's that's a different video and that's not happening for a while I mean sure as hell not in January adds a then I mean maybe in February we'll see so what's your job offer oh well earlier tonight I uh one of those came over to the house and tried to talk to Jeffy and some other kids one of those yeah don't worry I arrested him but that got me thinking you know we could get Jeffy to go online and pretend to be a kid to attract you know those people and then whenever they come over here I arrest them um that sounds kind of dangerous oh what's dangerous about inviting a monster over to your home whose only intention is to assault somebody look you'll be fine how's the pay oh the pay is great it's kind of a commission sort of situation so Jeffy would get 100 bucks for every guy I arrest so it' be 100 bucks per perve 100 bucks per perve so if you arrest 100 perves in a night that's $10,000 in a night yeah but I don't think your kid is that good-looking and also they'd have to line up at the door and take a number and then they see people coming out in handcuffs look let's just see what happens all right yeah we're down we're totally down okay I'll go get my laptop okay I got my laptop and I'm setting Jeffy up a profile okay his username is my parents aren't home 2011 and I set his age as 12 hold on I got to take a picture for the profile make a good face Jeffy yeah that's great okay let me just uh upload that oh I got a biter okay he's coming over already oh yeah my pedo RZ is unreal the things I said were diabolical so what's going to happen now okay so now whenever the guy comes over jeffy's going to open the door and he's going to let the guy in and take him to the kitchen then he's going to say he has to go use the bathroom or something and then this TV show host is going to come in and roast the hell out of him damn right oh okay well what if the guy has a gun he's not going to have a gun calm down oh he's here everybody take your positions Jeffy go answer the door okay hello and welcome to how to catch a pervert just outside this door is a man who thinks he's going to be meeting up with a 12-year-old boy but really he's going to be meeting up with our 19-year-old decoy Jeffy Jeffy I'm going to go hide in the pantry until you bring the Pervert into the kitchen and then I'm going to come out and roast him with hilarious puns oh that sounds like him he must be hungry answer the door Jeffy okay hello oh God damn you're hot so uh you are my parents aren't home 2011 right yeah and you are 12 right uh-huh oh jackpot so uh you going to invite me in don't be rude yeah come on inside and smell my butthole oh don't mind if I do all right you stay right here and I'm going to go to the bathroom and wipe all right baby a couple sips of this NY and he'll be out and I'll be in hey there sir back off he's mine I found him first ew well what were your intentions here today I'm trying to smash man what you talking about what you thought this was so you're not even trying to deny it huh listen I'm not sharing you can have what's left after with nothing inappropriate happening here today well I didn't think it would happen here I assumed we'd be doing it in like a bedroom or something listen I don't think you understand you're on the hit TV show how to catch a pervert oh you're recording this that's great be sure to send me a copy afterwards no no that that's not what we're doing listen you're going to jail and this is a police officer I can't go back to jail this is a setup help police I'm the cameraman freeze get on the ground you're under arrest I'm not going back to jail oh he has a gun run okay okay let him go it he has a gun just just lock the doors did I hear gunshots yeah he had a gun did you arrest him no because he had a gun don't you have a gun yeah but I left it in the car well go get it and go after him no I want to do this this is more fun there's a predator on the loose that shot up police but yeah but you're not my boss okay you can't tell me what to do well do we at least get the $100 no because it's per arrest and I didn't arrest him oh man so I wiped for no reason no no you wiped for a reason because I am the rizzler and I'm going to RIS up some old men well what if the next one has a gun well I'm just going to Pat him down when he comes in you can't Pat him down he'll know he's caught immediately well I'm just going to tell him that I'm jeffy's 14-year-old older brother who's playing cops you don't look 14 yeah well you're bald oh yeah Marvin by the way we're going to need you to interrogate the next pedo well what happened to Steve Well Steve broke his nose when the last one headbutted him and he doesn't want to do it anymore so it has to be you I don't want to get headbutted I'm not doing it listen it's 100 bucks man okay I'll do it oh I got one ooh with a wiener pick put that in the small folder yeah I'm categorizing the wiener so I can make a collage for the Met it's been a long time since I put one in the humongous folder though might just have to take a picture of my own wiener oh he's here okay Jeffy you know what to do Marvin go downstairs hello hey there oh hey Jeffy I didn't know you were 12 I'm not I'm 19 but I lied you said you were 12 hey bud I got to pat you down real quick who are you oh I'm his 14-year-old brother you don't look 14 yeah well I saw your dick and I put it in the small folder he's clean but I wouldn't say clean I have herpes well you want to come and shy okay all right you stay right here and I'm going to go shave my okay hell wide oh look Koolaid yummy hey there who are you I am jeffy's father oh no am I in trouble you're in a lot of trouble can you pee on me what I've been a naughty piggy and I need someone to pee on me no one's going to pee on you cuz you're on the hit TV show how to catch a perve oh no am I going to jail yeah cuz you're a perv oh my dad's going to be so disappointed I'm sorry Daddy I'm such a you were trying to get with a 12-year-old I was I'm so sorry well you got to leave so you can go to jail I don't want to leave can I stay here with you no you got to leave okay can I go out the back door can you go out the back door I think so okay can I take this Co with me yeah you can take whatever you want you're going to jail thank you what the hell is taking so long where is he ready to arrest him so where are you from Australia Sydney guys where the hell is Peppa my ball 69 who the weirdo oh he went out the back door the back door you're supposed to send him out the front door he said he could go out the back door well I didn't know God damn it guys we let another one get away get away you don't have the whole house surrounded with cops no we're the only two cops here and I'm the cameraman God you're only supposed to send them out the front door do I get $100 no because we didn't arrest anybody damn it Marvin this is not supposed to be this hard we've already lost two and both of them are your fault how is the first one my fault I warned about the gun okay yeah you're right the second one was your fault okay we're both tied one at one your fault yes okay deal but we're still going to arrest one tonight because I am going to become The Wizard of Oz the ultimate Riz I'm going to give this everything I've got okay okay I've matched with one let's see oh yeah yeah he'll like that oh that's good oh that's nasty that's nasty no no no no that sounds desperate no it's no good let's try a different approach okay I think I got him and send oh and we got a wienner pick too let's open that up woof oh my God look at this thing Marvin come look I don't want to Marvin come look oh sweet Jesus I know right look at that thing that's going in the humongous folder can I see no no you can't no actually you know what getting its own folder called Dam with not enough storage Marvin do you have an external hard drive preferably 2 terab we don't have time for that oh terabyte dick Marvin I'm not going to lose this this is a unicorn it's like seeing a supernova in a telescope it's one in a million is that him yeah it must be him okay let's go over the plan Jeffy you're going to bring him in and take him to the kitchen I'm going to Pat him down Marvin send him through the front door why don't you just arrest him at the front door and we eliminate the kitchen huh yeah that's a good idea you know what let's just feel it out Jeffy to the door on hello hey there kid ready to play with my snake balloon excuse me sir let me just pat you down real quick oh God I can feel it oh God it might as well be a gun can we hurry this up I got to let this kid play with my snake balloon sir what were your intentions here tonight to let this kid play with my snake balloon well I saw the messages I wrote them myself why would you write the messages for him does his hands not work no sir this is a sting are you a bumblebee no no what I mean is this is a trap where no this is the hit TV show how to catch a pervert don't you see the camera crew oh they're not here because we didn't tell them we were doing this at the front door they're still in the kitchen okay you know what you're still under arrest all right hell yeah Marvin we got one we did so I get $100 no because you didn't talk to the guy and we didn't get it on camera so we're not going to make any money off this one oh well what about the footage from the first two guys well that footage is not usable because those guys got away and the show is not called how to let a pervert get away it's how to catch a pervert so we'd have to actually catch one well then just try to get another pervert over here and I'll help nah I'm all rised out for the tonight maybe some other time though for right now I have to point at the camera and say something hey don't talk to strangers and definitely don't meet up with strangers you met online or on [Music] fortnite
Channel: SML
Views: 4,757,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, entertainment, jeffy catches a predator, alien vs predator, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, puppet, puppets, show, brooklyn guy, laugh, fun, screwball, mr winkle, pepper, marvin, junior, joseph, cody, hilarious
Id: Y0GgsCFFfHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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