SML Movie: Cody's Lawsuit [2024]

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[Music] I hate school me too dude come on guys cheer up school's great you get to be around your friends and learn new things these are the best years of Our Lives Jeffy hit them ow well the bus is coming hopefully it runs you over yeah darn it didn't hit you Cody maybe next time dude let's get on the bus ooh look a quarter hey I got a quarter ow ow hey my arms cut the door open the door open the door all right is everyone on the bus uh yeah I don't think we're missing anybody where's Cody I think he's sick all right let's go to school the you guys hear that screaming you hear too oh I always hear a voice in my head screaming kill everybody I thought it was just me well no I think it's coming from outside Cody what are you doing outside the bus you're supposed to ride inside it J tell him to stop the bus okay I'll tell him to stop hey stop the bus I'm not stopping the bus plus we got to go to school you're dragging Cody I'm not dragging anything go back to your seat I think I just hit dinner ring Ring's going to be happy she don't have to cook tonight hold on crft let me go pick up my dinner is it cat is it dog I hope it's cat oh no I am so fired man kid you're lucky to be alive you get hit by a bus most people don't survive that but you did and I I I think that's just neat hey Cody hey dude thanks for coming guys ow never mind it was a fly didn't wanted to bite you yeah that fly was really going to hurt me how you feeling Cody oh I feel just peachy Junior you know I feel like I got run over by a boss oh I know what you're talking about when I have the flu I feel just like that right but I actually did get run over by a eyes we know Cody stop bragging about it stop being dramatic yeah you're making your whole identity ooh I always the iy got ran over by a bus we know guys my life sucks no it doesn't yes gu it does Junior I got hit by a bus what would you rather got hit by a train or a bus ooh tricky question well I guess if I get hit by a train I would have died so I'll take the bus see look you got hit by what you wanted what I didn't choose this yes you did I said a bus or a train you chose a bus Junior if I could move I'd hit you Cody tell your friends to leave it's time to insert your catheter no I want them to watch what's the catheter it's a needle that goes in your pee hole ew hell yeah it is and I want the man to do it it's hot um you know what actually on second thought you don't even need a catheter you're you're ready to be discharged you can go home now I can't believe you were hit by that bus you know if you were to sue the school you'd make a lot of money but yeah yeah it's a good idea I'm going to sue the school ow Junior why well there's a fly what how many flies are there in this goddamn Hospital wa you said you're going to sue the school yes I'm going to sue the school because they own the school bus now I'm going to sue up okay uh do you want us to pick you up and take you home yeah just drag me home the fly ow ow he flies just put me down gentle ow so Cody how much money you going to sue the school for I was thinking $5 million $5 million you're asking for a lot dude that's a lot of gravy yeah well my insides are mashed potatoes from where the bus ran me over and besides I need that money for my pain and suffering and I didn't even get my catheter so what's the point aren't you just happy to be alive no I want money Cody let's play basketball I bet you'll feel better after that I can't why cuz I'll beat you huh go ahead and say it admit it it's because I'm in a full body cast and I can't move well you guys if you need me I'm going to be on the basketball court Duncan I think you're just scared Cody Junior there's someone at the door can can you go get it Junior I'm in a full body cast but I have an ingrown toenail and it hurts Junior okay fine I'll get it hello is Cody here yeah his track isn't working we put a tracker in his booty and it went offline a few hours ago and we paid good money for that tracker so tell me where our son is if he took that Tracker out I'm going to be one mad Mama Bear you know what I think it's pretty racist that they call black bears black bears because the color of they fur and they call White bears polar bears we should sign a petition to call polar bears cracker Bears I think there's a restaurant called that no that's Cracker Barrel baby oh and that's pretty racist too I think we need a black bear well Cody's upstairs well we're coming in yeah here's Cody oh my God Cody my baby what happened to you you better I ain't got beat up by no girl cuz if you did I'mma laugh at you huh no I got run over by a bus oh my God Cody I told you those cartoons were dangerous that Miss Frizzle and her Magic School Bus are a bad influence why didn't you look both ways before crossing the street you know you're supposed to be like the chicken that cross the road I did look both ways I just got caught in the door of the bus and then it dragged me around for a while before running me over excuses excuses Cody said he's going to sue the school for $5 million he what now baby I didn't know you gave birth to a cow a cash cow well I mean she's a big fat cow so obviously she'd give birth to a cow Cody we're going to sue the school and then we're going to take this to the news and you're going to buy mommy some new cans and I'm going to get un snip you going to have a little brother come on Cody let's go get you the the best lawyer we can so I reviewed your case so what do you think what do I think I'll tell you you mind holding this for me for a second yeah sure thank you I think it's going to be a slam dunk you guys are about to get paid I'm going to win no matter what I can go into the courtroom with my wiener in my hand and I'd still win please do you know what I think I might order order order order order I am the honorable Judge Boer and today we will be hearing the case of Cody NIS versus the ohu Dum Elementary School Cody is suing the school for $5 million for running him over with a school bus plaintiff proceed with your proceedings thank you your honor ladies and gentlemen of the Court imagine this your son just got done eating breakfast and he waves goodbye Bye Mom bye Dad I'm on my way to school he walks out the door and walks to the bus stop he finally gets there and he's waiting for the bus to arrive and out of nowhere bam he gets hit by a bus and he's left on the side of the road to die look he looks like a mummy and he was left on the side of the road crying for his mummy ladies and gentlemen of the court I'm done with my proceedings boohoo boohoo a very sad story indeed defendant how do you defend your actions oh it's my turn okay man don't worry I'm going to win this case in my opening statement ladies and gentlemen of the Court my client is clearly Chinese a simple eye test will show that and being Chinese he's you know unfamiliar with American traffic laws but you know Chinese Japanese dirty knes look at these we're all human we all make mistakes you know so what if he does make joke and pee pee in your Coke I think he still deserves a second chance at the American dream I rest my case h i see plaintiff how do you respond guilty we are not at that part yet how do you respond to what he said oh well here is a photograph of my client before he was hit by a bus just look at him a normal ugly looking child and now look at him a hideous freak of nature unrecognizable looking like that he will never get married and he'll never have a job but $5 million will make him very rich because women love money I'm gay men love money too that's all I have to say I agree we all love money defendant defend oh yeah well I can use pictures too uh ladies and gentlemen of the Court can you tell me what this is oh those are egg rolls that's right these are egg rolls and this is what my client ate on the day he ran over the kid Now ladies and gentlemen can you tell me what ingredients are in egg rolls H anybody well neither can I so how do we know that the ingredients of this egg roll did not cause my client to not realize that he was dragging a kid on his school bus for Miles while he yelled for help and then run him over H we don't know that which is why I think we should be investigating the egg roll company huh how do we know the egg roll company doesn't have some kind of chemical in there that that that causes memory loss that could have caused this to happen hm actually my wife ring ring made the egg rolls from scratch okay well his wife made the egg rolls but I think we should investigate his wife how how do we know this wasn't intentional maybe she took out an insurance policy on him and was hoping he crashed his bus H I think we should look into that so suck it suck it ladies and gentlemen H very good points plaintiff continue with your plaining your honor my client is suffering from irreversible physical and psychological damage he is afraid of school buses something I like to call School Bus aphobia allow me to demonstrate all right Cody just like we practice see he screamed at the very top of his lungs at the sight of a school bus something that is supposed to carry him safely to and from school how is my client supposed to get a quality education if he's afraid of school buses I rest my case your owner that's is very troubling to see that will be very hard to defend against defendant but I dare you to try oh man I am sweating bullets I uh I didn't print out any other pictures but uh hey can I borrow that picture of that bus thank you ladies and gentlemen do you see this bus this is not a picture of the bus that ran over the plaintiff this is a stock photo of a bus so why would he scream at a stock photo he should only scream at a picture of the real bus so I think he's faking it I think he doesn't have any injuries I mean obviously he has physical injuries but I think he doesn't have any psychological injuries you know I knew somebody who got run over by a bus and he didn't [ __ ] about it this much I I mean he died but your honor I object on the grounds that the plaintiff is being a little [ __ ] about this whole thing he should just be happy he's alive I agree he is lucky to be alive plaintiff it is your Tiff to plaint your honor I would like to call a witness it's one of Cody's friends who was there that day and saw the whole thing Junior do you mind coming up here please what do I do could you just tell us everything that happened the day that Cody was hit by a bus yeah so we were all getting on the bus and Cody thought it would be cute to like ride under the bus and hang on to it like a monkey but no I didn't I got stuck in the door well look all I saw is when I looked out the window he was hanging on to the bus screaming wee look at me no I was saying help me stop the bus well he talked about this for weeks before he did it I object to my own witness get the hell out of here why did we even call him in here I don't know I thought he was my friend H how incriminating defendant do your thing no no no no hold on I want his witness I want to talk to you what's up well you said he did all this on purpose I mean he had to why else would it be underneath the bus while it was moving I mean he had plenty of time to get on when we all got on no I was picking up a quarter I found on the ground and my arm got caught in the door aha he was bending over to pick up a quarter off the ground this just shows that he was in it for the money all along who even bends over to pick up a quarter huh who even uses quarters they're worthless this shows he was so desperate for money and that's why he's asking for such an egregious amount I also asked him would you rather get hit by a train or a bus and he chose bus aha he chose this my client was simply doing what he was asked to do M this is getting juicy plaintiff I can't wait to hear your response your honor are you really going to believe this crap no one really wants to be hit by a bus let's look at the facts here my client was hit by a bus and the driver was Chinese I would like to call in one more witness to the case the client's mother Judy do you mind coming up here please oh the judge is hot all right listen to me Focus you are Cody nut kiss's mother correct I think so after he was born and they took him to the nursery all the babies fell over and there was just a big pile of babies and they said take one and go home so I did but I'm pretty sure he's mine okay now ask Cody's mother is this what you wanted for your child to be brutally struck down in the street by a bus oh no I thought it would always be way cooler if he died in a plane crash then there'd be a whole news article about it see your honor not what the client's mother wanted o that judge is really hot can I go home with you motion granted yes daddy Cody wins yes yes I won I got $5 million I did it I did oh come on that that's not fair I I have a wife you can have her if we can win I'm sorry man I tried oh it's okay you want to come back to my house my wife's making egg rolls hell yeah so I won your court case you are the best lawyer ever I know well technically my mom won the case because she slept with the judge and she should he's a very beautiful man well the good news is the $5 million has already cleared my bank account and after removing necessary court fees and my attorney fees this is what you're left with what a quarter wait we supposed to get millions well let me break it down for you so my consultation fee is $2 million my attorney retainer fee is $1 million and my court fees are another $2 million guys it's summer vacation wo what are we going to do all summer well it's a nice day outside let's go swimming oh hell yeah let me get ready oh dude I can't wait to go swimming Joseph can you even swim why would you ask a question like that huh huh is it cuz I'm black well I just I hey guys ready to go swimming check out my summer B wo Cody you're ripped yeah it's because I've been doing an extra 200 sit-ups every morning it's easy when Ken bends over in front of my face gives me something to work for I wish my body look like that well take your shirts off let me see your abs but we don't have ABS of course not it's not easy being a brick wall built [ __ ] like I am so guys where are we going to go swimming at oh dude let's go to the river wait aren't there snakes in the river dude one time I went to the river and then a leash went up my pee hole and I pee blood yeah we're not swimming in a river does anyone else have a place we can swim at I wish I had a pool oh I know a guy with a pool I sing it all the time either leech is in his pool no it's clean so let's go swimming in his pool but what if we get caught oh he's never there dude yeah so let's go swim at that guy's house come on guys all right guys the coach is clear let's go come on guys get in the pool okay I'm about to man this pool's so cool Joseph do you know who owns it no dude I never seen the guy hey what are you hot little kids doing in my pool what Mr W run no no come back you can use it oh damn I came on too strong what's wrong Marvin it's summer vacation and I know jeffy's going to annoy me for the next 2 months H what we need is something for Jeffy to do outside to distract them all summer like a basketball goal no Marvin like a pool baby pools are expensive yeah Marvin but do you want Jeffy to annoy you inside or be outside all summer long so we can be alone together for the summer H that is a good point oh man the thought of spending money is making my stomach hurt look you call a pool company and get a quote I got to use the bathroom okay hey there thanks for calling Brooklyn guys handy Services I can do literally anything except pay child support that's a little joke in case my ex-wife calls you're not my ex-wife are you no I'm not okay good so how can I help you well my husband needs you to do something for us okay what is it he needs you to uh oh oh I'm having a blonde moment I can't think of it okay well just describe it it's uh we need you to fill a deep wet hole with liquid okay it's one of those kind of calls wait and you said your husband wants my help with this yes he wants you to do it oh I get it he likes to watch okay I mean he will watch if you don't take too long oh believe me it won't take long at all oh so you're quick I'm a little too quick I'm Speedy Gonzalez over here oh that's great really where have you been all my life lucky man H I'm trying to think of it it starts with a P I can tell you what it is oh no don't tell me it'll come to me it'll come to me um it will people get in it yeah and I hope to be one of them people uh multiple people at once oh Jesus H Christ like how many people we talking oh a whole party a whole party oh my God this has happened no we want it to happen Okay I I got some buddies I can invite them over yeah let's do this I'm still trying to think of it um a snorkel could come in handy oh you bet your ass it will I'm going to be down there for a while I'm going to have to breathe uh you need lots of towels oh damn yeah I will it can be slippery oh I hope it is some people drown in it oh yeah why do you think I need the snorkel other people use toys yeah yeah my wife's into that honestly it just makes me feel like less of a man some people peeing it oh okay well I don't really know how I feel about that I mean I guess I'll try anything once but I got a nervous bladder so oh oh it's a pool it's a swimming pool I'm sorry what it's a swimming pool we need you to build us a swimming pool for the summer oh God I am a sick bastard of of course it's a pool you said snorkel oh yeah okay I I'll be right over actually you know what it won't be me that comes over it'll be somebody who who sounds like me and looks like me but you can't see me that doesn't matter look when the guy gets there just don't even talk about it okay let's forget this happened oh okay okay I'll be right I mean he'll be right over okay hey morv you just waited outside the bathroom yeah I came to get your house payment oh my house payment uh I I don't have it shocker look I need to ask your permission for something is there any way that I could possibly get a swimming pool H you can't even afford your house payment why would I approve you for a swimming pool well you see my son would love to swim in it yeah and I would love to swim in your house payment but I never get it well listen listen is there anything I can do I just really want to buy a swimming pool for the house H now if I let you get a swimming pool and you pay for it and then when you default on your house payment then I can come and take your house and sell it for more money so on second thought yeah you can get a pool oh thank you so much but there are a few rules so come with me so I can explain them to you okay so what are the rules you're only allowed to have a small boring pool in your backyard the homeowners association hates fun so your pool can only be 5 ft by 5 ft okay absolutely no slides if I see a slide going into your pool you're done well what about a small slide no slides okay okay I got it no slides no there will not be a single slide okay okay Marvin what took you so long Goodman was waiting for me outside the bathroom oh what did he want he wanted our house payment but he did say we can get a pool oh that's awesome Marvin yeah did you call the Pool Company I did did he seemed really excited well that's good hey I'm not the guy that was on the phone that guy's weird oh you sound just like him yeah yeah we get that a lot but I'm not him that guy's a creep and I'm not him did she fill you in on the phone well I was hoping it was going to be the other way around but yeah she told me so you can build a pool oh boy can I build a pool I I I built pools in my sleep yeah so when's the last pool you built uh yes yesterday yes I made a pool yesterday can we see a picture of it no that that was a a secret pool for the CIA the CIA secret pool so have you built other pools in the past can we see pictur of those no no I I've only Built secret CIA pools so I can't take any pictures they they actually would have me killed just for talking about it whoa whoa did you see that bullet that quiet bullet that just went over that was them trying to kill me for talking about all their pools so the CIA just has a bunch of pools yeah yeah they love their pools almost as much as they love how secret they are so so we're going to be your first civilian pool yeah my first non-secret pool that that'll be cool I'm used to building pools next to aliens and and nukes and stuff so okay okay anyway we these are things we need the pool has to be 5 ft by 5T and no slides oh well that's easy cuz I don't even know how to make a slide okay and the pool has to be in the backyard okay oh oh really cuz I'm used to building pools like in secret underground bunkers you know so this will be different so I'm going to show you my backyard come on okay this is the backyard oh yeah this is the perfect place to build a pool I I would totally build a pool here if I could but you said you could I can I can build a pool so that's that's what I'm going to do well then start um okay I guess I'd start by uh digging a hole Yeah dig a hole diing a hole yeah I'm going to do that so um just uh you go um I I I don't want to do it while you're watching I I can't do it when people are watching okay okay I'm going to call somebody who knows how to build a pool okay here's your pool Jesus wow that that is one hell of a pool man that is that is just outstanding work I don't know how you people do it I I mean people who make pools I don't know how people who make pools do it I I don't get it that's mind-blowing to me okay can I get paid oh well see I can't really pay you until the guy that hired me to build this pool pays me see I'm lying and a guy hired me to make a pool but I don't know how so I hired you to make the pull and so now I need that guy to pay me okay it's going to be $400,000 what Jesus 400,000 I didn't signed up for that hell I don't even think he signed up for that well if you don't pay me then I'm going to kill you and bury you with the shovel okay yes sir amigo oh oh man okay I'm done with the pull already he did say he was quick well no no no no no that was that was the guy on the phone I I didn't say that I'm not I'm not him but yes I don't last long either so the pool's done yeah come on but uh walk backwards I want it to be a surprise okay all right turn around what look how big this pool is what happened to 5 ft by 5 ft oh that's kind of hard to translate into Spanish what nothing look at that big slide a slide I said no slide oh yeah you did say that didn't you oh I'm sorry it must have slipped my mind when I thought about how badass it would be I mean look at that look at that thing it's cool it's fun I know it's cool and fun but the homeowners association said no slide [ __ ] them what do they know what are they allergic to fun they got to be like 65 what do they do on the weekend croquet they're too old for fun look at these palm trees they scream youth all right listen the slides got to go cuz they're going to be mad okay well if they have a problem with it tell them to come talk to me cuz I have something long and wet they can suck on that slide okay listen the slide's got to go okay man list listen how about you just pay me and then we'll talk about the slide after okay how much is it like $20,000 uh like $800,000 $800,000 I didn't agree to that yeah well I didn't either but look how cool this pool is I do not have $800,000 to pay for this dumb pool okay well I guess I'm just going to have to fill it in with dirt then fill it in with dirt because I can't pay for it okay listen man I got a problem um can I talk to you inside why can't we just talk out here cuz I I don't know if he's listening come on who in here in here what's going on okay look man I'm going to be honest I didn't build that pool out there there's no way in hell I could build a pool that nice then who built it I don't know some guy I found well let me talk to him I'll pay him well see that's the problem he wants $800,000 well let me talk to him I'll tell him we don't have that money see I told him that and he said he'd kill me if I didn't pay him hingo oh God please don't cut my head off do you have my 400,000 pesos what pesos 400,000 you said it was 800 ,000 well yeah I was trying to get my cut cut for what well for finding him he made a really nice pool I was the middleman that's got to be worth something how many dollars is 400,000 pesos about $20,000 oh okay great so just pay us$40,000 I can still get my cut get out of here okay uh baby can you grab the plot convenient money that we don't tell your Goodman about okay Marvin here you go much gracias now we have a pool and it's paid for Joseph how did you not know Mr wiggle owned that pool dude I never seen him look there's a sign that says skinny di in the pool so I always Skinny Dip there plus there's cameras poed towards the pool but he never comes outside cuz he's probably watching the cameras that's so gross now where are we going to go swimming guys we can go swim at a community pool ew no Junior that's gross people pee in public pools you know what actually yeah let's do it hey guys when did we get a swimming pool in your backyard we don't have a swimming pool what are you talking what guys there's a pool guys guys there's a swim pool in the backyard what Junior pools don't just come out of nowhere well this one did come on let's go we do have a pool now oh dude it's so [ __ ] wa Junior how did you just magically get a pool maybe Santa Claus brought it well Santa Claus can't bring a pool yes he can he's magic he can't fit 30,000 gallons of water in a bag maybe he has 30,000 bags in his sleigh his sleigh is not big enough maybe he has like a limousine slay you got a new one Junior stop it you're just not in the Christmas spirit Cody well no cuz it's June you're is my name all right guys last one in the pool is a big fat ugly mom and is a cow Cody you know what actually first person in the pool doesn't like big fat wieners well okay I can't get in the pool now that'd be a lie all right last one the a fat mom oh man guys I could float in this pool all day oh guys I can't yeah this pool is really nice yeah this is awesome dude wait why did you guys get in the pool fully clothed cuz we're not comfortable with our bodies Cody yeah Cody we don't have six-pack abs like you yeah I kind of know how you feel I left my shoes on why'd you leave your shoes on well cuz I have bowling people feet what's bowling people feet well it's where my toes are all crooked like I've been wearing bowling shoes ooh I like feet we know hey guys is that a slide oh guys we should go down it oh I bet you won't go down it naked no but I'll go down it fully clothed oh all right guys I'm going go down the slide here I [Music] go you guys see me oh sorry Junior we weren't watching we were trying to see who could hold their breath the longest and jeffy's winning yeah he's had his face under water for over 2 minutes go Jeffy go okay baby I'm going to go get Jeffy and show him the new pool okay hey Marvin hey Marvin ask me why I'm pissed why are you pissed come with me what the hell is that oh this is my pool you told me I can get a pool yeah no I'll address that in a minute I'm talking about what the hell is that oh those are twirly stairs you climb up them and what's connected to the twirly stairs a twirly slide and what did I say about the slide well doesn't it look cool though it's going to look real cool being torn the [ __ ] down don't make me tear it down tear it down no no list the kids are going to lie love it and it looks so nice right I'll tear it down don't no no no pleas please don't tear it down I told you no slides the homeowners association does not like fun well well I tell them I got something they can suck on excuse me they can suck on this big long wet slide I'm going to hit you with this oh okay listen we'll get rid of the slide okay we'll get rid of it all right well let's go inside and talk about how your pool's not 5 ft by 5 ft okay yeah it is all right Marvin pull this okay keep going keep going and up that right there is 5T and if your p's bigger than 5T just by an eighth of an inch I'm going to bite your arola oh okay all right the tape measures at 5 ft and look it's the length of the pool we're good let's put it down shall we looks like it's longer than 5T [ __ ] it's a little longer than 5 ft uh-huh get your bald ass inside I'm going to deal with you Jeffy what are you doing in the pool get out M Marvin I don't know what I'm going to do with you you just don't listen it's like you're 5 years old I tell you to build a pool 5 ft by 5 ft and you put an Olympic Siz pool in your backyard I tell you absolutely no slide and you put a big McDonald's ball pit slide back there well listen I tried to follow the rules tried well try harder next time Marvin okay listen can I keep the pool you can keep the pool but that slide that slide's got to go you know what bend over why you're getting a spanking I don't I don't want to spam I'm a grown man I don't care you've been a bad boy bend over ow that was my I don't care get over it but what you're going to do right now is you're going to go take a hammer and you're going to hammer that slide down right now so I can't keep the slide at all no slide for you you can keep the pool but no slide okay this hey Junior hey Cody what's up nothing hey guys guess what I found an ad dumpster o a dead dog no guess again a dead cat no guess again uh a raccoon that's dead nope you're getting closer though uh is the thing you found dead yeah uh uh hippopotamus that that's dead and it's it's dead oh dude that is is the closest guest but no it's a dark board what how are any of those guesses close dude it's not alive but it's an object you're mobed an object damn so why was there a dart board in the dumpster do you know anybody that plays darts dude um no exactly well some people play darts shut up Cody no one plays darts yeah loser okay all right so you want to play yeah let's go let's let's hang it up in there dude it's all set up so how do we play you got to throw a dart and try to hit a bullseye that doesn't too hard all right I'm going to go first watch me get this Bull's Eye guys dang it wow Joseph you suck I'd like to see you try Four Eyes well I can do better than that okay that's a bet if you actually hit the Bull's Eye I'll give you my hat okay deal but if you don't you have to give me K oh um I don't know about that are you scared Cody yeah you scared huh no no I can do it I actually did it screw you Joseph no way dude I got to see this no way no way no way oh yeah Joseph it's in the red dang it he cheated somehow give me that hat Joseph yeah Deal's a deal oh man oh man guys I never thought I'd look so good in a hat go die Cody you look like your name's Caleb huh Caleb hey guys I'm Caleb yeah I like that everybody call me Caleb from now on go die Caleb Caleb how did you possibly get a bullseye on the first try well to be honest I actually hustled you guys I knew it how did you hustle us well I've actually been taking lessons from Gary Anderson maybe you've heard of him who's Gary Anderson you guys have never heard of Gary the world champ Anderson he's only the world champion at dart throwing he's a world champion yeah they don't just hand out that giant trophy to losers Junior you know him know him he's basically my father he and my mom are friends from high school whenever he comes over he tutors me on how to throw darts that's lame yeah well most people might think that but that's going to be me one day I'm going to be holding up that giant Trophy and all the middle-aged women are going to want me they're not going to be able to keep their Mena paw off me I mean I'm gay so it doesn't really matter but it's more of a status thing no women are going to want you from playing darts oh yeah tell that to Gary The Poon gobler Anderson look at that face he's probably in bed with your mom right now hell mine most likely I mean how do you think I got those dart lessons e Cody well if you're good at something you don't do it for free there's no way you know Gary Anderson I know it's kind of hard to believe that I'd be friends with an aess celebrity like Gary Anderson but I'll go call him he always answers my calls all right guys it's ringing now whenever Gary answers try not to scream he gets enough of that whenever he wins and he always wins Bullseye hey you've reached the voicemail box of Gary Anderson sorry I couldn't answer the phone too busy slinging it leave your message after the bullseye hey Gary it's me Cody is full and cannot accept any messages his voicemail box is full but that's because he's Gary Anderson and everyone wants to talk to him I didn't know you were so lame Caleb yeah well whenever you become friends with a sports Superstar you come talk to me I don't think throwing darts is a sport well D maybe I don't know dude I miss my hat my head is so cold Caleb is there any way that Joseph can get his hat back well maybe if he beats me at darts but that'll never ever happened not unless he gets lessons from Gary Anderson and judging by how he didn't answer my call there's no way you're getting lessons maybe you could get in touch with John low who even is that well Joseph can't you just buy another hat that looks just like it no dude it was one of a kind they don't make it anymore well maybe you can find a new hat I guess I got a rumage in the dumpster and see what I can find yeah and while you're in there why don't you find some dart throwing skills it's not my best joke chos in SoMo what hey guys I found this hat oh wow I really like that hat do you like it Caleb uh it's okay I guess but I like this hat better do you like it Joseph yeah I can get used to this hat dude it's pretty spiffy hey can I use your bathroom oh nice green hat by the way uh sorry for busting in here I know I normally need a warrant but a judge isn't going to give me a warrant just to piss oh Ola Amigo where you from huh but where you from I'm from here really cuz your Hat's making me think you're from Mexico I'm American dude okay I I just you know do you have like any ID like a card like like a green car are you trying to profile me sir no no God no nothing like that it's just your Hat's kind of making me wonder I think you need to leave sir yeah yeah you're right I just I just kind of want to now okay yeah yeah yeah uh I think it would be safe Joseph if you found a different hat yeah you're probably right dude all right guys what do you think of this hat I mean it's not really a hat it's a football helmet yeah it'll protect your head though well you know what I think I'm going to keep it wait is that a football tackled your ass nice tackle oh that hurts so bad well don't dress like a football player if you don't want to get tackled you know what I I think I'm going to change my head I don't want to get hurt H me mate how do you like me hat okay that Hat's sick you know what I'll trade you your old hat back for that one really okay let's do it yeah why do you have me hat wait this is your hat I found it in a dumpster no you stole that hat from no leg Pete and stealing a pirate's hat is punishable by walking the plank oh Joseph just give it back no I'm not giving up this hat dude Caleb was going to trade me my hat back if you don't give me back me hat I'll put the curse of Davey Jones upon you Joseph just give it back no I'm not giving up this hat dude give it back stop it stop it dude here's your hat back no it be too late and now I'm going to give you a gruesome death how did you lose your hand oh that' be a sad tale I was sailing across the open ocean and I ran into Gary the Goon Anderson he challenged me to a dart throwing match for all me gold and I lost Gary took me hand as a trophy that sick bastard oh actually we we know Gary oh no no don't tell Gary about this please oh he took the hat with him oh man sorry Joseph you were about to get your hat back I wanted that hat too I guess I'll get a new hat well Che we boy Fellers how you like this dundere hat right here wow Joseph I like that hat yes sir re Bob I'm from the white trashes part of Alabama where everything's bigger isn't that Texas no have you seen our women they're wider than a double wide trailer what do you think about it Caleb well it don't really understand the Personality yeah Joseph you could just talk normal no dude if I'm going to wear this hat I'm going to wear it it's going to be my personality okay okay do you guys want to hear it song not really oh I SL with my sister and I share do miss her she's prettier than my mama's yell her teeth okay I think we're done I hate this yeah yeah J just just please go wear a different hat are you sure yeah I don't I don't like it you should you you should wear a different hat okay God look at that I found a hat does it make me look fat oh look it's Dr Seuss's hat no it's not Dr Seuss's hat it's the cat's hat from cat and a hat his name is Dr Seuss no the cat's name is not Dr Seuss yes it is no it's not then what's the cat's name well he doesn't have a name it's just cat you're telling me this guy wrote thousands of books and he couldn't think of a name for the cat no he's just the cat and the hat no his name is Dr Seuss oh okay then who wrote Green Eggs and Ham the cat named Dr Seuss shut up Junior so Joseph are you going to keep the hat if I keep this hat it may be a bad time because everything I say must end in a rhyme well I don't think everything has to end in a rhyme you can talk normal I have to rhyme even if it's a waste of time well then rhyme with the word wolf uh uh uh uh do you see that wolf how about we go and play golf no no no that's [ __ ] yeah that's not take off the hat you didn't Rhyme now take it off take I'll take off the damn hat shut up all right guys what do you think of this hat is that Chef pee's hat no oh are you good at cooking yeah cooking road kill and eating bugs well I guess we found your new hat then Joseph Joseph give me my hat back uh shfp you need to wash your hair it's like really dirty Junior you don't tell me what to do okay and no I'm not going to wash my hair washing your hair is bad for you what Joseph give me my hat back right now no I'm wearing it give me my hat ho ho ho guys how do you like this hat I mean it's kind of loud it's not loud I love the jingles jingle bell jingle bell he you get back to the shop no days off wait what what shop you're one of my elves I own you a man not this again I didn't know this was the South Pole I thought we were free up north no no you're an elf you make toys for me well he's not really an elf well he's wearing the official elf hat take take it off stop D have it back he's not really an elf find a new hat God I can't have any fun I don't want to make Santa Claus mad uh make sure you get my Christmas list okay yeah okay whatever he guys what about this hat that's jeffy's helmet no it's not it's my hat Joseph you can't just go around stealing people's hats dude this is my hat okay shut up hey Joseph give me my helmet back what Jeffy come on it's my hat Joseph to find a hat that's original to you dude I have an original hat but Caleb's wearing it right now well go find a new hat god spider Joseph spider Joseph does whatever a spider Joseph does Joseph you can't just wear Spider-Man's mask now hold on Caleb I really like Spider-Man it'd be really cool if Joseph War Spider-Man mask all the time I know right dude we meet again Spider-Man oh no it's the Green Goblin what is he doing here did you really think I wouldn't find you Spider-Man I want my revenge what are you going to do to me this is a tortilla chip and I'm making a mess on your couch oh no he's got crumbs all over the couch Joseph hit him okay dude oh here Joseph you have to take that mask off I don't want him to keep making crumbs on our couch oh you're right dude that's fair oh it's a big mess meow meow meow meow meow meow oh Jesus Joseph so you're a cat now meow meow meow e don't lick me meow meow meow I think I kind of like this one I don't want to be friends with the furry oh come on Junior let's give him a chance good K ow ow ow ow ow never mind Bad Kitty Bad Kitty get off him look look you were already a cat earlier today you were dror Seuss his name is not Dr Seuss yes it is no it's not Joseph look take the cat ear off go do something else oh okay yeah I want a different hat but yeah his name is Dr Seuss no it's not yes it is it is not Dr Seuss it is thy King has arrived bow down to me peasants but Junior don't bow just because he's wearing a crown doesn't mean he's a king off with that Court just as head I mean he could be the Burger King you hear thy nobleman I am thy Burger King and the crown looks really good on him well not if he's going to call us peasants all the time bringeth me my sweet sister so I can make sweet sweet love to her oh God not this again wait I thought that was only the cowboy hat no Kings did that too all right Joseph if you're going to do that sister stuff you got to take that off just go a but the sister go find a different hat what are you screaming at Caleb turn around okay guys what do you think about this hat that's not a hat that's a mask Jesus Joseph I don't want to get scared every time I look at you I mean you have to look at your Mom's big fat ugly scary face every day well is Caleb's mom fat and scary I thought it was just Cody's Mom oh I think Caleb's mom is even fatter than Cody's mom I mean there's not a scale big enough to measure them cuz they're both fat not at all yeah but Joseph I definitely think you should change your mask because that is really scary a this is a good mask though all right guys what about this one oh my God that had is so cool it's a shark and has teeth on it that's so sick wait you really like it dude oh I love it what do you think think about it Caleb that hat is badass I want that no you can't have it you have to stick with a stupid little green one H okay you know what how about we play darts for it and whoever wins gets both hats you know what that's not a bad idea let's do it why would you accept that Joseph he was he was trained by Gary The Poon gobler Anderson andersonanderson you bite your tongue nobody Slanders Gary Anderson like that I guess you could call Joseph Gary Sanderson yeah I bring that fire all right let's go play yeah let's play all right guys the rules are you only get one darkart whoever gets the best throw wins who wants to go first let me go first this will be over before it even starts ladies first okay let me just get in the zone think of Gary Anderson Gary Gary Gary Gary Gary no not you not John low you didn't even hit the board I was too low damn you John low all right Joseph all you have to do is hit the board and you win okay I got this dude think of Gary Gary Gary Gary Gary Gary yes yes yes yes yes yes I get my hat back oh dude I'm so happy I got my hat back I got two hats now I can't believe JN low made me lose thanks a lot John no thanks Gary Anderson he's a true king yeah well we all knew that well Cody I like you more with a hat without a hat anyway well look what I I bought a hat you did I sure did who do I look like now uh it looks like your name is Joshua H Joshua I don't like it it doesn't fit me how about a Billy hm Billy okay yeah I'm Billy now call me Billy go die all right CR this is your last week of school and for your final project you'll be doing a play called the little boy who cried wolf yeah the little boy who cried wolf please teacher please let me be the boy who cried wolf or at least the wolf at least one of the lead roles come on please Cody calm down junior you don't know how much this means to me all right now I'm going to come around the crow and pass out your scripts and who you're going to be for the play all right Junior you're going to be the little boy come on I would have been a much better little boy and panope you're going to be a village person all right and Joseph you're going to be a village person cool okay that just leaves me to be the wolf and Cody you're going to be a sheep what a sheep why do I have to be a sheep what sheep don't even talk wait what's my script B quietly what how do you even bar quietly come on who's going to be the wolf and Jeffy you're going to be the wolf yay I'm your wolf again oh come on why does Jeffy get to be the wolf again he was a terrible wolf last time why can't he just be the Sheep he's good at making noises come on I was built for greatness I can act calm down Cody no Junior this is [ __ ] dude it's just a school place no I'm never going to get into Hollywood with bull crap rolls like this Cody stop creaming you always cream right in my ear I'm getting real tired of the cream in my ear so class go home study your lines for the play and then come to the school tonight all right guys you want to go to my house and over our Lines no no I'm not going to do it you know what teacher I refuse to be in the play I'm not needed this is bull crap see you're already in character Cody if you don't participate in the school play tonight then you fail kiss my ass well suck my egg roll you're going to be in the school play or I'm going to call your parents no I'm not going to do it I don't care if I fail or get expelled I'm not going to be in the play Cody you have to be in the play You're the main character no I'm not junior is he's a little boy but you're the Sheep that's the most important role really yeah without the Sheep the wolf wouldn't even come huh I guess I never really thought about it like that before I mean I guess I never noticed cuz I only have one goddamn line Cody what did I say about creaming in my ear my ear has so much cream in it's like a jelly donut well I'm not going to stop screaming until I get a better roll calm down Cody well that's easy for you to say you actually have lines well I wish I didn't have this many lines well do you want to trade with me no your Ro doesn't say black seat Cody one more word out of you Cody and I'm going to make you the tissue box for the little boy when he's crying for the wolf yeah Cody and if you're the tissue box you're not going to have any lines okay fine I'll shut up finally but I'm going to be the worst sheep all right guys let's go to my house and go over the lines all right guys let's go over our scripts all right dude we're ready hey there's a wolf coming are you sure a wolf is coming Cody get off your phone yeah dude pay attention we're practicing I don't need to practice where's your script I don't need need the script I only have one line it's just B quietly I didn't hear you buying well that's because I was doing it so quietly well do it a little louder I got to hear you yeah okay fine hey there's a wolf coming are you sure a wolf is coming come on dude what was that you didn't even try yeah give us some effort what well how am I supposed to put effort into it if I'm being quiet give me some emotion be a little bit louder the audience has to hear you dude okay hey there's a wolf coming are you sure a wolf is coming oh dude that's too loud that was so loud do you even know what quietly means I don't know what you want from me I can't buy loud I can't buy quiet I don't know what you want just be like just be like a sheep Cody did you even do your character development what character development I'm a sheep I eat grass you have to do your udah hog and exercises yeah act like a sheep I act like a real sheep what would a sheep be doing right now okay oh that's a sheep like that look like a she if I was walking outside and I saw that I'd be like that's a real sheep right there sheep this is humiliating okay so let's go over our lines again when do I eat him oh you eat him when I say ah there's a wolf okay there's nothing in my script that says I get eaten yeah you get eaten and then you got to B in pain but quietly what B in pain quietly yeah just try it there's a wolf well Cody Cody I would I would not believe you're getting eaten alive I need like some pain I need some Screaming well I'm supposed to be quiet I can't scream quietly yes you can like the the the way you tone your voice you be like what all right Jeffy bite themad see that that that sounds good I did the same thing okay I think we're ready for the play tonight I think we're ready let's just get this over with let's go I cannot believe I have to sit through another one of these stupid school plays Marvin don't say that be a good dad and support your son my son is sheep he's going to be the best damn sheep you've ever seen yes sir reab yes sir bab oh baby I like that that's nice see my son get it from his mama wa the set is so cool it's so sick dude oh hell no what's wrong Cody there's already sheep here A bunch of them why am I even here well they can't go B cuz they're stuffed animals you can talk yeah I can say be quietly so no one can hear me I could literally be replaced by a tape recorder this is stupid well you're the lead sheep yeah well you'd think the lead sheep would at least have some lines I might as well be a tree again well the tree didn't have lines well I barely have lines now all right class everyone in positions the play is about to stop uh teacher can I go home because you already have a bunch of sheep no Cody you have to be in the play well I need an explanation because this is ridiculous if you're not in the play Then you fail there explanation okay you know what I'm going to try to spice this play up a little bit this is stupid no all you do is B quietly ooh the show's starting ladies and gentlemen welcome to the stage the little boy who cried wolf oh man I'm so bored being a sheep Watcher Shepherd what it's called being a Shepherd shut up Cody you're a sheep sheeps don't talk all they do is go by B I wish there was something fun I could do oh I know I'm going to prank The Village people and say there's a wolf eating all my sheep that would be a bad idea ow shut up Cody I already told you sheeps don't talk all you're supposed to do is go bar oh come on that was a good improv line they ate it up didn't you hear them laughing shut up Cody your lines are to Bar quietly B that's what I'm going to do I'm going to lie to the Village People and say there's a wolf eating all my sheep you stay right here sheep B hey Village person what are you doing oh nothing just Village person thing hey there's a wolf coming hey there's a wolf coming there's a wolf coming to eat my sheep there's a wolf coming someone please help me before he eats my sheep there's a wolf coming to eat my sheep there's a wolf coming are you sure a wolf is coming yes a wolf is really coming you better not be lying I'm definitely not lying where's the wol F kid oops I said a little Fib so you were kid yes I was I can't believe you believe me you're so stupid I can't believe you lied to us kid we'll never believe you again yeah ha did you see that sheep they actually believe my lie about the wolf isn't that funny yeah I saw it I mean be huh you know what be really funny I should go lie to them again right be yeah I'm going to go lie to them and say there's another wolf I'll see if they believe me again I can't believe that stupid Shepherd boy lied to us yeah what a jerk hey there's a wolf again hey there's a wolf again there's a wolf trying to eat my sheep there's a wolf again someone please help me before he eats my sheep there's a wolf trying to eat my sheep there's a wolf again are you sure a wolf is coming yes a wolf is really coming but you li to us last time I promise I'm not lying where's the war fat kid oops I said another FIB I'm a freaking kill you kid I can't believe you believe me you're so stupid okay fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me oh that's the last time I'm going to believe you kid yeah ha I can't believe I fooled them twice they're so dumb my back is starting to hurt shut up Cody but I've been bending over for over an hour not in a good way you're only supposed to go back bad that was so funny that I lied to them twice but I think I'm done lying I had enough fun for today B here comes the wolf here comes the wolf here comes the wolf to eat your sheep I am a wolf I'm going to eat your sheep you can't stop me no you can the wolf is eat my sheep I'm going to go tell the village I hope we never see that Shepherd boy ever again I know right all he does is lie hey there's a wolf this time hey there's a wolf this time someone please he's eating all my sheep there's a wolf this time someone please help me he's eating all my sheep someone help me before he eats me too there's a wolf this time leave all you do is lie there's a wolf I swear on my life but you lied to us two times I promise I'm not lying we're not believing you this time but all my sheep are going to die we don't care about your life no please you have to believe me he's eating all my sheep get away we don't believe you in your Li oh please the wolf is eating all my sheep no leave right now man these sheep were so good no you stupid wolf you ate all my sheep and I'm still hungry so I'm going to eat you too no oh my how graphic for a kid play Devour him break his bones man he was good hey Mr Shepherd we need some sheep oh no Mr Shepherd was eating along with the Sheep I guess the wolf really did [Music] come well maybe he shouldn't have lied to us then maybe we would have believed him but now he's dead and his sheep are dead too he learned his lesson there's nothing we can do thank you everyone that concludes tonight's play I hope you enjoyed yourselves now drive safe on the way home hold on everybody sit back down cuz just when they thought all the Sheep were dead one of them survived I'm not a dead sheep I'm alive I'm alive I'm alive I survive I definitely did not die because I'm alive Z solo
Channel: بيري علي - abeer berry
Views: 179,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cody, jefys, supermariologan, smljeffy, jeffymemes, jeffysml, smlmerch, jeffthekiller, jeffreestarcosmetics, jeffreestar, teamloaded, jeff, jeffreystar, lancethirtyacre, juniorphenom, scooter, ttgibson, makeup, basketball, superbowserlogan, jeffyislife, jeffyjeffy, jeffyjeffybadboy, sml movie cody, sml movie jeffy, best sml movie 2023, sml movie 2023, SML Movie: Cody's Lawsuit [2024]
Id: zKy4i0EeJB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 46sec (3106 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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