SML Movie: Saving The Park!

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so guys what do you want to do today dude let's play some video games yeah I love video games guys let's go outside and get some fresh air let's go to the park I hate going to the park Cody there's always 50 kids there and it's so packed and everyone's picking their nose and wiping on each other and then there's that one mean kid that keeps kicking sanding kids eyes Junior that's you you kick sand in kids eyes I know and I'm so tired of doing it then stop doing it but it's so fun I just love kicking sand in kids eyes if there weren't kids there I wouldn't do it oh dude I forgot to tell you about this oh there's this sweet abandoned Park we should go there there's never any kids there we can play all by ourselves you're lying Joseph yeah you're lying Joseph you never told us about this dude I just forgot to tell you guys but follow me come on all right guys it's right here wow there's a place set just in the middle of the woods nice find Joseph nice find yeah W fine common Joseph W yeah I try dude I try I just found it and we can all play on it by ourselves no one's here yeah I mean why would they make a play set in the middle of the woods and no one's playing on it well maybe the county was going to build a playground and then they decided no huh well since it's all to ourselves you know what that means have fun montage I'm climbing I'm climbing I'm climbing I'm climbing no I'm climbing I'm climbing we we we my turn my turn my turn we we we going down the slide W I've got a steering wheel I'm driving the playset vroom vroom get out of my way that's not moving Cody my turn to go down the slide here we go W Cody look a telescope I'm going to see if I can see Jupiter Junior it's daytime you're not going to see anything uh Cody I see a bulldozer in the sky no look a bulldozer Junior that's a bulldozer coming right toward us why is there a bulldozer coming it's going to run into US Cody stop stop stop stop stop stop what the are those kids on that thing oh what the hell hey what the hell you kids doing on this thing having a good time well it's getting demolished so I'm going to have to ask you to leave getting demolished by who well the people who in that Mansion over there need room for their second pool so they want this thing tore down their second pool they don't need a second pool they have a big mansion we love playing on this thing we're not leaving oh we found a fair Square well unfortunately that's not how this works so I'm going to have to ask you to leave or else I'm going to run you over with my bulldozzer then run us over we don't care yeah we'll die on this thing yeah yeah run us over run us over oh damn it the boss is going to be pissed so what is it that's so important that you had to interrupt my Brazilian handy from the back well so I was going to bulldoze the playground like you asked but this kid on it what kids I don't care if there's kids on it hit them kill them I don't care they're just puppets but sir there's a real human boy on there too oh God damn it I can't kill a real human boy that'll make the news I guess I'll just call the cops and see if the cops can get them to leave I'm calling the cops hey there you call the police yes these Hooligans won't get off this playground I'm trying to demolish you're trying to demolish this thing yes because I need room for my second pool that I'm trying to build right here but but it has a slide I don't care about the slide I need room for my pool but there's already a big pool over there I need another one right here but the slide though I don't care about the [ __ ] slide okay I'll get the kids off the playground if you let me go down the slide one time yay oh man that was fun okay kids time to get off we're not getting off okay kids I know this playground is fun and that slide is [ __ ] dope but you guys got to leave but no we love this thing it's so fun I know but it's not your playground so I'm going to have to ask you to hop off Hop Off My Dick okay you can't talk to old people that way oh I'm old okay kids look if you don't get off I'm going to arrest you then arrest us I don't have three pairs of handcuffs um hey hey actually you know what sometimes when people don't want something torn down they start a petition so if you guys can get 30,000 signatures from people who don't want this playground torn down then they can't tear it down really only 30,000 yeah okay let let me talk to my friends okay guys they said if we get a petition sign with 30,000 signatures they won't tear it down oh that's not much well guys 30,000 is going to take a year not if we make a viral Tik Tok and every everyone signs it mhm but I don't have my phone I don't have my phone either ah me either dude all right Cody me and you are going to go to my house make a viral Tik Tok that'll get the signatures Joseph you stay on this do not let him tear it down oh I got you bro I'mma hold down the floor I'm not getting off come on Cody let's go okay I got two of them off that's good enough tear it down but sir there's one kid left tear it the [ __ ] down on it hey kid they're going to tear it down I don't care I want him to tear it down okay suit yourself that thing's coming down uh kid I'd get off if I was you dear Santa all I want for Christmas is for you to stop this bulldozer Stop In The Name Of Christmas Santa oh my God he is real you better believe it Joseph and he knows my name oh my God not even Santa Claus will stop me you gave me coal for Christmas oh ho ho [ __ ] they're real go here dude no [Applause] [Applause] you destroyed it hey the slide's okay can I keep the slide sure all right sir what next will you see that big tree over there I want you to tear that down all right I'm on it you're not going to tear down my tree man what the [ __ ] are you doing tied to my tree it's not your tree man it's the Earth's tree and the Earth gave birth to the tree and The Roots Run Deep man and you know what lives at the top of this tree the scissor and sin scisso it's the two-headed one beak no butthole having owl dude how does it boot man it can't what the [ __ ] are you on I'm on the tree man while tied to the tree I'm [ __ ] up dude yeah [ __ ] if you don't get off my tree I'm going to tear it down with you on it because I need room for my bull oh dude is that why you [ __ ] that playground that was [ __ ] awesome police police yeah hey you said it's cool if I take this slide right I'm going to make it go in my bathtub I need you to get that hip off my tree so I can tear it down and I'm pretty sure he's on some type of hallucination what that tree oh you can't tear that tree down that's where the scissoring s scisso lives it's a very rare endangered bird it's got no butthole it's crazy I don't give a [ __ ] he's in the way of my pool well why don't you just build your pool over there you got all that land well that's where Santa Claus is texting his ho ho hoes look I don't know what to tell you man okay but if you tear down that tree I'm going to have to arrest you oh damn it all right Cody what viral Tik Tok dance can you do that will get us a lot of views so people will sign our petition I don't know Junior kind of dance do you want me to do I could hit the Quan or do the stinky leg or teach him how to douge soja boy on them hoes or I could do the macarina you want me to crump Pop Lock and Drop it hit the gritty on these [ __ ] you know you want me to whip or just na nigh I don't know Cody all those dances seem tired and lame yeah and I'll be honest Junior I don't know how to do any of those I just know their names oh how does a normal person get their petition signed well usually they have a piece of paper and they walk around asking people to sign it let's just do that that seems a lot easier Junior do you know how long it would take to get 30,000 signatures I mean let's assume one signature took 1 minute that would be 30,000 minutes that's 500 hours junior that's almost 21 days worth of signatures just back to back signatures no sleeping no eating nothing constant signatures and that's assuming everybody actually signed it and you didn't have to tell them why they had to sign it before moving on to the next person you think we can actually do that yes Cody because it's easy think about it you said 24 hours in a day so I do the first 12 hour shift while you sleep and then you do the second shift while I sleep Junior I was trying to give you the chance to realize this is impossible it's not impossible Cody you're saying it's going to take a minute to get a signature I can get a signature in 20 seconds well you don't even have a pen or a piece of paper I can find a pen or a piece of paper they're like laying around the house look I can find one really quick like 2 seconds let just find a piece of paper oh npe that's a phone book can I use a phone book no okay um let me check this drawer no wait oh hold on hold on I think I got it yep yep look piece of paper right there okay now you need a pen find the pen let me check right here nope that's no oh that's a Sharpie I can no I don't want to use a sharp okay hold on look look at this got a pin Junior that took like 30 seconds oh it doesn't matter look I'm going to get my first signature I'm going to get Chef peee to sign it he's going to sign it in like 10 seconds okay hey Chef peipi no not right now Junior I'm trying to make spaghetti and peanut butter cups again yeah I thought you loved it you know the peanut butter makes it pop I need your help Chef peipi I need you to sign my petition petition for what well my favorite Park's going to get demolished unless I get 30,000 signatures I know you lying you got to be lying cuz you don't never go to the park you stay upstairs in your room playing video games so tell me what do you need my signature for is it a credit card or a mortgage or is it a car loan no it's literally just to save my favorite Park no it's not stop lying to me you're trying to steal my identity I'm not trying to steal your identity just sign the piece of paper now you're getting aggressive oh yeah you're trying to get a credit card aren't you see Junior I told you people aren't quick to sign stuff shf bab if you sign it I'll be gone in 5 seconds just a simple signature nope the last time I signed something it was my brother's birthday card and the next thing you know he had a house in my name see Junior this is just Chef Pee now try imagining doing this with a stranger oh God how about we just forge chip signature we can't do that well I I forg my signature and yours okay well first of all you can't forge your own signature and I was already going to sign it anyway look I'll just forge Chef signature and my dad's and Penelope that'll be five signatures and then I we can take it to the guy that's still nowhere near 30,000 well give him the five signatures as a deposit oh yeah okay oh yeah sure cuz when I'm trying to buy a $30,000 car they'll totally take a $5 down payment come on Cody they won't even check the signatures look let's Forge it right now we got the signatures we got the signatures Junior look they tore it down what they destroyed it but we got the signatures not 30,000 where's Joseph at Joseph what happened dude they tried to run me down with a bulldozer me and Santa what Santa was here yeah he was like my savior till he ran off like my dad did I love that playground so much I'mma miss it so much rest in pepperoni can somebody call me an Uber the signal [ __ ] out [Music] here
Channel: SML
Views: 4,473,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, entertainment, saving the park, junior, joseph, cody, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, puppet, puppets, show, joke, laugh, fun, mr goodman, brooklyn guy, construction, demolish, friends, friend, park, logan, lance
Id: YncDyss_FoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2023
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