SML Parody: Jeffy PS5

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got to one shot Junior he's low very very low Junior sorry about my mic I have to use this crap PS4 mic because Daddy won't buy me any one yeah it's fine it's fine uh Jeffy um I mean I'm using the PS5 mic but it's fine yeah I see the kid that's on you yeah I almost got him I almost got him Cody where are you we need your help you know I play on keyboard and mouse it's harder to get over to Y please keyb on is so complicated why Mom give me a PC yeah yeah yeah well um maybe uh just hook up a controller to your PC easy as that my game just lagged out I'm done with this daddy pre for pretty sure jeffy's game lagged out it's literally us against three people how are we supposed to do this no I'm knocked gosh Cody it's all up to you now Junior I got this I'm a pro I play on Mouse and GE keyboard it's all it's all jeffy's fault the reason we died I need some orange juice no I'm done with fortnite today why can't you just play on something better like a PS5 gosh Jeffy sold us Jeffy sold well that's it we're done for Jeffy sold he needs to get a better console we're never playing with him again God y'all just trying to come over to my house and hang out you know if I play fortnite I'm probably going to Chuck this controller my dad's going to beat me yeah dude I'll come over yeah me too all right who was all that noise Jeffy what is this mess Jeffy get back here Jeffy can can you explain that mess why you threw your controller and broke the PS4 that I got you not too long ago well you see Daddy it's your PS4 and not a PS5 and you should get me the PS5 because the PS4 is like so so um 2018 well you see Jeffy you're not going to get the PS5 because it's $500 and I'm not paying that price juner dad got him a PS5 and you know he doesn't work well you see I'm also so not Junior's dad and makes money from Nintendo because I had to get this this terrible terrible body transplant but you see he still gets paid by Nintendo so he doesn't have to work we don't pee in the bushes with kids around at a playground daddy well Jeffy when you got to go you got to go and you're not even getting the PS5 so deal with that I hate you Daddy I want to be five guess I'll go hang out with Cody Junior and Joseph I can't believe Joseph wouldn't come over yeah it's just me and you Junior all alone what shall we do Hy there guys what's wrong Jeffy my Daddy won't buy me the new PS5 oh I just stole my Dad's credit card and bought it well see that's the problem I can't stole my daddy's credit card because he has no money look at that nerd over there with the PC gosh where's Joseph at I think he's sick oh okay well I'm just sad I hate playing on the PS4 so boring wish there was something I could do well I know someone Jeffy what I know someone who can get you a PS5 oh no I'm not trying to buy any drugs or anything Cody okay it's not drug Jeffy do you want the PS5 or not yes I want a PS5 I would love to have a PS5 but probably never going to get it don't be late meet behind the house he'll be there who who be there you'll see him Jord this is kind of creeping me out something's wrong with you I know Cody what are you talking about don't hit me oh sorry well guess I don't want to be late so wait how much is he going to charge me that $500 I don't have that type of money I think I'm going to steal it from him don't tell him that something bad's going to happen to him Junior I know well let's go do something I'm guessing you're the one with the PS5 yeah it's me why aren't you standing up uh be the person that's uh playing us doesn't have enough hands I'll make sense grow some more hands gosh sorry about that um but um how much did you for it 500 that's what Cody said I don't really have $500 so I'm just going to give me this got to get out of here I can't get in trouble why would he hit me on the floor just lost $500 let me get up just lost $500 my boss is going to be mad wait I forgot Cody introduced me to this guy I Cody's location well that was pretty easy I wonder if Jeffy actually took the PS5 but jeffy's done a lot of crazy things so he probably did well I could have not either so I guess we'll never know though ow what was that gosh that hurt are you good Cody yeah that hurts so bad what was that Junior I don't know it's a PS5 though hey there Junior you took it Jeffy yeah now I'm going to go hook it up and play it so don't bother me get off of it can't believe you really took it let me go get Junior now that I got the PS5 I'm going to I'm going to open it actually so let me let me get this tape real fast now that it's open just going to get it there it is there goes the controller we don't really care about the controller cons is what we care about well let me go hook it up come on out with the old and in with the new oh let's turn this bad boy on wow this is amazing oh smell so good okay got to lure up some fortnite and grind he's one shot got him got him 200 oh my God this is so easy now on the PS5 where's your friend at he stole it from you didn't he oh you could tell so where's he at he's that way which way is that way that way like that way yeah that way can't believe he stole it Junior can't believe he threw the PS5 at me kid you really thought You' get away with with this really robbery well get it packed up and just bring you to me crap can't believe we found out well I have an idea though here you go black Yoshi for your work Cody going to take this bad boy back finally home with my new PS5 finally okay everything's looking good so far this one hard than the PS5 when I first got that's a PS4 that's a PS4 scin this can't happen well I guess I can't go back
Channel: Super Jeffy Bros
Views: 2,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VeFBjjh-8gc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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