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- [Host] Welcome to a brand new Sidemen Sunday. Today, we are gonna be questioning five different couples. Four of them are real, one of them is fake. Every five minutes we will have to eliminate one couple that we think is real. Hopefully by the end before the reveal we will be just left with the fake couple. Everyone in this video including the crew tested negative for COVID-19 upon arrival. So let's begin. (smooth jazz music) - [Man] Oh shit. (chuckling) - Oh, he's mad. (laughs) - Oh no. (chuckling) Oh, no. - Hi everybody. - [Crowd] Hey. - Okay. (crowd laughing) - [JJ] Wicked. - Do a formal introduction. Hello, we're three of the Sidemen. (all laughing) (indistinct) Hello, what's your names? - Daz. - Reece. - Nice, hello, nice to meet ya. - Hey, Natalie. - Darrel. - Very interesting couples. - Okay. - My mind is punching over there. (crowd laughing) - Whoa, whoa, whoa, we're five seconds in. (crowd laughing) (indistinct) - All right, all right. - We said not to say that. - Oh, c'mon, my bad, my bad. - I mean, no offence. (JJ cackling) - Okay, so we should probably start simpLe, okay, with however on that. So we'll start a couple one. How did you guys meet? - Hey, couple three, what's her name? - My name's O'peace- - What's her name? (laughing) What's her name? What's her name? - My name. - Oh, Chloe Madison. - [Sidemen] Oooh! - Good to see that. - That's okay. - Good to see. - Do it again. (laughing) Let's do it again. - Do it again. - Again, hey let's try it away again (indistinct). (laughing) - Couple four, what's your names? - I'm Darrel. - Darrel, who Darrel, everyone's just suddenly. Yeah, my bad. (laughing) - Couple five, what's his name? - Ethan. (cheering) - Let's go, Ethan! - Yeah. (chuckling) This is what had been left. - Whoa, Whoa! (laughing) Oh my God. Why are you asking about a penis in the first round, bruv? (laughing) - Online dating. - We went online dating. - Online dating? - Okay. - What's that? - Which one? - Plenty of Fish. - What? - Oh yeah. - Plenty of Fish? - I know sometimes in Plenty of Fish, yeah, you get some weirdos but we actually found each other on there. - You've used that one isn't it? - I've never used Plenty of Fish, - Yeah, you have. - Tinder. - You use all of them. - No, Tinder. (indistinct) (laughing) Do any of you use Bumble? - Not anymore. - No. - No. - I didn't even think about it, even. (crowd laughing) - How long have you been dating? - I mean, but you know, isn't it? - It's been a year. - How long ago did you stop using it? - Sorry? - How long ago did you stop using Bumble? (crowd laughing) - You got any question? - Oooh, like ages ago. Like over a year ago, over a year ago. Before was even like chatting, years to come. (chuckling) - Hey, yo, yo, yo! (crowd laughing) - You think this is a lie? - What's going on there? What's going on there? (laughing) - Why am I getting put on set, anyway? I'm dying straight away. - Some B.S going on. - Hey, moving on, moving on. Simon, Simon. - All right. - All right. - You're a bit quiet over there. - Hello? - How did you first meet? - We met on a dating app. - Aah! I didn't like that. - What, why not? (crowd laughing) - I didn't like that. - Plenty of fish. (indistinct) Plenty of fish. - Plenty of Fish, PoF. - But we met at Half Pint when we were 17, like separate friend groups and then we like started talking. And then from there, set off, really. From friends for three years and then only recently we thought let's give it a go. - Aaw. - You broke out of the friend zone. - Yeah. - Wow. - One of the only ones. (indistinct) - All right, how about you guys? - We met at work. - At work? - Yeah. - Isn't that like, illegal? (laughing) - Kind of. - Kind of. - Well, I mean, it is! - No, no. - How's it illegal? - You can't mix business with pleasure. (laughing) - It's probably part-legal. - You're going to jail! (laughing) - It was a problem and I left. And yeah. - Oh, you left the job? - Yeah. - What did you do? - I quitted. - Man, so you guys were just working out together and then saw each other's gains, (crowd laughing) you got friends... - All right, bredda. (laughing) Ain't a doubt, but yeah. - I've got a real question. - Go for it. - All right, couple two. - Oh. - What's a special talent the other person could do that they'd be able to do right now? - Oh. - That is huge! - I'm surprised, that's huge. - I don't mind if the, you know, don't like it. - Whether you lie, I'm telling it. (laughing) - No, you've got a few, to be fair. Don't think you can show them all here (indistinct). (laughing) - Yeah! Yeah! - Okay! - Yeah (indistinct), yeah! - We love it. - Love that. - What really is this? - 'Cause I think you mean it. (indistinct) - What is happening? - Alright, listen, get up close on that. They moved. - Well, we just discovered on the gym. Friends before and then, yeah. - The gym is the place to go. (crowd laughing) - Wait, we actually never heard. - I know, I was like, skip to us. We met years ago, like years and years, like, we're from the same town. And then... - And then he slid in the DM's. - I slid in the DM's. - Whoo, that's my guy. (crowd laughing) - Okay. - Wait, wait, so you met years ago and then... - Yeah, so we grew up from the same (indistinct) area. - Same home town, yeah. - Probably the same- - Wait, where is that? Where's that? - Lincolnshire, you're like Eastwards. Or like New Birmingham. - You don't know that's right. (crowd laughing) (indistinct) - We met years and years, years ago, then we've been chatting and then I said like what? Like last, when it started our first lockdown. - Yeah. - And since, till the end. - Oh wow! Awww. - And here we are now. (chuckling) - What do you smell like? What's his aftershave? - You know really, it's not, well, you know. - What's his aftershave? - What do I have, I have my natural scent. - Your natural scent? - Yeah. - Natural scent. - What do I put on? - You know. (crowd laughing) (indistinct) - Yeah, that might be, that might be, yeah. (indistinct) - Thought you said it! No sorry, I'm joking, one million. (indistinct) Oh sorry, oh sorry, it's cocoa butter. - Yeah. - Oh shit! - Sorry. - Big up cocoa butter. - We love cocoa butter. - All right, these guys move a bit stiff. (crowd laughing) I wanna see some action. - All right. - What? - What's favourite sex move. - Doggy. - Doggy. - Doggy? - Yeah. - All right, show us. - Show you? (chuckling) - Get down. (man cackling) (clapping) - No, no, wait, wait, wait. No. (indistinct) (screaming) - Okay, all right. Did he just wiggle it? - He did do that. - Okay. (laughing) - Respect. - All right. - Respect. - All right, who else? All right you guys, you're next. - Favourite. - Anything in front of a mirror, really. - Anything in front of a mirror? - Yeah. - No, they chose something that they can't even replicate. That's what they're doing. - Jesus! - Oh! (cheering) (clapping) - Are you, she. She would, bro she did the, whoa! Whoa, she went all the way down, bro. (chuckling) (indistinct) Her hand was on her feet, man! Whoa, okay. - Couple four. What do you hate most about the other person? (laughing) - It's not like you need to tear them apart. - Let's hear what they say. - Go ahead. - I don't know, love him. Love him. - How nice. - I actually hate her for that. - That's really nice. Can't put our odds to that. I feel like a couple, there'd be something. - There's always something. (indistinct) Even a pet peeve. Something so small that he does. - Um. - It's coming. - It's there, it's behind the curtain. (laughing) - What's it saying? What's it saying? Just say it, it's fine. - I know, tell him, Hank, who I think. - Bro, do you want us to do some re-title work here? Okay, we're gonna go with couple number three. What is your pet peeve about each other? Just something that no one else would know, but at least, really annoying. - About each other, on the side that we both do? - About each other, something that each other does that- - I always forget peeves, am sure- - Oh, he's trying to- - No, no, no. (Sidemen laughing) 'Cause I'm sassed about these guys. (laughing) Yeah, yeah. So let's go, let's go! - He chews with his mouth open, all the time, and it's like. - Well, I don't basically- - And I'm like but stop, stop doing it. Just stop doing it. How annoying is that? - Personally, I don't think I do. - How annoying is that? You do. - Okay, all right, your turn. - She wants to get to people's names. See when you meet somebody? - Yeah. - The first thing, she'll forget someone, like, "Hi, my name's Opian and this is so-and-so," she's forgotten in two seconds. Or within the second. (chuckling) - I can't help it. - Do you know her name? - Huh, um.. (laughing) - What's her name? No, no, no! What's her name? - Chloe, Chloe. It's my girlfriend, Chloe. (crowd laughing) - Are we trying to break them up? - I feel like we targeted them. (laughing) - Yeah I feel buried. I feel purely attacked. - [Chloe] With a name? - Say it and we'll keep you in. (crowd laughing) - Don't pick up his clothes, I don't know. - Oh, okay. - That's another one. - Maybe, yeah. - That one fraud-watching another? - Yeah you on fraud-watch. - 'Cause it wasn't quick enough. - Fraud, oh really? - Hey, do you like his shoes? (crowd laughing) - No, I didn't so nothing. (laughing) (indistinct) - Guys, I just wanted to know. - I did try and stare some different shoe up- - Oh! - Oh. - So here we go, I'm just observing things. - Okay, okay. - What do you hate about each other? (crowd laughing) Physically. - Straight in. - Physically. - Whoa! - I said like what your least favourite thing about each other, physically? - If I was to look into a mirror I'd say, don't answer. - Like facially, or like hands or legs. (laughing) Yeah, yeah. - Facially. - Come on, let's go, let's go. Come on man, answer the big question. - Go ahead, eyebrows, behaviour, I don't know. Is it my height? Why are you looking down? (laughing loudly) (cackling) - He looked down, you know? (cackling) - 'Cause, I don't think about her abnormal, so. - Aaaw. - Maybe because I'm short, 'cause I know you're too tall. Like, I don't know. - I don't know. (indistinct) - Can I test them? - Alright, go for it. - Okay, but don't look him. What's his tattoo of? - Hey, do you like her shoes? - Watch yourself. (all laughing) - Do you like those shoes? - Say no, we'll keep you in. - Those are fake though, so I don't think- - Nah! (crowd exclaiming) (laughing) - No, they're- - They're real, they're real. She got the receipts, actually they're real probably. I'll show you downstairs in a bit. - Yeah, we're falling after (indistinct). (laughing) - A bird and a clock and some writing, and a compass. And I can't remember all the detail. - That's nice. - She good, she good. All right, all right. - Nice, nice. All right, I think we should eliminate someone. - I think yeah, I think it's time. - Hey yo, get out- (crowd laughing) (indistinct) - [Sidemen] No, no, no, no! - We just did the tattoo test with- - No, I'm talking about this lot. - Yeah, but no, we need to get rid of a real couple. The point is, we're getting rid of the real couple. - So we keep the fake couple in? - Can we have all couples hold hands real quick? I just wanna see. All right, let's have a look at the holding hands. Who's got like the outer thumb? 'Cause like the outer, see. See this, see the outer thumb? They're real bro, they're real. I'm just telling you now. That hand hold, that hand hold is real, bruv. - Be careful, they changed their hands, look they changed it- - Oh what,Why are you fidgeting? - No, we're just holding hands. (chuckling) - Why're you fidgeting, for one? (indistinct) - Okay. - We've seen- - Yeah, yeah. - With a high IQ play, I think this is the real couple. - You guys are real, yeah. - But what if they're really, really, really good friends? - Nah, nah, nah. Oh! - Oh, what if - - Nah, nah, nah, nah. The way they were looking at each other, they're pretty comfortable. They're pretty close. Yeah, I know that. (laughing) (indistinct) - The one over there's dodgy ears. (Sidemen laughing) - I've got a bad foot, I suck at (indistinct). - It's a joke, it's just a joke. - So, you know, I'll back it, I'll back it. - Yeah, I'll back it as well. - What? - Your thumb. - Yeah. - What, we're keeping him or getting rid of him? - We're getting rid of them, 'cause they're the realest. - Oh yeah, I think you lot together, isn't it? So, I notice the handhold in there, sorry it's a secure one, enjoy your relationship. (clapping) It was the natural handhold. - She shook her head on her way out. I saw the little head shake. - I think they're real, yeah. - I think if we're wrong, we're wrong. We have to go for it. - Oh yeah, we think you guys are real. - I think you guys are a real couple, so if you're fake, well done. - Yeah. (laughing) - So you guys can leave now. (clapping) - I didn't feel comfortable. I didn't feel like, I think we've done all right there. - Couple of five, where are the shoes from? (laughing) - God knows. (laughing) - I feel so bad now. 'Cause I've got a pair of loafers like that. I do have them. - Oh, he might wanna get rid of them today. - Okay, I've got a question. Which one of you have done anal? - Didn't like it. (chuckling) - How bad? - Quick answer, quick answer. - Didn't like it, I remember it was like, (grunts). (indistinct) - Wait, doesn't like it or didn't like? - I personally, I... - 'Cause there's a big difference. - What does that mean? What do you mean? - For one, it implies you tried it. - I said we tried it, I didn't like it, that's what I mean? - Was it too big or? - I, don't- - No, stop. - I, personally think I'm not big. I didn't think I was that big. I think I'm like I'm slap back average. So it's like- - Fam, you just did your whole forearm. (laughing) (indistinct) (laughing) - I'm like, I'm average! (laughing) - I was not being average. I was not being average. (laughing) - That's Average Bro. - Oh my God! (laughing) - So, I'll rephrase my line, alright? Is there any couple here, if you could name your partner's special talent and they pull it off, then you're safe. - He just wants to see some real talent. - I wanna see some magic, I wanna see something laughable. - He likes physical things. Say, he can do the back flip, it's like on it. - He can. - No, no, no, no I can't. I can't, no, I can't. No, no. - He can dance? He can dance. - I'm ready to see it. Let's see a little move. - I can't play Algeria, not anymore. - Let's see a little dance. - Alright, can someone rap for me or sing? (crowd laughing) - There's on, there's one! (crowd laughing) - That is earlier, that was earlier. - Yeah, I know music dance. - What do you want me to say? I can't dance to no music. - He can dance as well. - Are you proposing a battle royale? Quick battle. - Oh! Do you see? Hey, I wanna see a move-off! I want to see a move-off. - One special move. - I wanna see a move-off. - You got any pet names for each other? - My one is Hurricane Zoro, 'cause she's like a mess. She's messy in the yard, isn't it? I'll clean up the whole yard and soon as she comes in she'll be mess it all up. - I'm a creative. - That's not a pet name, that's abuse! (laughing) Hurricane, I'm home! (laughing) - Do you two have one? - No. - No. Just babe and (indistinct), really. - Yeah. - Yeah. - It's well, well. - Yeah. - Okay. - I'm quenched a bit. (chuckling) - Any pet names? - No, just like, nicknames like Madow. Or Queen Madow. That's her name, so that's (indistinct) - What like sarcastic ones? - Yeah, like piss-steak. - Yeah, 'cause she calls me like, "I seem-polite." - Simple! (laughing) - Simple, oh you know, cock. - Simple's a classic. - Do you want us to cure abuse? - Let's go! (indistinct) Hey! - Sure, sure, it's just like... (feet pattering) - Ooh! - Heeeey! - Oh, he's smooth, man. (indistinct) (feet stomping) - Hey! - Okay. - Do you know what? I think you've won. - How does that prove even, they're couples? - I don't know. - I'm just saying, she can dance as well. (laughing) - Are you throwing her in the deep-end now, is that what's happening? - Do you two wanna dance battle as well? (crowd laughing) - Not in these shoes. - His shoes could dance. - Guys, this isn't solving anything. - Okay. - They're just distracting you. (chuckling) - I've got bad girl, I've got bad girl. - Do any if you have like, Oh what's it called? - Fettish. - Safeword. Well, actually we could go with that. Any fettishes? - Oh no. - No? - That's it, safewords. - Okay, anyone into feet? - I never got that. I got both her toes and my toes were ugly- - God, they actually are. - All right, any safewords? (indistinct) Anyone that lick ass? - No. - No one licks ass? Hey, my dude. (screaming) (clapping) - There we go! (clapping) Yo, thank you, okay? It's not weird, guys. It's not weird, okay? (crowd laughing) People do it. It's great! You're missing out. - What's each other's favourite colour? (chuckling) - She likes purple. - She likes purple? - Yeah. - Oh, I didn't like that face. - I didn't like that face. - I didn't like that face one bit. That face was suspect, there. - Why? - Cause he said purple and you went... And I'd seen that. I mean, you're all fraud to each other. - He's wrong, he's wrong. - You're all fraudulent. - Purple or green, purple or green. - Okay, purple or green. - If you're faking perhaps put in value, y'know. Think about it, are you trying to be fake? - No, not, true. - If you're fake, you're not gonna be fake all the time. Are you? - Dammit Why did you do that? But you're all on fraud-watch now. - Wait, what was everyone else's favourite sex position? - Can we show them? - Yeah sure. (indistinct) - Wait, that's your favourite? - As in like, so there you're just... We're against like a wall or slightly from the bed. - Yeah, but bro, your arms, fam. - I'm like give me that kiss, it's fine. - Yeah, but I don't see why you're like... - You what? It is better, it is better. (laughing) - It's a lot! - It depends- - How long you lasting? - It's an average point, like, honestly, not more than three or four minutes at a time. I swear to God, like it's not, alright. (laughing) It's not right. - How do you feel about that? - What, yeah, it's not great either. - Oh! (laughing) - Sorry love. - Honestly I can go for ages, I can. - I know. - I just kinda see... It's just not... (laughing) - I know! Can't quit opening my head. (laughing) - How big is his Willy? In comparison to your forearm, where does he go up to? - I'd say, just about here. - Jeez, whoa! - He's got a Hulk on him! - Oh, he's got a Hulk on him! - Oh! - He's got a Hulk! - He's Hulk! - He's got a whopper on him! Hey! - Play it safe bro. (indistinct) - Energy! Do you feel the energy? (indistinct) - That's good. - All right, that is big. That was nice. Well done. You do that for your partner, you know? You'd give it back. - That's like a lot. That's a lot, isn't it? - Yeah! - All right, so how big is daddy's feet? How big's his willy though? - Hey-yo! - She went up too. (indistinct) - All right, fuck it. How big's his willy? - It's an average size, yeah. It's good. - Do you what, I think so. That's real. That's real. - That's right, like I'm not. It's a grower, it's not a show-er. - I like that, I like that. - It's not the one. - Is it a grower? (laughing) - And how big's that one in there? - Average size, like six-inch, average. - See that's what's average. (indistinct) Six is an average. - That's the purpose of this. - Is six average? - I think in the UK. In the U.K, 5.8 is average, I think. (indistinct) (laughing) - You Googled that. You Googled that. - He has a ruler that measures it for him. Just big. - Yeah, it's just big. - Favourite sex position? - Reverse cowgirl. - Yeah, reverse cowgirl. - Oh, straight into it. - I thought it was a joke. (laughing) - Okay yeah, now he employed that, yeah. He was comfortable. He looked very comfortable. - Alright, do any of these questions help us? (laughing) - Yeah. - Yeah, it's kind of. (laughing) - What, you two talking about fun now? - It'll help us with other stuff. - Do you have a song? - Oooh. - That's good, that's good. - Gosh, should we do this? ♪ Nobody wanna see us together ♪ ♪ But it don't matter, no ♪ ♪ 'Cause I got you, babe ♪♪ - Oh wow, that was nice singing. - I like that, I like that. I like that, yeah, yeah, yeah. (indistinct) - But he's genuinely there. - It wasn't, used to be, when we was together, when we voted. - Before COVID came we were really good friends. (indistinct) - You got out of the friend zone too? - We've been singing it on our story from time ago. - Oh man. - I actually got a video on my phone to prove it, like I can show you. - I don't know if that's just really confident or that- - It's both. - Couple five. What is the biggest argument you ever had? - Ooh. - Do we have it really? - Yeah, 'cause, probably. I don't know, we got nothing. (indistinct) - And he threw my ice cream out the window. - I threw an ice cream out of the window. - I was fuming and I had a few drinks. - Okay, okay. - But I was aiming for a bin. - Oh-okay, see, that's cool. - Sounds realistic though. - Yeah. Alright, that's cool. - All right, so you saw someone else out? - Can you all hug, please? Everyone choose a couple. - Choose another couple. (chuckling) - Good to watch. - They're on fraud watch. - That one was like grimace, I hope. That was a couple of grimace in here. (laughing) Who still on fraud watching? - Hey, if I was in a relationship and he was like, "Oh, you're on fraud watch," I'd be offended. (indistinct) - No, no, it's the game! It's the game, it's the game. - If we're booting someone out now- - Yeah. - We've gotta make the next round, (clapping) Banger! - Yeah. - Do you have a song? - I don't, you know, I piss-steak, so again, I'll just sing really badly in the car and Natasha Beddingfield. - What song? - Unwritten. (laughing) - That's our song. - That's our song. - That's a banger. - Hit song, hit song. - Okay, all right, I think- - We haven't heard the others. - Yeah. - Okay, okay, okay. (indistinct) - One kiss is al it- (indistinct) (crowd laughing) - And in the back left? - Oh yeah, Chris Brown-go crazy. we just love that track, both of us. - Do you guys just have a lot of sex? I feel like... (laughing) (indistinct) (laughing) - I think you are a real, you know? - I think so too. (indistinct) - I appreciate it bro. - I think it's time you to verify it. - But why are you smiling at that? Do you just know you're doing a great job today? Is that what's happening? (laughing) Is that what you know? - No, they gruelled him, cause they gruelled him. - You know, honestly, the first second, they were into me, to like- - Yeah. - To know our song. - No but I like you two. Let me verify you. - Find out if they're real. - What's your best moment together? - Aaaw. - I think over our first date. - Oh yeah, Casper's, yeah. - Seems sand just... (crowd laughing) (indistinct) - What's the second best? - Second best. - Because first date is too easy. - Oh the X Factor took immediately. The X Factor took immediately. - Oh, that's cool. - You did it together? - We danced on X Factor together a couple of- - You know when Harry, said that you had rabbit for ass, she's pulling that face. Like you know when he said- - What did I say? - What did he say? - When someone tells a lie but you sit there and go... - Oh yeah. - That's what your girlfriend's doing right now. - You believe that? - You said X Factor and she was going. - No, we did (indistinct), yeah. - What song did you dance to? - Sorry. - What song did you dance to? - Gimme the love, gimme the love, gimme. - Okay, they might have recovered there. - YouTubers on YouTube. - I think they might be back on fraud watch now? - All right, so we need to get rid of one more that we think is real, 100% real. - I think, the ones at the back, yeah. - I also agree with that. JJ's, I think he's got a good vibe. - I don't think we've heard a lot from them, still though. - If it ain't bad. (laughing) - It's just a lot. (laughing) - You know what I'm saying? - I do know what you're saying. Did you see that position? We did see that position. (laughing) Did you see that position? - You know who I'm sassed about? - Who? - These guys and you guys. - You're obsessed with them, still? - No, you notice their singing thing. - He's giving me nervous energy now, he's doing the- - Yeah, my toes are cold bruh, like- - It is cold- - Tell me, I'm a freezing! - So what's the group? - It's TNG, was it TNG? - Yeah. - It's like a- - Can we please confirm it? Wasn't it, was that right? Was that? - Yeah. - It was years ago. - It was probably in 2017, we're in 2021 now. (laughing) - Why did you remember that? - Why are you sending for me again? (laughing) (indistinct) - Yeah I know. - Hang on, too fraudulent. We've applied pressure and they've crumbled here. They said, we lie to them, and now it's all falling apart. - We've gotta target people more. - I feel really attacked, I don't- - So what's the first couple to leave? - I don't know. (laughing) - I don't know any more, because I thought they was a definite but now they're in a fraud. I didn't like the smiles to the cameras in there. (indistinct) (laughing) - So which of them two, the most secure couple? - There was a couple of grimaces in the hugs there. I don't know if that's just how like, 'cause it was more like... It was like that! Well that's what I observed. - They need to hug properly, yeah. - Yeah. - If I had to pick, Yeah, I would go with number one. - Yeah. - That's a safe couple. - Safe, safe. - Yeah. - All right- - We're gonna look like such idiots at the end of this video. It's like everywhere we go, we do the thing. (laughing) - Yeah, I think we'll remove couple one. We think you ar a real couple. - Sweet. (clapping) - Real couple, real couple wave. - I think they played us, you know. - After the way they walked off, did you see that? Bro, did you see that? They ain't walking like this... - He was like, yeah, yeah, yeah, we good. - Oh, you've seen? - Yeah, yeah. No, no, they played us, right? - I think we were played. - They had the ice cream story. He was reasonable, it's like a weird story. - Nd he looks like he loves the trick shot. - Yeah, he does. - Ice cream into the bin. - Yeah he does, he does a trick shot. I think then, couple of five. So, who's the biggest liability when drunk, quick? - Oh, ye, 100% - I am. - Oh, that was fine. - They were real couple, by the way. - I think they're a real couple. - I think we put them off. - I love the loafers and I love the relationship. - We have a trick shot. - Yeah, nice work. We think you're real. - We think you're real. - Yes. - well done. (clapping) - Two more rounds, fellas. - Okay, apply pressure now. - Ooh! - Okay, couple four. (chuckling) How many press-ups can your partner do? - About, we've been locked down, you know, so- - You gave the excuse in the relationship! (indistinct) - It's part of it. - You big dummy. - Well, it's part of the game. It's like tic-toe, you take the bait or you better take it. - Think about, 60-70. - 60! - Closer by 50. - I could smell doo-doo, surely! - Atleast, right. (indistinct) - At least 70! - The thing is, he's standing with his face though. He didn't even flinch. (crowd laughing) - She said 60- - She made this easy. - He's got wide arms, he could do that. - Yeah, they are, but like, she started making excuses for him. - No, I'm just trying to think that it's a bit time, like we've been locked down for a while. - 60! - I would do 60 now. - Let's see it. - To be fair, all he can do is pushups in a minute, 'cause I'd do the same back. - I say, you do your push ups while I'll help with your questions. - TikTOK. Couple's TikTok, any of you? None of you? - Who does TikTok? - No? - Read the room. (laughing) (indistinct) - No I'm just checking, I'm just checking. - No, like an actual like account? - No, have you made TikTok's together? - Not now. - Respect. - Oh, do you see how they stick by that? - Well, not good ones. (laughing) - We just did, "I like your cut G." - "I like your cut G," and something like that one. (laughing) - You see? Read the room, read the room. (laughing) - Okay, I'll keep count. - So, what's your favourite thing that he does when you're intimate together? - Let's go, bro. - Rub my feet. Just, yeah. - Does he suck feet? Does he ever suck feet? (laughing) - Am I not gonna do this right now? - Yeah, yeah. Has he ever sucked? (laughing) I'll see it if he sucks toes. - But he's going. - Yeah, he's going. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. (indistinct) - Sucks toes. - You wanna count it, count it. - All right, he's going, yeah. - He's going, bruh. I think about 25 right now. - I think going 30. Let's go, boy. - Who is the alpha in the group? Or in the relationship? - You mean like who wears the trousers in the relationship? - No, just in general. - Who wears the trousers? - Yeah, I'd lie if it gets to me but if you get it this is it. Nah. - So what? So you just got slapped around? - He knows his place. - Oh damn! Damn, damn, so you're a dog to her? - Apparently. - Oh. (indistinct) (screaming) - Dude, have you role played? - Which, before? Like together? - Like, yeah, has he ever been like- - I'm near man? - I don't know, like a doctor? - 41. - Have you ever been a patient? - No, but Valentine's day is coming up, so you know. - Okay, oh, so what would you role play as? - Happy The Nurse. - Is that helping his goal? - Do you know where he is? He's still doing push ups and we've got a single target here left. (laughing) So like, we split them up, if you know what I mean? (indistinct) (clapping) Yeah, it's all right, all right, all right. (clapping) - Whoo! - So what's your favourite thing she does to relieve such tension? Like those push ups. - (groans) can I get a beer, baby. (laughing) - That's at least 50. - Yeah, he did well. - She rolls my ears. - Ooh. - And around here. - Yeah. - Yeah, and some other stuff as well. - That's close. - Yeah. - Some other stuff, nice. All right, okay. - Have you got her a Valentine's day present? - Yes. (Sidemen clap) - That's quick. - Is it not? - Hey. - What was the question? - Who wears the trousers in the relationship. - I don't know. (chuckling) - Oh shit. - Can't say no to the ladies. (indistinct) - Me. (chuckling) - Like you two as well? - Yeah. - Yeah but I'm kinda scrawny some days. - Yeah, we got some powerful women. - I'm here, I'm showing up, when I get home, I'll be like, "I'm so sorry, I apologise." (laughing) I'm so sorry. - Okay, what do you think of his mates? - His mates? - Yeah. - Oh, well they're my mates actually, and my mates as well. - All of them? - Yeah, for real. - Now they are. - Oh really? - They were friends before. - Oh really? (chuckling) Huh, that's very interesting. Convenient! - Yeah. - Yeah, good start with what we've got. Yeah, good start-off. - Couple one- - Yeah. - Are not currently on fraud watch. (indistinct) - No, but they are the silent- - How can we- - You didn't ask. (laughing) - I say we just go, boom. Kiss. - Okay. - Ooh. Hey, hey. All right that was, all right. - Like, how did you go, "Oh yeah, just kiss?" - I just slapped it on the note, isn't it? Like we made him do those push ups. (laughing) So I just turned the direction over and said- - And what did you get from that? - That was cool, that's why. - That was cool, that's why. - But I like that. It didn't look as awkward as the hug, which is good. Which is good. - Can you do a better job than them? - On kissing or hugging? - Yeah, yeah, kissing. - Hey. Hey. Hey! It was like- - Oh he wipes. - But I feel the over-confidence in him. - That's what I'm saying, isn't it? (indistinct) - He grabbed her by the head- - Look, look, after that as well. Listen, I think- - No, they're distracting us. That's what they do. - Hey you look very. What'd you do for a living? - I'm a plumber. - You're a plumber? - Yeah. - You're not an actor, yeah? 'Cause out here you're an actor. - Yeah, you're absolutely. - Yeah, well, I'm a performer here. - Yeah, that's nice. - So you're not a plumber as well? - No, I just lied to you. (chuckling) - He lost redeem points. (giggling) That was good. - No. - Plumber loves fixing pipes. - Yeah, of course he does. - But he likes his pipes being fixed. He likes a working pipe, I'll allow it. - What do you think of his mates? - I guess we got the same. It's actually the same mates. Well, I got like Jordan and... Jordan and Knight and stuff. - Fam, they already got names! - So what's Jordan's surname? - I was on, Jordan Short. No, my Jordan. - No, no, no, what's Jordan's surname? - Oh, I don't know. I've literally met him once. 'Cause I didn't go on tour, if you know what I mean. - Yeah, it's a period when I'm on tour- - But you're younger than me, so we have the same mutual friends, but- - Yeah, what tour was that? - Lion King. - Lion King. - Okay. - I wouldn't have saw that. - Huh? - I wouldn't have saw it. - It was like, I got. You don't believe me, do you? (chuckling) - I believe you about the Lion King. (indistinct) - I Genuinely wish I got peace, 'cause I'm getting annoyed. (crowd laughing) 'Cause like, no one ever believes me and I'm like, okay, grow up, I'm like, fine. (laughing) 'Cause it pisses me off so much. (chuckling) I'm showing you a picture. - Oh no! - No, no, no, no. - Sorry. - Okay, what do you think of his mates? - We've got, some are the same. The rest are quite cute, I just want to set them up with people. They're just cute. - Actually, they're little virgins. - Are you guys virgins, or? - No. - Do you see! They'll show you, they'll show you! (laughing) - Couple one, what's each other's favourite food? - He's... (screaming) No, no, I do know. I do know this. You do mine first, I'll come to me. (chuckling) - Oh, okay. - Take this, take frauds. (laughing) - We're not frauds. - They answered yet? - Yeah. - Yeah. - She likes a good steak meat. - He loves his spaghetti. - Ooh. - We need to see them like, lips each other. - Do we? - Yeah. Yeah. - Do we? - Yeah, we do guys. We do, no, oh shit. (laughing) - What's your angle? Look, all right, anyway. - I'm getting arrested. - It's actually poetry guys. - Guys, cut the cameras now. - You know what? This place, man, I knew it. (chuckling) - Couple three, cover your watch real quick. Quickly. Hey, what watch is he wearing? (cackling) - Hey, he came on that! He came on that! - Just what watch is he wearing? - Is it silver one? - Silver? - Silver? - Is it expensive? - Silver, is it? - Is it expensive? - I don't know, I didn't look at his watch. - You don't know? - No, I don't know. - You don't know? You don't know if your boyfriend's watch is expensive or know what colour it is? - It's silver. - Wears it all the time, probably. - It's silver! - To be fair, I wear it like three weeks, but I guess that's irrelevant, but still. I bought like three weeks ago. - I didn't buy it. I think his ex did, that's why I'm not talking about it. - What? - I think your ex bought it. (laughing sarcastically) That's why we don't... - Oh bae. - Coming out sentimental. Do you know what? You're a prick! (laughing) (indistinct) - I'm showing up here, tonight, I'm fucked. I'm actually, I'm fucked. - Oh. - Oh-okay. - Is it a normal watch, is it digital? - No, it's a normal clock-face watch. I know it's hot, I've seen it. - A normal clock-face watch, yeah. (laughing) By the way, gentleman, please show your watch. - It's gold! (screaming) It's a gold Casio. - But it's... What is it? - It's not a clock-face. - Man, it's like 30 pounds. - Now he's got a Casio, let's see. - It's not even a clock face, right. - No, ain't even a clock to even worry about. - I'm so stuck. I'm actually so stuck I don't know what- - Who should we boot? - All right, kiss. (laughing) - Just- - How well do you do? - How, how do you kiss? - He means like. He means like, do you mean like, oh yeah... - Hey, hey, we wanna see. - What do you do? - If I'm on a night out, or if I'm not? (laughing) - Do what you, do you. - Just do you. - Okay. - Oh, I've remembered how much I hate seeing- (indistinct) - Okay, yeah. - Okay. - Interesting. - Bro, chill. - Bro, bro, I'm good. I'm good bro. - You were getting excited. - I heard about fraud watch, from the start, but I actually... - I'm growing to like you guys. - Yeah, yeah, same. - Keep favouring it more and more. - See that's the thing, I've grown to like you a lot now. So I think they could be real. - I think they are, man. - I know, I know. - I think they are. - Yeah, can you- - Don't giggle like that. (laughing) Sorry it makes me not trust you again. - It's just my laugh. - Can you cook? - Yeah. Yeah, yeah. - What's the best thing you can cook? - I can saute fish. - All right. - All right. - Straight away, straight away, straight away. (laughing) - Huh? - I don't know why you want it, do you want like to fall on. (kissing sounds) - I don't like it. (indistinct) I don't like the way other people kiss. - There's so much lipstick man, that's all. - This is great for me, trust me. (indistinct) - As much as I regret saying this, could you please kiss as well? I don't, I don't- - Whoa! That entry was nuts! - I can feel their energy! I can feel, I can feel it here. - I don't know what we've done, but- - Alright, so it's between you guys now, all right? And it sucks. - But that was convincing. - That was so convincing. - Can we finish this round? - Yeah, we can finish this round or not? - You guys can go. - You guys go through. Smashed it. (clapping) Oh God, that was- - See how they're walking? You see them walk together, did you see that? - Yeah. - The Blazers. - The other guys. - The Hurricanes. - I told you! The Hurricane! - Hurricane, Blazer. - No - She found the press ups, she found the questions about meals. The watch is all wrong. (laughing) - I liked you guys earlier, don't know if you know. Now with the vibes- - No, don't get too excited. - Both of you, the vibes are coming across, but now I think you're not frauds. - I think they're safe, if I have to. If I was to gamble my life on it now... - But you've been known to be sure to gamble. (laughing) (indistinct) - His whole life. - Level-headed man, you be the responsible lad on this situation, 'cause... - I'm all about these two. - Okay, we back in. - We think you're real. (clapping) (laughing) - Oh. - I think they're quite solid. - Yeah. (indistinct) - Too much! What if they're really good actors? - Okay, okay, all right. - That's what I'm saying! - Yo, yo! Can we just clear up something? He said he's in Lion King. - That's what, yeah! - He's an actor! (laughing) - I'm actually a dancer. - She's a dancer. - Yeah. - All right, couple one. Where is the maddest place you've had sex? - Nice. - Nice, respect this. - You want to say that one? - I reckon, balcony. - Hey- - One holiday. - Let's use that. - In mum's balcony. - Right. - Okay. - Yeah? - Makes sense. - Yeah? - Yeah. - All right- - Get thinking, get thinking. Get an answer in your head ready. - Obviously, to be honest, it's the bed. I'm not very exciting at all. It's not, I'm not. - Okay. (indistinct) - I remember that. And he is down in balcony. - My guy's out here, I'm... (chuckling) - I mean, you said it. You said the same thing! You was like, "This is average." - Bed... Balcony. - It's genuine, like, it's legit. - Different, so it's different men? - I'm not really, not really, I don't know. I'm not- - calm yourself down. - Oh you're not into it? - Calm yourself down. (indistinct) - But you can dance and stuff, surely? - Yeah I can dance, but dancing's like, I'm not bad at it, I'm good at it. But it's more you know what its like. - But you've got the hips and stuff, you wanna take it somewhere else, you know. You might go to the kitchen, you might, somewhere else you know? Use your hips, they can dance, you do stuff. - W-wait. - She said she's a dancer, let's see them dance. (indistinct) - Could we actually see both couples dance? We will provide music. You got- - Oh-okay. - If you rap, I got choreos on the set today. - Woo! - Yo, yo, yo, alright. You guys ready? - How are we dancing? (indistinct) - Just at the same time. At the same time, just, yeah. - Just that? (indistinct) - What is a face time recovery- - Can't remember his lyrics. - I put out my lyrics. - Oh! (indistinct) - Wait. - Don't play up to them, they're the actors! - Okay, alright. - They're dancing properly. - Aah! (indistinct) - See that one? - Oh! - What's going on? - Wait, remind me the chorus. - I don't know it. - Space time recovered me, now I might as well age quick, - [All] summary, new discovery. - Losing that wave. - No I've just... Give me the first, the fuck, you know man. Don't include this. (laughing) - This is staying in, what do you mean? This is staying in. (laughing) (indistinct) (beep) - I'm just looking at both and I don't. I think we've got the right. I think one of them is the fraud. - I think we did, yeah. I think one of them is a fraud. I think we've done well so far. - No, I think I hinted to you they were frauds. (laughing) We've asked enough questions to send them out. - And she did shake her head when she left. - I'm feeling so good like I found out where the painting, feeling so high like a black Yao Ming. Call me Godzilla cause I got a big park, running through all, I got a purple heart. - Time, there it go! - Time recovery, not much ace, quick summary, new discovery. New thing, what? Oh so me going, 'cause I'm just praying, I'm way too slick with it, too slick with it. (indistinct) - Okay. (cheering) (laughing) - These guys! - Even if they're playing us, I don't care. They deserve to- (indistinct) - You guys are entertaining. - That's not, that's not. - To the right? - To the right? - Yeah. - What'd you mean? - Fam, imagine like yoga and ice. So we need to pretend to be a couple, we need something so detailed. - No, we've practising ages ago. Ages ago. - How many couples do you know that can do a choreography dance? (indistinct) - Maybe we'll just sit that out, we're fine. - Really? - You are saying? - I'm sold, they're a couple! - Let's ask a different question. Anyone got a new question? - You have a girlfriend? If I get any song you telling me the same- - Oh no there's no chance. - Exactly. - Yeah, but- - You? - No chance. - Me, no, no! There's no chance! - I'm telling you, mother fuckers with- - Okay, alright, okay, alright. - They played us, Hurricane, I'm looking at you. - The vibes from them, I think are more Coupley than the vibes I'm getting from there. And I couldn't tell you why. I just- - Well we need to dig more then, don't we? - What are we digging with? I don't know what. - What's his favourite position in the bedroom? - So we should show you, eh? - Did you get missionary. - Go for it then. Yeah, but I wanna view it. I wanna see what it looks like. - Okay. - Hey, is this, is this performed though? (indistinct) This is what I'm saying, bruh. - It's a dance routine. - 'Cause I'm not gonna lie, I've done that, (indistinct) and it's not sustainable. It's unsustainable, bro. - It's not very long. It should not be very long. - It's unsustainable, bro. - And then, no, no, no. - It's not your favourite though. Surely, favourite is comfort, like- - If you're favourite you'll do it a lot, it's not sustainable, bruh. - That was the best to me for me. For me anyway. - That was the best for you? - Yeah for me, I like it. - His favourite, that might be why. - Where's it for the best? - That's awful lads. (Sidemen laughing) I mean, have you had sex? - No, no, no, on his body, 'cause it's like, is it on his head that he feels good? - As in, it feels, you know what, you know- - But it's not sustainable. So why is it your favourite? - And if like, oh I'm strong, bro, I can do it for long. - No need to fight, it's just fine. (laughing) - It's not efficient. Sorry, can't get my head over it. You know, almost you all guys is. - What do you honestly think of of his shoes? - Oh. - Whoa! - What do you think of my shoes as well? - I know, I wanna hear ladies first. - In my friendship group, the nine is like granddad slippers. - Okay. - Oh God. - Is he in that friendship group? - Not this side of the friendship group. No, this is like, my girls group. - Okay. - Ooh. - That's savvy. - I like em. - W-wait. - I like em. I wear Crocs. - I just wanna see you hug. Okay, okay. - (indistinct) they're over compensating, man! - You told us to. - You didn't think this. - You guys hug? - Oh sorry. - Nah, bro, that's it, so fraud. (indistinct) Bro, no man! Bro, there's friend zone in there! - Favourite position? - Yeah, yeah. - Reverse cowgirl. - All right. - Yeah, that's absolutely, yeah. - Let's see it. - What? - I wanna see it. - Yeah, but they did it, they did it. (indistinct) - Hey, wind is wind! (clapping) - All right, wind is wind, yeah, I like that. That sounds weird., I'm embarrassing myself. - That was really weird. (indistinct) - And that's what you're gonna see, that's what you're gonna see. - Well they're not a real couple! - I'm with Jude, I'm with Jude. If I look stupid- - They're not real! - I look stupid. - That's right, I agree with you guys as well. - Bruh, you were so awkward with that hug. (laughing) - [Producer] More questions, more questions. - Questions, questions. - More questions, more questions. - Do you have a couple's handshake? Do you have a handshake that you do? - No. - Just checking. Just checking, just checking. - That's weird, isn't it? - Have you met each other's parents? - Yeah. - I've met his. - I haven't met hers. - Oh, you've met? You met both? - I mean, Glenn's a legend, ain't he? Good old Glenn. - Okay - Name again? - Good old Glenn. - Glenn. - Do you see how they keep dropping in details like that? - Glenn, no, I've heard it for years, bro. Sorry, I'm getting really- (indistinct) (laughing) - What do you hate about each other the most? (indistinct) - We've done this. - Not from them. - His snoring. (laughing) - Okay, okay. - When I lean into, like a romantic kiss she'll burp, like just before I lean in. (laughing) (indistinct) - Reverse cowgirl (indistinct). I think I know my frauds. I think I know my frauds. - I think I know the frauds as well. - So how you reckon we front here? I don't know, ah! - What other questions? We need one. - I think, bro, I think it's already done. - The YouTube video- - I think we're messing around. We're only messing around. - Yeah, we're split, we need one more turn. - Well then, ask a question. I already know what my answer is. - Can you hold each other's hands and just stare into each other's eyes and say nothing? - For about four minutes. - Won't that look weird? - Trust me. - Oh no, you know what? Okay, yeah, that's a good one. No, no, no, we'll start with you first. - Okay. - But like, just hold her firm. - Yeah, just stare each other, don't say anything. - How many children would your partner want? Have you discussed this? - No. - Have you discussed wanting kids or anything? - What the hell? No. - All right, how old are you? - I'm 22. - And how old are you guys? - I'm 28. - So you might've had the marriage and kids discussion, right? At least at some point. (indistinct) No, I'm trying to get into like, because if they've had the discussion they're real bro, this is what I'm saying. - Yeah, but they haven't been dating long, it's sort of like a year or so. - Yeah, but still. (indistinct) - All right, well fuck me then. - What stood out on each other's Plenty of Fish profiles. - If you remember. - She had a professional, you had the professional photography photos. - Yeah, I liked him, 'cause he's got his dog in his picture, which is cause I like dogs. And I saw that he does personal training and stuff, I thought that's hot. - What's his dog's name? - Mia. - Mia. - Details, details. - German breed? - Huskie. - Huskie, Huskie could win her as well. - Now we've only got two to vandalise. - We still getting paid? (chuckling) - Actually, I think we've done it. I think we've done it. - Every now and then, I'll go through waves of thinking, "Yeah, we fucking cracked it." But then I think, "Oh shit, let's do it over there." You're very active today. - I'm used to this. (laughing) - But I like it. I like your vibe, that's the thing, I like you. - Don't say anything. - No, why are you talking? (laughing) - I'm just telling him to not say anything. - Okay. - Okay, for you. (laughing) (upbeat music) - I'm with you. - Yeah, you feel us now, do you feel us now? - Can you feel it? - Oh! - Yes. - It was also the hands. - Yeah bro. - They were like this and the real ones are like that. - (laughing) Yeah bro. - That threw me off a little bit. Little signs like that, you know? Yeah, we think you're the real couple, so. - Thank you. (clapping) - I'm still not sure. - I feel so glad. - So these guys think you're the fake. (laughing) - He's washed his hands. (chuckling) - But we can find out. - Yeah, you can verify if the crabs are fake, he said they're fake. - I don't, I wouldn't know. - Mine are bigger than the men's. - You can test it by the thing, this bit here. - What bit? - This is hard, they're real. - All right. - We are real. - Pfft, Oh you got it? (laughing) - Do you know what? You're fucking fraud, fuck off. I've chosen. (laughing) I've chosen! You're fucking fraud. (laughing) No let's be serious, I do genuinely think they're fraud. (indistinct) - You lot, this round, well done. I rate them. - He found it. He's winking again, though. (laughing) - Because he did it (indistinct). He knew this was go time, that's why. - Yeah, they've been smooth. - Harry, do you think we've done it? - I think we've done it. I think- - If you was to bet. - If I was to bet my life. (laughing) - What does his betting got to do with this? - Because every now and then he does meme work. - Okay, re-run it, re-run it. - Okay, we think you're frauds. So we think you're- - W-wait. - No, they, we think they're frauds. - So they're real. - We think you're frauds. - Yeah, so we think you're a real couple. So congratulations. (clapping) - All right, okay. - So in just a moment, I want the fake couple to put their hands up. In three, two, one, go. (cheering) - No! (clapping) - I told you! I was the only one! - I hate you! I hate you! (indistinct) I'm sorry, we're joking, we're joking. (indistinct) - You're still active, you're still active. - That's what I've been saying. - You've been staring me the entire time! - I was, I was. 'Cause I got early vibes. - I kept laughing. - Choreography dance. (indistinct) - You almost had me. - Everything we said is true apart from us not being together. - Together. - Everything else is true. - You had me. - Their true stories convinced me. (indistinct) - That is true, that is true, yeah. - You did well. - It's the gold Casio. (indistinct) - Hey, yo, I feel so bad for you guys. I'm so sorry. - Hey, I never gave up. - It's cause whenever they went to hug he grabbed her head. No one does that. If they went to hugging, they went like this. (laughing) - Oh! He's done it! - Oh my God! - That's amazing. (clapping) - Yay! - A;lright, that's, I really enjoyed this. (upbeat music)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 7,922,099
Rating: 4.9665956 out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: dFrfBEJfkjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 4sec (3064 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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