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(audience cheers) (lively Samba music plays) - Hello and welcome to Sidemen, The Price is Correct. Today, we have this Sidemen competing to win a luxury holiday to Dubai. (Sidemen cheer) This will include business class flights for you and a plus one, five star accommodation, incredible activities across the United Arab Emirates. Are you guys excited to play today? (Sidemen cheer) You will be guessing the prices of items and whoever guesses the closest will score one point. The person with the most points will win the holiday. (Sidemen sigh) Whoever guesses the closest price to the item will get the item. (JJ burps) - Wait, what? - I'm so sorry. (all laugh) - I can smell it. (laughs) - I couldn't stop. I couldn't stop it. - That stunk. Bro, do you know what it is? - It's the fucking empty sweets. (Sidemen laugh) - They're empty. - What are you doing? - Guys, guys, come on. - Anyway, it wouldn't be the Sidemen Channel without a forfeit of some sort, so whoever has the furthest away guess will be selecting a forfeit from behind you. There are various different liquids. So those are the rules. They are simple. Are you guys ready to play, The Price is Correct? - Yeah. (Sidemen cheer) - And this is our first product. It is a Shark portable vacuum cleaner, very easy to use around the house. It also features a one touch, easy unload. (Sidemen gasp) (Sidemen yell indistinctly) - Is that hair? - I had my hair cut. I had my hair cut, since lockdown. (laughs) - That's his trim. - Yeah, that is my trim. That is my trim, and you can win the trim and the vacuum cleaner. - Right. (laughs) - This is good. - I'm not playing. (Sidemen laugh) - So that's the price. Whoever gets the closest price gets the point and the product, whoever is the furthest away will be facing one of our forfeits. - You think you could put your penis in there? - What kind of shape is your penis? - No, no, no, if you squeeze it in. I could squeeze that in floppy. - Could you? - (indistinct). - No, it does look a bit weird. (Ethan laughs) Let me do my pound sign around. - You know, I actually don't know where to start. - So from left to right, I'm gonna ask you to reveal your prices now. What have we got? - 71.99. - [Host] Okay. - I have 175. - [Host] He's gone up there. - I'm at 220. - [Host] Whoa, what kind of vacuum cleaners are you guys buying? - I went fifty quid. - [Host] Okay. - I went sixty-five. - I'm 74.99. - And the closest guess was Harry! You won a point! - Was I actually right? - It is 128 pounds. - What? - Which puts you at the closest. - It was between me and Harry, that's right? - That's quality. - That's on fire. - So Harry, you have won yourself, - I don't know if I want it, bro. - a fantastic, take it, take it. - Okay, let's keep this family friendly. It's a family friendly show. We're gonna bring on our next product. Look at this demonstration. Harry, are you doing a job? We'll get you (indistinct). Unfortunately, Simon, you had the furthest away guess, so indulge yourself in a beautiful shot of (indistinct). Now there are fifteen rounds, so let's not hope you're starting, doesn't mean you go on. - You can lose fifteen rounds? - Oh my God. (Sidemen laugh) - Let's hope this is just the beginning. (Sidemen gasp) - Is that all right? - (indistinct) to drink will be (indistinct). - Damn. - Nice. - Lovely stuff, lovely stuff. Are you guys ready for the next item? (Sidemen agree) Let's bring it on in. (Sidemen cheer) We have a very exclusive, limited black Richard Mille watch with his own watch winding, - Well this isn't fair. - and if you want, right now, not only does it wind the watch, but it also displays it for you, keeps it dust free and safe. - Holy shit. - Is it a display or is it the watch? - It is the watch. - Fuck you, then, Simon. - We are doing the price of the watch in British pound Sterling. - This is yours? This is yours? - I wonder how much this is. - No, it's fucking JJ's. - It's JJ's? It's JJ's watch. - I wonder how much this is. - You're gonna get it wrong, you know? (Sidemen laugh) - If I actually lose this, I'll be pissed. - Right, we start from the other side. Josh, what price do you think? - I said it's 96.2 K. - Okay, okay, Tobi, what have we got? I went with 120 K. - Okay, we're gonna skip you, 'cause I feel like you have a good taste in watches. What have we got? I went with 125,000. - Okay, okay. - Coming out at the bottom. - This is all British pounds. - I went 200 K. - I said 270. - Damn. - Ethan could hope to save me here. - [Host] And, - Yeah, I put 120. - Oh, what's that? Is it only that? - Only that? He gets upset when we one K, (indistinct). (Sidemen laugh) - The winner of the product with the closest guess to the price is Josh. - Wait, what? - For the watch, right? - Wait, what? - What? - I don't actually know what it is in pounds. (Josh laughs) - Oh no. - Is it 120 dollars? - Wait, no, it was 160, wasn't it? - It was $150,000. - Josh says it's not that nice. - Yeah. (laughs) (Tobi yells) - Our current conversion rate is that equates to 109,000 pounds. - Wow. - He's closer, he's closer. - Which means they're 11,000 off and he's thirteen off. - Make sure I didn't get it wrong. - Oh my God. - You're thirteen off. - Oh my God, no more watch. - Hey, yo, give me my watch back. - No, no, no, no, no, I was at a disadvantage. Give me the watch, give me the watch. - Okay, that was my mistake. Tobi and JJ, this is actually your watch now. - Yay. So you share the watch with the same, and you got a point each. - Yeah, so you only get it on weekends. - I'm sharing it. (Simon laughs) - 'Cause it's a watch. - That was bad. - That was a good one to be fair, that was a good one to be fair. - Okay, unfortunately our furthest guess was Ethan who really, saw value, but it just wasn't there. - I thought Harry and Simon was mean. (Sidemen laugh) - Okay guys, okay, all right. - I thought, let me hold onto that. - I'm actually poor guys, I'm poor. Okay, fuck off. - None of you can say that, none of you can say that. - We've got cholula hot sauce. - I'm actually bankrupt, actually. - Let's see it, let's see it. - That's good, that's good. - That's more than sizable. - He's backed it, he's backed it, he's backed it. - That one, itself, is not the one. You're alcohol, maybe, alcohol? - Bro, there is alcohol in there. - It's okay, I'm not an alcoholic anymore, guys. - And the next product is here! It's a pig. (Sidemen laugh) - His hog. - His hog. (laughs) - What is that? - Can we have some information on the pig? - The price of the pig. - Is it a real pig? - No. - What's it made of? - Is it a real pig? - Yeah, I mean it could be a stuffed pig. - You gotta like describe her, "This is a 1957 like antique pig." - It is a 1957 antique corn fed wild Leicester boar pig design. - Yeah. - Made out of... - Made out of something that makes that kind of noise. - You have no idea about it, do you? - It's a pig, it's a pig. - You don't even know where to begin. - Can you bang it on the head real quick, please? - That's hollow. - Big pig. How much would I pay for this? - Nothing. - You don't wanna know. - I'd get it for the living room. (Sidemen laugh) - What if you win it? - Oh God, yeah. (laughs) - Can we please reveal our prices starting at the left once again. - Going with 106 pounds. - 160 pounds. He knows his pigs. - Whoa, I went higher, I went 654 quid. - Harry thinks it's a premium pig. - 190. - 190, okay. - I put 150. - [Host] 150? - 200. - [Host] 200? - I've got 151. It's not that cheap. - 151. - Say it aint that cheap. - Well that means I can't lose. - There's no way it's that cheap. - I can't lose. - Harry, do you think that pig's half a (indistinct). - Yeah. - It's empty. - If he got this right. - There's no way its 600. - If I was in (indistinct) that would be like three grand. - As it is. - Reveal your price. - How do you know where the pig's from? - How much is the pig, come on. - The person with the closest guess of this pig was Ethan. - Okay, come on. - How much was sit? - 175 pounds for this amazing pig. (Sidemen marvel) You can get that for 175 quid, from where? - Can I ask, what's going on off with (indistinct) today, 'cause me and Ethan have the same distance. - Oh, I didn't, yeah, okay. - Does that mean I won? - You can share a pig. - He said it was 175. - You can share the pig, for God's sake. - You can have the pig, I just want a point. - You get a point. - I don't want to share the to share the pig. (Sidemen yell indistinctly) - I want to stand by it. - It's a family show, get off the stage. Get off the stage. Get off the stage. Leave the pig alone. Leave the pig alone. (men argue about pig) - I'm not doing that. - You have to do that. - Harry, to share the pig, you have to... - Ow. (laughs) I just knee'd the... There's no way it's only 170 quid, mate. - Take it with you. Hog up with his hog. (Sidemen laugh) So he secured himself a pig and also a shot as the furthest away guess. - Bottoms up, Harry. - I thought genuine, (indistinct) anyway. (Sidemen laugh) - You got a shot and that's a win. (Sidemen clap) - Is that Koko Kanu? - Yeah. - We have our next product coming to stage right now. (Sidemen cheer) Here we go, it is this incredible, limited edition Valentino jacket. - I thought it was her. - You can't buy people. - Oh yeah, yeah. - All right, limited edition. - Limited edition, custom hand drawn stars, unique design, limited run, came out in 2015. - It's surely worth more now that you've worn it so much. - It's worth less now. - Where's the brand. - In Vegas. - What's the brand? - Valentino. - You going low or high? - You'll see. - Okay, I'm going low. - Four digits? - No way. - Have you gone four digits? - Oh my. - (laughs) No. - He's gone four digits, Harry. - I don't know. I'm gonna add a one in front. - Oh my God. (laughs) - Yo, take that off, man, take that off. - No, man. (Sidemen yell) - You wrote what you wrote. - (sighs) You said four figures and I'm like. - I didn't put four figures. - No, stick with that answer because it's hilarious. What'd you think it's from, (indistinct)? (Sidemen laugh) - I think it's time to reveal. Harry, let's start with you. What have you got for us? - I've put ninety-five quid. - Ninety-five quid? - Where do you get your Valentino jackets? (Sidemen laugh) - Okay, Simon, what have we got? - I mean, I went similar, but with a zero at the end. - [Host] Okay, okay, JJ. - I put 180. - Okay. - Oh, shit. - I went 225. - That's what I thought... - Okay. Josh, what we got? - I said 850. - All right, 760. - Okay, the winner of this round was Josh. - What was the price? - I was close. - 1,324. It was $1,800. Wait, so I won. - He won. (men yell indistinctly) - I'm not winning. - I'm sorry, I'm sorry. - Why do I keep getting told I'm winning? What is happening? (Sidemen laugh) What's happening. - I'm sorry, I'm sorry. - You fucking looked at it. - He looked at both of them, "Yeah, it's Josh." (Sidemen laugh) - Geez, you looking kind of (indistinct). - Damn, you're looking fire. - That's the new style. - A grand and a half? A grand and a half. - Why is that a grand? - Why is your watch 100 grand? - Because it's Richard Mille. - It's a Valentino. - No, man. (laughs) - Harry, with your ninety-five pound jacket and your second shot of Koko Kanu. - Nice, man. - That'll be my last one today. I'm tuning in now, I'm tuning in. I know the vibe. - I feel like Harry has to have two shots to reach his optimum. - No, he gets worse the more shots he has. You've seen him before. Oh, wow. - We've got a change of direction here. We are bringing on our next products, and you're going to have to add up the price of these products. Who does their own shopping, cooking, who knows what their things cost? - It's Waitrose though, as well. - Now is the time. The bag, you know what, I'm gonna add the bag on. - Five pence then. - It's Waitrose, it's Waitrose. - It's actually branded, so they can't charge for it. - Are these all Waitrose own brand? - Can you reveal what each one is a bit, please? - Okay, we have some heritage carrots. They're not heritage carrots, they're just carrots. We've got some tortellini, spinach tortellini. - Oh, that's banging. - We got easy peeler oranges. We have two bananas. - Two bananas. Why not two bananas? That is the real question. We also have half a loaf of bread. Did you know, you can get half a loaf of bread. - You can get half a loaf of bread? - [Host] You can buy half a loaf of bread. - I think he just ate it. - Half a loaf of bread. If you're boujie, you get half. - That is half a loaf of bread. - Beans. - Are they Heinz? - They are Heinz. - We also have some porridge oats, Quaker Oats, the best oats. - (indistinct) beans, were there? - Let me just do the... - And we have cream of tomato, Heinz soup. - Okay, it's Waitrose as well. - Josh here, fourteen pounds, fifty-two P. - [Host] 14.52. Sixteen pounds, thirty four. - [Host] 16.34. - Twenty-three quid. - You never know. - [Host] Okay, okay. - Oh no, I have twelve pounds, seventy-eight. - [Host] Okay. - 17.55. - All right. - 13.62 - 13.62, now I panic. I'm gonna get this one right. You guys have really gone for it here. And the price of this bag of groceries, including the bag, was ten pound, seventeen. - Yeah! - Simon is the closest! He's going up in the world. He's one step closer to that holiday. - Let's go! - And JJ showing he's a little out of touch with the supermarket today, but it's okay. It's okay. All right, here you go. You're eating good tonight, mate. See what you can make out of that? - Beans on toast and banana. - Actually, to be fair, this is banging. Look, there's red lights on them. Look, see, they're doing it. - Red lights for JJ 'cause JJ is our mate and when we drink with JJ he gets it down in eight, seven, six, five, four, three. - Whoa, eight seconds to do a shot. - Bro, why did you do this shot. You gotta wait. - I did it before (indistinct). (Sidemen sigh) - Pour it again. Pour it again. - Vikk, Vikk, you forgot to tell someone to do their shot. - Yeah, Vikk, you forgot. - Okay, like you didn't see that coming. - It's not on camera. It's not on camera. - It's not on camera, Vikk, it wasn't properly led into. - Vikk, you gotta tell him to do, 'cause he was the furthest away, Vikk. - He was furthest away. - And the furthest guess away was JJ. (Sidemen clap) - It's gonna be a shot of Bailey's for you, my friend. - I've sauced it. - Ease yourself. (laughs) - Damn. (Sidemen laugh) - The lights went up on him. - Good stuff, good stuff. Here we go. What is in the box? - Oh. - Oh. It looks like nothing is in there. - It looks empty under that. - Bro, I saw the box, maybe it's hollow. - The box is hollow, it would just fall out. - No, okay, don't know. - It is quite heavy, it looks. - This is very rare. What's in here is gonna blow your mind. - Okay, you gonna show us? - It's literally out of this world. - It's a mystery box. - In the box, - Ray gun! - we have kryptonite. - Sorry? (Sidemen laugh) - I'm done, man. - Can I go and see it? - Yeah. - Maybe it is kryptonite. - Can't be. - Many kryptonite, okay. - Oh, God, you know what? Okay, fine. - JJ this is what you trade. - Okay. (laughs) So is this like how much the prop was to make? - How much the prop is to buy. - Oh, I thought you meant how much was the price for actual kryptonite is. - Kryptonite is... - JJ's got the lights. (Sidemen laugh) - He's had two shots and wants to (indistinct). JJ, please come back. - He had the kryptonite being walked off. I just got it. - Hey, come back. - Don't worry, JJ we did your guess for you. - Don't worry, we did your guess. No, man. - It's done. It's locked in. - How much did that prop cost? - That much kryptonite or the prop? - The prop. - Kryptonite, you can't price it. - No, I know, - You can't price it? - No. - Right, custom made prop. - This is fictional kryptonite from Superman's home planet, Krypton. (Sidemen laugh) - Oh, for fuck's sake. - All right, all right, you know what, fuck it. (laughs) - All right, we're gonna start in the middle with our highest scoring player, Simon. - I went with eighty-eight pounds. - Okay, JJ, what do you think a box of kryptonite would cost you? - I went with one bitcoin. - Okay. - One Bitcoin in today's value? Okay. - It's Kryptonite, not crypto. - He heard crypto, he said, "Finance." Coin base. - What have you got Tobi? - I went with 125. - [Host] Okay, Josh? - I'm at 115. - [Host] Okay. - I said 180, 'cause it's functionality. - No, that costs more. I've gone 70. - So for the first time someone has hit it on the nose, spot on, and they will be getting a bonus point for doing this. The person who got it spot on was Tobi. (Sidemen cheer) 125 pounds for a box of kryptonite. Name a better way to spend your money. - Tobi's been dying to (indistinct). - I knew I was close. - You were pretty close. - Did you do your shot? - Krypto. - Tobi's gonna replace his pillow with a box of kryptonite. - Because you're winning that item, bro. - Yeah, I'm gassed (indistinct). - I'd get them all here. - You need to win a large item. - "Hey mom, look what I won today, a pig." - At least you got an item. - Oh, it's warm. (Sidemen laugh) - Good to see you guys enjoying the fruits of your labour, - Nice. (Sidemen fake laugh) - so to speak, but it is time for another round. Will Josh secure his first point? (Josh laughs) Let's bring in the product. Here we go. This is a limited edition Supreme money gun. - We know how much this is. A little demonstration of the product. That's what we're doing on The Price is Correct. We are making it rain. - Vikk, can I request, is it authentic? - It is authentic, and we are going based off the last sold price on Stock X for this item. - I've seen (indistinct) gone very close to me. - You know what? You've gotta take what you can. (Sidemen laugh) - Do we have our guesses in? - Yessir. Okay, Ethan, what have you got? - 375. - Okay. - 325. Gotcha. - 340. - Okay. - I'm doing a shot. - Uh-oh. - [Host] Oh no. - I'm doing a shot. - JJ. (Sidemen yell) - Oh my God. - I'm not doing a shot. - 1500, okay. - I'm safe. 550. - Okay, and the winner of this one is Harry with 325. It's actually around $335, the last one sold for, which is down to 238 pounds and the pence. - I'll take that. I'll take that. - So that is a point for Harry. - Taking a shot of Bailey's. - JJ, unfortunately, you are up in space right now, and after you're next shot of Bailey's you might be even further in space. - Crazy bro. - Farthest away JJ. (Sidemen cheer) - Oh, he's so happy. Are you having a good time on the show today? Do you have a message for anyone watching back home? - Suck all your moms. (men chatter indistinctly) - Okay, the show must go on. What do we have next? We have this pair of Ray-Bans. - Are they the special kind? What do we think? - Are they real? - That's for you to decide. - Is this the pair you've lost four times? - Maybe it is, yeah. - This is for everything. (Sidemen sigh) - There's nowhere to go with this. (Sidemen laugh) - A pair of Ray-Bans, yeah? - I don't know how much they cost, though. - GBP? - [Host] GBP. - I think 'cause they already bought them, I still don't know. - I have no idea where to start. - No, neither do I. - A pair of Ray-Bans. - Play a safe guess, as long as you're in the middle, you're fine. - I'd say 20 quid. - Huh? Yeah, yeah, no, write that down, write that down. - It is time to reveal the prices. Let's start with Simon, what have you got? - I went with 280 pounds. - [Host] Okay, up there. JJ, what do you go for? - I went for 150 pounds. - I'd say twenty pounds, but you know. - Throwing others off their scents. - [Host] Oh okay. - You did throw me off your scent. (Sidemen laugh) - Tobi, what have we got? - I went with 225. - And Harry, what happened? - I went sixty-five. - [Host] He's drinking. - 135. - Okay. - I put 240. - The closest guess was Harry. They are fake Ray-Bans. They cost about twenty pounds, JJ, kind of ironic. (Sidemen laugh) - I knew you'd say that ain't real as well. You said the Supreme one was real. - We thought that his Ferrari won. - Here we go, they're imitation. As you see, they do not say Ray-Bans anywhere on them. They are imitation, twenty pounds. - They don't say Ray-Ban anywhere on them? - [Host] No. - They look good, they don't even look fake. - They're not even Ray-Bans. - They were listed as fake Ray-Bans. They're the same design. Okay, Simon was the furthest away. You were duped. - I'm actually kind of jealous of your shot. Your shot's nice. - You know you can have it, right? - You chose yours. - He's done it. - He's done it. Harry and Simon looking good with three points each. - We're killing the game. - I got a bonus point. - You got it right. - Yeah, Harry, Simon, and Tobi all looking good with three points right now. - Wait, (indistinct) you got three? From what? - I bought a (indistinct). - On the nose. - Oh, on the nose, of course he did. (Sidemen laugh) - That was a good joke. - What happened, beat him up. - Josh. - Sorry. - And on that note, let's bring in our next product. What do we have? Oh, for those of you who are a little classy. We have some Moet Chandon. - Yeah, something expensive. - Is this a special one? - [Host] This is non-vintage. - It's just a bottle of Moet. - I know this, I get this from my aunt for Christmas every year. - How much is it? - Harry knows it's champagne. I think I know, I think I know this. I think I know this. - [Host] Let's have that demonstrated. - Is that good? - I don't know. - The Moet, keep me pissy, you always used to diss me. I had to write letters 'cause they miss me. - Actually I think I fucked up. (Sidemen laugh) - Okay, let's see what we have. Let's start with Josh. - I went with 24 pounds. - Oh my God. - Okay, he likes his champagne. Maybe he knows what it costs. Tobi. - I went with eighty pounds. - Eighty pounds. 120 pounds, it's flying up here. 150, oh my! - I went fifty-two. - And 110. - Is it a box, though? - Any of you guys want to buy this from me? We can do a little transaction. Whoever wins it can sell it on for a decent profit in this room. The closest, - Look at the box, bro. - guess was Josh. - Please, this time? Is it this time? Is it true this time? - It is true, he's secured his first point. It is a 28.99 bottle. - Come on, the boy! - Appearances can be deceiving. - Anyone want to buy it off me? - I'll buy it for your price. - No, no, no, no, no, at your price, your price. - I went lower and then I went higher. - You said, "Oh, I should know this, it's expensive." - Yeah, yeah. - So I went expensive. - You got a good point, as well. - Here's your shot, enjoy. Bon appetit. (Sidemen cheer) So we'd like to keep this one nice and diverse. This is for all the fast food lovers out there. We are bringing in our next set of items. - Dessert. - It is a McDonald's order. - We are gonna place it out. You've got a large Coca-Cola. - Can I have that? - I wanna win this. That's what I want to win. - You have six (indistinct). - I bought them the other day! - Chicken nuggets, who remembers what they cost? We have a McChicken sandwich. We have large fries. - There's a meal in here, so one of them comes as a meal here. - Someone's doing their homework. - We also have... - It's a burger of some kind. - We have a burger of some kind. - Burger of some kind, okay, great. - Told you, a big Tasty. - He is right, it's a big Tasty. Here's someone who knows his stuff. - Damn. - Sauces, no they come with the ketchup. They come with the ketchup. - I can tell we've got some experienced players here. - Yeah, you get two sauces. - Add it up. - And it was a six pack of nuggets? - Yeah. - Wait, is this UberEats price? - Is this UberEats price, yeah? - It is, indeed. - Oh, fuck, it's inflated boys, it's inflated. - Okay, so, I'm gonna chuck... - The tip's not included, but we did give a tip. - Well done. - Wait, is the delivery included? - No, delivery is not included. - Just the price of the items, yeah? - Price of the items on UberEats. - I've got my answer, come on fat boy. Come on. You love McDonald's though, so I think Tobi's gonna win it. - Me? - You've ordered McDonald's a lot. Right, so let's start with our resident McDonald's expert. - This is going to stick as well, 8.49. - Okay, all right, Ethan. What do we got? - I've got 11.29. - [Host] Okay, okay, Harry? - I went 12.50. - Nice. - Oh no, I went 13.87. - Bit of a shock for his. - I went with eight quid. - Nevermind. (laughs) - On the (indistinct), eight there. And Josh? - I went ten pound, ninety-nine. - Okay, the closest guess for that round was Simon, again entering the lead with four points. The cost of this order, excluding delivery and tip was fourteen pounds and seventeen pence. (Simon makes high energy noises) - Is it cold? - You (indistinct) McDonald's, don't you? - Here you go, mate. - Thank you. Is there a straw by any chance? - I'm not sure if there is. - Oh, yeah, yeah, you gotta pay for the straw. - You can feel the cold. (laughs) - I think Simon's going on holiday, bro. - I just want to not lose. - They've got a whole documentary on that. - (indistinct), that's all the fun, 'cause he's still done it wrong. - He was very quick to his first point, but things have been going steadily downhill for JJ. Let's see that. - Upward, because it's definitely a great day. - Yeah, he doesn't appear to be having a great day, which is a shame because this is such a fun show. - He will. He goes through like a peak and trough of alcohol. - Okay, Simon's mixing up drinks on the set. (Sidemen cheer) - That was smart. - Lean? You want some lean? (Sidemen laugh) - And it is time for another round. Let's bring our product on through. We have this luxurious Valentino purse. - Is it real? - It's Valentino. - Is it real? - Is it real? - Is it real? - Is it real? - Is it real? - That is for you to decide. (Sidemen sigh) - Is it real? - (indistinct), it's real, sure. - I think it's real, I think it's real. - Beautiful logo, it's got the dangly (indistinct), and it's a wonderful product. You can store your lipstick in it, your makeup, whatever you might need on a night out, not that we get many nights out at the moment. What do you think this product is worth? - Was that Valentino? - Yeah. - Okay, okay, that's okay. - So you know it's not like six pounds, unless it's fake. - No, if it's... - No, Vikk wouldn't cheap out on a fake Valentino purse. - He's got a membership. - He bet on the misses. (Vikk laughs) - Let's start with you, Harry. How are we looking? - Oh, I think it's 2,500, but I think it might also be higher, so I put 2501. - He knows the game. He's playing the game. Could this be everything he needs? Ethan, what have we gone for? - I had 620. - I'm safe. - Okay, a slightly lower bet from Ethan. - I feel like I'm safe. - What have we got, Simon? - I thought, I went for like an average bag pricing, 840. - Okay, that sounds like a good price. - I went for 2500. - And has Harry done him in here? - Oh, yes. - Could this be the game? - You can be an L at the same time. - It's a purse. It's a purse. - Okay, 680. - And I said 1295. Surely he says it's Simon straightaway again. - You know what? I'm not gonna say who the winner is. I'm just gonna reveal the price right now, and then we'll go through who the winner is. The price of this lovely bag you see in front of you, - Twenty quid. - forty-six pounds. - Fuck you! Fuck you! (men yell) - You blew it! - Is that your bag? - Course not. (Ethan cheers) - What would it be if it wasn't fake? What's the real one? - It's completely made up, it doesn't exist. It's not a real Valentino. - Hey, hey, get your notepad out, get your notepad out. Mark me down as a point. (men yell) - For God's sake, man. - Is that you again? - What the hell? - No, no, it's me. - One pound. - One pound. - (laughs) Ethan gonna look good. Ethan gonna treat a girl. - Give us a walk. (Tobi cheers) - I want a sassy walk, as well. (Sidemen cheer) And stop and pose. - Geez. - Damn, you thick. - Oh, damn. - You got a cake. Turn around, go on. - Here we go, he's straight onto it. He's ready. - Oh wow. - He thought that one pound had won him the game. But in fact, it had lost him the game. - I'd argue you're stiffing us with a fake ID. - Do you know what? When it come out, I thought it looks like it's spray painted, bro. Like it don't look like... - Look at the build quality. Open it up. (laughs) - We can't tell that from here. - We're gonna be taking a trip back in time with this one. Let's bring through our next product. - Josh, you could win this one. - Here we go. Can anyone tell me what this is before we reveal it? - (indistinct). - Is that real? - I know what it is. Is it like a (plays instrument with mouth), like a thing you play like that? - Accordion. Accordion. - A piano. A guitar. - Here, we have a slide cube projector from the 1980s. - Oh, shit, man. - Now I want you to tell me the price of this when it released in 1980. (Sidemen sigh) - In 1980? - In 1980, how much. - Like your projector? - Yes. - This was a good bit of kick back then. - Yeah, this is a bit of kick. - It looks nice, though. - Huge bit of kit, but how many Great British Pounds would they spend? - Fucking men. - The inflation. (men mock Tobi) - Let's see what we have. Josh, you seem kind of confident over there. - I said 4.2 billion. - What? (Sidemen laugh) - Just try again. - Okay, all right, yeah. - It's because money changing it the way it does. - Yeah, right, right, the inflation when the money went down. You should do stocks or something, man. You're kind of wised up. - I do, all the time. Cash on Robinhood. - You day trading, day trader. All right, what have we got Tobi? - 500 pounds, okay. Okay, JJ, what have we over here? - I went for, (Sidemen laugh) - Oh no. - He's outdone you bad, Josh. - Oh, he's done you in, Josh. - I've actually gone for more than Josh. - For God's sake. - I don't know what the number is. - Is that for one million billion? - Is that like a trillion? - Is that a trillion? - No, I think it's a heptillion. - Well, I can tell you I don't think us three have gone over that. - Yeah, no. - I kind of want to change my answer. - Okay, what have you got, Simon? - I went 200 pounds, but I think it's well over. - Wow, okay. - I went 140. - Okay. - I said forty-seven pounds. I was gonna get thirty. - Wow, it is time for reveal. Who is the winner of this point? It is Ethan. (bell dings) - Three points. (laughs) - There's been around 400% inflation since, - Inflation. - 1980, and this product was 1999 when it released. - I went forty and then I added in the one. Oh my God. - I was gonna go thirty. - (yells) Get me back to the UAE, baby. - Who was the furthest? - [Host] Oh, he's already gone. Okay, cool. - Before the host. - He did it before the host said. - Was the camera on? - Do we reset? (Sidemen yell) - He threw it all back out. - What are you on about? (Sidemen laugh hysterically) - [Host] Are you gonna do the shot? - Does Bailey's come out like that, yeah? (Ethan laughs) - Okay, so he has to do that shot. - Okay, yeah, you lost that round. - Sorry, guys. (Sidemen gag) - That is one of the worst things I've ever seen. (Sidemen laugh) - He's seen you windmill as well. - I tell ya, that's on the Reddit. That's gonna be like this guy spit, not swallows. - Oh no. - No, he does both. You spit it, and then swallow it. (Ethan laughs) - Okay guys, this is gonna be our last round. Now this is interesting because at the moment Simon is gonna be going on a lovely holiday, however, Ethan, Harry and Tobi all sit one point behind him. - Don't suppose you could draw it? - So they could either join him on this holiday or they could even play him for the holiday. Now we shall see, we shall see. So let's bring in our next product. Now who likes to do some cooking at home? - That an air fryer? - Who likes to use a slow cooker? - A slow cooker, bro. - What brand is that? - Brand's important on this one. - There isn't a brand. - There isn't a brand. It's an unbranded, slow cooker. - Fucking dusty, that's what. - It's an Amazon Prime thing. - Amazon Prime. - You haven't used that, have you, for a slow cooker? - (laughs) I haven't used any cooking utensils. - I don't even know where to begin for this. - That's exactly why it's here. Who knows their way? Okay, Harry, let's see what you went with. A slow cooker, what would you pay for a slow cooker? - I think this is thirty-seven pound, ninety-nine. - Okay, okay, that's a reasonable guess. What have we got, Ethan? - I'm at 72.99. - Okay, he's gone up there, he's gone up there. Simon, where are we at? - Fuck. - You in triple digits. - I went for 140. - It looks techie. - And a non-branded thing, yeah. - No, but I think you pay for the non-brand, in it? - No, you pay for the brand. - What have we got JJ? - I went for this number. - What is it? (Ethan cackles) - I think it's a million, million, million, million. - All right, let's see. Okay, Tobi, what have we got? - Fifty pound. - Okay. - I put nine, nine, nine, nine, nine nine, nine, nine, nine, nine, nine, nine, nine, nine, nine, nine. - Bro, he added an infinite sign at the end. (Sidemen joke around) - He's got such a bigger brain than you do. - Smart (laughs), smart. - I'd pour you a shot, but you're both wrong. (Sidemen laugh) - You know what, you can do your shot now, you earned it. - Oh God. - Hey, well done, Josh. - Come on. - Think Tobi might be getting a point there. - What? - I just spit on myself. I was too excited. - Actually yeah, I might be getting a point. - Fifty quid? (bottle pops) - Fucking... - Jesus Christ. (Sidemen scream) - It's lit, it's lit. - No, no. (laughs) - Oh, shut up. - Nobody's drinking out of that now. (Sidemen laugh) - My board. - It is time to find out, will Simon be waltzing his way onto a wonderful holiday, or will Ethan, Harry, or Tobi be in for a running at a chance to steal this from him? Well, the closest guess was Harry. (Harry yells) (Sidemen clap) - Oh, I'm going to Dubai. - What now? - You're gonna battle for it. - It's the Sidemen Channel, and we always want a winner. So maybe you're both going to Dubai, but one of you will be crowned winner here. And this is where it's gonna get interesting. You're gonna be going head to head on a tie breaker item. - Ooh. - You can't compare. - I'm either really far off or... - How much was that? - It was thirty pounds. - Fuck. - Thirty pounds, unbranded slow cooker. Not expensive, but does the job, makes a nice meal. So this is gonna be interesting. I'm gonna allow you guys to select teammates to help you, - Tobi. - in your head to head. Simon has picked first. He's picked Tobi to help him. Harry, who would you like to help you? - I'd like Josh, please. - Are you sure? - Okay, Simon, who would you like as your third team mate to help you in this? - Third team mate? - I got three points. - Okay, Ethan is gonna be joining you. Harry, that means that you, JJ and Josh will be forming a teams, so can you divide into your teams here? You know what they say, go big or go home. It is time for the ultimate tiebreaker. Let us bring in our final product. - Oh, that's a prop. - Here we go. - What? - A fake jukebox. - Nice. - Damn. - Thanks, top. - Thank you. - Thank you. (Sidemen clap) - And this is our product. It is a jukebox from the, oh well... - Nice, yeah. - You've got a universal, two pound remote. - Point it at the right place. (men gasp) And the other light. Go on, hit the other light. - That's two LED bulbs. (Sidemen cheer) - There we go, a jukebox that lights up. - But it doesn't actually play anything. - It does, it does. It plays really good tunes. - Play it now, with the video. - Yeah, no. - Play it. (music plays) - Wow, does that spoil your phone? - I think it's the acoustics of the room. - No, no, that's your phone. - No, I don't, what phone? (laughs) - He's got I think about five million. - No lads, we got to try on this one. - I think it's twenty-eight million. - The price of this prop. - But does it play music? - You're right, I think, yeah. - If your imagination is wild enough, it can play any tune you want. - It's just for show. - How much do a two-way diner cost? - Bro, my team mates just said multi millions, like what? - Wait, does the losing team do a shot? - Yeah, each, each. The losing team does a shot each. - The loser's do three shots each. - Three shots each? - No, one shot each. - No, three. - No, you dumb. - Three shots each. (Sidemen laugh) - Team Harry, what do you think it would cost to buy this? - Well, my teammates said eighty-five and eighty-four million. - You said eighty-six. - I've gone in the middle with 420. - 420. - 420, blaze it. - 420, Team Simon. - Well, we went for 420. - You're not gonna believe. - Wait, what? - Now what happens? - Well, we had a whole discussion about prices and stuff, and we thought we came to 420. - (indistinct), then. - If it's not spot on, why don't you tell us if it's higher or lower and then we can change our guess. - Yeah, you know, that's a good idea. - 420, the price is higher. - This is not eighty-five mil, before you... - It's gotta be eighty-five million. - Bro, eighty-four. - What's the next core number? - Okay, this time we're gonna start with Simon's team first. For the final round, - We went for, - this jukebox is worth, - 600 pounds. - 600 pounds. - 600 pounds. - Team Harry. - 649.50. - We thought you might just, it might just be a little bit higher. - Well, we have a winner of the Price is Correct. - He's looking at Harry again. - He can't keep his eyes off the winner sometimes. - Look, look. - Harry is, Harry is, look. - The winner of the Sidemen, The Price is Correct is Simon! (Simon's team cheers) The price was 540 pounds. (Sidemen sigh) - Look what I said, Harry. Harry, look what I said from the get-go. - Hey, Hey, Hey. - It's eighty-five mil right here, - Congratulations. Who are you gonna be taking to Dubai with you? - Well, I've decided I'm going to be selling this jacket and putting the rest of my money towards taking both of these guys. - I love that. We love that. - And not Talia. (Ethan yells) - Talia's in the (indistinct). - We aint married, like, Dubai is not... - Three shots each, yeah? - Three shots each. - Three shots each. - No, no. (men chatter) - Didn't you say three shots each? - Where's that (indistinct)? - I'm pretty sure that was in the other. - I'll have one, I'll have two. - Take three shots each. - No, no, no. - No, three shots each, three shots each. - No, I never did that. - We like to drink with the losers. (men laugh) - Nice, you know you got from there. - Two more? Two more? - Two more shots, boys. - You said three shots each. - You guys said it, right? - Number two. - Josh, are you okay? - Josh is just banging them out, what the hell? - He's back, the boy is back in town. - Okay, shot two. - This is foul. - We should go do (indistinct) now. - At least we got another short. Come on, love. - Want some champagne with it, wash it down? - Why did you say three shots? (men laugh) - I encourage it actually wanting to do three shots. - Why? - Might as well finish that bottle. - I've been stuck in my room for two weeks, three weeks. - I think it's gone. (laughs) - Bailey's is nice, though. - Go on, last shot. Hey! (men clap) Okay, well done to Simon for winning, thank you our lovely assistant. - Thank you. - Discount code for today is, "Price." We'll see y'all next time. Goodbye. (jazz music plays)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 10,434,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: 24iIoiVD4Ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 9sec (2529 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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