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- Yo what's up, it's your boy K to the.. - [Group] K to the S to the I. - YouTube rapper. - Shut up. Welcome to Sideman Speed Dating. (crowd cheering) (upbeat music) So yeah, speed dating, you know how this works. We have three minutes each, three different girls, and yeah. (laughs loudly) - I wish I could last three minutes with three different girls. (laughs loudly) - Damn. Anyway. (laughs loudly) - Relax. - Relax bro. The discount code is Speed. (laughs loudly) - Go fast, get that discount. - Also, at the end of all the dates, the females will let us know their favourite and worst dates. Harry, you're up first, go. - This female has no idea that we're sending him. - So, we're gonna be reacting from here. - I'm (indistinct). (laughs loudly) Hello, I'm Harry, nice to meet you, how you doing? - I'm Paige, nice to meet you. - [Simon] Hey, I'm Simon. - Nice to meet you, I'm Paige. Hello. - [Joshua] Hello, how are you? I'm Josh. - [Ethan] Ethan, lovely to meet you. - Ethan, nice to meet you. - [Tobi] I'm Tobi. - Tobi, nice to meet you. - Lovely to meet you. - Nice to meet you, I'm Paige. - [JJ] Jesus, you are fit. - He's like a creep already. - Hello. - [Vick] Hey, my name's Vick. Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you, I'm Paige. - Good to.. Okay. I was about to say good to meet you again. - Did he say good to? Didn't say anything else? - I haven't been on a date in about five years, so this is new for me. I don't know what we do to be honest. (laughs loudly) I think we've got to pick these cards. - Yeah okay, let's go for it. - Do you want to go first? - Oh, no. - Who would have thought that speaking to random women would be so hard? (laughs loudly) - I'm gonna start off with the cards. - Okay, cool. - I'm gonna start off with the cards. - Josh, nice to meet you. - [Joshua] What's your name? - Paige. - Cool. - Cool. (laughs loudly) - What would you rather do here? Would you rather do cards or talk normally, like normal humans? - We could talk normally, like normal humans. - I didn't ask her name. - You didn't. (laughs loudly) - How was your travelling today? - Yeah, it wasn't too bad. - That's a good question. - [Paige] Easy journey. - What is it you do? - So, I'm a dancer. - Okay, lovely. - Oh, what kind of dancing? - Like commercial hip-hop thing. - [JJ] Oh, okay. What, so you know how to like twerk and.. - [Paige] Yeah. Not gonna do it. - So drop the.. - Always. - Damn, geez. - Are you nervous? - A little bit cause I don't know what's on these cards. - Oh, okay. - And you know what, I'll pick the first one. - He's doing a presentation. - Are you into role-play? If so, what? I didn't write these cards, just a precursor. - Would I? I dunno. No, I mean, I personally have never done it, but I mean I'm game for anything so. What about you? - I have, again, never done it. I feel like I'd be bad at it, (laughs loudly) but I'd give anything a shot. - [Paige] Okay, but what was your go-to? What would you role play? - That's a tough question. - I have no idea. It's just so on the spot, I'll let you pick the next card. - Do you eat ass? (laughs loudly) You don't have to answer this if you don't want to. This is just what's been put on the card. (laughs loudly) - No. - Yeah, me neither. Well, I'm not opposed to it, but it's not my go-to. - Yeah, I mean like, yeah, no. - I'll do the next one. (laughs loudly) - How are you enjoying the dates? - Yeah, I mean, there something. It's not my usual go-to.. - Oh my god. - She didn't see it. - I think she did. - Are you hungry? I'm feeling a bit peckish. - He's bit off more than he can chew there. (laughs loudly) - What would you do if you were invisible for one day? (laughs loudly) - I suppose there's a few answers to that question. Rob a bank. - Yeah. - Is that just incriminated me? Maybe. What would you do? - The exact same actually. No one's gonna know it's you, it's fine. - [Ethan] You're invisible, you're all good. - What about you, do you dance? - No, I actually can't, well I can do the worm, but like it's just really bad. - You're gonna do it? - You want me? - Yeah. You gonna do the worm. - I mean, how am I gonna.. - You do the worm, and I'll slut drop, that's the deal. - Alright, come let's. (laughs loudly) - That's actually quite good, I could do that. - [JJ] Yeah? - Yeah, I could do that. - [JJ] Alright, come. - Here we go lads. - Show me what you got. Okay, wow. - I think she's feeling him. - Do you have like a favourite dancer? - That's a good question Josh. - Like Coral fish, yes. Like mine at the moment is Galen Hooks, And like Paris.. You're like no idea, just goes straight over your head. - Wait, Paris? - [Paige] Paris Gabriel. - Does she (indistinct) the royal family? - [Paige] Yes. - Yes, she's sick. - They connecting. - I just like watching, you know Lord of Dance YouTube? - Yes. - I love watching those, it's like random things. Cause I'm like, I can't dance, So I could dance a little bit, but when I was a kid, I used to do dance lessons and actually competed at like, when I was like six and seven. - [Paige] Oh, that's cool. - Flex on the pump. - What kind of dancing did you used to do? - (indistinct). - Oh okay, that's cool. - You know like your little kids, you like one, two, one, two, that's all you got. - There were six steps. - Yeah, that's all you got. - If you were arrested with no explanation, what would your friends assume you've done? Have you ever been arrested? - No. - Good girl. - I didn't like that. Even for a dad, that's a little cringe. - Probably from being a drunk mess. - [Tobi] A drunken mess? - Yeah. What about you? - Good girl. - Probably road rage, that's what my friends would say. I don't feel like I have road rage. I get annoyed, but I don't like.. - It must be bad for your friends to think that you would get arrested for it. - I don't know, I just wouldn't get arrested for anything else. - Okay, that's good. - That's my pet peeve. - Yeah, with the driving? - People who don't indicate and then.. - [Paige] Yeah. - That stresses me out. - Or like people who are crossing the road, and you're like, "Thank you.". - Okay, I've done that. - It's like, "You're welcome.". - Does that count as road rage? - No, it's just people should be polite. - [Tobi] Thank you. - Manners cost nothing. - [Tobi] Exactly. - Good girl. (laughs loudly) - Oh god, stop man. - Have you ever done bondage? (laughs loudly) - What are these questions? - Why are you looking at me? - No, I've tried fluffy handcuffs but that's about as far as it goes. - [Paige] Yeah, that's still bondage. - Does it count? - [Paige] Yeah. - Okay, you seem to know more than me. - Not giving too much away, but yeah. I mean, I've seen Fifty Shades of Grey, so. - Fair enough. Basically qualified. - [Paige] Yeah. - Naughty. Fifty Shades of Grey. I don't know who wrote these cards, do you have any fantasies? (laughs loudly) - Well, you don't have to use the cards you know. You can just talk to her. - Were you expecting this today when you signed up for this? - No. I do, but I'm not gonna say because I'm a lady. - That's totally respectful. Can I say I'm not gonna say because I'm a man? - [Paige] I'm a man? Yeah. - Yeah sure, we'll go with that, I like that. - What's your funniest joke? - Oh, I'm so bad with jokes because I don't like that. - That's the way to kill a conversation, isn't it? (laughs loudly) - [Simon] Do you want to move on? - [Paige] Yeah, unless you've got a good joke. - No. (laughs loudly) - What is your favourite sexual position? (laughs loudly) - I don't know mate, possibly the helicopter. You seen the helicopter? - Yeah, and no. - Let's do another one. (laughs loudly) - Do you take drugs? - No. - Yeah, me neither. (laughs loudly) - You didn't sound too sure there. - Someone might have spiked me once in the past, but I'm not a avid taker of them. (laughs loudly) - Alright. - Cool. (laughs loudly) - She hates us. - If you could be the opposite sex for one day, what would you do? - I'm not gonna lie, first thing I'd do, is I'd wake up and have a wank. (laughs loudly) (group clapping) I'm weird. - Yes, high five. - Onward. - Yes, that's the right answer. - I'm not even gonna beat around the bush about that. - After you, another card. - What body part would you want to detach, and why? - Is it re-attachable? - I'm gonna say no. - Okay, that changes it. - My nose. (laughs loudly) - Voldemort. - Okay, why? - Cause sometimes it gets in the way. - Of what? - Like when you're tryna.. What would you get rid of? - Are you alright Simon? - What did he say? - If you take it off, you can do something.. - Easier. - [Paige] What would I get rid of? - The nose helps. (laughs loudly) - Would you rather eat your family pet, or kill your parents? - Kill my parents. Straight away. I love dogs more than people, do you think I'm really going to kill my dog? No. - Wait, did she just say kill her parents? - Why you shook like that? - You came out your mom. - Yeah I know, but my dog is better. Sorry mom. - [JJ] Yeah, but your dog didn't birth you. - Yeah, but dogs are better than people. They are. - I mean, yes but no. - Are you not a dog person? - No, I love dogs. I'd love to have dogs, but like.. - I didn't even think about that, I was like straight away, kill the parents. - Yeah, that was fast. Well I would probably eat the dog. (laughs loudly) - Basically I've had a girlfriend for nearly nine years. - No. - I'm in too deep. (laughs loudly) - The dating game for me. - You're like no? - I don't know what I did on my date, I think I pushed her into bins and that worked. That's how I secured a girlfriend for nine years. - What's the worst thing a person can do that isn't illegal? - Probably cheat on your misses. - Cheat. - See? - Yeah, I agree with that. - Have you ever been cheated on, or have you ever cheated? - [Paige] No, I'm good. I'm a very loyal person, can't stand it. You see, mine would be lying, I hate people that lie. There's no need for it, just tell the truth, whether it hurts or not, you know what I mean? - I respect that. - Was mine this dry? (laughs loudly) - Do you suck toes? (laughs loudly) - I've got a toe infection at the moment, which I don't know how to get rid of it. - Don't you think you should go to the doctors? - I don't know, are you supposed to for a toe infection? - I'd like to think so, yeah. - Did he say he got a toe infection? - Yeah. - [Paige] No one's definitely gonna be sucking your toe then, anytime soon. - No, no one sucks my toes anyway, to be fair. Yeah, like it's been two weeks, I'm like, I'll give it another week or so, and if it gets worse I'll go. - Do you think I'm fit? - I think you're very attractive. Do you think I'm attractive? - [Paige] Thank you. Yes, you have very nice eyes. - Thank you very much Trico. (laughs loudly) Rate me out of ten. - I'll give you an eight. (Ethan screaming) - Do you hear that lads? I'm speaking to a woman. (laughs loudly) - Do you have any hobbies? I guess outside of dance, are there hobbies? - I like yoga a lot. - Oh, bending. - What kind of yoga? Is there different types of yoga, right? - Yeah, I mean, I'm just straight beginners. - Have you heard of goat yoga? - No. - So basically, you do yoga in a room full of goats. - What's the benefit from that? - There's a benefit out of it, maybe a laugh. Maybe it increases laughing. - Okay. - Slight resent endorphins or something. (laughs loudly) - It's so random. - They could like, poop on your head or something. (laughs loudly) - You know, I'd probably try it to be fair, just to see what it's like. (laughs loudly) - Would you rather watch your parents have sex everyday for the rest of your life or join in once? That is outrageous. - Oh my god, they both bad. - I should just talk without the cards, we should just talk without the cards. - You got to answer it now. - I can't pick any of them, because they're both vile. - If you don't answer it, I won't answer it. - [Group] What? - [JJ] That's some bullshit. - Who is the most fascinating person you have ever met? - Do you know about Tyson Fury? - That's pretty cool, when did you meet him? - February earlier this year. - [Harry] Nice. - He's actually really lovely and down to earth, not like I thought he was a bad person anyway, but it's just nice to meet him and actually see that he's really genuine. - That's lovely. I'd have to say my friend, Vick Star. - Okay. - He's a fascinating human being. He plays Minecraft everyday, but he's just got brains, his brains go mad. He's a fascinating person. I've not met anyone that interesting. - Okay. - So what I sometimes like to do is like, I pretend my hand is like a talking puppet. I don't actually have like a puppet, but I'm actually like I quite enjoy that. Have you ever had your hot hand puppets, and you pop these out? - No. No, probably not. (laughs loudly) - Fair enough. - Do you have a cologne on by the way? What's up? I mean, I know you like dogs, but.. - Well dogs can't do that. (laughs loudly) Hey Paige, dogs can't do that. - [Man] Time. (laughs loudly) - I'm guessing they set you up with that? (laughs loudly) Brilliant, okay lovely to meet you, bye. - What is the weirdest date you have ever been on? I think I can answer that. (laughs loudly) - Is this been really weird? - No, not really. - Oh, okay. - Yeah, I went on a date with number one. (laughs loudly) That's why I share his apple. - Okay. - Yeah, we had a thing. (laughs loudly) - I went on a date once with a guy. He took me to places where he used to take his ex girlfriend and it was a bit odd. - Do you know what actually, maybe we're not that bad. (laughs loudly) - Have you ever ghosted anyone? - Oh my God, that's all I do. (laughs loudly) - Oh my god, that is so disrespectful. - Not like that, just like, my friends never know where I am or what I'm doing, I don't know what I'm doing half the time. - That's not really ghosting, like ghosting a date. Like have you ever spoke to a girl. - [JJ] Tobi, you always ghost. - No, I'm respectful. (laughs loudly) - You liar. - I can hear you lot, chill out. - Apparently you're lying. - What, I didn't get.. Have you ever ghosted anyone? - Look what you've done in there. - [Paige] No. - Did you vote, leave, or remain? - No, I can't say. - [Ethan] Did you vote? Come on, I want to know. - I did vote, and it's a very controversial vote. - What did you vote? Say it, I'm ready. - Everyone's gonna hate me. - Say it. - I vote leave. - But, I did sign the petition for revoke article. - Yes lads, I spoke to a woman. - So, my favourite date was probably JJ because he did the worm, and I could be right into that, like hats off for anyone doing that on like a little speed date, that's funny. - I really liked Tobi as well, he was really sweet, but like that's probably like friend zone kind of sweet. I don't even remember his name, so that's so bad. The very first one. He was so nervous, bless him. Now that I think about it, I don't really remember the date, he was just so nervous. - It's okay. - We're here for you bro. - So if I was going on a double date with someone and I had to bring friends along, I would recommend her to date Ethan as well, cause he had good banter as well, good vibes as well. (upbeat music) - Hello. - [JJ] Hey, what's up? - I'm good, how are you? - [JJ] How's it going? - She knows to get his eyes, she's smart. - [Kelly] Kelly. - And yours is KSI I'm guessing, JJ? I knew you as KSI. - You've seen me before? - I have. - [JJ] Are you a fan? - I've been watching your lead ups to your fights. - Oh, snap. - [Kelly] I have, yeah. - Who do you think is gonna win? - Oh, I think it's you. - [JJ]] Oh really, you think? - Not cause like we're on a speed date, but like I'm not really a fan of Logan Paul. (group clapping) - Different gravy. - Welcome to (indistinct) date of your life. (laughs loudly) Not the greatest. Let's start with the one question I should ask, like what do you do? - Okay well, I know Paige has already said, but dancer, I'm a dancer too. - [Ethan] Yes, darling. You with the headband, you are different gravy. How are you? - [Kelly] Good, how are you? (laughs loudly) - Hello. - [Harry] Hello, how are you? - I'm good, how are you? - [Harry] What's your name? - Kelly. - [Harry] I'm Harry, nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you. The bubbly. - Nice. (laughs loudly) - Oh my God, what? - What a legend. - Oh my god. - [Kelly] Let's start. Are you a bo-cat? Yeah, well I don't even know what that question's about, so. (laughs loudly) - I love him. He's the best. - Harry's the best. - What do you mean by bo-cat? Oh my god, his eyes are watering. - There's no one better. - I bet he leaves. (laughs loudly) - Lovely to meet you. (laughs loudly) - That's my guy. (group clapping) - [Harry] I feel sick. (laughs loudly) - Great first date. (Kelly clapping) (laughs loudly) He hasn't even had a lot. Hello. - [Simon] Hello, how you doing? - Good thank you, how are you? - [Simon] I'm Simon, nice to meet you. - Simon, I'm Kelly. - So how you're doing? - Yeah, I'm alright. I'm getting into it slowly, but yeah. - Enjoying the dates? - Yeah, loving it. Right, do you want to kick off a question? - Yeah, sure. - Would you like some orange juice? Apple juice? - Oh my god, yes please. Apple juice is my thing. - She a fan. - She knows. Okay, I'm just gonna answer it, cause it's the card. Would you let me shit on your chest? (laughs loudly) - No. I'm afraid not. Such a shock. - Take it in lads, this is his last time. - Are you into.. I don't even know what this. Best.. I can't even say it. Best.. - [Joshua] Bestiality? - Yeah, I don't even know what that means. - It says bestiality to be fair. - [Kelly] Bestiality, what is it? - JJ man, what are these cards? - They're not mine, I didn't write them. - Okay, so I'm gonna avoid these cards for as long as possible, just to mix things up. - Right, okay. - So, in your spare time, what do you like to do? - I like.. This is going to sound really like cringe, but kind of like to draw. - What is your favourite porn category? - I do not have one actually. - Do you not watch porn? - No, never have. - [JJ] You've never watched porn? - No. - You're chatting shit. - I'm really not. - Nah, stop. - Okay, let me ask you, what's your favourite porn category? - Facial. - What is that? - You don't know what facial is? Have you never had a facial? - I've had a facial, but not a facial. - As in.. - No. - Mad, alright. - Oh, is that what it is? - Yeah. - Alright, it's my turn. - What's your favourite film? - I'm quite like a cringey person, cause I really like Titanic. - It's a classic. - What about you? - Boring. - I might just go say something like Finding Nemo. - What is the worst thing a person can do that isn't illegal? - Probably cheat on someone. - I don't know about that, I think putting milk in the cereal first. - Okay, yours isn't very deep, and mine was kind of deep, So moving on. Rate me out of ten. - Eleven. - Eleven? - Yeah, I'll give you eleven. - That's really nice. - I think that's more than Thalia. (laughs loudly) - I like the outfit, I like the headband. - Thank you, I just kind of went for the simple, casual. - I'm getting a bit of fortune teller vibes. - He's done that so smoothly. - Are you into all that stuff? - No. What body part would you want to detach and why? - This is a rough one. I'd detach my ear. Do I get to still hear with it though? - Yeah, cause it's only one. - Okay, but can I put my ear in a different room, and have it listening? Do you see where I'm going? - That's clever. - Very clever. - That's clever thinking. - Do you have any pets? - No, do you? - No, neither. I'm not really a pet person, as bad as that sounds. - Like you don't like them at all? - I do like them, but I wouldn't own one. - [Joshua] Is that because you can't look after them or is that because.. - No, well my family aren't really like pet people, so we just kind of like, stay clear from the pets. - I'd end it at that. - [Group] Yeah. (laughs loudly) - What would you do if you were invisible for one day? - I would probably sneak around and watch. - Is that what you're thinking? - I probably shouldn't say that, should I? - What? - He's got some charisma about him, this guy. (laughs loudly) - Are you an iPhone or an android? - [Kelly] I am an iPhone, I've got the new one actually. - Oh snap, the one with the three things? - [Kelly] Yeah. - Three things. (laughs loudly) - [JJ] So you're rich? - No. - Oh, you got rich parents. - Do you use sex toys? - No, I do not use sex toys. - [Joshua] Not at all, ever? - No. - [Joshua] Would you try a sex toy? - I'm not about that life. - [Joshua] Not about that life at all? - [Kelly] No. - I'd end it there as well. (laughs loudly) - Have you ever ghosted anyone? As in, you were speaking to someone, you might have led them on a bit, and then just ghosted them. - I have, yeah. Is that a bad thing? I'm pretty sure it's quite normal. - In this day and age, it probably happens quite a lot. - Would you rather eat your family pet or kill your parents? - Oh my god. - This is quite an easy one for me actually. - Why? - I'd say family pet. - You would eat your family pet? Have you got a cat? - No, I don't have any. So it's kind of easy. - That's a cop-out. I have a Yorkshire terrier that is so adorable. - Okay. - But I couldn't kill my parents, so my dog is actually called Cookie, and he will be getting eaten like one. (laughs loudly) - Have you ever had phone sex? - I have actually. - Have you? - Yeah. It was pretty fun actually. Actually wait, bring the drinks, I'm kind of thirsty. - That's really gentlemanly. (laughs loudly) - Will he open it in two to three minutes? I think he will. This is the focus now. - Be my guest. - What you mean? Yeah, you just like touch yourself while talking. - [Kelly] Right. - Yeah, have you ever done that? - No. - [JJ] You've never? - I'm quite like innocent in that kind of respect, it's not a bad thing. - No, it's different. - Have you ever done it in public? - Done it in public? - Have you ever done it in public? - It depends what you mean by public. - Well, if it was anywhere outside of the bedroom, I'd probably say it's public. Well, anywhere outside of the house. - Yeah. - [Ethan] You've done it in public then, that's public area. - Have you? - Yes, I have. Let's not go into details. - Okay. - Did you vote, leave or remain? - I didn't vote for either. - Yes, my girl with headband. - I wasn't allowed to, I was too young. - Simon, run. - How old are you? - Twenty. - Wait, what? - I couldn't vote if it was.. When was it? Like three, four years ago? The vote? Was it not? - Let's.. Yeah. - Are you into water sports? - I wish I got that question. - Can I answer this normally, cause the water sports that they're referring to, not a line you want to go down there. - What water sports are they referring to? - If you're not about that life, let's not go down that road. (laughs loudly) But not into water sports in the sea, no. Are you? - No. - These are random questions. - It's not random questions, do you like piss on your chest? (laughs loudly) - I'm a bit scared of the water actually. - Really? - [Kelly] Yeah, I got a phobia of it. - Is there a reason why you have a phobia, or? - I got into a bit of shark, whale shark experience. - A whale shark? Aren't those the massive ones? - Yes, that was my first and last experience of whale sharks. I just went to Mexico, and my dad was like, "Yeah, let's do this whale shark experience.", and then I did it, and then I lost like my flippers, and then a whale shark went underneath me and then there was scraps on my legs, and I was screaming, and it was just not a good experience. - I don't blame you. - I'm from Dubai actually. - You're from Dubai? - Yeah. - Okay, you're definitely rich. - No, I'm definitely not. - Yeah, you've got money. - [Emily] No, I don't. - You have oil money. - [Kelly] Definitely don't. - What do your parents do? - So my dad is.. - Rich? - [Kelly] A salesman for Sony broadcast. - Oh, damn. - Is that an 'Oh, damn' moment? I don't know. - It's pretty big. - Is it? - Yeah. - Okay, well yeah, I've can't really explain because I don't really know. (group clapping) - Would you rather watch your parents have sex everyday for the rest of your life or join in once? - Oh no, that's an awful question. No one ever wants to answer that question, but I'm gonna do it. (group cheering) It doesn't specify what joining in actually is. - Isn't that pretty clear? - No, cause that might mean being in the same room, but not doing anything. I would join in because it would be horrible the whole rest of your life. - That's a pathetic answer. - Okay, what's your answer? - Don't answer it Kelly, you're better than that. - I'm gonna have to say, watch. - The whole rest of your life? - I think so, I could not join in. - To be fair, once you've watched it.. - Yeah, it's normal. - Once you've been exposed to it. The first time I saw an ISIS beheading, I was fine. - Oh my. - What? The internet desensitises you. - It's true. - I don't wank to the (indistinct). (laughs loudly) - Oh my fucking god. - I rate you said you'd shag your parents though. - Yeah, that's big mate, that's huge. - Everyday? - She definitely thinks you're a rubber now, without a doubt. - I'd shag the parents as well, I couldn't sit and watch it for years. - I ain't got time for that. Your whole life? - What is the weirdest date you've ever been on? - Well, this one probably with all the cameras and stuff. - [Kelly] Yeah, I was gonna say that too. (laughs loudly) - But apart from that, I don't really have any weird dates, do you? - No, neither. - [Ethan] Just this one? - Yeah, just this one. - Well I'm glad I could take your weird virginity. (laughs loudly) What's your funniest joke? - Oh, I hate this question. - I've got one for you. My dad went to the shops and never come back. - So he left, is that what you're saying? - He did, yeah. - [Kelly] Okay, is that a serious thing? - [Ethan] Yeah. (laughs loudly) - I think she liked him. - If you could be the opposite sex for one day, what would you want? - Masturbate. - What, as a girl? - Yes. Actually no, I'd probably go have sex with a guy. - Really? - [Simon] Yeah. - Just to see what it's like from another.. - [Simon] Yeah. - Cool. Okay, fair enough. - Yeah, I like guys anyway, so. - [Kelly] You like guys anyway? - Yeah. - Cool, I thought so. I got that vibe. - [Simon] What would you do if you were a guy? - Same answer as you. - What, have sex with a guy? - I mean, why not? - What is the meaning of life? Do you know the way? - I do not know the way, but I'm finding my way. - You're finding your way? - Yeah. - [Tobi] Like how, how so? - [Kelly] I don't know. - Spit on the fake queen. - Okay, have you had picked your nose and eaten it? - No. - Bullshit. - Have you? - I probably have at some point in my life. - She's chatting shit. - Yeah maybe, I don't know, I don't really think about it. - Everyone's done it. - You know, like five, six. - Yeah. Have you sent a nude? - I actually.. have not. - That's a lie. (laughs loudly) - Actually, I've sent some to the boys. Yeah, I have sent my nudes to the boys. - Oh okay, that's okay. - To the boys? - I have sent a fake penis to a girl. - Why fake? - Cause I was just, well, I was scared that my penis wasn't going to be sufficient enough. (laughs loudly) I just got something that was a bit bigger. - Okay, that's fair enough. Yeah, I'm similar to you, Well, not in the fake penis thing. - You have a penis? (laughs loudly) She doesn't do anything. No porn, no touching herself. (laughs loudly) - She doesn't do nothing. - My favourite was Tobi, cause he was just really like nice and sweet, and I quite like that, I'm quite a sweet person too, so yeah. And my least.. Is it least favourite or least memorable? Harry. I just don't think he's very good at dating. He's shy, so it didn't really work out that well that date, so we'll leave it at that, I think. He didn't even drink that much anyway. If I was going on a double date, I'd set to my best friend up with, is it Vick? Vicky, Vick? Vicky. I'd say yeah, Vicky, cause he's quite nice, quite nice boy, down to earth. - So I'm Vicky now? - [Man] Are you sure? - Yeah, maybe, I don't know. I didn't really look at the height that much, but.. - Let's calm down. (laughs loudly) - Isn't he a bit short? - You didn't stand up to hug him, did you? (laughs loudly) (upbeat music) - Hi. - [JJ] Hey, what's up? JJ. - How are you? - I'm good, how are you? - Nice to meet you, good thanks. - What's your name sorry? - Emily. - Emily? - Yes. - [JJ] Where are you from? - Alright, that's me out. (laughs loudly) - We only have three minutes. - Great. - That's quite a long time for me. (laughs loudly) - Okay. - So I'm just gonna get straight into it. - Go for it. Hi. - [Vick] Hey, my name's Vick, nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you, I'm Emily. - Perfect. - How are you? (laughs loudly) - I got voted the worst date on the last two. - Oh, no. - So can you please not vote me last. - I'm so sorry. - If anything, I'll try my best. - Maybe just try a different approach? - Last time I just drank champagne the whole time.. - [Emily] Okay, we'll leave it. - Yeah, we'll avoid it. Alright, let's go. - Great. - He actually is a bit drunk. - How are you, how was your day? - Good, how's yours? - I'm a bit tired of this dating thing, it's not really my forte. - Fair enough. - This is my third one in a row, so.. - I feel you. - You could start? - I'm actually gonna go do a shit later. (laughs loudly) I've got time. - Do you want to have a drink? - No, I'm a recovering alcoholic. - Okay, fair. Stick to the apple. - Exactly. - If you could be the opposite sex for one day, what would you do? - Okay, the answer's obvious. Actually, if I was a.. Wait. (laughs loudly) If I was a girl, I'd probably go see some guy.. - He just had a glitch in the code there. - That's the answer everyone would really say. - Yeah., - You? - Yeah no, probably have a wank. - [Vick] Yeah, fair. - Be a dickhead to girls. - Really? Is that like a revenge thing? - I feel like I'm quite good at that. No, just because boys get away with it, don't they? - Do they? - Yeah. - [Vick] Okay. - So, yeah. - [Vick] Okay, next question. - Although we did date for a long time, so.. - You have? - I haven't. - [Emily] Oh, you haven't? - No, my wife recently left me. - Oh, sorry. - So I'm getting back in the scene, you know? - [Emily] Yeah, cool. Throw yourself in there. - You gotta do it. - [Emily] Right. - Where are you from? - Where do you think I'm from? - South Africa? - Yeah, god you're good. - No, you're lying. - [Emily] Yeah. - Where are you from? - Nottingham. - Nottingham? That's not as glamorous. - [Emily] Nah. - Okay, let's go with this. - What is the weirdest date you've ever been on? - Can't say this one. - Probably this. - I was gonna say the same. - You're the only second person I've ever been on a date with. - Really? - Yeah. - He just said he's been on two. - Both are the weirdest ones to be honest. - He's drunk. - I won't read that one. - Have you ever ghosted anyone? - No, have you? - Yeah, I have. - Oh dear, do you want to explain? - [Vick] Not really, no. - You dirty dog. - You know sometimes you get busy, doing a lot of stuff, good stuff. - Well this is what I mean about boys being dickheads and they get away with it. - But is it possible to ghost someone and not be a dickhead? - Probably not. - [Vick] Okay, fair enough. - Are you into bestiality? - Into what? - It's were you fuck animals. - Okay, absolutely not. Are you? - No. - [Emily] Are you sure? - No. - Okay, you hesitated. - Yeah, because people can be like a bit animalistic in the bedroom, but.. (laughs loudly) - [Emily] I mean, doing with actual animals are slightly different. - Sometimes it's realistic. - [Emily] Okay. - Where's the weirdest place you've had sex? - Aeroplane. - My uncle's house. - Cute. - He's going that route. - He didn't enjoy it. (laughs loudly) - You had sex on an aeroplane right? - Yeah, how'd you know that? - Don't know. (laughs loudly) - How did that happen? - What you mean, how did it happen? - I'm just curious, because like you just got off and went right? - I just went to the toilet. - [Joshua] And he followed? - He followed me. - And we fucked. - Isn't it awkward coming out together, or do you have to leave at separate times? - Separate times, obviously. I just be like, "I needed help with my dress.". - Fair. - Have you ever had phone sex? - No, that's not my thing. - [Emily] Me neither. But animals are? (laughs loudly) - It's animalistic. - Yeah well, moving on. - That's alright, we'll move on. - Okay, are you into role-play? - Yeah. - Oh really? Okay, what type? - Whatever the character brief is. - Oh okay, so let's say, you're a teacher, and I need to get a good mark from you, would you do that? - She's talking about a different kind of role-playing. - Yes, never say never. - Okay, so what would you do to let me have a good mark? Or what would I have to do? - Just not be annoying. - Not be annoying? - Not be a dickhead. - Okay, but pleasure you? - No. - No? - You just stay at arms length. - Alright, damn, well then. - Have you ever done bondage? - No. - [Simon] No? - I haven't, have you? - I haven't but I want to. - [Emily] Okay. - Is that something you want to try? - Maybe, one day. We'll see how this date goes. What is the meaning of life in an African accent? (laughs loudly) - Do you know the way? (laughs loudly) - It's a meme from the internet. - From the internet. (laughs loudly) - Stop. - She doesn't know who knuckles is. - Sort of like a hedgehog? - Yeah, it's like a hedgehog, like a red one, which is Knuckles, and then there's a Ugandan Knuckles. - Why does he keep going? - And.. - Stop. - And that's time. (laughs loudly) - It was lovely to meet you. - What body part would you want to detach and why? I don't know either, I'd say.. - [Emily] It's a tricky question. - Maybe a toe? You can survive without a toe. - Yeah, I mean that's irrelevant, like toes. - It helps you balance a little bit, I think though. - Yeah, but if you one down, you're fine. - I've got a toe infection at the moment.. (laughs loudly) - Try a different approach. - It's getting there. - Good. - Have you ever sent a nude? - Yeah, plenty. Have you? - It's not my thing again, I'm quite a private person, like people don't really know anything about me, or see anything about me. - Do you eat ass? (laughs loudly) - I mean, I'm not opposed to it. - Alright. - Yeah. - Have you ever? (laughs loudly) Alright, we're moving on. - What would you do if you were invisible for one day? - Probably go into every shop, and steal all the clothes. - Fair. - You? - I'd probably go over to my ex wife's house and just ransack her whole house. (laughs loudly) - I thought you were gonna say you were gonna kill her, but ransacking is better. - I could do that. (laughs loudly) - Yeah, think about it. What do you do? - Well, I'm kind of everything. I did YouTube, boxing. Do you think I'm fit? - Like, what kind of fit, physical? Like, your stamina? - Well, I mean, facial wise. - I'm gonna say no. - Alright, I guess we done then. (laughs loudly) - [Man] No, the time is still going. - [JJ] Nah, I'm good fam. - Oh no, have I offended you? - [JJ] Fuck you Emily. - Sorry hun. - [JJ] Jesus. (laughs loudly) My ego. - It's bruised. - What music artist do you never get tired of? - That's a bit of a hard question. - You don't have any artists that.. - [Emily] No, not really. - At all? - No. - Do you like music? - Yeah. (laughs loudly) - No one you like a lot? - No, not really. - Are you an iPhone or an Android? - iPhone. - I'm an iPhone too. Have you seen when people use Android to do Instagram stories? - [Emily] Awful. - And it's just like all over the place? - I feel like if anyone's an Android user, just not my friend. - Just sack them off, yeah that's what I'm saying. I don't think any of the boys there are android users. My flat mate uses an android, and we take the mic out of him everyday. So yeah, fair enough. - It's awful. - It's your turn, sorry. - Thanks. - Shouldn't be jumping in. - Oh god, I skipped. - What do you get up to in your spare time? What do you like doing? - I usually go to dance class. - What kind of dance? - [Emily] Like musical theatre. - Oh, okay. The actual dancing. - Actual dancing. - I didn't say that, you said that. - [Emily] Alright, okay. I like going out with my friends, going for drinks. - [Vick] Okay. - [Emily] You? - She sounds fun. - I like drinking, maybe get in a fight or two. - Oh, okay. - Whatever happens. (laughs loudly) - Hold on, what's going on? - Great. - Rate me out of ten, based on that? - [Emily] One. I don't really like people that kill animals. - That bit wasn't true, the rest was. I'm like really bad at being sarcastic. - Right, okay, no worries. - What's your funniest joke? - My life. This date? - This one? - Just, the whole day. - Fair enough. - You? Do you have any? - My ex wife. (laughs loudly) - Reoccurring theme of this date. I'd like to meet her actually. - I don't think you would. - No? - Maybe when she's a bag. - Alright. - Do you take drugs? - No, I don't. - [Simon] You don't? - No. - Okay. - [Emily] Do you? - I do not, but the guy whose coming in next, watch out for him. - Okay, I'll be careful. - Yeah. - Thanks. - Would you let me shit on your chest? (laughs loudly) - Why not? If you requested it, I wouldn't turn it down. - Really? - Would you turn it down? - Yeah, I wouldn't let you shit on my chest. (laughs loudly) - Have you ever picked your nose and eaten it? - You just spat that banana. No, I haven't, I'm not gross, are you? - I'm not, I would never do that. - Really? - What, because of this? - [Emily] Just cause you're shoving a banana in your mouth. - I'm hungry. - If you could be a superhero, who would you be? - I don't know, you go first. - I don't actually watch any superhero films, so I don't know. (laughs loudly) - It's alright, we're nearly done. It's done after this, and you're not gonna be the last one picked. - I'd be like a Pokemon instead. - Oh no, that's tragic, Pokemon? God. - What's wrong with Pokemon? - No, what's right with Pokemon? - Leave. - Get out right now. - Do you have any pets? - Yes. - [Harry] What pets do you have? - A dog. - What kind of dog? - I don't actually know. - Is it like a mutt, or do you just don't know the breed of it? - I just don't know the breed. - Is it big? - Yeah, it's quite big. She's called Pebbles. - I used to have a dog called.. What was his name? What was my dog's name? It was some kind of chocolate, no it wasn't chocolate, it was Toffee, And then he was Toffee and then he went mental, and we had to get him put down, which really sucks. - Oh my god. - [Harry] I know. First of all, he was really nice for the first year, and then something flipped, and he started attacking us. - So you decided to put him down? - No, we didn't decide to put them down. We sent them off to like some place where they trained dogs, and like they got with the pack running, and he bit the trainer there, So they had to then put him down, which was sad. - [Emily] That's really sad. - But what can you do? - [Emily] Sorry about that. (laughs loudly) Would you rather watch your parents have sex everyday for the rest of your life or join in once? - Probably watch. Yeah, I don't know. - Yeah, everyday. - I can't pick both. (laughs loudly) - [Ethan] Hello, how are you? - Hi, great thanks. - [Ethan] Do you mind just taking a step back quickly? - Sure. - I like to practise magic in my spare time. - Oh, cool. - [Ethan] Are you ready? - Love this. Oh my god. (glass shattering) You didn't practise that one? - It usually.. (glass shattering) (laughs loudly) My name's Ethan. - Hi Ethan. - Should we go on a date somewhere else? - Yeah, ofcourse. - Do you want a strawberry? - Thanks. - There you go. - Should we just drink this from the bottle? - I think so. - No glasses. - I got you a flower too. - Thanks so much, my god. - What was your name? - Emily. - Emily. - What was yours? - Ethan. - Ethan. Thanks, this is lovely. - Look at how he's pointing it. Yours was smooth. - So, do you practise magic often? - As you can tell, I'm actually a big fan of magic. I can't get into this. - Oh dear. - We're getting there, don't worry, this is another one of my magic tricks, is how long can it take to open a champagne bottle? - [Emily] Great. - Is one of my favourite tricks. There we go, don't worry, we're in. - Have you practised that one much? - Yeah, that one's a new one to the repertoire, I was hoping to perform that on stage soon. - Okay, maybe just warn the front row about the glass. - Do you want some of that? - Thanks very much, that's really classy. - [Ethan] It is right? - Drinking from the bottle. - I'll put that in the middle again. - Shit. - Don't worry, I'll join you. (laughs loudly) I should probably just get your number, if you'd put that in there. - Not a big fan of the magic, so no. (laughs loudly) Honestly, just practise a bit more, come back and do it again, I'll reconsider. - [Ethan] Alright, okay. - No, like another day. - [Ethan] Well, lovely to meet you. - And you. (Ethan coughing) (laughs loudly) - The Champagne ended his date. - [Ethan] It went right down the wrong fucking hole. - [Man] Out of all the dates that you had, what was your favourite one? - That one. It's very entertaining. - [Man] What do you think about Ethan? - He's funny, funny guy. Shit at magic. (laughs loudly) I just wanted to be more impressed by the magic and I just think, don't give my number straight away cause then he thought he would have done a good job. - I've got more tricks, they just back at my house. (laughs loudly) - Great, so we will see about that. My least favourite, probably the first one, because he went straight in with, "Do you think I'm fit?", and I thought, a bit forward. - Fucking cow. (laughs loudly) - [Man] Who would you, out of the seven boys there, set your friend up with? - [Emily] Harry. - Yes. (group clapping) - Yeah, despite the fact he shoved a banana in his mouth, he's totally fine, I think my friend would like that. The hottest? Ethan. - [Man] That's it, thank you very much. - [Emily] Great. (group clapping) (upbeat music)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 27,265,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday, Speed dating
Id: NUxxD7ww8JU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 4sec (2884 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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