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- Hello guys, welcome to my hometown. Welcome to Sheffield. Today, you guys are gonna be racing across the country. Thanks to our amazing fans. Sidemen Reacts it's just here. One million subscribers, which we love to, and to celebrate. We've got a 50,000 pound prize. - Wow! - We living good. We're living good. But the title we'll probably say dollars, cause that's how YouTube works. And you guys are gonna be racing from here back to our new hometown which is London, to the London Eye specifically. - [Team] Woooow! - I'm gonna be splitting you guys into two teams. So let's do that now. - Anyone (mumbles). - So leading the orange team is gonna be the man, the myth legend Josh. Potentially the man with the most travel knowledge, in the Sidemen, any route permitted. (audience mumbling) You can travel any way you want. You can get on a train or bus, a car, a plane, a helicopter, whatever gets you through as quickest. So that now means on the other side, leading the blue team we have Simon Minter. (all mumbling) Joining Josh in the land of the orange man. We have Harry Dini. (all cheering) - That means I'm not on the Josh. - And on the flip side weirdly you've stood next to each other, it's Toby and Simon on a team. (all mumbling) Toby and (mumbles) together. (mumbles) you need team. So the next member of the orange team joining Josh on his ventures is, JJ. - [JJ] Eeh, eh, eh, that is awesome, success. - So that means Ethan, you are officially team blue team. - I'll get home. - [Ethan] I don't want it. - [Man] He don't it? - He's already disrespected you before you've even been in this team. - Man, this team is robed right here, this is robed right here. - So as you raise from here to the London, I have a few things that you need to do. Objectives you need to complete on your travels. The first thing I'm gonna need you to do at some point along your journey is take a selfie with sheep. - [Simon] What, how close is the sheep has to be? - Within five metres of the sheep. - [Man] How the hell we gonna do that. - (mumbles), that's all I'll tell, I'm from these parts. There's a lot of sheet around the (mumbles). And to be specify, has to be the live animal in a field, yes, the live animal in the field. - Is alive on the internet. (all laughing)- - And these are the other challenges set for the teams to complete along their journey. They have to down a drink in a pub with sun in his name and his spelling is fine. They have to find someone that watches a sideman channel that is not one of them. They have to touch the sea. They have to hit a crossbar with a football from the edge of the area. They have to eat a takeaway inside a mode of transport. They have to spell out a four letter word using Strava and take a screenshot. They have to take a picture of Robin hood this can be a statue, a painting of Robin hood or a person dressed as Robin hood. And they also have to visit a professional football stadium and sing one of their home team chants. Okay, so there are no rules. So me, you don't shut out the list. Other than that, it's go time in three, two, one go. (team clattering) - [Man] We're going this way, Toby. Going this way, yes. - [Vic] Bye guys. Good luck. Have fun, see you in London. - Do you wanna take off like simple stuff? So like Thomas you're starting from. - Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, so... - [Man] What's up here, I'll put that away. - Oh, what we'll do it when London, is that what you're trying to do? - [Ethan] No, no, no. There's a sheep in London (mumbles). - We can the farm stuff out the way, (mumbles) and stuff out of the way. - We're going down here. It's cause there's like a lot of lines, so I can just write tick. - Oh crap. - Oh, wait, wait, wait. You're a big fan of watching Sidemen. You're a big fan of watching Sidemen. Can you say? - I'm a big fan of the Sidemen. - Yes, oh my God. - We're done. - We're done. Oh my God, yes, yes, yes amazing. - Where's Trampoline from here? - Now you're on tour with that? Now you're on tour with that? - With Sheffield, Trampoline and 0.6 miles away. - Yeah. - [Man] I was hoping I would like wait now I've just started on this side just listening. - Trampoline nearby. - She just walked around. (all mumbling) - No, leave me alone. Let's go. - [Man] What did you just say? - Let's go, let's go. - Okay. - [Man] Bye, have a good time guys. (all clattering) - One of the key things I think is the sea. - What about the sea? - The sea is in the (mumbles). Key is key. - Is that a (mumbles). - [Man] No. - Going? - [Man] Yeah. - Wait are you trying to (mumbles) now? - Yeah, (mumbles). - If you do that, we can plan everything else. - Yes, that guy we've met them as well as just having a chat. - Fuck, fuck! - So I pretty much I'm just gonna film whatever I get up to today. I'm in my hometown. Probably gonna take my car out for a spin. Go for a little drive in the peak district. Get a nice lunch with the girlfriend. Yeah, I'm just going to have a nice day. (team mumbling) - No, no, is just one of my gee. (man mumbling) - No, thank you very much man, I appreciate it. - [Man] Nice to meet you bro. - Likewise, likewise. - We can either all the way down to here. Like go to Nottingham and then go across to the sea. Cause otherwise, I don't when else we're gonna go to the sea. - He says on his way back right now he's put his thumbs up T-I-T and then trying to do the code bet. - [Man] That is a little bit dodgy. (team laughing and mumbling) - I was in a hospital. I was running around the car (mumbles). - [Man] That's not tits. - [Man] That's not tits. - That's not tits, no man, no! - He said not clear enough try again somewhere, but let's build this bitch. (man mumbles) - He said literally, he says tits. I can't believe this. He's making another attempt. No, no. The hard part on this one, I'm going to smash them on Facebook. - Obviously we're filming a video, how plausible is it to get a private jet on the same day? Yeah, essentially we wanna fly from anywhere near Sheffield. So like non-cost cost or any airstrip to South end on sea. If it was happening it might take two or three hours. - That's okay no? We can go Nottingham. See the Robin hood, yeah. - So if you, if you change it to 90 minutes. Okay, thank you, find out in five minutes. - Ooh, oh, oh. - There's a cab to Heeley City Farm which Ethan has found out has a sheep. - Yeah. - It's only like a 10 minute journey or something. - Just one sheep. - We just need a selfie with the sheep. - All right, can we might end up on the (team mumbling) - [Man] Where do you I know you from? - Me? - [Man] Yeah. - You probably see me on TV, (laughs). - KSI. - Gogglebox. - Gogglebox. - [Man] Bad boy! (all laughing) - Jeez! - We got told by a local that there's a farm nearby here. - [Driver] Just not far from here. Do you want me to wait for you? - If possible... - That will be amazing. - Oh, look at that. - Randolf, you're from Nottingham, right? - [Man] Yeah. - Okay, firstly, do you know where a statue or painting of Robin hood is? - [Man] Yes, near the castle. - Okay, and do you know if there's a football pitch anywhere? (man mumbling through the phone) (upbeat music) - [Man] That not a statue of Robin Hood, is it by any chance? - [Man] No. - Are you ready? - Let's do it. ♪ He's one of our own ♪ ♪ He's one of our own ♪ ♪ Chrissy Wilder ♪ ♪ He's one of our own ♪ (all shouting) - [JJ] All right. - Now we can go to the farm, to see the sheep. - The fact that I'm on Josh's team. I've, I'll cream myself about three times already. I can't believe it. We are taking these off. - I've now made it home on live tracking the locations of the guys. It looks like Josh, JJ and his team and Harry have been down to Bramall lane. So they got the stadium, kicked off nice and easily. I am back in the bedroom where I started my YouTube channel 10 years ago. It's like going in a time machine. We've got the quarter. He goes, we've got the battlefield four and the Titanfall poster. So 10 years ago in this room, I started my YouTube career. And now who would have thought we'd be where we are now. Humble beginnings, right here. (Upbeat music) - All right, here we come to the Heeley City Farm. But then I look up, I see no sheep. - [Man] Whoa, chill, chill cuz! - Here we go, just (mumbles) Ethan. - It's an adult? - I get it, cause he's horny. - Oh, please tell me the sheep. - That has to be a sheep. - [Man] Hey you, do you have any sheep? - [Man] No, no! - No sheep. - I told you, I told you though. I told you that. - Okay, okay. It's not bad. It's not bad. - Well, well, look we found? - Okay, so they were all in the same place. I was like, what are they doing? And then I realised they're a Heeley City Farm. So they've all gone there. As you can see right here, they're all in the same place. - You said these two are kind of sheep. - I don't what breeds they are.. - Oh, that's fine. - I'll tie the sheep then - [Man] Come on my guy, bad boy, bad boy. - I said it doesn't take much. I said, I think we're gonna end up in the same place, but it's nice to know. We're one step ahead of you by the way boys. - That's guy right there. That's my guy. - Well, you said you were going to rent a car yeah. - An hour drive. - An hour drive to where? - An hour drive to Nottingham mate. This is never going to be quick, but I don't think. - But Nottingham is like, it's on the way home. - Sheffield Queens road, Sheffield region house. - Which one would go for $5 economy or mini $5 economy? - It's cheaper. - It's cheap. - Bro, we need to move off here. I actually store it away, you know. - We're going to try and rent a car to drive to Nottingham, get Robin hood statue. Then we wanna fly private jet southern. - Yeah. - Get the sea, check the sea. And get a train back into London (mumbles). - Football pitch. - Football pitch in London is fun. (team mumbling) Any pub in London? (upbeat music) - We are in Enterprise, I've tried modified, reserves the car keys, and I've put it in. But I did ask them. Yeah. - All right, so I was looking for pubs in Sheffield and stumbled across the old Bramall lane. - [Man] Yeah. - So we can go there quick. - Sheffield United stadium. - So I just quickly get a chant. We'd need to do a chant. - [Man] You can do that, you can do that. (upbeat music) - Oh, piss off. - We are one step ahead of you... - [Man] Just shut up! Get over our head man. - What did I say? Combined brain. - Yeah, just one step ahead. - I know you guys are just following Josh here. He made a book in that. - What'd you mean he made book in that. made a book. The book of God, you don't have. - Just to clear up, we were here first so... - So you in same places as we went five minutes. - [Man] You listen, you on the floor, with your hand in your knees. Look at us, kings. - I need to take a picture of my (mumbles), for sure. - Kings! - Honestly, this is the kind of shit though. Where he says on the bad team, and it's the kind of thing that would just go against it. - You're not wrong mate. They'll literally just go, oh yeah, we've got car, bye bye! - Let's see like nodding. - I want to almost guarantee you that they leave before us. (all clattering) - Show MVP Podcast on Youtube. - We got here after you guys, and we're still driving up at the same time, unreal. - So the guys has been to Enterprise to pick up their cars. I don't know what they actually have, but I don't think it will be quite as nice as this classic right here. I've not had the chance to drive this for a while, and it is the most satisfying. I usually drive my Tesla, which is completely silent. This is quite the opposite. Come on around. Okay, there is no more sound more satisfied than this right here. (engine staring) (mumbles), it just sounds so good, here we go. (engine raving) All right, let's go for a spin and go and get some lunch. - What was that Josh? - Service confirmed, (mumbles) private jet. - If you try to... - Oh no, it might be a bit tired. - We'll be rushing. - To fly. - Guys, they're so triggered. They are so triggered, they're like," Oh, we're doing the same thing." I'm just there like "Not at all." (team mumbling) We need to go Bramall lane. - Yes, and it's local to the car rental. So what we're gonna do is just, have a little walk whilst they cleaned the car. - While they clean our car which we, they said half an hour. It's been a half an hour. - That's actually ridiculous if they make us wait the same amount of time (mumbles). - It's honestly, the guy who's just a fan of KSI. So he's now making us wait. - They've got that bargaining power, hey, what have you got? You got (mumbles) in your team. - Back yourself, man. - You're a King. - Yeah, yeah. - Now I'll stand by this. These are some of the best roads in the country and you can also do pumped in a little bit like this. (engine raving) It puts a smile on your face it really does put a smile on your face. - Hi, premier league stadium. - Sheffield United. - Sheffield United, Trampoline? - [Both] Trampoline. - Okay. ♪Take my hand ♪ ♪ Take my whole life too ♪ ♪ But I can't help ♪ ♪ Falling in love with you ♪ ♪ United, (clapping) ♪ ♪ United, (clapping) ♪ ♪ United, (clapping) ♪ Done. (engine raving) - I sent the guys to find sheep and look I found some of my own. I could jump out and take a selfie with them, but quite frankly, it's raining and I'm not doing the race hour. But yeah, you know, I chipped in. I found some sheep too. (engine raving) - The boys, we've got a car. Are we ready? - We going, where are we going to first? - McDonald's. This car is ticking something off though. - [Man] Who'd have thought that we could literally take something off by eating McDonald's in a way. I've got long legs and like all that is. - We've just seen the others in this McDonald's. We're literally following each other, well, they're following us while we can, but we're in a car. - [Man] Well, well, look who's at the McDonald's? - Well, no. - Can you beat Ethan chips so we know he's eating too. - Elk as well. - There we go we've all eaten now. I got my Mayo chicken too. - [Man] Is that the bad boy? Jeez! - I'll take this. - Say if we want someone that's the airport. What's the best way. What's the quickest we can do? - I know East Midlands airport is open. (all mumbling) - Let me check if we can do, let me double check. I just need to look in what's open cause it's a branch kind of drop off kind of thing. And you just take what branches. There's only one airport for me. It's going to be East Midlands. There's no other airport in the Doncaster Enterprise Rent-A-Car. Literally, you're gonna have to drop it off at the branch because we can't pick it up from anywhere else from the branch. (JJ mumbles) - Maybe. - What, what if we just buy the car? - Not at all. - I can't just sell it me, you'd have to get involved with my higher ups a lot higher than me, unfortunately. - So do we do divvies with them since then? Or is that going to mess around too much? But it would, would would going back to exhibit and mess around too much then? Thank you. We're going East Midlands. (upbeat music) - Nottingham (mumbles). - Let's go. (all mumbling) - Jeez! We're all, let's go! (upbeat music) - Okay, so I'm channelling my in a hurry and have a bottle of red wine, just a PSA. I'm not driving home after this. I'm going to be getting a cab to get me to train. But we have an update on her race. These guys are on the road. We've got teen Tobi in the lead right now, they've made their way all the way down to Derby which is pretty impressive. Team Josh lagging behind in terms of completion of the objectives. It is Ethan and Simon and Tobi that in the lead. - So we're headed to sports direct right now to get football right? In two miles, there's a place called Johnson Arms, which is a pub, that counts. - [Man] Is that the end of... - [Man] That counts. - Verify that. - [Man] I verified it with Vic. - [Man] There you go. - [Man] Three minute drive from here. - All right, okay, sick. - Ah, yes, yes, yes. We winning it so hard. - [Man] (mumbles) come up again. - We winning so hard. - Let's go. - The amount of win is so hard. - Oh, it's so hard bro. - I've got such a hard win right now. - This might be the hardest win. - Anyone else got a raging win right now? (upbeat music) - [Man] Read that Johnson. - Johnson Arms, we cleared this with Vic, Johnson Arms. There is, we're open. Hell here you are. - I love it. - They didn't have any Apple juice. We had several of orange juice. - I've got some Intel for you all, your team is behind in every way conceivable. So step on it. - Little does he know? Little does he know. - Little do you know big star one, two, three. We may be having a private jet being wrapped up for us right as we speak. - Okay, I heard them say they're getting a private jet. It's a bold strategy. So they're obviously going to fly from somewhere in the Midlands, down to the sea. So you can go to South Bay to touch the sea. And then they have to get back to London, which is only about an hour. So I had my buckets off controller right now. - Ethan, you told me that you're steaming. You said you are flying down in the country. I've got some bad news to you guys from Michigan troll. You guys are currently ahead in every single way possible, so, cheers guys. Keep up the good work and keep up the pace. - We're ahead. - Vic told their locations. So you can see them (mumbles). - I mean, to be fair we've literally ran into them at every single possible. - We've been ahead of them. - Like 10 minutes ahead. - Down there, celebrate. Not that from you, please cross. You don't have to do it when I'm one guy in there. Okay, and you wrote it up. You didn't give me that look. Simon text us. Oh, yeah. (upbeat music) How far is that? Literally, it's literally down there. - They gonna say it, I felt that I need to go there. (team mumbling) - Just real quick. - Quick time before we get a parking ticket, it's a double yellow you're on right there. - Yes. (team mumbling) We are probably, second here. By the way, they've already seen this. We've got tickets for this. Good wicked, wicked. - And we're back, Sports Direct. - It's Nottingham, right here? - Jeez. - Whatever, whatever, we just need to football. - Why? (man mumbles) - To the pitch? Oh, I'm getting nervous you know. - All right. Let's go on our private Jet boys, Jeez. - (mumbles) destination, private jet airport, where we go in. - Yeah, we found a pitch, but it is absolutely... - It's raining. - So we're gonna have to run out, get crossbar and then we back. - Oh, it stopped. It stopped just as we've done it. Okay, all we need to do. (Tobi mumbles) All right. Well, we'll go hit it. Let's go Tobz. - Orange team I can confirm you're officially overtaken the blue team, good work. - We are overtaking them. - How? - (mumbles) we're taking them out for a pub, I found a pub in, they're also doing something in. - Yeah. - Probably going to football pitch. They're gonna stick onto something. So pictures based on it, based on like how coach London. Say that they might be doing something in there. - Oh, okay. - We don't take it off stuff, we're just moving. - Yeah, although surely... - We're doing our stuff near where we end. - Yeah. - Which is good. - We think. - Come on, So close. - [Man] Get off. - Oh man no, come on. - It's August. - Come on, man. - Look at that fog. (man mumbling) - [Man] Also be careful driving Josh, cause here most accidents happen. Slippery roads. - Yeah, barely seeing. - (mumbles) Ethan, look in. - Yes, no. - Yes, yes. Oh my God, That is it, is it, is in. We had a couple of casualties from these (mumbles), Couple casualties, but you know what? We can make it back. (upbeat music) - [Man] (mumbles) bad boy. Enterprise. - [Man] Yeah, beautiful. - [Man] All lot's we are. - Smash this. (all laughing) - She is not. - Oh God, thank you Car for doing your thing. - All right crossbar hit done. And guess where we are right now, Toby we're going to Robin Hood statue. (team clattering) - Who's that? - I didn't need the car to the sea then to come down here and then go straight down South. I'm hoping that our route is, our route seems the best right. - Living the life, (laughs). (team mumbles) - Oh look back here we go, Robin hood. Ethan's here. He's gonna go otherwise. And my God, we gotta touch it just in case, you know let's just touch his thigh. That's disrespectful. - [Man] Now we just have to touch the sea. - We just need to touch the sea. - And spell out... - The Strava one, this is gonna be the hardest thing. - And while we're on the train. We'll figure out whatever we found and then we'll have a game plan. - Do you want to try and do the other thing in southern. - Could do on the culminate of that, and the car pop maybe. - So I'll give it a crack. - Yeah. - (mumbles) go on, do it. - All right, (mumbles). - Okay, this quick. So to hear, then get higher up. - Oh, I really hope this works. - All right, and then I do two big circles, easy. - [Man] If you started here. - [Man] Then we do C. - [Man] You do C. - O. - Then you go O. - And then a bigger O. - L-T, - [All] CULT. - We could do CULT. - Wanna try it. - Give it a try. - [Simon] Could we go park in this road? Do you want us to park? - Or you want to park there at this point? - Yeah, that's what I mean. - I'm also there (mumbles), I'm not gonna lie. I haven't looked at it yet. - [JJ] Oh no. - I haven't looked at it yet. - [JJ] Please don't tell me that's it. - Oh, oh my God, oh my God. You fucking (mumbles) You fucking (mumbles) - You fucking an eye leader, who does insane, my fucking G, you're fucking cuter. (team clattering) - Patrol done. - We're gonna meet Toby. If he has done this word we literally just have a drive to South end. - We just got to sea. - That's it, just touch the sea. - I know this is like setting me... - Up for failure, right? - But surely they haven't done this now. - They're not this far yet. We has five steps ahead of them every single time. - I'm sweating, I just finished my run. I was trying to spit out the word cult, C-U-L-T, but I've got to the L and the road was closed off. So I had to think quick and switch off. - [Man] Oh, he doesn't look happy. He does not look happy. - You know up there. - Yeah. - It was meant to be a free road. Wasn't free road. - It's closed. - But you spell it out. - Please tell me there's a pub. - That's a C that's an L. - Clit, clit. (team mumbling) And then I called Vic, (mumbles) a seven. - Yeah, yeah. And he's letting us have it. - Got it Toby, We filled up with petrol by the way. - We got full tank. Spin this good. (team cheering) I was on the floor with Shepard centre, head in hands. - Cause you had... - (mumBles) but do you know what it is? Do you know how you would shoot that someone would be good at something, but what I figured is Josh was just was five steps behind me, (mumbles) (upbeat music) (aeroplane roaring) (all laughing) - Oh, God. Okay, oh Jesus, oh. (team mumbling) Jesus. (team mumbling) (upbeat music) We are now 81 miles away from South end. - Was smashing you mate. - 81 miles just to touch the sea. - We dropping this miles down, but the weather is horrible. (team laughing and mumbling) - I record they've seen the sea. - I've think they have seen the sea. - Seen the stadium. - If KSI gets private jet or a helicopter, what do we do? - If they got a private jet or a helicopter fair play. - Did not hear fair play. (team laughing and mumbling) - [Man] For the content. (upbeat music) - Okay, so now we're heading to the beach. - Okay, so waiting for our cab but well, we need to do the pitch. We do a crossbar challenge. - We have found a pitch, we just don't have a football. - So it's a Sunday. You're messed up a little bit, you should have done that one earlier. We two seconds. - [Man] Ooh, okay wait, wait, wait. The big smoke is there, behind the trees. - Oh, no, no, big smoke. (team mumbling) So we see it. So we turn it on for M25 right now. - And that means, we in good range. - [Man] That means, we in good range. - [Man] We're in good range. - [Man] Oh, my God. Ooh, my God, ah, yeah. (upbeat music) - It's happening, oooh. - Oh, oh, no, oh, no, no, no! - Shit, yes, oh. Lads we're in trouble. We're in trouble. - [Man] Come on we need this, we actually need this. - Oh, my God. - Please boy. Oh, poor taxi driver me. - Yees, yes. (upbeat music) Okay we made it tough south end, so busy, so we gonna get in, get out. - We so bay, this might be a bit mad. - Touches it. - Touches it, fucking see him now. - Success. - Off the getting swamped, so you go there in the end anyway. - You know we have one more thing. - One more thing? - We haven't gone to a pub. - Oh my God. - Train was an hour, find a pub on the train, rush to that pub, down the drink. (upbeat music) - We just go anywhere, man. I thought about twin boys. - I'm a bit in that, we have always a lot of time. - We will get our chips. - They tried to tell us that you can't be on the train. It can't be on the trips on the train. - So we beat him up without enough. - [Man] No we can't. (upbeat music) - It's been good driving you know. Even though (mumbles). well, we are now at the sea. How did we about to touch it? Touch, touch. - Touch the sea. Run back. - The train I was on got delayed by 14 minutes, the train I need to get on has literally just left 20 seconds ago. I'm losing this race right now. - An hour, how long Toby? - Hour 16. - Hour 16. - It's ticked off. - Every task there was a tonne to us today. Oh my God. - We've been a good team. - We smashed it, a team effort. - The trains have been so awful, I'm here, I should be like here by now, but it's the way it goes. As you can see right now, we zoom in on the race over here. We've got Team Josh on their way back to London from South end, just here. And then we have team Toby still at South end. However, team Josh, one more objective. And so the races on between them and maybe I'll make it in time. - Okay, the boy is back in London but this is where it gets stressful. We've got a dart across London to Soho to the final pub. What's it called? The Sun and 13 Cantons or something weird. And then from there you then got a dash across London the finish line. And hopefully Vic's there. And hope they not. (upbeat music) - 10 miles left to see London. We so close, - You can literally see London now. - If they'd beaten us play fair play. I felt like we'd wasted a total of 18 minutes the whole day. - Oh my God, don't stop cause I'm going to get more button with it. I wanna win it. - If we've lost at least we put in all various. - I will lose with complete gratitude. - (mumbling) down the street, Jesus Christ. (team clattering) - Okay. - Six minutes fucking minutes, we must've just missed it. - We got 3.6 miles left, turn left in a mile. Can you hold that one up? I just got a text from Vic, Vic obviously who's the host, has just said just a heads up delayed and cancelled trains have ruined me, been on the move now for over three hours. Seems like y'all all beat me to the finish line. It's gonna be very close. Good luck champs. - Gonna be very close. I don't know. I don't know if it's gonna be close. - I really don't like the part that he's just told us it's close. - I can't see them as of the last five minutes because they have just entered the London underground. So they're heading to that. The centre of the city of London. Team blue are in a car right now. Just going through the Greenwich tunnel on their way over. So they're about an equal distance from the finish line right now. They both completed all of their objectives. I have no idea he was gonna win. They said it could be any team right now, but I'm not gonna be there. (upbeat music) - Bloody hell, we run for no reason. (both mumbling) That's what I'm talking about. - So wait, if it's, if it's that close, ooh. - I've got nervous. 18 minutes (mumbles). - 18 minutes, 3 to 4 miles. - (mumbles) we gonna knock time, and we're gonna be the fucking winners. (team breathing heavily) - It's right there. It's right there. Oh Jesus, I'm knocking out. (upbeat music) - You see that boys? - That's the destination. - [Man] That you see those (mumbles). We are not 0.8 miles away right now. - [Man] Holy God. - [Man] Six minutes. It says six minutes. - Oh my God. - Relax we're gonna win. - We're gonna win. - This has been such a painful cause JJ has the worst winner. (team mumbling) (upbeat music) - Red team, are you (mumbles). Wow, unfortunately guys, you have missed out by just a moment. No, I'm kidding, you won. - [Team] Yeah! - You there, if you wait for five to 10 minutes, you should see a blue team rocking out cause they all very close. They all within five to 10 minutes, just click (mumbles). You guys have closed it. There've been on your tail since South End. They went to and they were driving back and they were on your tail. - Really? - Yes, yes. (all clattering) - Thank you. We have made it to the promised land. - Yes. - Victorious. Now only five minutes behind us. He said look around and they'd be there. - No, (mumbles) over here. Get out of the way. We're at the London Eye, right now. Oh my God. - Yeah, we should get their reaction when they get here. - Cause we should ask Vic how long, they gonna be. (team cheering) - I told you. - We cleaned out. - Where did you guys went to the sea? - We had a private jet (mumbles). - I said it. - We said, we said, if you got private jet fair play, fair play, fair play. (all mumbling) - This is something that do a hundred percent. - (mumbles) race across the UK. - 50k baby. - If you wanna see do one in Europe, all over it's done, smash that like button, also... - How many, how many? - We got a million. - 750? - 750? - A million. - Not again, not again. - (mumbles) a million. - Okay, cheers bye. - Bye, also Vic is the only loser here is on... - Wait, wait, wait, discount count! - Oh, okay, orange is the discount code. - Is the discount code. (upbeat music)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 15,140,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: O5DaEUolvRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 24sec (2604 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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