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[Applause] big bez i ate too much rick starr bitconnex cam young money mint granny's can't get enough hello i'm heady too and i kicked a child josh parker 430 wasn't backed by five young drizzle glucose addict and i'm here looking for these dirty criminals [Music] welcome ladies and gentlemen and today we are doing a hide and seek in a prison so these dirty convicts are gonna be trying to run away from me but i'm going to find each and every one of them prison break are you ready prison right yeah guess what i'm gonna count to 100. okay can you [Laughter] i'll make sure to get you first don't drop the soap i need to pee why the memes well maybe you should drop this one okay anyway are you boys running yeah yes i sir oh you look good yeah yeah yeah yeah i can't hear you aye [Music] what do you mean like shoot out shoot a hoop hey josh me and big beds so on the move big bad bears on the glide we're on a glide right how did they do it right where the [ __ ] are we going come on harry make this shot huh right why from so far from downtown oh shite okay i'm just looking around for that do you see that shooting puppy's looking at the enemy hiding wait you have 10 seconds left the [ __ ] off we don't you got it [ __ ] you stickers anyway so betty is going to join me in my new adventures and go to the darkest place that you can go to yeah they showed us it and it's very very suspect why are they running there where are we going where they go this one here all right this is the uh the the main main combination main population up i'll make this gonna be scary you know this ain't that right is it salmon the same thing it is is it this look it's open okay quick mate what are you doing harry this is not a play area this is not a play area this is the prison mate that makes sound looks nice quick ow what are you doing what are you doing why are you going to backflip in the pen i completely flopped that no there's a cat walk yeah let's go let's go this guy i'm trying to shut this this is heavy just hit me oh yeah it's meant to come through this way yep that door's open all right this is the stairs that we're going down and he showed us there's torture chambers here basically this is the scariest building there is here yep there's like secret about a bit downstairs so this is the entrance right oh my god yo this this place is creepy as [ __ ] man this is so cute what's down here man 18 17 16 15 14. what the [ __ ] yes yes right climbing into this distance this is gonna get really [ __ ] up wait i think we're gonna win by the way because he didn't come in here yes three two one here i come boys where you look at you dirty dirty criminal i've come to get you put you back in the pen yeah you think you can run away from me no yo i stay in here i'm gonna go there i think i'm cooking come here let's just stay here until he's gone you stay here this is the building this is the building i'm going in first yeah can we stay in here he's surely gonna go up the stairs so when he comes up the stairs we go down here can we use the toilets i need to be i don't know if they work come out come out wherever you are we're going down there right there's a door yeah there is a door that door closes we'll bust out of it you do not think you can hide from me i run this this is my prison oh there's a lot of there's a lot of cells here yeah moving like bacteria let's see what's at the bottom of these stairs i feel like we've got a little bit of time because he's checking building one just saying that also there's absolutely no there's already no signal look so we get lost so it happens no no it's time to meet the warden the warden wants to say hello one of you not has been a bad bad criminal i'm gonna have to punish you like the downstairs right yeah so if we wake up there and we can come down when he starts going up i'm on top of the prison jj's we got a guy that toured out here and it was like nine of us uh you think you're good at hiding huh you think you can run away from me this is my prison number runs away from me no this is the torture bit in here did you get your head it says look on the floor it says caution yeah it's i hit my head he said that you can see this you can see this like scratchy marks on one of the walls that's the torch around here marco ah you don't want to play games huh you don't want to play hmm i'm good exploring so you guys know how to hide huh fair enough please they're not gonna they're not coming [Music] [Laughter] this is actually so terrifying i don't even know where the other guys are though are you lying in the showers yeah plenty of soap dropping in here i wonder how much a bombing has been happening in there [Laughter] all right i've put the cover on top of there so if he comes up here he'll be able to get through i think i heard something this would be a great place to hide hmm bro little bed are you staying trying to sleep well a little sleep in the solitary confinement bed so imagine like it two years in there uh door closed uh look how fat my tear is being killed big kill come on [Music] the good thing about jj being seeker is he announces himself hello ah you thought i wouldn't go up here ah i need to make sure i get all my criminals oh yeah look there's a couple marks a couple scratches there bro oh my god what little stickers must be i think it's this is not highlighted for us we're just down here because he ain't gonna come down there we'll just come down here when the rest are done on his own where would you be in here there's not much place to escape here i definitely know one of my criminals are in here but which one which one why are you so quiet okay i'm hiding behind the door in the corridor i'm just hiding we're good i'm pretty sure he's still in that building you think yeah because he hasn't come out of that door is that the only way in i think so what's that here's like a tally chart how long name oh [ __ ] office this the [ __ ] is that what the [ __ ] oh my god what the [ __ ] is that what is that it looks like a rabbit doesn't it so how's it just die in here i assume it probably got lost mate i'm not gonna lie can you slide this oh oh this is a very good hiding spot very good very good rabbit got lost didn't have any food died and then everything ate it well we can't show you a video what we're looking at is a dead rabbit skeleton head still perfectly intact with ears bro with ears yo mtv welcome to my pen obviously in here we got numerous bathrooms this is where they even spend his summer time again ethan spends the summer in there after the fall of 96. hey should we tell him about the fall tonight let's not tell him about the fall of 96. so i'm up here where are you i know you're here surely surely don't tell me i did all of this and nothing yes yes i found you [Laughter] i'm so precarious as well look at my cm oh you probably saw everything man i saw you walking around there i saw the whole unreal i was like this is a very good spot hopefully harry will take him away from here this is a crazy spot all right one down five to go i don't want to rat anyone out you know not especially not in jail but there's there's other people in this vicinity in this vicinity there was there was thank thank you six nine oh rest in peace rabbit bro stop filming the rabbit rest in peace rabbit bro you're a rabbit man i can't believe we found around him bro he might be there for a while just filthy disgusting huh yeah what did you just say all right so do you want to tell me who else is in here six nine you know i actually will i think he's gone now vic vic was in that room down there but oh i know i'm well enough that he'll have scarfed by now so okay seems like a pointless endeavor i'm so anxious i don't like this he's coming at any point well you need it what's in that hole odds are you have to know 10. i think 15 bro 12 12 12. no i'm not doing it john 12 12 3 reverse all right three two one three reverses [Laughter] you see this no i'm not into it do you think there's any more dead animals do you just hide with a rabbit do you want to sleep with a fill rabbit prison break stay low that is disgusting there are germs all over this place [Music] you think michael skyfield just walked through yeah so vic was here because here vic was there [ __ ] off no i checked i checked yeah no no but i think oh you checked all down here yeah i checked here first before oh i don't know how he could escape then because he was he was here and i went up there so maybe he must have maybe waited like if i went this way he must have gone the other way yeah he's bamboozled that's what he's done unreal damn right why have you just led me in here bro don't do it why are you letting me do that don't do that don't do it let me into like uh don't do that that will definitely come down if i'll do it anyway i don't want to touch it baby come get me jj come here your torch huh have you got a torch on you yeah i got a torch you shine it down here a second yeah of course i think i found a different opening i'm intrigued by it the girls do they go i don't think they do that i don't really like this at all to be honest with you oh jesus oh there's no way he's going there right surely no no no no no no very sneaky bro he could have he actually could have escaped through here that might have been wait no no no give me another light in here there's a whole circular bit around here but i don't think i've gone for here surely not i feel me and me and vic were the only one that came in this building so i feel like no one else is going to be in here but i feel like vic would probably maybe want to stay here could anyone be here where would someone hmm and that's just where we came well i guess that's it i guess it's on to the next building let's head back boys let's head back oh fair enough [Laughter] under the door there's a reason why i made sure you wore those orange garments so i can find you when did you see me how far again uh i'd say about 30 seconds ago [ __ ] yeah close oh how are you taking them down the stairs but i thought i could scream i feel like this building has been successfully taken down oh [ __ ] what day is it when is the paper from what date is it it was like july 0009 is it yeah look at that what was happening in 2009 in the running i'm not sorry i just saw simon duck down you're such a ticket you heard the kid ricky shot comeback if there's gonna be a pastry on that zero page free this paper cost is 20p yeah oh this would they be doing the nine pound holidays hey eight horses hit chariot falling here at the afghan conflict mate this is a long time it was 11 years ago but 25 taliban wiped out come on bro look we british two troops killed at least 25 enemy fighters come on we should play a game yeah all right here's the game oh let's play the shoe flick game that's what i was gonna say oh wait come on great man uh which wall now kicking for great britain young jizzle now kicking for canada young money mint that's not far hey it's close you know you won that one just just yeah if we're quiet i'd [ __ ] myself there's no sense i definitely know someone's in the tunnels someone's definitely in the tunnels in the tunnels 100 100 all right you're not allowed to touch the wall not allowed to touch the wall but if we both touch the wall it's closer great that's poor well that noise oh stop it looks fairly stable i'm sure fairly stable he says i come in with no white and come out with two right all right can we go this way where's next the canteen canteen huh ethan might be in here ethan oh yeah he would be that was so loud bro you're inhaling bear [ __ ] bruce okay the canteens your boys in the canteen a bit of a dead canteen to be honest any grub where would you hide if i was a criminal where would i hide the whole place is getting clear don't worry hygiene no wash what a shoddy prison i know i really need to be every room every doorway is getting cleared out have you checked this little just checking it every number there's not a lot to hide behind in these rooms i can't lie this is a is this a cell nah it can't be that's a stinky like an office we can run to the other side if you want oh mate that's one of the proper mate it's one of the proper prison sinks where it's all combined and they put their contraband down there how do you know this stuff um you know how it is oh that's my guys my girl oh my gosh joe andy no you see this thing you referred properly raymond jones south south end great interest because that could be a dad ethan was here 2k 20. i know someone's in here it's only a matter of time it's not if it's when [Music] listen would someone have come in here decided very maybe sorry this is the route they take up there what is it up there i don't know anyone torture all right let's torch this place up i'm going to have a piece you want you're going up there i'm going to have a peek like just get that do it do what you need to do i gotta get some time off my sentence in it so gotta do what the warden says yeah i'm just listening no i heard no breathing i think it's time to go into the tunnels i think you did well to find out yeah yeah there's so many rooms [Music] it was fun though it was fun it was an adventure oh no we're locked in every stone on we're locked in okay great this is what it feels like to be in prison actually like we can't the fresh air is there all right hmm i ain't coming down it's until i spin now you know hey dog kennel with supply how is that a dog kennel hey free me free me where are the jj yeah rosario i'm here what the what's going on what's going on you left you didn't do it running mate yeah i've got you i've got you on tracking devices it walks like i'm watering you know look at him guys i think they're in the tunnels tunnels baby i could have dodged going in the tunnels but i've just stayed hidden you know here it goes i think it's safe to say this building has been sweeped walks past then harry and vic hey joe house champions come coming away they're gone this looks like a den an absolute den yeah what's in here boss this is solitary confinement okay yeah this is where naughty naughty people go this is where punishment and torture okay that's where all of that happens okay okay [Music] oh anywhere up here is too obvious surely your nose is yeah no no not going here i think i have to go to the dungeon voice not the dungeon please go to the dungeon it's not down here you know in the other building that's like the trampoline you want to go to trampoline building like you want to go into the trampoline but i'll break my i leg like going down the dungeons what can i get your power uh can i get the uh wednesday special yeah it's my balls that's disgusting that is disgusting i feel like i've done my evasive removal for this video i mean we survived now i don't mind getting caught [Music] the noises have stopped this oh yeah i splashed that oh did he just dunk spider toby's back damn la la in the dungeons we are where will people be near i feel them over here oh [ __ ] off i'm gonna get the jump scare of my life i don't want to do this i don't look all the moths so they're almost down there they're making my own noises but they've not come to a basement just yet i kind of want to go across it bro go across it then do it if you're bed imagine it just drops through don't say that bro one of you is in here i can feel it 100 percent i will find you and i will get you wherever you [ __ ] just head there is 100 someone down here i refuse to believe there's not should we go up yeah let's see what's up there let's try and get to the top top all right yeah i mean it feels safe but not safe it's definitely not safe what is stairs there don't try this at home in your prison cells don't want to know what's behind that door it's not locked oh not locked oh i thought it was good wait did you hear that i i heard that i heard that phil they could be hitting the same pipe where underneath i don't like this place [Music] surely no one's sat in here that's ropes i'll do it okay you're getting on there hello oh jesus anybody here oh got two rooms here two rooms there this is the this is the torch chamber legitimately there's a torch chamber yeah we're clear we're clear here who made the noise then no this is a pipe oh wow that was the noise it was this someone was here it's all the way out here or if there's another way out oh no yeah someone hit that someone hit this well there's someone or something in here what the [ __ ] is that why would someone hide in here sick [ __ ] that oh jesus christ oh this is rupees simon freedom bro i'm gonna hold this letter oh my god marco there's there's just no way any of us are going to sit in a room like this oh there's no way oh josh should do it you reckon yeah yeah josh justice of you is in here i can feel it i hurt you you can't run away from me what the [ __ ] do you think they came up here no way no jj up here jj on that ladder i think we've won i think we've won can you have two winners yes yes you can i don't believe it then what was that noise it josh will be down here joshua will get really down i heard something i know you did i know you did well if they've hidden in here well it's actually their loss if you don't find them because now they're stuck down there for time and they missed out on the perfect chance to scare the [ __ ] out of us all right well guess it's time to leave and go into the next building i'm disappointed boys i'm disappointed i can't believe what's happened [ __ ] you [ __ ] you know i reckon we go back to the first building yeah i reckon they've gone into there or someone has we could sit there for five minutes we could just sit at five and just wait and see if they come out yeah i think they somehow got out how anyone in here so a lot of it yeah anyone hiding over here finally um can you bring us some snacks please which building are you the trampoline one at the very very top wait you actually what i was joking you won't get up here i promise you you won't get up here yeah bring me your snickers yeah snickers oh snickers yeah season thank you just two snickers oh my gosh how would that come out he can't get through he can't get through how would he get through what do you see nothing it's just a nice view i can't show it on camera i don't think oh hang on oh it's the roof oh snap this is sick come up here bro they did they dipped they're it's gone it's left us i mean if you're gonna hide this is a good [ __ ] spot they've got oh i just saw kirsty they're up here they're in the other part of the building can we go that way yeah well where could my little criminals be vic rather than shambles mate mate i wish i was still hiding you're bastards you're bastards they're they're there they're your boss what'd you mean what you mean like that bro where's are they in the other building they've they they've just gone and turned the corner right that's all i can see god damn it ah that time was perfect as well your bastard oh you're bastards the question is where they run maybe asked run who's on the roof wait there's no time in here or anything do you want to find the trampoline hello my drillers you know my slimes if you're safe we're still safe roll safe hope you're safe all right come on let's give a little smile and wave to your camera just to let them know you're still free up is this trampoline actually like don't jump just give a little i'll get on it from here [Music] [Music] wait yeah that's toby where give somebody or whoever it is why are you taking the food out to toby toby's toby you guys are safe oh there he is the timing of that is mad you know yeah i just got off the roof just there to run now yeah yeah i was lucky i wouldn't even thought to jump up there we about to win this all together this is going to be four of us eh welcome we've run away same oh bro what's your shoulder on that i [ __ ] knew it i said if we just wait they're gonna come out eventually bastards i'm sweating what it's actually it's delivering you food wait for real wait how he's bringing where how is it gonna get through the gates we got a drone bringing us food right there's a drone bringing food up bruh this is crazing the stairs bro he's bringing us snickers he didn't have to get through this bro bro he's bringing up food if [Music] [Music] oh my god yo yo hand me that hand me that that is the greatest thing i've ever seen that is incredible you're a legend has made it all the way up you know how long that took us to climb bro i'm just saying this is a little bit broken are you trying to fly that one oh you're gonna try and fly it down if you bring it down he's got one little gopro that's what he's got okay be careful let's do this yeah yeah let's do it quiet that is insane the dust that came up i almost ruined my snickers i think our streets are just unrivaled i don't i don't see anyone else no one else is doing this tell him again i don't see anyone here have you got any crisps we don't know oh god we hit the uh maybe it can't give mr hunt you guys dance together toby wouldn't dance with me we should hand ourselves in again my my watch says that it's 305 but it's definitely not three or five times long time jj wait so they haven't even seen you they came in our building um here we go and they look cool they're stinky they are stinky there's one bit video i'm facetiming this and the fact that this was still ringing i'd assume made it back in the basement who else deserved it and kirsten khan kirsty khan jj harry and vic big brains all combined humongous the humongous vic is the only one that's i'd confidently say come speaking no because vic was sat there bro and he went he went but we've checked every door and joshua had a jawline well it happened that's the same thing that's how is that whistle say this has been a clean sweep walking past all the problems without looking in any of foreign where are you what's happening i was literally here just hearing you like a bunch of [ __ ] idiots to be fair when in the other building yeah downstairs in the corridor when you were whistling [Laughter] to be fair though you're walking down it just going i win thank you you didn't open every door in the basement either yeah i know i have no sounds whereas i know i heard you but i couldn't we couldn't find you the metal thing the metal would be yeah that was with us yeah i knew i knew you didn't find the rabbit you didn't i saw it about it did you do it but i thought it was just weird quick right congrats decent i'm drying though two hours in an a i'm stopping you're my dryer [Music] you
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 8,255,122
Rating: 4.9645853 out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 26sec (2726 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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