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[Applause] welcome back to more sidemen today we are doing guests the song we have split the rest of the simon into two teams we have team young boys ethan harris young guns team young they already they already said jj toby and josh are the ogs you chose it i didn't choose it okay so the way this is gonna work is i'm gonna play three seconds of a song you're gonna take it in turns to guess what the song is if you can't get it in that three seconds it passes over to the other team they get one guess if you don't get it we move on to the next one as well now you can discuss yeah i've chosen a playlist called biggest hits of all time oh all right we should know all these then right we should but you only get three seconds so vic jj rock paper scissors winner goes first all right spider-man he's done him okay so young boys you go first yep you ready young boys [Applause] all right now i need the song name okay so not the artist not the artist all right your song is azp easy as one two three abc is it could be a variation but it's fine abc abc abc yeah it's wrong yeah it's not called abc i didn't think i wanted jackson five that is correct yes [Music] [Music] play the song oh i got a feeling i've got a free but is it is it like yeah it is is it i got it it's gonna be good i got a feeling good night or something [Music] what are you saying oh no all right oh geez your next song oh no simon can we lose the cup i don't know you know no okay you're the only one that recognizes it also this is copyrighted please buy sidemen clothing dude i have no idea what that song's called new jacket yeah don't don't no unfortunately not do you have any guesses harry whatever you got shoot it boogie to the dance oh it was boogie wonderland half a point give me y'all give me y'all [Music] telling reaction i've never sung the wrong song it's treasure treasure treasure by bruno mars is this let's say treasure yeah we're going to try the answer is treasure yes come on they're going to get all the [ __ ] writers let's go we got one already bro i mean yeah if you get this right you eat oh all right all right young boys stop saying it's not gonna stop it just say you going bro something anything hey guys i don't know the chin this is really big because i don't care guys this is really big it's the whole is that a long time shut up it's a long title yeah i think no because you've got the right song a lot of songs no because it's every single time i've said it i still don't know shut up and then so just shut up and dance with me is it before we throw it out there like shut up your title is shut up and dance with me he's asking you to dance with him she's wrong but it's wrong that is wrong what's going on jj the ogs dance with me wait what well that is also wrong it was shut up and danced up and danced he said that he said he was danced with me he ate a [ __ ] dizzy rascal on calvin harris lad dance with me he thought it was dizzy rascal hey jb guy love yourself love yourself yeah yeah jbeebs first name last name love yourself that is correct yeah yeah yeah yeah [Music] is it called wrecking ball i'm not that's not my answer oh yeah yeah yeah yeah sure [ __ ] wrecking ball that is correct once again i'm asking you for your correct answers that was good [ __ ] oh man what is this without you my friend yeah [Laughter] okay here we go young bulge hello yeah i mean it is probably one of the biggest songs hello all right the ogs give a stinker come on i'll not accept that is it i will walk 500 i will not accept that either the title is i'm gonna be brackets five hundred dollars all right but it's back to you okay whatever one of the best songs of all time oh geez [Music] on the floor that is correct this actually says radio edit young boys why are you saying it in a weird voice that makes it worse it looks like oh it's raw do you two want to play sorry it's katy perry that's correct i'm a passenger i don't know oh i was trying to make one that's fair for everyone biggest hits everyone loves the biggest hits come on let's not go on rap uk there you go oh geez [Music] please don't get it please don't get it cause come on it's very harry tune as well harry is dubbing this if it takes three seconds oh okay young boys [Laughter] oh but it's it's going to be the chitty bang one dude oh opposite of adults correct oh yeah i'm sorry about it yes here we go boys now that's correct oh yes the ogs just played [Music] what are you going for somebody that i used to know it's ours somebody's somebody used to know you're correct i'm trying to like i'm trying to think of what other types here we go some [ __ ] sub focus seconds full five five seconds now i'm second guessing myself [Laughter] all right young boys here we go yeah he went seven away uh welcome to my house oh there's that's called my house yeah right what was the title my house is not mine just wait until ksi oh [ __ ] no no no no that's wrong no no no no they said my house i made wrong what do you think it is oh i like that a lot here we go oh jeez [Music] oh [Music] grew tonight because just put in a bad face yeah let's groove and then you start seeing it it's fine it's fine well we're still winning just about long fun here we go young boys here we go [Music] lean on that's correct did you recall i heard him go he was gasps oh geez here we go respect that is [Applause] that brings us to the end of the quiz young boys you have lost 11 points yeah the oh geez you have 11 points oh shoot what what happened i caught that that's what i've written down sounds good i mean that's what i freaked out because they where you're going to just discuss it between yourselves you're both going to hear the same one and it's just sudden death if you get it wrong wait so is it we have to write so you're bored right yeah so you just have to write on one board yeah oh you're different you're different please turn okay is it that that yeah yeah is it that why it's a big story actually three two one magic magic insane that's a weird g but yes all right next one this to win [Music] now i'm being very particular okay one of you gets it like spot-on particular you will win okay like i think it's you meant it's like i see that i'll see you guys all right i see your eyes though three two one we put the little hyphenation oh is it the explanation and there is an exclamation mark well done well done thank you guys for watching make sure you check out sitemap clothing because this video might be copyrighted bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh
Channel: MoreSidemen
Views: 5,116,635
Rating: 4.9770489 out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, moresidemen, miniminter, ksi, zerkaa, behzinga, tbjzl, vikkstar, wroetoshaw
Id: q26a93iES3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 34sec (1414 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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