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- All right, guys. Welcome back to another Sidemen Sunday. Where, today. We are doing the Sidemen One Colour Food Challenge. - Oh boy. - Oh boy. - I pray I don't get like, blue, or something. - I can see it right now. (Ethan laughing) I can see someone having a hungry day. - Pretty much, you can only eat one colour of food, for 24 hours. - Oh no. - I'm actually, now I think about it- - [Tobi] There's not more rules to it. - Is it drink as well? - Yeah. - Shall we throw in drink? - [Sidemen] Yeah! - If you get blue, you drink Powerade. And that's it. - The colours have been fully randomised. So there's no rigging here, at all. So you can't get mad at me. - Just like Josh randomises. (all laughing) Ethan's about to get blue. (all laughing) - I know my luck. I know my luck, it will be a blue. - That will be sick. - Who wants to come and pick an envelope? - I'm opening... So, this is who gets orange? - It's the colour of the card inside, by the way. - It's the colour of the card inside. - Eh, what? - Oh! - Look, I'm playing games with you. I'm playing games with you. - Harry, mate. You are green! (all cheering) Healthy! You need it mate, get some broccoli. - Harry, you need it man. That's a stinker! - All right, come on then Harry. - Oh, this is a tricky one. Right, I've got purple here. - Wait, eggplant? - Oo, it's Simon. (all cheering) I don't know what you're eating. - Purple is hard. - Oh, boys. - Not blue, anything but blue. - Oh no, it's blue! - What colour is it, what colour is it? - No, no, no, no, no. - All right, blue is... - Blue is Ethan. (all laughing) - Oh my god! - Oh, no! - [Josh] That's a big stinker. - Josh, fuck off. I'm training for something Josh, I can't go around eating fucking Smarties! - Oo, maybe there's a bad one still. - [Ethan] Pink's good, salmon. - Yeah, true. - Pink's good, salmon. - All day, though? - [JJ] Yo Sushi. - (laughs) It's me. (all laughing) - That's good though! That's good. - All right, so this is red. - [Harry] Red could be good. - Vik! - Yes! (all laughing) - There we go. - Wait, so who's left? - [JJ] Me. - [Tobi] Me and JJ. - It's orange... It's Tobi! - That's cool, you like oranges too. (crosstalk) - I think it's yellow, right? - What's the last colour, yellow? (JJ screaming) - Let's go! - You're happy aren't you, tubby red. - Bulking season is back, baby! - You got cheese, you got- (JJ shouting) - Guys, I want you to embrace your colours. Go out, accessorise. Get some clothes. Get some hats, whatever. Ethan, Ethan looks like he wants to kill himself. - Wait, I got... I'm already dressed in yellow. - [All] No you're not. - Nah, nah, this counts fam. - [Tobi] Do more yellow than that. - Bro, look! - Embrace it! - Embrace it. (Ethan shouting) The rules are, that are outside of the food that you're eating, has to be at least a shade of the colour that you've been assigned. - Do you have to keep checking the person with you, I guess. Or, the people with you. - And now, to group you up. Ethan- - Don't you dare. No, don't you fucking dare. - Ethan, I think you know who you're with. (Ethan screaming) (JJ shouting) - [JJ] Bro, we're a team! - What do you mean, team? Define team? - We're gonna put Harry and Vik together. - Okay, okay. The green machine. - And we're the three. - What colours have you guys got? - Pink, purple and... - Orange. - Orange? - Orange. - That's nice. - Oi listen, we've waffled enough. I'm hungry, let's go get food. Let's go dress up, whatever. Come. - Sounds good. - Yeah? - I'm not gonna lie, boys. I have no hope of purple. - Look, look, look. - Except... Kingdom Of Sweets! The purple shop. This one might work. - Right, me and JJ have made it to Sainsbury's. Let's walk past all the food that I can't eat. We're gonna relive 2016 behzinga. Where are the sweets? - Blue tun... - No blue Tundras. - Whoa, you... Oh man. - [Ethan] Starburst? Is there a blue, is there a... Do you reckon there's a blue Starburst? We'll risk it, we'll get some Starburst. - [JJ] Okay. - [Ethan] You can't do me dirty like this. There's no blue fruit pastels, either. But there's nothing. Nothing blue there. Okay, no. This isn't funny. This really isn't funny. - Shout out, green and red! I'm wearing green, so I need to replace this. - Wait, I'm wearing green as well. This is green. - No, this is green. - But look at the colour, that is green. - That's yellowy, neon, lime. Anyway, speaking of lime... - What have we found? - A red... And a green lime bike. - We're gonna go and buy some food from the shop. - You know what, easy snack? - Yeah. - What is red, and what is green? Apples. We can go and get an apple each. - Okay, cool. - Start the day off with a bit of food. - And then we'll ride around on our coloured bikes. - Millions, mate. - Where's the purple, that's pink. - You can have that. - Sour strawb... Oh, sour strawberry? No, no, no, no, no. - Wait, is there purple? That's purple, innit. - Wait, if I was Behz, I would have that all day. - I could have Vimto flavour. - [Vik] All right, we got a whole lot of apples here. - Oo. - What? - We could kill two birds with one stone, mate. Half green, half red! - [Vik] You know what? You know what? But, do we want four apples? Is that necessary? - We're the Sidemen, we can buy four apples. What you on about? - Is there... I don't understand what's going on. - [Josh] Push tube up. - That's not going up. - Yeah, stick it in. - Stick it in. - [Josh] Get it up. - [Simon] Yeah, stick it in. - [Josh] What are you doing? - That's how it works, bro. That's actually how it works. - [Josh] Pump it bro, yeah. - You guys are making this weird. I don't like this. - [Vik] Ethan what you got there? Fancy seeing you here. - Listen, I've got one of the only things I can get, Vik. Because, we just went over there to check for sweets. And guess what? They don't have Skittles. They don't have Smarties, nothing. - [Vik] Go to Kingdom of Sweets. - What the fuck is that? (Vik laughing) - [Harry] What is that? - I don't want to eat that. I will not, I'd rather starve than eat... What is it? - [JJ] It's a cabbage. - That's a red cabbage? - You know what... It's not that far off blue. - It says red cabbage in the title, so. I mean, I'd rather not. - [Vik] Right, we're getting our apples anyway. - [Simon] Oh yeah, come on Josh. Yeah, show 'em. - [Tobi] He's a pro. - [Simon] Oh my gosh. Yeah, you got mad technique. - Yeah. - Thank you. - [Simon] I'm gonna get some. Yeah, go on. Come on mate, come on mate. - Do you like that? - Shall I get a banana? (JJ laughing) - I'm not gonna say anything. (Ethan laughing) - I dunno man, I don't like bananas, so. - [Ethan] Arguably, yellow. - [JJ] Yeah, but I'm not eating that. That looks like sick. - [Ethan] Right, okay. - [Josh] Look at that shake and bake. - [Simon] Geez. This is technique, you know. There we go. - [Tobi] Our pull out game's strong. - [Simon] That's some good purple, that. - Drinks, baby. - [Simon] Ah, you got a pink one! Yeah, but is the liquid a pink? - It says pink grapefruit on it. - Pink grapefruit, pink grapefruit. We'll let him have it. - [Simon] What about me? - Which one? - Wait, what you got? You got mango? Why would you not have orange? (laughs) - Which one do I want, do I want the... English one, or the- - Nah, nah, not the English one. - All right. - Harry mate, look what you've done. - What? Oh wait, is it... That's a grotty apple, isn't it. - Bro. - Oh that's all green, so that's all me. - That's all you. - Ah-ha! - Okay, I'll have half of that. - Are we gonna do the little... - All right, here we go. (slow romantic music) - Oh I'm not at all... That was disgusting. That was, we can never do that again. (Vik laughing) I did not like that, all. That was really gross. - My teeth hurt. - My, my whole, my body. That was- (Vik laughing) - Hey mate, where are we? Go on, tell me. - I mean, we are in Vapiano's right now. I'm about to, uh, I'm about to get a fancy meal. - Well, I'm about to tuck into my blue... Oh wait. Pow! Surprise, look what we found. On the way of checking out in Sainsbury's, we weren't allowed to film. But, we found Tropical Skittles. Erm, you go and order your pasta. - I will. - By the time you get back, I will try and have all the blue Skittles. Out of the packets. (laughs) - Sick. (chuckles) - Enjoy that. - [Tobi] Guys! Oh, hey! - We're in London. Gra, ta, ta, ta! - [Tobi] Gra, ta, ta, ta! - Simon's purple. And there's a nice sex shop, here. - [Tobi] That's your colour bro, embrace it. - I'll just walk around with a dildo. - [Tobi] Embrace it. - Yeah, embrace it! - There was a pink, suckable penis sweet. That you didn't get. - [Tobi] Embrace it, bro. - It was pink, bro. - It was pink. - Uh, I'm separating the Skittles. So... This is how, erm... This is how my day's gonna go. I'd just like to say, as well. I just got... Five. Five blue Skittles out of one packet. - [Simon] We've come to Vapiano's. Because this man can eat. - I don't know if we can eat here. - [Simon] We can't eat anything. I'm screwed. - I'm really hungry, though man. - [Simon] Give me my Millions, bruv. - All right, bruv. Here are your Millions, bruv. - Thank you. - [Josh] It's testing time for the drinks. This is your drink. No, no, no, no, no. You're good, you're good. - Does that count? - [Josh] Yeah, why not? That's purple. - Is it? - Nah, I'd say that's purple. That looks purple. - This is breakfast. Er, because we met up to start filming. And this is all that's going in me, right now. So... Here's to my healthy, balanced diet, eh? - Ready? - Yeah. - Oh! - [Tobi] Mate that looks purple from here. You can have that. - It's not. - It looks purple on here. - It doesn't. - It does. - No you're, no. - Fam, that looks purple! - That's red. - Turn away. There's a inedible part of food on my plate. - Yeah, you gotta get rid of- - Yeah, you gotta get rid of that, bro. You can call Harry. - Orange foods. - Oh Harry, what's that there? (Harry mumbling) Also, what are you doing? - Well, this is my snack mate. This is my fucking snack. - You're so special. - What, I can't eat anything else! This is my... - [Vik] Mate, welcome back. (Vik laughing) - 80 grammes of blueberries. I'm not really a fan of blueberries, to be quite honest. That's why I'd rather eat the skittles. But... (light pop music) - Oh wow. (JJ laughing) - I thought I'd get you dessert. - Yes, wow. Thanks man. - Look at that. Look at this. - I get a fork as well, mate. - Oo... Look at that. That's nice. He's even got himself a yellow drink, to go with it. But, look at that. Ladies and gentlemen. - [Josh] No hang on, look at the state of his skin. (Josh laughing) - Fuck you, man. - [Josh] Look at, meanwhile. - Ah, bon apple tweet. - [Josh] Wait, what? - Bon apple teeth. Back up. - [Josh] Oh, I'm hungry. I want food. That is peng. I'm think, oh! - [JJ] Well, either way. (JJ laughing) Thanks, man. - Did you, is it just cheese? - It's just cheese and pasta. But it just... (Ethan laughing) I think it just tastes better, because- - The thing is, I know it's buff. I know it's buff. - Because you're not having this. - Well, if we think about it. I'm the healthy one, here. You know what they say. - What? - Health is wealth. - You're still lying to yourself. - [Tobi] Why are you looking at me like that? - Because I'm fucking hungry. I had a bowl of cereal today. I should have eaten before we started the challenge. - [Tobi] Bro, you've got a whole load of, like, sweets. Right there. - You had a bowl of cereal, that's cheating! - I had it before we started the challenge. And I made it small, because I was like... You know what, I'm gonna get a banging colour. I'm a get yellow. - [Tobi] Well let's go find you some food then, huh? - Earlier on in the day, I'm gonna have a Powerade. That's blue. As we head towards the evening. - [Both] WKD. - I feel 14, all over again. - Fuck sake. - [Harry] All right, so I've got myself my green bike. My green apple is in the pouch at the front. Vik's got himself... A red bike. Vik is currently shitting himself. He never ridden... He's never ridden an electric bike, before. Bro, you'll be fine! You'll be fine, you'll be fine. Hook a left, lad. Hook a left. - I'm gonna get hit by a bus! - [Harry] Bro, you'll be fine. (Harry muffled humming) - [Ethan] Oi, fuck this shit. 150 grammes in the packet. I've done half. Fuck you, time for sweets. Oh my god, they taste amazing. - Oh, really? - Oh my god. So these, these are the tropical ones. They taste a little bit better. - Really? - I reckon yours will be nice. But, this is like a fruity explosion in my mouth. - All right, we're trying Wahaca. They must have something purple, come on. - [Waiter] Hi, guys. - You all right, man. - Do you have anything purple, food wise? Or pink? - Or pink. - [Waiter] Er, well. I do have, yeah. You have, like, tacos with pink onions on the top. Like that, really pink. - But is it, like... If you said, what's the main colour of this dish. - Probably not. - Oh, no. - Okay. We can't... We can't cheat. We leave. No purple food in there. - We're doing research. - No purple food. - And I am done! Well, I mean I've got a dessert. Thanks to Ethan. - Prepared by yours truly. - Ah, thank you so much man. Ah, yeah! - Yeah? - That's quite nice. - I'm really enjoying mine. - Mm. - I mean, you for sure you are. You fucking, okay. - I can't waste any go. - No, yeah. Yeah, man. - All right, first meal done. How are you feeling? Satisfied? - Yeah I'm good, man. - Okay. I mean, and you're still walking along with you nice- - Yeah, man. - Geez. - Yellow tings. - I sorted you out, well nice. But next up is outfits. And this is where I feel like, I get to have my fun. Because- - Yeah. - I don't get to eat in front of you. And go, oh look at what I've got? - Cucumber is disgusting. I have never seen a man look so unstable on a bike. Look at, bro. (Harry laughing) He does not look like he's meant to be on that thing. (screams) I almost died. I almost died. - I want something actual- - Food. This place is buff. That is purple. - It says violet, so it's purple. - I have to literally get it. And then only eat the macaroon. (laughs) Macaroon is the only part of that, I don't like. (all laughing) I'll get it though, I'll get it. - I'm starting to think it sucks that you got purple. - Harry should come here- - Purple is the worst thing- - Nice green cake. Nothing pink, how? - We can go to the cake shop. - Which is next door. - Yeah. - Welcome to the vintage shop of dreams, mate. Look at all the colours we've got. Look, look. What colour are you again? Yellow. Oh, look. That's a number- - I don't want that. - That will look class on you, to be honest. - Why you looking for my stuff, man. Look for your stuff. - Yeah don't worry, calm. I'll find myself later, bro. Just chill. (upbeat pop music) Oh, you look like Georgie. Come here, Georgie! - Oh my god. - From, yeah. - Georgie! - Do you wanna share a slice? - [Tobi] Ah, should we take that home for everyone? That's all the colours. - Ah, geez. Pink. - Josh is living his fat days out, in here. (Tobi laughing) Hey, look. - Hey look, what? - Count- - [Tobi] Hey look, what? - Hey, look. - [Tobi And Josh] Count the memories, not the calories. (both laughing) - [Tobi] Hey, Simon. - You're a dickhead, pal. - You gotta be gear, then you- (Tobi laughing) - Gra ta ta ta. - [Tobi] Gra ta ta ta! - [Harry] What have you found, Vik? - It's as red, as red can be. Do you think that's all right? - Snoopy. - It's actually... It's kind of sick, to be fair. - Bro, I... That's a banging little hoodie. I say get it. - They don't have it in small. - Yeah, but you put it over the hoodie you're wearing now. - No, no, no, no, no. - You're not a small, mate! You're a big guy. - I'm not, I'm not. - You're a big man, you're a big man. - [Simon] Boys, we need to embrace our colours. - Yes. (Simon laughing) - [Tobi] No. - [Simon] That's kinda dope. And there's a pink one up there, I see. - Nah, nah, that's purple. There's a pink one there. (Simon laughing) Is that a beret? - Yeah. - I think that will fit our heads. - Also, what do you call Ethan if he was a commentator? - No, no, you... That's my joke. - What do you call Ethan if he was a commentator? - What do you call Ethan if he was a commentator? - Fat Pundit. - [Simon] Okay, you just called him fat. You're mean. - Wow, Josh. - I can say it, cause I was fat too. You can't say it. You weren't ever fat. - Huh? - Yeah. - I was a fat kid. - Nah, you were Michelin man as a kid. - That's fat. - Nah, as a kid it's different. - [Ethan] Yeah, go on then. You want me to have a nice little puffer jacket? - Yeah, you'll look like a little chav. (JJ laughing) - [Ethan] Look like a little chav. (laughs) Okay, great. Are you sure there's not anything else, like- - Nah, this is the one. - [Ethan] All right, cool. - Have fun, mate. - [Ethan] Purchases done. I'll buy these these. These will be on me, man. - Oh, okay. - No worries. There you go, lad. - [Vik] Look at all the colours, Harry. - Is that green? - [Vik] Nah, the box is green. It's not green. You know what, I can go and... Red as you can get. Easy. - Yeah, that counts. That counts. - [Vik] Well, obviously it counts. - Look at this. So, fancied a coffee. But obviously, a coffee isn't green. - Is it green? - Matcha latte. - [Vik] Oh it is, it is green as it gets. That is quite, that's quite clever of you. Is it good? - It's actually really nice as well, to be honest. (Tobi laughing) - [Tobi] What is going on. - Wait, do I look too Gary Glitter like this? - (laughs) No, you look great. - All right dude, you're lying. - No, you look great. - Show me. - Oh dear. - [Simon] Okay, so we're in Sports Direct. And look. You're gassed. Look, there's pink ones. There's pink ones. - Oh my god, yes. - Look. Mine is women's. - All right, we're back doing a fashion show. And my prodigy, is about to enter the room. Single man. You're not actually single, but reveal yourself. Oh! Oh! Oh shit! Oh, pose up. Oo. Yeah, you actually look kinda dope though. I'm not, I'm not- - I look like a hipster. - Bro I'm not even joking, you look dope. - Really? - Yes. I do think you look cool. (Tobi laughing) - [Tobi] Do you know what you look like? - It's White Chicks. - [Tobi] You know the scene in White Chicks. (both laughing) - Why would you wear this? - Wearing that, man. (Tobi laughing) - This is the biggest women's size. - What, it was good. - [Tobi] What are you saying, he should get in it? - You should get that, 100%. You look great. - Yeah? - [Tobi] Do it, do it. - [Ethan] JJ has done some wardrobe research, to see if he's got yellow trousers as well. (Ethan laughing) You are literally dripping. - Can you see what I've spotted, mate? - [Vik] You can't miss it to be honest. You can't miss it from this distance. - That's a bit of me, to be honest. - [Vik] Yeah, that is a lot of you actually. - Yeah, that's what I mean. - Yup. - I mean it's... - It's gotta be, right? - [Vik] Yeah, it's more green than this, but... - [Ethan] Yeah, you wanna go black shoes? - I mean I've got, like, black and yellowish. - [Ethan] Just, can we try something? Simon's going to be fuming, but... - No. - [Ethan] Realistically, Simon is not gonna let you wear those out of the house, anyway. They are his prized possession. Holy shit. - Bro, I look like an idiot. - [Ethan] Bro, look at the drip! - Oh mate, nah. I actually look like a- - [Ethan] Nah, you're dripping bro. That's drip. - I hate these. - [Josh] Yeah, but it's purple. - Can you hold that a sec? - [Tobi] I think that's sick. - It doesn't matter that it's purple, I hate- - [Josh] Eh, it's raining now. So, it's good. You look better now, though. Genuinely. - Shut up. Nah, shut up. - Oi, you look good. - Shut up. Shut up, all of you. - Fist bump. - [JJ] Okay, I'm ready. - Right, here I come. - [JJ] Oh wow, oh, oh. Oh. Yeah, you were right. You do look like Elton John. - I look like Elton John. I look like Elton John, here. (JJ laughing) I don't know if that's a good thing- - [JJ] Ah, mate. - Or, a bad thing. - [JJ] Us together, we're gonna look like absolute pansies. - Blue and yellow, going out. - Oh. - Look at us. - Oh... Shit. Eh! (both laughing) - [Vik] Oh, damn! You're really about the green life. - Don't chat to me, I am fuming. - Why? - So, I see this green jacket in the Urban Outfitters. I'm like, you know what. Let me get it. fun for the video. Ha ha ha, green. 240 quid! 240 quid! - [Vik] It looks good, though. - To look like a fucking traffic warden! (Vik laughing) - Fucking... And I couldn't say no, because you're stood by the till. You're Mr, you're big bucks. I can't be- (Vik laughing) So I'm there, splashing the cash. - [Vik] It looks good! - Yeah, I'm so bloody... Bloody better look good! - [Ethan] Inspo. Inspirational. What a hip, hip, hippo? Hippo? (laughs) - I'm so unhappy. (upbeat dance music) - [Josh] Azonto for me? (upbeat dance music) - So, Simon. Tell me what you've eaten today? - [Simon] About nine Millions. - But, guess what I've laid eyes on. - [JJ] What? - [Ethan] Da, da, da, da, da, da, da. Food colouring! And look what they have, blue food colouring. - [JJ] They're blue, they're... Ah. - They don't have yellow, no. Ah to be fair, you could eat custard. - I hate custard. - [Ethan] Do you hate custard? - Yeah, I hate custard. - Do you hate custard? How can you hate custard? - Because it's- - [Ethan] You don't look like you hate custard. - How many fat jokes, fam? Huh? (Ethan laughing) I'm not even fat! (Ethan laughing) What are you on about? [Harry] What are we saying... About these bad boys? - I would never, ever wear anything like this. [Harry] Why not? - It just wouldn't be me. But, you know what. For the video. - For the video. Hopefully there not too... They're only 60 quid mate, not 240. (Harry laughing) - I mean, for something... Yeah, sure. [Harry] All right, banger, banger, banger. I have to point one thing out. We've bought some clothes. - Yes. All you've eaten is an apple. - Yes, I'm actually quite hungry. - [Harry] And I had half a cucumber. So let's, let's do the point of the video. - Okay. - Let's go through some sushi. Some sushi. - All right, I can have tuna. I know that much. - You can have the red tuna. You can have... Is salmon red? - No, it's orangy pink. [Ethan] All right, we can't find Powerade, but... Would you, as independent adjudicator, say that... It does say Bolt From Blue. - It definitely is blue, but... God damn, it looks disgusting. - [Ethan] Helps give you some oomph. You hear that? - I mean, do you want some oomph? - [Ethan] Yeah look, watch this. Shall I show you how much oomph I'm gonna have, once I have this? Oomph! Oomph! - [JJ] Elton, stop. Elton, Elton, Elton, stop. - Okay, can we not call me Elton. - [JJ] Okay, could you not. - [Simon] What, you can't put it on now. You're putting it on over your... (Josh laughing) What's wrong with you? I haven't eaten anything. I'm so hungry. (upbeat dance music) - [Ethan] We've even picked up some yellow liquids. - Yay. - Mango. Mango man. - Refreshing. - [Ethan] Mango machine. - [JJ] There we go. (Ethan humming) The prize possession. - [Ethan] The holy grail, mate. - [JJ] How many do you want? - [Ethan] Just one, will do me. - [JJ] Are you are? - [Ethan] Yeah, just one will do. Me and my little alcopops. Cheers, lovely. Cheers to that. - Yeah, of course. (Ethan laughing) (upbeat dance music) - [Simon] You're being a little bitch, right now. - You're being a little bitch. About, I ain't eaten. I haven't eaten, either. - [Simon] Yeah you have. - What? - Josh ate. Josh ate a- - Yeah exactly. - [Simon] Nando's off camera. - I wish I ate Nando's off camera. (Simon laughing) I'll get a large. - [Simon] What size is that? - Medium. - [Simon] You've tried a medium on, over a hoodie. - I feel like JJ. - [Tobi] That's wavy. - [Simon] That's wavy. Get that. - [Tobi] Get double XL. - I'm JJ. - [Simon] Yeah, you're bulge is a little bit smaller though. - Oh, he pulls his pants right up. It's not wavey, like- - [Simon] It is wavy, get it. With the hat and glasses, trust me. Wavy. - Ah! - Yeah! - I got, wait. Let me put my head down. - Hey! - [Vik] He's made it to his favourite place. - This is actually my favourite restaurant, you know. - [Vik] But how will it be, with only green? Oh, I can get the green juice. - [Vik] There you go. - I'm gonna get the green juice. - [Vik] Is there a red juice? There is a red juice! - Nah, you got the red wine! I thought you were having red wine. - [Vik] Oh yeah, I can yeah. - Get the red- - Okay, so. Me and Simon haven't eaten. - There's no orange. No, orange? There's no purple. - Listen, you guys had sweets yeah. - I don't wanna eat just sweets though! I want food! - There's children starving. - I didn't even have my drink. Oi, you look bare pink. (both laughing) - Anyway, so we're gonna head to Tescos. Me and Simon, have some cunning plans. I think I could get some decent food. - [JJ] All right, so your boy's got his yellow drink. Obviously, I bought some eggs. - I really hope, for your sake. There is, like, a yellow Mini Egg in there. - Oh, there we go! There's... - [Ethan] Oh! - Two. - Well, I, for one, have smashed this. I've got some grilled edamame. - I'm so jealous, I can smell the sesame seeds. And the edamame. And I'm jealous. - This is a banger. - What is that? - That is matcha tea, yeah. - Okay. - Then we got the green juice. And then over here, we got a fraud. Cause that is not red. That is not red, that is pink. That is definitely pink. - Please. - Bro, what would... That is pink, right? - That's pink. Can you see that on the camera? That is pink. I'm not gonna let you have that, mate. I'm not gonna let you have that. - So, what okay. I have to go for a red wine then? - Yeah, you have to go for red wine. - I tried to get something nice for myself, and it's all gone wrong. - Well I'm going to tuck into my edamame beans. - All right, well I'm gonna... Yeah. - You can get eggplant. Aubergines? - I don't like aubergine. I was the worst person to get purple! - What's... There must be purple like... Something purple, savoury wise. - Tortilla wraps. - Yeah, you can get beetroot wrap. (Simon retching) - I don't like beetroot, either! - What do you like? - Chicken! (Josh laughing) - [Tobi] Hey, listen. If there's purple chicken, do not eat it. (Simon laughing) Do not eat it. I'm just telling you, now. - Bon appetit! - [Ethan] You don't have any blue ones there, though. If Simon was here, he'd be cracking on. - Yeah, he's got- - With chocolate. Josh and Simon could eat those. - This is Brown. - [Ethan] That's pur... Take the glasses off, lad. - Oh, okay. (Ethan laughing) - [Ethan] Holy... Holy shit. - See, that's pink. This is red. Come on, man. - Brother, that's a... We need VAR for this one. That's not red, that's pink. - Don't hold it under the light! - Well that's, look at that. - Look it's red. - It's purple! - You're not, you're... - You've had a stinker. - All right, fine. I'll put it next to my other one, that I can't have. That's your two cocktails, there you go. (Harry laughing) There you go lad, enjoy. I've been destroyed here. - I have smashed it. Look at this. We got green, green, green, green, green. Even the wasabi is green. Vik on the other hand. He's got two pieces of nigiri. And then, this isn't even red! - No, no, no. But, I'm going to leave the avocado. You can have the avocado if you want. I'm just gonna have the, er... If I can get them. I'm just going to have the tuna. - Okay, so. I'm gonna do a magic trick, right? So... What you may see in front of you, is just teriyaki... Chicken rolls. - Okay. - Sushi, right? But... When I... Get them open. You're gonna see... You're gonna see just how they turn blue, when they're exposed to air. So look, you got you ready? - Okay. What, whoa! - So, when it's exposed to even the slightest bit of air... It turns into blue sushi. - Unreal. - That was really cool, wasn't it? I bet you didn't know that. So, if you guys go and find yourself some sushi rolls. And merely exposed them to air. The chances are, that they might turn blue. - [JJ] Sometimes. - Allegedly they turn blue. And I will be washing that down, with my very healthy Bolt From Blue... Drink. - [Josh] Purple, purple, purple, purple. Pink, pink, pink, pink. Nope, nope. - There's gotta be something. - [Josh] We will eat son, we will eat. Dates, nah they look... - That's the thing, I'm such a fussy eater. - You're probably watching this now. Thinking, cor I fucking hate Ethan. You go out and eat pickled garlic. Red cabbage. Blueberries that aren't blueberries. Cause Simon said that their purple. So, that's off the radar for rest of the day. But, I will not have it. Cause this... This... This is, look that is blue chicken. And I won't have it any other way. That's blue chicken, there. - [JJ] Well, let's see how the others are getting on. (JJ Laughing) - Well, I've just got some broccoli delivered to me. And also, my asparagus on a stick. Lovely jubbly. And if you look over here, he's had another stinker! What was this, it's not red. (laughs) - The sauce was so much more red on the picture. It was covered in this sauce. And the sauce is red. - That is not red. - This is... - I'm not gonna lie mate, you've had an absolute nightmare here. Absolute nightmare. - There's actually not much that's truly red, on that menu. You'd be surprised. Okay look, that's that's red. I know it's got green stuff on it. But- - You're clutching at straws here, mate. But yeah, take it, take it. You can have this, off my... - What is that, is that spicy... Tuna? Bro, that's onion. (Harry laughing) - [Josh] Prawns! - You can literally eat any of this. - [Josh] Right okay, so you are pink right? Peeled prawns. - [Josh] Tobi, can you... Can you be my hands? - Ham? - [Josh] Ham, yes. - Can I be your hands? - Hands, yes. - No. - [Josh] Hans Solo. See, this is why I need hands. You see, I haven't got hands. You're bare orange, man. - You want some ham? - Ham. Which ham do I want? This one. - Right guys, so as you can clearly see. I left all the green parts of my sushi, because I'm only allowed to eat blue things. - [JJ] Ah yeah, yeah. - And of course, like... So, every now and then. Not all of the sushi will turn blue. Cause this wasn't really exposed to as much air, as the other parts. - Isn't it exposed to air right now? - Yeah, yeah. But it's just... That bit is not absorbing the... The chemical reaction. - Okay, you're very full. - Mate, I'm stuffed. You on the other hand. - I'm very bored of tuna. I realised, actually, tuna's not that great. - And. - And? You need some liquid, as well mate. Because he's tr... He ordered two drinks, and they were both not red. - But I need, I need red clothes as well. I can't be racking green, like this. - All right, so this shop mate. Unlike Nike, can you not spend three hours trying to find something. - Okay, okay. - We're gonna walk in. You pick out something red. And we'll get going. - Okay, all right. - [Ethan] So, no I'm going to taste test this. I think it's a healthy something. And vitamins. Plus vitamins, it says. And apparently, it's going to give oomph. Like I need more oomph, look at me. Geez. - Oh god. Oomph. Oomph. Oomphing. - Well, drink it then. - I'm oomphing. Tasty! (laughs) (Josh laughing) - I've got Fruit Shoots. (laughs) And that's it. - [Josh] I got ham. - I don't even know if Fruit Shoots are purple inside. - Hey, I've got a new game. I bought it in Sainsbury's. It is mini shot pong. We'll be getting this party started. And by getting this party started, I mean filling mine with WKD. Alcoholic mix, blue. - [Harry] Gee! (laughs) - It's so weird seeing me outside of wearing all black, everything. - [Harry] Bro, that's... Mate, it suits you, you know. - You know what- - It actually suits you. - All right, so we're now off to... M and M world. - That's dessert. Is that dessert? - That's dessert, that's dessert. I think it looks cool. We'll see. Stand in the middle. Stand in the middle, there. - Here? - Cor, you wouldn't even tell the difference! (Vik laughing) Oh my days. There are more, more women. I'm a Christian man. (Vik laughing) What is this? - There is no purple food. I've come to the conclusion, there's no- - [Josh] There is. You don't like eating it. - What? - [Josh] Aubergine. - I'm gonna eat more aubergine. - [Josh] Beetroot. Here we go, Simon. Vacuum packed beetroot, ready to eat. - The fuck is that? - Hey, I challenge you. To a one versus one, shot pong... Are these gonna fit? (ball bouncing) Oo, close mate. (ball bouncing) - Bro, it's impossible. - You're dog shit. - [Harry] All right, Vik. We are scumbagging this, big time. We're going to M and M world. - Easy. So easy. - [Harry] Ah dear. All right, let's get it. (ball bouncing) - [Both] Yeah! - Let's go! - Let's go! - We like to drink with Ethan. Cause Ethan is our mate! And when we drink with Ethan, he drinks it down in eight! Se... All right, damn bro. Relax. - Easiest pickings. Well I just bought some slippers- - Oh my god. - To wear home. - [Vik] Are you, wait what, outside? - Yeah, what's wrong with that? - [Vik] Okay. - Oo. - How in is he going? - Teal, does teal count? - [Vik] No, teal does not count. That's blue. So, you've got three different colours. - I've smashed that. - [Vik] I can only get one. I can only get red, I'm pretty sure. - Okay, what if you get pasta. And you put jam all over it. Jam pasta. - [Tobi] Jam pasta sounds amazing, bro. - It's sweet and savoury, together. (Upbeat electronic music) - Bro. - Yes! One, one! Let's go! - What. - We like to to drink mango, with JJ. (Ethan laughing) Fantastic stuff. - [Harry] You got options here, mate. - No I don't, cause look. Red, I can do. - Yeah. - That says pink, and it's pink. - [Harry] Yeah, and that's the same colour as your drink, before. - Yes. - Maroon! - Maroon- - I'll give you maroon. (Sweets rattling) - [Harry] Diabetes, come on. - I'm just going for red. This is me. - [Harry] That's you, is it? - That's me. That's me, done. - Smashed it. Give me a smile. Yes. (ball bouncing) - [Both] Yes! - Yes! - Nice, well done. - Oh, man. - That came from here, to here. - [JJ] Woo! - [Josh] Yeah, yeah. That'll count, that'll count. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And you can have the orange ones! - Are there any strawberry? - Shut up! - [Tobi] Stop bro, shut up. - Get out of it. - Look at the state of those. - State of what? Bro, these are banging! And we got our green M and M's. - Red M and M's. Do you know, it's only as I ate some of these. I realised, I haven't had a drink all day. And I'm really thirsty. I'm not letting you get away without sweat pants, by the way. - Why? I've got this on, now. - You gotta be all green. - Bro, I look all... Look at me! - What do you mean? - Look at me. - Nah, you're not there yet. (ball bouncing) - Fuck. - Bro caught it with his chin. (laughs) (ball bouncing) (JJ Laughing) - Oi, I'm actually banging this. Oi. Mate. (ball bouncing) - Yes! Get in there! Blue's back in. - I am beginning to regret this, Vik. Because I can... The water is definitely seeping through. There's no question about that. Oh, Christ on a bike. - [Vik] Oh my goodness. - Feel the... Feel the bottom of... - [Vik] I can hear the water. - Look, ah for god sake. And what's even worse, now my socks are socking wet as well. - [Vik] All right, we've come here for drinks. Come on, get yours trotter in there. - All right, whoever gets in it just doesn't- - Just wins, yeah. (ball bouncing) - I so wanna win. Like, I really, really, really wanna win. (ball bouncing) This is it. (Ethan laughing) Yes! What was that, can't lose? More like, I am a loser! Am I right? Am I right? - [Josh] Wait, hang on. Your orange, what have you eaten? - I've got some oranges. I've got my sweets. I have my drink. I've been living really. - I've got a message for the youth, yeah. I've got a message for the kids. - [Josh] The yout, yeah? Go on. - Basically, I get ID'd every time I buy alcohol. This is the first time I haven't. So, if you're under age. Go out dressed like a weirdo. - [Josh] Are you sure it's not cause you're with me? - Yeah, you are old. - [Josh] I think you could be my dad, something. - You think I could be your dad? - [Josh] Yeah. - I did sleep with your mum. - Ah wow, I bet you're say waved after that right? Ah, wow! - Ah, man. - Hey man, good game. - That took way too long. - [Harry] So the drink has to be right, right? - [Vik] Yeah, I could get a whole carton of Rubicon pomegranate. But I'm not sure that's even nice. The Red Machine, sour cherry and blood orange. That's doesn't- Strawberry vanilla yoghourt drink, I'll give you that. - [Vik] No, it will pink. You know I'm gonna open it, and it'll be pink. - That's all you've got. - [Vik] Nah, more drinks. Oh, result. Absolute result. Ribena strawberry. - Is that red? - Yes. - [JJ] Oh my gosh. Geez. (Ethan laughing) - [Ethan] All right, gang? - [JJ] Eh, dripping. Dripping in sauce. Geez! - Dripping in sauce. Drip, dripping so saucy. - I haven't eaten. - [JJ] What, yeah. What did you eat? - There is nothing purple. - We haven't eaten anything. - [JJ] Oh, mad. - [Vik] It's like big foot. All right, you've ruined their floor. - So you're telling me, it's not green. - [Vik] I don't know! I honestly don't know. Open it up. - How can I tell? - [Vik] Look, open it and look in the top. - How can I tell? - [Vik] Pour it on the glass. - Oh my God, it's not green! - [Vik] It's yellow. - Is that green? - It's yellow. - The bottle's green. It's yellow. - So I can't drink it? - No. - Bullshit! - [Vik] And that's how it feels. - This is bullshit! - [Vik] This is how it feels to be close, but not quite there. - [Ethan] Fruit Shoots? - [JJ] Oh, I mean that's pretty sick. - Don't know if they're purple inside. (Ethan laughing) - I got mouthwash. - Boy's got Listerine. - [JJ] I mean, I don't know if you're gonna- - I got Lemsips. That's my Millions, which I don't even like. I got a Kopperberg. - [Ethan] That's good. - [JJ] I mean, that's decent. - That's my meal. - What colour is that? Is that purple? - No, that's more- - Um, wait. - [Ethan] It's a macaroon. - Look at the inside. The inside's- - That's definitely purple, innit. - [JJ And Ethan] That's purple. - [Ethan] That's definitely purple, yeah. - Your first bit of food. - [Ethan] Nice work, lads. - [Vik] You've given up. - I've had a complete mare, mate. My socks are soaking. It's a sad day, but I have to leave them. - [Vik] Put them in the bin. The bin- - No, no, no. Cause if anyone's watching this video now. And you're in central London. - [Vik] It'll, they'll be gone. - Nah, they won't be gone. - [Vik] No, you're putting them in the bin. - Come and get the M and M shoes. - [Vik] No, you're putting them in the bin. - There isn't even a bin there. - [Vik] The bin's over there. (laughs) This guy, man. - He doesn't like anything. The kid doesn't like anything. - [Ethan] Well I'm not surprised, he got purple. - He doesn't eat anything, though. - He don't eat anything purple. - [Ethan] Erm, I'm going to- - What purple is there? I don't aubergine, and I don't- - [JJ] Stop being a fussy eater! - [Ethan] How was the- (JJ screaming) - I bring gift. - Oh. - Obviously, we are the Sidemen. And we are strong. - Yeah, we are that. - Okay. - So, we are the gang. - All right. - We are the biggest gang you can meet. - [JJ] Interesting. - That's why- - Okay, well. - We have a piece of cake. - [JJ] Oh. - Which we can all eat. - For everyone. (Ethan and JJ Shouting) - So rumour has it, you wanna know what I've been sipping on. - [Tobi] What you been sipping on? - Sipping on that drank. All right, for when I want to feel healthy right? Innocent. - You could have got Viagra. - Oh my god, I could of as well. - [JJ] What, wait. Viagra's blue? - It's a blue pill, yeah. - It sounds like I know, and I've got issued. Listen- - Why do you know that? - Females... You will be able to get it up. And then... Drank. Drank. - [Josh] Actually peng. That was sick, back in the day. - Why you got Listerine? - That's the only thing I have. (laughs) - [Ethan] Blackcurrants, yeah. - [JJ] Oi, you can't drink... - [Ethan] At least you're gonna be fresh. (all groaning) At least you're gonna be fresh. - For god sake. - Very Fresh. - [Harry] Oh, they are... They are grim. This is what you're supposed to do. There you go, general litter. Harry, stupid things. - [JJ] Let me eat the cr... Nah, give me the crust fam! - Lick it out. - [All] Lick it out! Lick it out! Lick it out! - [JJ] Ugh. Eh, yeah, eh! Eh, lick it. Om-nom-nom. Om-nom-nom. - Okay, you ready? - What? - For your surprise. - Yep. - [Tobi] Do you wanna cover your eyes? Do you wanna cover your eyes? All right, you can look in three... Two... One... Take the hat off, take the hat off, take the hat off. (Ethan laughing) - Why has he got a do-rag on? (all laughing) I dunno about that man, I don't know. - Ah, mate. I can't live with you anymore, man. What's going on? - I don't like it. - I hit rock bottom, this weekend. - Holy shit. I don't like that, at all. - What do you mean? - You look like all those cringe Americans in school. - [Tobi] You gotta take it off. Show the waves, bro. - What do you mean, show the waves? I just put it on. - [Tobi] Show the waves, bro! Oh! - Jesus. - The waves are surfing. - Legit, I'm drowning in it. - Fuck. - Drowning in the waves. - [Tobi] What's going on? - Oh I need air. I can't breathe! Get out the waves! - [Simon] Bye, cunts. - Hope your team lose, later. And I know, I know you ain't eating. - [Simon] I know, I know! - What you eating? - I'm not eating anything! - Take a Fruit Shoot, for the road. - [Simon] Thing is, I actually am gonna take a Fruit Shoot for the road. All right, so I left those guys. Because, I have decided. It's too important to miss Arsenal v. Leeds. At the Emirates. So, I'm meeting Chris and Cal. Here with Talia, as well. - Hello. - And, erm, yeah. There's not purple food here. I'm still repping... I'm not gonna eat, you know. - No, you're really not. But I will, so. - Great. Can't wait to eat nothing. - Yeah! Red is in the building, open your eyes! - Can we open our eyes? - What is this? What are these half arsed efforts. Guys, come on. You got half way through your colour, and you gave up! I'm disappointed in you all. - Okay Harry, carry on uh... (all laughing) - You opening packs? - Yeah. - Vik, Vik, can you hear them? - All right, we came to the box. You're saying this is purple? - A hundred percent purple, I'm giving you that. Look, come here. Your hands over the bike. - Oh, my hands on... - Look, see? - Don't put my hands in the fucking food. - Bro, bro, it's the same. - Both unlucky, and lucky. - I had some Listerine, earlier. - Oi, contrasting colours and that. - Oi listen, dinner time. - Contrasting colours, and that. - Simon's left us. - Yes, he's gone to watch his team get patterned. - Yes. - Vik, this looks orange in here. I'm not gonna lie. - Shut up. No, I don't wanna hear about other colours today. - It doesn't look red. - It is so red. - All right, let's get our grub. - Woo! - Oh shit! - Oi, pink boy looking pink! - Eh. - Yo! - Oh, fuck off Siri. - Oh for fuck sake! (all laughing) - Do you know what that is? - That's karma for your fish pie. You're pizza. And you're pasta, last night mate. That's what that is. - Oh yeah. Oh yeah. - This has slightly become like a kids TV show. (all laughing) - Let's run round like this all the time. - What I wanna know, is what are you eating? - No, yours is sick. Yours is sick. I know what yours is. Look at. - [All] Oh! - And what a... (Ethan laughing) - Your sausages are blue, bro. - They're blue sausages? - You got blue sausages. - Blue sausage with some blue mash! You think mash? Yeah! - That's pretty cool. - Gee, oh my god. - I'll tap the chef. - I want that. - Shall we all take pictures? - Yes, chef Joe. Unreal. - All right, so. We gonna do a taste test. So, try the drink first. - I think it's pineapple and orange. - Ah, that's amazing. - What is it? - All right wait, I didn't even drink it properly. (all laughing) - [Josh] That's amazing... I didn't even drink it. - You still don't know what flavour it is. - I dunno what it is, but it's great. - Tropical? - It is kinda tropical. - Okay. - That's rice... That looks like decent curry. - Is that chicken? - Chicken curry. - Oh that, that's... - Mm very good, very good. - So I got a pink pizza. Like, actually pink. - That looks unreal, that. I think that looks really cool. - How was man? - How's that? - Just eat, bro. - It tastes like it's pink, innit. - And then, what's that? I reckon it's grapefruit. - I think it's grapefruit. - I think it's pig blood. - Pig, what? - Pig blood. (laughs) (all laughing) - I think it's pig blood. (Ethan laughing) - Pig blood. - I think it's pig blood. I meant pig, blud. - Pig blood. - Fuck sake. - It is de pig, de pig blood. (Tobi laughing) It is the pig blood. (Ethan laughing) - What we got? - This tastes grapefruity to be honest. Have I got grapefruit? Jewel melon lemonade! - My sausage and mash is gonna go cold. - All right, try it, try it, try it. - Okay, what's the drink? - Blueberry? Powerade? It's Powerade. Is it Powerade? - No, it's not Powerade. Oo. That is... Tropically. What's in my blue thing? - We're bad at this. We're very bad at this. - Whilst we find out, I'm gonna try my- No, it's not fizzy. I'm gonna try my mash. - That would be so weird, blue mash. - That looks so strange. - It looks like blue poo, sorry. - Just, fantastic mash. - Oh, wow. - Sausage! - (laughs) Sausage. - Sausage! - That's a banging sausage. This is unreal. My blue drink was Ocean Blue Lemonade. Geez, all right. - My sweet potato fries. - Or mango juice. Have you got sweetcorn in there? It's peng. - Yeah? - Look at everyone, is just- - Well I mean, except for... Mm. - Is it Rubicon? - He's pondering what's in there. - This tastes like a kids drink. I don't know what. Childhood memories were flooding back. - Caprisun? - Caprisun. - Not Caprisun. I don't think it is tropical Caprisun. - Oh yes, I forgot about Sunny D. - Juice Burst. - Oh Juice Burst! I used to have those at school lunch. - First looks. It's like a pasta, with veggies. Lovely. - Yeah? - And this, I don't even know what this is. Oo, it's really nice. - What is it? - It's like a... I can taste a bit of kiwi in there, for sure. - Drink, reveal yourself. - Is it an Edison? Oh no. - It's a Plant Kitchen. Avocado and pineapple. That is a weird combo. - Well it tastes a lot better than it sounds! - Red drink. - It's blood. - I thought it was black. - Is blood. - It's pig blood. (laughs) It's blood. - This is that stuff, but the red version. - Is that what you reckon? - Yeah and it's not... I don't actually... It tastes like- - You are not wrong, mate. You are not wrong. - Yeah, it's the Paradise Punch lemonade. - Enjoying that? (Simon laughing) Leeds! - So here, Simon. We have some purpleness. Which I'll put on the plate, for you. I'm actually gonna also, give you some of these. Cause they're, they're purple. - They're not, they're not- - Oh, come on. - This grape, totally different colour of purple. - Oh the grape, the grape! - So definitely, you're not a grape. That's definitely red. - That's red. Where's the grapes? I mean, I'll accept it. I'll sit here and eat these. - You said, that's red. - Nice, look at us. Having a nice little colourful, family meal. Ha ha, fuck you Simon. This is for all the times that you said fuck you. Then ha, fuck you Simon. I hope your team gets patterned, you fucking loser. Fuck you, Simon. - I got food. And it's good. - Is that pigs blood? - Pigs blood. (crowd cheering) - Well... - Oh shit, we got dessert coming as well. - Oh, real? - I forgot. - Really? - Oh my days! - Shit! Stop looking! - Oo, is that a cheesecake? - [All] Oo! (all laughing) - Nah, look he went... - Is that your seconds? - Wow, yours looks like pig blood. - Pig blood. (all laughing) - Pig blood. - You gonna be low, innit. - Yeah, I got that cheese! Blue mode, engaged. Cheese. You got that yummy, yummy, yummy. Yummy, yummy. - Oh my god, this is amazing. - This is incredible. - Ha ha. - [Simon] How was your meal, prick? - Ha ha. Ha ha. - [Simon] Well done, you beat Leeds one, nil. - Ha ha. - [Simon] You beat Leeds one, nil. Shut up. - Okay. Yeah, the meal was good. Your meal's still there, you know. - Is it? - Yeah. - [Simon] I had a couple of grapes. - Oh wow. - [Simon] Erm, a piece of roast beef that was purple. Yeah, don't question it much. Apart from that, I had some... I don't know, barely anything else. - Oh wow. - That's it. - [JJ] Well, I mean. You got to eat the loss as well. That was pretty tasty. (JJ Laughing) - I'm happy I came back. So happy I came back. What do I have to eat? Right, what have we got. What have... What? What is that? JJ... What the fuck is this? I thought you guys were doing, like, a meal. - [JJ] Yeah, we had a meal. Yeah, he cooked you up a meal fam. Yeah! - That's what you call- - That's your dessert. - That's my dessert, well what was the meal? - The meal, ah bro. - Is this it? - Yeah! - Oh geez, okay. What the fuck is that. - That is- - What the fuck is that. - I mean, I dunno. Try a bit. - How is it? - I'm all right. - What do you mean? Is it good? - What is that? - Why? - Yeah, I'm happy I went Arsenal now. - It's fish. - Is that actually fish? - It's fish. - It's grim, whatever that is. - Nah I'm kidding, I don't even know what it is fam. Imagine if they served you, like, fish soup. - What's this? - That's dessert. It's like cheesecake, but like purple. Wow. (Upbeat hip hop music)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 21,997,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday, one colour food challenge, sidemen one colour food, sidemen calorie challenge, eating challenges, calorie challenge, food colour challenge
Id: HpgLrCcbLLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 53sec (2993 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 19 2020
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