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- [JJ] Finally ladies and gentlemen, a brand new Tinder video, it feels like it's been so long. I hope you're all as excited as I am because this video is a straight banger. Now, before people start getting offended, this is all just for entertainment. Don't take life too seriously. Live a little! Also, everyone in the room, including the camera crew, were COVID tested. We all came out negative. So, you don't have to worry about that, too! Okay, now that we have that out of the way, let's get on with the video! Just kidding. Make sure you subscribe. Okay, now let's go. (mysterious music) - [Harry Pinero] Yeah, jiggle backs. - [Josh] Huh? - [Harry Pinero] The jiggle backs. - [Filly] What happened there? - Natalie Allison, from London, and I'm 25. - Hi. Hi, I'm JJ, 27. And... Is that a bit of discharge, or are you just happy to see me? (laughter) - [Josh] That was horrid bro. - Oh my god. We're going in. - [Chunkz] Yo, I can't watch this. - [Simon] Man said discharge! - What do you reckon? - [Harry Pinero] Is that how he started it? - [Josh] Ooh! - Yeah, fair, fair. Makes sense. - [Tobi] Are you okay? - Hello, I'm Harry, I'm 23. Are you this video idea? 'Cause I want to beat you like a dead horse. (laughter) - Is it bad that I quite like it? (cheering) - Hi, I'm Josh, I'm 28. I'd let you sit on my face, more than this face mask. (disagreeing noises) - What, so he wants the back? (laughing) - [Harry Pinero] Unlucks... unlucky! - Too soon, too soon. Too soon. Gotta warm up first. - Hi, I'm Tobi, I'm 27, and I make my own clothes, wear my own garms. So, I never get caught wearing the same outfit as anyone else. - Oh. - [Filly] That's two big YouTubers, that's embarrassing. (laughter) - I need more, it's not enough. - You need more? (shouting in surprise) - [Chunkz] Gyal says she needs more! - Free clothes for life! And tickets to London Fashion Week. (shouting in surprise) (laughter) - You tried to throw us under the bus! That's what you get. - Hi, my name is Chunkz. I'm 24, and I got more votes than JJ to win a MOBO. - [Filly] Embarrassing, I'll be honest. - [JJ] Wait, what? - [Harry Pinero] He basically said... He's got more clout than you. - Go on. (shouting in surprise) - [JJ] Ay, yo. Ay, you know who I am, though! - [Chunkz] Sorry about that JJ. - Hi, I'm Simon. I'm 28. And are you a toaster? Because I'd love to take a bath with you. - [Tobi] What the fu-? - Are you okay? (JJ laughing) - [Yung Filly] That bar was so sick, it went over my head. - [Harry Pinero] I get it. Unlucky. (Josh laughing) - [Simon] And she still said no?! - [Natalie] All right, let's go. - Hi, my name's Harry, and I'm 29. Just wanna ask you a question. If I spit, would you swallow? - What'd you reckon? - You direct me, and I'll know. (wink noise effect) - [Filly] Yeah, well, my line ain't gonna work. (laughter) - [Harry Pinero] Welcome, welcome to the dark side. - [JJ] Yeah, bro. - My name's Vik. I'm 25. And even in a global pandemic, your smile is the most contagious thing. (everyone booing) (everyone shouting in surprise) - [Filly] I'll be honest, that was sweet. - I don't think you can do better. - Once again, sorry? - I don't think you can do better. - You don't think I can do better? Oh. My name's Ethan, I'm 25. Do you like sharks? 'Cause I've got a megalo-dong. (laughter) - [Harry Pinero] Megalodong? (everyone laughing) - [Tobi] Word play! - Have another one. - Have another one? - Yeah, I'm not feeling it. - You know what? Let me just move. 'Cause that was sick. That was sick. Do you know what? I deserve better! I'm a king. I'm a king. I'm a king, I deserve better, bro. She didn't get the bar. - Hi, my name's Filly. I'm 25. Bears or jimmies, I don't mind. - You're so cute. (laughter) - [Chunkz] Man said bears or jimmies. - Oh, go on, then. - [JJ] How does that work?! What's going on? - [Harry Pinero] Bears or jimmies?! - Did you hear what he said? - Maybe say it again. - No, see, look! That just goes to show. It don't matter what I say. The presence alone... the presence alone! (clapping) - Is it bad that I can't even remember what you guys said? - [Simon] You didn't even hear what he said! (laughter) - [JJ] Ay, yo. - [Ethan] Ay, ay, ay. - I didn't get the shark joke. - [Tobi] Ah, okay. - [Harry Pinero] Mega.. like. Length and strength! - Yeah, I'm more of a "keep it average". - [Ethan] The average man! - I don't blame you. I don't blame you now. - Ay, yo, discharge. It's natural. - [Tobi] Bro, bro. - [Natalie] Yeah, we're not gonna acknowledge that. - [Harry Pinero] What about spit or swallow? - Spit or swallow? Just too soon. Just too soon. - I've seen the future! - It's too soon. - Visionary. - Too soon. - I just hate myself. - What did you say? I can't remember. - Don't worry about it. - I remember yours. Yours was clothes. - Yeah, you don't like clothes? - I do, but... - [Tobi] You do? - [Harry Pinero] I just clocked she tried to finish us. Goldie! - Hello, I'm Natasha, I'm 29, from London. - Hello. I'm Ethan, I'm 25. Last year, I ran a marathon. This year, can I run through you? (clapping) - Yeah, I'll have to say no. (shouting) - I'm JJ, 27. And do you want to see something cute? - Yes. Show me. - [Harry Pinero] Cop out! - You're too cute, it's gonna have to be a yes. - No, the mirror is cute. - Oh. - You're not cute. - Well, I can see my reflection, that's why. - [Harry Pinero] What's going on? - [Josh] You still got a yes?! - [JJ] Yeah. - Hi, my name's Chunkz, I'm 24. And I scored the winning penalty at soccer aid. - Oh, well done. Yes. - [Tobi] I remember that differently. - [JJ] Ay, no, you didn't. - [Ethan] Cap, cap! - [JJ] You missed it! - [Tobi] Ay, run the clip! - This ain't even mine, it's Darren Fletcher's! (laughter) - My name's Vik, I'm 25. And I think honesty is the best policy. Not, you know, mentioning any penalties or anything... But I actually scored a penalty, so.. Make of that what you will. - Yeah, it's gonna have to be a no. (shouting) - [Tobi] He scored but he missed! He scored but he missed! - Hi, my name's Filly, I'm 25, and my wood bends left. - [Josh] What did he say? - Okay. - [Harry Pinero] "My wood bends left". Anything else? - No, it's just... - Okay, it's going to have to be a no. (laughter) - [Harry Pinero] My wood bends left?! - [Filly] Weird one, weird one. - [Harry Pinero] Unflipping real. - [Filly] She must know it won't hit properly, that's why. - Hi, I'm Toby, I'm 27. And you remind me of man United, because I want you on top of the table. - Come on! (shouting) - I mean, you did say something nice. So I'm going to say yes. - [Tobi] Ay, champions! Come on! - Hello, I'm Harry, I'm 23. And there will only be seven planets left, when I've destroyed your anus. (JJ laughing) - I mean... I'll have to say no, sorry. - [JJ] Jesus! - [Vik] I respect the effort. - Unlucky brother. - Hi, I'm HP, like the sauce. I'm 39. Wanna clart? (shouting) - No. - Do you know what it is, Harry? It's your corners. It's the corners. - [Filly] Yeah, look, you fucked him now. He don't know what to say. - My name's Harry Pinero. 079... - I don't have a phone to write it down, sorry. - [Josh] Unlucky. - Wow. So where do we go from there? - Well then, I'm not going to memorise your number, so... - So is it a yes or no for me? - Well, yes. You can give me you number later. - [Chunkz] How did you win that? - That's what I'm saying! Listen, it's not all about what you say. It's how you look! (laughter) - Ay, Simon, come here. - Ay? - Yeah, you might as well come here. - Oh, I've noticed! (laughing) - Oh, shit! - What, am I not black?! (laughing) - I'm black. Your ting bends right. This is left wood! This is leftie here. - Shall I just...? - No, go on, go on. - I'm Simon, I'm 28, and are you a piñata? 'Cause I need a blindfold before I hit that. (shouting) - [Vik] Okay, now you can come here. - That's bad. - Black is power! (laughter) - Ay, Filly, what happened, man? - [Harry Pinero] All right, I'm not going to lie... Unreal! - I'm not gonna remember all of you, 'cause you're a bit all like... bleugh. - Forgettable! - No way, she called you "eugh"! - I was being you. - I just didn't get your humour, so that's why. - Yeah, I was doing an impression. - Yeah, I love these guys. - The blacker the berry the sweeter the ooh! - Hello, I'm Ally, I'm 23 and I'm from London. - Hi, I'm Simon. I'm 28, and you're nothing like KSI's boxing career, because you're a knockout. - [Harry Pinero] Jheez! - I don't know who KSI... KSI? (shouting) - It's okay, it's okay, it's okay. - She's in our demographic! - It's okay. I don't mind it. It's okay. It's all right. - What was your name? - Simon. - Hi Simon. So can you tell me about yourself? Let's have a chat! - [Chunkz] You've got a gyal, chill out. - I don't know if that's part of the thing. - [Chunkz] I swear you've got a gyal. - [Harry Pinero] Run! - [Josh] Run! (laughter) - [Ally] What happened? Excuse me? - It's okay, it's okay. My name's Harry, I'm 29. - [Ally] Yeah. - Sorry you had to go through that. - [Ally] Okay. - I filled up my car this morning, I've still got space for more. - You filled up your car, still got space... - I filled up my car this morning. And I've still got space for more. - I don't actually understand the joke. - [Tobi] Are you talking about the width? - Don't you get it? I filled up my car this morning... - [Filly] I'll be honest, brother. Brother. Next one! - [Simon] HP with the sauce! - [Chunkz] HP with the sauce. - Hello, I'm Harry, I'm 23. When I first saw you, I said Mash'Allah, and ever since, I've been saying Insh'Allah. (laughter and clapping) - Elite! Elite! Elite, elite! - Right, can I just start by saying, can you not walk away from the conversation? Because I've had two people walk away from me, but I'm not done with the conversation. I just think it's very rude. - Wait, wait. You wanted me? - Well, I didn't get a chance to get to know you guys. Just walked away from me. - See what you lot done? Peer pressure! - Secondly, I'm not getting anyone's jokes. What was it? What'd you say? Am I being thick? - It's... Don't worry, don't worry, don't worry. - I think you're very sweet, yeah, you're lovely. - [Harry] Thank you. - [Harry Pinero] How?! - Right, sorry, can I have you guys back, 'cause I actually didn't get... - [Harry Pinero] Let's go together. - Okay, yeah. - So what did you get about my joke? - You said something about a car, then you were doing this, like, movement? - I was trying to gesture what I was trying to fill up. - Why was it like down here? - Come on, use your brain, darling. - Was it a penis joke? - Yes, it was, but I was using terminology, you didn't get it. - I didn't get it. Okay, right. - [Simon] What about mine? - What was your joke? The KSI thing? And then I asked you to tell me about yourself. - Well, it's a Tinder profile. So I can't talk more. - Okay. - Like, swipe. - Yeah, but the thing is, with Tinder, I would look at, like, their jobs... - Yeah, I'm not interested. (shouting) - [Harry Pinero] Couldn't care less. Talk too much. - You know what? If I had a chewing gum, I'd give it to her, 'cause her breath smelly as well. If I had a chewing gum, 'cause what I was smelling over there wasn't elite. (laughter) - [Simon] What's he doing? What's he doing? - [Ethan] Ay, ay, ay... - Harry! - [Harry Pinero] What'd you mean? - Leave him. He's sour because he's out. - Ay, Filly, brush your sides. (laughter) - [Ethan] Don't touch it, don't touch it. - [JJ] Ignore him, he's a troll. - Cover the sides, it's flipped up. - No, you're good. - Okay. - Hi, my name is Vik, I'm 25. And are you a tree? Because when I see you, all I think is... leave. - [Tobi] Huh? - [Ethan] Ay, you lot! - You, my friend, are unreal. - If I had someone like you, I'd make you my everything, my absolute world. - Ay, you're falling in love, stop! (shouting) - You deserve the best! - Come here, come here. Yeah. Come on. - Is that a yes? - [Ally] Yeah, go on. (celebrating) - I'll be honest, you deserve the best. - Thank you, so do you, that was so nice. - [Filly] Thank you baby. (laughter) - Hi, I'm Josh. I'm 28. I recently recovered from COVID. Can I inject you with my vaccine? - [Tobi] Oh, whoa. - Yeah, you know what, I actually really want a vaccine. So yes. Pro-vaccine! - This man is fucking hot singles in your area. Sign up now. (laughter) - I see the desperation, so yes! - [Harry Pinero] Yeah, she's not well, she's not well. Something's wrong. - Hello. - Hi. I'm KSI. Hi. I'm KSI. - Oh. I know you! - Oh, you do? - Yeah! Boxing. - [Simon] You didn't about four minutes ago. - Boxing. - Yeah, go on. Yeah. - [Filly] 'Cause she knows him? What, the name holds that much weight?! - Hang on a second, four minutes ago, she said "Who's KSI?" - Ay, she knows now. I'm sure she heard all my tunes. All of them! - Hi. I'm Chunkz. I'm 24, and you're... - [Ally] Ally. - Gorgeous. - Oh, sorry, I just interrupted. - Are you French by the way? Because "Ei-fell" for you. - [Harry Pinero] Wait, it's Eiffel Tower, though. - "Eifell", "Eifell Tower", get that one? - [Ally] Oh, yeah. - Yeah, yeah! So, over there, yeah? - Okay! (clapping) - Three out of three, baby! - I got three out of three, you know what I mean? - Hi, I'm Tobi. I'm 27. Most couples love finishing each other's sentences. I just want to finish in you. - Good one! - Tobi, Tobi! - It's a bit grim, I'm not going to lie. A little bit grim. - What about making a baby is grim? Listen, if you're not involved like that, then I'm not interested. - Can I have you back? - [Harry Pinero] Ay, Simon, she wants you! - [Chunkz] Tell her you've got a gyal! - [Ally] When you.. when you.. - I'm just very nervous, okay? I'm just very nervous. - Did you walk away with him, 'cause it was like, peer pressure? - No, 'cause we're an item. - 'Cause you what? - We're a couple. - Oh... So why are you on Tinder? What's this about? - [Harry Pinero] (mockingly) Tinder! - He has a girlfriend. He has a girlfriend. (shouting) He has a girlfriend. - [Tobi] Ay, 6ix9ine! - Do you have a girlfriend? - I don't, no... I do! I do! I do! I do! (shouting) - [Ethan] He didn't even wanna lie at the camera! - I'm not taking that! I realised quick. - I felt... Sorry, what's your name? - Me? Tobi. - I didn't like the statement. I thought that was very presumptuous. So, that was a no. You were a little bit rude! Just walked away from me, couldn't handle me chatting. - Sorry, someone's talking here. Who was rude? Start again, we didn't hear. Sorry, start again. Who was rude? - Sorry, what's your name? - Harry. - Harry. He can't handle an intelligent lady. (shouting) He didn't like me talking. - You let me know when she comes in there. (shouting) You let me know! (clapping) - [Filly] Wow. This is health and wealth. - [JJ] Man's in love again. - This is vitamins and callaloo. - Hi, my name is Amore. I'm 21, and I'm from East London. - Hi, my name's Filly. I'm 25. Why don't you sit on my lap, and we talk about the first thing that pops up. (laughing) - [Josh] Old school. - [Chunkz] Re-used, re-used. - Yeah, I'm going to go yeah. (clapping) - [Filly] I'm just direct and honest. - [Harry Pinero] Google! Google! - [Tobi] Eco-friendly, recycling the lines. - Hi, I'm Josh. I'm 28. I'm here to chew bubblegum and scran ass. And I'm out of gum. - (laughing) No. - [Tobi] Ouch. - [Ethan] Ah. - Hello, I'm Harry, I'm 23. Your breasts look heavy, do you need me to hold them for you? Sorry. Sorry. (laughing) - Come here bro. - [Simon] You didn't believe that. Started laughing halfway through! - Hi, I'm JJ, 27. Hi, I'm JJ, 27. And there's something gorgeous about your eyes. Oh, that's it. My reflection. Yeah. - [Ethan] I didn't like that. - [Harry Pinero] You're a legend! - [Josh] Turn around. - [Ethan] That was grim. (laughing) - My name's Vik, I'm 25. And is your name trigonometry? Because I have no interest in doing you. - [Tobi] No! - [Chunkz] Why are you cockblocking yourself? - [JJ] What the fuck? - [Ethan] Ay. - He didn't even try! - I'm sorry about that. I'm Tobi, I'm 27. I have to ask. Orange juice or apple juice? - Orange juice. - Yeah, allow it. (shouting) - Hi, I'm Ethan, I'm 25. Do you want kids? - Yeah, eventually. - Shotgun first. - Yeah, sure. (clapping and laughing) - Hi, my name's Harry Pinero. I'm 29. I wish I gave you hot chocolate. 'Cause you are what you drink. (gasping) - [Josh] I didn't like that look, bro. (laughing) - I don't think she liked that one. - I'll still give him a try. - [Harry Pinero] You don't think she liked what? I'm over here, while you're all over there. Sidemen! - Are you lost? 'Cause heaven's a long way from here. - Go on. (clapping) - Tobi... just 'cause I like orange juice. - [Tobi] Apple juice gang for life! - And not apple juice, so no thanks. You made an inappropriate comment about my chest. - Yeah, sorry about that. - So, I was like, no thanks. You just made up your own ass comment, so I was like, no. - I will be up ass, if that's what you want. - Not mine, sorry. It is what it is. - I don't even really remember your line. - I said that I was here to chew bubble gum and eat ass. - Oh yeah, and scran ass. That was a no. You didn't even try. What? - I'm still trying to recover from the last one. - [Amore] What happened? - I said I didn't have a girlfriend for a second, so... - Yeah. Okay. And then, you also just weren't interested, so I was like, well, I guess I'll reject him. - That's his attitude today. - Awful attitude, so I was like, it is what it is. - [JJ] Violence. - [Josh] Thank you. - [Harry Pinero] Hello, hello, hello, hello. - Hello. - [Harry Pinero] Okay. She's sophisticated. - Trying, trying. Hi, I'm Perdie. I'm from North London and I'm 28. - Hello, I'm Harry, I'm 23. Are you sure you're a muggle? 'Cause that ass is magical. (laughing) - That's the first someone's ever complimented my ass, so yes. (clapping) - Hi, I'm Tobi, I'm 27 and fun fact about me. I have 70 hobbies: 69 and fishing. - What's the last bit again? - [Harry Pinero] She's not having that. - 69 and fishing. - And? - Fishing. - You know when you have to repeat your jokes? - No, I'm so confused. - She doesn't get fishing. - I'm Ethan, I'm 25 and I'm no dentist, but I can give you a filling. - Oh. - Good one, what a solid one! (dissapointed sighs) - I'm sorry. I've got quite a few fillings, to be fair. - She didn't even know what fishing is, bro. - My name is Vik, I'm 25. And are you the sun? Because I'd prefer it if you stayed 93 million miles away from me. - No. - [JJ] Are you okay? Are you all right? - He walks off like it's The Weakest Link. - [JJ] Who hurt you? - [Filly] I quite like it that doesn't try it. - [Ethan] No, but he's not "not trying", he just insults them. - Guys, if you don't mind. Sorry. Hi, my name's Harry Pinero. I'm 29. I like apple pie, but I'd love to see you cream pie. - [Ethan] Oi, oi. - [Simon] Harry, that's disgusting. - [Filly] Harry, that's nasty. - You're so serious, no. - Dayum. (laughing) - I just got looked up and down! - Hi. My name is Chunkz. I'm 24 and I like to sing. ♪ Fly me to the moon ♪ - [Harry Pinero] Oh, he's singing. - [Chunkz] ♪ Let me play amongst the stars ♪ ♪ Let me see what spring is like on ♪ ♪ A-Jupiter and Mars ♪ - Off you go. That is so beautiful. (laughing and clapping) - Ay, you know what, I'm gonna start losing on purpose. - I'm JJ, 27, and obviously Chunkz can sing, but I can rap. - Let's go. - [Josh] Go on, then. ♪ Gotta lotta time for the one that I'm watchin' ♪ ♪ Amazon Prime if you wanna get something ♪ ♪ No valentine but my heart beat pumpin' ♪ - [Filly] Oh, you lot are violating. - [Ethan] I don't like... - ♪ Now the room poppin' ♪ ♪ Got plenty views if you hang around me ♪ - [Ethan] You lot are violating! - [Filly] I'm supporting, I'm supporting! They were laughing at you, I'm supporting. - [Josh] That looks sarcastic, though. - Okay, let me try again. - [Ethan] You're violating him! - All right, let me try again, let me try again. I'm JJ, 27, and you have the perfect face. - For? - For radio, but... (shouting) - So rude! If you'd stuck with the rapping, you might've made it the other side. - Yeah, shit. (laughing) - Hi, I'm Simon. I'm 28. And do you want 12 inches of dick tonight? 'Cause we could have sex four times. (laughing and clapping) - [Chunkz] That was a good one! - [Harry Pinero] There you go, Simon. - Hi, I'm Josh. I'm 28. If the guy behind me gets the maths question right, can I- can you say yes? English? (shouting) - [JJ] You fucked it! - [Filly] You lot are trying to kill me! Filly? Maths? Everyone knows me and maths... problem. But I ain't gotta do the maths one now. All right, keep it down, please. (speaking Spanish) - Oh, he's done that one. - [Chunkz] He's rinsed that one. - ¿Qué? (speaking Spanish) - No. - ¿Qué pasa? - No speaking the English very well, muy grande, nueve inches. (laughing) - [JJ] Muy grande, nueve? - Nine. - Okay, cool. And it bends left. (laughing) - Oh. Yours is rude. - Fair. I fucked up. - [Perdie] Yep. - His rapping was dry. - [Tobi] You don't know what fishing is. (laughing) - Ay, you wanna fight? I'll see you in the ring. Let's go, nah, nah, nah. Go on bro! - I can't remember what you said... fillings! Yeah. I don't need any more. - [Ethan] That was good! It was good. - And actually, really scared of going to the dentist, so... - I can make that a better experience! (laughing) My fillings are different. - [Filly] I can't lie, he is smooth. - [JJ] Smooth! - I ain't got another line. I'm just saying, I can make it a better experience for you. - Like veneers. - I can be... - [Simon] Just say yes! Bro, just say yes! Just say yes! - Yes, yes. Veeners. Yeah. - Okay, let's go! (cheering) - That's all you gotta do. - Mine was nice. - At the beginning, I think you were being nice. - I tried to show you a different language, a different culture. - Yeah, different shapes and sizes. - [Filly] Yeah! (laughing) Good for ya. - Darling, I'll tell you one thing. You're missing out on a nine inch, bending left. - Beckham?! (laughing and clapping) That was hard. - What did you think of Harry? - You were just so serious. And you gave me the look up and down, like I'd said something awful. - I was looking at your brilliant swag to be honest. You came here looking very fantastic, and I just wanted to leave something in... you. - Look at her, she loved it. She went "huh"! - She does. - Stop it! - And what'd you think of KSI, his rapping? - Yeah. - If you'd rapped and just stuck with the rapping, we might have been somewhere. - [Ethan] We told him that for years! (laughing) - [Filly] Who laughed? When you said rapping, someone laughed. - Top 10, what was that? Top 10! Continuously. - Ay, round of applause for KSI. (clapping) It's not easy. - Come on. - That's quite an even spread right here. Four, five. - Can I ask you a quick question? Out of all of us, which one would you really take home, if you had to? - For a dirty sesh. - Dirty one. - Just answer it quick, you're thinking too much. - No, but purely because my niece apparently really likes you, Harry. - Oh, oh, okay. - But she's like, your biggest fan from New Zealand... so. - Wait, so you would fuck him because...? (laughing) What's going on? What's going on? What's going on? - Do you know how funny he is? - Is she filming, like? Yo. - [Tobi] Whoa, whoa, whoa, chill. - [Ethan] Thanks very much! Thank you! - Personally, I'd go with the serenading, 'cause I thought that was very romantic. - [Simon] Jheez! Go on, then. - [Josh] Chunkz winning! - [Simon] Not a top ten, but we'll take it. - [Chunkz] Not a top ten, but we'll take it, thank you very much. Show me hate, come on. - [Filly] Would you clart tomorrow? - [Chunkz] Yeah, yeah, tomorrow. - [Josh] What about today? - No, today I'm busy. Who's that then? - [Harry Pinero] There she is! There she is, welcome! - [Filly] Wakey wakey! - Hi, my name's Amy, I'm 27, from Surrey. - Hi, I'm JJ, 27, and yeah, - Hi, I'm JJ, 27, and yeah, I guess you are proof that God can make mistakes. Want me to fix it? - No. - [Josh] You wanna fix it? - [Filly] He couldn't say that! - [Chunkz] Wallahi he said that. Wallahi. - Hi, I'm Josh, I'm 28. Do you drink soda? Because you look soda-licious. - As cheesy as that was, yeah. - [Josh] Come on! (laughing) - I'm Vik, I'm 25. And girl, you're a 10! On the pH scale, 'cause you look kind of basic. (shouting) - [Josh] That's unreal. - What's happening? I don't get Vik. - Ay, Vik is on smoke tonight. (tense music) Vik is on smoke tonight. - I wanted a boyfriend anyway, not a son. Go on. (shouting) - You can't stay here bro, you've gotta leave. You can't stay here. You gotta leave. - [Simon] That was sick. - Hi, my name is Chunkz. I'm 24. Can you read this? - Essentials. - That's what you are to me. - Aw. - Ooh, thank you so much. Great. It's just a great day for me, I'll be honest. - [Ethan] Ay, well done, man. - [Filly] She won't even lipse you though, 100. - [Chunkz] Why? Just don't wanna bang him on his mouth. - Hi, I'm Simon. I'm 28. And are you from the Philippines? Cause I'd love to fill you with my peen. - Dirty. - Hi, I'm Toby, I'm 27. Do you know what would look good on you? Me. - Gotta disagree. - Hello, I'm Harry, I'm 23. And just like my slippers in the Masjid, you stole my heart, and I'll never get it back. - What? - I don't know what that means, really, but I'll let you go where you want. (protesting shouts) - [Chunkz] That was a legendary one! - Hi, I'm Ethan. I'm 25. You look like you're suffering from a lack of vitamin me. - No, I'm good. I take supplements. - [Simon] That made me a bit... - That was worse than my one. - [Ethan] Do you know what, we've gotten to that point now. We're past the halfway point. - She don't like you Harry, I'm telling you. - You what? - She don't like you. (laughing) I can tell by the way she looks at you, she don't like you. - Do you like me? - Yeah. - Do you just want to speed this up, and just direct me to... - Yeah, go on, then. (clapping and laughing) - I appreciate you so much! (clapping) - She felt sorry for you, that's why you're there. - [Harry Pinero] Nah. It's based on looks. - Cringe. Cringe. You're throwing your mate under the bus, so, nah. And the other two, I can't really remember what was said. - Oh my god. She came in with the shotgun! - [Josh] I rate that. - What did you man say? Why were you cringe? - Yours was a fucking soda line! - Yeah. - And it worked! (laughing) - I'm over here, bro. Can't talk to me. Can't hear you. - Oh, she likes tall guys. - She likes tall guys, except Simon. What did you say? - I hit her with my peen. - And that's weird, 'cause you only like black girls as well Chunkz, so that's mad weird. (laughing) Next one, next one, next one. - Hold on, ay. Chatting shit! I love all kind of gyal! Ay, ay. I love all kind of gyal, he's chatting shit. Does that look good? That's a sour move. That's sour. - [Filly] Sorry about that. - I like white gyal as well. - [Filly] Yeah. - [Harry Pinero] Hello, hello, hello. - Hi, I'm Ellie. I'm 23 and I'm from Hertfordshire. - Hi, I'm Chunkz, I'm 24. How many siblings do you have? - Two. - Yeah, I just can't wait to meet my in-laws. When can I meet them? When can I meet them, do you reckon? - Yeah, tonight, they're actually around tonight. - [Chunkz] Yeah? I can meet them? - Yeah, yeah, go on then. - [Harry Pinero] He keeps showing! Is this a record or something? - [Filly] What does he say? - [Harry Pinero] This is a record! - [Ethan] He always wins, 100%, in Tinder videos. - [Chunkz] I'm not gonna try for 100%, I'm gonna relax after, don't worry. Thank you very much, I'll meet them after, yeah? - Yeah, yeah. - [Chunkz] Beautiful, lovely. - Hi, I'm Tobi. I'm 27. Just wondering if you can swim? - Yeah. - Okay, I need someone to teach me how to swim. I'm trying to learn the breaststroke. - [Chunkz] Breaststroke! - [Ellie] How tall are you? - Not tall enough clearly, so I'll just go this way. - Ay, you two go. You two go. (JJ laughing) - I didn't say anything! I might like short people. - Okay, I'm going that way! - You didn't wait for me to answer! I might like dwarves, you never know. (shouting) - Yeah, yeah! Take those heels off and start talking. Take those heels off! - [Tobi] This was your fault! I don't want to do these videos, bro, I told you. - That's three inches of confidence, lads. I'm seeing three inches of confidence. (laughing) - I like gingers though, so it's all right. So you can get back. - Ay, do you know what, I deserve better than being referred to as a dwarf, so hold that. - [Tobi] Amen, amen! (laughing) - Yeah, yeah, she said yeah. All right, sorry. That was my dying mum. She hates it when I lie. - You can't say that. - I'm Simon, 28. How are you? - I'm good. Go on then. - He said that was his dying mum on the phone. - [Filly] What'd you say? - [Josh] And then she said yes. - What's happening there? Oh, hello. Hi, I'm Harry. I'm 23. You look fabulous... for your age! (laughing) - Make her hold it, bro! - You're really sweet, but you look like my ex-boyfriend. - [Chunkz] No-one looks like Wroetoshaw, don't lie. - Hi, I'm Josh. I'm 28. Are you a sea lion? I can see you... I can see you "lying" on my bed tonight. (laughing) - You saved it, go on, then. - [Josh] That was close! - Hi, my name is Harry Pinero, I'm 29. You look like your pussy farts. - [Ethan] Ay! - No! (laughing) - It's a good thing, though! - Hi, I'm Filly, I'm 25 and very different to Harry. I really want to get to know you, and... - [Chunkz] He don't like white gyal! - You said it, on the way here. - I swear he said he like black gyal. - Yeah, yeah. You said you like girls with big juicy backs. That's what you said. No disrespect to you, darling. - [Chunkz] I can't wait for you. - I don't like to see my friend lie. - [Chunkz] Yeah, that's not right. (laughing) - [Filly] Man said I told you on the way here? You lot are liars. Nah, you lot are liars. You lot are liars. Love white women, by the way. (laughing) - I'm JJ, 27. And could you just turn to your side real quick? Nah. - [Ethan] Ay, you're a dickhead. You're a dickhead. - [Tobi] I'm going home. - See, even though we had debacle, I'd never do that to you. - Come back then. - [Ethan] I'd never do that to you. - Hello, my name's Ethan, I'm 25. And like I said, I'd never do you like that. - Go on, then. - [Tobi] She deserved that, she called me a dwarf. (laughing) - [JJ] Ay, yo, I got you Tobi. - [Ethan] The game's the game! - I'm sorry, do you want another try? - No, I don't! I deserve better! You know the cat meme, when she... - To be fair, some of them, I didn't actually say no to. I didn't say no to you, didn't I? I mean, some of the jokes, some of them just aren't funny, are they? - Like whose in particular? - Just be direct, come on. - Yours. - Mine was an observation! Mine wasn't a joke, it was an observation. - To be fair, the rest of you... I was a bit harsh on you, 'cause it's not your fault you look like my ex, so you can go over there. (clapping) - [JJ] So you still like your ex? - We're the same age, it's fine. - Oh, okay, fair. - Big man, she called me a dwarf, and you're doing this? (laughing) - Ay, yo. Thank you! - [Harry Pinero] Hello, hello. - Hello, hello. - [Filly] Rah, this is health and wealth. - [Harry Pinero] This is health and wealth. - [Chunkz] Wow, I'm actually taking you serious. - [Filly] This is... this is... yeah. - Hi, I'm Chloe Kibble, I'm 25, and I'm from London. No, I'm not! I'm 24! My birthday's in May, so, sixth. - Okay. You look shy. Your breath stinks. - Are you talking to me?! - No, I'm gonna tell you something about yourself, now. My name's Harry Pinero. I'm 29. And I'm here to do my bit for the community. So, I'm here to give you some chewing gum. - Oh. Get out of here. - [Filly] You saying her mouth stinks? - You're unruly today. This is not right, bro. - Do you know what it is? I'm here to do my bit for the community. - [Filly] Yeah, no, you're rude, man. - How dare she talk to my friends like that, with that smell mouth? - [Ethan] Ay! - [Filly] His face is hilarious, innit? Look at his face! - Hi, I'm Josh. I'm 28. My girlfriend said to pick the prettiest girl from today, and ask her for a threesome. So I'll wait for the next girl. (shouting) - I didn't even say no! I'm done! - [Chunkz] She's crazy, I like her. - I'll be honest. You seem like a lovely girl, man. I'd love to get to know you. My name is Filly. (laughing) I'll be honest, you're not in the best position now. Someone was rude to you, the last two people. I just reckon that out of love, let me go through and me and you can talk about... I'll be honest. Look at me. Am I attractive? (shouting) - [Simon] Oh, the pause! The pause! - I can't lie, she done you dirty, my boy. - [Josh] You deserve better! - [Chloe] I didn't say anything, sometimes silence is good! - I'm Ethan, I'm 25. Your legs are like an Oreo. I want to split them apart, and eat the good bit in the middle. - You can't even reach my ankles. (tense music) - [Simon] Oof! - [Harry Pinero] Come here. Just join. It's an elites numbers club over here. - [Tobi] It's quite easy to get in. - I'm JJ, 27 and how tall are you? - 5"10. - 5"10? What the fuck! (everyone laughing) I'm never going to survive. - Also, I'm KSI. (shouting) - [Filly] She knows the p's, she knows the p's. - [Harry Pinero] She knows he's a millionaire. - [Ethan] She smelled bread, she smelled bread. - She'd be dumb not to pick him. I'd fucking pick him! (everyone laughing) - Hello, I'm Harry, I'm 24. Are you a Pokémon? Because I'd love to Pikachu naked. (laughing) - [Filly] He's the best! Harry's the best. Yeah, he is the best. - My name's Vik, I'm 25, and you kind of remind me of Newton's laws. Not perfect, but good enough. - [Ethan] Ay! Ay! - I offered to make sure your mouth smells good. - No, you were insinuating my mouth smelled bad! (tense music) - I'm Chunkz... guys, please just be respectful. - Stop wearing what I'm wearing! - You copied me! Hi, my name is Chunkz, I'm 24. And if you swipe right, I'll swipe my card at Selfridges, wallahi. - Oh, what about Nando's? - Girl, I got black card! - [Ethan] Oh, he's done it! (cheering) - [Vik] He's done it! - Yes, yes, yes! - Hi, I'm Simon, I'm 28. And how much to bring all of us to the "yes" side? (shouting) - The money! - I rate that! - She said yes to you fam! - I got fame! - I got some real issues with this. - I'll give you another chance, come. - No, no, it's cool, 'cause I reach your ankles. Enjoy, enjoy that. I hope you have a great time. - I've got a foot fetish. - [Chunkz] Who sucks toes? (laughing) - [Filly] Ay, you've got a lovely face, by the way. - [Harry Pinero] Yeah, absolute stunning. - [Filly] Honestly, you've got a lovely face. - [Chloe] Why couldn't you have said that in the first round? - You look sweet, and I'm clarting and shit, I'll be honest, as many tings as possible, so there's no point. Careful! I wouldn't want to do that to you, you seem like a good girl. - At least she's honest. - Bro, why does it keep falling? - I didn't touch it! I didn't fucking touch it! - [Chunkz] You reckon she's not into clarting? - She doesn't look like a clarts to me. Looks like a good girl. - Are you into casual sex, basically, he's trying to ask. (laughing) - No. - You see that "no"? (shouting) - It's mad how you know casual. When you see that "mhh". - Yeah, that means it depends. Do what you want to do! Do you, boo-boo! - [Ethan] Ay, Filly won. - Hello, my name is Louise, I'm 27 and I'm from London. - Hi Louise. I'm Tobi, 27. Just wondering if you have a yard sale anytime soon? 'Cause I've got some junk that hasn't been touched in years. - Ooh. - That's the police coming to shut you down. - [Josh] Years? Cobwebs! - Hi, I'm Simon. I'm 28. And do you want some really great sex? Yeah? - Yeah. - [Simon] Oh, okay. - [Josh] Was that the punchline? - Yeah, that wasn't the punchline, but I'll take it. - [Josh] Was it me? - Nah. - Oh. - [Tobi] What? - You did pause, you paused, so... - I mean, I'll take it, I'm here. - Hi, I'm Josh. I'm 28. Roses are red. You're as cute as a duck. Let's go on a date and then we can... - [Ethan] Oh. - Cuddle. - Yes. - [Harry] Oh god, this is... - I'm Vik, I'm 25. My ex girlfriend said I'd never do better than her. Do you want to prove her right? - [Chunkz] Prove her right, not wrong, goodness me, Vik. You know, he's an assassin. - Hey, I'm Ethan, I'm 25. I'm from London and I wrote you a poem. Hey Louise. You'd look better on your knees. So yes, please. (laughing) - Oh, I thought that was gonna work. - [Filly] I can't lie, Ethan is smooth as well, bro. - Hello, I'm Harry, I'm 23. Are you a pickaxe? 'Cause I want to make you mine. (laughing) - [Filly] Nah, that one's hard. (cheering) Do you know how cold he is? "'Cause I want to make you mine". (laughing) He's sick! - I'm KSI. (tense music) - That ain't gonna work, that can't work. Not two times in a row. - [Filly] 'Course it works. If you don't say yes. - I'm KSI. - KSI... Okay, yes. - [Harry Pinero] What the fuck, that works? - These two come like twins in pots. - From KSI to twins in pots. - Hi, my name's Chunkz. I'm 24. And I can tell just by looking at you, your mom's going to love me. - [Simon] Aw. - Yes. - [Tobi] He's one away. - When you mention moms and love... - Ay, Filly should be a little bit worried right now, look at the size. - Hi, my name is Harry Pinero, I'm 29. By your decisions you made, I deserve better. (shouting) - [JJ] Ay, hold on, what're you talking about? Wait, what do you mean? Rah. - Ay, if he says the line that he says he's gonna use, please don't say what he said. - Hi, I'm Filly, I'm 25. I'll be honest. Clapped. (Ethan makes pained noises) - [JJ] Jesus fucking Christ. - Ay, you know what, you're a dickhead. You're a dickhead. You're a dickhead, man. - [Simon] Why? Oh my God. - [Josh] She deserves better, bro. - [JJ] Why? Ay, yo. - [Josh] Go and say sorry, bro. - [Simon] Ay, go apologise. - [Ethan] Filly, say sorry, man. - I'm sorry. I'm clapped. Not you. - Mhh. - [Tobi] Ay, mean it, bro. - I'm really, really sorry. - I don't believe you. - Look, I'm really, really sorry. - No. (laughing) - [Simon] Good effort. - Start with me, please. - Well, at least you apologised, so. - [Filly] Yeah, I didn't mean it. - I respect you apologised, even if you didn't mean it. - Look, first and foremost, I'd never come here and do that to you. (laughing) - [Chunkz] Well, you did it. - It wasn't the real me! I'd never, not to you. - Okay, what about me? - You took yourself out, didn't you? - Because look at the state of them. Joking, bro! - Fight me, bro. - Well, you never gave me a chance, so, yeah. - How about our good friend, Ethan? - Yeah, yeah. - No. Yours is too far. It was too far. - What did you say again? - Do you know what? I don't even remember. (laughing) It's big, I don't care, man. - Yeah. So the rest of you, I think you were too far. That's why, you went too far. - [JJ] Jheez! - Hi guys. - [Filly] Black is beautiful! - Hi, I'm Nandi, 25, from London. - Hey, I'm Ethan. I'm 25. I'm from London. Let's play carpenter. First, we'll get hammered, then I'll nai- nail you. Oh, I flopped it. (shouting) You know what? I ain't eaten. - I feel your pain, bro. I really do. - Hello, I'm Harry, I'm 23. Did you fall from heaven? Because it looks like you landed on your face. Sorry. - No. - [Harry] I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. - What did you say at the end? - [Harry] I just said sorry, I felt like I couldn't do it. I couldn't do it, I couldn't do it, I couldn't do it. - I'm Tobi, I'm 27. And honestly I'm just here to see what Chunkz, Harry and Filly have to say, so... I'm going to wait over there. (laughing) I'm watching you. - [Chunkz] That's pressure! That's not allowed. - [Harry Pinero] You're supposed to be cool. - You're the feature. Do it. - [Chunkz] That's not right, though. - [Josh] You got good lines, yeah? - [Chunkz] I can't lie, they're not the greatest. - Mate, you've gotta deliver. - Hey, my name's Vik. I'm 25. And if I can guess your favourite colour, will you swipe right? You know what, don't worry about it. - Ay, that was sauce. That was sauce. She woke up and chose violence! Violence. - [Tobi] What are you doing? - [Nandi] Wow. - I'm KSI. - [Filly] 'Course, that has to work. - I'll say yes for the dance, so... - [Harry Pinero] Everyone knows he's got bread, that's all it is. When you got money... - [Filly] At this point, have you clocked now, as well? - [JJ] Yeah, yeah. I'm actually realising how famous I am. (laughing) It's actually mad. Rah. - Ay, yo, go on Miniminter. Try it, try it. - I'm Miniminter. (laughing) - [JJ] One day, one day. - Oh, wait! No? - No. - That was the dance you did. - [JJ] No, it's not bro. - That's what you did! - Bro, you ain't me, though. (JJ laughing) - Hi, I'm Josh. I'm 28. I spent 11 grand on Pokémon cards the other night. - I don't really care about the money, but I like your beard. - [Josh] Come on! (shouting) All right, come on. - This is what Sidemen are paid money for. - Hi, my name is Chunkz, I'm 24. Can we play heads and tails? If it goes with heads, swipe right. Goes with tails, you swipe right. - All right, try me. - Yeah? It's heads. - Do you know what, you're cute. Go on. - Oh, thank you, babes! - I came here for that? - [Harry Pinero] She weren't even listening. - You weren't listening? - [Harry Pinero] She weren't even listening. - She was! You heard what I said, right? - Yeah, of course I heard it. (laughing) - Bit of sarcasm. - [Simon] Which one was swipe right? - But he's cute, that's why. - [Nandi] He's cute, so... - [Chunkz] I'm cute. - [Josh] And you got better hair as well, bro. - Speaking about heads and tails, my name's Harry, I'm 29. If you ever gave me head, I'll never "tell". (shouting) - [Harry] I thought that was good! - Just move. - Dayum! - [Tobi] She just don't appreciate us. - [Chunkz] No girls fom you. - I'll be honest, that's poor from Harry. You're the only black woman that's come on the show, you deserve respect. Lovely to meet, my name's Filly, I'm 25. (Nandi laughing) - [JJ] Dayum! - You should know better, I'll be honest. - You did it for the camera. The thing is, I picked him up, and what he was saying, you know what... I wont't say anything. - I don't know what you said. - I did what he did! I said my name. Nevermind. - Right, okay. Second one, too short. - All right. - I'm telling you, those shoes are doing confidence. - [Nandi] The what? - [Ethan] The shoes are doing confidence today. - I'm still 5"8 without them, but yes. Third one, that was too much. Fourth one... - I put myself here, don't worry. - Oh, mh-mh. (laughs) - She said "mh-mh"! (laughing) Yeah, you're cheeky. She's cheeky. That's unreal. - Yeah. So, second to last. It could have been, but I needed more from you. - Okay. Sorry. I'll try and improve. (laughing) - And then the last one, you just mumbled on it. It could have been as well. - Said you're shy. Mad, millions of views, and you're shy? Next one! - Hey guys, I'm Carmel, and I'm 29. I'm from Southeast London. How are you guys doing? - [Tobi] She's the first person to ask about us! - Hello, I'm Harry I'm 20... 20... I'm 24, oh God. Do you know what's on the menu? Me, 'n' you. - [Harry Pinero] Oh! "Me" "n" "u"! Harry, I'm not gonna lie... - [Filly] So good, he is so good. Do you know how good he is? - [Chunkz] He's actually trying to clart today. - Do you know how good he is? Me "n u"? Me-nu? - Menu. - That's unreal. - Hi, I'm Simon, I'm 28. And, ay, Tobi, call the police. - What? Okay. Why? - Someone stole her ass! (laughing) - [Josh] Did you say...? - [Chunkz] That's moist! That's moist! - [JJ] What! - [Filly] You don't deserve that. Harry, come here. - [Harry Pinero] Talk to me. - I say we run train on her. - Choo choo! - Train? - Sure. - [Harry Pinero] Yeah, love that. Love that. Choo-choo! - Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's an emergency. They stole her ass. They stole her ass, right? - [Simon] Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, they stole her ass. - [Harry Pinero] Violation! - Oh, they hung up. - [Vik] What's happened? What's happening here? - I don't know what that one was. - [Tobi] They hung up! - Hi. I'm really into cryptocurrency. - [Carmel] Same. - I've a lot of money in reef and ethereum. I'm also KSI. - Let's do it. (shouting) - [Simon] I hate you! I hate you! - I'm too sick. - [Filly] What, did he say his name again? - [Harry Pinero] How is he getting away with this, bro? - Fam, he said he's into cryptocurrency and "I'm KSI". - That's what I need to do! - And I said KSI, and she said, oh okay calm. - Hi, my name is Vik, I'm 25. And I can see that you have a "beret" good sense of fashion. - Nice one. Yeah, let's do it. - [Tobi] Why are you being nice? - Hi, my name is Ethan, I'm 25. (claps hands) That sounds like my balls slapping on your cooch. (shouting) - [Filly] On his what? - [Harry Pinero] You, my friend... - No, he deserves it. He deserves to be here! Ay, get in on our train! - Vile. Disgusting! Disgusting. That was disgusting! - Hi, I'm Josh. I'm 28. The discount code for this video is "legs". Do you want to spread them? (shouting and clapping) - [Harry Pinero] Oh, good one! - [Simon] 10 out of 10! - [JJ] Here we go. - Hi, my name's Chunkz and I'm 24. I'm actually the richest man in the room, because this is KSI's wallet. - [Tobi] Jheez! (shouting) - Let's have a crazy night out. (shouting and cheering) - [Chunkz] Yeah! (laughing) (cheering) (cheering) - Ay, wait, wait. Let me get that ring back! - [Filly] Let's all get in the train! (rap music plays) (rap music plays) (rap music plays) (rap music plays) (rap music plays) (rap music plays)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 34,690,622
Rating: 4.955328 out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 6sec (3426 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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