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- We're about to give complete strangers true or false statements about us. They then have to decide who they think the statement applies to based purely on our appearances. Make sure you subscribe to our second channel MoreSidemen which is where we'll be posting all of these interviews in full for you to watch. - Hi, I'm Melissa and I'm from the Midlands but I live in London now. - What? I like the Midlands. - It's a good place innit? You hear me? You from the Midlands or? - No no no. - Oh right. You just like it? - I'm from Essex. - Oh. - But I like the Midlands. - All right. Sound. - Hello? Hi guys. You all right? I'm Scott from Scotland. (people laughing) - That's class. - Yeah. Easy to remember. - Hi. (lady laughing) - What's up bro? - What? - I'm kidding I'm kidding. (lady laughing) - That's like he saw a girl for the first time. He's like yoh. - Your flirting techniques. Weird. (lady laughing) - Yoh. - Hello. Blokes yeah? (people laughing) How's it going? Joe. - Joe? - Yeah. - Where you from? - I grew up in Leicester but I was born in 'ull, Hull. - 'ull? You was born in a hole? - Hello. - Hello. - Hi. - You have the weirdest hellos every time. - You're being quite weird today boss. - Aight. Yo, wassup bro? - That doesn't work again. - All right well what's your name? - Kiera. - Nice to must meet you Kiera. - You too. Coventry. - Well, well, well. - Fuck off Phil. Phil! (people cheering) I'm bigger now Phil. I'm bigger now Phil. Poke it. - Why? Are you five foot? It's not very fucking big now is it Ethan? - Oh no. - Nice to see you're sucking it in though. (people laughing) Unlike some people. What the fuck is this? That used to have some like sculpture to it didn't it JJ? - Yup. - Yeah. - Let myself go a bit. - No. - [Kon] Who's had their mum's spit in their mouth? - Oh wow. (people laughing) (lady laughing) - What the fuck is wrong? One of you has got an issue. - Can I pick more than one? - You. - Fucks sake. (people laughing) Why? - I feel like everybody else is like no no no. But I feel like for you you'll be like I'll take one for the team. - I'll be honest. If I was your mom that'd spit in your mouth. (people laughing) - It's you. You're looking away from me. (people laughing) It is, oh? - It's not me. It's not me. It's not me. - Oh no it's not you it's you. - Why is it me? (people laughing) Oh so you're choosing me? - Yes surely yeah. (people laughing) - But you just look like you'd be a bit more like accepting of your mum's spit. - Well it wasn't me. - Why are you looking so nervous JJ? Is it because you can't defend yourself anymore? (people laughing) You gotta get Ethan to do your muscle work for ya. - Nah fam. - Only because I feel like that'd be like a punishment like. - Punishment? - Like say you've done. - Nah I know my parents are African, but that is a bit far. - But you know, I mean I don't know you did something like and instead of getting like spanked or something like that they'd like spit in your mouth. - Ah ah. Open your mouth ah? And then you be like, yeah take it. - I think you. I think you as well next to you. - What? - Yeah, yeah. So you're just goby. I just feel like if it was gonna happen by accident your mouth would just be open and. - That's a good answer. That's a good answer. - And then you, I think you've quite subdued at the moment. I don't know who, what you're like you usually so maybe you've been put in your place. Maybe your mum was like. (people laughing) - You're going to take this spit. - Spit on the queen. - Mad. - Right well Ethan obviously has. - You're actually wrong Phil mate. (people laughing) - I'm not fucking wrong mate. I can guarantee you you've had your mom's spit in your mouth at some point in your life. - Any reason? - Ah, I don't know. Bit of a challenge so you're the tallest right? To spit? (people laughing) - You thought my mum saw it as a challenge? - To be like, you know what could I make that? Yeah all right. (people laughing) - Reveal yourself spit man. - It was me. (people laughing) - Toby you are fucking disgusting. - Take one more step. - I wouldn't mind your mom's spit in my mouth. - Jesus. - Ah. - I was a kid, my mom spat in a bottle 'cause we was in a car and I didn't see it and I thought it was a drink and I drank it. - Oh so it wasn't directly in your mouth? - No, no. - That's rang. What's your mom doing spitting in bottles? - She was pregnant at the time so you know. - That's not an answer. (people laughing) - That's fair enough. - Easily mistakable. - Yeah, that is easily mistakable. Where as if you had spit. - I just wanna make my mom happy. - You was like take like mommy yuck. (people laughing) - (indistinct) mommy. - Yeah. (people laughing) Again please mommy. - Okay. - Fucking hell. - She was pregnant so she was spitting in bottles? - No no we were in a car like and she didn't want to just spit out a window you know what I mean? - She (indistinct) out the window. - It's a bit less weird. - Let's no through the story yeah? - Next question. Next question. - [Kon] Next question. Who's wanked on a swegway? - What the fuck is a swegway? (people laughing) - On a swegway? - You know the little hoverboard ting. - The wheel thing. - Everyone was using like four years ago. - Good balance. - Why is that question? Why have one of you done that? - Well you seem to know a lot about them so it could be you. - Oh I had three of them but it wasn't me. - You had three. Did you break them from wanking on them too much? - No no no. - You. (people laughing) - Why? - I just, you look like you wank a lot. - I think you. (people laughing) - Why? - I don't know why. You look like a good balance. (people laughing) - True. That's true. - You just look like you wank a lot. You do it like, you go to the gym, ish. (people laughing) - He's bulking right now. He's bulking. - Yeah but are you gonna start shredding or? (people laughing) - Hey what's happening? What's going on? - She's just said you're fat and you wank a lot. - You look quite like. - About what? Go on. Go for it. Just go for it. Go brutal. - Like a sexual predator. - Like a sexual predator. What? What? - We've peaked. We've peaked. We've peaked. There's no better video (indistinct) we've peaked. - It's you. - It's not me. - Look like maybe you don't get as much right now so maybe you do wank. - Ey yo. What's, what's happening? Ey what's your name? Ey what's your name fam? Nah for real. Nah remind me. - It's kicking off. No it's not a bad thing. You will get someone (indistinct) now. - Nah man, this ey. - Just not anytime soon. - That's not, that's not a bad thing. - What? It's actually better than a paedophile? - Being a sexual predator is quite bad. - No. No. No. It's not a paedophile. - It can be. - No. - That's what you called me. You called me a nonce? - Answer who it is for real then. C'mon. - [Kon] Simon? - Yeah it was me but I get some. (people laughing) - I'm a terribly wrong? - Yeah. - Raise your hand wanking hand. - That's your sexual predator right there. - No that reminds me of (indistinct) in between us or something like that. - It wasn't me. - Oh god. I'm really bad at this. - Yeah it was me. - It was you? - That one was a challenge. (people laughing) - Moving while getting spat at that would've been bad. And having a wank, geez. - I think it was you. - Why? - I don't know I could just see you on the hoverboard. I don't know if I can see you wanking or not. (people laughing) - Maybe he did see you. - It was me, yeah. - Oh it was you? Oh you're quite cute now. (people laughing) - What? - It fucking was wasn't it? It fucking was. Of course you are a bit of a legend. - What was you doing that for? To in like impress the boys? - Yeah yeah. I did it for the boys. - I don't know. Like you could've tried to be a bit more manly. That's so mean like. (people laughing) - What is this? - It's my chain. - What does it mean? You're just asking everyone for a kiss? - No. - You have to love me now I'm fat. (people laughing) - [Kon] This one's weird. - Okay. - [Kon] Who's had their brother's piss on them? (people laughing) - Why these questions? Who wrote these? - What kind of dysfunctional families are these? (people laughing) - This is good. I like this brother already. This is good. - You. - Me? Okay. Wow. Why? - He accepted it. Yeah all right yeah. - What am I supposed to say? - You just look like one of those guys who got into that scenario. - If I was one of your brothers who'd I piss on? (people laughing) - Vikk, I'd piss on you. Did your brother piss on you? (people laughing) - Sorry. You look like, like you'd be not bullied, but like, not that you'd be bullied but like, like your older brothers are picking on ya and they piss on you for banter. - They did that but they never pissed on me though. - Oh okay. - Never got that far. - Oh okay. - That one there I think is you. (people laughing) Oh I think that one is you. - You thought wrong. It's not. - But you just look a bit more. - Well don't keep going. It's not me. It's not me. It's not me. - You just look a bit more like. - Pissy? - Yeah like, yeah, like a bit more like you wouldn't mind like if someone pissed on you. (people laughing) - I think you. - Me? - Yeah. - Oh I've crossed piss paths. - You crossed swords? - Cross swords that's what it is yeah. - Cross piss paths. - Wait with your? - I don't know. With someone. - Harry's brother pissed on him. - I don't think he has. - Oh. - I hope he hasn't. - Reveal yourself piss boy. - Punishment? - Did your brother piss on ya? (people laughing) - That was like therapy. Was it you? - Where did he piss on you? Point to where. - Yes. - Yes, was it? - Nice. Smashed it. - Now you understand why he doesn't get any? - Right yeah. Are you single? - No. - Anyone single? - I really liked the Midlands as well. - (indistinct) - I really love the Midlands. - Wait, are you single? - Yeah, me I'm single. - Well there you go mate. - Like I said I love the Midlands. - Do you wanna go on a date to the Midlands? - Please. - Where'd you wanna go? - Anywhere that you recommend in the Midlands. (people laughing) - Oh it's not you? - Nah it's me. Yeah. - Okay why? - Took that piss like a champ. - Well tell us the story, what happened? - Back of a cab, car. Back of a car. He couldn't hold his piss so he just. - So you just opened your mouth for him and come on bro. I got ya. - Yeah just in back of a car. - That sounds mad. - Nah wait. - Is that your brother? - Nah nah. (people laughing) - Is the whole family is just like. - Spitting and pissing everywhere. - Your car's in a fucking state. - In your belly button or? - Nah just. - You just moved your fat up a bit and it made a nice paddling pool. Or just in your hair? That looks a bit like a mop doesn't it? It'll just absorb a lot, yeah. Is it still in there? Fucking hell. Fuck. - Phil, I was washed today. - Do you not wash normally? Do you not wash normally? 'cause it's a special occasion. - [Kon] Who's had sex with their cousin? - You guys do need therapy man. (people laughing) Is this for real? Someone's had sex with their cousin? (people laughing) - Boys, come on. - We've let him down. - Come on. - You. - It's because I've made eye contact isn't it? I was just like I don't wanna get picked. - Yeah but no but we talk in male or female? 'cause male then I think you. - Okay. Okay. - No you don't. (people laughing) - How does that make it any less bad? - Yeah go Vikk. - That's incest. - Is it? (people laughing) - You. (people laughing) - I'd say you. Sorry. I'm hoping it's not a blood cousin. - Why? - Personally. - I wouldn't trust you around. - Your own cousin. - Most people's cousins. Let alone your own. - Was it you? - Why? Why me? - You picked the right one. - You didn't pick the right one. (people laughing) - Harry. You are. You. No it's not. - Don't know you know maybe you're put in a situation, not I'm not, personally I'm hoping it's not blood related. I'm hoping it's like a distant cousin. - You're wrong. I don't fuck my cousin. - Oh okay. - You are wrong. - Simon. No, the kind of guy that has a wank on a hoverboard wouldn't have sex with his cousin. Vikk did you have sex with your cousin? - No. No I fucking didn't. - No you haven't had sex. Toby, did you have sex with your cousin? - No. - No one's had sex with her cousin. - All right. Okay okay. - Trick question. - I didn't know there was trick questions. - It was no one. - Oh none of you? - I can't believe you'd think that really. - Sorry sorry. (people laughing) - None of us. - Trick question. - None of us had sex. - Thank fuck. Oh I thought I was going to have to set Ethan on someone then. Jesus. - [Kon] Who's knocked someone out before? - Not you. - Was that necessary? - You. Sorry. I feel like you look quite like very rude. A bit like, but like you're. - I was sweety McDurag last time. - Yeah yeah yeah now you're a roadman. - I feel like it might be you, but being like a bit clumsy with it. (people laughing) - I mean, yeah. - Like by accident. Like by accident. - I accidentally knock someone out. - Yeah. - With my fist. - Yeah by accident though. - In a boxing ring. - No one ever said this. - (indistinct) boxing ring bro. - Process of elimination, not you. I just, don't think it's in your nature. - She's right. - See that's nice. You look like you're a bit of a geek in school. - A geek at school? - Get your glasses on. - What about now? - Yeah definitely not you. - What? - No no. - One of you is supposed to be a boxer, aren't you? None of you really look the shape for it. - Yeah I think probably you 'cause you are bulking. (people laughing) - Cause you're all either like beanie or a bit like stocky. - One of you guys is a boxer? - Who do you think is a boxer? - None of you. (people laughing) - He's correct. - Do you box? - I mean I actually. - Doesn't look at it does it? - No. (people laughing) - Some of you are pushing it. (people laughing) Pushing it. - Pushing it in what way? - Pushing it as in, the cross between boxing and sumo wrestling. - Oh fam. Oh mad. - I like him. I like him. - I think it's you cause you look pissed. - There's water forming. It's forming. - Am I gonna get knocked out so that I move my (indistinct) backwards? - You got lightweight, featherweight lightweight, heavyweight and then you. So have you actually mostly knock someone out in your boxing career? - Yes. - Oh wow. - He's very heavy to be fair. - You're next mate. - There's a line here. - [Kon] Who's made out with a guy before? - You. (people laughing) You just look pretty, do you know what I mean? - I'll take it. - And I feel like guys, gay guys like pretty guys. - Toby. - Defo not. - Toby. - Defo not. - He's just lying about it now. (people laughing) - Maybe you are gay I don't know. Are you gay? - No I'm not. (people laughing) I just, you just look like the sort of person maybe that guy would just plant one on you and then you'd have to turned them afterwards. - Okay. Can we have the answer now? (people laughing) - Stop looking at me up and down. - Looking you in the eyes, Phil. - This is the first time you looked at me in the eyes. You just want to kiss me? - Yeah you know it. - Go on then. - Yeah. I'm all right. - Yo straight boys always get really quiet when it comes to gay stuff doesn't it? (people laughing) Wasn't me. I'm really not gay. - We know who you're gonna pick. (people laughing) We know who you're gonna pick. - Was it you? - It wasn't me. - What you think he looks gay? - Yeah you know you just look like you'd be willing to like do like more like with other men. - You. (people laughing) - I saw him looking at me like five times. I was like he's gonna choose me. - Yeah. - It's either you or it's either you. Sorry. I just like, I get more like of a manly vibe from the others. This isn't to like. - (indistinct) dealt with me now. - Let's go. - Okay maybe you. Was it? - It was no one. - Oh sorry. - No one. Oh right. (people laughing) - I got called pretty I'm happy. - You are pretty. - You're fat. - No one no one. - See? Straight boys. You were like ha you kissed a boy. I'm not gay I swear. - No one's kissed a boy have they? No? (people clapping) - Well done. - Thank you. - [Kon] Who's the heaviest person right now? - Ooh bitch. - It's not you is it? You're tiny. (people laughing) - Kon this is a hard one. Vikk. (indistinct) - Okay. - Okay okay. - What? How much do you weigh? - (indistinct) stocky knockout. - Stocky knockout? Stocky knockout? That's gonna be your ring (indistinct) name. Olajide stocky knockout Olatunji. - You that pushed bulking? - Oh nice. Same. Thanks. - Some of you look quite buff though. Some of you. - You're hitting on us? - I'll say you, right? - Okay. Yeah. - You're the heaviest, but in a good way right? - Yeah. - You're working towards something? - Muscle muscle. - Muscle muscle. - You're working towards something. - Yeah you'll get there. - Forget the nightmare. - Stocky knockout. - Stocky knockout. - Wait the nightmare is your name? - No that's like my like. - Your boxing alias. - Yeah. - Is it? - Stocky knockout now. - So yeah. I think stocky knockout is a bit better than nightmare. - Yeah. - The nightmare. It's like a harra horror film. (people laughing) - I can't even use that anymore. (Phil mumbling) - You. - Fair. - That's not a bad thing though. It can be muscle. - Yeah. - And all that. - Can be. It can be. - Yeah yeah. Muscle. - It's between you two. Turn around. Do a twirl. - See that back. - It's you. You're bigger aren't you like? - Yeah yeah yeah. - Bigger. You're a bit more muscly. (people cheering) - Yes. My guy. - My guy. Move out of the way. My guy my guy my guy. - Bro come here. - Oh how the times have changed. That's great. - Fam are you mad? - That's great. That's great. - Imma knock someone out fam. Imma knock someone out. - By accident. (people laughing) - Another question who do you think used to be the heaviest 'cause he wasn't always the heaviest. - Oh used to be the heaviest? - You. Have you? Yeah? - Yeah. - He used to be fucking massive. - I didn't mention it that time. Fuck off. - But you look good. Yeah. - Oh thank you lad. - You guys all have your own YouTube channels yeah? - Yeah. Yeah. - And they're all doing well? - Yeah. - Cause you're starting to go a little bit. (people laughing) - It's been fucking going for a while now. - Well wow is it? Maybe people don't recognise you now cause you've lost the weight. - Oh that's it lads. We (indistinct). - That's it. So you know what? Give this guy a vodka. - [Kon] Who is a Tory? - None of yous look posh. Actually no, you look a bit posh out of most. - No it's not me. - I wasn't saying it was you. I was just pointing out you. This isn't my answer. Did I say anything? Stop ruining the fucking game Vikk. - [Kon] Who is a Tory? - Who's at Tory? (people laughing) I hope it's not you. (people laughing) - Josh. (people laughing) - He looks like one. - He looks like a Tory. (people laughing) - Are you? (people laughing) You just look a bit like older, more like mature like. - Sophisticated? - Yeah yeah. The rest look a bit more. Yeah you look more Tory, a bit more boring. Boring. - You. - It's 'cause you said they're rich innit? (people laughing) No I'm not. - It's like the well-kept bit. - Yeah. - Because like beard isn't posh but if it's like, oh I've got time to shave my fucking cheeks and only my cheeks in the morning like. That's a bit posh innit? - Yeah. Yeah. I'm well kept. - But you're all minted aren't you? So it could be any of you. (indistinct) - Is it you? You? - Me? - Yeah. (people laughing) - I don't know. - No it's just because you weren't looking at me. - No. I don't. - Have you voted Tory before? - I can't vote. I'm not from the UK. - So does he get in with his cousin? - You can't vote at all? - I can't vote. - Are you from Guernsey? You're the one from Guernsey right? - Yeah yeah yeah. Have you done research or? - No, you were just late. (people laughing) - Sorry about that. - My girlfriend's from Jersey though. She says they called you guys donkeys. Why is that? - We do it now, we call them crapos. - That's right. Yeah. For sure. - Does she know Chris MD? - I don't know. - Oh she messed up. He's a good guy from Jersey. - I see. - McBeard posh. - McBeard posh. - That's your ring name. McBeard Posh. - It's not me. - It's not you. None of you again? - Who is a Tory though? May I add. - I don't think. - Is it no? There's nothing wrong with it guys. Next question. - [Kon] Who's the oldest? - Wow. Yeah. Instant. That's (indistinct). (people clapping) - Bang on. Nice work. - Okay. - You. - Yeah. Secure the bag. That's a bad thing actually. - You don't look old but you look older. - I'm going beardy McPosh. Yeah. - Beardy McPosh. (people clapping) - You. - No I'm one of the youngest actually. - Fucking get in lads. It's me. - It's you. - He's got two now. Save the best for last. - He is going grey you know. - But look at your eyebrows. - Yeah. Yeah. - I haven't been ID'd recently either. I'm getting old I don't like it. - It's the forehead. Just try not to be so expressive. Like expressive from the nose down. - You calling me crinkly? - Crinkly. - You said crinkly, I said like expressive. - He's calling me crinkly. - I am calling you crinkly yeah. - [Kon] Who has had a picture of their private parts released to the public? - You. - Me? - Yeah. - That was so quick. - Very quick. - That was quick. - Yeah. - It's not me. - You. - You dirty wanker. (people laughing) I just think you might have been careless about things like that, don't know. - All of you? (people laughing) - You're afraid of high profile no? - We were all just stood there like this. - Yeah. - Was it you? - No. I'm quite. - But you done one nasty nasty one. From all the way down here it was looking into. - Yeah but that's not. - That was nasty. - That's not like my private parts. - Yeah (indistinct). - Was it you? - It wasn't. No. - Have you done anything? Why are you here? (people laughing) I'm gonna spit in your mouth in a minute. - I had a wank on a swegway. - Can I help? - Yeah go on. - So if I show you a picture. - Do I get to see it? - Don't show the picture. Kon you bastard. - I think that rules out Toby. - I think that rules out three people. - That is the worst picture. If you're gonna take a nude don't do it like that. - It wasn't intentional. Oh, I sent a photo to the boys as you do and then we got hacked and everything came out so. - Damn hackers man. - I know. Outrageous. - It was the first thing they posted as well. - You sent it to the boys? - I did, I was in the bath and I sent a little photo just. - I mean, if you wanna see it. - No don't show it. Don't show it. - I can probably find it somewhere right? - I don't know if I wanna see the photo if I was to be honest. - You don't you don't, you don't. - Can I see the picture or? - Yeah you can. Yeah yeah yeah you can. - Come on. Show me the picture. - I mean, but it will cut out some people. - Also true. - Who would you want it to be? - What? He's a sexual predator. - It's bath time boys. (people laughing) - I sent it to the boys it wasn't how. - Saying that makes it even worse. - No it doesn't. - Is it the same size as your thumb? - Huh? - Is it the same size as your thumb? - What was what? - Is it the same size? - No. What. - [Kon] Who has had a picture of their private parts released to the public? - Who hasn't it? - What you have? (people laughing) - I'll admit it. (people laughing) - Well I guess we know who it is then. - What colour are those pubes? Wow. - Was it you? Oh the little geek got caught in the end. - It wasn't intended like a nice nude. I sent it to the boys in a group chat and then the group. - I sent it to my boys. - Why would you send that to the boys? - I was in the bath I was like oh it's bath time boys. - Here's my ball sack? - Essentially yeah but then and then someone's thread got hacked and it all got leaked. - Yeah it's a real picture that one. - Was that a cold bath? - Was it. - Okay that, ah, quite hairy thighs. I think Simon I think he might have quite bare thighs and you might be a bit boyish on the old thighs. - Boyish. - I reckon Harry. (people cheering) - Smashed it. - You're meant to be the innocent one. - It wasn't intentional. I got hacked and it came out. - It wasn't a sexual predator me so it's fine. - So yeah. I am sorry about that. I didn't mean to sort of made you look like that. - My YouTube career is already defined. (people laughing) - Sorry sorry. I am sorry about that. - Let me see your thumb. Who's got the biggest thumb? - Wait why'd you wanna know? - Cause I'm wanna know who's got. (people laughing) - It's meant to be that. - Oh is it? Let's all do this then. - Why you laughing? (people laughing) - His finger turns in. His finger bends in. - You've just got a small. - It's not fair. I can't have my finger bend in. - I think mine's, look. (people laughing) - You don't have a fucking, you don't have a penis. - I haven't got a dick or anything but. - Do you want to see it? - I'm okay thanks. - It's not a shower. - Everyone's seen the fucking photo. - The last, everyone's so far has seen it. - Is it just the balls? - Yeah. - Oh, fuck that. Did you make money out of it? Did you get paid? - No. I just sent it to them. - See that's the error. That's the error. You can sign full frontal but as long as there's money on the line. What was your password? - No. - Have you still not changed it? (people laughing) - [Kon] Who's had sex with only one person? - No one. I think that's a lie. Did I have to, is there someone? - Well. - All of them. (people laughing) - [Kon] Who's only had sex with one person? - You. Bruh what? (people laughing) - She's quick. - Why not looking at anyone else? It's not me no but thanks. - Really? - Bruh. No. Chill. Chill. Chill. - I think it's you. - Me? - Yeah. - It's not me. - It's not? - I'm not the one. - No? That durag is just saying sweet you're like a sweetheart. - Do durags say that? - Yours does. It's like little locks, isn't it? - (indistinct) whip it about. Go on. Can we get a wind machine? (people laughing) - Not you. (people laughing) - Respect. (people laughing) - [Kon] Who's only had sex with one person? - Well it's not Vikk 'cause he hasn't had sex. Harry? - Yeah it's me. - Yeah my man. - Really? Oh isn't he cute. - Don't do that. Don't do that. - Can I hug ya? - Oh it's me. - Aww. - Bro everyone goes aww. - Aww. You're cute. - Oh yeah. It is me. - Is it? - Yeah. - You look really innocent. - Thanks, well okay. - Can I give you a hug? - No, mate I'm not fucking. I'm not in a cell. - No I know but you are that little geek I love it. I think I love you. - Tell her you are in a committed relationship then it doesn't sound as bad. - Yeah. - How long have you been with her? Like a few months. - Five years. - Oh. - He said that so, five years. - Aww. Okay that's fair enough. - Yeah what sorry? - If hugs are going I'll. - Yeah you're. Do you want a hug? - Yeah, come on then. For the Midlands. - Oh thank you. - You smell nice. - It must be love mate. What's her name? - It is, it is, her name is undisclosed. Nah it's Kate. - Unclothed Kate. - Fucking hell. - Everyone looks so sorry for me. - Because you don't tell them it's a relationship. - Aww. Was it any good? Were you any good? - No, I've had sex more than once. - I've just had a girlfriend for a long time so. - Okay. - Everyone give him a round of applause. Keep going. Keep it going. - Commitment. Nice. Nice well done lad. Class cheers Phil. Phil Phil Phil fuck off. No no. - I got splashed last time. - Wait wait wait. No that can't run. - Hey Toby's got that rage. He said (indistinct). (soft music playing)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 23,123,181
Rating: 4.9437213 out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, truth or lies, strangers roast the sidemen, strangers are reading these tags...stop it pls
Id: 1IUtR5rl80A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 8sec (1928 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2019
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