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hello Seidman channel welcome today to spill or fill your gas straight-up discount code right now Gus G's tap that your guys we have a special guest today his name is Cal frizzy I hope he's ready to spill or fill his guts I'm ready to fill your guts how are you feeling yeah rearranges guts how how are you guys feeling about this video mean re are you taking the first first spins also do you want to pick I'll let you get close mate so I pick what I want to eat no you get 4v mate oh oops um latter one roulette I'm just doing a random one all right be back this one yeah oh baby squid that's calamari gone wrong Ethan cooked everything here so chances of very high all right name a youtuber you've met that you hate it wow that's an King like Josh was there head to it he can try to get involved in a private conversation wait Sun King yeah just to reiterate all right yeah okay oh that's the with either chicken wings oh I'm not touching those ads all right hi Josh hello are you ready to eat oh my god first yeah I'll choose when you pick this one oh I want you to have this one this one right here I'm intrigued to know what that is why why straight for that one inside knowledge do I trust you okay remember the Simon show in London jellied eels our window how to eat it and get like gagging and then who do you think makes the worst content Harry doesn't really make it does yeah [Laughter] all right [Laughter] [Laughter] brother in content that's a good are they cooked yeah those lemons I can do no squid are cooked yeah I can has to because it doesn't he will answer anything to not either squid yeah good input I don't like the [ __ ] is that London there's no who do you think would have the least impact some was using a friend Noble how much are we talking if I die what this does not work the skin is disgusting yeah feel cool what is it this is coming and pisum you could compare don't say Molly's just really really you ever had that taste from a chicken shop before not from hungry anymore Donna oh yeah put it down you're all right Toby I would like you to do this one no this one No disease all kinds of which of your brothers will be more successful in life even we like to eat with Toby Toby yes it's fun I'm gonna say Jeb chanting with him and I'm gonna bet get what you know I think he's doing he's sharing the love he knows many confirming money's not gonna be great this I said later patreon right now money get on only facts I don't know what this is you picked the biggest meals or wham-o is that throw up in the last side man really I don't what to do it again boxing way a bunch of vegetables where this is a healthy lunch all right so wait you know that's what yeah you know that's not it isn't pumpkin broccoli sweet corn there's plenty more loads as well who have you had the best sex with not including your girlfriend into the thousands of women never telling the blender hey big right welcome to the smoothie back also I want you to lucky dip in here wait wait wait wait no one told me about too much fun now life in the bag you might get something nice oh oh no no no no no it's gonna glass is gonna make it look it's a baby food yeah a baby can either you can be either cut it out Oh [Laughter] [Applause] here we go all right we'll give her a couple pulses smelling like is actually I'm so glad I mouthful Vic mouthful any fair Koston Wow Wow dice oh right all right well I guess this is the last thing on the table yeah already got much of a choice it stinks that's why you gotta be che me man you [ __ ] bastards bro this is another one of luck veces creation hey why is it why it's not it's not that great oh I think it's been cooked better that is this is all of the meats cooked by you from all right well your question is pleasing we consume is right beside men oh wow who do you like the least I think it's also the fact is very cold I'm like the outcast here I feel like one I mean right now right now it's you bit account like that oh well I'm gonna scram it I'm gonna scram into it and pick it up alright let's see you would you like to start with I'll start for you okay please plagiarize I will I thought she smells around here I don't know I don't know which ones to necessarily give to him hey stop oh he's gonna say stop yeah stop we got him hey do your parents hate in the Seidman and why oh why and wine killer you know hey Sookie in Japan's hitting most both your parents hate the most and why me I don't know a lot of the selection dad no no no that's the ones and no sure we did go Sean we did he know you've eaten Toby the man come on come on come on this is very ill well I mean there was an incident where sama apparently locked my burrow in a car car in my car allegedly but yeah that's not a story wants to know why yeah this sounds like a bit of a non-answer to me so yeah Simon right yeah because my parents think that he uses me Wow [ __ ] [ __ ] myself hurry up [ __ ] pick one me oh no what the chance is why you smell I'm happy you actually do need to mix it before you try it though because it started to separate separate it's got to be the worst one to answer has to list the first names of women you've had sex with Oh starting from the best of the world this is like your question on steroids that would this is a game about honesty oh I didn't even spin it ah would you like that answer first or yes stop don't your mouth it's got foot mate pig food not picked out who is a better streamer Oh Vic or myself Oh Cal freezing know what I mean I'm fine this easy all right okay we'll go from top oh I'll put Simon D pop jeez middle of Europe interactivity big confused if I'm not I'm gonna say Vic and then you blades 90 view as a stinky at least all nine of them in dragon joys what we giving him questions stop my left hand as a smart play because well left hand is slow I'm really thinking about the moisture has been sucked right well hello there Harold who's gone first always wanted to take you on a dinner date bit or many yeah but this one seemed special okay the housemates against each other boys um would you like to go further would you want me to go first I'll eat first okay look right so shut your eyes I feel like I want to finesse you but I know that you're just gonna finesse me so regardless of why I do okay let me know when you want to stop stop okay cool oh oh oh it's just one big jelly you're supposed to be like this yeah I wanted to know the answer to this question for a very long time now I feel as though my time is here okay like a proposal out of myself and lots yeah who do you not enjoy making videos with out of the both of us like which is so sorry I'm wondering comes in which one do you go is it awesome because they give me some reason it cave looks comes in yeah oh my god no doesn't want to do now but I know it's gonna be like a hard to pick from the initial reaction is locks oh that's worse okay that's who makes the were losing out of JJ Toby and for down oh my I've been say without for your bank and I wouldn't choose to listen to any of them in the first thing I don't like that I got what I got into play this that when I got into playlist well you're not destined for greatness not hell no you're not yeah you'd have a wake up cool no no that one they don't either yeah number one oh he's doing it number one JJ is a lie number two Vidal add in number three two of you were here but without would punchy face true now give me back yeah you know what you can have the honors cover those eyes and when you're ready for your dinner so stop lying stop it's a tough food so we gotta go for a tough question oh boy Tobey what is your body count and why I would like to remain a private guy did you know one Chinese is in crisis we're gonna get Oh your mouth man you can still say it's just number yeah it's just a number me [Laughter] it'll say a number ok flashbacks of the taste oh this is ropes salt that's why I like it too much body shaming this is Ben and Vic yeah yeah we're gonna go for stop I which one is he less likely to eat what's he got in it no bugs how much have you earned from Minecraft servers right do it to it shut the Hugo I don't want to add the the bugs to this bad see infant I'm on the big stage I just wanted to know so does everyone out what noise you about Thalia the most if you'd like to repeat all just tell anyone that'll be great can I cut the ink sac off don't lie though the cow and Josh have basically gone home just it's stuff like she leaves her clothes that's all I'm saying no she might get better get better we'll see this is Simon's up there with you that's an alien me you're about to put an alien in your mouth look look here ya go suction cups on oh I might not be able to swallow if I do be sweet very waxy you know the fair Champa now we want to hear the crunch if you don't say it tally will be really self-conscious that you didn't say private conversation oh here he goes I'm really not looking at it I can't look here so why are you enjoying this so much Arius I swear my life a bit lolly it lives another day I'm spinning now okay [ __ ] [Music] is not nice you actually I threw a J Dilla in yeah all of the sidemen who has the best-looking girlfriend ah lucky didn't say to list if you want him to eat so awkward oh my god the ills not that bad [Laughter] [Laughter] just watch us ready for a snack please yeah I'm spinning I'm spinning listen take that one at the table absolute JJ have you ever slept with someone one of the other side men has slept with and if so side no member was surprised what everyone pray oh wait have you ever slept with someone another member of the side men slept with if so Simon which Simon the chick do not make thank you the Vig is awesome I mean it's always that we have that's our fault for Diana for Brody's just it's like a decent football or just on the way you can stay at most all you've got doing so much they like the bugs I mean the just say it man you're looking at how it's already 30 minutes look at mid role here Toby I'll let you move on to someone else baby [Music] Harold yeah have you ever done any Class A drugs and if so [Laughter] [Laughter] including yourself [Laughter] [Laughter] all right spin it properly Wow josh is not stop the gherkin I don't mine I just the egg oh I hate the white of the egg what is the highest number of girls of course of course you can talk at the same time or linking should we speak just to Lincoln Lincoln go on you little juggler all at the same time so call me a juggler even chaos terrible half by a vh1 okay I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do half bag yeah actually yeah I I'm not that one do the whole teenagers they were helping parents [Laughter] answer you know onions a it's a whole thing how can you get the second half it pork off yeah I finish the game I think you're very like very pushy for someone who hasn't eaten anything come on move it well I'm we were used to turn around stop constant Khan did I or did I not thank you my dears base fun you have yours yeah Daily Mail tomorrow doing this unless unless you want it down okay it was jumping out of my insides which on the side man's girlfriend do you like the least just take a swig that's people now don't try it now look at all today and now you want to be either you know get that down you or speak the truth there's no way I mean you don't have to it's so high inside like I see bits in his mouth vegetables Secor ain't about o3 you're a freak just leaps on has been done you're wrong stop the Triple Threat it's come back again okay have you ever hated one of the Seidman and if so who oh [ __ ] don't like I want to add anything that's doing the smoothie first is like giving me fear for this whole challenge one lie seven years mate you must have not like one of us you know what it could be a worth question I'm gonna answer it oh nice I guess why why right yeah Oh JJ what mr. ki so when I broke my collarbone I had a metal plate put through my collarbone I came back from from France I had a horrible horrible time whence they woke up the next day and JJ said we're going to Nando's do you want to come so I'm like yeah sure so I get in the back of his car commandos and he's driving down the road outside a house and he decides to accelerate and then do this and one day after surgery my shoulder is smashing into the window I'm live I was screaming more than when I actually worst pain I've ever experienced in my life again I literally I thought I was gonna pass out and I and that was hanging in that moment it was hey yeah yeah Oh smoothie box coming out stop salmon's face you've got the EO truths then lads hey mate hey mate I wouldn't I wouldn't oh but rumor has it that the audience and we're just quite interested to know who is hotter out of Saoirse and Kirsty I wasn't interested I hope you enjoy well it would have be in the [ __ ] truth book if no one was interested it's not like you're you wrote and why are you asking in my opinion it's obviously beauty is an ID of a hold of courses yeah which ones you find and I'll go no I don't I always I'm gonna say snakes live it exactly brother you're my only one right back who cares bazinga you can hear it spinning right under the triple threat the triple pickle right while yep right how you feeling not great ah give them a wild wild one Ethan hey my brother yes the audience would like to know that if you do much much how much longer a relationship go on for then it should have love I think my questions have been quite outrageous I had no input on this I don't know who wrote this I know because I didn't have any input you have the document look at them when you answer as well they look at me cuz nobody Eggers not one so much haha is so powerful but I don't like those ugly okay let's straighten the car look further ahead Missy it's got the worst I say I'm stopped oh my god oh what's that one what do you mean I will switch the pigeon if you want Gordon yeah you know alright that's the disease bird mate you don't want to sit in the blind dating video recently yeah we've robbed little Germany incident yes to give me the full story in detail all you eat stitches I was quite drunk I believe no no no this is the line you I wake up so I had to wake up I'm freaking out at this point and wakes up and tells me what do you ask yeah spinning stop that'd be like they did like it we'll go to that one yeah we're going out that Midway no it's awful that's moving they would you mean do you think you are the most important and integral member of the sidemen if not who is Oh deep deep a fatty chyme I'm go Tom slight question oh oh oh he's going on yeah oh I think you've let me up quite nicely okay yeah I'm gonna say no oh oh oh I said no and they were like no no you can't say that and the answer is Khao SOI Oh cop-out cop well done now he's he's massive have you done this yeah he brings the clouds it kills the cloud I think I hope you should just say you are ciao I'd be the victim first okay it's not supposed to go that way you're gonna have a lot of hunchback to be amazing yeah thank you that's horrible okay you can give me suck about Ben five seven phrases all right which makes the worst videos in your safe it was spinnin stop right one second let me mix it up II wanna be extra just deep in there see that off me Oh obviously this year you're focusing a lot on your music and you have announced you you're gonna be performing at a number of festivals yeah I'm curious about I can't make my mind up which festival to go watch you out so I want to know what one not to go and watch you out which is the shittiest the worst the one you are least excited about doing one you couldn't give a [ __ ] about performing for which festival big festival commercial big festival but you are me is it I'm just curious I'm just curious my interest here we're showing you embarrass to the app you've got kind of thirsty we're giving you the privilege of thirsty my bro yeah over I've added some extra extra bits and bobs enjoy a glug he's shaken he's called The Vic Oh at the bottom he looked at me no respect when I spit that's disgusting man Wow thank you guys for watching this channel and don't forget to Like and subscribe help me become the number one guts inside my clothing don't come to get yourself a discount yeah and subscribe subscribe let me confess my mind like Tony Stark gonna get up a chest for that back to back I'm ovary every born yet everything blessed just graze a new story show don't tell them I hate this test last year on the cable the Adsense to your channel a brush
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 15,333,018
Rating: 4.9470539 out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday, Spill Your guts or fill your guts
Id: MUiDQ7trALg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 10sec (4570 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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