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JJ tugging his crotch I see.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ComicsbyToluwa 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] yeah you're not famous yeah you're famous okay we are widely known we're widely known strongly disagree yeah yeah I mean can we can we explain I think there's no reason to you're only lying to yourself and the people that you're eventually gonna meet if you're gonna just take your whole is there that much difference between a filter and basically yes yeah yeah it's a huge dip is more talking about it's more thing are you talking about dog filters are you talking about my merely just color ranges changing any okay because I think filters are fun because it just adds a different sort of like vibe to a picture you can just make it either feel a little bit whereas the filter thing I would cost I was faced tuning that's why anything changes yeah babe adding that changes your look is understanding the other side see my question is what is the difference between face tuning and putting on makeup getting getting a beard trimming getting your hair you know shades like everything you do to your appearance what is the difference when digital see what my cup is makeup on except makeup I will accept wiper why do I understand it across the whole like I don't wear makeup just down the closet I don't need hair cousin Beatrice can be this you don't for your appearance you become fake real yes you can you can run get it done you can go on your face your face your face - what Tony Turner manga yeah I mean mr. beech does it pretty good the level of that stuff like oh there's your piece I'll take a beauty channel first video drop my Charlie fair you have you know about that that would be pilot right now trust me came the negative on that II didn't do bad boy it was he was a clown it's completely you know what but she's not still she's my - man that's [Laughter] the day an iPhone comes out was being on my penis is when we do open it comes out the max time a double check I agree that this yeah no yes say there's a couple here definitely some stinkers there are all passwords think you're like a video about video I think for me I've done we've all had to unleash appearance like disagree yes that's why you make is like I think I think's on my videos might suck so okay wait we're like oh no oh okay so I'm not saying what all my beers have been sick like I'm so proud of them but I released them at the time I release um cuz I thought that was a good idea and that's likely to be where I am now so I'm not gonna look back at me like oh I wish I didn't post my video because every video I posted has put me on the journey to where I am now if you took away the stinker that you do think acknowledge the stinkers and I'm happy I posted them I posted I posted a lot of awful videos but if I had to poke them I might not be here making these videos now I really enjoyed if I didn't do ceremonies I'd still be here decision is like I also feel like it's far more common for women and I think if you're gonna ask them on a date you should have that in mind that you're in for the check I've never been asked on a date and then she doesn't make it off the place that offensive [Laughter] [Music] yes I'd eventually change your mind no I said it's not important I think because I was there a point where I can situation for you you don't care at the beginning of my career it was I feel like I've already got enough business-wise yes wait are you saying like some followers will see in being able to see them but if you can't see them then there's less incentive for them oh yeah please you say that but you look at stuff like Instagram no yeah it's the fact can't see all the people here wants to see that now yeah because if you see they're popping from doing something but then it'd be better if we live this aside to everyone oh oh you caught you guys I'm just not in strongly agree to say to us there's like a right and wrong place I'm I do I like meeting fans I love the idea meet fans I'm just too awkward like I get stuck in situations so if you see me come up say hi but then go yeah just talk to me if it was frequently completely yeah because I like yeah yeah yeah [Music] we're not cleaning up [Music] but still I like to try to but there's some games on that game everyone has a price compared to me there's a price out there everyone has a price you're gonna be one brand of no no no no at the time I say cup and I woke up and I I did at the time it was sick but then it just got me a lot it was just a lot it just kept going you believe in did you believe in copper 90 like or was it like oh you know what it's not that bad but they've given me please what they gave me peace but it was also like the experience of me going to all these different stage and then obviously outside this is actually long I write army Fred well at least always and you'd like to yeah you need to like oh yeah you know no no it's no you like to lead to very different yeah fine fine because then that would make me a sexaholic I'm single I know yeah probably could worldly up there yeah I can't move no that's weak that's weak you move from that to that no you were qualified yeah really well a lot of people why is it a problem in their iPad like they have common interests of you know a lot of stuff you do that's it I mean there's some you know [Applause] oh ho ho you can father bringing out signs of love she wanna take my presents top up department giving our wife snow ice lay on these [ __ ] they know I [ __ ] off for Christmas my momma watches spray in my hole
Channel: MoreSidemen
Views: 10,602,435
Rating: 4.9492512 out of 5
Id: qDEM1OTq4i4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 20sec (1580 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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