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(upbeat music) - I'm Nan Robinson and welcome back to the Sidemen Weakest Link. Today the eight YouTubers in front of me will be competing to try and take away 10,000 pounds. They'll have to work together. However, round by round, one will be voted off as the weakest link. Let's meet our contestants. - Hi, I'm Callux. I'm 28, and I'm from London. (men laughing) - Hello, my name's Ethan. I'm 25, and Boris made me fat again. (Josh laughing) - Yo, what's up? Your boy KSI. I'm 27 from London. - I'm Tobi. I'm 27. Naija Boyz for life. - I'm Josh AKA Big Joshua, 28 years old, not the oldest in the room though. - I'm Simon. I'm 28, and I'm here to make sure Ethan doesn't win. (Ethan slurps) - Don't think you're gonna struggle with that. (men laughing) - Hello, I'm Harry. I'm 23. (men laughing) - Fuck off! (men chattering) - No, you're 24 mate. It's your birthday. - No! - Hi, I'm 1111. (contestants chuckling) Also known as Calfreezy, and I'm hoping I don't get voted out first. - Our contestants will be answering questions over two minutes. The way they'll earn the most money is by chaining correct answers. If they get one wrong, then they lose everything they built up to that point. Let's play. (suspenseful music) We're gonna be starting with Tobi who is our strongest link and winner from the previous edition. - [Callux] Oh, it's not a bad thing. - [Vik] Are you ready to answer the questions? - [Callux] Yeah, you're the strongest link. Let's go. - All right. - Tobi. - Bank. - What is the common name for dried plums? - Ooh, prunes? - Yes, correct. - Bank. - Josh, where would you find the sea of tranquillity? - Fuck knows? (men laughing) - The word's pass. - England, lads. Pass. - Simon, oh it's the moon. Simon, which natural disaster is measured using the Richter scale? - Earthquakes. - Correct. Harry, who was the second Sidemen member to reach 10,000 subscribers? - I don't know, I don't know! You? - Correct. - Yes! - Calfreezy. - [Harry] But... - What is KSI's greatest music release? - Bank. (men cheering) (men exclaiming) - What is KSI's greatest music release? - Lamborghini. - Correct. (men cheering) - Callux. - Bank. (men laughing) - [Vik] What holiday is called Turkey Day? - Thanksgiving. - Correct. Ethan, in which decade- - Bank, bank. - Did the Cold War end? (men laughing) - Pass. - 1980s. - [Ethan] All right. - JJ. - Bank. (men laughing) - Bank what, man? - What new hobby has Callux picked up recently? - Shoe design. - Ugh. - (laughs) Incorrect, it's chess. - Ugh. - Tobi, apart from Earth, which other planet in our solar system begins with a vowel? (tense music) - Uranus. - Correct. - Nice. (men cheering) - [Calfreezy] Bro, this Tobi's built different. - Josh, what common food usually goes in a toaster? - Bread. - Correct. - Bank. - Bread man. - Simon, donkeys and other load-bearing animals are known as beasts of what? - Ass. (men laughing) - Incorrect, burden. Harry, which element is said to keep bones strong? - Which what? - [Vik] Element is said to keep bones strong? - Calcium! - Correct. - All right! - Calfreezy, which country produces the most coffee in the world? - India. - Incorrect, Brazil. And that's time. (men exclaiming) - [JJ] You didn't bank. Why didn't you bank? - Dude, shut the fuck up! - To be fair, he got a lot of money over there. - Well done, guys. In that round you banked 200 pounds. However, it's now time to vote - Is that it? (laughs) - Wait what? - Off the player who you think is the weakest link. So, we're gonna go one at a time from left to right. We have someone who's jumping the gun here. While you're here, why Ethan? - I told you I'm doing everything I can to stop Ethan winning. - [Vik] The strongest contestants in that round were Tobi and Harry. Tobi's passion for Uranus really came in handy there. The weakest contestants were Ethan and JJ. Ethan's lost two kilogrammes this week, all from his fucking brain it seems. - You're ready? - Yeah, yeah. - Okay. - Who've you gone for, Callux? - Sorry lad, Freezos. (men exclaiming) - Why have you voted for Freezo? - Don't you dare change your name. (Ethan giggles) I think that we had quite a lot of money banked at one point and my man got a question wrong. - (laughs) He had one question. (men laughing) - Huh? - He had one question right. - He's the only one that got a question right. - Did you not chain them together and then the Lamborghini. - Banked. - No, he got it right. - He got it right. - No, but he fucked the bank up, didn't he? - He got Lamborghini right. - He got it right, he got it right. - Oh, he got it right. - He actually got us more money by not banking. - Oh, right nice. - You could change it now still if you'd like. - [JJ] It's too late, it's too late, it's too late. - [Calfreezy] You can change it. - [Vik] Ethan, who have you gone for? - I've gone for myself. I only got to answer one question, and I got it wrong and I- - So now you want to leave? - And I think I've banked about 50 pounds. (men laughing) So that's why I voted for me. - Who have you voted for, JJ? - I voted for Calfreezy. - Ooh. - Yeah, I just- - Why is that? - I just don't like how he looks. (men laughing) - Toothless. - Have you looked in the mirror recently? (men exclaiming) - Vik is savage! - Robinson made a chat there. - Anyway moving on, Tobi who have you voted for? - I have gone for Freezy. - [Ethan] Oh no! - [Vik] Also Freezy, why's this? - Bro, you travelled all the way to northwest London to be voted off over the first round. (men laughing) Surely not. - He's a bit too tall. I wanna bring the average height down so I look a bit taller. (JJ laughing) - Okay, I like that. - Bro. - Josh, you're next vote. - I vote for Behz. - Why is that? - I was gonna vote in KSI 'cause he has the biggest stinker, but watch time, innit? So, I vote out Behz. - Watch time? (laughs) - I like your thinking. Simon, who have you voted for? - Well, obviously I said Ethan. Tobi's next. - You're next. (JJ laughing) You're the next tallest, bro. - I'm going for the short people. - Wow! (men laughing) Natural selection team. (Vik laughing) - No, it's short-est or height-est. - I would vote for Tobi, as well. - Why have you voted for Tobi? - I thought everyone was going for Ethan, but they didn't in the end so I was gonna use a pity vote. - Next Among Us, don't ask me to stay with you bro. - Bro, I thought you were safe. - And lastly Freezy, who have you voted for? - I've had to do this mathematically. Originally this wasn't my vote, but the only way I stay in here is if I vote Behz. So I apologise. - You lot, Behz voted himself out. (laughs) - He changed his vote. - [Callux] Was it a draw otherwise? - [Contestants] Yeah! (men laughing) - [Josh] Oh, if he had voted Freezy, Freeze's gone. - What did you vote? Bro, you should've voted for- - He changed his vote, changed it bro. - So wait, you just come all the way to North London just to be voted off. (all exclaiming) - I get the money for the video. (men laughing) - Wait, Ethan, walk back to your podium please. - Why? - Come back to podium. Stand there behind your name. You are the weakest link. Goodbye. (intense music) - Yeah fuck off. - We don't clap, we don't clap, we don't clap, we just look at him. - So it turns out that I may have done myself a dirty, dirty deed today. I voted for myself thinking, "I'm a humble man, and I'll do the right thing and vote for myself." Little did I know that Freezy, the little weirdo, would change his vote, and that ended me out in first place, but it's okay. Got to kick my feet up. Cheers. - So you did better than anyone expected that round and banked 200 pounds. This round we're gonna be starting with one of the strongest links from last round and that is Harry. (men exclaiming) - Come on, come on. - What? - What? - What do mean, "What?" Two right, would you... (dramatic music) - Harry what is 144 minus 26? - Oh no! Oh God, oh God, oh God! I was terrible, 118. - Correct. - Ugh! - Calfreezy, what is someone who makes horse's shoes called? A farrier or a braider? - A braider. - Incorrect. (men moaning) - Callux, does MoreCalfreezy have over 100,000 subscribers? - No. - It's incorrect, yes. - Fuck you! (men exclaiming) Hold that. - JJ, what genre of music did Taylor Swift start in? - Country. - Correct. - Bank. - Tobi, what P is the Spanish word for quick and it's used in English to mean at once? - Pronto. - Correct. - Bank. - Josh, which university- - Stop banking so quickly God. - [Vik] Did Tobjizzle attend? - Coventry. - Correct. Simon, what coat is named after a Scottish inventor? (Tobi and JJ laughing) - [Harry] Oh, I know it. - Oh, no, no, you got this, you got this. - I don't. Fucking kilt, I don't know. (men laughing) - Incorrect. - A Mackintosh. - A Mackintosh. - Fuckin'! (men chattering) - Harry, what kind of weapon is a falchion? - A what? - A falchion. - A falchion? A ray gun. - Incorrect. (men laughing) - A sword. - Calfreezy, which American state is the largest by area? - Texas? - [Vik] Incorrect, Alaska. - [JJ] Hmm kazam! - As if you knew that! You're acting as if you knew that - [Callux] Yes, yes, go, go, go. - [Calfreezy] You didn't have a fucking clue that Alaska was even state. (Tobi mumbles) - Callux, what is the most viewed Sidemen game show? (men laughing) - Tinder? (men laughing) - Incorrect. The Weakest Link. (men exclaiming) - JJ, in the Marvel Universe what is Hawkeye's real name? - Brian. - (laughs) Incorrect, Clint Barton. (Tobi laughing) - Shit. - Tobi, how much money did JJ lose when Callux beat his 5K time? - 10 bags? - Incorrect, 20,000. - 20, you up to 20? - [Vik] Josh, what animals are pearls found within? - Clams. - Incorrect, oysters. (men chattering) - Hey yo, yo, hold up, hold up! - You've got it wrong, it was 10K, bro. - It was 10K. - Was it? - Yeah, I just click baited the title. - Oh okay (laughs). We'll run it back and we'll give you that one. (men laughing) - Bank, bank. - You can bank your 20 pounds. - Bank, bank. - Okay you got your oysters question wrong, and that is time. (men groaning) - I got one question. - A clam's an oyster. - I got one question. - I got one question right. - [Josh] Is it a clam an oyster or is it not? - I think it is. A clam? - No it's an oyster. - It's an oyster. - It's oysters. - [Callux] I don't think a clam's an oyster, otherwise they'd both be called oysters. - Yeah, all right. - Yeah, that a good point. That's a great point. You should come, you take his place. - But are pearls in clams? (JJ laughing) - Those animals- (men laughing) - [Simon] I've got a Sidemen wrestling. (men exclaiming) - [Callux] Incorrect. - You got it. (men cheering) - Bank, bank, bank, bank 20 pounds. Everyone else is two except me. - You got two wrong? - [Tobi] No, you had a rotter that round, like rotter rotter. - Well we both got two. (men exclaiming) - I see what you're tried to do there. I see what you're tried to do there. (men chattering) - He got the maths one right at the start. - Nah, I was talkin' to Cal. - Yeah, then Cal got two wrong. You got two wrong. (Tobi laughing) - You found a rotter. - I see what you had that. - [Josh] He's had two wrong now man big man. - Right let's stop the squabbling between you. It was an awful round. You only banked 110 pounds that round. - Oh. - So evidently, without Ethan you're a little bit worse. - Agreed. - Maybe he wasn't the right person to vote off. But we will be deciding again who you guys think is the weakest link. Please write your answers on your circles in front of you. Tobi and Josh were the strongest links in that round. The weakest links were Simon and Freezy, bringing a whole new meaning to the phrase slim thick. This time we're gonna start from the right. Freezy, who are you voting off? Who do you think is the weakest link? - Lux. (contestant laughs) - Why do you think Lux is the weakest link? - He got both answers wrong, and he tried to violate me on the first one. (KSI laughs) - Harry, who have you gone for? - I went for the Frongy, because- - Who's that then? (men laughing) - The reason I've done it is because he went after me, didn't bank, and then got the answer wrong, which makes it twice as bad. - He lost your Ps. - Exactly. (men laughing) - Simon, who have you gone for? - I went for Tobi, and I said JJ next. (men laughing) - He's talking to Nigeria. (men chattering) - I'm going on height. - I see what you're doin'. - It's his birthday. - I'm exempted. - True. - Josh, who have you voted for? - I've gone with Freezy as well. (men exclaiming) - All right, I'm not your stud. (men laughing) - Sorry, but yeah bro. - And why is that? - Just had a stinker, innit really? (men laughing) - Tobi, who have you voted for? - He's still too tall. - Oh, wow. - Look how he's jacked my things. - Simon's next. - What's going on? - JJ? - [Tobi] I said this first round. - I still don't like how he looks. (men laughing) - It's not looking good. Callux, spin it around. - Enjoy the trip back to east London, lad. (men exclaiming) - So we both took the trip. (men laughing) - Come back. Obviously, you've travelled a long way today. (men laughing) - Thank you. - You actually spent more time travelling to this shoot than you've spent on this shoot, (men laughing) which is very unfortunate. You are the weakest link. Goodbye. (men singing) - Bro, if you every try that again. ♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪ ♪ Goodbye ♪ - To be perfectly honest with you, I think I was quite lucky not to go out in the first round. Ethan voted himself off, so I could kind of feel it coming in the second round. And I was just glad I didn't go out first. So I'm gonna walk away with a W. - Okay, so moving to the next round you have 310 pounds banked. We are once again gonna be starting with one of the strongest links from last round, and that is Josh. - Are you ready to fuck with Josh? - Josh, which chess piece can only move diagonally? - Fucking prostitute. - Oh my God! - Incorrect, bishop. (laughs) (men exclaiming) - Simon, in his Minecraft series, what did Pewdiepie name his horse? - Sven? - Incorrect, Joergen. - [Simon] Fuck, that was his dog, wasn't it? - It was close. - Harry, which rapper, Sean Combs, is better known, what is the name the rapper- - P Diddy! - Correct. - Come on! - Callux. - Bank. (men laughing) - [Vik] In which year did Vik, Simon, JJ and Josh move into the first Sidemen house? - 2015. - Incorrect. - [Vik And Josh] 2014. - [Vik] JJ, what is the cube root of 1,000? (dramatic music) - Cube root. - 10. - [Vik] Correct. Tobi. - Yes, bank. - [Vik] Mexico's Dia de los Muertos means what in English? - Day of the Dead. - Correct. (men exclaiming) - Jesus! - Josh, what named does deer meat go by? - Deer meet go by? Veal. - Incorrect. - Venison. (men giggling) - [Vik] Simon, what is the name of the character played by KSI in "Laid in America?" - Fuck, no one watched that. (men laughing) - Pass. - Incorrect, Duncan. - [JJ] Duncan. - No one watched that shit, bro! (Tobi laughing) - Which German city is also the name of a type of perfume? - Cologne - Correct. - Yes. - Bank. - Callux, the word tan is an anagram of which insect? - Tan was Ant. - Correct. - Ooh. - That was so easy. (Josh laughing) - JJ, which of the Sidemen registered as an artist on Spotify has the least monthly listeners? (tense music) - Josh. - Incorrect, Behzinga. - [Ethan] I don't have one. (men laughing) - Josh, which planet has the most gravity? - Shit! - Yeah, go on Josh (giggles). - Wait what? It's Tobi's go, what about Tobi? - No, no it's all right go to Josh. (men laughing) - You know what, we'll run it back. Tobi, what is the planet with the most gravity? - Jupiter. - Correct. - Nice. - Josh in which city in India- - Bank. - Would you find the Taj Mahal? - [Tobi] You shoulda taken the planet question bro. (laughs) - Fuck, it's... - And that's time. It was Agra. (men exclaiming) - [Josh] It's what? - Agra. - Bless you. - Sorry what you saying? - (giggling) Agra. - Agra? - You sneeze? (men laughing) - [Ethan] I don't have a Spotify, so someone's making money off of me. (men laughing) - Ethan, apparently not much anyway, so it's fine. (all laughing) - They made 10 P, bro. - Who's done that then, 'cause it's not me? - Okay, continuing your spiral downwards you only managed to bank 100 pounds that rounds. (Tobi scoffs) Evidently you're not getting rid of the weakest link. Can we try that once again? Who do you think is the weakest link? Write it down now please. The weakest links in that round were Josh and Simon. The strongest were Tobi and Harry. Tobi knows E equals MC squared, whereas Harry says E equals a good time. Okay, let's start from the left this time. Callux, who have you voted for? - That was a shocking performance at the end unfortunately, so Josh. - [Tobi] Esh. - Who you voting for, JJ? - So, Ethan has come back from the dead to also vote. (men laughing) - Wow. - We've both gone for Josh. - Okay. - How does that work? - Wow, that's crazy. - First of all, how does he not know about a bishop? - I'm not a boomer. (men chattering) - Outrageous. - Wait, a what? - A bishop. (all laughing) - Vote for yourself, bro. Vote for yourself. - Why you saying that? Take my vote away, I ain't with you. (men laughing) Just do you. - Okay, fine. - Tobi, who have you voted for? - I didn't copy his answers. - I was the strongest link last round, lads. (men laughing) - No, you were one of, one of. - We've counted this as three votes for Josh, so everyone on this side of the room is gonna have to vote for the same person if Josh wants to remain in the show. - Harry, could you change your vote please? - We could do a number, you know. - Can you do it please (giggles). (Harry mumbling) - You know what, you know what, in this circumstance, I will allow amendments of votes if- - [Ethan] What the fuck?! Wait, so you're telling me they won't- (men exclaiming) - What are you doing? - [Ethan] Wait, so you're telling me it wasn't allowed in the first round? 'Cause he did that, that's why I'm saying it. (men laughing) That's the only reason. (Josh and Simon laughing) - Vik, I've travelled from east. - Okay who have we gone for, Josh? - I voted for Tobi. - [Tobi] Oh! - Oh my God! (laughs) - Okay. - 'Cause even though he has performed well, he's known to throw towards the end. (men exclaiming) - Ethan did a throwbie. I've just clocked he voted for himself. (all laughing) - [Ethan] He changed it so I was fine. - [Simon] You still voted for yourself. - Okay, Simon who have you voted for? - I haven't even changed what I wrote. - Okay, you both have voted for Tobi, and Harry? - I'm sorry, Tobi but- - Listen. - I voted for ZerkaaPlays. (men exclaiming) - Jeez! - [Ethan] You be you're own people you know. (giggles) (men laughing) (men chattering) - Now you know what, you know what, you know what? I'm going to step in right now. - What? - Fuck off, Vik! - And override your vote and do what Josh wanted you to do. I'm gonna change your vote to Tobi. (contestants gasping) This means we have a split tie between Tobi and Josh. (men laughing) - What's going on? - And in a split tie, the strongest link decides who is the weakest link. Tobi, who do you think is the weakest link? (all laughing) - It's you, it's you. And you. (men laughing) - Yeah, you wouldn't this to- - You lot don't deserve me man. Hey, fuck this. (contestants screaming) - [Tobi] You don't deserve me. - Wait what? No, no, no, no. (Ethan screaming) - I'm throwin'. I'm voting myself. (contestants screaming) - I'm in, I stayed in! - All right, say the line. - Tobi, you've decided yourself as the weakest link. (contestants exclaiming) (Vik clapping) - [Josh] That's my brother right there. - Thank you. - [Ethan] You lot done now, the strongest link. (men exclaiming) - I didn't vote for him. I voted for Zerkaa! (men laughing) - [Tobi] You don't deserve me. (Ethan laughing) I didn't get a question wrong bro. - I did it. I did it! (men laughing) - [Ethan] This has been a fucking rigged this time around. - Amazingly, we have a first there. The strongest link has voted themselves out as the weakest link. (contestant laughs) Just shows anything can happen in a Sidemen game show. We are moving now into the next round. - Hey Callux, who's taller, you or Josh? - It is what it is, innit? You gotta know your worth. I smashed my questions, and I won't let anyone talk down to me. Kings and Queens, know your worth. Also, fuck Simon. - Five of you remain, 410 pounds in the bank. Only one of you will be leaving with this money. Once again, you're gonna have to work together. This round we'll be starting with Harry, who was tied for the strongest link with Tobi. Harry, which animal can be seen on the Porsche logo? - A horse. - Correct. Callux, which word goes before vest, beans, and quartet? - Oh! - String. - Correct. - Whoa! (claps) - JJ, which Avenger is the only one who could calm the Hulk down? - Scarlet. - Incorrect, Black Widow. - Johansson. That's her! (contestants laughing) - That's not the Avenger, that's the actor. (men chattering) - Come on! - Josh, what is the primary ingredient in hummus? - Chickpeas. - Correct. - Bank. - Simon, how many molecules of oxygen does ozone have? - Two. - Incorrect, three. Harry, what colour is absinthe? - Clear? - Incorrect, green. (contestants jeering) - What, the actual liquid's green? - [Contestants] Yeah! - Fuck, I don't know about that one. - Callux, where can you get the best merch on YouTube? - - Correct! - [Callux] Discount code is... (Josh laughing) I bottled it. - [Josh] "I bottled it?" Okay. - JJ, which kind of alcohol is Russia notoriously known for? - Vodka. - Correct. - Bank. - Josh, what is the body's largest organ? - Intestines, large intestines. Small intestines! - Incorrect, the skin. (men exclaiming) Simon, in what year was the Euro introduced? (JJ laughing) - 1990? - Incorrect, 1999. Harry, which company owns Bugatti Lamborghini, Audi, Porsche, and Ducati? - Volkswagen. - Correct. - [Simon] Go on, lad. - Callux, name the game played on a lawn called a Crown Green. - Croquet. - Incorrect, bowls. JJ, which British girl group had a member by the name of Mel B? - Spice Girls. - Correct. Josh, which boxer was known as The Greatest and The Peoples' Champion? - Oh fuck it, I don't know. - Josh, Josh, Josh, Josh, Josh, please. Josh, please. - Peoples' Champion? I don't know The Peoples' Champion. (men chattering) Peoples' Champion. - [All] Josh! Josh! - I don't know it. (men shouting) - That's time. - [Ethan] Get off! Get off! - [Josh] Who's Peoples' Champion? Who is it? - The answer was Muhammad Ali. (men jeering) - He's gotta go. (men yelling) - That's unbelievable. - This is on you! This is on you! (men laughing) - Okay in that round you banked 110 pounds. Still struggling to meet up to the first round again. Perhaps weaker for losing some of your fellow contestants. It's time to vote for who you think is the weakest link. Please write down. Simon was again the weakest link in that round. But Josh couldn't remember Muhammad Ali's name. If I wanted to see someone with grey hair look confused, I'd visit my nana in the care home. We're gonna mix things up, we'll start with you Josh. - Surprise. - Who do you think is the weakest link? - JJ. (JJ laughing) - [Tobi] He got that wrong as well. (men chattering) - [Josh] I saw him vent. - You saw him vent? - Yeah. - You saw me vent? - Implying he's an imposter? - Yeah. - Okay. - He vented into my brain and didn't let me answer. - Okay. (JJ laughing) Well as he's voted for you, JJ, who do you think is the weakest link? - I voted for Josh. - Oh why? - Mans had a dirty stinker. The Peoples' Champion. (men laughing) (JJ stuttering) Logan. - You said it, not me. (men laughing) - Muhammad Ali, come on man. - But you're a boxer. - Yeah, but still, anybody would know that. - Let me ask you a question about touring cars. - Even if you weren't a boxer. - Just stop it. - Okay Simon, who have you voted for? - I stuck to my word. I said, JJ. But also I just want to point out that we actually had three in a row, and JJ didn't bank and got it wrong with the Marvel question. - [All] Oh! - You lost us the most money, actually. Statistically, JJ lost us the most money. - [Vik] He's come with the facts. - Oh, so you going- - No, I'm just saying. - [Tobi] That's your best friend. - Okay. - I'm just saying that - [Tobi] That's your best friend. - No one got it right before me, and the money's gone. (JJ laughing) - Shut up. (men jeering) - [Ethan] Hey, that's your mans. (men laughing) - Well Harry, who have you voted for? - [Harry] I went for Zerky. I think it's time to go, finally. (JJ laughs) - Okay, so that means the decision in it's entirety- - My vote doesn't matter, Vik. Don't worry about it. - What? - Actually, it's the only vote that matters. - [Josh] It does matter. - Fuck. (men laughing) - [JJ] Yes! - You decided it. - Finally! (laughs) - He's gone for Small Josha. - That's not me. - A blatant disrespect on you name. Josh, unfortunately you are the weakest link. Goodbye. (men singing) (Ethan muttering) - Loser. ♪ Goodbye ♪ (JJ laughing) - All right, well, it was going well. And then just had one of those questions where it's an easy question. In hindsight, I know it. It's Muhammad Ali. But (laughs) in the heat of the moment, it just goes. Everyone was shoutin' at me. I was doing well. For that question, obviously, it's too obvious. So I had to get voted out. I deserve it to be honest. I deserve it. - With now half of the contestants remaining in the game, you've managed to bank 520 pounds. - Yes. (contestants clapping) - That's all right, that all right. - Yes, rich. - Out of the potential 4,000. (Harry scoffs) (contestants laughing) As we have less contestants now, we have less time. There'll be one minute in this round, and we're starting with again a popular strongest link. We're startin' with Harry. - How are you doing this? - Harry, what is another word for lexicon? - Lexicon? I have no idea. Pass. - Incorrect, dictionary. - Callux, what is the smallest country in the world? - Luxembourg. - [Vik] Incorrect, Vatican City. JJ, what is VikkStar123's most popular Minecraft song titled? - "Stay Scheming." - Incorrect, "Victory Chant." Simon, who discovered penicillin? - Fuck knows, Callux. - Incorrect, Alexander Fleming. Harry, what is the name of Batman's butler? - Oh, I don't know. (men laughing) Roger but I don't watch films. I don't know. - Incorrect, Alfred. - I don't know this. - [Vik] Callux, how many valves does a trumpet have? - Two. - Incorrect, three. (men shouting) - JJ, what does BMW stand for? - Black man's willie. (men laughing) Shit, shit! - Incorrect, Bavarian Motor Works. Simon, what is the name of the longest river in the world? - Nile? - Correct. - Yes. - The first one. - And that's time. And you didn't bank. (men shouting) - I don't have to say bank. Do I have to say bank before he says it? We haven't got a question wrong. It just ticks over. - You have to bank before the end of the round. - What do you mean? Ah, yeah. - We got one question right and we didn't bank. (men laughing) - Oh my God. - I was gonna take the question, aight? If I'd have seen the time, I'd have banked. (men chattering) - [Josh] Valves, valves. - I thought he said vowels. - [Josh] I heard that, but I knew he meant valves. - So in that round you banked a huge zero pounds. And it is now time for you to vote out who you think is the weakest link. - As the only person to answer a question correctly, Simon is the strongest link. Whereas JJ thought BMW stood for black man's willie. If Callux's penis was a car, it'd be a mini. All right, we are gonna start with JJ. Who've you voted for? - Yeah, I'm sorry. (men groaning) - He's voted for Simon. - I was the only one who got it right. (contestants laughing) - That's your mans. That's your mans, bro. - Stop sayin' he's my mans, okay. (men laughing) - That's you mans. - Simon, who have you voted for? - I voted for JJ. (men laughing) He didn't get a single question right. He looks stupid. (men laughing) He has a big forehead. (JJ laughing) Just all in general fuck you. (men laughing) - [Tobi] That's your mans. - Callux, who have you voted for? - Simon. (men gasping) - I see, I see what's happened here. (men laughing) - Mainly because he got a question right. - Oh, okay that's how you wanna get. - Yeah, you're too strong. - Harry, who've you voted for? - Well I played tactically, 'cause I knew what Simon was going with. I'm going with KSI. (men shouting) - Oh, oh. - Okay. (men chattering) - Well, as I'm sure you've all realised (laughs), Simon, as the strongest link from last round, the only contestant to answer a question correctly, you now have the deciding vote. Who are you gonna vote off, yourself or JJ? - [Simon] You know, you lot don't deserve me either. (contestant shouts) But JJ's goin. (men laughing) - I knew. - That was nice, that was nice. It was JJ's idea, by the way. - JJ, I'm impressed you've made it this far. - I'm impressed as well. - But you are the weakest link. Goodbye. (tense music) - This is what happens when you give into peer pressure, bro. Don't listen to him. (men singing) ♪ Hey, hey ♪ - No, okay. - What did Josh do? - He don't like Josh. ♪ Goodbye ♪ - [Tobi] No, no, no, no, I did good. - [Callux] Oh you're really givin' it to them. - Yeah, to be honest I was surprised I got that far. 'Cause I'm dumb as fuck. So yeah, that was a bit mad. But yeah, I definitely felt like Simon had it in for me. As you can see when I was next. And yeah, he did the final blow, the twat, and ended my career. - And we now have three contestants remaining. However, only two of you will make it to the final round, the sudden death. You're gonna to have another minute on the clock, and we are starting with our strongest link. That is gonna be Simon. - Simon, what is the national dish of Spain? - Paella? - Correct. Harry, name the seventh planet from the sun. - Saturn. - Incorrect, Uranus. - [JJ] Boom. - Callux, who was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize in 1903? - Jenny. - Marie Curie, incorrect. Simon, is Java a type of OS? - Yes. - Incorrect, no. Harry, what is Simon Minter's his middle name? - I don't know. John. - Incorrect, Edward. Callux, in Thunderbirds, what was Lady Penelope's chauffeur called? - Winston? - Incorrect, Parker. Simon, which country invented tea? - India. - Incorrect, China. Harry, what does HTTP stands for in coding? - Hyper telecommunications text position. - Incorrect. Callux, which is the only American state to begin with the letter P? - Pennsylvania. - Correct. - Bank. - That's time. (men cheering) - He got the bank. - He didn't, he didn't. - [Ethan] Harry knows he's out. (men laughing) - I knew the ones where it wasn't my fuckin' question. - I knew your ones. - Okay, you managed to bank 20 pounds in that round. - It's good. - Let's go, boys. - That means you're taking 540 pounds through to the final, but of course one of you has to leave before that happens. Please place your votes for who you think is the weakest link. In that round, Simon and Callux were the strongest links, and Harry was the weakest. It looks like Harold might be packing his bags and leaving. Maybe that's justice for the Brexit voter. Okay, we are gonna to start with Harry. Who do you think his weakest link? - So let me give my reason here. - Okay. - I know 'cause of the last round he's voting for Lux. So if I was to vote Lux, I think he's gone. But I wanna spice it up a little bit, so I voted for Simon. (men cheering) So let's see if Lux is my boy or not, let's see. - Oh no. (men laughing) - Wow, and next we're gonna find out how Simon has voted. Simon has voted for Callux. - That's not very nice now, Simon, is it? - I put Lux next. Oh, I'm gone. - And Callux, who have you voted for? - It's not very nice now, is it Simon. Why'd you do that? (men laughing) Why've you done that then? - 'Cause I said it in the last round, and I'm a man of my word. - Say you're sorry to me. - I'm sorry. - Too late. (men laughing) (men cheering) - Simon, you are the weakest link. Goodbye. (men chattering) - [Simon] I see Harry looked over and went. - [Ethan] How has Harry got away with this? - [Josh] I don't know. - He should've been off. - I don't know. (men laughing) - [Ethan] Did you see him jump up and down? - So obviously, I was deciding who I was gonna vote out, and it was it was going well until Lux and Harry had their little moment. They looked at each other and decided to vote me out. I was the strongest link, two rounds in a row, and got punished for it. Screw Callux. - Congratulations, Callux and Harry. You've made it to the final, which will be five questions sudden death style. As the performance was so shocking, our proud sponsor,, have added an extra 1,000 pounds to the prize pool (men chattering) taking it up to- - But you make that in about a fuckin' hour. (men laughing) - [Ethan] Right, don't tell them that. - So that brings the grand total of the prize pool up to 1,560 pounds, which could be one of yours to take away. Five more questions each. Callux, as the strongest link from last round with one question answered correctly- - [Simon] Bollux. - To Harry's zero questions answered correctly. It's time to play the weakest link. Okay, your first question, Callux, there's no time pressures here, you can take as long as you need. - Sweet. I'll get your watch time. (men laughing) - Named the world's biggest island. - Name the world's biggest island. (men laughing) Name the world's biggest island. - [Simon] Don't look at us. - [Tobi And JJ] Come on, come on, come on, come on. - [Tobi] If you think about it. - [Josh] He doesn't know it. - Australia. (men chattering) - Incorrect. - It's one of those north- - It's Greenland. Okay, moving over to Harry for his first question. In which part of the body might you find the femur? - It's the leg. - Correct. (men exclaiming) - Okay, all right. Okay, I see what you're doin' here, mate. (men laughing) - Top right corner. - Callux, your second question. - [Callux] Yeah. - What was the value given to the fake first edition box of Pokemon cards opened on the YouTube channel Dumb Money? - Oh. - $150,000. - [Tobi] Holy smokes. - Incorrect, it was $375,000. - Oh, that was an easy question. - Harry. - Yes. - One question ahead. Potential to go two questions ahead here. - 'Kay. - What year was the very first model of the iPhone released? - Ooh. I'm thinking 2006. - Close, but no cigar. - Is it eight? - Incorrect, it was 2007. - Ah! - Callux with a chance to catch up here. Which parts of the atom has no electric charge? - The neutron. - Correct. (men cheering) - Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop. Took me a minute but, who was it? Was it you who was like. (men chattering) - Harry? - Yeah. - Which actress has won the most Oscars? - I've no idea, mate. Judi Dench? (Vik laughing) - [Callux] Kate Winslet? - It was Katharine Hepburn. - (scoffs) Yeah, I don't know. - That was a hard one. - That's done. - Callux, in which decade did Margaret Thatcher become Prime Minister? - The '70s. - Correct. - Nice. (contestant clapping) - Get in, come on! - Ah! - [Callux] I'm gonna shut up till it's all the way to the end. - [Simon] You can have that lox with a side of- - [Harry] Ah! - Harry, if you had a Lafite-Rothschild on your dinner table, what would it be? - A la-what Rothsch? - A Lafite-Rothschild. (Tobi giggling) - (sighs) Oh my God. I don't know. (Harry stuttering) On my table, on my table? - On your dining table. - I know the Rothschilds are the Illuminati family. - Yeah. - But I don't know what they, I'm assuming it would be a, something, a pot you can put gravy in. (Tobi scoffs) No? - [Tobi] A gravy boat, you know. - It's a type of wine unfortunately, so. - Oh. - Not the worst guess, to be fair, a gravy boat. - That is not correct. Question number four. One point ahead for you, Callux. Which country won the very first FIFA World Cup in 1930? - The correct answer is Mexico. - Oh my god. - No it's not. (men laughing) - It's Uruguay. - Oh shit, I did know that actually. Yeah. - [Ethan] Harry's jumpin' around in the corner. - Mate it's always, okay, nevermind. - Harry, which country is Prague in? - The Czech Republic. - Correct. (men cheering) Tying it up for question five. (men chattering) - I was in goal. - Callux, question five. What kind of cells are found within the brain? (Tobi laughing) - You're getting stiffed this entire time. - [Simon] Well in mine it's a prison cell. (men laughing) - Is this as easy as... What kind of cells? - Are found within the brain? - Are found within the brain? (men scoffing) - Brain cells. (Vik laughing) Is it not that? - I mean, technically. - Technically, technically. - On a technicality. - I mean. (men laughing) There's a bunch of cells, but brain cells. - [Tobi] Give him the answer, bro, give it to him. - The answer I had was neurons. (men laughing) But I can't really fault brain cells 'cause you're not wrong. - He's done it. He's done it! (men laughing) - No, no, I've got a chance. I've got a chance. - He's done it! - So I'm giving you that one. (men laughing) - [Josh] Neurons are a common brain cell. - Harry. - Yes. - Make or break on this question. You have to get this right to unlock another question and another chance to win. - I know, I know, I know. - Which organ has four chambers. - [Ethan] Oh my god, bro. - I actually know that. - [Simon] It's a gift. That's a gift from God. - At first I was thinking the lungs, but then I cocked for my childhood, it's the heart. (men cheering) - That is correct. And we move on to question six. (men laughing) - Where's the other two? (men laughing) - Question six: name the world famous gardens situated 10 miles outside of London, close to the River Thames. - Kew Gardens. - That is correct. (contestant clapping) - Make it or break it question. Which email service is owned by Microsoft? - Oh, it's Outlook. Yeah? - Outlook no longer exists. - [All] Yeah it does. - I've got an Outlook. - [Ethan] Bro, I've still got an Outlook account that I can go on. - Oh, oh, okay. - [Josh] Hotmail is gone; Outlook's still here. - Oh, I'm sorry, I got it confused. (men jeering) - Yeah, it's Outlook. (men chattering) - I got it the wrong way around. That's my bad. - You said what? You said Yahoo, init? - Question seven, this is a true face off. This is a worthy final round. Callux, in which year did Wroetoshaw hit 10 million subscribers? - So he hasn't uploaded, meaning that he wouldn't get many subs. - You're not wrong. - 2017. - That is correct. (men clapping) (men chattering) - [Josh] I thought it was '18. - Okay, once again in a make it or break it position. Callux has consistently put you on the back foot here Harry. - Yeah. - [Vik] Can you answer back: Aquaman is from which city under the sea? - Stop askin' me TV questions, I don't know any! - Bro, bro, bro, bro. (men exclaiming) - [All] Listen. - Aquaman is from which city under the sea? - There's one city, bro. - Pineapple. - [Tobi] There's one. - There's one city under the sea. - [Ethan] Get that fuckin' brain workin'. - [JJ] Come on, let it turn. (Harry stuttering) - Is it the SpongeBob one then? (men shouting) No. All right so it's not then. The only city that I know under the sea is Atlantis. - That is correct. (men cheering) - [JJ] Oh, that's sad. - [Ethan] That's gonna be a meme though. (men jeering) - That's sad. - The final two questions are going to be about flowers. We're startin' with you, Callux. - Okay. - What kind of flower bulbs were once exchanged as a form of currency? - Tulips. - That is correct. - [Simon] What? What! - That's the one flower question I know in the entire universe. - Okay. (men laughing) - Harry. - Yes. - What colour is a Welsh poppy? - Ooh! I know this, 'cause you've already asked me it in The Chase video. It's yellow. - Correct. (men cheering) - [Simon] I was gonna say I know this question. - Okay, you're pretty good with flowers. Let's go over to animals now. Callux, how many eyes does a bee have? - Don't look at me. - They've got loads 'cause when you see through the bee, there's bare hexagons. (men laughing) In the movies and stuff there's loads of things. So it's somethin' fuckin' ridiculous, isn't it? Let's throw this out the fuckin' window, 64. (men laughing) - 64 eyes? - I hope this is right. - Can I change my answer? - The correct answer was five. - Five? Who walks round with an odd number of eyes. (men laughing) Best of luck, man. How many arms does a human have? (men laughing) - I'd argue even if you lose an arm you're still a human. (men laughing) (men exclaiming) - Oh shit. (JJ laughing) - [JJ] Jeez! - Harry, your first chance to steal it here in a little while. - Okay. - How many hearts does an octopus have? - Two. - Incorrect, it's three. - Three. (men shouting) - Vik's fumin'. (men laughing) - [Ethan] All right, spend another 20 minutes lookin' for questions. - [Vik] Still on a tie-breaker, let's talk about brands. - Who? - Brands. Brands. Okay, Callux. What is the slogan for Apple? - Ooh. - No not that. (men laughing) What is the slogan for Apple? - Just do it. (men laughing) - Think differently. (Vik laughs) - Did he get it? I think he got it, no? - It's think different. (men exclaiming) - [Ethan] He did give you brain cells earlier, so. - I can't let you off a second time, I'm afraid. (men shouting) You said, think different, and then you said, ly. I'm sorry. - I thought your name was Lee. (men laughing) - Harry, which luxury brand has a pointed crown as its logo? - [Josh] Oh shit this is so easy, Harry, it's so easy. - A pointed crown as its logo. A pointed crown as its logo. Is it Armani? - [JJ] Ah, God. - No, it's Rolex. - Ah! Of course, of course, of course, of course. All right boys, come on. - I won. And I won. - Callux. - I'm a smart don you know. - In which American city was John F. Kennedy assassinated? - Louisiana. - No, Dallas. - Fair enough. L. - Ooh. - (sighs) Once again, Harry. - I swear to God, mate. Okay, let's go. - Once again, Harry. In which European country was Adolf Hitler born? - He was born in... Oh God. (Vik laughing) Oh God, oh God, oh God. Oh God, there's a few thing runnin' through my head. First of all, I thought Poland. Then I though no. Then I thought standard Germany. I though no. - He knows it, he knows it. - Is it Austria? - That's correct! (men cheering) - Birthday boy! (men cheering) - Have they ever celebrated a Sidemen video like this ever before? (men cheering) I'm fumin'. - Pour some out, pour some out. - Should be me. Think different. - [Tobi] The birthday boy wins. (Calfreezy clapping) - [Calfreezy] Here, give me that. - All right, take a cup, take a cup, take a cup. You drivin'? - No, I'm good. - Look, I shoulda come through with the dub. Think different-ly. I was callin' him Lee. I'm fumin'. And I've written a song. ♪ I'm fuming ♪ ♪ Fuming ♪ ♪ Fuming, fuming, fuming ♪ ♪ I am fuming ♪ - GG, bogo. - [All] Happy birthday! (JJ shouts) - Ugh. - What a video. Taste like water these days, dunnit? - Yeah, yeah. - Oh, I had a very fun game. I feel like if Tobi'd stayed in he coulda dubbed up, but unfortunately he sacrificed himself. Me and Lux had a good battle, but I just about finessed it. Got a bottle of sambuca on my birthday. Get it! (upbeat electronic music)
Channel: Sidemen
Views: 15,979,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sidemen, sidemen sunday, #sidemensunday
Id: Fnp2em6txUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 22sec (2782 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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