Crazy Top End 4WDing - EVERYONE BOGGED! • How do we get out?

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three times third time's a charm I tell that's what they say three times a charm well that's exactly right we came out here about four years ago growing myself and a bunch of other people we came out here to cut a track to the coast the Gulf of Carpentaria we followed up the wall he wants your creek absolutely kicked out but we only made it what a couple of hundred meters up the creek if we're lucky we still had about eight Kay's to go we came back like the mad buggers we are on our own holidays would come back and try and nail it again no absolutely bait us so make three times third time lucky this is our third time first time fail second time wasn't a fail we got there again but we're gonna tinnie yeah this time we ain't got no boat we're going there by four-wheel-drive morello Springs third time lucky mate I'm sorry so excited I'm getting an early night probably not much point I'm not gonna sleep let's try anyway here we go that's bring some up mate we hit the tracks our plan is to head north from the homestead up towards the whirly wants a creek almost retracing the exact track that we put in all those years ago that is now open to the public and allows them to reach the coast relatively easily we're not heading to the coast the easy way though we plan to branch off approximately halfway up and head directly east following along the edge of as many salt flats as we possibly can our end goal is to reach the Gulf of Carpentaria and park up on the sand Lorella Springs is a 1 million acre adventure playground in the Gulf of Carpentaria it's a working cattle station but it is also a four-wheel-drive adventure playground this is the last frontier hey Sean oh I didn't expect this much water in the roads it is far down nine to blue this yeah all right mate it's I'm still pretty early in the season spices good cause [Music] actually devices all that right don't say it strive a little bit towards the end she's a bit software there the dirty thirties had his water dog now the engine of life what happened one bit of trouble showing that camper travel be sure that Tata's and it's a privilege why that's that guy am i just telling her a lazy actually trick my students Nestea keen to try out a brand new automatic conversion in that mighty GU patrol of his you're not gonna file a third time I know that because we're gonna give it everything gonna give it an absolutely everything but it's one of these places you've gotta respect to land out here because Morello Springs it's one tough place don't ever think you've got it over this place because they can turn around and kick your backside so fast yeah it couldn't have said it better myself Sean oh this is our attempt to make it out to the coast and I don't know late-season wet Loretto Springs nothing is guaranteed right downstream in the water we want you see out the where we camped originally and this place just unconscious exactly I remember this little mangrove joke just popping up here over the rocks it's amazing we just stopped on the side of the track and thought we just got a check out there over and check out the remains quickly have a cast and quickly other cast means we have a future about 10 minutes that's nice it's pretty good just have a look at how pristine this waterway is here it's untouched it's one of those waterways that there's so very few of them left in the world so to be down here in shorty doing this again heck I don't care if I see a fish actually that is a bold-faced lie I'm lying to you right now of course I want to catch a fish and I want to catch it before Sean Tuohy does so excuse me please turns out neither one of us caught a fish of course we were starting to jump back in the trust and push on north we had a fair bit of ground a lot of unknown terrain Tatanka it's at this point right here left attractive accordion and an hour branching out east following our noses as best we can to ward the coast just pull it up here because I've come to what looks to be the edge of a Billabong down through here it's an inland I'm not even a Billabong almost just like a soca it comes right up through this waterway here there's a lot of green pick through here which suggests to me it's quite wet wet out here means mud no it's actually pretty good you can see through here where the cattle have been crossing their cattle aren't dumb they won't go where it's sloppy because I want to get Bob themselves so I'm actually gonna follow that cattle pad try and get through those trees right across there look at that little liking that's made [Music] yes I have a bust on the road I like it the side off you small forehead that's fast II think I might be able to fix that little ingenuity I think I might have a table toy in the back like a boa brand-new you can't be too precious about your paintwork okay especially on trips like this I think we really get stuck into it get back out yeah my tum excited come on six weeks barely running the season and these dry salt lakes that were on right now it would be absolutely a no-go zone this time of the year however they are perfect they do differ however from Salt Lake's closer to the coast it's those that I'm gonna be the most wary of but right now the traveling is good it's reasonably open there's not that much thick vegetation and we're making good time the reality of filming a four-wheel drive action DVD is that things don't always go according to plan that right there is the four-wheel drive action camera car and it's stuck real stuck kenric artist went straight down and it follows the same we all tracks of Shorty and and one of the big rules out here when you go across squad planes never take the same with tracks is another vehicle I took a different line and it was still so stop it all this way look at my tires and went straight down but I just managed to make it through a bit of momentum so I'm gonna use my cars and Anchor Point it's pretty heavy it's got the trail up we get the camera car so we can get the camp these little remotes that you get for your winch's these days I tell you what they are the absolute B's needs and I'd do it again all right trying to winch the camera carry out their plan of attack what we didn't realize was just how bottomless that mud was of course the camera car is got camera equipment and of course the luggage and swags for the camera that's reasonably heavy and this mud couldn't care less for the we get out or not it's a static recovery you're recovering from a dead a dead point to a dead point where as a patron use a snatch strap I've got a lot of kinetic energy in it I can try and really pull him out we it's a brand spankin new camera car and I guess the boys are just overlooked wooden recovery points on the front which has a bit of a physic as if we couldn't go backwards with you ah don't bother here but well you reckon you wanna try and station me back what's yours or animal what's he's a strange logic wasn't he nice dude time to test out that brand-spanking-new wholesale automatics automatic transmission the GU patrol yeah you can see right there just how effective in the right hands in the right situation a snatch recovery can be I think what's happened behind me is that Shaw has fallen prey to three cars on the same track and he's gone down with the weight of the camper trailer on the back of him hoping ears and tried to keep going and bug himself down further it's gonna go back and give him a quick snatch and try get him out of there so far so I nearly made it apart suffered from tires of Justin the hard stuff back his son from the course the trailers the end of the deep stuff we're gonna backtrack start of the vehicle tires might be just enough to get me here all right well shows what you'd call well until he bogged no way we're gonna winch him outta here I'm gonna try and snatch him at least break that suction that you've got in this mud we'll give it a go my concern is that I'm gonna go down as well haven't got much choice though really the plan here is to leave the max tracks in place and that'll give Shawn us something to drive up onto when I snatch you up and out of that bowl goal I can if that's the plan anyway as the exactly don't see here we go you going off with an angle I need to go almost straight across tissue we're gonna have here I think these shorty weighs a lot less 30 30 plus the camper trailer stew however far heavier got more power I reckon he will be the key what we've got to be so careful of here is when we're repositioning the vehicles to get them into a position to help effect a recovery we don't get the recovering vehicle stuck as well that's so very easy to do on these salt lakes yeah that's good night you got me out of mind Peter I can have a quick meeting on that you can save right there one go I'm constantly amazed at just how deep down a max track can be sent during any recovery things are looking good we've still got an hour and a half before sunset I reckon we're going to make it to the coast let's do this I shouldn't have said a thing we haven't even made it another 15 meters and Shore knows going down again Bob as you can see here you've only got to get your line wrong by half the vehicle with and you're down to your doorstops once again there's no point in Shorty trying to affect this recovery I just don't have the weight it's two to the rescue in the mighty gu that made a good out of it that is one a little bit drive my daughter inch-by-inch that that is one heck of a home right now he's safety everyone he's well away from that really really really stuck that's it you just about there boys keep it up [Music] that is a phenomenal amount of energy as you can see Sean o is well and truly stuck there and we've bent and nearly snapped off a recovery point on the front of Sean's rig that is some forces at work and that is exactly why you never stand close to any recovery hard to do now mate I reckon we are mistrial [Music] still moving forward my bar is literally hold on by two broken bolts let's do it bit by bit nursing of course but they were to get me the Inga none of the big problems I'm facing right now is of course if she bolts off the chassis which hold the pool bar on so I'm gonna put on back down to the recovery point is actually attached to a Z that's gonna give me the my strength and obviously the student straight line to make this so much easier of course we've removed the trailer right now of course it's very easy to remove even in a situation like this with that hitch on the back though once Sean's out we can simply use a rear mount which I'm sure trail camera and we'll try up to maybe come on baby hi-yah that was a big wrench watch will you sell you this sure and I might just have a couple of wheel balance issues but he's out of the mud the key to this trailer recovery is the beauty in the fact that Sean's put the dirty 30 much higher up on that sand dune that means that he's actually pulling up on a drawbar not down so at all times we're pulling the trailer up and out of the mud not down into the moment that son getting loan out there's no way we're going to make it to the coast tonight in fact I'm just but we're out of the bar in time to make camp the old saying is any port in a storm I reckon a salt lake right about now is a perfect spot to camp with an abundance of firewood plenty of flat dry ground well what's the point in pushing on what have been good to make it to the coast of course it would but this I tell you what this will do setting up the rooftop tent on top of shorty on a salt lake in the middle of the Gulf of Carpentaria Louella Springs under a million star night it doesn't get much better I looked at me watch there at one point it was two o'clock look back it was 6:30 yeah the heck does that I guess we having fun and adventures like this it just seems to go real quick favorite time of day right now Suns just gone down if I was raising the sky fires cranking and I reckon the only thing you know what I'm gonna slay that would top this off it's a cold beer it's exactly what I'm gonna do early morning Gulf of Carpentaria Louella Springs not the campsite wooden village but I tell you what it still is one of those camps you'll never forget [Music] you hear those tracks tell a tale that's where we've come from and all the way out there is where we've got to go before any day starts though I reckon you've gotta have a good breakfast that's exactly where I'm heading right now and it sure does make life easy when you've got a fully functioning kitchen along for the ride right breakfast done time to break camp and keep heading out to the coast we can do this come on boys just trying to weave our way around what is I believe that channel there in the middle would only really get watered and during one of the big king tides they get up there but being solo we're actually at according to the VMS our altitude right now is one that means it below sea level so you can imagine how much water when it does come any it stays here that's the problem if we try and cross that drain over there we'll go down and now we've come on the other side you can see our tracks on the far side and now we're just gonna try and work our way back down this finger of a drain we get to the main salt lake the main Salt Lake I'm gonna try across up at some point it's that imagery that we looked at it's a heck of a lot longer I think definitely how it's gonna go but suck it and see as you can see what I'm doing here is just hugging the edge of these saltines I don't want to go across that so I'm literally who's gonna hug the edge of all the frustrating thing about all this is that the coast is only a kilometer or two to our direct north but to get there we have to zigzag our way around dozens and dozens of Salt Lake's following cattle tracks is a great way to know where you can cross small sections of Salt Lake's if the cattle haven't gone down too far you should be okay but it's a rule of thumb that you shouldn't live by always be cautious on Salt Lake's look at that little finger of water - all right you know we're so close to the coast there is every chance there's a Crockett house you can see Shaun o taking a wide berth staying well up on the high stuff he's learned his lesson from yesterday and there's no way he's gonna be going near anything too soft anytime soon it's really got me quite worried the reason being stick with the exits a bit confusing we were on the opposite side of that set like the best section you can see over there on the opposite side that's the tail end of a large river system couldn't cross it on that side obviously boggy there's no way we're gonna get across we had to come over to this side of the Salt Lake to go around that river but now that we're around that River we now need to be on the opposite side of this Salt Lake because up here is another river if we continue on this side of the Salt Lake we're gonna end up on the opposite side of the river to the coast and we've gotta cross that River up there either so at some point I've now got to get across that Salt Lake I just don't know where I know that it comes down to a small finger before it widens back out again down here I'm just hoping but maybe there's enough of these little islands we can pop their way across the Salt Lake and get on the opposite side if we do we're home and hoses are dying I'm not I know how it's gonna go it's got to apply it by you Sidney is not gonna get it done though sounds so simple we're so close but to risk crossing that Salt Lake that large expanse wet mud you might not get a car out of that it's just not worth it we have to keep pushing around these fingers and hopefully we can get across at some point and close to the coast all right it's gonna cross it bunched up they'll net stuffing see how Shawn goes here I reckon he might be Emperor you can see I might short he went down I'm not gonna suggest you go through this no no no mate I would suggest you keep going to your passenger side and try and find a way around because it's here where I am I went down in that I reckon you've got no chance to get across that that's a classic example of wide Karthik our communications are so vitally important being able to tell Shawn oh to keep going and not cross where I do it means that you didn't get stuck right there and I'm not been able to do that there's no doubt in my mind we'd have another recovery on their hands like right where I am he see where I sunk in shoes coming through here a problem with salt likes is that there's a thin layer of a very hard crust on top - looks like you could take a herd of elephants across it as soon as you drive on it and break through it you're into what looks like bottomless mud it is treacherous stuff baby go I think we need to go around that way that's just tidal flats through there won't get over there this bit here is some of the softer stuff I'm saying I'm trying to drive here the other boys made it really had a trial on that way this is just they're so close you can see the ocean but getting there well that's a whole other story that's the thing soon as you stop was nothing bogged down all over you break that cross and figure out the plan of course right now is for me to go and check if it's even feasible and get to the coast if it is it's worth risking getting Shawn across here for not you there's no point in putting the dirty thirty and of course the Mars camper at risk okay all right I'll come back we're gonna have to retrace all the way back down and see if we can get across this Salt Lake somewhere the real key here is to get decent mapping software of course we've got our VMs is mounted up the front but I'm also using some set maps that I've downloaded before we came away to get me a real bird's-eye view of just what the land looks like ahead other than that you're just finding the clearest way through some pretty thick bush and trying to keep on the dry stuff at all times well we may as well just backtrack see if we can get it if we can find somewhere to cross that salt lake we'll be laughing but we'd have to cross at this side of that river to say nothing the last kilometer that was huge just not gonna do it i all right let's get going there's no way to the coast in this direction that's a real kick in the guts everything we've currently done the entire distance we've made we now have to backtrack and find another way I reckon just another couple of weeks maybe three and we be able to cross that Salt Lake we're just ever so slightly too early in the season by the time we got out to the main river system itself the tide had come in and well you know what Shaw knows like there's no way we were stopping without flicking a few lures around I don't reckon more than a handful of people have ever fished this Creek much less seen it this is a pristine wilderness it's a privilege just to be here hanging about what's this west quarter fish on camera good on you buddy what is it barramundi what's the cod maybe that's a cord I thought was a Kraken Jack I know I said let's record yeah three casts a river that's probably never seen a little before you know with dinner taken care of it was time to push on ahead of us we've got a lot more Salt Lake's let's just hope we've learnt our lesson from yesterday we're gonna keep right to the edge of these it's actually pretty handy having shorty at the front being much lighter and with a fair bit of power I can get those spots of course the others wouldn't be able to that means like a scout and a bag lady we have to risk your mind that's the God [Music] especially quote intimidating seeing you in the rearview mirror what did I say about learning a lesson it doesn't matter how much you drive sometimes sounds just don't go your way without going down those thoughts I'm not doing that involved and there's a little training probably I like this try whoops out of that you wouldn't even consider coming out here without the correct recovery equipment we're gonna do here though just put it straight through a snatch block on the back of Sierra's vehicle I'm gonna half the load on the winch and hopefully pull me out easier than before so yeah I think we got this down pat now this little section of Salt Lake was no more than a couple of car lengths long and even so Shauna's gone down with the trailer and just that distance being section [Music] bastard up front bar we want to make sure that we give him every chance puzzle down anywhere right what we're gonna do now I'm just pulling through straight back into the into the bond car so we're gonna get these winch out we're going to put a extension strap onto a tree so we can secure him and then should be able to pull it out a lot of the wood out here is pretty darn wrong you can bind mud salt and of course compete high tides that flood through here and trees really don't get a chance to prove themselves in deep Mangan would [Music] without a winch out here and a solid recovery point you be stuffed yeah good night the starvation I'll look at that well you can say just have Bobby the stuff easy what a week I don't know I sort of feel like I'm almost backtracking and heading out to the coast the way we never made it cuz that tracks me pushed through now at least we could finish what we started it's been the night on the coast and maybe head south and see if we can't find a bigger river system further south down towards Rosie's because there's nothing that branches off towards Rosen's nothing at all so if we could push something through to Rosie's fishing camp give that a link the two parties up on a coastal track okay just stick to the inland side of these salt lakes so their knots like whites our body we get to pick our way surf done finally get to see the mouth of the whirly once you're through shorty about time water over the track here you guys good money actually there's a lot of water over the track here it might be sorry off the salt likes and into the mine have a look at this will you it's actually actually quite a firm base all right I'm gonna go through we really gonna be heroes gone off second gear low range I've got the rear Locker engaged and I'm gonna give this everything I've got that is soft and he's super soft wall that is soft this is one of those occasions when momentum is clean straight to drive there's no corners to be taken so self across nobody has to tell studi use the right booth he loves this stuff after all these years I finally made it to the mouth of the whirly one check ensured him that's suffering my goodness aha look at this after miles he was in a bike look at that we had lunch on Billy's crazy [Music] [Music] to the beach on the track we put it is I'm actually but is Inigo feel this special because I've been here a couple of times with the take a vehicle the mouth of the creek has been opened up for a couple of years now and every year more and more people are getting to see exactly what we are there's a beautiful campsite and right down on the beach and another one back up under the trees just behind in the jeans to get to out-of-the-way fishing spots I get much more out of the way than this please if you ever make it out to Loretta Springs you have to spend a night or two out here you won't forget it I've woken up a couple of times here but never from shorty and never with a camper trailer right on the beach filled up with a good cup of coffee was time to hit the track but first best we discuss a plan of attack what's a plan well just looking at the VMS yes you know how we explored out that way to the east of the east-southeast yeah well positively messing this and rivers that we have an exporting looks like we can get a vehicle into the bend of the river and yeah I reckon if I want to fish in I'd like to go explore well stinking is relieve the camp trial service yeah that far away so if you leave the camper trial set up and go around back to noise seviche camp tonight that Todd's gonna start pushing in soon which will start pushing up those creeks which shrink nine fish exactly all right well I'll tell you what you good to go yeah might probably get more on Bacchus every day a good long is you every fun you good to go night yeah mate I'm good it's a solid plan we're gonna leave what is a perfect campsite exactly as it is set up ready for our return we're going to push east to a river that we've seen on the VMS that looks like it would rarely to never see people fishing fingers crossed we make it fingers crossed we've got fish for dinner my legs will start trekking Sam here I'm just gonna the comunist parts of the bushes I possibly can I guarantee much there's a lot of these open areas through here but they are in dispersed with some real thick stuff like on our left we might a separate tackle that if we come to it yeah I've been fun we've almost run out of there dopants up so we might have to put it back for a bit there we go yeah copy man hello fellow shorty once again we're gonna try and do this by following along the edge of Salt Lake's the edges of course are dry it's going to mean we have to cover a lot more distance but in doing so hopefully we avoid those wet sections we make it to the creek the problem is there's no tracks out here we're making the tracks and that means at times you've just got to tackle the scrub this arena as soon as you lose the vehicle which only takes about 30 metres to row someone it's really hard to find which way they went their grams obviously shot through a fee under path and I lost sight of him then I lost the track then enough he's somewhere up there probably about 100 meters but you never seen I can hear him he's a better meters away I could literally hear the boys engines running but there was no way I could tell him exactly where I was couple of ribs from Shorty's engine they figured out follow their noses yeah look at that camera crew I've done it again Rob Oh what have you done the camera crew getting bogged doesn't mean we don't show it well we don't help out of course we all band together and we make sure everyone gets through we just got the camera car slightly bogged so I will just write a winch him out but it's actually a lot more Bogdan looks pulling Shawn backwards I'm gonna hook up for Shorty now just make it more of an anchor points here we go get him out gently gently bailing that will snatch him out on trips like this it's everyone pulling together to make this work camera carryout was time to make a mileage this might I can steal the mangrove so it's good sign silly sorry stuffy you have a bit of a cast right you'll have to rip my arms off the stopping ah that's a guy look at this place this little river here doesn't have a name on the VMS and subsequently I've not been able to find a name for it anywhere we doubt that anyone's ever seen it much less Fisher that is exactly why we came to the Gulf of Carpentaria until Arella Springs to find places exactly like this [Music] what we're hoping for here of course is a good barramundi 30 but I'll take a mangrove Jack over a barramundi any day and this water looks pristine for it seeing as Shaun I would already produce the goods on one of the other creeks we crossed I figured it was about my turn [Music] there's a donkey there's a Don Quixote of the Jacqueline absolute force of a mangrove Jack out of a creek that I doubt anybody has ever fished before for me it doesn't get any better big nasty spiky sums of boy yes you don't you just a stunning mangrove Jack I guess that's my paper yeah Shawn Oh yeah that's a my best jack I reckon gonna call it these are my favorite fish not only the catch because they hit so darn hard but also to eat hey it's coming home for dinner with me tonight I managed to score one more sighs - mangrove Jack before we had to call it quits and head back to camp having made it out to the river that we saw on the VMS we were all stoked to know that we had a fresh fleet of fish on board you could now head back to camp pack up and then make the long journey back towards retz place okay campers looking a bit muddy but she's good to go now we're all packed up we're gonna head back to Reds place along the rosy Creek Road it's not the road we came in on now that obviously runs as the name suggests alongside rosy creepers floods during the wet season there's a lot of water courses that run across the track and no one's been down at this year we're gonna be the first ones down so I don't know what it's going to be like the last time I did go down that there was lot of people wash away a few creek crossings exactly the sort of stuff that I love so finishing touches on the old camper trailer we'll get going right boys as hard as it is it's time to say goodbye to paradise my KY back Shawna even included a mom about the slope I reckon my yep or at the airport I wouldn't bother paradise nice - I wouldn't mind staying either mate but we have to push on back to rets place if we can make it's not that'd be fantastic but let's see how we go exit off the beach here is actually quite Steven extremely soft not a problem for shorty but was sure no pulling a camper trailer up there he's gonna have to use every bit of Mambo he's got you in the auto makes it look easy alright here we go sloppy mess of course this mud hole that we came through on the way to the coast from still here now nothing's changed it does however look a lot more chopped up after we've been through were the first ones through for the year now we've got to retrace their footsteps this video is a bit worried some big day brats on this corner it's actually the bottom wire Disney fries you can say show DHS plugs dancer and I had enough Mambo to make it through my goodness the boys are gonna have to be on their a-game to get through that especially Sean [Music] that's it Shawn I keep on the layout pedal mate you've got this it's just that corner that's got me concerned just that was lucky yeah my deployment that is exactly the sort of testing that Stu was keen to do before he came up in its trips like this that put gear like Stu's at wholesale automatically right to the test if he can make it through things like that you can be confident who these customers can do the same having a look at this dust you wouldn't believe that Lorella Springs has only been open to the public a couple of weeks three words the head is pulled us top end Northern Territory Lorella Springs bulldust and some tells me it'll be in shortly for a long time to come this is what you've got a classic erosion gully obviously coming across here as a small tributary of the Rosie Creek this time the year she is bone dry wet season however this would pour water down through here and off the road or the track I should say is I'm gonna Road off the track you get this erosion they look on the left-hand side up ended a massive hole you were coming down this heading towards Rosie fishing camp you say that it's very possible you drive directly into it look at that you get yourself into all sorts of although just pies to be aware of these erosion gullies because I'll pull it back cause we're up getting outta there now I bought it back if you get them wrong you can hear the dirty 30 working to get that trailer up there right man I've told Sean I know about that hole on the left-hand side he's taking it nice and wide on the right he's not risking falling in there Stu comes through easy as that Otto is working really well mate you should be proud of your efforts you've put into the research and development of that our plan before we get back to the homestead was to drop in so I could show the boys a spot that I found on the very first trip back out here it's called nudie Hot Springs and it's a classic little area if memory serves me correctly this is the hot springs down here guys hot an artesian water bubbles to the surface and it's the perfect spot to wash off a week's worth of dust and grime after pushing a track out to the coast on the Gulf of Carpentaria larell Springs is actually famous for its hot springs there's a number of them all around the property of course the most famous is right at the station itself but this one right here nudie Hot Springs is some way out and not many people get out to see it and I can't think of a more fitting spot to finish off at this particular trip it doesn't look at but this water is beautifully warm you could stay in here all day and make it up to Louella Springs make sure you check out nudie Hot Springs well that's that's the relic so it's time for us my third sullen third time we haven't actually all that go okay driver say we did to feel a fair beard on me we made it an occasion like we've never been to the coast wire four-wheel drive before so that was cool yep I think we just came too early to say is disattached a real another month or so he would have driven straight out I reckon only another hundred and fifty meters we would have got to the coast but we did get to fit I'll tell you what I'll be back next time of the tinny and I'm gonna catch a big a very objectively not possible object was the granddaddy of all mangrove jacks for now though folks I hope that you might get out to the Royal Springs one day maybe even make it to the creeks that I've now called Grahams Creek just lays it up right there I figured that's what it should be cool we'll catch you next time before drive action hey Shawn [Music] [Laughter] [Music] for more on this adventure and to find out all the details that you didn't see on camera read my article in the mag believe me you're gonna want to read this now look if you enjoyed this DVD don't forget that you can watch every episode of four-wheel drive action because it's available for download in HD from our massive online library there are over 100 episodes available for your viewing pleasure and if you want to keep up to date with four-wheel drive action then like our Facebook page and you'll get heaps of videos epic picks competitions and a whole lot more [Music] you
Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 1,173,541
Rating: 4.8624887 out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, action, 4WD, 4x4, offroad, outdoors, travel, overlanding, toyota, nissan, hilux, patrol, landcruiser, adventure, lorella, springs, top end, NT, northern territory, gulf, dirty 30, shorty, shaun whale, graham cahill, bogged, diesel, remote, wheeling, recovery, snatch, winch, 4wdaction, 255, end, top, mud, 4wd action, salt flat
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 16sec (2476 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2017
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