"We're all alone" - 700km in low-range 😨

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[Music] [Music] hey you gremlin last time you was here later on that year they actually closed this community down and the results is yeah but you can see now just houses people everyone's all gone mate they've flattened everything pretty much it's completely different completely different to how I remembered you know five years ago we undertook a journey from Windham right the way through to Columbia but extremely late an extremely heavy wet season meant the conditions were well and truly against us took us five days of struggle just to get to right here the tiny little community of humble Gary and just to do that was a feat in itself we're absolutely stoked but it's been five years in the making I've wanted to get back here and attempt the rest of this track the other three quarters of it every single day since I left here finally the stars of a line the plants of the line we've got a good bunch of blokes we've made it here to humble Gary we're gonna take off right now and try and complete what we started five years ago but don't we all make sure no I'm absolutely delighted to have Ronnie back his dad Colin and of course the gentlemen of gentleman rocket rod this is going to be a trip to remember and a trip that I've looked forward to for a very very long time you boys ready let's do this the overall aim of this trip of course is to complete the journey from humble Gary to Columbia however this is a significant distance and we estimate that in this DVD we will only complete the first half of the journey these days both the ferry service and the air link to humble Gary are no longer available that means your only way to get to this remote settlement is by four-wheel drive 24 hours ago we left the gates of home Valley Station bound for mulberry this is it I your honor you got a copy mate yeah five years I've been waiting to do this I always think back to that big one we did and it's just it's a privilege and it's an experience a thrill I'm just so excited you back up here have another crack at this one a couple of you mentioned oh you might need him to situation I'm just happy to be here for the mine available we're going to be good time mate no doubt about it Ronnie Pompeii another quote the kimberley might for as long as I can remember it's been a long time coming for me I've been dreaming about coming up here mate Here I am finally here get a load of those coping Rangers behind oh yeah mate I'll tell you what I've been living up here all my life and never get sick of the scenery up here and I can see why in every direction you look in the Kimberley you're greeted with the most breathtaking scenery you can imagine from the ranges that rise up out of the plains the epic river systems gorges and water holes to the brilliant white salt pans that are cracked an aged by the Sun now I remember why the Kimberley is my favourite four-wheel-drive destination in Australia [Music] we are approaching our first major river crossing of the trip correct crossing yeah I remember these brats hey I'm forgetful and well I haven't changed one bit now mate number two how much times I move through this country they always stay in one spot unless you throw about it away like people just done oh can you get I'm starting to wish that I had a bit of I'm on the road for all the windows getting smacked around that much shorter this is the very upper reaches of the title section of the derocker River the tides in the Kimberley are some of the biggest in the world and right now we're experiencing a major low tide once that tide comes rushing back in the fishing right here can be amazing but these birds don't seem to mind it as it is right now I might I don't think the way that could be any different now than it was when we came through last time in that big store that was coming in yeah love drive mate I'll tell you what when you came through in the wet season way that's one major river crossing done and dusted [Music] now as we're trying to get to Humble Bari in one day we came upon our second river crossing before we knew oh wow that couldn't be more different you could try it and I came through here last time the water was about grill height this right here is moon crossing to me is signifies that we are getting extremely close doing we're going right now we've got one more this is the big legendary GL across it which means for us although we've been driving all day we are now gonna start first leg of our big adventure up to Colombo fingers crossed moon crossing down under look at that why Parliament kimly right afternoon it's like no other place in my opinion and there is just breathtaking absolutely I have to admit I thought there was no way we could make humble Gary in one day last time I was up here this trip took me five grueling days of low range four-wheel driving and yet right on sunset we're at geela crossing only 30 minutes from all Barry hey Ronnie is this what I think it is Mike yeah mate this is it Sheila crossing last time we did this I swam across the crossing and I prayed I hoped I had my legs crossed my fingers crossed everything I had was crossed though I didn't come face to face with into kinky T or a crocodile according join the fact that I've to swim with crocodiles to get through that's a good thing gonna love doing tracks this time of day in the beautiful scenery around here isn't it have a look at that behind us sensational looking at that geela crossing right now in picture-perfect ideal conditions I can't help but think back to how we crossed it five years ago the river was in flood it was raining and there was no way we could turn back tell you what Ronnie you're really going to talk to your road crew how do you make those roads are atrocious and make my road crew they're more looser than the main road crew I taken a holiday for five 20 years what just to find another tool cabin on the passenger side that makes tool cabinet number four I think I'm taking one out in every state man yeah that's good news for me I might take him on that must have been one of the longest days of low range four-wheel driving I've ever done we all arrived in humble Gary shattered set up camp and got a good night's sleep under a blanket of Kimberly stars ready for the next day and early start and straight into what remains of the humble Gary town site [Music] [Music] so different really where is everybody I'll make up the Grand Moff left later on that year they closed down the communities and there they gave the people no choice but to move out and they some of their mind Wyndham and the some of them in Connemara but all spread out throughout the Kimberley's make its with mixed emotions that I drove through the streets of the now deserted humble very this is where our old journey ended and our new journey begins from here we're gonna be traveling north in the country that we've never been through before and I personally can't wait [Music] this right here is title March now ordinarily you wouldn't catch me for dead out here but because Ronnie knows exactly where he's going now when I get the big king tides up here all of this would be full of water and you wouldnt get a job on it for days every day King's life works on time Tibetan Orion of course they're in a very very dry wet season so it's quite safe to drive on them but there are some patches like this one coming up right here really quite soft and slippery it does look too much you ready this to you back you out and get straight out wait for it looks a bit wet out here are you sure about this no not really I like that oh these wet well they're not taking any chances here as you can see why he's decided to get directly off that wet patch my gut and I'm gonna do the same but I'm gonna try and keep out of his will runs very drift here we come you wouldn't want that to be much wetter these tidal flats up here are absolutely massive we've still got the fairways to go before we're off this one gets stranded on one of these mud flats and you could literally be stuck here for months this is all about momentum tire pressure and of course picking a sensible line get it all right though and these salt flats can be one of the most comfortable methods of Outback travel no corrugations no ruts just a little bit of dust the good going didn't last longer pretty soon we're into another wet patch this particular muddy section has two-fold challenges of course by keeping the momentum up we're moving forward but then you've got all these dead and dry trees in the middle Ronnie's been through before me and now it's even slippery oh this is game face time steer and go whereas it is soft down here behind the wheel of shorty it's pretty hard to see where I should be going Ronnie's still moving however so I'm just following him here we go rocket rocket riding Sean oh and got exactly the same idea they can see us moving and they are in hot pursuit you can see the look of relief on shore nose face being the last four-wheel drive in the convoy to make it to dry ground I'll tell you what good guys [Music] it is absolutely stunning through you know something never fails to blow me away up hearing that Kimberly is just our diverse landscape is of course just an hour of so I go we were down on some flats the now coming down to this room absolutely stunning stunning Valley the changing landscapes meaning that you never ever get bored with where you're driving through of course it's very hard to get bored too in the entire place is four wheel drive and talking about four-wheel drive the track is about to get a lot tougher it's got a name it's bound to be gnarly Maker's you are scrambling and spitting rocks and going crazy there spit up a dump up the Kimberley region is crisscross with ranges and at some point no matter what you do you're gonna have to cross them gonna do near an old shorty you just crawl up this because it is quite a step they're almost always stony steep and full of loose rocks just like this little truck yeah that's a good bit fun little climb left and things go on shorty is no stranger than this look at the old girl go [Music] this is actually quite a big step up any short rocket rod is carrying a heck of a lot of weight and you can really see it look at the dust fly that was like a [ __ ] broken wolf that was rotting so I'm fishing that's insane dude come on he's not wrong that's a pretty big little jump up Shana has been itching to get into the Kimberly I didn't warn him about this type of terrain but it looks to me like he's got it covered [Music] are they big 30 give drug night Ronnie in big evil is up and over the tough section at the top now it's my turn pick my line here it's a horrible horrible sensation I'm hoping is gonna sort of tell they're up here somewhere can't exactly see where I should go here hey Kelly it's all right period that's a better line you [Music] Oh ball down my pretties family through there [Music] Oh rockets cause I found a couple of ruts but he's committed he's gonna draw it he's got some serious wheel lifts and also a serious look on his face there's some pucker up mommies they're gonna tell you all right bring the old girl up Shawn's at the benefit of watching us he's able to pick a slightly different line and I gotta say he's done it with ease good work mate am I just walking up just loving this stuff [Applause] I'll tell you the old dirty thirty got a little respect for that trucks don't tell him that yeah now always been a fan of a hill with a view look at that are we camping up it Yeah right we will camp up top of this Hillier and Jews in the morning we can't get them from here let's get up there let's go we've put in another big day and as you can see we're arriving into camp right on dusk time to get the swag set up get the rooftop tent out get a fire going and settle in for the night oh is that another 30 seconds of fiddling and I love bed ready to rock and roll it's now and I better fast five chord two six I don't even know what day of the week it is all I do know is that I'm on top of the hill smack dab right in the heart the middle of guts one of my favorite places on earth the Kimberley region of WI you can't tell I'm absolutely stoked absolutely State let's get this tent on I've got the Adventure Kings rooftop tent and I gotta say I'm really looking forward to sleeping back up on top of shorty once again these hot dry conditions means that it's extremely easy to get a campfire going but you've got to have your wits about you because it's just as easy for it to get away on you I got this lock I'm doing a bit of a war dance over here oh it's running this laughter but you said I'm at me one man corroboree going on here but what I'm doing is this is all dry grass right here it's pretty good I think's gonna get out of control but I don't want to so I'm just taking a little bit of proactive back burning and clearing a space around this fire till you rid of all this dry grass and actually letting it burn in a bit just making sure this doesn't get out of control like it out of control back it's good idea to skip you're on it for the first couple of minutes you don't want to burn down shorty or a rooftop tent couldn't care less about it daily do my stuff would fall out it's tougher than fire I'm tougher than for her my first camp north of humble Gary hasn't disappointed bring on tomorrow I can't wait [Music] stick around folks this adventure is only just starting to heat up in chapter 2 we continue to push further north deeper into the remote heart of the chemo bit rotted away [Music] right here in perhaps the most remotest part of the Kimberley we're about to start a brand new day but before we can get back on the track Shawn's got a few mechanical gremlins he has to sort out yesterday afternoon we noticed a few little gremlins tuned up here in the old girl and one of the main problems I found a straightaway was somebody put my foot on the clutch it was really hard to actually engage the clutch the second thing I noticed was when I went to turn the vehicle off and I still had my foot on the clutch it wouldn't turn off until I actually release my foot off the clutch now at 12 H T is a vacuum operated engine essentially everything is run off the vacuum you know the brake booster the clutch and everything's pretty much about Kim so what we're doing is we're trying to follow all the vacuum lines that are feeling it's something to do with the vacuum lines and hopefully there's a leak it's one of the hoses has fallen off and we back in business not the end of the world but when you do find something wrong with a vehicle it pays to really try and diagnose it straight away and don't keep driving with it like that while the lads work on getting Shana back on the tracks I'm taking care of the important stuff breakfast we've only just scratched the surface of this track so over a morning coffee we decided to check the VMS to see just how far we've got to go well from you right out just put a waypoint I always like to do that when I get to a campsite I don't know why it's just one of those strange things I like doing I look back and know we're off camp because this is a night normally camper you do this is just no this is just a trackside camp that we found South's nauseous to know they want to get back home I've got this is a track log and I can have a look at our camps as we went along of course if anyone even wants these waypoints as well if the crew want more even if you wanted them gonna stay mad at the people which is actually quite handy so head up towards this river system up here yeah now no water well the diagnosis is exactly what we thought it was we're losing vacuum somewhere and we followed the vacuum all the way from the back of the alternator through the million vacuum lines in the 12 HT right down to the master cylinder here on the clutch and we've got a lake in the in the diaphragm here we've just a bit how to diagnose it I can't with a good idea though he's got to put a bolt into this line block off essentially the vacuum so I can still turn the engine off and have the rest back in breaks all the other things that run off vacuum well I reckon that'll do the trick I'm a thank you for that that's right these apps I'm something onto there just make sure it doesn't rattle around yep that's as dead as a doornail once the system is up and running it's good though I like the fact that even though parts busted on this truck you can still draw your stroke nose you can still go it just makes a little bit tougher makes you special very special back in the trucks and yep it's another jump evil by name evil by Nature Colin's behind the wheel this time he brings a wealth of experience driving in the Kimberley for many many years a bit like a boulder field to me you later that we made it at the top there fix Abel's eatin that challenge now it's my turn second gear low range and give it all she's got shorty ain't hanging around for anyone I'll say how many good things I can do on the way out play the auto in that 79 our Rockets gives him so much control loose Shaylee conditions like this [Music] just loose rocks absolutely everywhere this stuff it's not that hard to drive this needs attraction but soon as you start spin and tires as I spit in the rocks out and he just come to a complete standstill so I reckon okay to this sort of try this is always put your foot down keep that momentum Gowan yeah they are like a Bronco [Music] I love this country you can see out here right now it's parched it is extraordinarily dry open up here about seven or eight times they're not into this particular region but up into the Kimberley I've never seen the Kimberley look as dry as it does right now normally you get a bit of green and the spinifex even that on the hills around us here it's just brown and dry and parched we'd hope this next Creek would have just a bit of water in it but now she's bone-dry [Music] [Music] and also the exit they're finished and in so you might have to give them a bit drunk waving a red flag in a pool in your face drunk like that right don't try well that means soft sand in this exit is exactly that super soft but [ __ ] sure he actually yeah just watch yourself three or I would you look it tight [Music] with a bit of momentum in the right place takes a lot more than that to stop surety that 79 of rockets is a lot taller than shorty he's going to have to be careful negotiating his way around that low-hanging branch on the gun tree hopefully I missed teller and Jonah might be the first time you've had a sandstorm in the Kimberley mate I'm gonna come up here [Music] try not to change years that's more of a dust cloud than a sandstorm mate hey um I think I tried them all I'm always keen to learn as much as I can about bush tucker around Australia and who better to learn from than those blokes that have lived in the Kimberley their whole lives this right here is a member of the bank sure family and this time of year they're in full bloom they contain a sweet nectar that was favoured by the local inhabitants out here as a substitute for sugar it's extremely sticky it's just like sticking your hands into a bottle honey literally tastes just like honey kind of sugary honey now dust against time to make a mile we've still got a lot of distance to cover we want to make up some ground while we've still got daylight we've set ourselves a goal that is to try and reach the Berkeley River by tomorrow night this sandy river crossing changes with every single wet season right now it's a series of s bends which means you're losing momentum the moment we start crossing here is all about taking the corners slow enough that you don't lose control but with enough momentum that you can come out and be ready for the next soft section I'm sure that soft bitter reckons gonna give you some dramas right there oh yeah it always does that's probably makes it tracks Ben do you know what's gonna be interesting I guess you're saying before next year when you come through after the big wet and you come through for the first tour that crossing you're not gonna be there probably not even this road no you like to redo the whole thing yeah yep almost immediately we're into our next little challenging section this track just doesn't give up what did he go going back for us it's a two-sided one kind of thing with a [Music] here make it up and over there's another video we gotta pick big rock in the way I think you've tried another gorge in the middle of the Kimberley right now we've got through all right Braham bring the shorty on through dear brother righto let's give this guy [Music] such a feather white cow [Music] [Applause] come on three boys [Music] not to bear the scenes and soldier soft yeah copy but [Music] yeah [Music] well done Jonah [Music] it's coming up on my favorite part of the day in the outback of course being a photographer that is late afternoon or what we call the golden hour Ronnie's told us he's got a very special camp for tonight so we're probably not going to have time to stop we want to get into camp well before dark so that we can enjoy what Ronnie says is one of the nicest parts of the track [Music] we've reached camp right on Gold now and it's exactly as Ronnie had told us it would be this place is absolutely stunning Shawn I was wasting no time getting his adventure King swag setup and with good reason to more time to sit down and enjoy what is a magic Kimberley afternoon after our last big trip up here Ronnie and I became great mates to be back in the Kimberley with both Ronnie and his old man that's something special it's the sunsets over that hill over there I'm sitting up here and Ronnie has said that I'm welcome to sit up here and more I'm welcome to play a foreign instrument here and be a foreigner here I can tell you it just feels great it feels like a real privilege and say what's the last of the light just dies around me here with this magnificent Hill in the background I'm gonna take that chance to do exactly that and play a little bit of the instrument that I have grown to really love over the years a little bit of didge [Music] [Music] today's been perhaps one of the best days I've ever spent in the bush we've got the camp set up right now and Sean I was stoking the fire because it's his turn to cook and I'm starving it's a lot of the men you've got beef vindaloo Ronnie likes to call it beef on the Louvre and I don't blame him really I'm also gonna cook up some rice and some flatbread I'm gonna call on Ronnie I want to cook the flatbread I get you in charge of carried you like a curry much yeah I might do a start the onions I'm going to start with the flatbread right now the first thing with the the flatbread is the water and put a bit of yeast bit of sugar a bit of salt I'm gonna let that sit in the water but the yeast do its thing it should fire them up I don't know yet we'll see it's that format I've got the camp oven on heat it's got a bit of oil in it already I'm gonna start putting those onions right in the camp up I might carry on here yep so what's the secret in here mate is it yeah look beef in the low mate there's Marty Ross ya know that's actually your job if you could that waters been sitting for probably about 10 minutes now when I add the flour there's one it's too big three there you go we started just mix that mix that dough up into a nice consistency that starting to work out quite well actually it's almost the perfect no wait it's getting there looking like that can you use a favor yes lease out of the Waco straight down yeah yes there should be some rump steak all cry backed up you've got chocolates in here will do its chopping a small sort of pieces you just go straight into the camp overnight when it Oh something smell good mate garlic onion and beef all starting to brown off the next next ingredient vindaloo paste it makes it real easy what's happening with this garlic does it goes vampires come right you know these are just those crushed Tomatoes I'm liking a good mess here that's something good yeah turn the heat down let that go for probably about 20 minutes it's probably just enough time to cook that flatbread you'd be amazed how much water is required for 14 cups of rice see what making damper a flatbread it's a pretty fun activity you sort of get your hands dirty it's good flour family especially the kids if you got a little tin lids or something like that let them loosen the flour and water they can't go wrong okay we did this sort of flat amount and then they'll be good to go into the on the frying pan I'm something real put a bit of garlic on this one that bit of garlic spreading water else a lot of garlic I'm gonna put those straight onto the onto the grill onto the barbecue plate this is going to simmer away grains rice is coming together so I've been told and I reckon make green for a treat tonight oh yeah I might I reckon that's just about done that naan bread looks absolutely perfect Wow look at that there we go got the beef in the loo nice and spicy we got the rice and the flat garlic bread I reckon as far as camping goes it doesn't get better than that an easy meal tastes unbelievable and that right good [Music] it's mid-july right now the nights are cool and the day's nice and warm this truly is a magical day to be in the Kimberley after a few routine mechanical checks we settled up and decided to hit the tracks but we weren't gone long when Ronnie pulled us up to show us something truly spectacular but I gotta say that's one of the most amazing things I've ever seen this is obviously well it's obviously a big bulb tree a massive Boulder it's been hit by lightning it has blown the guts out of it branches have landed everywhere I've lost words an amazing amazing sight here made it got a story about the bulb tree ascension the upside down okay yeah story goes that time when it was the right way up everyone got jealous of it because it was such a beautiful tree yeah so they beat it felt it ripped it out of the and turned it upside down and planted it again there being a beautiful tree yeah buddy even though today they did that yeah still a beautiful tree they couldn't do anything with it that's a good story and one I could fully understand man I had that boab tree feels yeah yep well you don't change when you do a handstand I look a little bit way it's time to make a mile we've got to keep the momentum up if we're going to make the Berkeley River by nightfall right here though we've come across another one of the numerous sandy creek crossings that the Kimberley is famous for sitting pre-k while praying section cause River would be an absolute busy in the wayside I'm gonna make it I'm not gonna like well that is soft that is really soft rocket I don't know where you are mate but I'm gonna have to come back we have to give it some mumbo juice I think right goes to show momentum is everything till I pressures is everything else the boys have seen exactly where I went wrong and they're not hanging around to make the same mistake yeah that is pretty soft this your day only just made that showing I don't ring second and gave it plenty having got through that crossing things were going well we were starting to climb up out of the river systems and on to higher ground hey Kai it's a taut left-hander here off the main track and I've been really steep and shady little Bank [Music] was also my [Music] that's actually remarkable state [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] a few times now throughout this journey ronnie has mentioned to me a place that he calls paradise he describes it as a massive rock pool lined with pandanus palms it truly does sound like paradise but with these dry dusty conditions I just feel like he might have been pulling my leg up until right about now Ronnie's pulled us up apparently we're close to this place that he calls paradise but it is so secret that he's going to need our help to try and find it now we've got some aerial photos that suggest there is a very large body of water down through here roughly five six maybe 750 meters down through this way directly through the bush so we're gonna do the boys behind me are about to launch our drone that we use for all of our aerial footage they're gonna fly it straight around here somewhere and try and look for that waterhole and then they're gonna try and find the part at which the track that we're on let's run strictly down through here those closest to the waterhole and we're gonna head through there make a track down to paradise yeah that's right pretty excited we take a lot of equipment with us to make four-wheel drive action every once in a while though pieces of that equipment get used in a totally different way boys turning right into the unknown sure oh you and I make this a habit these days I'll tell you what I love the idea of this that traveling where no other four drivers have been before this could just be paradise go be some of the best fishing we've ever had crystal-clear water could be a perfect campsite I mean you know fortune favors the bold here we go Ronnie's keen to incorporate paradise into his four-wheel-drive tours up until now they've parked up and walked in he's keen to make a track all the way through to the rock pool so once again we're being asked to help forge a track into the unknown our drone is usually reserved for getting those epic aerial shots that we all love but in this case it's being used to help us find paradise and paradise we found we have a go this look at that River down there oh my goodness this is literally paradise [Music] I run e-courses place paradise I can see why we've been here 20 minutes we've got over 10 fish between us it's all fresh water through here these little freshwater Croft is sitting on the rock over there there's plenty of brim we're just hoping there's a barrow or two in here it's gonna take a heck of a lot to drag us out of this place with certain spots like this that really scream Kimmel in a freshwater beautiful rock formations here and of course during the wet this would just be insanely waterfall flowing down love it absolutely love it I don't reckon getting it Shawn it he he up to use a wild horses up MacGregor man Shawn is fish mad you can't stop the bloke he's wandered a little further down towards the sandy banks in the hope that he can nail himself a mighty barramundi yeah good is this little bow second cast something tells me this Creek hasn't been fished in a long time call it luck or skill I know what I will running paradise by name make paradise my nature this place is insane I'm gonna tear myself away from this place yeah I'm gonna have to tear you away from that's let's go [Music] I tell you what paradise hey I'm sure it's probably got another name in language out here but I'm pretty happy with paradise I'll stick with that that Paul I tell you if you think about it at that pool was somewhere where you can get to it a lot more accessible there'd be a boardwalk down to it proving your kiosk selling ice creams hex I don't even charge you to go in there we're just women for absolutely nothing what a sensational spot now the plan for today is to try and push on and get all the way down to Berkeley it's a long way a bit of an ambitious plan too because there's a few challenges along the way there's every chance we might be driving under lights tonight a little further on we come across a small Billabong now we don't need to cross this we can skirt around it but doing so means that on the other side is another very steep embankment [Music] looks like this time even old evil has been caught the perfect wrong spot I can see what the issue is you better come Iranian she wash off most in momentum before you get ill that's quite a jump up there mate and almost launched as the front wheels off the ground completely for the most part this is what I would call an exciting and adventurous Turing trap however it's joined together with small sharp sections to get the heart racing and keep you on your toes and that to me is exactly what a great four-wheel drive tractor should hold have a look at those ranges that's the Campbell range over there I know that cuz I've checked with a Madeleine VMs every turn you take up here in the Kimberley you're greeted with something as spectacular as that we're out of them an airfield here and this was used for bringing in equipment - like - and also everyone people hid ain't like heroes adhesive is still being used today therefore the manga Rangers they come in and drop fuel and that when they doing any fire burning in it to be an ally old laning and rigging [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right well if you switched on the lights dusk come pretty rapidly as it does out there you know what I'm actually quite excited and glad that we're running into the night Sean and I have both got a set of 9-inch penetrator spotlights from NQ crash that as you can see they work an absolute treat turning night into day and that is exactly what you need on any four-wheel-drive adventure yeah we all travel on boys you're feeling all right if you push on into the night yeah real good in front of it maybe you might absolutely loving this I love this nighttime stuff skips Ronny calls this little jump up the steps by day it would be challenging enough by night we've really got to have your wits about you if you're not joking about the step that just keeps going up they did it [Music] yeah that's a nice little slide that one I think probably controls gonna be real pretty I want to go back around in one of these walls looking on the VMS we are getting so close to our goal right now the Berkeley River I can only hope though that in this rocky terrain there's somewhere suitable to counter these challenges at night these rocks yeah you guys yeah might pulled up it's a slow painstaking crawl down to the Berkeley with these massive boulders scattered everywhere we don't want to risk panel damage so we're taking our time and picking our way even though the guys are deep in concentration right now I know for a fact they're feeling exactly the same as me to everyone this is the trip of a lifetime it's right about here that I have to give a massive and heartfelt thanks to Ronnie for taking us along on this trip look folks if you want to live the dream and do exactly as we are get in touch with Ronnie and just over the hills remote Kimberly tagged along to us for a trip through the Kimberly that you will never ever forget whoa I mean I'm driving for shorty through the Berkeley River there's some moments in life that you'll remember for a while might have been reading about the Berkeley and fishing magazines for over the last 20 years blown away in the morning with Sean being guarded across the last few meters of the Berkeley River by Ronnie who's found a suitable spot to set up camp we all knew we've done it we've reached our goal the midway point of the track the mighty Berkeley River early morning light revealed exactly what I knew it would one of the best campsites I've ever been to right on the banks of the Berkeley River the fishing might have been great but hunger was even greater sean-o was soon back for breakfast where we all congregated around the campfire to discuss what we've already done on this track so far and what was to come in the second half but for that you'll just have to wait Friday first and foremost I just like to pay respects to the balanar of people for allowing us passage safe passage through this country secondly huge thanks to calm and Ronnie for guiding us through from humble Gary all the way through to here actually from Windham all the way through here and showing us some spots but nobody people ever get to see much let's drive into a fish swimming it has been sensational we set ourselves a pretty heady goal to get from Windham all the way through one B and then all the way out to here to the Berkeley River in just a few days we've done it although we did get in late last night we made it I'm gonna relax a bit this morning because we're only halfway through this track we've still got a fair old leg to go to get us into Columba row up the top now looking at the maps and speaking of these boats we've still got the best to go if the best is yet to come from what we've seen I am going to be absolutely blown away folks do social favor put your coins in the piggy bank and get up here no matter what it cost because the Kimberley as far as I'm concerned is one of the true last great frontiers in Australia it's ply my mind you might see me upper you probably will I'm making this my second home you'll definitely catch me for the next half and four-wheel drive action Cheers much good stuff [Music] for more on this amazing Kimberley adventure and to find out all the details that you didn't see on camera believe me you're going to want to see everything behind the scenes on this adventure and if this trip has whet your appetite and I'm pretty sure it has don't forget we've got all our old adventures available for download including the one that started this trip 151 our very first adventure into the Kimberley and if you just can't get enough you want to see more video content more exciting adventures competitions and reader input why don't you jump on our Facebook page and like it see why over a million people have liked the Australian four-wheel drive action Facebook page you
Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 900,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, action, 4x4, offroad, outdoors, travel, overlanding, toyota, nissan, patrol, landcruiser, camping, diesel, petrol, shaun whale, graham cahill, australia, dirty 30, shorty, gq, gu, 80 series, 40 series, 60 series, 79 series, troopy, kimberley, remote, 4wd action full episodes, 4wd action tasmania, 4wd action hilux, 4wd action, roothy, bush cooking, Four wheel drive, 4 wheel drive, 4wd cars, car, 4WD Fails, 4WD build, 4x4 fails, 4x4 action, 4 wheel drive action, 4x4 24/7, 4x4 247, Jocko, Shauno
Id: MAoO6dFmQcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 38sec (2978 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 06 2018
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