EVEN SHAUNO WAS TOO SCARED to drive this 4WD track! Broken Axle 50m in - what happens next?

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i'm gonna go on my side if i keep going we're down here in coffs harbor at the moment we've had a bit of rain and these tracks are absolutely wild come on jocko loves it yeah good [ __ ] off and enjoy this one guys cops harbour at its absolute best oh my god our adventure on the tracks off harbour starts out on a perfect morning just north of town around these parts you can't trust a clear sky and we've heard reports of a massive rainstorm on the way when it rains around here things get wild we've got a convoy of good mates along for a few days of hard wheeling but there's something funny going on with the rig behind me hey jocko i got a copy mate i sure do made from this nice comfy cabin it's just a bit of the same i got to do a bit of a double take that does not look like your horse definitely not it doesn't smell it's got power it's got air con that's uh it's pretty nice i'll tell you what graham's living in luxury in this new d-max i reckon the big question mate bring coughs arba how the heck did you convince graham to get the keys of that well funny story so obviously he couldn't make it to this trip and i asked him if i could take the keys and he said yeah mate jump in and uh just don't just don't break it don't scratch it and it should be right but uh he was sweet with it i didn't have any dramas with me taking it so i've got to be happy with that i don't believe a word you're saying mate just hit the first track and see what happens i suppose mate sounds good i'm keen to see what this little rig can do at the time of filming wa's border was closed due to the coronavirus and graham couldn't make it over to join us i don't know what fibs jocko told him but somehow he got the keys to graham's immaculate new d-max it's about to wheel it in coffs harbour the home of tough driving and right off the bat we're lining up for the rover trail a technical climb full of rocks and canopy banging angles man i hope graham's not watching this one i should just about do it i'm taking the wranglers down to about the sort of 15 psi now the reason for that is we're going to be doing a bunch of tough tracks down here in coffs harbour i always believe that getting the biggest footprint you can you're going to make light work of these tracks and you know put less stress on the vehicle but also there's a stack of rain forecasted if you know what cops is like gets a bit of rain on these tracks becomes super slippery so traction is going to be key so super low today with [ __ ] air down it's time to hit the hard stuff but i can tell you now this day is not going quite as planned here we are cough saber and true cough style perform he just started rover track and it just gets wild from the get-go and this is what i love about coughs slash it scares absolute heck out of me but i'm pretty excited rover track is a great what you'd probably call a cough stand as an intermediate track but trust me there's some real challenging bits in here it's yeah you can see there's a big rock step coming up that looks off cam and all sorts of nasty let's give this a crack eh we've barely got all the cars onto the track when things go a little pear-shaped yeah i think you've done an axle already that one's been hanging on by a thread oh sorry i love you what a way to start the day hang on hang on hang on is it broken at this end yeah it is oh that's not good that's not the best that means you've got to pull the center out my friend we're literally so close to the start of this track that i wouldn't mind pulling the rear diff center out and just trying to get all the metal out so i don't actually damage the center i could drive the rest of it in three wheel drive or i could try and find another axle cough to get this sorted properly then minimise any further damage i wish i was at least driving something real cool when that happened but no very first obstacle on day one the boys are soon ringing around coughs in search for a spare and meanwhile we crack on with taking out the diff center of course that means taking out both axles and disconnecting the tail shaft before draining the diff oil and opening up the housing in no time at all jock and tim from mitts have got the rear center out so we can remove the remainder of the axle that broken axle is jammed right inside there so we're going to push it out through the other side just using a little punch and hopefully this works jocko yeah it's coming out come on normally i'm stuck i've got to go you want to extend it there you go how good is that that's a look at our twist of that too much horsepower mate that's what it is you know it's that 65 kilowatts at full noise i wasn't actually idling while we're on the tools jeremy from direction plus has tracked down a spare axle from a local wrecker with everything coming back together the last job is to refill the diff with diff oil and then we can actually get started on this track there you go i reckon that is going to become a souvenir in my shed pretty bad break but i guarantee the boys didn't come here just to help me fix [ __ ] they came here to wheel some tracks so let's get right into it take two hey hopefully we'll make it further than 50 meters up the track all right this is a big off cambered rock the angle of this rut wants to send the whole vehicle into the passenger side bank and heading up the right puts you on a pretty off-cambered angle so it's a bit of a lottery that's the line this is going to be a huge challenge for the wider vehicles and canopies and especially if you don't have twin lockers speaking of it's time to check out the rest of the convoy starting with our good mate jeremy jeremy's going to be wheeling with only a factory limited slip diff and no lockers the good thing about this little vehicle is it doesn't have much weight i reckon that's his biggest advantage there we go jeremy i'll tell you what mate you can drive that little luxie yep it's not there that's a pretty good drive mate i'd lock that in without lockers it's hard to steer the rig away from the bank and jeremy's well positioned here for us to winch him clearly away from that wall and keep those panels straight you just hear that lsd one is way up oh yes he's got it though he's got it he's got it outside [Laughter] well sam's up next in the big spares box 200. this time it's twin locked rocking 35s sounds very angry something tells me he's going to be happy to have the keys off jocko because last time joco driver you might remember you put a little bit of panel damage which is still sporting hopefully sand does a better job now this is sam's first time wheeling the big spares box 200 he's under strict instructions not to break it i mean that's brave tanker 200 in osaba that is i reckon he's looking a touch more nervous than usual loves it look at that it's a it's a committing line though sam's doing his best job to keep that big rig off the bank but the 200 seems to have its own ideas and soon his nosing up into those tree roots is that door sam you had one job one job jocko did damage last time you've been in the driver's seat for barely 50 meters i can't really talk i've already broken something you're coming away straighten her up a bit mate those sliders have just paid for themselves it's taken a lick of paint off that's all i'll tell you what he's done well to get out of that that was looking very ugly oh nervous well that is super lucky and still less damage than jock managed last time he wheeled this rig so that's a win if you ask me this time around sam's pointing straight up the rock step yep yep yep yep get down keep going keep going yep yep yep yep yep right in you must drive it a bit drive it a bit drive it a bit drive it drive it [Music] with sam up next is tim from mitz alloy sporting a new canopy setup for this trip with a shorter box and added tray space perfect for a tough weekender you've just seen big sam have a go the good news is you've got a wheel in the air and you're going backwards today he's got it right through he's going to ride through the good news is that you're a lot narrower than he is thank god for that sammy every time i follow you pure confidence i think you're rocking mate tim's running twin lockers and with 33-inch tires he's able to stick to that steep right-hand line but far out that looks uncomfortable yep that's it i like the line tim now the vehicle at the back of the convoy needs little introduction but kaido from drifter forward drive and camping is sporting a very obvious new addition to his rig you've asked to see it and here it is freshly sassed with a gu front diff this 4b is going to be an absolute weapon tell you what mate out of all the subtle changes on all the vehicles in this convoy mate yours are the least subtle that is looking very mean at highlands mate yeah my backing calls i'm here to take this on it's uh pretty knowledgeable like tim quiter is pointing straight up the right hand line that's it that was a good line very risky mate but you held on to it well i'm pagan with the first challenge out of the way we push on up the track but as always in coughs it's not long until an even bigger obstacle pops its head up [Music] that looks spicy over there this looks like a committing oh it does it doesn't like every time i've been up here it gets really close to your panels on this big log because as you're trying to draw this off cambered rock step you've got to turn that way and canopies trays rear quarters everything sort of has a little bit of scroll here that said though i do spy a bonus line over there as well you've got on thing and jock up this way putting your left eye up there you can always try and straddle it and keep this v seen people drive this before mate it's a this is quite a committing line that is it's about one of me tall which is not that tall no that's not and then up here i don't know i might i just i reckon there's only one way to find out and if there's a vehicle that's gonna do it it's that old 80 series right there all right let's give it a go come on right up it's very rare you'll see me opt for a bonus line in cops arbor here goes nothing straight up if that doesn't put lead in your pencil nothing will all right jocko let's see what you can do mate and remember graham will probably find out joker's picked a great line here and got the d-max up and over the first he's got it he's got it he's got it he's got it oh my god he nearly lost it did i just slip into that tree right yeah pretty hard but no the sliders have protected everything oh sweet i was almost up hey it's just it needs it needs another inch man like have you ever had a drama like that we just need that extra inch all the time man this track is relentless we nearly had more damage on the cards there's still a chance to get up here i'm gonna pack some rocks to see if we can bump him up lucky tim's on that side of the canopy and not this side because no he hasn't hit the canopy he's gone really close let me adjust my mirror so i can oh my god yeah okay maybe this isn't the line to take fortunately there's a b-line option around this one and jocko can keep those panels straight for another day first though he's gonna reverse down with no lockers jeremy's absolutely going to end up tangled up in this tree root so likewise he's taking the same bee line and having a heck of a lot of fun while he's at it there we go team has a crack up the main step but just like the d-max that's it he soon snuck into my head [Music] yeah if you had a 35-inch tire you'd just clear that come on mate indoor that's it yeah let's go on this line okay maybe with the front locker he'll be able to keep his nose up yeah i'm just worried it's so wide he's going to go into this stay right a bit mate for a bit like yep that's it yeah it's not sliding the lockers are held i'm a bit left out that's it that's it that's it that's it that's got it that's got it yeah nice one mate that's a big car to get out there he's done well nervous times okay time for kaido this should be wild i'm gonna try the left-hand line like up the log we've built it to uh take on the tough stuff so as we'll give it a crack and see what happens i'm feeling confident yeah oh man that's steep that is steep yep that's it that's it that's it drive it drive it that's love it drive it yeah that's it straight up right that's what it's all about if you ask me coming with your mates and driving different lines there's different lines to suit different vehicles plenty of that in costa rica that's a nice community one look at him he's stoked he's absolutely stoked he's smiling from here to here well there's more of this thing to go all right let's do it our next track for the day is just up the road but as predicted the weather has finally turned and when it rains in coughs the tracks go from mild to wild in an instant full of wet clay and mud [Music] as soon as you get any moisture on these tracks it starts to get real slippery you can already feel the start of this one go straight up this big hill it's there's no traction a little bit of slipping going on between a little bit of traction there is there it oh is boy's gonna love this even after just one vehicle passing over it the surfaces track has lost even more traction and jock hasn't even got to the cameras before he finds himself in trouble choco mate i was expecting you to bring the d-max up mate let's try this is no traction i was like into it as much as i want to be i really didn't want to break the thing is it gets it gets worse up there as well big ruts as you can see here it's big tire country mate and with this rain just that top's been taken off and i was just jeremy tried as well and we had no hope so maybe send the vehicles with 35s through yeah see if they can even get to where i am they do then sweet you guys can go up this way the good news is yeah exactly right there's heaps of other tracks around here you might have to find another track and then meet us at the top yeah easy right oh let's uh send the next big vehicle through away yeah was that sam sam yeah that's it big tires a lot of power and a couple of lockers they come in absolutely handy for tracks like that i forgot to brave for the whole thing then yeah it's slick it's slick we're bouncing on up oh my gosh into our top tower here we go that thing is an animal a little bit of indicator yeah oh gotta love it it's all axle swapped pilots to say he's running heaps of power just ate it up how good up ahead things are getting steeper look at this right he's going in it he's in the rut that's a bit more committing drive oh it doesn't look easy up here at the top of this climb is a crazy rut to finish the cameras don't do this one justice but this one is pretty damn hectic mate in the dry this is a committing drive in the west insane what are we thinking yeah oh what does it have to be at the top of the hill too like i could have seen this at the bottom of the hill there's the end of the track i tell you what i reckon that's the way to go that's the only way i think i can't straddle that i'll fall off there and do a lid skid mate i reckon i have to cross cross over which is gonna feel absolutely horrible it's not gonna feel good i reckon if you can try and cross over a bit later you can try and get your tyre in there but oh that's gonna feel spicy jock sure knows how to make a bloke feel confident but i'm committed now let's give this one a go this is absolute madness this is what this is it must look pretty daunting i'll help you flip it back over that's the guy that's it no no no i can't turn hard lefty what you can't do it i can't turn left here that's going to feel wild by the way it feels wild now yeah and all four wheels are still on the ground that's it i don't know i'm gonna go on my side i'm gonna go on my side if i keep going touch your right that's your right you're just lifting up now if you come and touch your right hand as you come forward it's just gonna keep talking up for a little while a lot more just trying to edge forward a bit i'm going to give this another go from further down but this is going to take a very committed drive to pull it off dude that's it that's it i reckon you can almost ride through that eight like it feel wild but i just don't think i've gotten big enough i want to do it yeah it's just too hectic it's just it's it's beyond my pay grade mode well this is one of those wheel lifts that you either need to drive the whole way through or you winch the whole way through it's not one you can try slowly and because the ground's so slippery she'll just sort of the vehicles wants to talk up and then it'll start sliding in it it'll feel very wild as imagine it does in the cab right now so just to keep things safe we're going to uh hook shaun on to the end of the winch and he's still got traction he can drive through it but it's good to just have a bit of a safety line in case golf's harbour oh i love this place with the winch up as high as we can possibly get it it's a relatively straight pull to the top there's virtually no traction and i reckon attempting to drive this would have ended in disaster for sure i would have been on my lid for sure lots of traction it's good mate every time you get a wheeler from now on just hook the winch up and you'll be sweetie i knew that i would have been a mobbie but yeah i knew that point of where i just go you know what it's not even i'm an optimistic four-wheel driver mate the best of times but that time i knew my limit so every every full driver once they go on their lid they have a sixth sense for being on their own yeah it's got that feeling again that cops are but yeah oh wow the big spares rock rig is up next but even with the big tyres and two lockers this is going to be a challenge this is nerve-wracking it's a big rut pretty much the only option is to put the car in it try and hug right but i definitely fear the side of this big wide 200 is about to be used as a scrub bar that's it ah it's a cv there goes the cv oh yeah if you've watched our shows you probably already know that the passenger cv on a 200 series is prone to braking especially if you use a lot of right foot i'm also no stranger to busting the passenger side cv on these so i reckon we'll winch him up and hopefully we'll be able to do a time trial to change it luckily it's a big spare box 200 though because it's got some spares how good see how much of this we've got this is going to be a long slow winch to the top so everyone jumps in the tools and we take the rig up in stages with the winch and an extension strap with a few resets we eventually get sam to the top without further damage like me kydo finds that last angle just a bit too much and seeing how little traction there is again we're opting for the winch that's a good spot yeah that's a good lane it feels sketchy that's a good lane as we get started on our second repair of the day jock tim and jeremy head off to find their own way to the top and are soon stuck into their own adventure [Music] all right seems getting that wheel off i thought i'd go and get the cv out at the same time taking a little bit of a look at the spares he's carrying in the back of his 200 it always gets me thinking i like to carry a lot of spares with me as well and you say you should as well doesn't matter if you're going to cox harbor or cape york bringing the right spares with you will just save you so much heartache we'll get this installed in probably about 25 minutes we'll be back on the tracks the boys have soon found their way back to join us on the tools and i've got to say we've almost become experts at 200 series cv changes and soon enough the broken one is coming out that's your shed mate the inner takes a little bit more convincing to remove but after a few hard words jeremy's got it out and the new cv is ready to go in even though it has a bit of a weak point in the front end the 200 is a wicked vehicle and really if you're gonna wheel hard you just gotta know what parts you're gonna need for your rig luckily spares box makes it easy and can tell you exactly what parts you should keep as spares for your particular model there we go that wasn't too hard especially we got the right tools and especially the right parts as well let's clean up the tools now and i think well actually i know i'm going to take the boys down for a special treat we're going to take it to my favorite campsite on the east coast big cool i know i'm going to go down to pebbly beach and um i could use a bit of swim i know the boys could it's one of the most scenic campsites definitely in new south wales pretty excited about that and hopefully that rain goes away job will be on as we leave the hills of coughs and head north up towards the coast the sun does indeed come back out and offers the promise of some perfect beach weather pebbly beach is a full drive only campsite nestled away in the eurogear national park and the route is one of the more unique in australia but first we've got to hit the beach oh doco making our way down to the beach mate was a bit of a change of scenery i just love the fact that we a couple of hours ago we were winching on the side of a slippery muddy hill and now we're driving on some of the best coastline in the [Music] [Applause] as country as this eh look at that driving a straight down to a beach doesn't get much better [Music] [Applause] up ahead is the entry to the campsite but the way is blocked by a tidal saltwater river this is the only access route into pebbly beach the risk is absolutely worth it though because the camping up ahead is sensational the key is to carefully pick the times you enter and leave according to the low tide to minimize the amount of salt water you have to drive through here's a little uh tip for new players low tide down at this creek is actually two hours after what it says on the beach so keep that in mind when you're trying to pick your tide times to go through it's best to walk this first if you haven't been to peddling before how does it feel taking big city into a saltwater crossing around sean yeah it's not too bad mate it's already so tough it sort of repels i've got two more tips for you if you're going to take your pride and joy into salt water first go slow as slow as you can to minimize the amount of salt water splashing up into your undercarriage and second as soon as you get home pose the underside of the vehicle with fresh water and take a lot of time to do it with a little care you can still get to places like this safely as we get into camp it looks like the next front might be moving in but i'm still stoked to have made it back to pebbly beach i absolutely love this place it looks like we might be in for a cold night but that just makes the pervy excuse for a fire and a beer or two and it seems like everyone's got the same idea [Music] [Music] the convoy is soon getting camped sorted and pegged down for a windy night and there's a few specky setups this time around see what i love doing this i love getting to camp cracking a beer and just walking around checking out some of the setups and this convoy some very impressive setups tim this is a whole new one i saw this one in tassie last and you had the full-size canopy you changed things up a bit yeah same vehicle we just stepped it back slightly onto a shorter canopy setup a little bit less room inside but you've got a bit of tray space for wood you can still throw a full-size dirt bike up there if you wanted really yeah really like a weekender sort of arrangement rather than the full touring arrangement yeah i get it i love it too man and like obviously it's performed so well in the tough tracks i mean you haven't struggled with anything weight distribution is perfect and the best thing is mate you've got so much room to carry all your touring stuff but still have the versatility having a tray mate you've still got the tray there you've got so much storage underneath trundle yeah under tray boxes you can fit everything out there it's carrying a hundred liters of water so you've got a 12 volt pump on 70 and then a 30 liter headboard as well just naturally fit so you say it's a weekender but you could you could tour just about anywhere with this a it's a great setup and then you obviously fit a lot of stuff in the back you can throw a little ladder rack on this and then roof top tent straight across the top of the canopy and that's going to hold up you're still going to have your tray space for all the timber right well i'm going to go get the fire going but this is unreal now you've got the fridge on the other side don't you yeah yeah i'll go check that out next yeah yeah right oh [ __ ] well how about that folks not a bad way to end a crazy day in coffs harbour but you know what comes next and trust me it just gets better i'll tell you what boys to be out of the mud and around a campfire the only thing that could make this campsite just a fraction better say you're cooking i'm going to cook i'm going to cook this one's a it's going to be a cracker now if you thought the mud would stick down in coughs you wait do you see that i'm gonna install tonight mate right oh will you get started i'll come and uh give your hand a sec i'm gonna sit here and have you stretch before this one mate if you're a budding chef you better get your pen and paper out now because this recipe is gonna be all time [Music] we'll make the coughs cast right stunning part of the world pebbly beach you can't beat it it is exactly that this place has got me thinking they're tough tracks they're hard there's rocks there's big ruts mud lots of mud and this is exactly what i'm talking about tonight because i'm talking about a um chili mud dog you're gonna be putting mud in them chili mud dogs mate chili mud dogs because if you've done the hard tracking coughs you'll appreciate what i'm about to cook up tonight because i'm talking about they're gonna pack a punch mate yeah you touch track stuff when you've finished it you're going to feel a sense of achievement just it's going to be proper get this going right okay i'm going to jump into my cool one mate i've got some i'll get i'm going to make firstly you're going to make the chili sauce up i want that sort of stuff that'll last with you forever it'll sort of be through your chassis rails and you'll never be able to never get it out it falls on your face yeah i know the one first things first i'm going to grab an iron jack some bacon will be bacon definitely there's a bit of meat there that's what i like about your meals you don't mess around lots of protein mate yeah that's what we need you can chuck the mince in yeah now the key is what are you doing mince guys they've got oh you got to get that little bit out all right that's the mince yeah this is bacon now can i use this by the way yeah absolutely now the plan is to basically brown the mints off now let me give you a little red hot tip as well if you're going to be doing like a bit of a chili mix up spice mix for chili what are we going to we're going to switch the boys up again and chocolate probably this one here i found this one i've never used it before sriracha salsa kaido was saying to me earlier he said choco mate if there's one thing i love in the world it's the chili sam said the same thing to me yeah yeah yeah the boys loved their chili and last time we stitched them up proper yeah it was good it's starting to burn up beautifully the bacon you can smell already smelling good how good is it mate when you anything you put bacon with and to be honest with you i would have used onions but i forgot to buy them you can chuck in two of these both yep yeah chucking both of those mate you've been playing good or fortunate a few times in your life are you sure that's got water in it i'm just going to give that a bit of a rinse we'll see what that looks like in a sec here we go these ones here these black beans yeah black beans you can go any sort of beans actually no you can't really you can't you can't really really try for black beans yeah yeah this one here is sriracha salsa oh yeah i think you reckon we could have a little taste of that before we yeah probably going like probably half a jar of that that's looking good it's looking real good looking good i'm going to chuck a couple of jalapenos in mine it's like four different types of chips it's gonna be hot i should actually use a little tip taste it before you put oh that's a good idea okay let's just put more in all right and we'll see what happens let me put this that's the only way to do it otherwise you might check it out how are we looking mate yeah good it's looking good like have a little taste of that well that's smelling real good do you want to give it a little have a good taste of that yeah mate that's really good it's nice nice it's got some buntier it's got a little bit of gold about it that's what you want though you're the only cost harvey you're here to drive hard track you're not here to have mild meals you know what i mean oh man that's gonna yeah there's a couple of boys are probably going to bust cv's tonight there's no doubt about that all right we've got a bunch of water in the in the camp up in here basically going to boil some water yeah even joko could cook this one now these guys don't take long these little um franks if you like the footy i like the footy footy franks footy friends yeah the key is just let that water boil you don't you don't want to put your franks into boiling water you're frying in a boiling water i have made a few times you know what i'm not good at well that's the problem the skin will come straight off these things you want to basically boil them up with the water they get the temperature over time and that's what's key about these things well most of them are looking pretty good but if you if you really want to figure it out you know they're done when just just a dip like that is exposed and that's what you're looking for no honestly it's it's a delicate ah cooking frankfurts and i'm not good at it because they've got that twist on the end of them they're really tight when you first get them when you cook them up a tiny bit that's what you're after no just look at that you're basically they're nice and hot put them back in i'll show you how mine goes first i'll just you can just whack that in that bun mate yeah you want to spread that bun right open yeah yeah you do just get him in there just like that like that yep get some chili mix straight straight on top like that yep that's what we're talking about that's what we're talking about a little bit of cheese boys come on in mate come on in boys look at that that's what we're dealing with that is what we're dealing with that is going to be so good he's so good spread your buns boys who reckons i can drive the biggest traction coffs harbor put your hands up oh you're very tough today on the tracks now come on boys there's a bit of no i thought salsa right you'd be right it's actually not that hot this is an absolute proper big coughs mud dog when you're doing tough tracks all day sometimes you want a nice simple meal at night and um one that packs a punch you reckon there's enough for another round there is enough for another round actually it is pretty good all right we'll go down into the fire mate let these sink in go for a second round because tomorrow almost ready for a big day tomorrow mate so you'll know about these tomorrow g'day folks look i hope you are enjoying the coughs episode and jocko mate i've got my eye on you be careful out there mate now i couldn't make it to new south wales to be a part of this trip but currently in brisbane and i'm getting ready for the brisbane four wheel drive show now if you can't make it down to brizzy for the show don't worry we've got you covered we've put together three snatch packs at three different price points and they've got some great gear and they're between weekender bags hoodies caps nebo products the whole lot the first 50 people that jump onto snatch clothing dot com dot a u right now gonna get yourself a signed signature pack from shawno and i we put a bunch of signatures on a bunch of gear but it's limited to the first 50 people that get online right now so go to snatchclothing.com.iu take advantage of these snatch signature packs right now [Music] we wake up this morning to a pretty wild and windy view at pebbly beach the rain fell pretty hard last night and by the looks of things there's plenty more on the way after just one day at coughs the rigs are already looking very well used but i reckon this is nothing to how they're going to look by the end of the day for now though our first priority is to get a coffee into us yeah thanks jocko and get back across the river before the tide blocks us in boys you better get ready because today things are going to get wild well some challenging conditions last night a fair bit of rain came down but in my opinion there's no such thing as bad camping only bad preparation now come and have a look at one of these setups there this i'm kind of jealous to be honest with you i was in the swag last night kyle in the rooftop tent look coyote's been testing these rooftop tents for over 12 months now and in that time he's had him from cape york fraser island right around the country one year mate you've been testing these things yeah they've been holding up pretty good hey let me guess you were really dry and comfortable last night yeah it's good to be off the ground when it's uh weather like this so i bet mate look in one year you know you've taken a lot of spots now obviously a fantastic rooftop tent but what what have you done with these rooftop tents i heard that you've got a few accessories there yeah we've been developing heaps accessories over last year we've got mattress upgrades latch upgrades we've got awnings that come off the front and axes and yeah they're getting a really tried and tested unit now that's what you want that's what you want mate and especially like in conditions like this you know you can still go out maximize the amount of time you spend off road and camping because you've got a good setup like that yeah nice and lightweight so perfect for the hard tracks yeah hard tracks mate speaking of which got a few of those lined up today and i reckon with that rain we had last night oh yeah cos gets wild in the wet yeah you're gonna be testing that thing out that's for sure right we'll give it a go i'm gonna get another coffee for today with the tide already pushing in we can't afford to relax at camp this morning and need to get packed up lickety-split so there's a fair bit of wet canvas getting rolled up around the convoy soon enough everyone's ready to get back into it all right go please start oh that's always a good sign [Music] with pebbly beach behind us we're pointing the fourbys at another classic cost destination the hills the bowerby state forest when you know you've got a big day at the tracks i always advise check your engine in the morning just check your oil levels check your coolant levels check your brake fluid just basically go once over the whole vehicle and that can save you a lot of heartache going over this morning i noticed a fair bit of oil in the catch care now that is completely normal i wouldn't want getting jeremy's opinion on that that's not a big issue is it mate that's just the catch can doing its job yeah absolutely that's just it doing its job stopping that oil going back through the inlet manifold and mixing with the egrs and obviously causing that blockage that you get in the inlet manifold and obviously the performance reduction that you get from that yeah coffee coffee well i'd rather it in the catch can make them back through the intake i suppose on modern vehicles would be super important to try and fit a catch can wouldn't it even more so than dirty old [ __ ] yeah absolutely like as emissions get more stringent technology gets more carried away it's absolutely more important the sooner you can put one on the better off you'll be copymate because when that oil and the egr is sort of mixed together it forms that fair bit of salt i've seen some of those modern intakes make completely covered up with carbon deposits it's amazing how they even breathe yeah remember back to your old 70 when you pulled the inlet metaphors off that and that was um pretty choked up all right well that's good to know anyway um today we've got some big tracks on the cards mate are you ready for it yeah absolutely looking forward let's go [Music] our plan today is to check out the prize track a fun wheeling spot full of muddy ruts and challenging bog holes and today the mud is looking pretty fresh coming down into this track it was absolutely bucketing down so i reckon it's going to be a fun day of mud bogging this is the first little bog hole doesn't seem too bad but fortunately we get to send shawno through first and we'll judge it from there can you lock my hops in lock your hubs in yeah i just forgot what a stitch up that wheel is underwater you'll have to help oh mate you tomato got you there jocko there's nothing better than stitching up a mate sorry mate especially if it's jock and you're going to own me a beer after that mate [Music] helps put your arms off in all right so i'm going to go through the middle box i don't want to get on that angle sean did but i also haven't got my winch ready because if i get stuck that can be payback for sean making me lock his hubs underwater the big one [Music] [Laughter] good line graeme is my winch underwater yeah come on jocko you can do better than that mate oh you've got julia winch out where's your blanket this is why you lock your hubs early too cool mate as jock starts to winch out it seems like the d-max is really suction in the hole i'm really stuck a single line pull is just not going to cut it so we're going to try for a double line pull using a winch ring i reckon a warning about jock's driving skill is in order just so everyone can be sure we're dealing with here even with the double line pull the vehicle doesn't want to come out and soon we realize why the d-max has been dragging some logs along the bottom and it also looks to be the remains of an old vehicle hidden in the merc and to top it off jock's now done a tyre we're going to have to bring in some reinforcement i've soon got [ __ ] in place and with the added runner on the job the d-max is finally moving i think that was it there's a lot of suction going on there mate after seeing jock go through the other boys are opting to steer well clear of that bulk hole but sam doesn't quite manage to stay out of trouble yeah there's not much holding poor sam up he's just hit his belly celebrated a tiny bit too early we've all been there mate it happens i reckon the max tracks will just get him out just get that rear up a tiny bit get some traction that's all he needs straight out straight out didn't even spin a wheel with everyone through it's time for another quick trackside repair and by this point we're getting pretty good at this so in a couple of minutes we've got jock back in action [Music] up ahead the bulk holes are starting to look a bit more suspect time to give the right boot a bit of a stretch i reckon [Music] [Music] some of these tracks are so tight i've just popped a bit of lantana down the side and i've got to say oh city's holding up pretty well that raptor coating has saved the paintwork something chronic it's still looking pretty good despite its age 50 scratches on it now but in this sort of stuff i just love having the raptor coating you sort of got me thinking i wouldn't mind giving away some raptor so look i'm going to give away two sets of four liter raptor coatings as well as the aerosol of your choice you know they have it in black or tintable all you need to do is let us know in the comments below what you'd like to wrap up and what sort of color you'd go because of course you can tint it like this one got it in a nice little gray color but let us know in the comments below and um i'll be giving away two packs of raptor coating for me right now i'm going to try and navigate through here i don't think this track has been driven in a long time not far ahead is our next challenge and this one looks like it hasn't been driven in some time the last vehicle to go through here was a tractor it might be short but it's also looking pretty deep uh yeah give it a go come on see what happens what what's the worst well here goes nothing oh it doesn't look pretty boys straight i think you guys have covered in soot i think it's safe to say that that wasn't the line but at least i've made the run but easy to get to perfect not a chance it's like a perfect vehicle with as well as soon as you get in here it's a perfect 80 series long that's a big winch very very stuck jocko if you get a tire down here mate yeah and just gas it when you get around the corner right i'll try and come in and like square up to it a bit yeah oh jock has seen what i've done is definitely pick a better line option here now reverse before you get stuck i reckon oh here we go go on gusset keep it oh come on you're nearly at it but just like [ __ ] he's ended up hung up in both ends bad luck mate there he is jeremy's trying for the same line it looks like he almost might have it oh so close [Applause] by that much so close so close okay time for a big rig sam's got the power and twin lockers on his side so he's got a good chance that's oh man that thing sounds so cool that's wild you have to drive it yeah i got to salivate a little bit yes [Applause] too much [Laughter] uh the good ones at least my heart next up is a short but sharp little pinch that's often caught us out in the past the first step is to actually get the vehicle properly into the rut at the bottom so you can line up for the top and to be honest i'm kind of struggling to get [ __ ] on the right line making a bit of a mess out of this one wow oh hang on watch the tree there that's it there's a bit on here [Laughter] wow that was a lot going on there was some power going down second and third and then see you later there's mud everywhere how good is life that's what we live for let's see what happens that's it that was that was close go back [Music] doc is so close to getting this so we're going to try some max tracks and see if they can give him the little edge that he needs how good is that pretty good the front max track spat under the rear and that was a that's what got it got him up there just a little self-loading max traxxas as you can see mate jocko made that look very easy i think you'll be i think you'll be right i think you're right i think just get into it as hard as you can go and good luck full noise where's going what what gear are you gonna use 11 or 12. uh whichever one gets me up that hill easy that was like a thousand rpm [Music] i'll tell you what twin lockers 35s twin turbo v8 makes a big difference full noise yes [Applause] [Music] easy easy done yeah wait how much fun is cost in the way anytime you the back of cops harbour it's wet there's mud everywhere full noise sign me up my lures more to go let's keep getting into it right sounds good i thought i'm gonna get real stuck then [Music] with prior's track done it turns out we've got one more challenge ahead of us and that's just to make it back out to the entrance track where in the last few hours things have gotten very sloppy we've mentioned how quickly conditions can change around here and this is a great example i'm having to give it absolutely everything to make it up the hill now suit is a heavy old rig without any modern traction aids and jock is making this one look a little easier come on hot girl yes you've got plenty nice and light that's what we want that's what we want to lock look at that look at that loves it loves it yeah good i'm gonna keep going i see at the pub ah too good didn't even break a sweat coffs has once again turned it on for us but i reckon that's just about enough fun for one adventure coughs over right this place never disappoints definitely and i'll tell you what i've been impressed with this d-max and i've managed to keep most of the mud out of it i think i might have to give it a clean before i give it back to graham no i suggest you do that mate before you hand the case back you'll never know hey jeremy you copy mate yeah tell you what if the quiet achiever award's going to go to summer mate it's definitely you no lockers you're coming to coughs and you're keeping up with all the big rigs that's very impressive mate yeah daily drivers i don't want to go too extreme but yeah i still wouldn't mind keeping or like keeping up with the big boys hey sam that big 200 i'll tell you what that sounds one of those impressive 200s i reckon i've ever heard just full noise in the bush and i'll tell you what you weren't afraid to drive it try to give it hell it may be a little bit too much hell but it's done pretty well on these tough tracks i'm pretty stoked with it now you would might come back to cost with lockers and you've certainly put those in the test that thing has done amazing for a big bus and tim how about you mate you've been put to the boards just about the whole trip and it's just done everything yeah these little tourers mate they've got a bit a bit to give i reckon they've got a lot to give actually speaking of hardcore tracks kaido that highlights i'm so impressed with that you must be over the moon with how that thing's performed mate i don't know who's loved them or the hilux for me we're both covered head to toe and mud and uh they just summed up an awesome timing coughs again all right coffs harbour's done it again hey just unlocked the hubs mate that means the end of the tough tracks and um we're just about done yeah mate and i reckon probably the thing i love about coming back to this place time and time again is no matter what vehicle you have if you have a basic vehicle like a d-max or a heavily modified vehicle you can still come here and have just as much fun there you're absolutely right there's easy tracks there's hard tracks one thing i love about coffs harbor is just there's so many different types of variety of tracks and i mean we've hit pebbly beach one of my favorite campsites in this country i love pebbly basically look do yourself a favor come to coffs harbour and experience this place for yourself like we've just had a couple of days absolute fun i want to put the question out to you guys at home cops harbour i reckon is the number one full drive destination in this country because i reckon it's got absolutely everything yeah it's not too far away from a lot of people living on the east coast of australia i'm going to put it out there in the comments below let us know if you agree with that comment or you might have a different destination that you think should be the full drive capital of australia let us know in the comments below mate for now i reckon we get off these hills just about to start raining yeah it's time for the pub i reckon your [ __ ] again stick around folks because coming up is the full drive 24 7 outtakes but first let's check out some of the gear we use to tackle places just like this [Music] like cough's super tough trip mate everything is covered in mud and wet and just yeah it's coughs to a team mate and we've got to do some insane camping i just love coming to space mate because it really tests gear i want to start off with spares box mate because look it's not like i better say it's not like us but it sort of is we break a few bits and pieces out in the bush and um poor old sam mate lucky was carrying a few of those spares 100 yeah definitely it also pays to know your vehicle with you know know what breaks and carry the appropriate spares as well and i guess another good thing with spares box as well is if you don't know what spares you should take you can always get onto the guys there and they'll help you out with a spares kit for your vehicle which is really important to have like even if you're close to town i reckon because especially with times at the moment like coburn and all the rest of it there's a bit of a shortage in supplies if you've got the gear you need you're not going to be stranded for two days while you wait for that part to come in from a big city or something like that so pays to get those spares in the back of full right definitely mate another thing that i'm really impressed with this trip and um look i only just got one of these a couple of weeks i know you've had one for a long time you said that the g-shock watch mate look i'm just so stoked to have a watch that's built super tight like modern is absolutely covered in mud it's called the mud master yeah that's not ironic it's just it's designed to be used properly and that's what i like about i don't need to baby this out the tracks i'm just grabbing a winch rope so i'm covered in mud and i know that this can handle it that's the key hey like i've i've been running g-shocks for literally about 15 years i reckon i've always had them and loved them and i don't take them off when i'm working on cars or doing anything like that and i've never had one let me down so you spot on my oh it's like the fact that it is super tough you don't have to worry about them off road and as far as i'm concerned they're built for these sort of conditions right definitely another thing that's built for these sort of conditions the old snatch clothing yeah yeah i just wanted to make this really clear to everyone at home you notice how dirty mine is you notice how clean yours is you can just tell in the convoy straight away who has been doing the heavy lifting i just like looking after my gear to be honest you know keeping it clean keeping it in good good working order that's i think that's me you're a bit rough around the world a little bit of a grub i know this mate but look i just want to you know test this clothing out and this is what snatch clothing is all about this is clothing made by full drivers four four drawers we put our money where our mouth is mate we use this key in the sort of conditions that you guys are going to be out there every weekend in so if it can't handle what we do we're not going to put it on the shelves that snatch clothing mate so look if you want to do yourself a favor kick yourself out in the right kit go to snatch clothing.com.u there you go guys there's our kofts harbour trip done and dusted i hope you enjoyed it and if you do make sure you like and subscribe to the best footwork driving channel on the planet full drive 24 7. now stick around because something tells me the next section is one of your favorites the outtakes how good eh i'm sorry mum i've let you down over the years hang on another light in here you're not dishwashing liquid from last time [Music] it's where like every time driving something faces like this like the ocean well done mate [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 1,174,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, action, 4x4, offroad, outdoors, travel, overlanding, toyota, nissan, hilux, patrol, landcruiser, adventure, camping, fishing, diesel, petrol, surf, shaun whale, graham cahill, australia, dirty 30, shorty, gq, gu, 80 series, 40 series, 60 series, 79 series, troopy, 4wd action, 4wd 247, 4wd 24/7
Id: gvg-O-8dM3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 55sec (3715 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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