Bogged in the snow! The Victorian High Country like you've never seen it before

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[Music] [Music] the Victorian high country has always been top on my list of favorite formal drive destinations in Australia and for good reason the scenery is absolutely spectacular and the four-wheel driving is unreal but let me tell you something one of the best just got better because we've organised a special permit to access announce scheme in the snow and this winter wonderland is simply out of this world we've got three days to explore so here's the plan first we're heading up mounts keen to reach the summit following this we're gonna take on Mount Sunday and finally we're gonna hit Mitchell's track three days three goals and some epic camping in between does it get any better not I think so right now we're pointing out four B's in the direction of mount scheme and I won't be long until we meet the track there so they lot in Queens anymore made this little white stuff on the ground yeah it's not heaps of it but if there's it this much download found to be a heap further up oh I think the GPS is rated about 1,100 meters and there's certainly a few hundred meters to go to before you the top of this one auric and we're in for a fair bit of snow on this trip bring it on it's mid-august and it's clear to see that the high country has already had a massive dump of snow joining me on this one we've got the usual suspects along for the ride we're also lucky enough to have locals Alan and Michael along to guide us on our way I just get a perma smile when I see snow there's something so unique about it in Australia we go to Europe and they've got it all over the place but Australia shouldn't have snow for goodness sake it's hot and dry and barren it's a land of sweeping Plains I might sing in a minute but to see snow might not like to be fair dinkum lock the hubs and now getting to the fresh stuff and way to make a track pretty soon like always it's time to knock some pressure now to their tires should almost do it a lot of people ask a driving T when it comes to snow because of course in Australia don't typically drive a lot of snow but the best thing I suppose the best similarity can make between snow and any other type of for driving if you might be used to is it's a lot like sand driving so you set your tires but you would do it in the beach so some a us around at MPs I want those tries to bag out and down that'll give you plenty of traction and the cool thing that snow as well you can drive you might get stuck and come back on that compacted snow it you've already driven on usually have plenty of traction and go again tell a lot of fun playing in the snow is fun in general I reckon and it's hard not to turn into big kids when the cold white stuff is around [Music] however get a hard pack snow ball to the side of the head and things turn serious [Music] yeah good is this okay that's enough of that it's time to hit the tracks up to the summit of mount scheme this is actually a two-wheel drive track in the summer believe it or not but right now that's a totally different story honey what are you doing back there might just give me a minute no stopping me he's going full Berserker I didn't date long first casualty Bonnie had a little moment behind the wheel there where he wasn't concentrating ended up off the track and we just found it how soft of snow can be the quickest and easiest way to get Barney out of there is gonna be with a snatch recovery seeing as I'm in front of him well looks like the task is up to me right you bring Barney to the snow the first thing you doesn't drive into a ditch only whatever and others on the track to see the smile on his face like soon as you guys work it might Nick yeah it's gonna be a tough sort of recovery all right and it doesn't look at the thing you know you're gonna Justice me why don't we go forward but I think I'm gonna come that's all right a bit I'll stay I'll nothing to see here we go like any snatch recovery the key here of course is safe to get everyone right away from the action and communication between myself and Barney is gonna be key Roley Barney you're good to go good to go Jeff get me out of this hole buddy my plan of attack here is just get on it and try and get as much traction as I can pull all body and that deep you go get go you got the old DMX works it's magic as we continue to climb the snow is just getting deeper and deeper on the ground the first vehicle through generally has to do most of the hard work but Alan and Michael are familiar with this type of driving look at that road we got to get up up through there that's sick we're gonna get out there yeah bro that's the top ah this is golf as for the rest of us we're further compacting the snow as we go but you can see just how deep the snow is that we're carving our way through bouncing some sections of this track are steeper than others which requires a bit more momentum just like this section whitey [Music] took me off the bull man you rigging that what fun you did right [Music] up ahead and short it's fighting the wheel insertion for some much main attraction [Applause] well just got out of that as you can see snow is quite slippery that's one of the biggest differences between see any other terrain is even swiped off the tracks and momentum is Bailey's track you really at a concentrate and steer this is not the sort of surrounding you have a lapse in concentration that's for sure I tell you I'd shot was pretty close to get off track right here I'm gonna head up and offer some help holy heck all right let's see how the d-max handles just gonna track easy easy sideways I spoke too soon back was pretty eckers one of the big problems is snow is when you do have tracks on a road like this the vehicles got no choice but the fire strikes on 40 the tracks of me that I followed went over there and then came back over it took me off the side of the road as soon as you've got in those tracks I couldn't get out I want to use an extension strap because went straight out of here once I get back in this hard stuff I'll have another go all right everyone in the Death Zone all right I only need to go probably a couple of meters okay let's give this a go okay so you drivers finally if you just want to go into the lock up here I think you're gonna have to drive it yeah it looks to me like there's some sort of mechanical problem going on there may not all wheels are turning and I will look at these conditions but yeah absolutely if you can remember this is Australia folks [Applause] a little bit concern about Shauna's vehicle there he's apparently got an open rear diff in one side is spinning in this snow can see how he's gonna get enough traction to get up through here communication is absolutely vital in any recovery situation you can see that I've taken the lead up here standing up in front with a handheld so that I can keep an eye on what's going on unless Sean I know this is really no place for any mechanical dramas but to lose your rear-wheel-drive and only be open in the rear well you're not gonna go anywhere we're gonna try and get this fixed I've decided to quickly open the bonnet and try and find out with a fuse for the a locker was I think it's done a fuse or something like because the lockers not working at the same time we noticed that my aircon belt is actually twisted no currently it's a common thing for an early series now I'm sorta to fix it now cuz last thing I wanna do is snap a belt now and maybe break a fan so also ordered that didn't take too long but the problem is I think what's running out so the plan was to get up and over this mountain down to the bottom and out of the snow at this stage and this side didn't need to go back there that relocker sure is really gonna struggle so we're gonna whack some chains on see if that makes a difference fingers crossed it will I think I'm back in the game I'm gonna stay out of use which is my lockup got every locker I've got chains on I won't stop a war sudden in my opinion you simply wouldn't come up here without at least one set of chains per vehicle and in some parts of the country especially ski resort areas it's a legal requirement to carry chains what a difference that makes he's got blockers he's got chains looting took off like he was in a car fire really does make a difference when you've got the right tools for the job goods at oh yeah we just had a wind up front our local guide Michael is pushing his way up this track complete with front and rear chains it's just a slow and steady crawl it's not too bad it's still pretty stinky but I'm saying upper country chains on our pier so it's something that has been alright the Sun give us all this matinee forward and onwards up to the top now look time is getting on but we still want to try and reach the summit before we camp so do we stay on schedule well tell you what this climb has been absolutely hectic never get a chance try it snow driving it is incredible but the forecast for tonight is for quite a dump of snow and that means that this track the run right now is gonna be completely covered over again all our wheel tracks they'll disappear and I'll have no idea of actually driven or not because you can get really quite confused out here all these tracks look exactly the same with the covering of snow over them so I've got a bit of a breadcrumb trail going on the VMS at the moment so that tomorrow if we need to take this track back out of here I can do exactly that follow it back out regardless of just how deep the snow is it's a strange concept to have to try to think about in Australia that's snow might hide your track but the Victorian high country very very common and I'm glad that absolutely Barney's following up close behind but he's hit a steep and slippery section of track sometimes when the snows been compacted a heck of a lot he can actually become really icing then I see means is virtually no traction come on as challenging as this can be it's a heck of a lot of fun here comes jock and he's loving it there we go attagirl we're slowly closing in on our goal for the day and it's just amazing to be out here doing this what an opportunity I got to come outside this might be the single coolest thing I've ever done before drive to go into the night do a night run the top of mount scheme is this is wild pure epicness just no other word for it just insane living in Australia he's never driven inside he just got a bit you've got to make the effort to come up here and try this just then we get a call from Barney and he's almost off the track of game he's gonna need a winch backwards it's so easy to do you see Barney has just taken his eyes off the prize for a second and he's ended up in the snow drift off to the side you can just see even we don't need to rope out the front and there's lack of traction pushing that vehicle down the steepest slope if a vehicle is gonna slide in the snow it will there's not much that's gonna stop it I don't think many people will be able to pick snow driving like this off they're off their list but it's pretty awesome another thing we're gonna forget this Mary Barney's back on the track now gently it was easing forward getting down again the boys I said there's fresh start up ahead like virgin snow hasn't been driven in pretty darn exciting if you ask me this is a once-in-a-lifetime sort of theme like drive in the snow top amounts gain it is actually snowing wind coming sideways across the trees super cold but I think I'll forget this one for a long long time yeah you're not wrong alright this has been worth every single bit of planning and effort to get in the track up to the summit of mount skein reaches an altitude of 1558 meters and right now we're nearing the top as we continue pushing fresh tracks through the snow event the temperature right now is only about minus 3 believe it or not it feels a lot worse but that doesn't matter if you're well-prepared and just as we are it's just a one final stretch of track and would've made the summit [Music] [Music] alright try and get down off this thing with the snow falling thick and fast we make our way down off the summit just enough to get out of the wind set up home for the night we've got to get prepared and hunker down because tonight temperatures are forecast to get down to around minus 5 and with the wind chill that could be far far greater sometimes you just can't help but think that Australia has to be the best country on Earth there's so much diversity in the landscape and climate and so much to explore waking up here in the Victorian high country in the snow is definitely one of those times [Music] we're gonna get packed up fairly quickly this morning number one because it's going to be a lot warmer back in the saddle but more importantly we're making our way out to mount Sunday today [Music] today it stops snowing in the Sun is out but somehow we're sure no leading I reckon it's gonna be anything but an easy Drive I sure know what do you do a mine there's heard two snow up here mate a little track to the side I just can't help myself they are gonna jump in first and try it out that's a cheeky maneuver but I thoroughly understand I'll look at that this is wild I think anyone's driven this one for a little while what did I say already and we've driven down a backtrack and up an obstacle there's a big log over the track it looks like as wet a foot or two in the air but not be able even drive over because it's Phoebus snow the best way to describe this is a mess fallen timber [Applause] his logs down everywhere and in some cases you can't even see them because the snow is piled up on top shawn i picking his line doing it well that was a lazy little Gracie I can try to pull in a Jake that's quite a sizable look but hey I'm gonna go here the old day max trustees always picking its way through Bonnie don't go berserk am i gently gently and Jocko down the back there he's having a blast and driving it well just then having looked up from the track we could see the Sun penetrating down through the trees and hitting the snow that surround us what a sight there's icicles falling off he's all round this is the sickest thing Oh [Music] highlight of my year this could be the greatest full driving experience I've ever had however its eyes back on the track because up front another obstacle hey boys we're gonna log across the track there's no chairs are gonna drive over this one and work your chainsaw out I don't go anywhere in Australia without a chainsaw in the back of my whole Drive the Victorian high country I reckon would have to be in the single place in definitely not want an accord without one strewth it's a real squeeze through here not so bad for the d-max it's a smaller vehicle but you never look the big 80 series up the front both of them struggling to get through some of these sections you've really got to have a good spatial awareness going on there knowing where your passenger front and rear is as you turn and come around these corners you got easily wipe out a panel on a fallen log out here up ahead of course we've got more fallen trees there must have come down in a storm of course they would have been helped by the added weight from the snow this part of the country I think gets driven very much this track certainly hasn't been driven in probably a couple of years of course you're up on top here really high elevations 1500 meters and the weather up here is extreme these trees these old branches come down all the time and they don't care it does attract there they fall across and I think it's about the eighth log we've cut in just this distance here so we've got a bit of work ahead of us we're gonna get through this tractor that will keep going see out eventuates nice cool driving day just snow trust Shana to bring us down and track with so many obstacles he doesn't matter though because we love this stuff we live for it I see coming up I see in the window pushing through an unknown track trees fall and snow everywhere this is adventure four-wheel driving at its absolute best the track just keeps on getting tighter and tighter and of course we're climbing we're gradually gaining in elevation and that means snow keeps getting deeper come on lock the up you get spots like this right here there's nothing else for it but a bit more momentum right foot is your friend in this location there's a big log e hopefully it'll pop live on [Music] I'm not back in another go that [Music] now look Shawn's our eyes at the front of these and he's often communicating with us so that we know what's coming up hey boys when you get down to the bottom of this little Hill you'll see deliver the water on the track but it's actually going to ice then obviously won't be ice but on cities throughout but I'm pretty cool to see Abigail Declan yeah that's not something you see every day up in front we've got a mud puddle the kind of thing you've driven thousands of times or in Australia but this one is frozen solid wow that's just sloshed well now although once that topspin bus is wet and muddy the ground below is actually quite frozen so it's got a solid place you loves it up in front and Shawn's back on the main track however he's found himself almost going off the main track to literally 50 meters on this track as soon as I hit the real soft snow I was driving right in the middle of this track and just sit sideways completely almost off the edge there if I got any more power I probably would have ended up back down in Jamison gonna be out thirty seconds flat so to show this stuff is really just really super a difference of chains on and also my rear Locker wasn't working which doesn't help it's one of those eight lockers it's electronically controlled and I think it might be a solenoid issue it's been let me down a fair bit on this trip yep I reckon that's a good spot to stop right there make another made it to your left and that's one heck of a drop-off you'll notice I've left the d-max on solid ground before I got on the snow that means I've got maximum traction so I'm not gonna get pulled forward but hopefully I can use the snow to our advantage here and skid shore no around sideways hold on let me pull you back you're out on the edge of dying yeah I feel like I'm really edge of the world here the tinea really needs to keep an eye on that left-hand side he's so close to that Bank don't want him gone over that not only would it be a pretty negative thing but the recovery is suck it's hard to spot right here but that front left is right on the edge of that drop-off of course that's snow so as soon as you guys over that edge they'll be zero traction here the skidding slide straight down it we're taking this really gently really easy and letting the winch do most of the work thank you very much having made it back on the track in one piece Shores decided to put some snow chains on for extra traction because we've got a fair old bit of climbing to do now if you make our way out to mount Sunday W shorter is it just me or could we've got a suntan maybe five minutes ago yeah that weathers just closing the cellar snowing heavily it's a wild place up here mate well there's an understatement you can see why people get caught up out here if you just at the right gear and yet sort of don't realize it the way they can change so quick you really could get in trouble yeah he certainly can mate we're in good hands here though because we've got Michael back up in front guiding the way and he knows this place like the back of his hand it's always good to have some local knowledge at hand because you get to experience it's so much more more tracks more scenery and more knowledge on the area to me it's a win-win situation look at that view man the Victorian high country it's a real privilege to be able to get up here above the snow line during the winter months mounts keen actually gets closed by the local council the reason being safety concerns people going up there that are prepared don't know what they're doing get stuck - temperatures we can figure out the rest I think this is a brilliant thing done by four-wheel-drive Victoria if you're a member of a recognised Victorian four-wheel-drive Club you can get a permit true for road Victoria to drive mount scheme so whilst it's closed if you're in a recognized organization and thus have the skill set and the vehicle to be able to tackle that Road in the snow you can do it you can go ahead and do it that to me is just another example of four-wheel drive is thinking smart keeping tracks open so that we can still enjoy them even though there are safety concerns about them and not just blanket closing them so I want to say a massive thanks to four-wheel drive Victoria for allowing us up and over the top of Mount siping full drive Victoria are really doing a great job at maintaining and keeping track spoken in the magnificent state of Victoria one of my favorite places to come for the drive and say on your folks if Victoria and you remember the club and you haven't yet driven in the snow get up there give it a go it's fantastic [Music] say well you did that to concentrate so much on my racetrack this is war suddenly Sean's sucked down into the snow again just lost a bit of immense of a bit of traction and started sinking in the snow so instead of getting sideways and going down into there we did I want to do it's gonna win probably about a meet-up should I've tracked it again there are we like to go despite the fact that means snow all of these recoveries are exactly the same as that would be anywhere you need to take the same precautions and follow the same safety rules try not to get stuck sure that's my number one tip if snow it's just amazing stuff when it's all light and fluffy like that you can kind of drive over the top of it and compact it down and it makes quite a good road but if you get stuck what happens is that it compacts underneath your vehicle and becomes like a rock so it's a bit like you drive up over the top of a rock and then you get beached I guess you'd say that's what's happened to shorten right here he's just got so compacted underneath the track there that he's just spinning zero traction and we can't pull him forward so we're gonna try and clear a bit of snow out underneath and have another go now where that is looking like it's turning a bit nasty to me but this is the big fire country you can come and it can go you can see Michael's just betting himself down in that snow so he produces a really solid anchor in the form of his vehicle what we're doing right now is clearing that snow out from in front of the tires and from underneath the vehicle so that he's not got anything stuck holding him up super slow okay I've got a big advantage here of course a ton order in the d-max and I can literally go to snail's pace through here when I do so it presents zero challenge to me at all I tell you this is one of the most remarkable substances I've ever driven on you see it's counterintuitive to anything you've ever done you start to slide or lose traction normally you try and power out of it a bit in snow you can just let it do its thing it stops and then you gently take off again even if you get a fraction of wheelspin it's game over you've just got to climb to slowly glide over everything watch me take off [Laughter] today has passed us by incredibly quickly mainly because we've been traveling quite a distance and quite slowly on my dad but also because we've been enjoying the drive it's so much look at that water awesome trip this is a pretty special made I think I'll up this one for a long time I don't think I'll ever get over the peace to my country it's credible the Sun is already low in the sky but we're coming up over the top of Mount Sunday and we're gonna be looking for a camp fairly soon we get colds and our boys we're gonna need a big fire boy out night body deny look he's gonna be rotor that I look at this [Music] this boy just do me amount something at one end of the track is this beautiful helipad which in summer would make an amazing campsite with 360 degree views being winter well check it out absolutely epic I would not want to be anywhere else in the world right now you couldn't pay me to leave this campsite I'm absolutely loving it the only thing that would make it better is dinner what are you up to tonight Sean oh you know this is a cracking camps like one of those picturesque Alpine camps or like with snow everywhere it's super cold if you can't tell why the meanest Dina's coming on now the ring is gonna get to about minus 6 maybe -7 tonight no we're nice nice that's a good thing and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna cook a meal fit for the high country drug oh it's not too bad Lukas Jude ah look good and get a more fitting meal exactly water in the whole country is really cold nice walls to make sages to do they don't want you know this is the good thing about this - well that's called the lazy man's dude oh what a nice - because it's all frozen again frozen grab the landfill other Lake though what we want to do basically is a little around everything off put it all together pour liquid stuff in straddles the fire we'll call it 2 to a half hours oh you're after how'd you go laughter Mike what are you doing thank you oh well oh that's nice nice dog believe it or not what do you play pool water chops yeah that's a go you so disappointed ha ha ha ha that's so good yeah it's gonna duck dear me you want to hear that sizzle Chuck go straight in oh what's that what are you doing prove it I might you got to brown them well you're making sure some people would go too late laughing stop I'm gonna just slap the old whirlpool in it's right there please slap me straight in all right so I'll just thank you right get that nice and what are you gonna trade him off ironic random Orloff yep and then I'll put those purposes aside even put the next batch in you know what the ma she's or what yeah you really did a breakout so I put too many lies in Mike what the mushrooms yeah well that might well you wanted mushroom ha ha oh we get so angry home cigarette duck instead set that's it you owe me B if a partner B every time you saw like that for now on that's really yeah that's a rule I think emigrate in background duck - smell and good ones have been hanging there now for right now what I'm gonna do I start cutting these mushrooms it's put a straight into the you don't cut mushrooms yeah do that well said lazy man's true rocky right let's put it here all right tuck those in tuck those ones anything good yep no oh that's already looking for get back just for the kerosene hole again we're not here for a long time and you for a good time we are put them in actually don't bother cut the ends off just sometimes you just want to get near the fire [Music] okay we've got the lamb four-quarter chops their brand off we've got carrots we've got mushrooms and all this Chuck d-nev probably thinking come on Sean Oh put a little bit outfit in but honestly the lamp or quarter jobs are always be tucking me in hole because when you put it on the coals for a few hours it just becomes so 10 or actually fall off and just the bone will be seen there so yeah it's time for some liquid stuffing like that's a beef stock yep Chuck that in that's gonna be soggy Chili's Chili's I certainly do Mike certainly do just only got the old you want some of this pizza sauce yeah Chuck a little bit I don't know why I just thought give it a go yeah bit of Worcestershire research is good I think with it with you I wish to go heavy on that's what I'm gonna do it's good just wood this one here now bear with me I put mushrooms in right this is cream of mushroom soup that's not what I was thinking that's gonna look like anyway it'll be good because of the mushrooms it'll pick up on the soup gonna let in only give that a good I'll stir that's looking good Chuck the lid on on the coals couple of elves happily I'll see you broski's that he's gonna be well it's gonna be one of the more interesting shoes over there you never know feel a bit of a pop like one that is is good a lot of students and I like this [Music] [Music] boys all right Gusev oh what's that track we did stonycreek track yep thank you very much load me up mate huh groan boy the cool thing about this is it's nice and cheap as well and it goes a long way meeting the family or army of men thanks race war boy there you go boys races what are you honestly with them it's good guys one of your best ever Wow well I'll tell you what this is one camp thought I thought I'll ever forget it Sam is cold but we're prepared we've got hot food we've got a hot fire oh my god Wow I've had a few cold nights in my time but that one is right up there now the coldest part of the night is just before the Sun rises I'll tell you what this morning I can really believe it still with the right kit you can do anything when I was warm as toast last night [Music] it's time to get packed up because today is our last day and we want to take on Mitchell's track and who knows what might be in store for us out there honey then well boys I reckon that's one of the more spectacular camps I've done anywhere in the world yeah you know Rob mate absolutely privileged the camp up there so like that not only that the conditions were just absolutely phenomenal Victoria I can't retire on again I never get sick of this place really has turned it on I reckon we really suck the guts out of this let's get on it one last blast yeah this is the place to do a toes of epic tracks around here Cameron boys yep boys the energy levels are higher this morning and it's a good job because I've heard a few things about Mitchell's track and it's worth getting pumped up for [Applause] it's better get serious again boys straight up that's quite a hill this is where you want your throttle control to be just about right best way to describe this Hill Climb is rocky shale and steep however of course at this time of year there's also a nice little coating of snow over the top this is gonna be interesting alright that's a bit of a rock step here this is like any other heel in reality and so much is that momentum please you came here however you don't want to be going so fast is to bounce yourself off the track it's about picking the line keeping yourself out of the ruts and just getting yourself to the top but little bounce here that I wanted it to be oh good stuff [Music] [Music] huh go on look see we get a jock aye good work mate I tell you what jocks out here not for the first time in the snow but in these conditions this is a heck of a drive for anybody okay looks like we've arrived at the start of Mitchell's track this is a sequence of steep rocky clients and the rock all seems to slope back downhill so you can't seem to get traction by going over a Ledge instead you've always got little rock step ups onto smoother sections of rock that in our case are somewhat covered in snow as well let it be a challenge let's get stuck into it this really is big tires lockers big truck country you got to be able to get into it and stay on it we can see that's exactly what walking through a new idea look at him and some popping around already all right there's gotta be watching what he did this is a big hill once again Shawn I seems to be having problems you can see can't even get up the first part of this track without keeping it way too much mumbo my relock is working definite mechanical problems they're not working again and I really like the open diffs well sure oh he's got open read if I'm he'll like this I think is got buckling any chance he's got is to hit that really hard we all know that can do damage so I think he's someone to try and crawl it and when he does it's a bypass around here I think he's gonna try and take that which is a sensible option and we'll reevaluate at the top there we go right ain't no way he's gonna be able to tackle that big rock step it's off to the left and to take the alternate rack [Music] yeah that's a good Drive sign given the condition of the track mate that's a good Drive no really locker feet front without of course it's no LSD either it's an open Center so it's even less capable than a standard vehicle but I do have big tires and good suspension almost so I'd say horsepower Australia either well that was spirited to say the least well you reckon have a go this one I'm gonna give it a go and we'll have a pinch at it will at least be able to see how she handles yeah and if I have to well we chopped again yeah cool mate thank you let's give this a go right I'm up in the d-max and I'm dead keen to give this a go I've got the d-max in manual mode second gear low range it's gonna try and pick my way up the first part which I do with relative ease now coming up to this rock step my biggest concern is the tree on the left hand side and that's the line I want to try and take because I've got the smaller tires and less clearance ain't no way I'm gonna make it over the rock step I'm gonna touch that tree if I go any further back go hard left I still think I'm gonna hit that trace we saw it around that way you got to favour it back you can go on a straight line I want to keep those panel straight all right the big key here with the winching effort is gonna be to get the recovery point in the right spot too far to the left and it's gonna pull me into this tree and it's gonna do the kind of damage I was trying to avoid in the first place we've got to make sure I go over to the right-hand side who do mate there is no track I got three options left right what you do oh look I think that's what we gonna do it yep do it okay here comes Barney this baby one that's a speaker one that's a good Drive Barney I think I'm gonna go from here jock that's a good effort but Barney also has opted for the winch in these situations you've really got to know your limit and of course your vehicles limit we buy winches we buy recovery gear and we head out on the tracks with mates thank you don't be afraid to use everything at your disposal and that means when things get tough get the winch out and get your mates to give you a hand thanks little buddy there's a tonne load of fun ride eh here comes jock let's see what he's got what you playing Mike I'm basically just gonna hit the highlights in a position to winch man I'm gonna come up the middle and just go to a stop and then winch from there you have on yourself I'll make me give it a go all right lucky so here we go Ilia life very good mate very good almost there let's switch yeah both tires in the air maybe that was insane we've done this recovery three times now we know exactly what to do we're gonna hook Joc up I'm pulling straight up the front of that rock step what he has done has got his vehicle in a perfect position this will be an easy recovery [Music] that's the guy right yup almost like si will get there one day we'll get there okay now that we're all up the exciting little Hill Climb we're faced with some mugs be paused but all this snow melt a little bit of mud boys jump into it but is so much fun it's all about momentum and we'll spend a plea of those lugs and try and get as much traction as possible babes attraction in there too if you do find yourself having difficulties a really cool technique is to turn the steering wheel rapidly from left to right and that means that the lugs on the side of your tires might just get some extra traction to pull you through it's worked for me [Music] we've been really lucky to have Michael and al-alam to guide us they really know their stuff when it comes to the high country and four-wheel driving for that matter no bells don't alarm anyone but we just entered the lost jungle it's come pretty big daddy lucky none of us love our paintwork now enlighten you to copy up there mate Unicode a copy was this thing and you guys are literally locals as the high country antic pretty much so got a place up in Mantua come up here all the time but you're also the founder and owner of your honor ah fry very legendary shop that caters for a lot of 12-volt battery needs and stuff like that quick question though keep your to set a vehicle up for the might come if you've got a couple of things you need to sort of consider I guess if you're coming up into the snow you've got no choice you need snow chains it might be a bit of a nuisance to people removed but you absolutely need them that's been proven by one down over top amounts being the air right now spires a good 12-volt system would be second and oh my yeah well I guess as you've seen with the winching we've had to do to the battery power is absolutely essential even though you're pretty down to do a battery system divide the fridge that much you certainly need it for witches and other things Beauty mate all you'll get through this jungle and hopefully we get to a clearing pretty soon I can hear paint coming off the side of the 80 right now this track has been so much fun but things are about to get serious again this is a statement good try good throw right here's my have to get the point line they're distractions pretty hard yeah oh my well done yeah never hid the trait that's up but always good everyone as you can say is taking the exact same approach because it's a straight hill I've just got my Minton and we're all screaming up with no driver Oh fun although unnerving when you see that tree coming faster you can turn but it's a sweet find have a go that's a good bit of fun there we think this is the last Hill Climb before and we head into town and grab a beer the pub whatever there's a Country Club at the end of the trek I reckon that's good incentive to get abroad I got so excited I um I just went off the track that's Ryan keep on the track Ryan keep on the track a little beasty [Applause] oh honey there was not much room between you and that tree there might [Music] oh it's slippery now the boys have been through [Music] Chuck you and that little last night you're a formidable team well driven buddy [Applause] this hill just keeps on going and that means we get to keep on having fun let's get into it so what I get a copy yeah go to Bert Jamison the little town of Jamison no offense testicle pop my I love the dentist in the hotel it's an amazing little place I'm thinking we head down there off the hill mate I've got a fire going and I love cold beers oh that sounds like the perfect end to a high country adventure if you ask me this shirt water will be Sean Barney jock Sean classic Graham el cheapo the high country received quite a large dump of snow just before we got up here and of course it's known for quite a bit of our trip as well this is four wheel driving adventure at the highest level [Music] Australia was just such a land of extremes now I think it would be a pity to stick to the coasts and the muddy tracks you've got to get up here into the high country and experience snow driving camping and stay in one of the huts if you want to but get up here and experience the Alpine magic of the Australian high country in winter [Music] [Applause] Rodi we've got one last push to get to the pub in Jemison Michael and Alan had to keep on goin couldn't stop for a beer but we will definitely be catching up with those legends again one of the trips I'll remember for a long real man hurry anyone who thinks that the high country is just closed in winter you just got to get down here and drive some snow it is it's just part of your laser research yeah get in touch with fooled right Victoria get your permits sort of and you're gonna be like just I'm waiting I don't care how many things you go and get back at least change it swap it around put this in your top three get to the Victorian I can drink driving a snow camp in the snow big five yeah okay maybe touch me also please all right what do you reckon I'm gonna get back into pub a bit sure yeah [Music] selfies taking them all the time you just saw me take a selfie I'm of no use here I believe all the totally useless in this conversation I love a sit back here look pretty come on [Music] [Laughter] [Music] did you hear what joy said what a joy sing I heard that shame Barry we gotta go holiday to Paris Irish they can't afford to got a little better Oh a bad time [Music] hang on hang on hang on not [Music] reception here I won't let most of it I prepped everything perfectly for this trip I've been up on look at me I'm I'm hot my body's hot my body's hot but my feet I am I just want to give my last will and testament now Jacque you can have the Hilux Graham you can have my hat sure you can have my beard my don't know you've been lasting for it did you hear about the explosion in the French cheese factory there was debris everywhere [Music] do you fit the places of an encounter chicks dig not easy finding what removing I'm sorry had to watch that it's not fun for anyone different made these things [Music] [Music]
Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 968,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, action, 4x4, offroad, outdoors, travel, overlanding, toyota, nissan, hilux, patrol, landcruiser, adventure, camping, fishing, diesel, petrol, surf, shaun whale, graham cahill, australia, dirty 30, shorty, gq, gu, 80 series, 40 series, 60 series, 79 series, troopy, high country, Four wheel drive, 4 wheel drive, 4wd cars, car, 4WD Fails, 4WD build, 4x4 fails, 4wd action, 4x4 action, 4 wheel drive action, 4wd action full episodes, 4x4 24/7, 4x4 247, Jocko, Shauno
Id: Eb5bvkdY7f8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 42sec (3222 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 22 2018
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