The Dirty 30's FINAL EPISODE 😢 Four start...only two finish!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] crazy well we're down on numbers start off with four yeah we got two trucks now and we had four people three now so you don't need to be rocket science to figure out something has happened along the way well I want to tell you what that is you have to watch the entire DVD to find out I'm gonna say yeah once you watch this I guarantee you're planning your next transitory high country this is one of those trips yeah holy kay so sit down grab something cold and relax yourself into the Victorian high country oh yeah we're back in one of my favorite four-wheel-drive locations and the plan from here is to take on autumns track which we've heard is a absolute cracker then we're going to visit one of the best lookouts in Australia at the pinnacles and finally we'll be visiting the iconic blue rag range now before we engage four-wheel drive me and the boys are gonna drop some pressures when I say boys I mean sure no of course and a couple of good mates stood up from wholesale automatics and Nick from Black Series camper trailers it's time for some four-wheel drive action the weather is great the trucks are humming along nicely and we're going to follow the VMS to Orton's track which comes highly recommended by our high country life looks nice mate looks real nice looks bumpy though rocks in here blow it up now you look like you I'm on my way my the d-max is gonna love this trip it was made for this Garner terrain you notice I got my seatbelt off that's my choice personal preference whenever I do a water crossing I take my seatbelt off just in case this time of year in the Victorian high country most of the rivers are the perfect depth for crossing a real key though is stick to the prescribed wheel tracks as you see them in front of you and don't go too far to your left or your right because you just never know this one though although it's a long crossing is very straight forward but like all in the Victorian high country it's an absolute cracker the Victorian high country is part of the Great Dividing range and the views are great whether you're on the peaks or in the valleys below [Music] sorry but I'm busy looking out the window yeah what's up my time just you know myself I was just thinking you know though I come here I've got a lot of tough tracks down here and this is probably a mile track in comparison but I'm having a lot of fun yeah you know you've probably been reading my thoughts of it because I was just thinking to myself I like obviously when we come up here we try and find the hardest section but there's so much more to live I can't do tracks like this where you can can't just be anywhere you've got a river in front of you anyone can do it this is the side of a high country I really think more people should try and think about before they come Eddie yeah I like that back as well as how you can try there as well Nikki you must be the mama came at rolliver's yeah at the Milan like to thank full vein Jackson yeah absolutely Kentrell it's pretty much suited for this kind of this kind of turning that was they doing [Music] that's it why country we're trying to show you right now is it don't need to have a highly modified cooler Drive just need to have a forward drive and take full of diesel get out here and explore and trust me if you do come for the light country you're not gonna be disappointed you know probably one of the best trips of your life and your family depended for years to come I love this basic account hotel you and me both mate however as much as we're enjoying the touring aspects of things right now we're soon to be arriving at the top end of Orton's track this is where things are going to get serious [Music] our boys according to the VMS is one a year is the autumn track I don't know a lot about this one never driven it before but our actually on social media a few boats actually told me about this track they said it was pretty tough so keen to find out there he goes I suppose I'm following your lead and let's do this oops let's go straight downhill [Music] you have always ago strike the NL for me I guess oh yeah massive you know it looks like for PMS ready to get at the end a better fee as invaders and over a pretty short distance - perhaps we should have more parachutes mate oh hey always give yourself some distance down here this is a really state this is straight down sort of stuff just right now quite impressive yeah it's near 80 kilometer daddy pull up and jump ahead a bit look straight downhill is an understatement Shawn's decided to pull up so that we can take a closer look before dropping into this descent go parking on hills like this and getting out of your four-wheel drive is no joke things can and have gone wrong in the past this is the easy bit down there mr. C feels crazy steep and it's typical of some of the harder tracks here in the Victorian hi can you not sleep when you can't walk down a properly but there's definitely a line on the left-hand side here and then cross over onto the right and I haven't looked any further than that Sarika minute ago not only is this track just about vertical it's covered with loose rocks that could be a real problem trying to get traction on this he's going to be a wild ride really go wrong you can you can go a lot one Shawn's up and pretty soon he's committed there's no going back now or even stopping stick it to the left-hand side we're going to need to be really on our a-game here every ounce of concentration rather in a manual vehicle like the dirty thirty Shawn right now we'll be in first gear low range she'll be letting the engine braking do all of the work and where possible you'll be keeping his foot foot off the brake pedal so he doesn't lose traction and thus lose control scary his old help daddy's statement my goodness I'll give it a go in the old day max all right this is one heck of a hill try and get on some flat if I can here and get my seat belt down the feeling of driving down this it's similar to that when you're just about to go over the top of a roller coaster it's just pure excitement as you can see these loose rocks causing me to slide a bit and try not to get sideways and out of shape right now it looks like I'm past the worst section but these rock steps are daunting for even the most seasoned four-wheel driver speaking of which here comes Chu he's done quite a few of the tracks around here and even he said after this that this was one of the steepest he's driven that right there was close it's so easy to come off your line when you least expect it Stu's made it down now for Nick but of course he's also got the camper to think about he's gonna take it nice and slow and keep the most trailer breaks the whole way down [Music] but just as he was about to take the drop over the edge things aren't feeling too good look I feel like I'm sliding I can't pull it up in time yeah that's my point that's why I stopped here now we're in a real predicament and we're gonna have to figure this out okay what I've done here as you can see I've got which extension strap doubled up on the back of the camper trailer using the to recovery points on the back and I've run a single line which extension strap to the biggest tree up and find up beyond me here and if you look at it I'm roughly well just a little bit under I suppose a car length which is perfect because now we're gonna reverse the camera car back up into here attach this to shackle rearly chemica under wheelchair attach that to the loose extensions on the back of the camper trailer and then slowly but surely just blowing him down makes sense you got this we'll be right all right Nick you got a copy mode copy okay I'm gonna when you're ready start winking out of course and just slowly try and lower down this Hill covered I'll just take off the EM brake and put it in drop gently does it with the weight of the trailer supported by the winch we're gonna hopefully get Nick past the worst section and then he's on his own this right here is a tense moment for all of us we're hoping we've got enough which rope to get him down into the safe zone beyond those rock steps that's it that's all we've got before that winch unspools completely luckily Nick is holding fast which gives us a chance to unhook the weak it's all you now might when descending Hills like this with a trailer it's all about two things make sure you pick a line that the trailer isn't gonna tip over on if it falls into a rut or gets out of shape and secondly make sure 100 percent sure you've got good quality trailer brakes on and that they are locked into position [Music] Nikki's doing some serious iron D work here and those trailer brakes are working in an absolute treat [Music] thank you very much boys there's no turning back now we're gonna follow Orton's track until we reach the end and then we're going to try and find a camp [Music] say make whatever goes there is gonna come back out let's say that a lot know I come together as we push on up towards the top of this track it's getting steeper and increasingly jelly Stu's got the momentum to carry him up and Nick is gonna try and do the same I might well you're a bit stuck on that he like fazio to pull your reverse down like a car length or even more both lockers and get some momentum up mate yeah come on up Mike yep so when you drive up this Mike you'll see two ruts like a before our age right [Music] we're all trying to keep enough of a gap between each other but also keep our momentum up [Applause] [Music] Shawn's having some issues something not quite right time to get the winch out we're here in the Glass House Mountains and it's home to some of Australia's toughest tracks the finally a series here I've got the Grande mark tree all bolted up you look I'd go as far to say some of those rocks are on when I'm driving like that big yeah that's where I suppose the grande mark so he really comes into its own it's got a seven horsepower motor and delivers a nice clean easy pull which is exactly what you'll need over winch the Grande Mark 3 comes with all the premium features you'd expect like wired and wireless controllers you got synthetic rope fairly heavy-duty hook shut it off every time we've relied on the grande Marquis on both of our trucks to keep us on the tracks they smashed it out of the park they're an absolute beast in the wind absolutely man you really owe it to yourself and your four-wheel drive you want to go further get yourself a Grande mark three winch it's vitally important we find a sturdy tree to join the winch to and make sure that you put the tree trunk protect it down low I try to do now is just secure the winch up here because I can't take it out of gear I'm just gonna roll back down this hill that's quite dangerous I need to start the vehicle no needs to be secured I'll try first [Music] [Music] dog like a he's passed that section that was holding him up and with the winch disconnected he's managed to drive the rest [Applause] look at the flexible girl that more suspension from dirty 30 he's doing what it does best [Music] Stu studied the track he's picked his line and he's up no worries Matheny he's implement those slippery Shaylee rocks have caused him to lose traction have flicked up a few ups you've paid your money for it this is the time to use it it's out with the winch [Music] [Music] alright bit of a mentor by who do I mention is everything in the right line right yeah get out of that right soon enough and he's joined us at the top and it's just unbelievable up here especially in the dying light [Music] you know our boys we've been in tight bush all day and we come to a view like this at the end of the track just reaffirms to me at least the reason why I own up all the drive output is it it's pretty spectacular it makes it all worth it all that hard work today yes sir why they call it the high country they might but now I did with our lights on we follow the ridge line as the Sun disappears this view is a sensational night we realize that my evaluation you got on my track so just get going up through the trees but I'd be surprised we're not kinda load by high country elevation standards we yeah we've still had a lot of long way up to get up we want to do stop at such a tease with this place it's amazing what an awesome day of driving and soon it's to be topped off with a great high country camp [Music] when you camp as much as we do it really doesn't take you long to turn a patch of ground into home base for the night and soon enough we had the barbecue gone meat sizzling and a beer cracked life is good this is what we live for it's the morning of day 2 in the high country the fires going and we're discussing our options of how to tackle more of this outstanding four-wheel-drive destination we got that right gets it I sorted and I'm thinking that we head north and we go out to the Crooked River track I've done that there's about 52 river crossing a small little area here so I only tracks and Sammy different points of interest I'm just putting a couple of quick waypoints and young get like I say we to back track down that track down there get north getting off and then cook it off Starla we're done I'll get the boys ramped up okay people to work points it's done right it's time to get packed up back on the track he's a really cool tip and you're packing up your swag any swag you've got also it comes well these days also eggs come with poles what I do is I use the poles to literally get a really tight initial rap on my swag see how I'm using those poles to dribble my rap on my swag that's like they do the ins rise a bit father then you get to the end you've got a really really small well wrapped very tightly wrapped swag just by using those poles as a grip to roll the material up over supper just a really simple tip but works at rate too late pretty soon we're back behind the wheel and heading towards the pinnacles before we do that though and while this mist clears we're keen to drop in on an old Hut that we saw it on the VMS and take a look at an abandoned mine I love this stuff this should be really good I was just thinking to myself there's only a few hours ago literally but I thought I was gonna get a strike I know - high 40 degrees one moment snow in your necks that's all really is so changeable literally I looked on the guy Zuzu - 38 degrees now it's 14 I just like it it's another side of the high country of always said there's no such thing as bad weather it is bad preparation [Music] stop another look hundred-percent Matt okay so check it out wonder who built this puck what his name was no clue mate Bruce the high country is littered with Cattleman's huts some have been lovingly restored in a great spots to camp or just to look at as a window into the past now this is a quick descent of a high country Hut well now that bass no walls it's got that this may not look like much right now but it would have provided a great refuge for travelers who are passing through the area on those cold winter nights it's a bit of work to restore his dream not too far away and we discovered an abandoned mine that we had marked on the VMS something tells me that sure no Heights tight spaces as much as he does Heights you get just the same experience from just go to the start as you do from water there so I quite happy to sit here to be honest that's cool we should go a little bit lower than in Navi this is good do I can I can say that use the pick here it's good to say the start of this tunnel um yeah I have all of these stuff look it's all through here look no one there look someone's come in here you can see here where there's been some recent activity which makes me think you know in the last few years someone else is coming here probably with a metal detector I'm thinking modern-day metal detector he run the middle to take her over these walls that wouldn't surprise me if you picked up a little bit of cuz I would have missed a lot I mean back in the day they didn't have metal detectors and things like that what you hit here I'll never tire things like that little look back into half times once upon a time where I mean can you imagine this wouldn't a mini earth none of this would have been here so it started back down here somewhere and they'd a dig all the way in following probably a little quartz reef or something a seam all the way through and it keeps going down and under hoc Health and Safety you forget about it lunch breaks forgive him Hatter maybe they would have found gold maybe they didn't judging by the old shack down here don't reckon they got too rich it's time to get back on the move making our way out towards blue rag however Shawn's having some issues with the 30 this doesn't look good at all our brakes have gone extremely soft and there's a bad smell of actual also every few drivers they might look odd but they're concerned about anything other than your brakes can you get it into a lower gear and just close down those hills try not to use the brakes at all but I could still smell the bikes and I think they're actually to the plants on the fun riders like to say this is uncommon but ladies cool I'm getting used to this watch Allen's dad will you mangy done you're on a list of all the things that's gone wrong with just you know last whoa Sid hey do you smell like oh that's the brakes have just popped on yep sorry they've um I've got no brakes really their parents weren't completely hard yeah the engine there on the engineers a few broken okay and it's causing every time I put the clutch in to change gears the whole engine and gearbox moves across a few laughs yeah I also notice a massive walls down there checking the brights and there's a massive crack on the leaf spring yep Oh oh yeah that's almost through so I'm about to lose a front death look we're three still drivable yeah yeah however it just comes a point where my safety comes first and I've got to just make a call here I might have to send her on a tightrope I am a giant look that's got very rarely happens this crap usually gets its cellphone or science team that's keeping the gut so this well obviously I was jumping with the tow truck driver William taste back to rocket rods or something yeah are you back yeah there we go a little bit so I got a world already in well it's a bugger cuz but why don't where does it you could it connects me days up there well I'm not going anyway Jack's gonna back the Rockets you better clear some spicy passion to say my god looks pretty comfy in this so you're gonna give me there with me I absolutely I'll be navigator like new never go you doing a alright you got one alright I like it I like it all right so I'll gonna clean that fronts later yeah all right um I'll um I'll get these brakes work aside you get back to the pub yep yep this really was the best that we could do under the circumstances safety really is everything in these environments carrying a lot of injuries at the moment just as a quarter comment from a lot of our trips out we decide on this Marty modernize this might be the end of it we took the easy road back towards Dargo and drop the xxx off its gonna remain there at the back of the pub until we can organize a tow truck Shawn's staying positive though because of course he's jumping in the passenger seat of the d-max and coming out with me this is quite comfortable all right before we get started mate a couple of ground rules this first and foremost keep clean your hands please yeah that's right secondly the only noise is that I want to come out of you must be from your mouth I figure it's always polite to not speak it was not me this is gonna be an interesting day we're gonna continue on our journey as planned and head up to one of my favourite lookouts at the top of the pinnacles that looks really been the piece before but never done the town he will talk about it's a water park okay that but I have to be the pretty girls before home and don't leave the track and I'm looking forward to boat let's bring it on well have a look at this this track has some serious erosion I'm guessing it's been caused by the weather and I suspect also there's a fair amount of traffic up and down here look at that that's fantastic we've climbed a suitable amount of altitude here and already the views are amazing that's proper cool [Music] look at that that is the edge of the earth my friend I never tire of places like this in Australia because the very fact that they're so rare to find I mean Australia realistically is a flat land full of deserts and coastline to be able to get up here which and the winter months would be above the snow line is just so special and I'll never get sick of being up here my people this is one of the reasons why I love the Victorian high country so much [Music] yeah well I mean it's a sad sad day yeah I mean everything always think about all of you but it's not I'm talking about it now you made I know you've a in the 30s sister she's had over the Brahmas you use it has been about a foot of driven tonight hey you could have done but I wouldn't let you run spring angling for [Music] do what the adventures I've had enough ah you betcha I've been long emotional I am I couldn't even tell you how to eat I wonder in Australia that very night hopes yes but it's done nice of the country [Music] anyway looks like it's the end of the season for now but just on the shape yep not much further on and we've reached the pinnacles now there's a large parking area and from here you can take the footpath that leaves you out to the fire tower and one of the best lookouts you'll ever see well top of the world anyway [Music] that is nothing less than absolutely spectacular man amazing I don't know where to look first and so much 360 views absolute vista of mountains as far as the eye can see of course we're right now on top of the pinnacles look at really quite special of course this whole area is see-through here as you all know 2006 was just about virtually burned out by those massive bush fires I had but today look at it yeah mother nature certainly bounces back this really does I mean you can see a lot of the old Deadwood down when you look close but gee whiz there's still a lot of green out there an amazing spot and of course speaking of fires the reason I brought it up was what we're standing on right now is a fire towers as a during the times when they need to be monitoring for fires is not one of them there'd be a dude in here that looks out over the horizon and spots smoke and then sends a signal back to the old head office and they can say yeah that's just burn off no that's actually something we don't know about we didn't look at that etc etc kinda makes me think like times have changed much it's how they used to do it I forever millions of hectares you actually see what we're gonna go there's Billy Goats right there in front of us we're gonna go straight down that bad boy that's it was time to head to camp and saying as Shauna had left all his stuff in the 30 well we decided to head back to the DA go and camp alongside it something tells me that was Shawn I was playing all along as the chief navigator here in the d-max we got everybody but I've got a plan to take us back to a little place you told me never to be honest all the Dargo before yeah look I've been there once or twice I've got a broken-down vehicle in the back of that place one they are and we go there and research and do a little bit of research for the next stupid tour you plan [Music] to get back to Dargo it's one long steep descent all the way down Billy Goats bluff track you know about Raiders we're about to get a real traitor when they first came up here it was that distinct they couldn't take a forward Drive and the force wouldn't cut it on earth force to get altitude sickness one animal four legs as it go that didn't get altitude eaters very good at Heights and good at flying rocks so they wrote the goats up here and hence the name Billy Goats Gruff just before sundown we made it back to Dargo and we set up camp just behind the Dargo Hotel and what our bar mean warm my country evening it's turned out to be just magic I'm Anna King swag as he's Sean oh and of course Nick's gonna set up the camp Ali's earned a bit of luxury after the day he's had that thing is everything you need whether you're traveling alone or with a family like always at this time of night I'm hungry for a feed and so is everyone else luckily Shaw knows got it covered hey guys tonight I'll cook it up well I like to say a family favorite of ours it's a great little meal and it's really cheap that's what I like about it it costs probably maybe $10 if you're lucky and pretty much use a lot of stuff you usually Cape in your fall or Drive yeah it's more it's more of a noodle sort of meal talking like a stir-fry noodles I'm actually going for it what do you call him I want to call it the Dargo seven-course we were in Dargo right doesn't make any sense man yeah no sense at all the reason why I'm caught a dog a seven-course meal because we're gonna do this stir-fry noodles Dargo pilot over six pack seven courses hey I gotta mine I'm not driving so mind if I um rattle so stir-fry noodles it really is simple and it's super cheap and that's what I like about it give it done this before Oh one hand up it's not it's not for everyone one hand out so this is the long life noodles they're the best ones do you think here's two-minute noodles or anything like this this one says three-minute hurdles so I'm guessing they're slightly better what I tell me why alright so I've got a couple of noodles read I'm just going to boil some water here put that to the side now you just it's kind of really strong here a lot of heat in there don't turn that down a bit not nice hot babe it olive oil now what I've done in here is already chopped up some zucchini and some onion so just Cikini an onion in that one so pull that straight in pull that straight into the noodles and water and noodles that's Elementary I'm gonna jump into the lake I know you didn't even notice this is my new Waco I did notice can you see if X Y too many the key seems really told actually it's really cool here you grab this one oh that rock for Antonia actually you've got prawns for that poor they've actually got ice creams in here because this is a sixty five later after many actually these are actually freezing coverage is great did you know say something cool yep if I go into the app go join to the to the Wi-Fi and you can see exactly what more you doing that is actually really cold technology I all right my first things first food with a garlic yeah I've got some prawns just some fries and prawns here you can use anything really like bacon I've something good bite this wasn't real good little bit of Chinese five-spice you just want to give that a good old sprinkle I think that's bad enough yep smell a lot yeah the other thing I'm gonna put some chili and now crushed chili yep are you wrecking that that's probably not right that'll do that's one big chili I was a tiny little negative they'd actually suggest that you use a glove and the face muff and you put these in look at that little not gonna do that's probably enough that's not that on what that's enough alright you can put those in vs. red capsicum fools I'm gonna put the shots in because I want the board go okay okay with some color in here piece of noodles whoa put a tiny bit of all these a little top yes that stops it from all sticking together then we need a bit of soy sauce Chuck this away well that's it comes out quick well that's looking pretty good brother I've got eggs here now these eggs are in the 30s were trying to tape them up and we lost a lot but lucky thing is you only need six I've just got six thank goodness we should just put them in there nice - that's it that's it that's it there's no rules you could feed a football field with that it's actually burning your noses Jennifer yeah it's essentially in it British India people being quiet that usually is a good sign that it is going down pretty good Kobe to kick that's exactly right we're in the high country after all yep we've got the seven-course Dargo feed your right buddy bit of chili but just put as much chilies you can handle though don't hog your pills over here we've got a bhaduri camp up and brand new out of the box and here we have my old trusty that's at least ten years old and I reckon in that time I've no doubt cooked well over six seven hundred meals I reckon it just alone there would be over a cricket score worth of curried sausages cooked in his camp up and right here so today I wanna give you a couple of tips so you can get as long at of your camp oven as I do now if you have a look at my camp arm you'll notice that the outside is a bit grubby you know keep in mind that this spends most of its life in the back of my four-wheel-drive in the dirty thirty before it's seen a lot of trucks are in Australia of course has been bashed around a fair bit and the other half of the year it's Ben's probably in the fire so don't worry too much about the outside of your camp oven inside is where it counts at the end of the day you cook on the inside of it and that's what you need to worry about now what I simply do is after I've cooked up say a roast or anything like that I clean the inside as best I can you know get a cloth a scarer in there wash it down when I'm finished though I try and dry it so I get every little piece of water out so I usually check it back on the fire until it's nice and hot and it's not a drop of water if you leave any water inside you can pop in it's gonna create rust and next time you go to use it it won't be so nice inside when it's nice and dry the last little tip I do is a little bit of seasoning which basically lets get a bit of oil chuck a little bit of oil straight into the camp oven you don't need much just a little bit and just get a cloth or a bit of paper towel and rub that oil all around the inside I do the inside of the whole camp oven as well as all around the lid now doing that basically just put some protection against any rust or anything like that and when you go to use it next time it'll be absolutely mint condition and I reckon spun still camp ovens are certainly the way to go they can handle the back of the forward drive a lot better than the cast-iron ones and I reckon the meals I think a little tastier too [Music] you it's the final day of our high country adventure and even right here in Dargo you can feel the serenity and then appreciate the beauty that surrounds us does that look no it's not bad for a beginner tell you what it's no secret I've said it before a high country it's got to be my favorite spot in Australia - I own a four-wheel drive at all times of year not just summer I mean winter as well to get up into the snow line with your four-wheel drive is something that in Australia we just don't get the option to do so we are so very very gifted to be able to have that now we can't mix this beautiful little Creek here right now you can fish this you can swim in this heck you can drink this this is pure Alpine waters from our pie there's no farming up there so you can drink this water beautiful getting down here first thing in the morning and taking a few snaps or even just getting out of your truck I think that's really worthwhile when you get to places like the Victorian high country today though we're heading up even higher and what I like about getting up really high in the Victorian high country of course is you get above the snowline and that brings with a whole change of environment get the tussock grass get those little stunted gum trees and of course it also gets down cold so it might be out with the jumpers Victorian high country if you haven't put it on your bucket list and go right now get a big black texture and write it at the top of the list get up here and enjoy it you won't regret it you know I could smell something good other than that country year morning chef Dahlia had a few things left in the lake I thought oh just chuck it all on a fork you really have I'm gonna break you out of it look at that yeah it sure is I got biking and I will be gonna do with all this like a breakfast lunch something I'm used to my there's a lot of backseat driving of in taking notes and having proved you drive in a motor that fairly limited notes with me jump in late lunch with that mongrel mix but yeah well we gonna do is grab one of the eggs yep with the bitter yep oh hell yeah yeah betting there my done that'll do me it was time to get packed up and get on our way the plan for today is pretty straightforward or should I say straight-up we're taking on the basalt knobs south track and heading up to the blue rag range but I later the gentleman now fasten your seat belts and expect a little bit of turbulence we'll be flying at some very high altitudes through this flight a different interesting and it might unfold yeah I think you're a lot thoughts might be pretty safe up yeah I've heard it's pretty steep so I'm but we thinking positive the whole way up any wish I did I'll call into trouble because I'm I just don't know what the hero vehicle is anymore yeah that's why you feel like look at you you're so relaxed don't touch anything the South Bay salt track is another super steep track again this is about keeping your forward momentum and trying to pick your line as you go it's all sorts of things on D max makes short work of it it's made for this kind of terrain and stu-dog welts dude follows my lead and finally it's next turn suppose motion guns before I think we wanna taste attraction yeah she tried it up super sloppy Eliza cuboid Tommy to trial on pumped me large go down jump into the big Wow that was a big one suddenly we're up on a really statement peachy come on it's got yeah Dustin had a mess a pretty good high-quality vice-president day makes my left come up soon yeah mine up it look like things began well for all of us but just then disaster something wrong big time then don't know what it was but I was shuddering and shaking and making a lot of loud banging noises that didn't sound good at all we went to take a closer look feeling safe here at all the cars just sliding itself and I'm standing on the brakes nick is in a really bad position here stack right in the middle of the pinch and that trailer is close to jackknife it's worse than we thought definitely game over for me but now we gotta get him out of here that's a rear diff has gone 100% gone so I think the plan now is we're just getting secured try and get that trailer off and then we'll reassess what we're gonna do but I think it'll go anywhere we've got to act fast here and get me into a safer position and that means taking that trailer off yeah cool I just got it off of it then here yeah so you can drive up put on your parking get out nan and I that rear diff is all bound up and even without the trailer Nick can't move I like yeah yeah well we've got of course is a broken rear deer from this Ju so I'm takin the trailer off so we can reverse the GU down to some black-ish sort of ground I don't think his trips just over yet but it's gonna be quite an effort just to getting me out of here so I take the tail shaft yep put it in neutral it's all chopped up and stuff like that and I'm hopefully only too hard removing that tail shaft is actually pretty easy it's just eight bolts for front four at the rear tail shaft slips out but of course the safety is paramount here we're on a super steep slope it was lucky for us however there was an old log that was the perfect chop block we've got that into position Nick wasn't going anywhere in a hurry look at the rear diff is all bound up you can actually get any full retraction the front wheels are driving but the really of so bound up exactly not gonna anchor for the GU three years of wheels to try and pull him look it's gonna make pretty noises that definetely does let go I think that the more teeth that come off that crown wheel the more rolling force he's gonna be able to have so gonna win team up here's gotta find a suitable tree it's like we've done this before perfect measurement all right now I'm start winching when you're ready everyone's out of the way slow and go for it tell me that you might need to drive a little bit with it even ketone that things are looking good finally Nick's moving this is the result where our now we can get him off this hill or being in two-wheel drive fortunately for us this section of track is a small way by which has allowed us to operate and there's enough room to turn around oh cool this is really complex recovery this is really complex you know we've just turned a truck around on a 45 degree hill without real if that's a challenge anyone to do stuff like that that's kind of cool that's cool now all that's left to do is maneuver that trailer into position hook it back on the next truck a little bit sketchy I think it's the only plan we can think of or put our heads together say what we can do what we need to do is turn this trailer around Nixon to will drive off so you got to drive down and try and drag this drawbar around with him as he drives down the hill we've also got an extension strap on the other side of the trailer that's to stop the trailer tipping over and of course trying to stop it from rolling away and I'm rolling down the hill or down into the back of the vehicle so we're gonna try and is his control as possible don't quite know the outcome but we've got to try something sometimes slowly doesn't there's no point in rushing these things safety first it's working the trailer is coming around if we've got that trailer shifted around enough to get it back on the next trailer hitch and reverse it back about two feet socks as close as you can get it so that would not have been possible without the help of everybody so you got to get involved we got Dean involved it worked I can't believe that we've just turned a trailer around onto the South Bay salt knob which is one of the hardest hills and the high country in terms of steepness and with a vehicle you know very deep that's pretty good I'm pretty stoked that I think you guys are too there we go Nick's free and he's able to make it back down the hill and back to Dargo we however are gonna continue to finish this track and get to the top of Buda rang my on about you I mean a can I get a couple in dirt that a billion my opinion every God knows how to knot it beyond real real complex recovery that one took place it over to gods night easily shown up by the cigars and it's gone we love the white ball track [Music] there's a view the views up here are some of the best you will see in the whole of Australia [Music] every time she dumpler API this will be my second buy money I was before it's an absolute cracker is nostalgia it's my favorite track to drive in Australia [Music] driving along the ridge line is one of the single best things you'll do in a 4-wheel Drive driving on the road for the world this is why we own four-wheel drives right just gotta be one of the best tracks in Australia so our world for goodness sake now I can today be one of these days and I remember for a very long time of course almost cars the back of the d'argo published such a bad place to be look at the cars a lot like me in a lot of ways it just likes hanging out of pubs and of course we started off the day and poor old Nick that he's real deep I didn't see that coming no look a big bang a lot of teeth off that career well that's yeah that's really proud of spanner networks we've managed to get the top of the rig which is fantastic rod on Sunset - if it wasn't these blokes me quite romantic but we've got to head back down now and get down to dog oh yeah yeah and make some alternate plans yeah I think Nick will have already been on the phone all the dirty 30 actually messy meal the Sat phone before it said its yeah it's gotta say that the bar and come on down like this is it's happy hour between around then all right it's breezy and that folks is how four people became three and four four wheel drives became two it was time to get back to da go and catch up with Nick couldn't they give a more iconic spot to finish up my dog opening themself by absolutely crack crack aforex cheers buddy best of the high cut Ellison the high country can be as tough or as mild as you want to make it but regardless of which end of that spectrum you take it doesn't really matter because the views and the lifestyle and everything you're gonna do up in the high country revolve around getting up here and actually doing it now we've done some of the absolute most I would say the up most iconic trips are not in high quality absolutely I reckon they're some of the most scenic I think the high country for me is a number different things you can have it as hard as you want you can go and do some of the toughest tracks you'll literally do anywhere in Australia or on the other side you can do some of the easiest tracks you'll ever do but no matter which one you choose in the middle stunning views beautiful rivers the best campsites you'll see anywhere and wait for it hardly anyone around I tell you what you owe it to yourself if not once there maybe a hundred times to get out here to the Victorian high country this I've said it before is my favorite place in Australia to drive a four-wheel drive and I mean that wholeheartedly mate we can you catch us and we don't think we can catch us right now in that Dory three days tops we personally basketball inside but if we're not here we'll be firmly unfurl what I've Acton see you guys see there [Music] what a stretch bite first so what trying to do here it's called the old egg game coming out on the writing champ of the old a game and what you gotta do is throw it and catch it as a real simple game just a game of skill life Vaness right get back get back here we go ready fire I'm County age we are the champions my friend put that on back in the seat boys I'm getting a lot of weird in cab boys in here not too sure what it is let's pick up check on your bikes here you go there's an awesome quarry right let me chattering teeth next to me he'll eat children oh yeah have you got one say though anywhere that old I put that between your legs sometimes you just gotta go for glory don't always win I'm telling Zig it gets everywhere gonna crack a couple of eggs you what I might get overlooked he donate a huge lot of food say the best way to blow the stuffing off a wing spray I'll get the boys ramped up look I keep the boy wants it done right it's a fine call folks we'll take that Justin hey yeah hey Dustin its Justin from inky crash hey guess what you're on forward erection TV mate silo Justin he's very cool all right probably go great up the hill just to the top right I just fell over agin editing this I'm slowly losing my mind like to introduce the latest to the rap line up here in Detroit in high country he calls himself slippery shot I go rap into the yo-yo did my my cards my headphones on yo I Drive a ding max gray um with tampons in the grub [Music] you
Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 996,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, action, 4x4, offroad, outdoors, travel, overlanding, toyota, nissan, hilux, patrol, landcruiser, adventure, camping, fishing, diesel, petrol, surf, shaun whale, graham cahill, australia, dirty 30, shorty, gq, gu, 80 series, 40 series, 60 series, 79 series, troopy, high country, victoria, Four wheel drive, 4 wheel drive, 4wd cars, car, 4WD Fails, 4WD build, 4x4 fails, 4wd action, 4x4 action, 4 wheel drive action, 4wd action full episodes, 4x4 24/7, 4x4 247, Jocko, Shauno
Id: gJsY_VM-4FM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 29sec (3329 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 20 2018
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