Suzuki Sierra does Coffs Tough Tracks - Insane recoveries and bush mechanic fixes

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[Music] on quarters of ten to the late start this morning the weight is on day one set things up and get organized get these in my practice checking some loose bowls and things like that I found one I go Negro black following a local out of years of motive hours metric not even quite a few here you move down this line I don't think it's too many tracked that intense and ribbon or at least know about site last while we're out here I actually personally said to mention how the chances when you come back out because I can sleep rebound especially in fact I can plan from the lookout crisscross in the area and garlic right-center so I've actually come back editor met up again midfield delivers out there now and thanks right off the top view points will regather out there and everything about everyth read the rest of the day I also know you've got a crappy si Flores I've seen photos I've never been anything myself I guess that's the beauty of local knowledge in places like this haughtiness in Mexico be strands excited we all are we've got a real tough trip plan it extends from the tracks right here in column Valley State Forest just outside a Kempsey up past Taylor's armed men on be awesome fliers track and rover track and coffs harbor it is going to be great alrighty oddly enough this is where I finished last so I'm starting it here today this is actually a back entrance or a back track if you will up to a look at the column buddy look at run up the top and from here trust me when I say this track just goes straight up time to s right down the terrain around can t can be described as straight up and down with lots of little nasty bits we're letting the tires down because we can expect play right rocks and some very steep hills this sort of stuff these are stuff we live for met John here I don't Pierce I dress me I'm good I owe you plenty clear so I'm and go down from there you have to all right release is where I leave you but I might have absolutely yes we share which is taking off now but he's given us some coordinates to a great campsite and he's planning on joining us a bit later on good on your mate Brian's leading the way in shorty and let me tell you that nice entities even find form there so anybody flies anyway oh well that I get the pleasure of writing than the $0.00 Luke the four drive actions Young Gun job up the back is our mate Nick he's only putting the Black Series alpha through its paces for camping it's spacious and functional the surviving being towed on these tough tracks well put her about to find out [Music] all right let's caught up here this little creek and I believe this trig point track this goes directly uphill from here so going to creep forward a little bit take a bit of a look at it and I think this is where we'll go low range and lovers it's already tight and they've grant all right this is definitely the little creek we're supposed to be in see it's a lot wetter out here than I'd anticipated all right this is the hard left I can fold it up now I might need to take another got nothing and this is gonna have a good time Doyle and drive this trail around this tight pinch to the start of a long climb to the column body treat look at I've been here before but grains about to find out what chem sees tracks really have to offer especially if you're driving a short wheelbase four-wheel drive the technique on big challenging hills like this it's a tackle each part of sections and really try to get the real placement just right that can be easiest get them done then you have a front auto locked up in such a short wheelbase four-wheel drive because steering well it becomes a real struggle let me straddle at night yet I'm going to try to play a key right now you go in on it with you on then I want to come cookie like that it up in my house what a line I nearly got it nearly got it okay go away because you're in that right now you're in the right you have the right idea just the execution didn't quite work out because it's quite slippery let's automate is playing off as well shut up let's just get it in neutral mate will will clutch you backwards if I can push a little bit just you've got about a metre where you can push it yeah all right when clearance becomes an issue it's a good idea to build a track up with some logs or rocks get a load of this log it looks like it was made just for it all that take that out of it that's treated and then it's enthusiam that deserts back on high ground nice Drive job we are next down tell me stripe if you can get that Tyler around that core up yeah I think you've got Nogales here it looks like mix in a tight spot before this trip nikka been fishing for the weekend with a mate but having dropped off that mate any boat Nick's still got the boat rack but the good thing is that they're easy to remove so I've got him through in no time now you got your good would you get a lot of the angles on the trailer and the four-wheel drive in this spot that's why I've totally blocked coupling is essentially out here a standard hitch well that just wouldn't work is going to get raised up this trial ah that's going to jackknife we go hard boy this is a jackknife soon as he pulls up there and check on time call it back on down thought I saw it go right from quarters right it's not on there stop there could we unhook the trailer and push it back and get into a great justice in equal balance in Mohammed can I go the man you really now you bring them mountain to Mohammed I don't like a chance that I'm doing this it really is a tough dilemma to decide what to do because the trailer is on a nasty little angry he's got to turn a hard right-hand turn up a steep hill safety is really important and of course you don't have damaged the truck or the trailer in the end the decision was that Nick was going to drive the GU up the hill instead of recovering it is going to give it a go anyway first we're going to Pat the tracks full of logs and nickels going to give the GU everything that's got I'm not a betting man but I've put me house on it so he's talking to drawers as IB does that'll be cool but I just it doesn't probably be the damage what I accept iron wrong okay that's good thanks you should take those really well on us lost me house currently there you go nice made that look easy some amazing were a little bit of right foot and determination can do okay now that's the easy bit of the track done time to get the tough stuff I grain very go happen now I give your I've been planning it straight up it's like you're on that you can't go anywhere I enjoy messing the grain but I'm not even joking this time the next challenge well it's straight up the terrain is what you can expect to find on most of the great divided range especially around coffs harbour and camp see it's straight up and down steep little pinches with big ruts thrown in between just trying to pick a line up this is a la washout get here this is the exact scenario that I'm not a huge fan of and surely when the rear one side rear is in a deep hole and the opposite side front is way up high the line is definite there's no gun left it is it is up this right-hand side I'm just concerned as shorty sometimes does start scrabbling sideways and I drop into here it's going to be awkward we're going to do is quickly set up a bit of recovery gear from this tree here if it goes to a shape which I could do which we've got everything set up the winch is already sort of half on spool we ought to connect that drama-filled gluing the desk to second so fingers crossed he drives it just in case kind of possible right here now the camera doesn't do this part of the track justice but it's really really state trust me on this one James in first year low range is basically idling up to the top bit of this track if I probably that same line I should be right with us get to find out you drive it well I think people make a mistake by trying to hesitate in those and use you just kept on the stall the throttles perfect you just you just idled up there man I won't lie I didn't love it not I didn't love it it's really good Drive in crowd yeah yeah body style Mike now comes a little Suzuki if you think that was talking a short wheelbase patrol now right TS zero zero dollars those drivers this is going to be exciting the trick to drop right now is to pick a line and really commit you can't take any second chances with a hill like this nice dance event the outfit come on I'm not even driving at the time my life right now well this is chair but Riley come up all right go away I look confident now a new turn Imogene you the camper trailer on the back if you stop going to here like this he's going to lose traction and that's going to be the end of his Drive now XJ here's an absolute waste of a food drive even 35 inch tires and a 4 inch lift is no match for a heel like this especially when you've got to try it on the back already had that nurse so we did the sensible thing in this scenario and got the wing chair needed to winch the vehicle and the trailer up over the rock if anything does go wrong this is going to dampen things down a little there is no point putting extra stress on the vehicle or trailer where a simple route would get to the top with a [Music] but just animals okay thanks Michael withdraws really yeah we're closing in on the trig look out now but we still have another state Kwan to go right and straight into it and we're about to follow when they play their crap off yet I really mean it [Music] it's a fun team - this looks like completely wrapped up their haunted look on me a table back there and I want to do is read - struggling and suddenly they've got problems some people was right back there yeah oh that's right out so using the second one in like two days but bottom we've got a voice here we have a spare you need okay after that we'll winch up to that tree they will just look out that trees you have you've drawn this angle yeah it won't be hard yeah the big problem of course is the Zook has got no Drive and it's on a steep steep hill so the first thing to do in this situation is to get the winch out and secure it to a tree you know the problem seems pretty obvious we've got a tail shaft and a broken you need Lane on the track alright six Exeter what we're doing is just winching the Zook up the hill it could easily drive up here but unfortunately we found it's got no front wheel drive as well so it fix the tail shaft it's still got no front wheel drive so we're going to get it to the flat area Jack the front up and see what the problem is no front drive and noises from the different we think it spat some teeth and it's absolutely stuffed all the options you know the trunk piece down to the cactus yes shut on stuck in the toilet Matthew field I reckon I was tight I'll tell you I can surely will give it a go it gets pretty gnarly tools out off and big rock steps up there but I've got just one steady yep well weather oh yes alright after that anything is going to go mate - yeah I mean we should be alright as long as I'm grain doesn't get to hang out which would be like even though we do have drive to the rear wheels we're going to total just to get this last bit of the hill climb we don't want to put too much strain on the rear and risk another Union some people try an army but either much chocolate I'm drivin we going off the traffic watching me follow control trial on to restart tell me what he sees right here so it's important that grain keeps on the throttle or we keep on the wheel of those Oh to try and keep it in a straight line this girl back here make another job that's horrible yeah it's running a bit of a wiser that time here we rock once you've reached the top not only is there an amazing view but more importantly I've got phone signal and I'm ringing in a favour to help find some spare parts turns out that Mitch knows a bloke who is a Zook fanatic we don't hang around for long and make our way down another track and into town all right I've just moved a bottle of water in the back to make room for a dip center for a suit because I reckon I'd be about that big we're gonna pick it up from here at least I think this is the location so we'll go in so here we go meet Dale who's the man when it comes to it and it just so happened let it go from the car laying around I didn't check this weapon out these passion for suits really show I hear one looks well just a slightly bit tidier than ounces Dale was quick to get the tools out and help us get that dish Center out when you get back on the tracks I've a newly they're taking that last axle and CV up we're going to lift the dip up drop the centre catch the oil and hopefully how you turn it back to camp fit it to our look yeah blow full drive again no Locker left all drive against Dale I probably would have had to ditch the Zook on this trip and there are no other violently parked in town and really come through for us what a legend pretty soon and it's time to head to our camp for the night we all head west out towards the spectacular campsite on the banks of the McClay River what a great spot [Music] Jacque I I want to tell you that this though to mate and order and help with that trailer and all the rest of it it's just look for experienced young blokes do things like that yeah we actually want the distant it'll work so much that you catch it on quick now anyone who knows me knows that I love my fishing and the McClay River let's hone to a lot of really big bass grams in prime position setting up the rooftop tent and Nick gets to work setting up the alpha camper trailer and wow that's a big tent it's probably enough room to sleep all of us yeah I'm going yeah I'm definitely going oh god this guy later better give en yeah sounds like a plan I don't have too much more to do today why help I will be right I know take your thoughts you just keep doing that huh I think everyone is important as a job alright I'll do this bit good together together I'm not hang on you got down fix what you broke we work lightness possibly could until dinner was ready who laid the reassemble until the morning time for a beer [Music] stick around guys because in part 2 we make our way to a water hole that is literally a hole in the earth what a magic little place to wake up to write on the McClay River I could have flicked a lure around here all day but instead we have to fix a zoo the glamorous side of camping last night's chicken melt is this morning's washing up are you nobody set up this pleasure we've all got jobs to do this morning grains on the dishes Nick's tidying up the cans and collecting any rubbish and doc and I are on the tools trying to get the zoo ready to hit the tracks yeah laughs touches on the Suzuki we're going to have a back of our tracks pretty soon I think everyone's jumping in-you weds photographer socks obviously he's been working up a night alert so laughing that battle done you good I am spear driver it looks like scrambled eggs is on the menu but with a little twist just add a bit of bacon and tomato nice one Graham it's just what we need to get set up for another full day on the tracks we go all done and dusted you dish Center easy fix that hub we're back on the track breakfast is ready lads when you when you're up getting to it right in there and some chili I've got some salt pepper chili there and cold everywhere if double-checking the old CNSE you see the plan for damage got excited about today because we're going to do a few more tracks out and around the Kempsey region this morning but we're also adding out to a place called the flow hole sounds a bit weird big swimming hole locals only we're going to be taken out there and show it apparently no one knows how deep it is I'm not about to try and find out either but looking forward to a swim out there today now the plan from here once we've done that is head out to Taylor's arm tomorrow morning get on the road nice and early and start Trek up towards coughs we're going to finish up up there with a few more tracks but right now this little spot here right on the river I was going to put into the Waypoint because it's an absolute cracker you how good is this I don't know that you can expect I'm got a rough idea though getting out into these quiet country roads like this in between the tough stuff don't get me wrong I love the tough stuff like anyone else but it seemed quiet country roads out here that really get me to thinking down here on my right hand side I've got a creek line big big creek it's got to be full of bass has to be full of facts not daydreaming about that over here on my left hand side we've got farm farmland everywhere here but on the edge of that natural scrub land imagine how many deer are up in there its sections like this in between the challenges that I lose myself I just probably drive way too slow in fact I'm pretty sure the guys behind me yet stick inside it just go and slow slow but that's because I'm just absorbing all this taking it all in this is the stuff I love look at it out there absolutely picture-perfect untouched as we get further away we're going to get right back into that Bush area again get out in the bush folks suck the guts out of this you only get one shot it's time to lock the hubs going again because we're about to hit the truck that takes us to a hole in the earth called the blowhole it's there we'll get a chance to have a swim this whole area has creeks running through it and I'm told that flooding in this area can get pretty bad and heavy rain it looks like we're good today though these creeks are crystal clear absolutely pristine and really pretty it's making us all look forward to having a swim [Music] well water was going to be tight and twisty down Surrey here it certainly has the limit this is actually a newish newish track down to the infamous blowhole there used to be a way better way to get in but the bridge over the main river got washed away and so now this track here which is probably an old 1800 logging track I'd guess has actually been reopened by fear the locals in order to get back the end of the blowhole is charged in the other way track like this - many - screams adventure because doesn't get driven now we've been dating for a very long time in fact when she came down all got a month to go he was directly it was just completely overgrown so we're probably about the fourth car down here in the last month really not correct crystal-clear water comes with it alright can a bit of rain and that would not be an easy crossing at all it is quite slippery I think ranch cannot be really much the cool thing about having a Suzuki on tracks like this is that it's so small it means that we can take a line that we call the zoo Cline and it fits almost where the other vehicles can't all things considered nikka doing ok with the Alpha on the back too however I bet he wishes he left the boat loader that he's made slightly house what it drops off to the right of iñigo bitumen I made a bit of a dog's breakfast than that that's right we got there in the end right now we're dropping down into a creek that leads us right into the blowhole it's a steep and off candid section of the track now one of the things about driving a little Suzuki in terrain like this is that it's really really scary like rifle shot all based on what wheel base of the vehicle makes it feel like you're about to fall off the side of the other client hug this Bank mate in this situation having a camper trailer on the back is actually a big advantage the camper trailer actually keeps the vehicle down and takes it nice and level and safe [Music] just around the corner and we've got to drive a creek for around 20 meters before picking out the track again it's not as tight as the other this is a track we've gotta go down through this Creek down across a waterfall which is a bit of a refuse of rock steps and up a really sort of state pension on the other side there should be a swimming hole for pretty excited adding tell me a little bit of spotting I reckon needed to get through here because there's a lot of rocks rocks trailers yeah I'll be the dummy okay what's that sweet pinch like just give it everything jumping just put all the wheels on the ground and go up there if God yeah let's do that yeah the key to driving this sort of terrain is wheel placement all wrong your foot the wheels because you can be on hard on those rocks where you going to cause all sorts of damage gear undercarriage see what's that rock you did sort of slide off and I've got horribly hung up then honey night when you walk through this it doesn't feel that bad then you get on it's real slippery it's not ledges or a bit bigger than you think okay now here we go here just waterfall I don't want to heat the fuel tank but no but it's my favorite number I will make but I really go to close at the same time I am for that bloody that's the [ __ ] [Music] okay let me self up for this that is all is decision tell them yeah a parasite is like lines it all right all right now Joker's decided to take a different line through the rocks a line that has smaller off steps but it's a lot tighter this is where having a mate at the front to guide where your wheels are can be a big advantage yeah [Music] at their forelocks right that you can feel the fun auto-lock up really hard to turn those up like that so to unlock those obsolescent a turn really ad blocking back on now this is not the kind of terrain that you'd take a typical family camper trailer on it but Nick is in the business of R&D testing for Black Series camper trails and it's R&D testing that he's about to get it I met many automatic gearbox in the GU control is the key to driving rock steps like this really really slowly and I reckon that is the absolute key to not doing any damage to the trailer [Music] what's that trailer mix made it through the creek with the cancer on the back for the exit is core team out initially can of trees yeah come back on that and just leave an eye on that big tray all right we're going to try and slowly maneuver him into a better position like you got your tire to the right of the moment mate go left on your toes yeah well that's just not going to work we're going to need another plan after a bit of an assessment and throwing some ideas around we think we found a solution we're going to use mix own winch to pull the trailer sideways to try and clear that tree off when every remind the equal to pour our projectile forward you could do it three names like we could if we could take it from there from the enemy of what is it sort of trying to protect others together this one yeah let's do that all right we'll try this out if you want to run a winch off the vehicle back forepaugh leave off to pull this trailer across side wait we need to pull it over a couple of inches and then you have a clear eye let me feel yes Paul that night yeah we're good all right look at the road now onto the tree onto another tree the two fully evolved in the distance going straight on the trailer hook it on the trailer I know what you want to do I got that fresh from the Lincoln all right a little dip as well do you run at a recovery blanket now we're using a few nique with a few different line between use the Hercules recovery bag tap it onto the road again just an eternal wife and dance on the light on the winch rope all right well Rick can enter you yep get out of the next level safety really is the key in a situation like this there's a lot of hardware involved we really need to make sure that everyone's well out of the way of the winch line our plan is working the trailer is sliding across nicely however it looks like the need to swap trays for this port oh that's right that's a there she goes we could go off that thing there within another tree it's called but it's strong at the base so it should hold all right out of the dead zone he's time Grambling joking want to put some money to help things out well I keep an eye on things I love those big movies like that yeah yeah well that's gone from there that's a solid that's a meter in a bit that is that's really cool you should be able to clear the tree and tackle the slope now with a little bit more adjustment you go for hard right first up with a client go for it Nick that's it mate good teamwork that was the trouble with me is that the boatload is roughly the same height as me so I've got clearance issues not much further down the track and we've finally reached the blowhole it's just how Mitch describes it a huge hole in the earth with a beautiful flowing waterfall leading into it a magical little spot think driving ducky little trails at the back of nowhere to climb they arrive here absolutely worth loft freezing cold water absolutely pristine not another soul from Royal the place of ourselves there's only one way in and that's to jump it's a good seven meter plunge so it's definitely not for the faint-hearted I don't recommend anyone try this unless you're absolutely sure that you know where you're jumping is deep enough I've got to say that this was awesome fun but the hardest part was actually climbing back out we had to climb back up the waterfall I don't think I'll be jumping to us maybe I'll jump in Graham in a shallow pool until it's time to go on our way back to camp we're going to drop into the Taylor's arm hotel or the pub with no beer this is one iconic country pub that you just have to visit this pub does in fact have beer it's got the name from when a huge flood came through the area and landlocked the pub and the locals and of course with no supplies coming in the pub ran clean out a beer hence the name the public no beer we're going to have one cheeky 4x goal while we're here but we've still got roped into some of the pubs activity we're going in on the late raffle and you've been invited to have a go at a challenge they hole through every Australia Day yep yeah one person throws IGNOU they have to where are they from this order this yes right okay roof yep and the person getting in sort of captured and resistance very hard yes if we win - not going to wash our truck I gotta do it anyway I'm not dad and I never left yep okay so what we do yep gives us roll of the egg secondly wet that's going to just call serious consequences don't know I'm captain this hands like it's about here whatever an autopilot wrapped in laughter I said I've come here to catch is the catcher ready all right come on guys here we go [Music] not behind this activity is that you split into teams of two and somebody has to launch the egg right across the pub or the other bloke or easier to try and catch it I got some of it I caught some of it oh he catches lucky drives I reckon oregan we won that by virtue of the fact that we do they are into the bargain yeah we did so we swapped names exactly shocker create the bed - all right out of thing [Music] the not on the menu we've got burgers you're not the really big is my for drive action style Ronny our burgers he's a beer can burgers now hang on Mike what's going on it is just there we go you want a beer yeah off the car you get that I've actually a really important fundamental ingredient for beer can burgers actually while you're up there my dear let's get everything out the other effect if you ain't wrote me anyway I'll tell you what I'll show you how it's been treating me nice and clean might have another penny Morgan Bolin Siddalee and I treat my stuff into business yes what do you need Leah right why need I need mince it on Eid basement and I'm going to use pork mince no need cheese well it all looks a little in green yeah good yeah yep we got bacon and got a razor you can't go wrong well there's going to be a real meet fifties burgers but some veggies as well I've got um pineapple forces I've got pork mince I've got beef mince oh yeah of the onion well it's all what I get mixed together look at you obviously what okay I reckon you go as a wandering look beer can burgers you don't say any bread on the table now there's a good reasons that you sort of bear with us it's going to make sense of 'taken there some pepper my blood would you like a bit of solvent in it if we could yep that's alright alright do you know what you can do for us what's that please craft an evening maybe do chili flakes let's just sprinkle that in there general chemical bit in there of course that's it that's acceptable there yeah generous serving lop off the pre-trip I don't have no you haven't done there you go first slice it is that's going to make a case but yeah great probably want to do is literally make the ball you want to make the ball yeah oh yeah right thanks now watch this Oh Tom obviously good absolutely okay buddy didn't you see the one you're drinking at us okay hi Jenny it's not chicken fun you know what's bringing the mind for me right now that Patrick Swayze in ghost that we keep enjoying it it's exactly it's really good at that I am I'm like this I think if you discover you're really not going to get but just the car get all right yeah you're not ya Yin Zi Mannion's are killing me and the boy level over there guess you're also so what we want to do he is just obviously fill this up only go bacon yeah bacon first sharp will moisturize oh look at Chile we get out Johnny right yeah and in today's wonderful on top that's great fill that top of that no one I know what I think pack that down a little bit so and you just got to put a little bit of paprika on top just the coloring when the tea's wow this is you get this up at a fancy restaurant you really would like now that is done seriously so I been in China I've got a I've got a slightly greased camp up in here yep you do I watched that this morning I know that perfect well I'm going to put this straight in not on that plastic plate it's going to slide our out there we go alright now as you can see we've got one you're going to fill these up yep with some speak and burgers yep you're going to put this on the coals of probably about an hour oh oh that is perfect look at that that's what you call a beer can burger yeah that's a jock rotational as one heck of a meal there what lovely food do I go anywhere guys because in part three we take the zoo to my old nemesis coffs harbour we're up at the crack of dawn this morning because we're planning on hitting some tracks in [ __ ] sarva today Nick's already got the Alpha packed away and I'm going to set to work on my swag so we've let it dry and stuff before I put it away but let me put it up again to the left side everything better a lot of people struggle with I try and get that flag into the swag bag always try and set up before I start anything so I've got the swag bag right at the end of this way we start rolling up on a tire rolled up it's ready to go straight in shouldn't be too much of a struggle [Music] let's roll my swag up a punk doing yelling really packing down sleeping bag girl piled up at what end really I'll spread that to the stuff at so if you're going to ball off in one end you know sometimes things can be a bit of a struggle in the morning if you know what I mean not everything always goes to plan when camping just walk away Shawn and come back for another go later good idea Nick will certainly be using that layer to cook up the meat you won in the raffle trying to hit the tracks in cops and cutting up gum plant right out the back of England rye way come an Endicott Harbor I think of a couple of types of you that I've known about for a long time you kings of doing one of them is priors crack you really keen to get stuck into that and then after that well there's about three other down here that we know of we've another conditional I will just see there we go maybe Poconos that one or two and have a look so now being a fair while since I've different surely on anything really hardened I'm dead teen you can edited I just have a lot of fun straight ahead is the main track according to the MS now there's an old bridge across it looks a bit much to get dodgy to me I'm gonna jump out it's going to take a closer look at it before I Drive over it because shorty ain't no lightweight and that bridge looks like it's past its use-by date if that bridge was milk he'd throw it out this is the only section I'm concerned about this bit there all of this is pretty structurally sound these are great big bits of wood now only way oh I don't know my way about 95 kilos jokin and I'm even a little bit skeptical about putting my weight on these look I'm going across the zoo he hasn't got a problem shorties no heavy you know lightweight then there's Nick in the camper but I think you'll be fine - we won't hang around on it now gentlemen I wouldn't advise we dilly-dally on this bridge she's okay but I wouldn't I wouldn't hang around on it it's a good thing having someone like grab up in front he's got a good eye for off-road obstacles and the hazards that lie up in front he's also got the knowledge on how to tackle on go there my boys oh yeah in Soho is brief things is dumb to go throwing up together yeah thanks thanks don't I know it's like about this by order you prefer those on this bridge we've got all sorts of food drives on this trip everything from the lightweight little Hazuki right through to the GU upper back don't have that now I've decided to drive today so Doc's handing me over the keys but something tells me you might just recruit that decision a bit later on I've got myself into a really awkward position and I've got to reverse to make it easier on myself but the problem with me reversing is that Nick has to also reverse back onto that bridge the first thing I realized was just how hard it is to steer the little zoo the auto lock up [ __ ] on it I'm really making this look like hard work let me see what's on her out it's not even clear is it on now I'm going to be off the track this way citizendium tears dock right now yep got it I said yeah one of the good things about a place like coffs harbour is that it has a very active forward drive community without a group maintaining this bridge it was no doubt be gone long ago I sure I know you got a copy here right as Windows go up on the little just wondering that you just buy that glue is our job I try to do it I don't know it doesn't go so I'm saying our policy choice you know that's me Mike Jonathan Ollie go 33 inch tires and twin losses our little shorty gray and jumps on the loud pedal we could have got committing drive it into that one boys thinking that was a bit smelly going ah transitory now the real secrets are driving us uzuki through terrain like this it's a jump on the right pedal and don't be afraid of it and when you start to run out of traction so next year we'll from left to right and little movement and that just might be repeated getting through in my mouth a little smelly smelly and he's got the advantage of 35 inch tires a big lift and a lot more power so he should make this look easy I'll tell you what after all the tracks we've driven so far on this trip this is one tough camper trailer my stencil didn't work that's going to get on there please where's the money but sensitive bug so far so good it's really over grants we gotta distract it's used a whole heap is even has the middle of summer right now none of these holes lose their water any time of year that's always mugged a nice up here a bit of a mud pig well this is one of those tracks for you at any time of year it looks like shorty it's just that perhaps in need of much you're right there maybe you're going to drive that a lot so in these two lines you can take through your mind I've decided to take the I've decided to take the line that pretty much challenges you blokes to set up a winch recovery because I just don't think you've done enough of it no I municipal majority out right now one of the things you soon get to learn about coffs harbour is that all the locals run around with thirty five inch tires as an absolute minimum it's a bit of a problem you've only got thirty teams tire than a two inch lift well if you ask me it sounds like an excuse gray and mate you're well and truly stuck now let's see what the zoogs got let's see if we can get further than shorty something tells me with a bigger white petal just my feet then it didn't quite make it but I tell you what if you get further than shorty looks like I'm going to have to wink the last few centimeters to make it over this rough well of these little winch controllers when I first came out I thought over to the gimmick but they're not they work extremely well it means that I can run the entire we got em to worry about that cable running out it doesn't take much to move to do now be honest I don't like Knicks chances here with the weight of the GU plus the trailer I really don't think you're going to get through but he did you absolutely everything is mater what a drive mate once we've made it through that tough muddy section on the prior track it was time for lunch we got lucky in the raffle at the pub yesterday and that one the meat tray out comes the kitchen on the camper who will have a speed in no time at often okay Mick pelvis over the alpha you can add an option I think if you can stretch your budget out a bit and it's a Mustang that's really take three seconds a day and top it off on the floor oh yeah that's right the young family even the kids they can pull up for the road pop out make lunch yeah cool is this just to be able to cook up some rissoles and snags on the side of a track really I've never really been a king of wrapping things that although that's close enough there we go IRA can we get this in us if I can get it in a wrap first get this in this can here literally the track is right there that's right there goes all the way up around onto the top of a trig point and it safely frankly so we get something reviewed and plus guy over there a lot of Noddin a cop's Arbor good snow who knows what's the matter well we got a nice look at that what the grains on TLT this afternoon we're going to be pushing our way along the rover trail now this track has some pretty steep sections in it it's all uphill and all downhill we're going to be tackling both on this one [Music] yes at the time if you guys can remember back a few DVDs ago I certainly had my fair share of history with steep little hills in Coffs Harbour yep the worst case scenario happened I laid the 30 on its eyes on a hill that wouldn't be more than a few hundred meters from here because this feel is so Stephen is not a lot of traction around it's going to have to absolutely for it if you want to make it up without the winch all that was a big hit but I tell you what it's likely the Alpha camper trailer has steel rims IBC I've done quite a bit of damage to steel rim here taking a bit fairly big hit given the steel ring much having that back in and tubular steel rims really are aware out here so long as you have a big hammer little bit more formal visor some bones later difference but you yeah so you get the thumper out now fill for air we'll be on our way just trying to definitely look at this first we obsess over a couple Hill in order to get there something tells me that this Hill is about to drop away it's going to get very steep one of the things about going down really steep hills is they can actually be more scary than going up if it's just straight on them got a little tip that I found is to put the vehicle to first be in low range and let the engine braking do all the work if you can go and avoid using a brake pedal if I destroy oh that's good we're just going to take a little really pen speaking of break though it really is a good thing that Nick does have trailer brakes in that alpha camper trailer I'll tell you what he's really put into good use here that feels rather awkward Mary that smells equally as well but you know when I keep it right he'll enjoy that yeah yeah we're gonna let the wheel night tell me a big one that's right good drivings all about big wheel list and [ __ ] moments here we go you know one of the problems is going down really steep hills and letting the vehicle double working first deal low range is that you can sometimes stall but the problem is is a loop that the starter motors also stuff that's it it's this moment right near that I'm starting to have flashbacks to when I was last in cost harbor with and dirty thirty on the commando trial starting to drop now let's hope it doesn't happen again that was any bit of that was close I'll tell you one thing though cost harbour track definitely have it in for me now Nick having seen up try and drive down there with wheels in the air about four foot five I reckon going to take a different line to us you're going to let the G use articulation and a big 35 inch tires select its way down the hill it's going to be a breeze for him yet we can really see that trailer braking coming to its own again inability space it doesn't seem to be a single thing that favors Nick off-road okay the top of the next hill is our goal we're nearly there okay here we go final little push up to I really call it a look at an official look at it's one of those camping you wouldn't see in the books I'm really hoping it's still available to us because I'd love to show the boys just got to get up at this I think we might be very close to something that will there you go and nearly after the lookout on top of the rover trail and let me tell you this trip has been so exciting for so many reasons and I think number one is assuming in the hot seat is inventing again that thing is so much fun to drive but driving tough tracks with good mates well I reckon it's about as good as it gets painful look at [Music] you really love that coughs is when you get up high two views I really did anything like it anywhere else yeah Great Dividing range right beside the coach yeah wide on the gut to the coast here magic spot so there you go Kim see the coughs reckon we've done it almost all the way almost all the way off ride we've busted the Zook Wow we've paid mechanics a few times and nearly pulled the whole thing apart and put it back together again like we do with mechanic you've also almost put the bazooka on its roof a couple that was nothing yeah it's all part and parcel driving until expose you know what that we got to talk about few locals on the way through here pubs and various plays and minor clubs and what I found to be amazing we went to places like the blow holes yeah there were tracks out there that went there was a lot of locals we met Locke he was saying he could take us for four days out that way showing us waterful other things like the blow holes nobody would see the thing that really gets me about these places is you can travel to places like Cape York and a Kimberley and Arnhem and all these great locations but just at the back of Kempsey you've got amazing waterfalls you got insane tracks I mean that's pretty cool got it all you know what else sauce has got bubble - what the [ __ ] hands good - 20 reckon we get down from here we still got a big steep downhill climb to get out of here yep and it's your chef but job is important to the key if I was wrong with you now mate right let's do a nickel eat Alaska for more information on this adventure and to find out the details that you didn't see on camera read my article in the magazine and believe me if you want to know all of this up if you enjoyed this DVD then don't forget that every episode of full drive action is available for download in HD from our massive online library there are over 100 episodes available to your viewing pleasure also if you want to keep up to date with for Drive action and like our Facebook page you'll get a heater 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Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 1,501,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, action, 4WD, 4x4, offroad, outdoors, travel, overlanding, toyota, nissan, hilux, patrol, landcruiser, adventure, coffs harbour, diesel, suzuki, sierra, zook, zero dollar zook, recoveries, bush mechanics, winching, snatching, mud, dirt, shorty, graham cahill, shaun whale, jock mcdonald, campsite, camping
Id: JsAoU2_M080
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 32sec (3212 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2017
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