Toughest Weekender! Twisted tail shafts, broken steering, bottomless mud & epic recoveries

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[Music] [Music] yes hey we're just local to Monell some of the tougher tracks I said the gun is gonna be pretty tough they couldn't be further from the truth this is insane those tracts of wild we've got a bus at our shaft right here let's say how we got to this point go strap yourself in your comfy chair for one of these you don't cut the top off cut the top off they enjoy this one heck of an adventure Melbourne local night on this adventure we're gonna be taking on some tough tracks in the telluric area before making our way out to DeLange e for some awesome driving and some epic campsites and we're gonna finish up by taking on the Strickland spur track just outside of Nava thong as with any serious four-wheel drive adventure of course we're starting by dropping the pressure and air tires when I say we I mean myself and Shaw now of course we've also got jock and we've got Barney from legend x4 that guarding us at the front of the convoy in his backyard he's my close friend Adams and apparently he's got some cracking tracks lined up Crockett that's a long steep hill looks a bit slippery to see some realistic marks oh yeah that doesn't look like as much traction at all come I'll let you go ahead marble now I got you guys leaving some tracks are back here we'll have to go poopoo sucka do it body ward erosion boards winter and that means these tracks could be in any sort of condition we're talking to play my child steep hills that's all might Shawna has been looking forward to this trip for quite a while and with good reason this terrain is right up his alley yeah is he flicking out of those tires which is a great thing in this sort of terrain because as the mud flicks out the tires it gives you more traction to work in really well traction is not an issue at the top of the hill they're good Zac now jocks the youngest here Clark he's no less experienced and extremely talented behind the wheel [Music] slippery but there's plenty attraction brought a mic going up Bonnie of course well he loves a good challenge and he's alter-ego the Berserker that's got a heavy rifle [Applause] this is a bumpy road up it's pretty good fun that's a good little you try to the die here in the telluric range yogurt as we climb higher we're soon faced we had a little challenge man Michaels has been swallowed in there when Michaels truck gets why he and though you're in for a real challenge this large tremor came directly across the track has seen a lot of traffic over the years it's about a tire whippin hype and it is undercut meaning that you've really got to struggle to get up and over the top of it I got my front wheels up relatively easily however I just simply don't have the clearance to get my guts up off the ground and get the rear wheels clear of that tree root [Music] where you going that's why you bring a job we've been Olympic things we need it's ready to build this track out because we've got a almost a vertical wall here for the Davis try and get up so we use the max tracks it's a bit of a breed to max tracks and exactly design fit if you put a couple to get up the heat was around I reckon he's just literally gonna walk up not even spin a time here it's a pretty tricky one to get your front tires up on you show a look like okay having learned from watching what I did there we've really packed that track up now so that there's no undercut to that back all right I'm gonna try and follow the similar line Sean did and see how we go but I really don't want to hit my brand-new shiny Gaucho yeah you can really see the difference those loads of my boys are falling up there as if it's not even there yes go deluxe II crawled it I hope you're wearing your Spartan mask and I needed for this track this is a real doozy he saw a doctor dollar I can just follow that same line and and just walk up yeah I think I'll take a easy line but if I need to I'll bring out the bad bazooka if you want I know you'll be right you just walk out this I reckon you've got to feel it reflects me back there I like this is phone track now I'm hoping Barney doesn't go berserk it's so early on in the track that we have to use the phone to call for spare parts but let's see how he goes [Music] anything harder boys all right this is off tap absolutely mental track Melbourne local we've delivered yet again this section of track could best be described as swayed rabble large ruts and a lot of big boulders sticking up I really am trying to find a line to avoid all these large boulders but I gotta tell you it's hard to miss them all whoop and that goes from a batch plate as you can see it's hanging down I think my best lights go off obviously the tape that off or bolt it back up again but for now I'm just focusing on getting up this hill right Shawn open lockers lifts he should make this look absolutely easy keep the turn around let me tell you [Music] that said what's that [Music] Upsy Daisy is zigged when you should have said all the heirs come out and that should be in we're gonna need to fix that buddy offline I think I'd a wheel the air to look at a big tire the vehicle just went completely not where I wanted to go this is one that's we do you and the toy I can't strap the wheel so it's not the end of the world I was running real low pressures anyway so you can sort of half expect that so I think we'll just jack the vehicle up get that tire back onto the rim and keep driving we're just gonna run a winch line up here and secure the vehicle just to make sure it doesn't slide backwards or fall off the jack we're actually quite lucky there's no deep sloppy mud here so the wheel and of course the feed itself is gonna be very plain it'll be a really simple job to pop this back on it's easy when you know how insurance ready to tackle the rest of this quiet [Music] Hey [Music] the Jobcentre Stewart announced his team he's also seen that damage the way yo but that's not gonna put him off here we go this really is a mix of momentum versus what I call careful driving all these boulders and rats that you just saw we should ban fur that's tough yeah that's a better position that's good I might miss tracks not for everyone oh we got the party face on Gran's got a big mouth on him good work good work Ronnie he's always entertaining to watch let's see how he goes straight off the bat and easy to it wheels in the air side to side and he's just about staying on the track it's a good work so far mate it's never over till it's over Barney get to the top and then celebrate [Music] I'll find tracker just keeps on goin and up in front we've got a fierce-looking section and it's gonna need some scoping out first well looks to me larvae so we've got a main track coming up here and wise into - this is a walk in the park from here I don't know why you keep it eager take the hardline order the easier I can do it I wanna see you do that I'm gonna give it a go oh yeah I know you give us a lot because I don't eat those ties analyze what you really don't worry about doing a tire shop I'm worried at doing dips we grew this red stuffs real slippery so camping video houses it looks a lot hotter when you get up here let me tell you steering on a safely and perforated your job do you take it the joy left left left drive it got a few spotters out there but I'll tell you what it's all a bit confusing when they're all evident go and saying different things well I have a feeling it could be my up my rear driveshaft but it could have been anything really cuz I was just a passenger on that roof I've I was just bouncing my way up the hill a lot of fun a lot of fun unfortunately the d-max is taken now chanson let's say it's he can make it in one place blew the tire size and also the lift entourage truck and then have a little massage bus perspective [Music] as a co-drive yeah and on you [Music] now that tops come off at that's just slippery dachshund absolute B's dick away from driving this but he's just lost that traction and uh what we're gonna try and do here is just getting started I think if we can just get that momentum to keep going just one max track length so here we go yeah one workshop all right bottle get yourself up here ah droid these hard on the gear something doesn't look right there what if stereos do that slow me down something really fish I thought is she all right is he still good it's nice to be strike it looks like that there's nothing else for it here Barney's got to get up this hill using the winch problem we might have is that that tire is just gonna be turning in the total wrong direction but we'll see how we go and get him as far as we possibly can doc you only make the word hero gets thrown around too often someone goes 80 series the horses driven this unscathed we're gonna set up the old humble snatch block yeah today we're gonna try and straighten it up just a little bit so you know you can actually turn still William yeah winch it out of you I'm just gonna win team throughout the hill the big thing of course he got nice Theory exists hariyama's bent and the problem was sort of facing is he could corner drive up this bank if he got to pop the bank he's gonna be in the wind so we're down like that take it nice and easy bit by bit our Guinness games finally I have I'd say they're good easy dig where I was a lot of fun boys I was never gonna be outdone by Graham I had a plan show the start here folks well finally we're all at the top but I wouldn't say we're exactly in good shape made at the top how cool is that absolutely sensational you can see well fall away to the horizon and back again fantastic is set up here and have a couple of years but we've busted the everything so for us it's underneath the trucks try and fix them leap out of here and get some repairs done while Barney gets to work on his for me Shawn and I are gonna tackle the d-max we need to remove the tail shaft so that I can limp back into town and get a replacement we thought outside the square we've got our camera boat Dino the drinker 4x4 is you know sometimes you just gotta pull stops out and cope as a team to get through the tough times and that's what they know dee dee drank the 4x4 us we're gonna put this over the end use it as an end cap and we should be in business we'll get it out on the road hopefully be able to pick up a new tail shaft one of the beauties of it being close to Melbourne is just parks on hand and the d-max outstanding we got the wait time look at you needs are facing the road I gotta get over this how has it not broken because quite thick these these must be quite thick Duncan's not like the 80s which is quite thin the violence is real with the tail-shaft removed I'm going to cruise back into town in four-wheel drive driving on the front wheels and get a replacement tail shaft and join the boys in the morning as for them they're gonna get to camp set a fire and get some cooking yarn from well and dinner what a cracking day literally [Music] it's a fresh and frosty morning here in Thailand and the boys are already up and about because this little place is just him telling me we decided to push on last night so we can meet Graham you know today he is home some of the toughest tracks in the open the best bit is it's only an hour and a half out of the CVD so we've picked this little campsite here with the stacks a little campsites through - Laynie all of them are by lighted and there are seasonal track closures so make sure you do your homework - up on the website and check which ones are still open but there's enough out here and the good thing about me interrupt down here is there's no one else around [Music] finally sums out start to warm up a bit all repaired I'm back on the tracks and I'm back in the game now the boys have sent me a waypoint it's actually at the intersection of three four four tracks so all I'm doing at the moment he's just following along I'm not too sure I'm gonna bump into I sort of I'm hoping I bumped into some sort of gnarly low range track so I can test everything yet before I get to see the boys but we spent the night my workshop last night you tail shaft in night and ready to rock and roll is gonna be epic silangang nayon a local and a beautiful day did I get that too often and here they are it's great when a plan comes together he's got the d-max tile shaft and all well looks of it at the track already yep that's the track right hele Mike good to go yeah you mind it I see it might I've got a brand spanking new tail shaft in the bad girl I pull not getting it in but almost fresh as a daisy look at that that's cool okay let's get into it yeah Lock waddle if he's that haven't made up this for a few years I don't remember this rock crane here oh that's a mighty big rock ledge can't be too difficult can it be I'll followed you enough near to know that when you say can't be too difficult it can oh my god fathers you see the size of this thing thank goodness it's dry because this mix of gravel and shale plus the rock steps and the state nature of this hill wouldn't mean it would be off tap in the way yeah Lopez on grinder yarn is in the air third mate this really is technical driving you've got to be picking a line keeping in my mentum guy and at the same time being aware of your next bit of track why up ahead nice work my very good boy a good drop shot a good line could drive north of the left one that's easy for the bigot I reckon rot I'd chalk bring out the little oxy oh that's a nice little step there mate you have fun on that road Oh Barney come on up Mike but keep your bazooka pants off no I swear it but honey always entertaining to watch mate this looks like something out of Planet of the Apes Emily does may that's a I could say the mud is glistening for me I might know it's pretty slippery when faced winds how sloppy look in the foggy section it's a real tricky little section because as I go into this puddle I have to take a hard left in order just to get to the tricky part the fact that you can't get into it with a decent sort of own well that's a bit sloppy mate I've really got to get myself lined up here in order to take this head-on and with enough momentum to try and carry me through time to break out the winch rather than breaking out the tools body that big one in front we've just moved four winch cable way up high up on the tree so that it's actually pulling me up and out of this bog cause I'm actually stuck against a bank right now makes such a big difference [Music] that's that's insanely slippery [Music] okay what I saw the trouble go ahead I reckon he's gonna give it everything [Music] buddy - who's got the stack of that slop so it's out with the winch ere Black Knight look at lazy was to get him out of it the brought anchor point in the white winching gymnic and nothing is too much trouble and I can't say at any window now I'm covered in mud come on duck oh all right jock you've seen outs done let's get into a hide he's got a spot locker okay time that might be M you just sort of slipped over a little bit OOP okay winches ready to go he's gonna need exactly the same treatment all my drawers are under the mud this mud is like grease I reckon you can pack your bearings with a sleeper in it honey you got a copy Mike yeah champ I'm ready to go what's your plan of attack man I'm real kind I think I've got a hint but I just want to hear from you I think it's time to bring out the best Chuck what is it [Laughter] [Music] but it's not going any further now right we're getting the winch after you hey guys Mike give up what's wrong the entire side of his guy is brown I can't see is it bad [Music] where you go dougie alright this looks pretty long now I might give it eight this looks really bad this whole area is literally lizard with both holes carved through the track there's no way of a pointy the ball you can't go around them you've got to go through them you do though have a choice of just how bad they can be you trust me some of these a four-wheel drive swallows Richard oh man hello phone again this guy 30 more players a grime I honestly don't know where I'd be without a quality winch on the front of this for be here come sure I'm pretty set free and he too has been pleating once again this red mud is just so sticky how vein traction is just almost non-existent here it's a lot of fun though thought Victoria turn it on the trucks eating stuck on this lip because as they come up over the top they're rallying out on their chassis and that just means they're basically a seesaw and when you've got soft little traction things like that really make a big difference yeah that's really cool now sorry jogger you're on the winches well mate you go there lords over there yeah sick all right let's winch don't leave act like you're pulling me back like the zurka befell I reckon by now we can make a pretty educated guess as to what's gonna happen to buddy yep wait did write and he's the last in line to be recovered for each no I think this pledges vogue everyone huh oh my gosh welcomes up very one boh man [Music] hello was spirited my friend yes a spirited draw yeah thanks guys alright let's go well that was a barrel head of fun I got a site yeah I'm like Shelley's getting longer I'm getting thirsty yeah well you reckon you get to camp might I think Martha told you about a while up here it's got a curfew it's oh yeah I think so I might let's it it's straight for camp and all it's right for that your fish might you'd get to a person cuz there's some other mud on the back of that vehicle that's true you got a back of the fridge Barney it'd be a really good chance yep it's definitely time for camp but this track book isn't quite done with us you get into a grave they caught me by surprise I won't lie yeah good Victoria give me up and double dig me out into a minute both girls are next Oh like is that not all that's for sure [Music] I thought well what should guys are getting um dirtier I think I need to wash this foot few hours fellas they're gonna walk not too much further and we've reached a stunning campsite it's in a large clearing with plenty of room for all of us and there's a heap of dead wood perfect for a cold night like tonight [Music] time to unroll awnings fold our rooftop tents and get swags set up tonight I'm rolling out the crash pad swag so I know I'm gonna be warm and I know the rest of the boys are well prepared as well [Music] Melbourne local hey and I hope you rot in the city well you wanna do it you wouldn't want to do that ox pox party good good alright alright they hide in local tracks fan tality Todd super-tough I don't really get a lot of coverage there's not the same all the time you know like cops et cetera Melbourne local tracks challenging me great absolutely fantastic I'm considers I've actually seen some ingredients that many have trusted it doesn't go with nice easy one yeah Intel real tonight a beautiful little campsite about an hour and a half out of Melbourne I suppose it's the start of the high country it's a Melbourne local but we're up in the mountains here it's nice and cold and because nice and cold on a cook up a nice warm that will treat now it's gonna be called creamy chicken curry it's a great little me like this one at home all the time it's perfect if you've got you know one of those barbecue cooks that are really cheap at cold release you can make one of these it's a super cheap meal and anyone can do it that's what I like about it go into the waco put a couple of barbecue chicken nice and cold alright a couple of Barbie cooks told Goldie for me you know one of the cool things about this as well is you don't need a lot of chicken to make this fun in fact I've got two chickens look we're gonna make a fair bit this is relays you're all gonna be basically doing it's just grabbing bits of chicken and using my fingers just break it up Oh what's going on here my got a little food in your mind that's why I did I'll get this chunk you can have actual if you don't have barbecue gotta see the bar because yeah it's so cheap and they're already done I have the works down there already cooked but if you don't have that you can use you can use any color chicken really we use drumsticks you can use though I made whatever whatever you got just don't what are you what are you go ripping off a bit of body cook all right stop feeding the chicken stop eating then go sit don't sit through the fire boys my hands before no that's what you do tuck this in I'm gonna go proper carry mix like that's some creamy chin carry Navy cook and carry sausages a little tip this is the that's the thing you always kind of thing yeah you got to have this so what I've done here let's turn that stroke it in the pot I'll just put that in I've got a little bit of chicken stock here simple as that this is like a blue it naughty but they can crazy thickened cream already should i stir stir it up stir it up that's looking good night see never carry sertner infused with cream it's gonna get a little bit hotter as well because i'm gonna go off the recipe and just garb it freestyle here what I'm gonna do it's put a fair bit more chicken stock no reason I'm doing that is because I want to cook the pasta in there see what are you going yeah usually you cook the pastor in a separate bowl but look where I'm at camp and if you can use less implements I think it's a better and also get a little bit of color Peters I reckon that these packet makers just don't having it having a freaking you go alright it was it baby carrots is when you cook me endure a lot more you know the fridge and get it nice and cold and get it where you need it when you have the frozen stuff in there last a few days frozen better at me let that start to boil up don't let it boil furiously just when it starts to boil a little bit back it off and just let it see him up and we'll do that for about 15 minutes or so just let it see them up it's been about 10 15 minutes and as you can see who that's teaming up nice that means it's particle posturing yeah I've never done this before so little bit experiment it's gonna tap the park tapping all you want on that's looking nice so you've got the heat yeah just about medium sort of thing we'll check this lid back on one more beer ready Oh smell I could smell it I reckon it's just about ready we without the sting and gives that away that's just perfect there's nice and creamy now I smell good that's just about done I reckon we've had the pasture on for about 15 minutes Oh something that bitter taste good do that look good that's good that's gonna serve us okay brother no way so we want Morrigan it's a perfect meal called weather soft tracks really the camp boil yeah I think you know where it is you get it all I really enjoy this bush Chuck yeah what's true Kerry [Music] [Music] how cool is that scene down there I've just snuck out of the swag it's minus one this morning and I'll tell you what place I'd rather be right now is my swag but photography it actually means drawing with light photography means drawing with light everyone looks at the drawing part you know you camera you hone your skills etc etc to get the drawing part light but really what's most important in my mind is getting the light bit right and the only way to get the light bit right is to be there at the right time and that means getting any swag super early sometimes and trying to get the light exactly like that right there and that to me is the essence of good photography being at the right place at the right time and right now I'm gonna get a couple of snaps and get back to the fire cuz it's absolutely freezing it's our final day today and we're taking on Strickland spur and then planning on ending up back at the black spur in to toast our adventure no Michael is with us now he'll soon be heading off because he's got another big adventure that undertake everyone's well-rested back into it today mate I can't wait some of the tracks right here supposed to be absolutely dizzy so you may have a good sleep and Michael telling the truth I regularly be in for a awesome day hey Michael what time you gotta head off but I might I think I'll be taking the next right and he hits nine straight out of here gotta head back and get that get my other vehicle prepped and it off to the Simpson but the big solo challenge a the crossing of the Simpson Desert by solar and you're the support vehicle I don't wish you the best of luck thank you so much for a few days with an absolute blast and if you don't mind we might kick on and do a couple more tracks grazie little hill here boys look at that yet this is one of those typical and Melbourne Hills pure-play almost no traction you've just got to get into it and hope you find something somewhere to get you to the top of the hill [Music] that was fun okay he really used to keep those toys spinning so that you flicking that mud out clearing those likes making it pretty can enable you to continue up not much of a challenge for sure second year loan the broad is way at the top [Music] [Applause] do let's see how much is Chuck loving this he's literally like a big invite good on you Mike oh she's slippery but it's a heck of a lot of fun Vaughn you'll love that and bodies of use all tricks viki's he's left the track good what at my clinic no I didn't go of no track up ahead we've got a really classic mix of slippery clay and boulders all right I'm about to attack this track right here there is two distinct lines the left-hand line looks really gnarly it's got some real obstacles in it and there's probably not the way to go the right-hand line looks far far better now let me demonstrate what a big difference picking a line can make on a track first and foremost I'm going to tackle this the left-hand line and see how I might make it but I very much doubt it but don't make it I'm gonna come back and I'll show you what a difference it makes to take what I consider to be the easier line all right I really made a hammer that left-hand line no go let's have a go at this right-hand line and see how much easier it is all right well I slipped off the high points into the ruts no guy had to reverse back out you can see the big difference it really makes when I demonstrate now by taking the right hand line just how easy it can be if each reel placement right you pick a perfect line check this out [Music] look at that just walking through all right well that still wasn't exactly what you'd call a Z but you could see a big difference between that left-hand line and the right-hand line and that is what I'm getting out when I talk about wheel placement and choosing the right line to take the left I fell into those ruts wasn't gonna go anywhere right hand aligned I stayed up nice and high kept my wheels level all the way through and what was a little bit bouncy is exactly the line I needed to take to get through it went pretty smoothly in the end pick a line you'll drive most things Shaun's seen my good line and I reckon he's gonna try and follow soon Wow Burnham try to see how he goes these tracks Eddie you've really got to have quality my train twice and a good selection of recovering years it's not about if you get stuck out here but rather when when that happens you want to make sure you can get out unscathed [Music] now that means you've really got to pick your time a year carefully because during the winter months when they're wet they can be a great challenging if that's what you're up for have a crack however during the summer months some of these tracks are really quite easy and if it's more of a touring approach you want that's the time of year to head out here and have your fun I'm gonna get into it I didn't know come on you good thing you get all right Ilan hi are we climb the more chopped up this track is getting everything was going a plan until radiograms done a tire pretty wild stuff all right see what's happened certainly done abhi I just couldn't get over this rock ledge just kept bottoming out so I gave it a bit too much carry all right we'll just blow a tire off the rim here which is that's cool that's why we're driving we're gonna try and pull the forward road this way now get that tire back on continue up the hill simple they say the issue is here tires off both side so I'm gonna put some air on there but to do that really look this bad boy out so we don't need to go first one we've got is that v-max is keep their spears underneath the vehicle but when you're a hill like this and you're in a rut like I am can't get to your spear we've got no choice here other than to try and get this fixed up and back on the tire is off the rim obviously so I just want to use a bit of deodorant to try and just seek that back on it's a quick way I don't then we'll put some air in with the thumper yeah both sides in that yeah you need to put any of that now mine's probably 50 psi this is a pretty extreme method using the algae otter can use wd-40 anything flammable that's in a air assault in but look it's a last resort we were in the mud we've got a really dirty beat that's a really quick way and efficient way to see the tire sometimes ice got the lift he's got the lockers bigger tires make all the difference in the world he's not got hung up on it step there and as you can see he's not holding back he'll be up with me in seconds four rules around the window now all the action not my structure they're fine a little bit and use every bit of it we clean it up some momentum yourself once and that hill no more traction that's super cool oh it's bouncy jockster now Oh you got this you got that he's a solid draw from chucko in a little track down night well done well done [Music] I could that or draw it tips rot I body just keep it on the control place yeah my baby oh yeah we got here I feel had I not got that tire off the bead I really would have driven that zero issue [Music] all right we're up on a nasty little pinchy [Music] back left hand down suddenly jobs held up he's wedged between some really slippery rocks front and back you know hung up on rocks yeah I'm gonna winch up this bit it's one of those things where all the wheels are trying to climb separate things at once yeah that objects not backwards no apparently there's a rock behind my back right I can I'll just if I get my winch up on this bit just pop me up and I should be out how you drive the rest of it no worries too easy mate all right like it's a shame you didn't get to say 30 drivers to the student 1 and so quick yeah yeah yeah that thing we have you know like thirty fives and all that probably thinking what the heck's you doing trees like a matchstick it is I'm doing two things right down at the base that's obviously the strongest part of the tree right the base there and secondly Jocko doesn't weigh that much little luck see it's a lightweight so I'm hoping this trail hold I'll keep a close eye on anyway now the reason I've used that particular tree was that the direction of Paul here was very important too far to drive a site and we're gonna pull him into the tree that he's hung up on all right what's happening right too far to the left and we're gonna pull him into more deeper ruts so I had to be pretty perfect and it's worked stop yeah this time pick out that winter over and I'll try well you ready Mike [Music] Oh the drug like good which all right Barney's turn to come up let's see if he's got what it takes [Music] unfortunately nine pizzas cap to a stop not really happy with Barney's funny and I see a lot of movement hearing some sounds that sound a bit metallic he end of the day last Hill for the day side who's gonna win from here in Bonnie stall he would have reversed it giving another read off guy he probably would have driven on it but we don't risk any think Mississippi hear some sounds and that was best us to winter now look that trial [Music] I think that's the best way to do it Terra is ready for a drive and Chuck is ready for a run I'm gonna get your junk am coming for you Chuck Chuck Oh joke well knew hi Bonnie good Drive Goodwin's joke oh yeah well my hey now it's good driver I grave is insane tell me I'll listen boys we're at the top of this hill if we just go a little bit further yeah if you came here and have to leave it if you came we got a little bit further we gained a heap of elevation as something you guys might enjoy all right okay elevation Victoria no that means it's all there Apollo the snow it wasn't so long and we've made it to the black spur in an open since 1863 in this place sure knows and a serve up a frosty brew you can get some awesome Tucker here too I cannot recommend it more highly cheers buddy that's like Saturday strew well face a guy Melbourne local what are we now and a half promote anything he took your time an hour and a half we started off and tell her up on that telephone track gotta go to lang e muddy slippery steep shyly Ruffy no II never thought I would you think Mike is amazing yeah lovely hot at all Wow best trip yet my heart of all it was but it was joka might cover now but from the whole time you come down from New South Wales never correct yes your death wish you which I get this first time you've done no belong no blood on the oh I can be hazed but art get it down you're safe super super hot my second time here and both times just kick my butt I'll be back next time to figure it out and I reckon you will be joke you'll ever crack yeah where would you find us next online oh here the coyote bones next time board of action it stood at the back of this hoodie I could smell fear remains doc McDonald and I really like my Luxe's yeah I really think the leaf springs on the 97 model with a pig you get a little bit more flex takes a total flex them about 3 inches now that's that's a fair bit for a Hilux yeah that's why I like them you know they just ah they're so good laughs Alex's okay he said one night five ln7 I really good model didn't come here in Australia unfortunately no vegan Japan I'm a lot of boxes that's me elbow this gets me always freakin gets me [Music] hey jokes kryptonite I know he's ticklish he's the nicest English even bang get it right ladies what I'd like to see it through this way but I say hi she set off the safe borderline in the day thanks cuz she's not wearing a seat belt ah captain Winchell here in the high country sofa pull the car out what's a pirate's favorite number our litter what's a pirate's favorite letter R you think it's our but it's the sea I'll let you wrote in the hill then [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you you
Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 980,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, action, 4x4, offroad, outdoors, travel, overlanding, toyota, nissan, hilux, patrol, landcruiser, adventure, camping, fishing, diesel, petrol, surf, shaun whale, graham cahill, australia, dirty 30, shorty, gq, gu, 80 series, 40 series, 60 series, 79 series, troopy, melbourne 4x4, jocko, Four wheel drive, 4 wheel drive, 4wd cars, car, 4WD Fails, 4WD build, 4x4 fails, 4wd action, 4x4 action, 4 wheel drive action, 4wd action full episodes, 4x4 24/7, 4x4 247, Jocko, Shauno
Id: v2cNW6tuCkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 0sec (3120 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 06 2018
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