$1000 TRACK! Why it's named....

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Dude, you guys make awesome videos. I'm stateside, but It would be amazing to make it to AUS one day and go wheeling. Plus, the cooking sessions really add something to the episodes.


👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/jjester7777 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] we're down in the west coast of Tasmania and the plan for this adventure is to catch up with a crime who's already on the coast and drive some of the most scenic and most beautiful tracks around Tasmania it's an absolutely favorite place of mine we're actually in a part of Tasmania right next to work a track that I've been wanting to drive for years is called the Coldstream track now a lot of like was caught at the thousand dollar track and I don't know why but I'm really keen to drive it so I might be a little bit cheeky here I might actually try and just go and see that track first before a casual Graham I'm making great time I've got Bonnie in the convoy with me it's only two vehicles so maybe we'll go down and check that track out then catch up with Graham then we'll start our adventure I tell you what they I'd give my right arm to join the boys on this one but in truth I missed the ferry and I've had to settle for meeting the boys on the coast the thousand dollar track is situated just outside Waratah and it's an absolute doozy surely I'm Barney are gonna take it on without me but once we do meet up we're heading to another awesome track I know I've called the magnet tracker the great thing is there's plenty of places to explore in western Tazi and even if they're late to meet me I still have plenty to do around here now the turn off of this track is just here to the left so what I want to do before I actually get on the track is I'm going to put a waypoint on the VMS just so I know exactly where I'm starting there we go and the other thing I want to do is I want to turn on the track log you know basically making a track log he's going to show exactly which way I've gone so if I do get into any strife down here I'm gonna easily turn around and follow my path exactly the way back out so all right we're set we're ready to go right now it looks to me like Shaun is gonna start the ride of his life the thousand-dollar track isn't very long but what it lacks in distance it sure makes up in difficulty Oh Bonnie there supposed to be it baby this must be the start a track because there's a bridge on our right which is down there's a river crossing we got to go through and perfect description night the start of the track look at good much that should be fun if there's no bridges where we're going that's right if you are gonna have a crack at it and make sure you do it early so you keep yourself enough time to complete it before dark did you hear that shine so I'll give it a bit of a wash underneath and then we'll get a bit more dirty oh yeah that's at night this is definitely stay on the track now Barney is just as mad a four wheel driver as both Shaun and I and he's super keen to get the four B's dead and once again let's get it done baby I can tell you he won't be disappointed [Music] it's not long until the thousand-dollar track takes its first punch sure nose in trouble y'all later assistance might that's your caps underwater turn so enough for it to be quite pink on a strap you know if you can see the same thing I'm stand right now about the vehicle there's nearly on its side you know mud puddle it has entire track that we're about I don't know 100 meters into it it's just pretty wild oh heck my seat belt off just in case I do go over this puddle that's a lot of water in there I don't to be fumbling for a seat belt to get out that other window we're gonna go and winch forward out of this hole because I'm on a really obscure angle here and it's the violence now strap is gonna probably put me on my side in a Mopar I like that the other problem I could smell of diesel and I think my filler cap is underwater grab that to use my keys yeah last problem I really want is my diesel tank to fill up with water because of course order new kill system doesn't work I've been smelling diesel Vasil actually barney is straight into it he's gonna run the winch out to a decent-sized tree yeah plug it in target in however this plan just isn't gonna work no this is that I'm right on Shawn's had a few electronic gremlins ever since the last trip he thought he'd fixed that problem but it's playing up again and he's not able to get power to the witch it's time for another plan Barney's managed to squeeze around and he's gonna try and snatch the 30 forward here he goes but it looks like Shawn is wedged firmly in that bog and it's just not working plan number three barney is gonna try and use his reach about legend Barney well done might if your phone buddy good fun but ah let's avoid that this is both Shaun and Barney's first time attempting $1000 track pin they're loving it so far it's got some great challenges along it but if my memory serves me correct the further you go the tougher it gets well it's reached late afternoon and it's time for all of us to meet at the end of the track however there's just no sign of Shawn and Barney I've waited and I've waited I tried calling them but I couldn't get through of course there's no mobile reception out here so I waited some more I know this track is a challenge so I'm not that surprised that they're late getting here no answer straight the message back they're out of range but yeah while I've been waiting they've been slowly edging towards me but along this track so ahead and through the crew Commack yeah that's it so that there's bits and big rocks and a big log so just watch out for those now eyes mate will do there are quite a few creek crossings along thousand dollar track and often they've got steep entries and exits butcher ties in the right spots are here [Music] as graceful as a hippopotamus with high heels you know locked up for that one yeah more through mate that was actually a little bit harder than it looked locker engage Barney's got the right IBEC engaging those lockers is definitely going to help in this situation where he goes is through good work mate after finally receiving a text letting me know that the boys are okay but they're running late I've decided to go out and explore the area on my own I took a pill that do a lot of solo four-wheel driving I kind of grew up doing it just because I thoroughly enjoyed it and I didn't want to have to wait until the weekend or until I got time off to come with me so I just used to head off and go fishing and surfing by myself find new spots just go exploring and pretty comfortable on my own about remaining at all in fact truth be told I quite enjoy it that said I enjoy it far more with a few more mates but I'm army solid this track is just so much fun it's typical tagging just mud and water everywhere nothing too bad night that one it looks pretty good we need a couple days you want I reckon not as you do you Mike certainly turning the UNAM force buddy we're just having way too much fun what an epic bitter track yeah drop the clock here we go to the cloud home as we head deeper into the Tazzy portions becoming quite clear that this track should never be taken lightly some have more suspicions that we might be on this track all day because if it stays like this it's a pretty slow go in this track and starting to get but I have no idea what might be called if you have another track maybe something to do is vehicle damage or something like that this is a hairy track run or I reckon we haven't even got to the heartbeat yet I think we'll still catch up a gram tonight but a week we cut the fallen that's for sure they're having fun all right [Music] barney is deep in a boggle and short out he's trying to help but at the same time he's trying not to get soaked in that water for the rest of the day [Music] [Laughter] you stop being funny I'm totally drowning here yep but it's just not his day oh yes I like Oh having a good day hey buddy but don't hold grudges mate but I think you might owe me now how's that for karma for being late to meet me talking of which I finally reached our new meeting spot oh boy this is thick it's opening up here this must be look at the VMS this is the camp site boys and I have decided we'd say we're gonna meet here yep that's it there's the river crossing I want a beautiful spot however I'm sure I was told me they don't have thousand-dollar tract my thinking is they are not going to make it till at least just after dark by the time I get out of here luckily for me the d-max has been working wonders it's got me here now and zero issues it all by myself a little camp site up here somewhere Ben just wait for the boys to arrive something tells me they're gonna be late these tracks are just so dense as trees either side and there's a challenge every sort of 50 metres and speaking of which hey Barney I'm what up - get out here mate looks like a huge tree has fallen over the track that looks like a walk but but rather train tour doesn't get to work eh I could be a showstopper have a look at that that is one of the biggest fallen trees I've ever seen there's simply no way getting around it we're really gonna have our work cut out here almost looks like it's impossible to get throughout man look at the size of this tree look at the size I saw in me this is a this is a doozy of a tree but when it's got to chip away at it because this is quite dead and this is they're probably only saving grace we might be able to win fair chunks of this tree to the side and then use some of the bits we've cut off to build a bit of a ramp it might not all be over you know I really looked at this first up we thought no way in the world might turn around here it's getting late in the day and only might have another hour worth of work here cutting and building and then we'll try and bring some vehicles through I don't know fingers crossed baby Hey while the boys are trying to take on Godzilla with a toothpick I'm gonna get camp set up Tasmania is well known for it's constantly changing weather so I'm getting the warning up over my swag just in case [Music] well if you're sitting at home right now thinking geez gray and that looks pretty darn good you're spot on this is one of the better camp sites I've ever seen now I'll give you a bit of an idea where it is it's just outside of Waratah of course in Tasmania little tiny Riverside there's a campsite just up here that I've got all to myself today this is why I own a four-wheel drive this right here I've set it before I'm going to say it again you're sick of it but I'm gonna say it once more it really is as good as it gets she is one crams hard at it relaxing Bonnie and I are working even harder to remove this tree I've managed to get that electrical gremlin fixed in the 30 no winches back in action despite the power of the winch though that section of log just doesn't want to move there's some serious weight and friction at play here the sheer size this trees making it almost impossible to cleanly cut through it and there's still a solid mass of wood holding the sections together this might just work I can't believe it I'm winching a log you could have seen a valet this is insane have a look at this thing it's an absolute monster I can't believe this because we're instance log right out of the way and looks like we can get past that with a couple more cuts of the chainsaw don't think we're gonna make it to see Graham tonight it's starting to get dark it's actually 8:30 right now still right because I'm cocky but it's 8:30 gotta live Tasmania even with the first section of tree removed there's still a huge amount of tree left locking the track this is gonna be a long night it's not longer the Sun has set but there's no way we're giving up on this one it's a big job even the camera crew have got involved well after the last log it's about 10:30 at night if we can just get to the vehicles through here we're gonna put camp down there you know I just want to show here because everyone is on the tools at the moment obviously Barney's been working is absolutely guts out all night we've cleared like four or five of these massive logs we've also got Dino the photographer he's on he's on the what is he on the ax at the moment you know Jared on the shovel and during our producer he's holding the camera he's been on the shovel as well and moving storing and card even lifting of in winching it's been one of those troops one of those epic nights and there's they've got a long way to go we're having an absolute blast how he feels [Music] yeah I can't believe it I can't believe it either saw me just when she last log out of the way it's nearly 11 o'clock we need to get some dinner to hear the screams the boys are excited I'm glad he excited what a trip what an absolute epic [Music] that's it finally we've done it all the hard work has paid off and better still the track is clear for other four drivers who want to explore the thousand dollar track yeah that's a good feeling that's a good feeling oh I was still about half a track to do but we're gonna worry about that till tomorrow this probably can't right here I mean it's nothing too pretty I mean look it's been closed always jungle on both sides but it's a flat almost and he's no bog holes or mud in sight you know so we're gonna put two twigs the NRC's good Wow well home I'll tell you what this is one of the single most gnarly tracks we've ever done I am absolutely loving life right now it's we've got a fire it's warm I've got a cold beer in my hand Mike I reckon I reckon I reckon this is it well you reckon grams doing right there well sure no I'm having a beer with all my mates stick around because when I eventually made up with the lads things really get going [Music] they're good is this camping right beside your vehicle on a track in Tasmania rained all night last night which is a little bit of a way because tracks were slippery enough as it was yesterday and today our records when we were crazy out there are used to be a lot of winching a lot of pretty epic driving this probably rides is one of the better tracks I've ever done Tazi yeah good is this place [Music] well you wouldn't believe it but I've got one bar of reception wanna try make a phone call to Brian because I'm supposed to catch up with last night of course and didn't say sorry thinking what's going on all right all right there you are mate now I ask where the heck are ya mate it's turned out to be a bit of an epic there in logs bog holes nearly rather 30 yeah right it's been it's been pretty wild so what do you get out of it another made me promises but if we get out before dark today we deserve a hero welcome all right well I'll try and see if I can't find my way there mate from the other other direction right I'm like all right sorry about that as well yeah buddy all right say your mate all right Shaun Shaun Osher no I'm gonna hit him from the other end to meet the guys their plan for today is simply finish the thousand dollar track this is gonna be fun hey Barney you wouldn't think it might but another fog whole night when I thought that at all it's hard to tell the good sides lots of rocks and bogs are stopping it and not gonna go too quick when it comes to driving both holes there's not a lot of room for subtlety going slow come out fast and don't stop in the middle that's my advice anyway yeah my put a solid place thanks of trucks in there mate durability I'll come on through within a great section of track to meet gray and plumbed into the VMs already we're trying our very best to punch away towards the Coldstream river easy start to the day mate alright well we'll try and find my way in to meet up with the boys now I have been in here before several years ago along a thousand dollar track but experience teaches me things I don't think I want to tackle the thousand dollar track solo they'd look on the VMS and I think I can see an ulterior way here never done it before and I've got any local knowledge so basically just gonna pick my way along to see how I go little songs [ __ ] like this i bribe i'm i really there she's already pretty thick pretty pretty rough through me so say how we got which is locked a cool couple F bends mud on that dog long after bald well within their life her each challenge about he's becoming prouder than the next in the meantime Grammys making his way down a spur track it'll eventually join up to $1,000 track Tasmania this place is absolutely mental what a variety of terrains we've got deep mud steep hill climbs everything in between I reckon the real technique behind learning how to tackle each one of those different rays is knowing what gear to use and when to use it mud driving there's an old saying when it comes to mud second low and go go go low speed rocks in this situation I'll usually rely on the transmission through the gear selection for me this is one of those times run it inclines when tackling steep inclines it really comes down to steady throttle control and ensuring that you select the right gear for the incline of course the steeper it is the more torque you'll won so you'll want to select a lower gear steep declines again you'll want to select your gears manually depending on the steepness you'll want to select either first or second gear low range which will help prevent the vehicle running away downhill sand now look sand is one of those times when I really prefer to let the auto do its job bunny you know I really have to rely upon each other for recoveries and it looks like you might need that extra help as we come up to a major challenge here Oh Barney it's more of that Sufi sort of stuff mate I'm kind of getting used to it buddy yeah it's story about true doesn't it sure has but uh so we come down here for all that new cuttings mate it's a little bit tricky doing well fractions hard it's like found that trees will might is a big ball call here would you have it go these Boko it's an absolute doozy kilo right to lockers Danny for driving Tasmania you know that it's pretty standard for a full drive to have thirty five inch tires twin lock and a massive lift now I don't blame them this sometimes means that the ruts and potholes out here become very deep it's easier for low-slung vehicle to get hung up Mont do it come on I'm gonna give it all I've got I don't have to wrench it so I might at some when he's baiting me time to break out the winch once again and thankfully those electrical gremlins are playing havoc on the 30 and now playing ball and I've got the power to winch over to pull myself through I might win you already I was born ready Bonnie's turn is huge bulk section we go on that that was so close it was nearly going over but the bank thankfully stopped him oh heck they're in a bit of a situation where it's gonna be a bit of a challenge to get him out we've got a pretty elaborate sort of recovery going on at the moment we're going to strap of course on the back to the 80 series we've got a strap that's on the back of the tow hitch which is on a pulley block across the back of my dirty 30 year on the rear winch we've also got my front Lynch connected to a tree so I don't get pulled back down this slippery clay hill and I've also got Barney's winch around another tree he controlled himself from not going over it's like a spiderweb of ropes at the moment but I reckon am i Jes work here we go three [Music] this is pretty tense we really have to time this well and winch gently the reason we can't winch straight back is because Barney is stuck hard up against the bank so we need to winch him sideways and then back at the same time [Music] [Laughter] small things right now like not rolling they work quite well really poor considering it could have been ugly peeps ort of felonies leading so we are over cautions we had a lot of winches going on but you were safe as houses what was it spectacular fall into the might partner would have worked no damage no we can keep going that was a solid effort boys and we really needed to think outside the square better still we're getting even closer to that meeting point I hope Graham as a few cold ones waiting for us [Music] yep yep bloody running where are you so I know around that camera [ __ ] sure ain't gonna hear when you saw though it adds a whole new element but just Haven the whole minor of students can get the heart racing because you know guys pear-shaped skewed only you don't even get as well revised look like an idiot every way you go and tell you're reminded of the mining history of the area I reckon what I've come upon here here's something to do with the early gold mining in the area there's a creek that runs across there if you come down here with me if you look down in here I don't know whether you can see down here someone many many moons ago is dug a trench through here Oh big target snake look at that - look at that what are they doing out there whoa I reckon that one mighty big targets nice whoa I scared the heck head oh wow how cool is that who finally stood on the Mohs well you saw I was only oh meter and they were good-sized Tigers big target snakes all right I'm gonna leave them in place let's get goin that's a that's a reminder solo out here in the middle of nowhere heavy let's keep down it's truck sorry default is just really testing the suspension out hold on there's a stuffing bebop inside hot on the heat is checking equality positive footwork on one suspension to mince we decided to instead toreen sort of set on ourselves to be a pretty good articulation this sort of stuff food quality suspense you can really make all the difference especially when you're talking time on the toughest track 2009 young [Music] where am I all right the robot and according to the VMS we have to be really quiet it might be almost the end of the track oh my it's been a good draw if we're looking forward to the break I just play one of those track something element for a long time that's what a Z written all over it save the top and I'm super fun so yeah might love the heck out of definitely toughest I've done cuz he's turned it on for us all [Music] well I reckon Shawn knows exactly what the locals call at the thousand buck track it's almost 24 hours light but it's better late than never we're about to meet here near the end of the track wow those guys look like they've had a ball hey he's gotta be the campsite it fits a description yeah mate by the river it sounds good here he is well I never what on earth makes shortcut good to see you but Barney million dollar track a good shortcut we're gonna we're gonna rename at the four months track right near to where we met was a pen testing area that we could camp so he made it our home for the night and God set up and despite being so late sure and I stepped up and said he'd cook for the night good on you mate top job I'm starving well right so night cooking up a chicken curry with apricot now we're just rivers $1,000 track I'm gonna call this one the thousand dollar I recall chicken curry now it doesn't cost a thousand bucks cause a bit $10 to make this one which is why I love this meal so cheap and easy but I'm gonna call it a thousand dollar one because the damage is gonna do holy heck we have the other no other damage easily there we go can't pavan's getting nice and hot but I got a little bit of oil in there already and it's going to cut up a couple of onions get those started hey Graham yeah what do you want monkey would you have you got a dog into the lake no you grab Sears and myself some beers yeah I can't what you're in the actually you doing to get a couple of packets of chicken here I got chicken breasts why you usually use drumsticks but that doesn't matter any chicken will do be honest yeah not a chef and visit average bike try to make a meal we're out there you talking yourself up don't have some of this that's all going beautiful parts great it's 49 what okay you just do that one up no you get some garlic in there good settle down you get some garlic yeah right how much garlic just a my map just a fair old bit I'm suggesting probably about four cloves of garlic bear Rock hang on they kept one for clothes I said not one both that's half a jar that's that's a lot of gout tuck that in first batch rock and roll chicken I wasn't supposed to put that in first oh no oh it's not to like gonna carry Pierre that was supposed to announce the target onions Daphne Spicer like that carry pick start to diffuse infuse quad fuse into the garlic and whether these how to smell that carried out of then quit cheated well I'm gonna put a fair bit in here don't it I never all that with the carry yet that's a lot of curry because this 165 liters of joules iron Magic Mike I always get the tsetse flies with the dual zone fridge and freezer very nice long trips cheers bud thank you to conquerors of the thousand dollar tract in gray there they go right well oh and I want that Nate what ladies please French onion soup put that in there doing their fridge French oh this is a packet mix of soup just put that straight in that's a French onion soup in there so I've got this apricot nectar just in the tin and pour that straight in Oh chilies in there there 400 mil care inside two of those one packet of French onion soup I've got curry powder and got chilies burnt so actually quite a future that's where instructive our voices dry for mine all right well now it's pretty much done all I do is put the lid on this calls for about an hour oh and then I'm gonna make some rice right before I serve it settle down you ready to go Mike this will keep you warm enough cold night yep [Music] that boys gonna give yourself a bowl yeah over that up right but I didn't bring a ladle who needs a label when you've got a paper cup exactly right he everybody these babe Oh we'll have a bit of that Oh will you what do you reckon always or do you reckon you have nailed it my friend that is a mix of sweet and savory and that's just if you met that a nightclub you'd ask it to dance that is something else it's good they're really good that's really good whose voice yep my double character warming up in the inside already okay hit go folks a ten dollar meal the other box later really good really really good oh yes I'm gonna go sit down by the fire and she actually sounds good got some bread too have you got bread stick around because in part three we're heading it to the magnet trap it's day three of our Western tazzy adventure and brekkie is already on the go I just love the smell of bacon on the barbecue in the morning doesn't get any better [Music] my does gonna be been on a cook brekkie another day on the tracks game right everything that entails you just you know what class poor will driving it you can go down track you've never heard of don't find some really serious lotion guarantee you you won't see anyone today guarantee yep look that's not gonna eat itself mmm whatever saying whatever know what I'm fighting whatever you do you are you I've noticed that get another India bunny I'm gonna finish this one and we'll see if we can get the duty finished dad will get gone oh then we go on that way okay we're back in the saddle but today we're heading to the magnet track the track begins about 1.75 kilometers west of Waratah believe it or not at the local rubbish tip and follows the route of the former magnet tramway built in 1901 to carry silver LED or from the magnet mine the track follows a creek for much of its distance and occasionally the creek crosses onto the track although I have my suspicions that this is some sort of man-made channel used during the mining days I'm excited to do the tracks again make them happen with a vaccine convoy it's good to be back with you boys a couple more weeks my dad's tree mate what was your idea behind that you just got a a wild on here thought you've just got to do the best another track before you came and met me I thought it was a good idea at the time half a day up your sleeve down to the thousand dollar track yeah I thought these think guy is a total Plagueis off an L will be after second the track can get extremely narrow you thick scratchy push both sides and we'd be added lean from the channel and you can expect a few pinstripes it's gotta go with it not a trap for those that really like their paint job on their from the boy - they got you in front makers I can't say much else Trey's gonna dig up we knows is our check of the left I just hope for a second the riders has been completely out whoa yeah once again you can just see how much rain they get here in Tasman this would have been a torrent through this Creek and it's caused a hell of a lot of erosion the track has tightened up once again and that trench is reappeared again you get to drive a track that is completely unique and different to any other track you've driven ever with the track being so narrow there's really nothing for it but to drive with wheels in the trench once you're in it's darn hard to get back out I'd reckon this is one of those going forward at the moment every now and again you get stuck like buttery and you become the laughingstock of the convoy ah this trench has got so deep that sure note is bottoming out and can't move any further with the help of that magic thing called traction control I've managed to get the d-max up and out of the trench but now I'm gonna straddle it I've got to get around to the front of the 30 to help out Sean oh so I'm gonna need to build a bridge for max tracks to the rescue by laying them out across the trench I can use them to slowly get over the trench and around shauna I tell you what you can get really creative with max tracks and these days I simply wouldn't go on a trip without them [Music] now that I'm around Sean oh I can get out wide so that he can use the d-max as an anchor to winch the xxx out of that trench [Music] it's working but with the added pressure of pulling and twisting the thirty out of the trench we've forced the tire off the babe this is pretty common when you put so much sideways pressure on a tire running low psi well it looks pretty bad but it's not that bad really just pop the tire off the bead it's come off both sides of the bead so this is what I'm going to do back at camp I reckon because I want to be somewhere with you know clean ideally and somewhere it's easy so for now it's going to put the spare on and we take this one off should be pretty easy the biggest tip that I can give when it comes to using a hi-lift jack in a wheel swapping procedure such as this is safety safety is absolutely paramount and what a firm base on the highlife jack is what you're after because you do not want that high lift slipping and moving that's how it falls off the jack with the wheel swapped over we continue to push our way down the magnet track these deep ruts mate what's your plan - you might I'm gonna try not to fall and it looks really muddy a one saw one yeah I say that's the plan that was a good drive by Shawn and a good decision to better see if you can get out of that first before I jump down he's right again I think you just got to commit or to drive at night really calm and collected whatever it would have takes your fancy really one of the two methods on right behind here you can push on these ruts are huge and they kind of zigzag across the track causing us to cross them off here what about if you stayed hard left from there mate forget forever now that's the chickens line might I'm gonna cross over here and do it no I said on Jim Bonnie is all too familiar today brought to be pretty people on the wheel I'm beginning to think that nothing fazes this boy [Music] epic little river crossing there mate is just amazing like I'm just this is crystal clear I went through it anyway that's gonna say it was till he wins right well she Rafi in the bottom yeah hate subtraction right eights attraction on it just gets better up here too hey Barney this is a silly idea what do you reckon we're not booked to leave here for another day or two you want to stay at here for another day Mike that is the Ripper idea you got a cab spot lined up for us nope let's just keep driving till we find one right ha ha that sounds like a plan for me mate the magnet track actually goes through a range of sceneries including what feels like tropical rainforest however if you're too busy looking up you're gonna end up like Shawn I came down here and just lips fry it up on you don't want to get it wrong that's all drop-off I've hopped out to give him a bit of a spot sometimes that's all you'll need to master and obstacles such as this one good work mate really good now it's my turn in the DMS all right so it's a little bit of a tight situation because of course you've got a big drop-off it drops down right off the edge of a cliff you don't look that way and this side here is really muddy and a boggy so if you go down there it's really hard to winch because you're trying to pull the vehicle against you know about that high of mud so we want to try and getting exactly right pin perfect line do our best according through our key sideout I try my best to watch what Shorty's telling me here you can see the exact placement of my wheels and he's trying to guide me through unscathed into the right into the right yep punch it alright fellas I guess it's my turn to hit the semi looking bridge thing yeah you try I'm trying to hurt him I'm trying to amber it Barney's a bit bigger than me so it's gonna be even tighter through here he's gentle on the throttle and keeping a close eye on our instructions gently does it and with a bit of a punt on the other side he's through this track a piece of been getting a bit easier as we push deeper into the rainforest section I got you in front Mike cause it got say my jokes I might put that a little bit of the track but it's all I ever dry the top side but it's also easy to get complacent and forget that accidents can easily happen and just then suddenly the 30s in strife part of this little bridge just collapsed under the 30 luckily thank goodness it wasn't too deep underneath oh that's a pee hole a bit of glare ma I didn't say there's a bridge and there was a much of a bridge so it's probably - I didn't say it and I'm just going straight down into it into a hole I've always had a fear to be out traveling over all both bridges it's got a bigger fit in here was scary [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah in case you're wondering there was actually a bridge here not watch through a bridge I certainly didn't say it and um had a few drummers everybody might little yet grind through and obviously Barney through I might have made matters a little bit worse we have to wind through there taking a few bits of timber that were crucial apparently the driving of this but riding on the GMA we're getting through I think but you can't do worse oh I did all right like I'm going to no actually we do this you're right yeah hates her roommate come to me even a bit come to me come to me got to get the opposite way often yep with Sean at the front on the GMA I'm gonna try and drive around this obstacle it's a challenge because there's a tree on my left and this track is so slippery it really wants to put me back in that hole I was just about to slip in so I gave that all our punch and it zipped into action and I was through that's good stuff boys let's get going for anyone looking for a challenging track but with some great scenery historical sites and artifacts I really can't recommend the magnet mine track and now it's a great day trip and well worth a visit Jesus body Toria in fact look we're enjoying it so much but we're gonna explore this whole area and camp out here we live for this time you just can't get enough [Music] but what I believe from memory to be quite a different sort of the campsite down here we got a little bit okay Cove in the quarter pretty soon we camped up for the night with a fire going a beer cracked I've got a feeling that I'm gonna hear some wild tales of what just happened on that thousand dollar track and I've got to say honestly I'm a little bit jealous Jessie what do you reckon there's a ripper mate I've I'm just so glad you guys invited me down it was everything you said was going to be yep a little bit more me Apple I might absolutely love this place because either is a long time fire to one yeah any raisins there's a lot of really tough tracks it has some stunning candy there are not what is this is my fifth time down at as Ian all-in and I you can come to a place like this we are only if we left right now we'll be back in a town in what 15 20 minutes there's no one around eager place you can fly it out of it yeah no one right folks honestly put tezi on your map jump on the spirit of tasmania you get across here with your four bien bring a lot of recovery gear because you're gonna need it this place is wild and wooly now we're gonna kick back here for a couple more days and we got a couple more tricks up their sleeves but for now we're gonna sign off Barney I'm gonna leave this one up to you mate we might not see you down here in tears you would ever see you next time on for more on this adventure and to find out all the details that you didn't see on camera read my article in the mag believe me you'll want to know this stuff to view our video extras visit the four-wheel drive action website video page and for even more amazing four-wheel drive action content competitions and more like the four-wheel drive action facebook page you won't regret it [Music] where you going not they're cooking up a great oatmeal it's $1,000 chicken curry apricot meets the test drugs ruts he got my gun all right side [Music] Gilson and i'm right now thinking geez Brian that looks alright it they're throwing rocks at me stem up there they're throwing rocks at me [Laughter] yes oh I like it love to eat so Alex right so it's a bit like you know I complained before mm-hmm I've said it before I'll say it again I'm a really big fan of the trip tronic auto box because of the versatility in the d-max I can go full automatic and let it do everything for itself or why you're laughing at me yeah it's been not you
Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 1,337,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, action, 4x4, offroad, outdoors, travel, overlanding, toyota, nissan, hilux, patrol, landcruiser, camping, fishing, diesel, surf, shaun whale, graham cahill, australia, dirty 30, shorty, gq, gu, 40 series, 60 series, 79 series, troopy, Tasmania, $1000, 1000, buck, track, damage, bog, parts, how, to, mud, boghole, shauno, Four wheel drive, 4 wheel drive, 4wd cars, car, 4WD Fails, 4WD build, 4x4 fails, 4wd action, 4x4 action, 4 wheel drive action, 4wd action full episodes, 4x4 24/7, 4x4 247, Jocko, Shauno
Id: LD0_e0c9o6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 38sec (3038 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 07 2018
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