Australia's Toughest 4WD Tracks! Broken CVs, tailshafts and panel damage in the Glasshouse Mountains

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[Music] [Music] [Music] I gotta get the other half off now all right I'll get the end all right the count so far to CBS one our tally destroyed tail-shaft and 32 tech screws this is a glass house mountains we are a long way from any help grab yourself something cold crack the top of it and figure out exactly now we got to this predicament while we figure out how we're gonna get out of it go all drive action style you're right the glasshouse mountains area is littered with track so we're spoilt for choice but on this adventure we're playing on taking the video to our minds trap if all goes well we'll be heading out to a little-known track which is aptly named the secret track we've got a few days so we'll also be exploring and camping at running Creek campsite we love this place and soon you got to find out exactly why who you have voice glasshouse mountains rocket I'm know how you like to leave the wheel but plenty of opportunities on those tracks yeah my gonna also have a Centurion out here with me today mate it's our latest and greatest forward fold hybrid design mate this thing I've set up in about ten seconds it is amazing well I know this for certain like you're gonna certainly test how tough it is on these taxes as are a pretty tough on to start things off and grab here and the d-max mate you're lovin it I almost excited as a dog wearing pants let's do this I was out of that mate fits our style track a glasshouse mountains it's got some of the toughest tracks in Australia you know anywhere on the sort of East Coast right on the mountain range usually is home to tough for drive tracks but don't get much harder the ones the glasshouse mountains super fun tracks two big ruts big rock steps mud there's it's got everything and it's rotten brisbin's doorstep I can't wait to get into this one as with any off-road adventure we're gonna drop our tires down before we engage low range this will of course help with traction and help preserve our tyres and of course the track so I can press a little lighter holder kick things off yeah my time right now we're making our way to the powerlines track already we're being shown the challenge of this area well I didn't see that coming just before I hit the exit I've come to a sudden stop I've only going down deeper Wow oh really boat are you making good progress there bro really good progress that's good that's very berry didn't it it's always a good feeling to get bogey in front of all your mates on the first challenge about 50 metres into the first track of the day what do you want to do go after win chart there's no other way I'm just it just is there any water or martini or to go it's just yep only to which I got you I was in second gear I ride over to go and lots of stuff was quick and I thought here we go I've got this I'll just give it a little bit more berries on a sunk I don't know what's going on there it's a quicksand or something is weird that's amazing yeah how much of a winch but I was definitely stuck no doubt about it one minute in the glasshouse mountains now I've already got the winch here something tells me there's gonna be a good trip all right I'm thinking I might try and do over the right-hand side a bit but geez I don't know groans not hanging around he's sitting here sloppy this muddies won't be holding back he's gone down in the same spot as me I don't know what is about this bum hole but it's very deceiving look good then I fell into those holes don't know what's in there cuz boggy quicksand at with the winch and you'll see that he only needs a winch a couple of feet and he's free it feels good not to be the only one she is boys you mind that work a bit hard let me never go sometimes the weight of the trial up will help with momentum actually helping potholes like this however not in this case I'm kind of bog boys he's just doing the short oh and grime Club Wow that thing's deep like this stuff I've never seen anything like it first weird 50 meters the track is the road this is glass yes I love the glassy outreaches hurry up it's just what I want to look like oh I know this place I know these places let's get Rocking one can drive this probably not rocker because you saw everything give him a go you'll give it a read out guy non-rocket though he's gonna empty all the water out of there for sure the a rocket rods up can he claim bragging rights wanna get gone zone he's not gonna hold back there he goes not anymore he's not not with that attitude your rear wheel is still spinning rocket you've got to have all four wheels rocket rod he's a very experienced forward driver you know everyone makes mistakes I'm told she was in two-wheel drive poor bugger who's so excited that photo drive it gave it all the effort the world couldn't checking ISM forward rather not that's absolutely go mate guess who she added is at Camp tonight invent I probably could have driven out of that so I've done made two mistakes right one gone in with two-wheel drive to putting a winch on when I actually didn't hit oh I could get a load of that he'll that is an absolute monster you know summoning big Hills like that there could be one of the most rewarding things you'll do in a four-wheel drive but there are some worst-case scenario so here's a couple of tips to help you get to the top this doesn't look too bad a little bit gnarly at the top there look if you've never actually attempted the hill climb that you're about to do I strongly recommend you get out and walk it because what that will do is let you see if there's any obstacles that could pop up that could be potentially dangerous or catch you off-guard you see them first you can make a plan to try and avoid them like this one right here is got a lot of ruts and ruts I always try and straddle so you're not falling into them getting wheel spin etc etc so always jump out of your truck have a bit of a walk formulate a plan before you tackle it finally as you can see I'm doing right now I recommend really just crawling uphill climbs for your first attempt that way you minimize anything going radically wrong should you hit a bad line this is our little Rolo's happening now in my d-max i've selected first gear low range and as you can see we're just crawling up here and really making it look quite easy kill climbs they're gonna be a lot of fun you get them right just about around every corner in the Glass House you'll find another nollie challenge oh here we go this is the track this is a track always yeah just can't behind you'll see it when you get to a mate there's a really big staple run it stepped off care bird section and would you just look at this I'm gonna need some serious concentration here trying to get out of shape very quickly [Music] this is a competing drive [Music] go big city you made that look easy that was all the way up down in sign boys insane holy heck I'm gonna have to sit down and get a cup of tea in a warm blanket that was one Ollie tracks non-driven grams up next in with the auto gearbox and the d-max you'll be able to get that total control just right and mix that up with a very clever traction control you should make this look easy one of the things I find with the d-max is because of the low center of gravity it can drive really steep and tough Rock climbs while always looking in control and safe there's something we said about a low center of gravity in the hard stuff well driven Mike how much fun was that I was sick that was so much fun Nathan's up right I'm coming up the right-hand line guys yeah just go I mean I don't this tray little drop down here well I'm happy for it too but I just don't end up on my leg down there this is where a precision line and the Featherman of your right foot to crawl forward can be your ticket to success I've come down a spot this one because there's literally millimeters in it where am I going toward you great job mate whereas here it's not to the pain harder holy snaps rockets up he loves these kind of hard tracks one automatics really do make this tough driving a lot easier not to mention safe up have a look at how you can stop in the middle of one of the steeper sections of track and take off like you're sitting on flat ground [Applause] that in the fact rocket knows how to steer that beat 79 at he's like a pro that's an awesome driver rocket well done Mike [Music] these tracks out here just so much fun to drive if you like your challenge just like us you really got to give it a go [Applause] but just up ahead there's a big step up that really might be a problem that's the long I want to take oh that's really hugging it's laden into that tree look at that slide yeah you're getting pretty car yeah cuz you're getting you're coming up into this little group into this tree that's more your line this step up is proving to be a big problem and without a front Locker I'm starting to try and use momentum to push me over that tree root on the passenger side yeah also the way I'm slipping off that line that I'm trying to drive is also putting that risk of hitting that tree the worst even please sweetie honest I'd roll over the OL idea here is try fill this hole in because I feel that this is what's causing Shawn I do not be able to move forward because as this fronts trying to get over this tree route the restaurant carp as well it's worth a try if we can't get him up for here on our own it's time to think sensibly about this one quite easily push it harder but too early in the day to break stuff so then exactly know what I'm doing in I'm thinking company square money my best bet was lifting wheels already Holmes picked the perfect line and even when a lot of people would have backed off he kept into it and bounced off that tree and over that step up I would say that there was anything quite skillful there I you did well I might know a lot of people would have backed off when they hit the tree you gotta come out come out wide is he gonna drive this line well this one's gonna be super tough for Nathan as it doesn't just need to contend with getting the 200 series up he has a big trailer to look out for as well oh my god Igor when it starts doing that you back off that's a winch to Malou really good typically here that sort of mechanical cooper-cooper group sort of noise and you're not making forward progress that's the time to pack right off because you are gonna do damage once you start to hear that you can do see these even worse so that's when you just call it either reverse have another crack at it what we're doing to each other we've decided to go for the winch early as the passenger tires getting hung up on the tree root like I did and he runs a real risk of breaking a CV especially with all that load on a trailer in tow Edgard oh very nice thank you as you can see is always about to catch that tree which won't be pretty we'll have to think outside the square you want to get him through this challenge without any damage now it's on the stump yep it's max tracks to the rescue we need to build that track up so the awning will clear the tree who says you can only use max tracks on the sand if you only use your max tracks as a ramp it's a good idea to use a few on top of each other for added strength well done right max tracks a to the rescue again all these why is he using they you know Tony's we made a render time we made a ramp and that's just what psyches hollering and yeah yep rocket is up next he's used to big wheel lifted off cambered sections but this wheelie is nearly to the point of no return oh yeah I quickly get a tree trunk protector Annie's front bar and with the weight of myself and Nathan able to pull down the front just enough so he doesn't end up on his lid Rocky's one crazy driver who knows exactly the limits of the big 79 get get a strap get a strap what my 80 kilos mater's good team we've been having such a ball today that the time has really slipped away and so we've decided to pitch camp get the fire going and get some dinner on but help Nathan definitely wasn't lying that oz RV of his really does only take seconds to put up and look at the comfort or what the guys live in an absolute luxury this campsite is a running Creek campsite it's a beautiful little grassy section only about 10 minutes out of Woodford which is really at the base of the glasshouse mountains it's my turn to cook tonight so after a couple of beers around the campfire it's time to jump into the Waco and see what I've got in the menu I tell you what a tough day out in the track you know every time you go to a glasshouse mountains you guarantee one thing you gotta get really really tough cracks no I think you know I suppose guarantee is your mates gonna steal your beers what are you guys up to well you guys hungry to it yeah I'm starving man we absolutely are I can tell you look it's getting towards the end of the trip it's you know trips warning down this is a time I like to get into the Waco basically grab all the good stuff out and Mike yeah a bit of a mix bit of among will make whatever you want to call it maybe even a salad I think we should go a bit healthier you reckon Mike oh yeah we go while you're in the fridge Mike you're gonna start passing it out some yeah Mike though I don't know I think there's got some mushrooms and broccoli in there make it look like a healthy one of you know yeah you are building food healthy Haddam scent yeah yeah but you gotta light some broccoli or coming sausages yeah yeah you could do that I would hey meeting their smiles new eyes up what are you okay oh yeah lamb lamb loin chops right salad in there is impartial it's a parsley nicely the free jet what do you got that's the healthiest bit unfair so first it's like okay no fair cool cause on the rocket salad I think you're a big fan of veggies are you like I couldn't I couldn't tell I couldn't tell oh all right give me cook this up and make some sort of selim selim just a check veggies there is yeah it's Brock aligned stuff with that stuff that I'd like my wife and the like I guess it bother why you've taken out if it it every single item only four legs is pretty much you have yeah I'm still like this a little just give me a meat one that's all put on the grill yep cook it up yep got it all together and it all right all right let's play some stuff the end before what do you reckon about that knife or let me everything all right let's get in good I know I got a bit of salad for you tonight mate I've got a rocket rod salad I'm the county my boy needs there you go straight on oh you got that plastic like the [ __ ] get off oh it sucks to kill yourself I went to the effort of cutting to make sure Rockets okay with it this is Moroccan spice you are that much you know the key with this sort of salad is to keep all your meat group separate now you can see we've got sausages on this side we've got the loin in here a little bit of chicken breast what's up the rump yeah obviously keep that separate like I said just trying to yep straight in there bang look at that's a dinosaur a bit of steak as well chop it up put it in a salad bowl and rocket rod salad it will be worn I really think that's a valid Stanny any good diet you know you want to you get hear people talking about paleo diets the lemon detox all the big ones and also big tracks tomorrow might hope you've got your big boy pants on you'll need a good food that's for sure look I really really like it's the smell you know may ought to stock up I'll tell you what 65 litres made that frigid hold the hell a lot of stuff a lot like what I made a lot of beers I just put those lamb loin straight in like that some chicken in there as well yep let's go straight in what the yeah oh the old pork loins love it it's pork strips I here cut those up come on have a go at my name you got a taste test exam I go straight into the sour mix I'm just gonna toss that salad I'm a little late including it a including fluff that in salad is up you don't want your salad to get cold all right there you go mate rocket rod salad what do you reckon perfect garnish it hang on hang on just gonna walk any chef Mike you just it's all about the presentations for a bit of American mustard on there I'm just before we start this wouldn't want a bit of garnish on yours Rob just [Laughter] there you go there's a rocket rod salad and I can oricon this would might be the biggest hit I've ever done was rocket I reckon it's got your name written all over it Mike what are you wrecking to get the end of the for get stuck into this we're gonna need a big feed before you the tracks tomorrow [Music] as this what an amazing Chris morning here in the Glass House although mornings are for coffee and contemplation it's time to get moving maybe we'll even make it to the powerlines track today our glories Dave eight sons in a regular taxi will be a lot of fun tonight as is whether absolutely superb that's a nice little cap side that a nice and closely what are we gonna have a ten minute drive yeah that's the thirteenth at his campsite noise the center of just about anywhere in the Glass House what do you got planned for today Mike I don't tell anyone brought up because they want to follow me but um now there's a really fun tracks one track in particular it's a metaphor we the whole day to the others i Caramba all right bring it on I'm stoked through this boost here let's just get ready throw your hardest at me yeah will there make you another absolute ball a rocket and Nathan around the punter my daughter the trial tested and tested it will be the thing with the glasshouse mountains at least will I find anyways there's an absolute literally a maze of tracks out here and I tend to find yourself get a little bit disoriented out here I'll be honest and that's where I reckon having a GPS and your truck at all times is really important because I've put a pin in where camp was last night literally when we finished today it doesn't matter where we are I'm just gonna head for that pin following the maze of tracks back out again and of course I can see all the main roads I can see the power lines I can see all that sort of stuff so I can then pick the quickest route directly back to camp if I didn't have that chances are I might end up somewhere where I didn't really want to be nightfall coming in you've really got to get yourself a decent GPS walking in the track just leave it there but things like that putting a pity and getting back to camp it's important to have a good GPS so you can see exactly where you are pretty soon we're at the start of the track have been trying to reach well I think those big power lines on our right he lives it away this is the power lines track and I think we're about to enter rollover a vein as a local school and you couldn't give it a better night in coach sunny day up or something on a nice sunny side up you always start the question when attracts caught roll over ravine thought it might be like from memory this one's a it's a good thing it seems to just disappear like I can see the end of it down there but there's a lot of nothing in between I think we are into the rainforest challenge up ie between this track I don't know what it is about this country but anyway you generally find powerlines you'll have a good chance of finding hard full drive tracks this is steep here's the cycle I mean like a dry sort of arid bit at the top as soon as you get down here it just turns it all turns to like rain for us really keep those wheels strike though you get so close to the bank that's super close to the bank that's for sure just really wanna get your wheel placement right through here just such a narrow little cutting very close to the bank very close wheels just right I'll tell you what Nathan's gonna have a bit of a task for the town or that camper trailer that's for sure or what's obviously the obviously the bank you'd really have to pay attention this section of track is very tight and steep and there's a real danger of getting too close to the bank and even doing panel damage the hardest part is sometimes getting your wheel placement just right at the start of the descent Ram Stasia Zuzu down and feathers the brake so he doesn't lock up and slide out of control bar gum oh the temperature change down there amazing significantly cooler down here than up there this is sick that's a good drive well done mate well this holy snap and ghost Barry's back man Nathan of course has the Oz RV behind him but luckily it has electronic trailer brakes it'll have to rely on to get him down this section of track is so tight for a single forward Drive third line having a big trailer on the back where on earth do I go here this track just keeps nathan has lots of tiny experience and it really shows here certainly can't see where I'm going now for rocket semi nines don't have the best turning circles in the world and matches that up with a big canopy that sticks out past the cab and it'll definitely have his work cut out for him close very close tunnel of the fish things punching and breaking behind me Pete Rock next to me - haha and he just fits cliffs on both sides going straight up tonight is gonna be fun pretty soon have reached the bottom of this gully and the only way is up goodness gracious me look at that it's a thing innit I reckon you're right hairline go give that a go just slowly give it a go yeah I'll spot you it's a tricky little line quite a committee one two I'll give it a go my plan is to try the right-hand line if that doesn't work go for the left line yeah once you get a full drive down into the mud at the start of this challenge you start to realize that there's not a lot of room to maneuver don't stand behind the 80 ah you caught it sunny for a reason the big problem is the mud at the bottom and dragging out the track making it more and more slippery each time it's just nitrogen that's your line I gave it the everything so yeah I'd actually ask the boys to get the recovery here out but I thought I'd give it one more go and boom I somehow managed to find the right line they did a left and rights theory just millimetre line you know I just gotta get that lon just right I love this truck [Music] [Music] probably the most crucial part of the draw he's gonna take himself out of this rough sex once you've all fall down here you've got no way to turn around yeah don't worry about that that's fine it's that I don't I brahim knows the right line and isn't gonna hold back the stratosphere it must be a beer waiting from the top of the hill because you step down on the skinny pedal [ __ ] o-z money man that was one committed drive well this is exactly how you taste a camper trailer Oh certainly bit of R&D 100% right it's bringing sure I might well this looks muddy and rocky and homey oh you gotta remember that Nathan's rig has to be at least five ton sitting there so there's a lot of forces at play here sorry lads that's it that's good like your call it's best to up straight for the winch if you're in doubt as there's no hero prizes for breaking your rig this is where we find ourselves Graham has picked a good tree to winch off as it gives him the best angle and by touching the winch to the base of the tree it's strong enough to hold the weight of Nathan's ring hello holy hit I've got all sorts of parts of my body that were shaking at the moment now he's over the big rock step it's time to drive the rest of the challenge it's certainly not over yet keep him dear pear out well done Mike that was one solid Drive yes we got there you beauty rockets up he's done a lot of tough tracks in that beast of a 79 he knows just where to put his tires and when to apply the throttle easy on the clutch might easy on the clutch was in the short you want to turn a bit it doesn't actually turn much now all the way Oh that'll do it's that experience that you need right now in fact the reason why rocket got the nickname rocket was because of his tendency to use a skinny pedal you know quite right but you don't quite right that's why we like you though by surprise I wasn't expecting that no suspecting lots and lots of Scrabble for traction but you kept on forward yeah actually I've got arms stuck then you're pointing up there at one point then you came back here no that was exciting awesome like you know he's just gonna get up the rest of the hill this is gonna be fun for rocket maybe AZ [Music] just after rocket made it up Graham checks the d-max realizes he's got a problem rocket look at that I don't know much about mechanics but steering arms me to be straight we can take that off and it'll help me but that that's got to be straightened oh that's right up against yeah obviously done this at the base of that last hill we just didn't to get back out again kinda felt weird I thought I was in a rut Latoya back she couldn't turn left didn't think much other luckily I can only turn right to get out I've done it again broken the steering rack it only takes a big rock in the wrong position and bang you can have a bent steering arm feed it back through try winch this thing flat having trouble getting the rack out bending a steering arm can really happen to any vehicle especially when you push it to the limits we've got the winch here strapped to this tire ah time that whole idea to try and straighten it up by using Rockets winch to basically pull and straighten that the same time the d-max is anchored to the 200 series with the camper on the backs a little weight just sort of hold it back I reckon I might be crazy enough to work it really has a show though a winch is a versatile bit of equipment not just used for recoveries but also a bit of paddle baiting yep straightening steering arms all sorts of stuff what's happened especially bent it too far this way does work really really well it's actually worked too well okay now right now you got to keep in mind that this is only a temporary fix as soon as you start bending steering arms back into position they actually lose a lot of their strength but this should get him out of trouble for now tell you what that is a bloody good effort that was actually a right angle we'll get it all put back together get on the road now we got a couple Hills to get out of here but that's not gonna stop us we're gonna keep pushing on Oh boys another state downhill I've won the hardest bit these down heel beats is just trying to line your vehicle up can't see much when you sort of approach them this is really state I reckon sometimes steep descents gonna be a lot more scary than going up a hill just trying to feather those break down or lock up on them the big rock step here couple back the B who get really light then oh heck let's get me every go yeah yeah that wasn't that was never actually really scary it was better to say I wasn't too bad but that would be a lie that was pretty gnarly but actually mounted this GoPro on Shawn's truck underneath there and he's he's ripped it off on a great big rock down there she's still rolling she's still goin so we'll see we'll see what that footage looks like cuz if there's a huge rock they're not being since broken the mount right there we go through a few of these as you might imagine oh that was very classy and me poley yeah down the bottom rocket your turn mates just yeah it's a bit loose tremors were there haha big step the panel on tractors keeps going there's just one challenge after another you really need the right gear out here let me tell you I don't even remember this is it's gnarly but back into another rugged climb our goods are glasshouse mountains that's super same now this is a really radical on in fact there's some really big rock steps and it's off camber - this is going to be one serious challenge Graeme's turned to come up but suddenly he expected has happened I've got a winch guys I've I've been through everything here obviously when you fend metal back wiped out a few times become a bit weak and brittle and what's up in here two spent strata license but a bit of pressure on a fat bum we're gonna bloke who's got one ease power who finishes working half an hour the plan here is to winch ground to the top of the hill so he can repair the d-max on a nice flat surface I understand when I've planted brakes and see what happens I can certainly feel this d-max on the back now would you have a look at those front tires pointing in towards each other now I'm certainly not an expert Graham reckon you should get your steering alignment checkmate with a very slow and careful winch off the back of the 80 we get the d-max at the top of the hill that'll do okay we've now got Graham out off the track it's time to get Nathan and rock it up Nathan goes for a more trailer friendly line but look at the way he's driving it he's right into it well done mate that's a great guy now rockets up next the rocket has two choices here with that auto of his here you put it this into Drive and that the big 79 do its thing where you can actually go into a Tiptronic mode and select exactly the right gear Eddie wants attack with his heel so it managed to source the part but we need to fix this Tod's come out he lives just 20 minutes down the road legend that he is and brought the party out for us so uh so pretty hey about now is worth a job and then now I reckon we'll be heading to camp for a cold brewski well that really was just often a job if you know what you're doing they don't make aftermarket parts for these I reckon I might let's get you and your wife pack this stuff up put Rockets entire trolley check back in the truck let's get goin with grams d-max back in the game darkness is upon us and this is where you need good lights on your vehicle to guide your way it's time we get moving alright the day's getting honor we've just finished a bunch of really tough and fun tracks now that one of the cool things are the glasshouse mountains everything is nice and central I mean we're going to stay a little campsite that I've got in mind but I think the boys will like that one [Music] not too long and we're into camp have the barbecue one and the fire blazing and a few snags sizzling away what an epic day of driving the Glass House never disappoints when it comes to tough four-wheel driving with your mates I'll tell you what I just can't wait for tomorrow [Music] you [Music] it's on to get on the tracks and head north of the mountains towards the secret track I've been telling the boys about this one for a while and trust me they're gonna have a lot of fun the name glasshouse mountains was more recently given by James Cook because they reminded him of the glass furnaces from his home in Yorkshire landscape they don't mean to be there almost well that meant until you left man barrel actually climbed that when I was a wee little whippersnapper at the age of seven I think you and I both have probably struggle to do it again today this is it mate the start of the track and I think this guy's I feel from here to be honest there's no other way to describe this Hill than long and steep with several beat rock steps in between I don't have my drug plane I'm gonna point it up and I'm song as I'm going I feel the whole time we've got a problem another cool thing about this track is the fact there are a lot of side tracks now this is going to be very handy especially for Nathan and the trailer that why not sir glasshouse mountains tough I'm looking at a vertical rock wall right now like it's when I say vertical I mean vertical I don't know climate let alone drive up it yeah yeah yeah yeah holy heck might I just the scale look at that you know what I reckon they do this to you I've driven this truck before but I reckon it's grown it's actually growing the rocks are grown that's that's undercut it's not meant to be like that what no I can't form it but can you say something positive yeah I'm gonna watch it yeah yeah the sense that we saw out of he says I should go around this rock step and leave it but the football drive room he says nah give it a go what's the worst that could happen I get that winch out it's one hell of a rock step I mean that's very cool I used to I'm too hard on there so arm just winch there's a lot more track to go not no point break and something super exciting I can't believe how well the winch is working that's an almost vertical rock step it's only 80 with no drummers whatsoever in fact I'd go as far to say though we'll be tacky any of these tough tracks in the Glass House that a good quality which I'm gonna take a like that's for sure [Laughter] now Graham's got the d-max pointing up the hill and he's on his way to now Graham absolutely loves tracks like this in fact he loves pushing that d-max of his to its absolute limits and this track is certainly going to test him in the d-max a little issue here where the d-max pool bars are skiing the rocks there is so steep and undercut that doesn't have quite the approach angle I've got the 80 series so I'm gonna grab the rock tucker there try and get his car to hit it on the bit of an angle so the cool bar doesn't hit the rocks I'll try and really crawl up and that feels now yeah I can feel that a lot of us relax back here hence you saying drive the grinder make it that far on that track with those big rock steps you know you'll remember you've got 32 inch tires you know on a 2 inch lifted d-max that's a family torah these are some of the toughest tracks in Australia this track looks a little bit dicey see how the 200 and the Centurion yo up here the angles straight up over so we're good nathan has taken an easier track around the rock step and I don't blame him we pushed rails to the max we know where to draw the line yo we did it you beauty here comes rocket please decided he's had way too much fun in the first section and decides to follow behind Nathan that canopy of he sticks out way too much there's too much of a risk for damage and no one wants to damage their pride and joy on a tough section of track yeah couple options here but as you can see they've all got this undercut lip at the top it's gonna pick the front up plunk it back down again I think this is the line here but you can see it's almost vertical there that's the line I'm gonna choose see what Sean does up here and try and pick a good line so find this sort of rock drive it's so technical you just need to get your tires in the exact right spot and it makes it do all the difference you can go from you've never been out of Drive something so just finding the perfect line and just walk up it like I saw like yeah there's a rock stances heat retraction and he's just making a look easy one relocker 35 spit just drives a lot of tough tracks and makes it look easy old statement now this is going to take some concentration not to mention some courage I think I better hold on well I want different line slightly different lon think of any yeah you gotta grab it piece of traction wide assume that that front Locker to help me yeah come on Brian let's see what you can do in the D next night would you have a go or that for a drive now that's the absolute definition of a technical drive he's kept those wheels pointed exactly the right one drive just enough throttle in fact he's made it look easy same face what a drive mate that's well done how Wells Nathan doing he's really picked a great line and he's using enough right foot to get him through take a trailer of that size on to these tracks in the glasshouse mountains I really do take my hat off to him you're in a hole there go that way a bit more we'll winch it from there perfect whoa yeah good top of the winter break that winches and I goodnight come witches never give up the ghost in the cold sky but they don't we don't usually using him to call Scott aw come on you to either minimize my that's a shame because um makes it real difficult and think we can turn around now is it a one-way track it's very committee Mike whatever can we do is we get rocket up here beside him I'll run a slingshot imma treat ya slingshot him back down here with him driving and helping her up get him up here yep I reckon if he had to drive that and tackle the rest what we're gonna have to do is rely on rocket to bring his big semi nine up and to use his winch to slingshot nathan forward and have to get away from the wings right you draw up to the left Mike you're right just drive to the left and I'll tell you what it's working an absolute treat you know what they say no pain no gain or something like that anyway it's just cosmetic and it's not going to stop Nathan from climbing this hill that's for sure don't stop don't stop here you taste camping Travis Wow a trap where they goin Rockets got the hill in his side's but it looks as if you're gonna need the winch as well alright can we my tweets from their rocket just cuz you're right on the edge of a drop off on that side I'm in the bank at the back you can't go back just pull the wing cap [Music] you think things couldn't get more challenging than that but you'd be wrong couple of lines mate obviously you wouldn't pick it but this is a line yeah it sort of you're sort of in a vase you can't roll anywhere if you go up this line which looks safer you actually really off camera by the time we get to the top you're turning yeah and yeah yeah if you slip then you don't like it I'm going up here yes I might I'll get you just spot me um I might spot you if that's all right so he knew it the thing about driving these sorts of tracks is once you're on them you're often committed you just have to reach the end for us the end is a pub in woodford so we've got the incentive we need go back go back on that this is no doubt a really tough and challenging line wheel placement is gonna be everything yep but as you can see it's just way too unstable without that traction in the front and the front Locker it's just making things dangerous for me in the 80 you're pretty sketchy I would not be surprised if you go over here you go right back I think you're gonna go over because you just slide down that thing I think you're gonna struggle there don't go out the best option here is to reverse out and try another easier line [Music] luckily there is an easy option to the left of this track so I decide to take it [Music] and Grimes really enjoying this track have a look at him that d-max if he is going absolutely everywhere he points it this haze like a dog with two tails would probably the understatement of the year cap funds this Nathan's up next and as usual the camera really never does it justice how steep a hill is this hill is not just steep but it's also surely attractions hard-to-find and Nathan's into it with plenty of momentum before wait he's in trouble see they you've done the inside of it which is a shame that folks right there is a ball bearing that's supposed to be in that passenger side CV another one down there under the wheel there's grease everywhere everywhere that's a broken CV of I've ever seen one there's ball bearings out in the bush out there I know how ball bearing gets from in there after their breaking a CV in this situation is never a good thing especially when you've got a trailer on the back I saw that one town report now he's going to be reduced down to three wheel drive if you put both lockers on but that's not enough traction to get him plus a trailer up on their own steam why don't we get his chocolate there take it off yeah that rocks right under it mate we're gonna do here is we're gonna unhook the camper and I'm gonna try and tie the two hundred out it might be a bit of a flat toe and um a few big rock stairs but I'll get the 200 back to the main road I'll come back to the trailer and we're gonna put it on the 80 series it's a lot of weight in the 80 series and you might have a better chance of just pulling it out of here even with the trailer unhitched I don't think Nathan's got what it needs to get up in 3 wheel drive not alone I'll just pour you a straight up here gently gently you just tell me I can't see much here Cameron but with a little help from our Haley of course being just might yep now straighten up there we go we're doing it but just then things go from bad to worse what was that well I've seen some things in my time but that takes the cake I heard it and it was almost a dull [ __ ] really didn't I try to sell you no that's become a part against a rock but that is I've only ever seen that tough truck I've seen him on Hilux is a lot yeah yeah a Hilux usually just sort of hangs out when I left him and you hadn't week and I'd never seen it on a Land Cruiser all right what's the plan we're gonna get those both ends off and then we'll put you in two-wheel drive over heaps of traction but mom I'll get out of here I'm not worried about that I just might be able take Nathan with me anymore oh heck no you know how time is of the essence and pretty soon it'll be getting dark are we going to be soaring through these issues in the dark unless we have to let's bring rock it up we might need him in his truck to help out Nathan van pointing that way and I'll put a tow it out of here so we're both facing the wrong way so we're gonna hook the winch rope up tether the other side of the van because we don't have to go over a big edge here in the side of the hill and then I'll hook it on an analogue find drag the trailer out this way then we're gonna get Knights again turn humor in to do much the same thing hopefully he can limp out under his own steam go in there he'll go back in the game oh my goodness tell me where that's going Mike's like in my shed move that auric and you can see what happens here I reckon and Tarr shafts don't usually just let go like that like this because I'm not making that much fear that's for sure it's all wreck another object I definitely know I've hit something hard on this tower shaft which is cause it to get a little bit of a bend dent in it and then under a big shock load let's just pause it to twist and break I reckon down there on that rock stick coming out probably probably no idea actually yeah with me breaking the tail-shaft and Nathan in three wheel drive we really need to come up with a new plan not easy they're not I participated nearly there mate all right well look you're gonna be fine going down you yeah down the hill is easy I can turn around me out I'll watch this boys yeah what do you say we just fight move aside we're gonna close I reckon pop all right make sure the would keep up doll races out of this the plan now is to hitch the trailer up to rocket and rock it to turn around and drive it down the hill that's gonna be a lot easier said than done that's well done boy here at the trailer turned around some X and stuff might well don't rush anyone but I sort of made a little bit of a bet with Graham first one to the Woodford a pub wins yeah we go and saw the others headed off down the hill little race the pub now I have no idea what's up in front no idea I know this track is being super tough the whole way I don't expect it to back off so go on solo it's a whole other element um no one there to sort of spot me or help out if things go pear-shaped so I'm gonna take it fairly easy so let's give it a go let's just get up here and see how it goes it's got all I can do is take a gentleman hopes the best really oh my goodness what of that rock step Jeepers Creepers yep yep put a bit more left-hand a Mike yep remember I got knighted full of our with Nathan turnaround he can use three wheel drive to get him back down to the main road as well further up the hilton grimes back into it he's done another huge rock step yeah but even with no one around to impress he's driven it with style we however are tackling rock steps in another direction and believe me they can be just as hard and just as frightening going down as going up I've got to go down a whopping great step here it's really really bad when you're coming down really States Ryan like this you really want to keep your tires straight and tackle if your head on the wheel and really avoid going in any side angles is that's when you end up on your leader in a freeride hit one rod is doing really well with this try lock you can tell it is a technical driver from way back when top of a attack he loves this sort of stuff ha you want a straight Holtz on you can really tell it nathan is so eager to get back down off the track into the pub I'm not comfortable here I think he's using gravity a little bit too much to his advantage however we've made it to the road and boy are we looking forward to that beer at the pub [Music] I'm just wondering if Graham has made it out of there alive or not what an adventure [Music] how do we write I knew--i beer wouldn't keep ground that track for too long he's bait us but it sure good the same ol boys are gonna cheese yeah class has mountains right ultimate weekend wide have to be have to me specially you believe him anywhere in the CFA's the Queensland even northern New South Wales you know get our paper awakened and everything is so central you've got toughest tracks Australia I said that last time we were here these are the toughest tracks in Australia you've got coughs you've got a few other areas that they could but if you want the toughest track to come in yeah exactly well I waiting to scratch the surface I reckon there's so much water do a few things and then when you're done you literally zip in here to be the pub yeah and you've got a beautiful campsite just around the corner we see a little but you got to get in check out Woodford this is where we are right now glasshouse mountains they're all around us you seem off in the distance superb spot if you can find that track where you did your little hidden secret yeah not gonna say where these cuz I reckon that's one of the beauties to four-wheel drive and go and search it look for yourself absolute cracker absolute cracker you probably if you're left now you would finest with a Woodford pub because when I go up top but if we're not it will catch you next time I want you can say it's not for drive action get you guys 46:17 Carol hey hey guys this is my friend Rob come on he me cut you yep not kids of you have you seen that that stuff they play with with a hearty you sort of kiddin this part of company when your sake bunny panting soft so reckon it's like play-doh it's an actual scientific substance that you can play as a kid and it takes uses the balances between malleability and sustainability okay mate this stuff's really buggy I thank you because I got him all psyched up and even before he's that [Laughter] oh yeah so the person they don't like that might Tom's get excited at the basic things give him a pair of pants happy days Mike she's got all the Fred I gotta say it looks bloody tough pass a bloody can I say buddy I don't say much on camera because I'm concentrating it's a male thing who thank you [ __ ] it scabs feels like life man [Laughter] [Music] you
Channel: 4WD 24-7
Views: 1,062,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4wd, action, 4x4, offroad, outdoors, travel, overlanding, toyota, nissan, hilux, patrol, landcruiser, adventure, camping, fishing, diesel, petrol, surf, shaun whale, graham cahill, australia, dirty 30, shorty, gq, 40 series, 60 series, 79 series, troopy, 200 series, sooty, glasshouse mountains, queensland, broken cv, Four wheel drive, 4 wheel drive, 4wd cars, car, 4WD Fails, 4WD build, 4x4 fails, 4wd action, 4x4 action, 4 wheel drive action, 4wd action full episodes, 4x4 24/7, 4x4 247, Jocko, Shauno
Id: UEQ4HvIn_0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 41sec (3701 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 01 2018
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