What you don’t understand about men!

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hey Tony Gaskins here popping in you know I want to do a follow-up video on dating a broke man and I did a video and the title was I think how to read a man's character and I saw I got some comment and it was and you know the people who the devil sin to argue they are up late and they work late 1 o'clock in the morning 2 o'clock in the morning so the Blessed tribe are on it they own the comments in the daytime as soon as I post the video they own it now when you get into the wee hours of the night I'm on my own and I get some comments that's just crazy y'all never see them because i blocking delete I am mister blocking delete I am head of the block ministry so I have to deal with so much mess but one of the comments I kept saying is people miss understanding and this why I tell you stop listening to respond to reply and listen to understand and if you listen to what I'm saying because sometimes people send my whole long comment and I say ain't nowhere in the video did I say that and everything that you went on the whole long rant about how already addressed it in the video so listen to what I'm telling you listen to me not because I'm trying to help you understand this so men and women well Tony I can't date a broke man I just repeat you their day to break a broke man I'm wrong and I totally get that your wife was with you cuz she was 19 years old you 21 years old so that meet percent but I'm in my thirties and my forties and I cannot date a broke man okay just where we got to go this well I need you to understand listen to me a broke man this is the one I'm telling you not you already date broke man do already date broke man every man you've never dated has been broke DME regardless of what amount of money he made he was broke if you're not happily married today then you date broke man okay if you are happily married today every man you dated before your husband was a broke man because you know what broke is broke a broke man is a man who has poor character so that man that had all the money but he cheated on you the man who had a good job that could provide but he cheated on you he lied to you he beat on you he deceived you he mistreated you he was broke that's what broke his see money is just currency and when you come to money that's just a mindset that's just a mindset as I'm gonna ask me what Tony if if a man is in his 40s and he's still broke does that say something about his character well you got to get to know his character you got to get to know his character first to know what it says about his characters let me help you understand something and I'm talking to women right now let me help you understand something a one man is was created for a reason and that's what a lot of women don't understand is you play a role in a man's life so America have great character and still not have the financial situation that he needs you know why because a woman is a catalyst in a man's life because a woman a good woman like you claim to be bring stability brings confidence and when I say brings this I mean you ignited you enhance it he may be confident but when you come into his life he now is truly confident because guess what you're able to do as a woman with your spouse the same way as a man a man can do this does this and can do this for a woman as well guess what it's just like somebody you love it could be your child it could be a family member they can have all the talent in the world all the talent in the world it could be a great person but be paycheck to paycheck what do they need to hear they need to hear from you you are so gifted and you are a millionaire waiting to cash the check what you need to do is take your gift I remember I told my wife I said listen your friend taking and making these here signs and this sign behind my head it's wood and you got my logo on it I say tell your friend to get on Etsy and start at Etsy shop do you know they had to give already but nobody has spoken to their life to say you got enough gift to do this and earn from it they did the S is shop next thing you know come Christmas time they had 100-200 orders this was money that never would have been made this is money that would have been left in the consumers pocket had I not told my wife to speak into her life and confirm maybe what she already wanted to do I need you to understand that a broke man broke only relates to his character so when I say broke I'm not talking about financial let me help you understand something okay let me help you understand something I was making eight dollars and fifty cents an hour guess what any man working on that job with me made the same thing I made regardless of his age don't nobody say oh because you 40 because you 50 we're gonna pay you twelve fifty hour cuz you older and you ought to have your stuff together no the job pay what it pays but guess what my wife spoke into my life and she said you gift it you gotta use your gifts start running from your call it's not running from your guilt use your gift write your book and when she said that guess what that changed our lives changed our lives and I don't like to speak numbers I don't like to speak money I do not like to speak money let me but let me help you understand some when I was working that job my last w2 was nineteen thousand and nine hundred dollars the lad w2 I looked at on that job and I will have you understand that the Lord because of my wife speaking into my life supporting me seeing my character seeing my heart and being there and not judge me by where I was and the money I was making and and not thinking oh this where he's at this where he always gonna be I never got a college degree but but what she saw was money don't matter in the grand scheme of things if this man has character and he's gonna be honest and he's got to be trustworthy and he's gonna be faithful the money gonna come based on his character that that is that cannot fail that cannot fail and what you have to realize is that sometimes we have to believe in someone else's belief in us until our own belief kicks in in the words of Les Brown or somebody else if he learned it from somebody but that is real so as a woman you have to factor in your presence in a man's life so last week I earn time and a half I guess I would say so what I used to earn in a year I earn that and another half a hundred and fifty percent increase on my yearly salary I earn that last week and I say that to say not to brag I don't want to brag but to help you understand what character gonna do for a man because guess what when a man has character that mean he's gonna be 100% faithful to you so because I'm faithful to my wife and I'm I don't have to I'm not taking any time texting another woman flirting and cheating I'm not saying I got to go out of town on business to go out and be with another woman guess what I'm doing in my free time I'm working I'm creating so what you think my mentor dot life came from the website that I keep telling you to go to and book a session with your coach came from my quiet time came from my wife support came from her encouragement and it came from my character being focused and centered to create let me let me let me help you understand something else Tony Gaskins academy.com write it down you write this down Gaskins University dot-com write it down write this down character university my mentor dot life I didn't ran off full websites to you that is inside of my purpose that's helping people grow that's helping people change their life that's helping people get to the next level and I own all of them and I created all love you know why because my character is consistent so the same person who was making eight dollars and fifty cents an hour you hear me this what I need you to understand so for y'all women that is arrogant and and I'm gonna tell you what arrogance come from and what arrogance produces arrogance produces ignorance so when you so focus on money that's what you're gonna get you're gonna get a man with money who treat you like crap because he got the money before he got the character and money cannot buy character but character can earn you any amount of money so listen to me listen to what I'm telling you he could be 40 he could be 50 but if he has pristine character God will take and reveal something to you that you see in him that he'd never saw in himself because of his humility because of his his mindset of just being lowly in spirit humble kind loving giving faithful trustworthy listen to what I'm telling you I met a man who hired me to manage his social media years ago when I used to do that one of my streams of income was managing people's social media managing a Twitter account helping them build a Twitter account this man at this time was in his 40s or 50s I was in mine early mid 20s and this man was sweeping floors at McDonald's but character he was sweeping the floor at McDonald's speaking errbody nice hey how you doing today how's everything wrong with you oh yeah okay great to see you oh I see you got your favorite oh okay oh you know a do some lettuce this time so cheap okay you coming on up just building talking to people and guess what the man told me one day here now sweeping flows as as usual and the man say it was an elderly white couple just a black man talking to me the man says elderly white couple in now and they come in now all the time and eat them Allah hamburger they're coming out once a week or whatever air.we reason why they were coming in now it's because they own to make the man say they said to hell me you know what we come here we love your attitude we love your attitude hell you ever want to own a McDonald's one day he said yeah I would love that that's a dream of mine they said well we want to help you I want to give you a McDonald's they put this man in position gave him his own McDonald's yeah me you hear what I'm telling you character and guess what that became the best-selling McDonald's in his area he made enough money to buy another McDonald's had to McDonald's end up selling his McDonald's for millions of dollars and moved from up north down here to Florida character that's what I want you to understand like you short-sighted if you looking at a human being based on the money in a bank account the degrees on the wall the job that they work in you slap crazy if you think that's gonna define somebody you got to look at a person heart somebody let it put a ignorant comment when a last time you've seen a bill company let you pay a bill with character that is ignorant when you take an you use your character and since you know it all since you know how to make money then you could take and see somebody with talent and speaking to their life and now this your husband so your teammates so if he given you the peace of mind of faithfulness and he treating you like a queen and he's loving on you guess what you got the peace to be able to look at him in his life and see the holes and see what he could be doing differently what he can be doing better in his business life and you you don't have to be a rocket scientist to say you know what I really love you and I thank you for being a man that you are but the way you out here fixing these cars for everybody in the neighborhood for $100 $200 and you just charging them the cost for parts guess what we're together now I didn't build my credit score to 780 and it's the place right up the street of Auto Detail or Auto building that and close down and I call and they told me it'll be twenty five hundred a month guess what I got a credit card that's $15,000 $20,000 we could use that and I believe we leverage we bet on ourselves we could set this business up and you can have a full-fledged auto mechanic shop and not just doing auto mechanic but you could do detailing you can use all your gifts right out this shop you own your own business and you got a place a business and people come there and they know they not only paying for parts but they paying for labor you see what I'm saying just like that boom BAM just like a I'm gonna tell you I love my job I was going through some in my life and I I went through a space and let me help you understand because he just the problem with a lot of women today y'all just a lot of women you wanna you want a meal ticket a lot of you you because you didn't work hard you ready to get sat down and that's selfish so you ready to get sat down don't go in expecting that go in bring something to the table he bringing something to the table if he working and he's ambitious that were the lady said we in Atlanta how you seem to be elk hopping it lets you pay a bill with ambition guess what I'm paying all my bills and other people bills too we're ambition because ambition gonna create something when it has character with it anybody say ambition by itself with no character gonna pay a bill but guess what ambition with character you me it's gonna pay a bill cuz you know what if you see me doing a training February 22nd in alone training life coaches what's gonna make you buy a ticket there not just the fact that you want to become a life coach cuz it's a whole bunch of certifications you're gonna read my character you're gonna read and pay attention to my consistency if I'm smoking drinking cursing dogging people like mistreating people you're not investing your money in me even though you won't get a return of investment you still want to make your initial investment into somebody that you feel has character so the people who come to my training it's because they read my character and they use their discernment to say I feel like this okay do you hear what I'm telling you so that is how character with ambition produces a return and that's what you got to understand so take money out the picture take money out the picture and get to know a person for who he is who she is and this a man listen get know that person for that and then from there you able to see you able to see you soon my wife got character she got character but she's not I'm a producer I manifest things I make things happen that's not her that's not her give her GILF is she's more like a facilitator you tell her look that's the job this what I need done and she gonna be a 15 out of 10 she's gonna overdo it but if you just sit it down and say hey create something out of nothing she'll be lost because that's not her guilt so my GILF is to create something out of nothing I always had to guilt but guess what I had to character but at the time I had a money you know I had a money because we were working and we working regular job and we paycheck to paycheck you know I my wife had money because she's smart so she was in school on a full scholarship full academic scholarship but she also was on the track team so she got a refund check so in obviously would get a refund check of ten thousand dollars and she would get a refund check in January of ten thousand dollars my first book was because my wife gave me sixteen hundred dollars of her refund check it's teamwork you can't sit there and just wait you need to have everything together you need to have financial security you need to have emotional security because guess what if you judge him like that that means you don't have emotional security and if you so worried about where his money I mean you don't have financial security cuz if you gotta find out security do you worry about what nobody else money at what you worrying about is their character because you don't mind financially broke people being around you if they got good character because that lets you know they're not gonna use you or steal from you because they have good character but what you can do is become a millionaire and teach other people with good character how to be a millionaire so this one I'm telling you this was gonna keep a lot of y'all single because you trapped in Housewives of Atlanta mindset you trapped in love and hip-hop mindset so you judging a man solely off of money and that is why is so many other men with beautiful women because they got money that's what too many women worrying about now how do you mean I do not know what a good-looking man look like but I know what a lovely man look like and when I look a man get money he got a line of women and then when he get money now all now now a woman tone want to change what well he is so funny oh but I guess how am I gonna get somebody before he had money he couldn't tell a joke before he had money he could be a stand-up comedian you wouldn't crack a smile before he had money now you got oh it is so funny you laughing all the way to the bank he's not funny he still looks challenged he's still the same person he was and so that's why you see so many men with money dogging women out do you know why because they know the true motives of your heart the man with money knows that before he had money he couldn't get a woman he couldn't sniff a woman he couldn't touch a woman with a ten-foot pole and now he got money now he got the women they looked like they stepped out of magazine chasing him so guess what he resents women for that very reason so that's why I said you got to be careful how you judge in a man because guess what a looks challenged man knows he looks challenged so he know that you're not interested in him for his looks he knows that you don't think he's handsome but he knows that because he's making a few hundred thousand a year that night you ready and willing to give him the time of day and now you wanna oh he got a great personality but when all he had was character if all he had was character you couldn't see that Oh child he broke jaw that man came by me a Hamburg on a sail child look ya'll I don't work too hard to be told broke man I'm too old for that and so that's what you're coming with and so now this man who he on the rise you know I don't care about his age what I can know as a man is his character because sometimes it's what you got to understand this is what you have to understand it's what you're gonna notice this is what you're gonna notice somebody somebody said a lady said well I'm just going to believe God that there is a man who has it all who was emotionally secure and financially secure guess what system if he exists then he would he don't need you if a man could do it all on his own and be everything all on his own God wouldn't May Eve he would have just let Adam live and then just made a bunch of man he made a woman for a reason so you got to embrace that any self and I say okay what am i bringing to the table I see I see what he got okay I I see who he is but how can i enhance this man like cuz he it goes both ways it goes both ways so so my wife she looked at me and she looked at my character she looked at my ambition she saw the God in me she saw she saw who I could become and she didn't judge me based on where I was and where I was going based on my college major she didn't judge me based on that she judged me based on my character in my ambition who God was molded me to be and then she took and she brought her to the table she brought a table to the table you hear me and so what happened is when she spoke into my life let me show you how this work she busting her butt she working hard she in school to be a doctor but she come in my life and I was gonna probably have to be living on her she I was she was gonna be making more money than me based on our college degree she biomedical science I'm criminology so I was gonna be a police officer or a detention deputy probably maxing at 65,000 a year after 20 years yeah police first responder who could walk up to a car win then get shot and kill is out here getting paid $30,000 a year and then 44 if he's lucky and 60 to 70 I've even been there forever and maybe a hundred thousand if he is the chief of police in Los Angeles but irregular City he probably ain't still ain't making six figures as a chief of police you mean so I was a criminology major but let me show you how this work out and this is how one hand washed the other and a bit of man and a bit of woman don't understand this concept is you helping each other based on the assets and based on the gifts that you bring to the table based on the intangibles that you bring to the table so my wife came to me and one thing I noticed what a lot of women is they tired of working they tired of working my mama 50 files he been telling my seat I loved working since she was 40 so I'm like well hi know where we live in a society that you got to work until 62 and a lot of people still working at 70 bagging groceries at the grocery store s in the 70s so how the world we live in this kind of world and you tired of working at 40 I don't met women young women in the early thirties who make a quarter million a year and they have said this to me verbatim Tony I make good money but it is hard making the money that I make and maintaining the lifestyle that I have I want a man with money because I am ready to sit down it is stressful going out in creating and producing this level of income year after year I am tired I am ready to sit down I want to get married I want to have children and I want to be able to be at home with my kids for the first year or two of their life so that a nanny doesn't have to be there breaking their legs and I'm coming home my child got a broke leg and a black eye because the nanny was on Instagram instead of watching my kids and now I'm ready to catch a charge and go do fair time in prison time because I didn't hurt somebody for not watching my kids and I'm paying them 25 dollars an hour to watch them so instead of that I want to be home and in order to be home guess what he need to be able to provide for the whole family but guess what you just can't expect to walk right into that situation because if he already got that situation on the flip side men who got that situation they don't want a woman that's ready to come in and just sit right down they want to know that you gonna bring some to the table and that y'all I just talk I coach I'm coaching every day and I'm talking to men who saying I don't want to marry her because she all she want to do is sit down I wanna I wanna wonder who got the ambition that I have then what they said just what the man telling me and then so it's not that he wants his woman to work forever but he just don't want her to come in with her hand out and ready to prop up her feet he want her to come in and show that she could bring a table to the table and then guess what then he want to show her let me show you what I can do for you so my wife came to me we come together not when I said came to me I hit on her but we got together she come to me we in the relationship she blessed me to sew into my gifts and guess what now she able to work how she want to work when she want to work yes she want to work she able to make her own schedule she able to make her own schedule she able to work in our companies that was my brainchild because she spoke into my life because she saw I had the character to produce and to build and to maintain you know what I'm telling you so you know what my wife paycheck was last week from our companies her paycheck was thirty five hundred dollars last week ain't saying I'm not saying last month so I'm sharing this with you so that you understand where I'm coming from so that I could help you understand the importance of evaluating a man based off his character but listen in order for it to truly be character he has to be consistent so I'm not talking about his character meaning the role that he's playing cuz the role in a movie is also a character I'm not talking about that character I'm talking about his character who he is in his heart so what that means is you gonna have to date this man and after a few months you're gonna see if he is who he said he is and guess what if he has character that means he's not afraid to grind that means he's not afraid to work he just might need a genius idea he might just need one word of motivation from somebody that he knows that he loves that he cares for and that's his wife so when she says something he says to himself he says you know what I want to give this woman the world so I'm about to bust my butt because she just spoke into my life you know what I was gonna tell you what I'm gonna tell you is although I build business and I do all of that and I mean I am I've started 11 12 13 companies although I do all of that my wife still worth her weight in gold if she had to stand on her own two feet and I was removed from the situation she'll be just fine she'll be just fine she'll make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year she'll make millions if she want to she could do all that she just don't have to you know what I'm telling you cuz he got more gifts and talents in her pinky then a lot of humans got in a whole body give me so she very capable but she chooses to be able to be at every play Christmas play my son got a field trip Friday so she going on the field trip she going on the field trip Friday my other son he got a thing with his engineering class with the bridges they built and so imma be with the oldest son and she gonna be with the youngest son and you know why it's because we don't have to call anybody and say uh yeah my sayi think and I called off today we don't have to do that you know why because she saw the big picture she saw the God in me and she saw my character and she spoke life into me and that gave me ideas and inspiration that I did not have on my own because God created her to complement my life this one I need you to understand so as a woman this why it's important that we as men and women heal so that we don't go to the next person expecting them to be a band-aid and expecting them to do everything for us so the reason why you can fix your mouth to say oh he got to have it all and everything got to be perfect that's because you're still broken hurting and angry from your ex but when you are healed and you are whole you're able to look at a person and see their worth see their character and see their potential a lot of people tell I'm not dating potential I repeat you I don't dated potential you didn't you need a potential you didn't date potential cuz he didn't have character that's why the potential did not produce because it was not potential you would they look you were dating a man you thought look good you dating a man you thought me some money I had a good job or climb the corporate ladder you were dating a man of character because his potential would have turned into a production if you were so you have to stop mislabelling potential because the potential truly is rooted in purpose and character so if he didn't have pristine character you one day in potential he didn't have any potential so stop telling that lie because you lying on God you lying to yourself and you hurting yourself so the next man you see who got character who got real potential you telling yourself ain't Bank potential so if you know right now ain't making the kind of money that I me that gonna sit me down that could take care of me if I need to be take out what does something happen to me and he can't afford to take he'll just what that's why you need to have your own first okay so if you've got your own first then he brings a different set of assets he may have money already but that don't matter if he doesn't have character but if he has character you don't have to worry about nothing else if this is a man of God and I'm talking about a man of God a man of character you don't have to worry about a thing you don't have to worry about a thing you me and that's why if you believe in God and God got you then you don't have to depend solely on a man he got some time to go from thirty thousand a year the three hundred thousand a year he got some time to go from seventy thousand a year to seven hundred thousand a year he got some time because God got you you got you and you want a man but don't need a man so when you come in with this different mentality you gotta have everything together that mean you need a man that mean you ain't got you that means you still broken you still hurt and you still don't know who you are so guess what and because guess what if you got good character meaning that you're not gonna be spread-eagle within a man you meet on the first night you're not gonna be doing all this giving all husband benefits that's all a man require of you that's all you require of you and ya society say the man ought to be the bread when Adam and ought to do this to man I'll do that really proverbs 31 that woman was a boss and this wonder that wasn't even real woman 2 based on the way I read it it was a mother telling her son that's the kind of woman you need and she was describing this woman and but that woman that woman described that the Mohammed ascribed to hers for her son that was the boss you hear me she was sitting at home with our feet kicked up that one went making moves she was out acquiring lands who buying land she was sawn she were going to the merchants she was selling I told you before she was the plug you me so she brought some sort of table so her husband was doing his thing she was doing her thing and they became a team and let me help you understand it my wife saw my character and where I was going what God was doing in my life and that's all that she focused on and I was trying to go out and get money without character and she said uh-uh I'm out of here I said man you you want good money you am I trying to get their money she was like listen I'd rather be broke I will rather be broke then for money to be the only thing that matters to you that you will even risk your freedom to get that money and that's the problem with a lot of women today they'll let a man risk his freedom as long as she got Gucci and gold long as she got a house long as she got the car she want kids in prior to school and all the bills paid will let a man risk his freedom that's because that woman does not have character and that's why she with a man who does not have character but when you as a human being you have character you know what character can produce so when I talk to my wife the day she tell me I always knew this day was coming because I saw your gifts and I saw what you was trying to do and what God was trying to do with you and through you so she said I never doubted it I never doubted it I knew something was gonna happen I knew it was gonna take off and you know what cuz see sometimes we need somebody speaking to our life and I remember I was going through a season in my life and we were young we was young it was her alone in our marriage and I had built my income which is our income I have built it a 15,000 a month 15,000 a month so you're looking at what a hundred and eighty thousand a year mind you I come from twenty thousand a year so one 80/20 is is eight so my in my income had went up eight hundred percent eight hundred percent you me in a matter of a couple years that's what Karen don't produce but I got to a place to where operating my gift was draining me it was draining me because it was a lot of fakes and frost errs so it was making the industry of relationship coach and look bad because a lot of people start to see me shining and they saw I went showing off nothing but they just saw that I had a brand so there's a lot of young men who start saying I want to be relationship coach and so when they start doing that my man can do this with each ounce I'm I teach on business cuz I'm entrepreneur tool I could teach on bids I could teach people how to build a business I started doing that but it was outside of my purpose our income went from fifteen thousand a month to seven thousand a month now seven thousand month is not a little bit seven times twelve you do the mail you probably better than me what until 84-84 thousand years that's not bad but when you was at 180 that's a big deal so I'm sitting now and I'm struggling I'm going through I went through three months you know bad months you know bills was eight thousand a month which was cool eight thousand a month bills because I was making fifteen thousand a month profit so it was alright but when that went down to seven nine I'm a grand short so now you got tap into saving you looking in the portfolio old you're trying to liquidate and I talked to my wife one night I said baby I don't know what's going on you know I said what is this like wow wow you know why we in this slump and guess what this what I try to tell you about a woman who has character herself she ain't money hungry she ain't a gold digger she's not just focusing on a man money she's looking at his heart his character his purpose and my wife said to me she said you out of purpose you out of purpose God won't honor your purpose thought gonna bless you when you doing what he called you to do she say you stepped down you stepped down because of these other guys popped up and so when you stepped down they replace you because the people don't care who telling it as long as somebody telling it so the people ain't judging these people and the people can't tell that these guys faith and that they not living what they teach them because they don't have that type of discernment they just know these guys saying some stuff that makes sense and sound good about love but they don't know that these guys sleeping with multiple women she say you know that because you're in an industry and you got the bug in your ear so you can hear this stuff behind the scene but the general public don't know what do you mean doing it and what you got I said to you and y'all have met face-to-face the public don't know that shows you say when you move out the way they just go on to the next person but she said you need to be in purpose and you need to be doing what God called you to do and realize that when God called you to do something when God called you the brain clarity the devil gonna call somebody to brain confusion the devil gonna raise somebody up to be competition so that you're following get split in half because half of the people choosing the devil person and half of the people choosing God person but longevity is gonna be on the right side of the road it's gonna be on the narrow road it's gonna be with God in so many words this what my wife told me she said so you need to get back where you supposed to be and guess what guess what let me tell you let me help you understand something that's why I was bigger than money that's why you got to have a man who has character so that he will be willing to submit unto you as well as you submitting unto Him the Bible says submit ye one to another you hear me so when a man has character he is humble enough to listen to you he humbled enough to let you be a woman so that you could see what he can't see instead of him trying to control you you're trying to tell you so when you're able to operate in your fullness in your gifts because you have a man with character see you just want a man with money and guess what he's gonna put his foot on your neck and he gonna make you feel like a slave in your own house he gonna tell you where you can go what you can't do what you can do what you can't spend what you can't spend because he gonna say this is my money this is my money oh you got what you want you got a man with money but he don't have character then you keep telling yourself well I gotta say man why my heart no God want to see what you got god no not gonna see you a man with money and character because you don't deserve it because if God sent you a man with just character you'll you'll keep going just because he make a 850 hour you gonna keep going so God not gonna bless you with a man with my and character because you judging that man based off his finances instead of judging him to wait God judge him could God don't kill how much money he made God care about the obedience in his heart you hear what I'm telling you so stop saying what God came to do for you when you ain't even doing what God told you to do you ain't being who God told you to be you hit me so I got a righteous indignation on this that's why I'm in Hell like Jesus flipping in here table this flipping the table in front of me like Jesus did because this right here is part of the reason why so many single women because you read me in the wrong way and because God won't bless you based on your heart so you could come in a comment and be a comment warrior you wanna argue me down and you could say all the right things in the comment section but God if not you wait in your heart he know what you really gonna do he know what you really by I got checked the time I take my song of praying I know watch on man my clock on my phone Hill hey hey buddy how you doing ask mama what time is it that's mama what time is it and so that's what I need you to understand my wife spoken to my life and she said that to me and guess what happened I went from 7,000 of mine to $30,000 of mind I was at 53 months ago where at that time three months ago three months prior to that I was at fifteen income went down 454 5-0 I'm a five o'clock okay I got to get going I was at fifteen went to seven and hit gold my wife spoke into my life spoke to my character spoke to my purpose I listen to God on earth when I got back in my seat what God told me to be at I'm in my 20s I was in my twenties you hit me so imagine what a man could do I'm giving I'm giving wisdom from God in my 20s and God took and sent me to thirty thousand a month so I mansion so y'all time I will let it he broke the heat already fifty guess what when he get in purpose because of you supporting him and speaking into his life and he got the character to do what he called to do he gonna make more money didn't I want make it because he older so he got naturally more wisdom and people gonna trust him more because he older and people equate age with wisdom so understand that so what I need you to hear guess what God sucking sinning the thirty thousand a month and then guess what it kept doing kept going up and up and up and what the Lord told me ain't no cow isn't there's no count when you're doing what I called you to do I'm gonna bless you when you in right-standing with me when your character but see it ain't gonna happen overnight because God gotta let you get prepared he gotta send you up the the mountainside you got to climb so you can get strong baby what time do what time it is I can't see cuz the like what time fire TV getting ready okay I'll be done in five minutes by a minute so what you what I want you to understand is and list every night if you got this far put be blessing the calmness listen to me now I'm gonna try to bring this thing home now I told Wi-Fi minute I got to be going now let me up you understand is if you want a man of God you got to see him the way God see him and God don't care how much money he made God is only concerned with his heart position and the reason why he may not have the blessings that God has for him is because God is waiting on his wife to be with him so that the the scripture that says he who finds a wife finds a good thing and receives favor from the Lord it don't say he who is single doing his own thing receives favor from the Lord it clearly says he who finds a wife finds a good thing and receives favor from the Lord see you bring favor to a man's life so he oh he needs is the foundation which is pure character he could be he could be unemployed Jimmy because he just got laid off not if he got character he's looking for a job he looked my job and he willing to do any kind of work he'll flip burgers he'll hop on the back of that truck that's going to mow lawns they get 50 dollars a day he would do whatever he got to do until God show up and show out but he gonna be consistent and he gonna be a man of character and let me tell you what's gonna happen when you come into his life you bring favor into his life and when you bring favor to his life because you bring in confidence you're bringing wisdom you're bringing support you bring a vision you bringing all these intangibles you bring all these intangibles and you might be bringing some tangibles you might have a good credit score you might have a little savings you might have a little something and you and and because you think different you might have been able to get some money and you might have been able to get more money than he got so my wife was on a path to get more money than me and she was making more than me even on our job that we was working they were paying her thirteen fit that hour they were paying me eight fit that hour you hear me she was making more money than me and was getting ready to keep making more money than me but be Oh what God put in me God took and say look watch what I do let me work so stop this what God said HUS daughter because of your faithfulness because of your obedience because of your humility because you judge my son the way I judge him watch what I do for you your life will be peaceful your life will be blessed you will have blessings pressed down shaken together and running over because I this God talking have no respect of persons I see everybody the same and that's how you saw my child that's how you saw my son so guess what you can rest you could work if you want to work you was in the field like roof but I just introduced you to Boaz and he owned the field but see I ain't signed the deed over to him yet because I wanted you to come into his life you hear what I'm trying to tell you listen to me listen to me this hottest thing were Point Blank period y'all ain't no if ands and buts about this if he has character he has everything and his son mouth again that I needed to see and you know what happened just what it was my wife was coming in she could do everything she could make all her own money and guess what my wife ain't had to work she had to work since the age of 20 because God something started to do a work but guess what when she's not working is because our son was born premature and guess what we were living off of my little measly income but she loved me in that season just cut you for it it don't mean that you got mo built in somebody who 20 you got the same build the bread and the milk cost the same you hear me it costs the same so she needed financial security just like everybody else oh when I'm older so I need to get stuff in order and life well that's why you got yourself and why you got God in your own about the man the man gonna bring something but you got to be able to see what God see but if you're going in judging judging like a Pharisee they're not what you're gonna get you're gonna get a man who look good on the outside of a word for nothing on the inside when you judge him like that but when you look at him the way God look at him guess what you gonna get what God got for you a man of God and God took him showed up and showed up he took him move he took an open door he took him and blew things up and and he said listen this right here your purpose but i'ma show you how to i'ma show you how to make money in several different fields several different ways I'm going to show you how to create multiple streams of income so we have over 50 streams of income yes the man with no college degree yes a man who's making $8.50 even at the age of 25 years old while making $10 our yes at the age of 27 years old make it $10 our yes okay going in the grown manhood okay had dropped out of college didn't have a college degree and look what God did I owe it to my obedience to God and also my obedience on my wife my faithfulness to my wife and the way I treat her and I treat her the way God want to treat not her to be treated and see when I'm so off you could go on Instagram page you won't see you won't see her cars you we don't show off we will show all the material stuff won't see little Charlie I remember I took a picture at my pool one time with my son my wife took a picture and somebody wrote what resort you at I'm at my house me and white looked at it we are you better know God hey listen what I'm trying to tell you I ain't trying to Brad T but what I'm trying to tell you is that when you truly get a line with God he gonna show up and show out man I'm gonna be able to touch you anybody gonna be able to tell you nothing God won't provide for you yeah what I'm telling you you're gonna have what you need you don't have what you need and you're gonna be able to be humble about it I'm sharing this so y'all really getting the real picture so you understand what character produces when it is magnified because it is being intensified because it has confirmation with somebody else who has character so if you have character he has character y'all gonna produce some amazing thing regardless of what financial situation look right then and there it's gonna be amazing hey I don't forgot some stuff but I'm coming up on the hour and I got taken son's soccer practice on a practice all got to be soccer dad at night god bless y'all we'll talk soon
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 65,865
Rating: 4.9173598 out of 5
Id: pcakPW1eGsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 15sec (3435 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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