Score a goal, go DOWN a rank in Rocket League

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as many of you know i've been running out of content since 2018. however some of my biggest and best videos have come when i had no idea what to make next and became desperate in the comic strip calvin and hobbes kelvin once said you can't just turn on creativity like a faucet you have to be in the right mood what mood is that last minute panic for today's video i didn't have to panic though because the idea comes from twitter user j ford and it's brilliant welcome to downgrade we have two teams composed of every rocket league ranked from ssl down to bronze one team is all playstation players and the other team is all xbox players that's right we're also bringing back the rocket league console wars to find out which is the best platform the game starts with a 1v1 between the highest ranked players but as soon as someone scores they get downgraded or subbed out for a teammate one rank lower this continues with players getting downgraded lower and lower as they score until we get down to bronze whichever team's bronze scores first wins also i'm happy to say downgrade is sponsored by the one and only nord vpn nor does the vpn i use when i need to change my location online or secure my connection when i'm using shared or public wi-fi it's available on pretty much every platform including mobile plus nord has super fast servers unlimited bandwidth and has military-grade encryption to protect your data this is especially important if you handle a lot of sensitive information online can you imagine if a hacker managed to see that you're only diamond 3 and doubles that's why you need to preserve your privacy with nordvpn right now get a 2-year plan at a huge discount at sunless con and use code sunliscon to get one additional month free and of course it's risk free with nord's 30-day money-back guarantee that's sunless con to take control of your internet welcome to the first ever downgrade match between team playstation and team xbox we start with the super sonic legends all the ranks playing today are gonna feel the pressure trying not to let their platform down kinda like that unfortunate for playstation i'm not gonna lie to you it was very tough to find ssls on console now then against consoles just saying it was hard to find them most of the ssls are on pc and there's really not that many in general anyway it's a very tough rank to achieve and we have our first downgrade the xbox ssl scores and he's subbed out for an xbox gc the key moments in this game are going to be right here when we have an uneven matchup if the lower ranked player can score on the higher one like this the gc had an open net and couldn't quite finish the ssl is gonna make him pay we almost had a gc on ssl goal there but it was not to be the ssl on the playstation gets downgraded we're back to gc versus gc oh that's a quick goal from the ps4 gc he's gonna get downgraded to a champ this game moves fast before we know it we're going to be down the bronze the lower ranks are waiting watching cheering for their fellow platform mates there's a nice series of touches from the xbox gc but he couldn't put it away got another chance here he goes up and over the champ gets demoed it doesn't matter he's downgraded back to champ versus champ we're even again oh is that gonna be a kickoff goal yes it is for team xbox downgrade down to diamond now can the diamond pull off an upset quick goal on the champ champ is threatening oh the diamond can't make the save and the champ is downgraded diamond vs diamond bad kickoff there lovely b car from the xbox diamonds that is just for some reason diamonds always have the best car designs i swear also diamonds always get roasted the most of my videos let's see if that stays true mostly from other below diamond viewers who just think diamonds look terrible these guys aren't doing terrible but they're kind of just smacking the ball around to each other not a lot of control here just one long clear after another here's an air dribble attempt doesn't really go anywhere now the xbox retreating playstation slams that off target xbox got some space now thought he was going to try to go for a clip there oh he still is uh not sure where that's going looks like the playstation player wasn't sure either now if he could catch it no he still booms it he's got plenty of boost though he could put this one on no he doesn't actually even aim at the open nut these diamonds cannot score we are locked in this is the longest matchup we've had so far but the xbox diamond scores downgrade down to platinum diamond versus platinum oh we have a fake kickoff there this could be an open net oh he missed the boost i would make a joke about platts but i do that all the time the biggest challenge for this video was definitely getting all the ranks as close as possible for each side so that we could have even match up seems to be pretty even so far the xbox plot with the defensive error there the playstation diamond will score downgrade back to platt for everyone haven't had an upset goal yet it's a phenomenal kickoff from the playstation plot but not so phenomenal on the shot can the xbox platform know you can't touch the ball either resisting making a joke about plots resisting making a joke about flats that's that looks good that's a good clear he's out of boost he's leaving the net the playstation flat has scored an absolute banger to the top left corner so now the ps4 is down to gold gold versus platt now he's got a nice ssg decal and a lethal mere flag so we'll just ignore the fact that he completely missed the ball there big boom from the xbox plat the gold cannot handle it and it's downgrade time gold versus gold superfly 1968 wonder when he was born is this guy 50 years old oh he's in a tough spot playstation gold takes advantage playstation is now down to silver silver versus gold oh gold couldn't quite make contact on that shot they're vying for power in the corner the gold misses again oh the silver misses now what a thrilling matchup it's like it gets more exciting the lower we go what a move by the silver but he can't finish he rolls it up the side the gold misses and the silver's got an open net the final downgrade we're down to bronze gold versus oh my god look at that bronze that bronze has the most expensive car i've ever seen he's got wait what's oh no that's on the xbox side the wrong player downgraded the wrong guy substituted so now this is the actual playstation bronze meanwhile the xbox gold has whiffed there's some good sportsmanship though because of the confusion the playstation bronze has given up the ball very kind of him oh no superfly has whiffed in the corner now he gets bumped by the bronze the bronze has a clear path the bronze has won it for team playstation in the most lopsided matchup of the day this bronze came in here almost like he had nothing to lose and the pressure was just too much for team xbox well that was a thrilling game one let's move to game two this this mode pops can barely keep up back to the ssls again gavs again scores first he's out wasted no time there five seconds in and we're a gc versus ssl a little tactical fake there from uh the xbox gc see if that pays off ooh not a good touch the ps ssl jumps on it he's downgraded gc versus gc oh he's in a scarab with a musty flag you love to see it interesting bumping duel happening here in the midfield the xbox gc takes control beautiful flick but it hits the crossbar see if playstation gc can counter here goes for the ceiling he's going for the musty what else would he go for can the xbox get the counter here he's got a good touch out middle playstation recovers what a battle here in the gc ranks i love this guy with the mid game mid series car change he's got control can he flick it yes he can top corner downgrade champ versus gc now rough kickoff but a good recovery from the gc a lot of pressure on him now because he really doesn't want to get scored on by this champ how humiliating would that be [Music] the champ has got momentum here for the shot left a little to be desired surprisingly good matchup so far though the gc can't quite uh put this one to bed the champ is just hanging in there doing work for his playstation comrades in fact he's got a bump on net he's gonna score the champ has scored on the gc downgrade diamond versus gc surely now the gc will pounce on this the diamond almost actually scored on him there he's absolutely feeling it uh maybe feeling it a little too much he kind of over committed there yeah okay well that ends that downgrade diamond versus champ now little more even but still an advantage for xbox rank wise not so much for this game the playstation diamond missed that that would have been a huge upset there furthering the lead but instead the xbox gets him on the counter and it's diamond versus diamond here comes the b car again this time with a scottish flag and uh no one goes for kickoff and okay we got that sorted out there was obviously some confusion there this is a confusing game mode to be fair and these are diamond brains so it takes a little bit to you know calculate everything that's a nice little ceiling shot but it hits the crossbar crossbar the biggest enemy of team xbox and playstation counters xbox diamond versus playstation plat oh the plat just dunked the diamond the plait is now subbed out for gold gold versus diamond very lopsided matchup can the diamond take advantage yes he can not sure what the gold was doing he's doing gold things in the corner getting boost or something so now we have platt vs gold shot from the pull goal plat yeah from the plat so now it's gold versus gold we're all leaving again this is the gold uh that unfortunately saw the end of the game for the xbox we never progressed past gold see if he can do it this time he's so close no he can't shoot again i think he might be nervous especially now since he was unable to score last game can team xbox move up resolute defense from the playstation gold he's got an open net he's scored playstation moves on down to silver gold versus silver now last time this silver was able to score on this gold xbox gold gets some boost he's coming in hot playstation silver tries to go for a 50 doesn't quite work out he's got a 100 boost in the tank hits it towards net the silver has missed and the gold has scored so now we moved to the xbox silver this is the guy with the expensive car he's got the alpha cap the beta nugget zombas oh and he might have just scored that yes he has [Music] the xbox is down to bronze the bronze just needs to score for team xbox and it's all over they could even up the series right here oh that's falling middle silver scores bronze versus bronze it all comes down to this it all comes down to the bronzes how poetic okay he doesn't go for the kickoff no he's the bronze has abandoned the match team xbox tries to use flea it doesn't work we had to add a goal to both sides now it's a i he had a shot but he couldn't finish it he's got another chance oh what a save from the playstation bronze that's gonna go all the way into the xbox net playstation pulls out the victory in a 2-0 sweep of team xbox as a former xbox player i must admit we are trash we suck at rocket league good job playstation you sweats [Music] foreign
Channel: SunlessKhan
Views: 2,694,970
Rating: 4.9163389 out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, rocket league pc, rocket league best, rocket league guide, rocket league funny, rocket league moments, rocket league pro, funny rocket league videos, multiplayer games, xbox video games, ps4 video games, free pc games
Id: GgIz1JnY9VI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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