Pros vs Golds but the Golds have aimbot...

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now that we have an amazing aimbot in rocket league it's time to do some matchups you all wanted to see golds versus pros but the Gold's have aim bot we're gonna be doing a 1 B 1 a 2 B 1 and even a 5 V 1 with 5 bots where the bots have aim bot yes that's as scary as it sounds so I recruited 2 gold players and sent them the powerful mod to see if they can take down rocket League pros he's not in our LCS but he probably will be one day because he's nuts it's 16 year old Sosa our first pro he's 11 years younger than me and he's 10 times better at the game but it's he good enough to beat gold players and bots more specifically is he good enough to beat my aimbot next you know em you love em it's Rizzo longtime competitor for g2 and current our LCS na region champion as the games go on I'll slowly be increasing the aimbot power to ensure we make this as difficult or even impossible for the pros as possible before we get started I really want to thank you guys for how far we've come together as a channel as we move towards the ultimate goal of 1 million subscribers I don't get very wordy or sentimental these days because I've found I prefer to keep my intro shortened to the point and get right to whatever idea or project I want to show you everything else is less important to me and that's actually become one of the most meaningful projects in my life just making videos for you to enjoy and I love that I get to do that but sometimes I do want to say thank you and give back in small ways I know this will only go to one person but I want it to be one of you guys I have an extra 32 inch curved 2k monitor that BenQ sent me last year that I haven't been able to fit into my setup partly because it's so massive for a monitor so basically I'll do a drawing for my subscribers and the winner will get this monitor shipped directly to them from me you don't have to have a PC it worked great with any console as well it might take really long to get there but I'm also willing to do international shipping so to enter hit subscribe and sign up with the short Google Form I created and I'll be doing the drawing in exactly two weeks good luck guys it's time for our first matchup two golds versus one Pro the gold 7 bot we're gonna start them off with 20% power it's pretty powerful as you can see the curve or heap greatly affecting the path too much in fact the gold can estimate the curve on that ball and that's gonna lead to a goal for Sosa 10 seconds in the key here is gonna be keeping it away from the Gold's watch out so say he's demoed leave the shot open and Uncle whiffy is perfectly accurate crazy how good they are sews the shot is wide it's gonna leave another opportunity for the Gold's but they can't quite touch it so this is up quick too fast he's he's definitely had a huge disadvantage on those kickoffs the gold so far I've elected just to try to shoot it and get as much curve on it as possible it's not working out for them so such as air dribble both of them nice a little bit of work from Sosa I told G was nuts again he's got control got to be worried as a gold player you know you just have to touch the ball but we're talking about Sosa here doomsy dish okay we're gonna up the power a little bit 30% let's make it even tougher I don't want so sort of beat these guys so they're playing for my aimbots pride there we go uncle whiff he gets a gets some incredible power off that bounce all it takes is a block one simple block but the Gold's are definitely gonna have to figure out how to team up stop the force that is so sir that's gonna be a perfect shot do you think he has a mob but he doesn't that's just he's actually just good weird to imagine this is gonna be a triple tap we're so sad he's got an eight to two lead he knows he has to rack it up because at some point these Gold's are gonna start using the full power of the aimbot there it is ham solo makes his introduction with a beautiful curving shot down the middle a little bit of physicality there for the first time uncle whiffy lost that 50 did not try to rhyme that Sousa flip reset attempt but Homme solo is there to ruin it and there to bump Sousa to they might have a chance this one's just rolling all the way in so Suk gets blocked again this might just be rolling in I mean a great shot an absolutely great shot right on target from uncle whippy for goal lead but you know what screw you Sousa sixty percent we've got to make this more difficult we can't let him win dosa blocks one uncle with these dough they're both there actually unfortunately double commit doesn't mean double power Sousa looking dangerous flip reset powers it through both golds yet again 50 seconds still plenty of time uncle if he's staying behind the ball I think Sousa was the last person to touch that doesn't matter Homme solo is there to bend it in you see he knew that he could actually just shoot it anywhere he was totally calculated what can he do here an absolutely savage dunk as long as he stays behind the ball he's golden just like his rank these kickoffs are becoming a nightmare for Sousa he wins that 50 bill but it's going right to Han Solo what a shot crossbar dent well crossbar out and down out and curved him down ties it up 10 to 10 Sousa just has no answer you can win a 50 here but he's got to follow it up quick he does that but it's going right to a gold player another banger on target these goals are so accurate Sousa needs to get back to keeping it away but you just can't do anything about the curve what was that bounce amazing bit of skill from the Gold's here what a shot interesting they actually shot it off the kick off they went back to their old ways I don't think it's gonna matter now so does make the save he boobs that on target he ties it up with zero seconds this is rocket League over time wow what a game and they're not gonna shoot it this time smart yep they're gonna dunk yep that's straight in colds win aimbot wins what can a man do against such reckless coding go down to the field and here's some words from Sosa hey kickoffs I hate the cost ain't but one Sosa zero let's see how he handles five angry BOTS with aimbot they are very angry will this even be fair to give bots an extra BOTS ability like I hope they'll overthrow humankind oh yeah I didn't actually have it on yet okay now they have an bot oh my god that is that is terrifying look at their combined efforts to pinch this one right on target Sosa can't save it okay they just it's hilarious how they just charged at the ball every time Sosa is scrambling to get that last touch what are the bots doing [Music] so that's actually scores on them though yeah that their main problem is they can't really jump very well yeah and they're stupid they're not really getting enough power though they passed it right to Sosa so it takes a three to one lead Sosa doesn't even care anymore he's going for the kickoff he doesn't care there's five opponents okay time to up the bots power and they keep just shooting it right at Sosa sex is the only one I can actually threaten so so it seems like the rest are just completely inept time to crank the power or this is gonna get out of control speaking of control Oh muck Sosa just flip resets on BOTS he's Brazilian the bots this is embarrassing I'm just frantically increasing the power but they still can't I give them so much power and they still can't time to put it to a hundred I'm letting Sosa know all the way all the bots have to do is touch the ball after the kickoff just touch it thank you so it still saves it Sosa still scores on them come on bots I can't give you any more I'm literally I'm literally cranked out to a hundred all right it's 12 to 1 I'm forfeiting on behalf of the bots so the aimbot was clearly wasted on a weak robotic brain so it's time to bring back the humans human brains with robot abilities the cyborgs Sosa couldn't quite beat them let's see if Rizzo can so nothing so far so you just need to lay normal rocket League yeah don't want to get screwed on here yeah that would be unfortunate how does a really unfortunate one but he's feeling good and he's feeling good let's uh let's see what ten percent looks like first goal give them some power oh oh no oh okay I was gonna ask if it was like the curve on it is that okay I could see I could see it anyways this one ten or twenty this is still time okay is it gaining speed like as it goes does gain a little speed okay but it's not like it gains speed with every hit it just gains speed just from itself builds when it touches it yeah just start got a little faster so now we're going up to twenty this is where it gets a little scary oh no they get they got stretch that's good good oh wait a second okay I'm good I think I'm safe scared of this guy oh oh no oh no they're gonna touch it okay they got stuck on brother's front and a stain them in nice get in there oh but that means that up a little bit oh boy oh it sucks you off this hot for long oh they're ready go I'll read the curve can't touch it as I do it oh no right over me - I don't know about that one don't choose arriving surviving the caboose oh it's over wait no no he didn't get enough power on it even for a MOT wow you actually scored at 50% it's always just cuz I got the kick it's bait I baited him I bump me man you gotta comply and bought two strong comes out on top yeah no one can beat it so both of our pros couldn't beat - aimbot goals so to end the video let's see if Rizzo can take down just one of these goals in a 1v1 all right let's savoir to us to his silvers the let's see oh the flip reset all the girls off if you had just 10% aimbot always like the last would it put I can see it now my defender Rizzo I don't understand I'm just saying like not going for kickoff anymore you know with a delay or beat delaying it just doesn't work out I feel like he's gonna have to try to drill me or take a stronger shot takes the shot now it sold me triple it there you go oh no no no oh we're good we're good but I guess if he gets one save it's kind of over for me let's I just do something like oh no what I just do oh you got a past you yeah how are we go back to my set though never touch the kickoff oh we got the touch yes then it doesn't matter in fact I don't think dribbling is a play for me either cuz I have no idea when he's contesting me going for long shots only cold can't save those right let's go holy mistake he's there ah oh what a save hit the crossbar and still it's going in a shot alright one that one no no no we know what to do I know it's key boy does he have it he doesn't let's go he's feeling good sorry though what's it just tell me what is that sixty all right I don't like this there's the power of the game the absolute movement I don't with the slider no it's this slow early flakes early flakes we only know the moves we know he's trying to dribble but it's curving away from them see what he's got can he do it could equalize oh you got it you know the risk-taker you got the 50 let's go Rizzo beats the bond and they say I'm bad at what everyone's [Music]
Channel: SunlessKhan
Views: 4,408,691
Rating: 4.9516153 out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, rocket league pc, rocket league best, rocket league tutorial, rocket league guide, rocket league comedy, rocket league funny, sunless, rocket league moments, rocket league pro
Id: ogJ9PZsOlL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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