I made an SSL carry a BRONZE in Rocket League

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/RealMAZER 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2021 🗫︎ replies
i made a bronze player's dream come true by getting an ssl to team up with him and see how far he can carry him i grabbed two players from each rank and had them play one game if they win they move on to the next rank if they lose they i mean they just stop unless someone gets a little cocky and something crazy happens at the end which kinda does but don't worry we'll get there we started with two silvers because bronzes are hard to find and let's be honest it's basically the same thing anyways so let's see how far these guys can go oh also a little side quest here i want to see if you can get rohan at least one goal per game i mean i'll probably like slant like drive the ball directly into his car or or physically attack his car into the ball yeah whatever we can do i'll i'll try to i'll try to make it like the most silver platter you'll ever see possibly mvp you know who knows all right i'm gonna score real quick oh nice bam oh man no swearing this is youtube dude family friendly it'll be funny when i have to beep out a 12 year old oh by the way rohan is actually a tennis student i've had for like seven years so don't worry if we make fun of each other the kid has roasted me like 10 times harder than i ever could anyways all right where are you good middle in the middle right through the middle don't worry about it he's not scoring that oh he's a beast all right you should uh you should drive up field and i'm gonna slam this ball at you okay and try to like push it towards the net oh that's that's a banger this is a w you got this take your time let's go absolute absolute unit my i might do uh you know some crazy stuff what the [ __ ] i messed up but it went in real ham it's you too just bleep it out it's not that hard all right we both go yeah double ah it's actually part of them teamwork dude oh ariel oh are you good at the game or something i love it you know i i play a little bit oh yeah i'm not gonna lie he's about to he's about to think that you got that follow it up oh you're beating god a good passing play downfield wait you're a god at this game that guy just i just watched that yeah i meant to go flying over past the ball he just flew himself to mars first man on the moon all right all right i'm gonna give this ball to you just give me a sec ready ready oh that was so close i don't even think he knew ready for a team pin are you oh he's gonna go everywhere don't worry oh i'm doing three point turn i'm just gonna hope he misses uh he's hunk it oh that might be over here we're good oh double pushed wow you know trash talking you're carrying me playing better against the gold it was my oh they're getting a little toxic they're molding they've never seen intense bronze gameplay all right all right all right we're rolling we're rolling plots are going to be easier nice job ah i'm gonna try to body him up whatever that means rohan whatever that means [Music] kind of cry ah yes that works i'm just so intimidating in the air they were like nah we'll let them have this one i got this oh all right uh go over to there like in front of their net i'm trying to put this ball around your car oh yeah just start driving towards them roja or towards their net yeah don't worry don't worry just trust him just go they're not they're not not your neck other than that just drive over there no i'll sink it right into your car bro and i bet you a new tennis racket that you won't get scored on if you just leave net right now go over to there go to their side go to their side let's go bronzy get on their side come on you're on your side i meant the side they were scoring on no i want you to go to this side so you can score i go go for kickoff and try to get on their their side of the field just stick over there oh i guess i guess you're just a beast like you're nuts okay tom brady with the playbook like you're just better oh oh i tried to keep it up i thought he's gonna be under the ball all right these guys might be a little more confident i might have to give a little bit more effort yeah they do a good job at uh taking a lot of boost nice what is oh i got dunked all right i might have to play like uh like a very mean ssl do it nice there we go i catch the lead back yeah yeah well not yet we just need one more goal and we got high i gotta remember that they uh they hesitate a little more on shots so i can challenge a little bit earlier that's true yeah nice oh nice brought it back brought it back oh he passes it uh the minor adjustments that was a good demo i didn't even hear his car yeah i didn't see him there it's gonna be the move the champs are probably gonna try that as well oh that's a banger we gotta score those oh he almost feel like he almost caught up to it that was a really nice touch off the side it's not touch ah that was close it's a little close this is where it starts to get a little saucy yeah oh wait a second did you like the video yet because i'm not playing the rest until you do okay all right good now these guys are like champ one champ two so it's not a huge level up i think the other guys were like d3 oh nice oh close rohan's like getting better as we go up the ranks absolutely huge nice nice shot she got better mountain [Music] nice how's it feel rohan how does getting carried feel all right dick i'm in bronze three you expect me to do that [Laughter] even better than uh i would imagine honestly hitting some nice challenges against champs like you're playing roger federer and like hitting some aces against him like you're still getting trashed by him but like you hit a couple aces so it feels good yeah dull it's not like i'm gonna beat them oh is that an oh that's it did you hear what they just did to my boy i saw you saw your booze i just called my hundred percent okay tell them what's up taco's gonna get redemption there we go i got you redemption they took your boost rohan and he took their life maybe a double flip reset here for lucky oh my god hello greedy on that one could have gone for the double but i was trying to get the triple gohan he's going for the demo oh oh if he was better rohan you would have scored that if he was better oh nick could you beat him in 1v1 i mean i could get a demo in that situation so basically yeah possibly i could probably beat him in tennis right well [Music] okay yeah i got it you guys are gonna be a little more uh better at everything so try to buy time i couldn't get down this might be that stuff oh oh my gosh hit that oh turn on it get touched you can't nice good touch that's all we need oh nice shave oh i got bumped that's bad kind of messed up but he doesn't know what to do so nice we come back taco's figuring it out rohan's warming up oh did you get a piece of it i saved wait did you no oh rohan if you get a goal i'm giving you 20 bucks oh thanks geez 20 bucks means all right 100. if you get a goal i'm giving you a hundred dollars set me up for this hundred it's right there or maybe score he's still going to try to score yeah i know his name is 11 yeah that's not a number did he go to school you tell him rohan yeah type that in chat can you please after this game i will i want to see how how i do a 1v2 just some oh dang you think you can beat him 1v2 yeah come on try that all right i'm down let's try it tell him tell him rohan tell him all right get roasted by my 12 year old so gigi so now we get to see if having a bronze helped him against the grand champs or if it just gets in the way this might be tough yeah it's going to be tough kickoffs you're either going to make or break me oh you left the boost at the bump oh you shot that i didn't think he had it either i was smart for him to go for the boost and not the bump swerve nice we don't miss those we got a video on how to never miss easy shots clearly you've watched it yeah i might have to link it to ninety percent of the other ssl players that i enjoyably watch in the uh open nets oh my god that was clean these kickoffs are kind of blessing me nice oh my goodness are you gonna come back possibility is a mess oh good touch bad touch oh my load oh he's trying to take possession i actually didn't expect him to be able to do that so i i only drove up the wall because i figured he'd throw it away like this but i didn't know if he'd be able to follow it up now that guy's out of the play if i get around this one okay much because wasted ah yeah my entire play was banking on the kid behind me not hitting the ball having control of it how am i not demoing him oh my god yeah nice oh that's sweaty well he actually got two more goals this time so i guess it's literally better to 1v2 than to have a bronze on your team but hey i'm live on twitch right now if you want to come hang out and roast me for how bad my tennis students are at rocket league but otherwise thanks for watching now go [Music] practice
Channel: FlowStateGG
Views: 896,309
Rating: 4.9540968 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket league, Rocket League Tips, Rocket League tutorial, sunlesskhan, Rocket League Rank Up, Musty, rlcs, squishy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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