The true story of how I lost everything in Rocket League (but gained it back in a single 1v1)

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yesterday i find myself losing by one goal with time expiring there's one thousand dollars on the line and thousands watching live the pressure's on my opponent's closing in i have zero boost i need to win this game so how'd i get in this situation well today i'm going to tell you the story of this game and everything that led up to it how i learned that rocket league is all in your head how i use mind games against my opponent and how i ended up playing rocket league with t-pain just getting that last part isn't in the video i just wanted to brag that i played rocket league with t-pad get it out guys get it out of there oh that actually works i've never been this pumped to score in rocket league you guys always see some flip resets yeah yep here it goes wow that was a flip reset guys yeah know i could have blocked that but i didn't do it but watch it the real story begins now in my head you can spend money i can go anywhere bragging rights live with you for your whole life this is something that marks you as either a winner or as a loser so what are we watching this is the salt mine underground or smug of course we are starting off the action with a sunless versus sea belt and actually some this has been tweeting a lot lately about how trashy feels like yes he's been really upset so this might actually be the most poorly timed ones show matches ever agreed to i'll explain what they're talking about later for now let's dive into the game these two are ready to do battle so what we're gonna do now is head down to the field for sunless versus sea bell rocket league is a mind game that's something i've been learning the hard way for the past couple weeks like the commentators mentioned i was currently in the crash and burn phase and this show match against competent rival youtuber sibel in front of thousands couldn't have come at a worse time let's go through the games my mind was playing okay let's see at this point i think i was thinking something along the lines of oh oh this is not going great so this has got no control over this game whatsoever 3-0 in favor of sibel um okay so this isn't just me is it okay okay all right here we go thankfully that lag moment was only in the broadcast and not the actual game at this point i knew things were going badly but i was encouraged by the fact that all of sibel's goals so far it seemed kind of like a fluke at least that's what i was telling myself we were expecting to see sun let's go forward that's too early dude you're playing really well don't don't get overconfident oh yeah well sunless is back in it i was back in it feeling confident i decided it was time for a fake funny enough so did sibel double fake kickoff so let's take a shower in my own corner with full boost i knew sibel would press me how did i know that well this is where it gets a little weird the day before i was cueing once and i ran into sibel going under the ingenious disguise as g-belt thankfully i was disguised a little better so he had no idea it was me and i used this time to scout him a little bit turns out g-bell's pretty solid and he beat me pretty easily but i learned a couple things about his play style not to mention his first couple goals had all been really aggressive challenges doesn't take a genius to know he was going to challenge here i managed to not miss the open net and on the ensuing kickoff i had a good first touch and a good shot six goals in a row i was rolling i really liked what i saw from earlier on from seatbelt which made the rest of it so frustrating someone's looking for that flick oh that's beautiful seven in a row [Music] that's disgusting and it looks like this uh this self-hatred he has for himself on twitter and his rocket league performance has been doing him some good these are the tweets he's talking about basically i've been playing more than ever but my rank has been plummeting we could see a sunless on the on the verge of an emotional breakdown if this matchup doesn't go well for him jokes on you i was already dead inside by the time this match started still there was kind of a lot resting on this which i started to feel more and more as siebel clawed his way back into this game one thing i have learned through all this though is how important it is to shut off your mind while you're playing it's tempting to overthink things when you're trying to improve but during this play right here i wasn't thinking about anything at all which is way harder than it sounds for people like me who overthink everything nice air dribble here from sunless yeah this is this is what happens at this sort of level when sunless can pull plays like this out it's always going to catch you out that's some sort of plan b but it wasn't going to be good enough and now we're only 20 seconds left sunless feels like he's got it with that goal he will nine to five and the momentum shift happened like that game one was in the books and we were headed to game two i'm gonna talk about the gamer poise here rom sunless he is in right now he is immersed in this gameplay just no emotion no matter what happens again that's because i'm already dead inside i'm telling you it really helps just to emotionally detach from your gameplay he is melded into the screen oh the same always had to watch i'm wonder safe from sibel a lot of players aren't going to know how to transition it from that corner into your net in very quick fashion which seatbelt very quickly that's the counter attack guys remember when i couldn't do the speed flip well i can do it now [Music] see bell's not happy he's shocked he didn't expect this right over the top not making the mistakes see bell he's asking a lot of himself mechanically flipped reset and sonos went up to challenge him for it oh i'm not too sure if he needed to oh these players very good so far at least when it comes to uh fundamentals though as i say that sunless has a little bit of a fun time trying to find that boost forced to take the shot he almost caused sunless sleeping just under a minute in game two i had a one goal lead on sibel when i went for this so he's aiming for the car oh he's not got it though bell away this time he's gonna be quicker he realizes it's sunless trying to track back just clipped several's car a little bit i'm just so smart doesn't push it over the corner knows that seat belts already over there sunless is not making the little mistakes the seatbelt is as i say it he's had to go in that corner again son stay away don't go to that corner it's not your friend you don't need a goal you were all good sibel has tied this game up we don't have that much time left either even after that little throw from me i knew i could get a quick counter here but i wasn't quick enough and did not see the demo coming from one goal down to one goal up so here i was down one goal with zero boost and no time left zero seconds to overtime oh my goodness these guys throw down the gauntlet and suddenly threw it straight back typical throw for content youtuber action right here oh my goodness incredible oh it's over the top yeah no steve has no coverage and he takes it so this is where the mind game really begins sometimes it's really difficult to win that third game in the five game series to complete the sweep and sure enough sibel was not going to go down that easily seatbelt in typical seatbelt fashion is looking pretty good oh what a challenge that was so risky that is going to be just off but i think seatbelts done enough here there's too little time and it will go in off the bounce we've got ourselves a match up here i mean if you're gonna have a reverse sweep this is a good way to start it there's no way i choked this series right it feels like momentum is constantly shifting here honey are you doing anything important no i'm not i can come help no problem we're heading into game number four here sunless still on match point here in game four that seatbelt really started to get back into his game being really aggressive going for some great challenges and so i knew i had to get up earlier and it was just too tempting to not go for some zero boost he's not gonna be there in time to take the shot his recovery probably will be a bit late seat belt as well he's missed it well he had to take it quickly but he had to take it better than that yes oh this is lovely this is my type of play here looking completely out of control the whole time and then end it with a bump all right so here's the other part i didn't tell you about my mind game with seatbelt i told siebel before this match that i had run into him in ranked the day before but i lied to him i told him that i beat him so that he psychologically thought i had already won put his concentration hat on for this one for sure look at him he's like make sure my approach is perfect and here we go did that mind game actually work on sibel probably not but it was kind of funny and now here in game four i had a one goal lead and i was feeling like i could just put away this series right now but that was a big mistake because i forgot the other thing i learned from seatbelt when i played him he's really good in the air look at this man go all i have to do here is control the ball and not let sibel come and attack me and put it in my own net so that i'm down one goal with three seconds left oh wait that's what i just did the sunless goes with the johnny boy dribble to his own detriment i know he wanted to finish it he could see the end of the series right there but you've got to play it smart sunless over to the corner there's a lot of work to do though he's got to keep it up first touch does well second touch does better and it drops on the line see bell wins it by the razor fittest of margin this series was going to the last game we have got ourselves a game five these two are clearly well matched up by this point in the series i was finally truly in the zone i don't really remember a single moment from this game until watching it back obviously they call this the flow state where you're so focused on the task you're doing you're not really thinking about anything else like am i challenging at the right time am i making mistakes here positionally which is usually what i'm thinking about sunless three to nothing for the rest of the game i was pretty much in complete control i felt confident what i was doing i wasn't overthinking things i wasn't second-guessing myself if i made a mistake i'd quickly just get back get up and challenge the ball this has been a phenomenal tragedy so far from sunless he is unrelenting this is the quickest he's played all series i just can't really describe the feeling of two weeks of utter failure overthinking de-ranking and just l after l frankly to come on to a show match in front of a live audience against a peer that i respect and play a match that i felt proud of it just uh well it feels good to win one [Music] how about you guys you guys struggling and ranked please let me know in a comment i'd love to hear how you guys are doing it would honestly make me feel less bad if i knew you know other people are also deranking or you know if you're peaking you're doing amazing right now tell me that too just remember it's okay to have ups and downs and the best thing you can do is get good now i was gonna say talk to the people that love and support you the most but yeah get good too
Channel: SunlessKhan
Views: 1,333,481
Rating: 4.9747734 out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, rocket league pc, rocket league best, rocket league guide, rocket league funny, rocket league moments, rocket league pro, funny rocket league videos, multiplayer games, xbox video games, ps4 video games, free pc games
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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