Rocket League Players vs The Rank They Think They Deserve (Attackers Only)

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yo bro i need help my teammates are holding me back i should be diamond hello sea bell my teammates suck they miss open nets miss i think i deliver plat 3 because my friend said if he did not know yo guys enough is enough i get it you guys really want to prove yourselves and go up against the rank you think you deserve if we're going to do this again though it's going to be done with attackers only what does that mean it means that a gold who thinks he deserves platinum will go up against platinums which is how it's normally done but this time the plats also think they are better than their current rank and deserve diamond so if the golds happen to beat the platinums who think they deserve diamond well that would be hilarious the stakes are raised for this video and if you're excited drop a like real quick oh and if you'd like to help out i'm creating a new video called rocket league youtubers versus the subscriber count they think they deserve and i really need your help with it my goal is 1 million subscribers by the end of this year so consider subscribing if you like these videos let's get started with our first match so we've got mario judah a gold 3 who says i think i deserve plot 3 because people are bad at platt 2 and 1. and his teammate literally a frog who is also a gold 3 says i have pretty good game sense and good mechanics i can keep up with plat 2 in ones of course those golds are going to go up against some platinums but the platinums think they deserve diamonds so they think that they are up against some diamonds it's a giant cluster but it's hilarious so let's find out how long it takes them to discover that the people they're playing against are actually gold uh [Music] i'm live shooting right now come say hi after the video link in the description oh they just dunked on me both are that's bad okay now they're not going now i couldn't have done anything so i know i know i i tried but the platinums are starting to realize that maybe their opponents aren't diamonds like they thought they'd be going up against i'm sure these are diamonds maybe maybe they're the ranked defenders we need to stop double committing yeah you have better call-outs are we are we sure we're the right speakers i know i'm so confused i'm getting for that trigger nice no no no no no no oh my gosh i was so lucky well clearly we do not belong in platinum oh my god i don't want to be cocky but like it's it's four oh are we like actually just like cracked i guess this is actually amazing the golds are getting stomped on by the platinums which was expected but the platinums are feeling so good about themselves because they think they're possibly beating diamonds right now this is turning out way better than i thought it would i can't wait to tell them yep i'll take moose take this that's centered he's gonna hit that one more time ariel should be easy easy nice 501 diamond i mean uh i i like i feel maybe he's like i don't i'm i'm confused a little bit maybe this is a troll video okay yeah he caught me it is kind of a troll video but they are still defending the platinum ranks against these golds who are now down by five goals let's listen in and see if they have any last minute plans to turn this game around okay okay let's go x games mode dude so they're gonna go x games mode let's see if that works for him no i went too late dude oh my god nope oh my god oh my gosh yeah they lost bad let's drop the news to the platinums that they were actually playing golds and defending the platinum ranks oh my god yeah we knew it we were saying we were like so confused moving on to match number two we have keon drake 342 who says he deserves champ two because i am just good overall and my teammates fail to capitalize on my good plays and because he's blaming his teammates i wanted to pair him up with someone wholesome like this guy named i'm so good i who says he also deserves champ too because i have very good mechanics and spend too much time in free play i go above and beyond a majority of my teammates and i like to keep the wholesome mindset keep in mind that the champ twos they're going up against think they deserve grand champ one they said things like i have good mechanics and can dumpster trash kids in c2 well that sounds good and all but let's find out if they can play good against these diamonds first so i'm not gonna lie to you i i do see a diamond tournament winner yes it's a camouflage it's a camouflage it's a bait definitely well our champ twos are convinced that the diamond tournament winner tag is just a bait and that they're going up against gc ones but these guys are definitely diamond and it looks like they just got the first goal no problem that's just nerves on the orange team right going right you there yeah no oh my god we're getting dumpstered on no worries we got this they're not that good they're not that good we got this we got this nice let's go let's go we're getting it i'm going to push this if you can get back or actually wait a little bit it's because he's low on boost i'll rotate around you [Music] nice nice let's go what is this right now i don't know but i really don't think they're gc no but we are still getting dumpsters on they're just they're just being patient that's that's all i can't believe i'm saying this but the champ twos are losing three to nothing against these diamond twos what was it that the champ two said when he said he deserved grand champ oh yeah that was it well i guess they still have plenty of time to come back i've actually only played for like five months as well so five months you're insane though who got it oh no not my phone get there it's all good dude oh oh come on get it yes oh this is a rip this is i i'm so disappointed we're not even gonna get one dude come on no way it's so sad it's unfortunate not very happy with how i played it looks like the diamonds beat the champs who thought they deserved gc1 oh my god that's crazy serious there's no way the champ twos are never gonna live this down confirmed it should be noted that one of our diamond player's mom really wanted to see this video and we'll be proud to know that her son beat up some champ twos our third match has platinum ones who think they deserve diamond one hobo a plot one says i think that most times i'm losing because my teammates just don't know how to play or rotate i'm more of a smart player and deserve diamond one and he'll play alongside wwe kid who says my teammates always push when they should not they can't hit airshots or even dribble they clearly need to be silver and not plat perfect they both blame each other for being plat meanwhile on orange team the diamond ones they think they're playing against champ ones what could go wrong i'm mid i got it [Music] oh i think the fact that they blame their teammates and now being stuck in a voice call with them is kind of weird let's say back i got all right i'll push off the shuttle i'll take my man i saw you close oh my god nice you're insane that should be spawning soon that's not my bad so this game is way different than the last one the platinums are barely even getting it onto the orange side of the field [Music] let's go let's check in with the orange team and see if they are noticing that they are not playing against champ ones and are actually playing platinums that's right soon oh you missed you're good good well they're still hard coming so probably not the orange team gets one more gold just for good measure and the platinum ones don't sound too thrilled with their gameplay okay we're getting dominated what i said we were getting dominated yeah no kidding the platinums end up losing and don't score at all let's check in with the diamonds and ask them what rank they thought they were playing against i feel like yeah i feel like i i feel like they were plateau our final match will be champs versus grand champs and we have aspen a champ two who says he deserves grand champ one because i feel like on days when i'm warmed up i am dominating my c2 lobbies it's just that my teammates are rather incompetent and don't know how slash when to challenge and his teammate will be killer dude a champ one who says he deserves grand champ one because i deserve this rank i understand rotations and positioning my teammates are the ones making the worst mistakes but i make only minor mistakes due to some of my inconsistencies another game where they both play in their teammates who will they have to blame now if they lose and the orange team has grand champs of course who think they deserve super sonic legend so this might be a quick match honestly the main reason i said i could be grandpa because i saw uh john sandman playing oh yeah john salmon is quite questionable where he's been killed shoot that's my bet if that goes in i missed it good good good oh that's so unlucky yeah these guys honestly seem like they're like diamond or something is that is that rude to say i feel like it's like diamond three i don't know that killer dude i don't know ah the car is giving me weird i probably play like that when i messing up yeah i might be i might be nervous like i just messed up my flip they're honestly not very good the reverb guys they doesn't carry well then again their grand chance we're not but yeah all right this is funny the champs on the blue team are saying that the grand champs aren't that good meanwhile the grand champs and orange are the ones who are winning and feel like they're rude for wondering why the blue team is not playing like super sonic legends let's continue watching and see how this unfolds all right we should try coming more i wasn't really saying anything okay i can push this oh yeah okay high curl is not very good that's this kind of person i've seen champ do lobbies oh my river is actually kind of nuts i sell no boost this is a problem okay i got this one [Music] yeah yeah he's shooting though uh i'm lucky yeah these guys feel like diamond they get the wrong game i don't know i don't know maybe he's trolling us you can go there's only one back hey let's go good pass all right blue team is only down two i got it i missed my top right i don't miss that oh my god i missed it again no okay how many hoping that's if i missed this game we got a counter five five open up honestly surprising gc missed that to be fair oh he's there he's there oh wait what is he doing that was a bad challenge it's all right oh wow what a flick that was a good flick i'm waiting these are champ ones that wanted to be grandchild well this game is about over with the grand champs being up four and with this beautiful air dribble it's now six to one i think that really the only difference is that they can do air dribbles out of nowhere and i can i feel like the score line doesn't accurately reflect how close of a game this is like i think honestly like this game is a lot closer than it actually was i can't agree but i like the fighting spirit oh and the grand champs on orange has some guesses for what the blue team's ranks were i'm guessing if i'm gonna guess i'm gonna say killer dude is like a diamond three or maybe a champion and aspen is like like a champ too let me tell them that they are right yeah yeah i mean i know it's pretty but if i lost those people i might have uninstalled honestly decimated well there you go another round of rocket league players versus the rank they think they deserve if you enjoyed this one leave a like before you head off and remember that i'm live streaming on twitch right now if you want to come say hi later [Music] he's going to put us against like ssls like arsenal sunless just turns actually sunless is bad i think i could be hey don't talk bad about sunless like that wrong chord bro
Channel: CBell
Views: 2,080,505
Rating: 4.9462509 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket League players vs the rank they think the deserve, rocket league the rank they deserve, rocket league, rocket league cbell, CBell, Rocket League ranks, rocket league grand champion, rocket league pro, rocket league showmatch, rocket league challenge, rocket league cocky players, rocket league moments, rocket league video, rocket league vs, rocket league rank test, rocket league diamond, rocket league platinum
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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