I did an Athena flick with every car in Rocket League. Which one is the WORST?

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hey guys today we're going to find out which car is the worst car in rocket league now we're not going to do this by testing out how many goals i don't score with each one because 99 of them are all tied at zero so that'd be pointless now to find the worst car i'm going to be performing the worst move in rocket league but don't confuse how bad the mechanic is with its difficulty because it's actually quite hard it takes a lot of skill and concentration sure we've all done it accidentally at some point but when you're trying to hit the crossbar on purpose it becomes pretty difficult what is the athena flick well the athena flick is basically the crossbar challenge except for flicks not shots shooting and hitting the crossbar is not an athena flick as long as it's a flick though you can do a wide range of setups and flick types because as long as you a slam the crossbar b don't score and c scream something anything immediately after you have correctly performed the athena flip please don't please yep that's me now this move wasn't actually invented by athena since rocket league players have been flicking the crossbar for years now but she has popularized it to the point where it's named after her you don't always have to be the first one to do it to get naming rights that's just life guys accept it today i'm going to be challenging my mechanics by performing this difficult new move in every single common and legacy car in rocket league to find out which one is the worst let's begin our first car is the aftershock looks kind of like a jet i don't think a lot of people use the aftershock kind of a kind of a thick boy kind of like him look at that turbine look at that absolute unit of a turbine on the top i know this thing's going to be good at athena flicks oh yeah the thing is the athena flick is actually going to take a lot of accuracy you got to hit that crossbar that's a very specific target plus we got sweaty opponents so that's gonna be tough here we go oh my god oh that might be too low yeah that's not what we want i am pain by the way so that should fit this video pretty well okay here we go straight up oh no so close here's a let's try to do a 180. nope never mind dang it i do want to win this game though subconsciously want to win i did it yes first game and i did the athena flick okay now i can just win over time there we go on my first try well first game not my first try i tried a couple times car number one checked off next we have the backfire i have five wins with the backfire not sure when oh i think my wife played with this when she played uh flip's wife wait wait until lens okay now go ahead all right let's see it oh that was a chance athena flick takes a lot of composure not everyone can do it that might be it oh a little high even for an athena that's also a little high i kind of like this backfire i don't mind it i could use this athena complete in the backfire let's go a little sauce on that athena time for the breakout now i got a couple wins in the breakout this was like my first car it's kind of clean with those gold stones as well it's my first alpha reward item that i've owned oh you really challenged me so i had to had to do it to him couldn't go at the end of that time full demo okay i have a chance yes it's looking good breakout completed onto the dominus basically the same thing just a little less a little less flat i used to use the dominus quite a bit too more than the breakout for sure like i started out with the breakout and then the dominus was back in my season three days i think the beginning of my youtube channel i'm using the dominus and i switched the octane like season four right before you guys were born i thought it was coming for me okay here's the phoenix book not too low way too low gotta get those up gonna give me a free athena flick i did it very simple backflip athena i don't think i've ever used the aspar oh my god listen to that engine it sounds like a very old car is is daddy coming or is he is he ever coming home is he just gonna leave [Music] oh he athena'd nice dang it might be good didn't want it to uh this too low there nope [Music] dang it not high enough to hit the crossbar in fact the money bounced [Music] ah i just cannot get this thing down man i'm too on target okay one more chance yes i did it a zero second athena esper complete moving on to the gizmo i like the gizmo gizmo has a special place in my heart i don't know why just does i remember why it's because these flaps go up when you boost it's so cool [Music] is it in yes an athena complete with the gizmo ooh the grog very rarely do i use the grog but this is a special occasion what an absolute monolith this thing is holy [Music] wait for it ah i tried to flick it up close one close one [Music] hey we did it the demo is key for the athena flick gives me plenty of space and the grog is now complete it's time for the hot shot this thing is weird man it's so like a front heavy could be good for athena flicks though [Music] what car engine is this guy using close [Music] yes i did it [Music] that guy just athena flicked try to demo me sir i'm flicking ah too far oh you're going now oh i almost dang it i almost had a musty athena there here's my chance here's my chance no here's my chance yes we've done it in the marauder marauder complete oh yeah i have to finish this game this guy kind of slaps oh that's a corner i don't know if that counts i still have a chance [Music] yeah whoa i thought they hit the crossbar for sure dang it okay we're going back and taking a look at this one it did hit some of the sidebar but it's close enough to the crossbar uh the most important thing is it missed so it's it counts oh i've been waiting for this i've been waiting for this for a long time let's do this it's beautiful it's absolutely beautiful [Music] yeah oh no what gosh darn it oh what [Music] [Applause] [Music] that was that hit the crossbar and it was kind of a musty flick it was more like a butt shot though to be honest there's the athena all right merc complete oh now here's a car i've never used that was strange look how the spoiler looks so weird just sitting there that's just who would use this [Music] no yes i did it okay the octane is complete the paladin i guess i've never used the paladin but i know it's an og car this car used to actually be the meta we could have been all driving this paladin pellet and paladin damn he says i meant to type same oh he's talking about because my name is [Music] pain athena that was sick it's quite scuffed but that's the way we like it dang this thing flicks hard oh no the proteus you know this is good for me there's no way i'd ever use these cars boom did it already a little low all right there you have it the proteus oh man the ripper i have such good memories with the ripper i actually use it a lot i don't know why it says two wins unless i got two wins in like a year i think it's because i used this mostly when i was on the xbox [Music] he got me yeah we good [Music] i don't know if that counts that was a little high i have to put that one under a further review [Music] no here we are in the replay booth uh yeah that looks a little high but it's it still counts uh yes the merc 2.0 also known as the roadhog yeah that's what we're looking for right there oh that's just way too low that is not a clean athena right there that is terrible [Music] there we go about two years ago i did a challenge where i used the scarab for a month it was terrible i hated it apparently i got 140 wins that month that seems low doesn't seem good what i missed what the why is my car moving what the heck the scare of moves before the kickoff is that a new thing or is that like a scarab bug i get it because it looks like a bug bro it's so hard to get the flicks up high on the scarab it's like trying to flick a ball with a ball it does not work i'm so entirely using this car [Music] there finally oh my goodness i did not enjoy that good little car looks just like a good little car [Music] way too low for an athena flick boom did it i like the backflip athena that's a good way to do it the triton another one i have pretty much never used let's go this thing looks like uh what are they called the hunger games like the the empire or whatever the bad guys looks like a card they would use nope may the odds be ever in your favor here we go no you know i think i like this better than the scarab this thing's like a freaking literally a submarine that'll be a submarine than a ball [Music] yes oh it's good the zero boost triton athena flick and also check out how when i turn the uh propellers turn in the back that's sweet the venom i use the venom a fair amount 561 wins this is like going down memory lane for me because i used the venom before i used the breakout the dominus pretty much those three cars before the octane oh yeah and the ripper the vulcan oh that's fun oh the wings spread out okay that's it's kind of sick that will not do yes just a glancing blow off the crossbar all right we're into the home stretch with the x devil oh that might have been it just to be safe ah there it is no doubts about that one and last but not least the zippy basically looks like a stumpy version of the octane [Music] boom crush that one all right so after performing the worst mechanic in every original rocket league car it's time to decide which one is the worst here's my top three coming in as the third worst car i'm gonna have to say the hot shot because it was long and plank-like it wasn't necessarily difficult to flick it's just every time i managed to i felt terrible about myself and all my decisions in my life that's all it just feels unbalanced and not in a good way as the second worst car i'm calling out the almighty roadhog and not just because he's fat okay i think all big bodies are beautiful like the grog or the proteus see they're big and awkward and difficult to use too but at least they look interesting the roadhog is just and finally it's time to crown the worst car in rocket league i have an intimate knowledge of this vehicle and i can personally vouch for just how bad it is you can try to play well in this car you can try to athena flick in this car you can try to score goals in this car you might succeed you might not either way weird things will happen and you will not have a good time i know it's funny it's a joke car but there's no getting around it the scarab is the worst car in rocket league thanks for coming to my ted talk wait do people still say that [Music]
Channel: SunlessKhan
Views: 1,764,251
Rating: 4.9409418 out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, rocket league pc, rocket league best, rocket league guide, rocket league funny, rocket league moments, rocket league pro, funny rocket league videos, multiplayer games, xbox video games, ps4 video games, free pc games
Id: nf4oExcEbqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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