Last to Touch The Ground Wins... NRG Rocket League Aerial Challenge

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hey gamer sorry hey gamer oh yeah like what if garrett does it hi gamer three two one go gamer hey gamer and so today our fantastic heads to grady came up with the great idea of letting us all aerial into infinity because a very original idea never before seen anywhere else on youtube and uh basically you know we got to stay up forever in the air and that's the whole video and whoever falls last is the winner yes oh yes i backflip immediately so the walls don't count as a ground right dustin what's up with the uh the no alpha boost what's up with that oh can you depreciate yup what's the rule that's like can we touch the walls yeah okay that's all or not uh i would say no no okay okay so just like not the roof either oh oh my god oh my god i almost lost control because i was watching squishy did i want i want to hunt people but like i also don't want to throw first it's like way more risky to hunt people than it is tonight i know that's the issue with this i'm coming for you gear no we need i know i hear you bro get off of me eight minute video for the algorithm so someone seems to chill are sure gary come here dude you stop hunting me [Music] oh oh it's just just not moving i feel like this is gonna be the most boring video ever yeah it will this area okay i'm gonna make it entertaining right now hold on what if people are like whoa their aerial control is insane dude crazy how can they do this this is crazy all right let's make this interesting let's slam each other let's do it come here oh my god we missed each other yeah this is right all right we're playing chicken go hit the ground yes let's go see you soon are you getting money hopping here how did you not move because i know i'm like phasing through their cars bro what is up they got like the uh wait you guys like it you guys i used to wait are you guys like bouncing or is that only on my screen you guys like your screen glitches it looks so funny man dude i'm still mind blown gary how you doing i'm going through your car squishy what the heck am i not hitting your car dude like you can't okay can we make a rule with no roof or something i can't kill them it's impossible my god oh no oh that's it wait oh my god oh my god the wall you're out if you hit the wall you're out did anyone have the wall or no is that the rule yeah yeah yeah that's what we're saying beginning can't cuz you could just drive on the wall okay justin wait i can't see you i wish there was like a car cam i know i know hello wow what ah okay we're good oh my god bro how do you all look at the ground off that what i almost because i had a lot of momentum i went for a hard bump on the switch i'm people though i respect it yeah i was going for the kd i got a 1kd right now that's cool though i really like how justin's got the 2017 preset tachyon whoa oh did i get him did i get him wow for now i can't see him uh so you can fight people more better with the flip that's what i've been through i've been getting flip off the roof that's not a bad idea oh so you're cheating don't do it anymore yeah yeah but now but now like if you ever get bumped you'll recover so easy with the flip flop never die ah that's true that's true okay no flip oh dude i'm i'm like in shock still about what the happened with gary you hit the bottom of my car you literally hit me up all right here we go go go i can't believe that i'll show you the volume of it make sense i guess i got a one so if you hit someone if you hit someone into the ceiling is that losing to i think so i think i would say yeah i would say yeah [Music] yeah the ball in the middle actually helps a lot oh dustin's going for me now he did throw his game thank you yeah i did austin no oh no this is oh that was almost a three-way you know i mean yeah whoa whoa [Laughter] okay just watch justin's view of me he's just going in a circle i know wait wait okay never mind but who did i slam into when i died was that garrett or musty trying to kill him you tried to kill him oh i got the flippery thing which is godzilla wait i gotta flick one day without hitting the ceiling i'm just pretty sure i have one oh you hit the ceiling oh you did hit the ceiling you hit or did you just dub justin i don't care okay 1v1 okay nice sorry sorry about that that's fine honest mistake i i don't know if i'm gonna reset or not i don't know how i feel about this vehicle justin i don't know why it looks like a champ two car i can't lie i was questioning it's so clean honestly yeah this is taste this is yeah kind of car though i love justin they made this car just for me i appreciate you so epic why why are we saying so close to the ground bro what's over there that's playing a risky game right now yeah it just is like boy i think oh contact oh he's air dribbling you i i don't know if i might flip like i want to test to see if i have it but like i want to have it but then i should get a flip no i gotta have squishy's car though i didn't get off the ceiling it was like actually like pure life i tried to get one off musty or the ball i guess oh right away it's so risky oh my god oh my god beauty so i'm afraid i'm if i look at justin for you long i'm going to like hit the ground oh he's literally trying to air dribble you oh justin's giving us never shouldn't use that term leading us on he's edging us [Laughter] circular spheres [Music] oh i didn't have my flip oh we're gonna get her get her oh my god i never had a flip i never had to play oh oh justin played everybody save your life i don't know i don't know i feel like justin how this though i i think i think must be at first here let's see yeah yeah okay go slow-mo stop the patch go slow-mo for that yeah that works too wow that was quite you didn't hit the ground the other one it was really close though i thought justin was going to take the ground when he was flooding i should have boosted up bro oh yeah yeah oh barely dude yeah that was so close at least it ended in like a fun way yeah that was really close yeah rip point one second
Channel: NRG Rocket League
Views: 594,611
Rating: 4.9611421 out of 5
Keywords: NRG Rocket League, Rocket League, nrg rocket leage, nrg rocket league comms, nrg pro comms, rocket league, nrg, rocket league esports, nrg jstn 0 second goal, nrg jstn highlights, squishymuffinz nrg, squishymuffinz flick, GarrettG, musty, nrg musty, musty flick, amustycow, rocket league codes, Rocket league fortnite challenges, nrg fortnite, how to mustyflick, how to musty flick, jstn fakes, nrg rl comms, jstn, how to flip reset, penalty kick rocket league, tiktok, sizz
Id: G6a2ehkbLwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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