1 Pro vs 7 Fake Grand Champions (craziest showmatch ever)

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all right so the last time i had a pro 1v7 golds it didn't really count because one of the golds played with the pro so we're going to try this again but we're going to raise the stakes a bit in more ways than one first off i got one of the most mechanical and talented players in the world first killer then naturally i decided to prank him it was just a prank bro so i told him he'd be playing against seven golds but i actually got seven grand champions now you should probably know the highest rank anyone has ever successfully 1v7 is gold and that was justin and it didn't even really count because one of the goals was playing with him so asking someone to play against seven gcs is literally impossible not figuratively literally he has no chance so i told the secret gcs to pretend like they were bad at first to see how long it would take for first killer to figure it out for the second round though i got actual golds to 1v7m i don't want to give too much away but the golds posed almost as much of the threat as the fake gcs because they spent hours before the match devising strategies and tactics to tilt first killer and somehow it actually worked seriously it ended up being one of the funniest show matches i've ever seen but first let's get into the prank match alright here we go one pro against seven not so gold gcs also i barely know first killer i've never talked to him so this is kind of a risk just pulling a prank on him like this he might hate me oh and there's a goal let's jump into the comms with first killer how is that a ball nice dude nice so these are the youtube videos i watch where they just keep missing the ball potato league yeah yeah that first killer was right these guys were definitely putting on a potato league act it's gonna get harder though once they start um i don't know they'll start figuring it out a little bit oh my god the gold's making nice little demo save there but i don't think uh first killer suspects anything yet they're still pulling it off pretty well there's a couple whiffs in a row there yeah they're they're kind of slow they kind of slow but there's seven of them so you think like yeah they're gonna start swarming you yeah exactly i'm gonna oh my god he bumped me so there we see some genuine surprise from first killer was not expecting uh that that gold to be so speedy in the air with a mid-air bump but he still has a breakaway and he's still doing pretty well three nothing already see if these gc's start to get desperate i know they don't actually want to lose that guy's disguise in a scarab genius ah there they go they put one away this is the beginning this is like harder than rlcs probably right oh yeah actually oh yeah i don't know oh yeah he says so yeah basically in comms i was just asking him stupid questions like is this harder than rlcs so i could tell he uh he was kind of just focusing and was not going to be happy with what was going to happen next i was surprised though he is still holding up like it is 4-1 with 130 left so we have to wonder when the gc's will start playing faster there you can actually see it that's a pretty powerful clear they're all kind of playing a little quicker now i wonder what first killer's thinking yeah these guys aren't gold are they all right he figured it out with 120 to go not bad at all at the beginning i thought they were wait was justin playing actual bots or like not boss people justin was like actual ghouls so now the gcs are just kind of unloading on him i mean he's he's putting up a valiant effort but uh there's only so much you can do against seven slightly competent gc's let's go to a post-game interview with first killer that was impossible now let's move on to the actual 1v7 with golds okay i don't think he thought it was that funny but just wait till we get into this one they were all named a variation of sunless khan i did not control this we have possibly sunless con not sunless con maybe sunless con statistically sunless cotton musty number one youtuber and 100 sunless con and yes the musty guy was wearing a musty car tell me this isn't the most terrifying thing you've ever seen so i don't know what first is thinking at this point but he's just playing normally and wait a second there's only six players on the field that was a nice goal but first killers wondering the same thing we all are where is the other guy so the other guy was having trouble joining and first is just scoring more goals there he joins so now it's a 7v1 but four was just a 61. so of course not sunlescon asks can we restart i don't really know what to do so i was like i mean we already wasted all this time first is scoring amazing goals i don't really want to take that away but i decided you know what if they can score two goals on first killer then we can restart i don't know why i said that that's just i just threw that out there they score their first goal and they all want to save him the toxicity the pure mind games trying to upset first killer as much as possible and i've just pranked him probably already pissed him off now he's got all these troll sunless cons vming him but i don't know it's just a guess i mean i have no idea what's what's running through this guy's head i'm no longer in the calm so i'm just watching this now i'm just i'm just an innocent bystander watching this cluster these are the cockiest golds i've ever seen they decided to go full confident and you know props to them most goals i work with just kind of uh take it but not these they 100 think they're going to win this game and i i got to respect them for it but i have to say i did not expect this first killer gets scored on again and he accepts the restart i don't know if you can see it with all those what a saves but he calls for the restart as well so that's what we did so this is turning into a true rivalry i suspect first killer accepted it because oh my god what was that so this is what the golds had been practicing a set piece kickoff pinch that results in an opening goal it's 1-0 the golds are winning unbelievable as i was saying i think first killer accepted that restart because he thought he could do better than allowing two goals because he was winning there and uh in frustration sort of accepted that reset now i don't think that play was planned by the golds it did look uh coordinated the way they both with that in unison sort of but that's just kind of a gold thing i think and first killer has tied it up musty number one youtuber i think he just whipped a stationary ball we'll call it a fake but i wouldn't be surprised either way nice little flick by 100 sunless khan which is he's 100 percent not sunless con i swear i'm not playing i merely like i said earlier a witness to this monstrosity i think the golds just demoed themselves and twice first killers up looking dangerous it misses now this right here we're gonna pause because this is just art look at this this belongs in the museum but yeah they get scored on for sure not sure how actually there were like six of them on the ball but i think one just yeah bumped them all away and the first killer just backflipped under it so this is looking more like what we expected but it is only two to one we're about halfway through the game but then disaster strikes for the golds it looks like they scored on themselves yeah 100 sunless cotton went into demo and hit it off of maybe sunless con and they scored on themselves three to one in favor of the pro they better watch out now because he's got speed and momentum all he needs is violence and he's got the win although golds are kind of committing violence against themselves that's just beautiful to see first killer took that all the way around the field just kept chasing it and keeping it high the mechanics it just looks so smooth the way he hits it four to one it's getting out of reach but there's the kickoff again they score on the same play first killer can't believe it they've done it again it was not a fluke they actually practiced this there's no way they could be that consistent with it now they're chasing him for a bump it works the gold's pull within one musty number one youtuber says easy dubs wow they really believe they're not even they're not even winning and they're already calling the dub the absolute mad lads are so cocky but pride does come before a fall i'm not really sure who i'm cheering for at this point because the golds have kind of won me over cocky as they may be you've got to admire the strategies both uh the mind games with the names the pinch kickoffs the bming there's a bump and a little pass play musty number one youtuber has scored for the golds and he has equalized look at this what a game we have one minute to go these teams are remarkably even off the crossbar in the post and then way off and then that shot is actually somehow missed even more than the previous one so weird because sometimes the goals look so dangerous and almost unstoppable and other times they just look like like gold so get i guess that makes sense they scored those three goals in a row because they kept the boost away from first killer or first color away from the boost because if you can't pop it up high and chase it that's where the golds are most dangerous when it stays on the ground uh see what i mean when it's up they're in trouble first killer scores with 22 seconds left another beautiful double width you know there's beauty even in their failures and failed they have because first killer has killed it now most of them said gg but musty number one youtuber said it was lakuki so naturally we did another match here we go the final matchup between seven of the cockiest golds you've ever seen and first killer pinch kickoff didn't work that time first killers up looking dangerous again what a save by the golds who did that statistically sunless khan with the chase down save that might be the play of the series okay that was a nice save too but that's expected he's first killer almost two minutes in no goals yet it's like these teams have really figured each other out they're battling with each other on a whole nother level psychologically mechanically stealing each other's boosts the bumps can they score here no they're golds first killer is forced to make so many saves he's on zero boost he makes another one all the corner boost is gone he's being chased down the golds are clamping down hard making sure there's no boost for him there's a shot it's good the golds have taken the lead easy easy easy easy 45 easies there after three and a half of the sweatiest minutes i've ever seen this is truly a battle of the titans first killer cannot falter now a two goal lead would surely seal the deal for the gold there's a demo open net nope doesn't matter too slow shot from first killer would have had a nasty angle there the golds are all over it they have possession and there's seven of them charging with the ball they forgot to defend there's only one back and first killer scores they got a little a little aggressive there it's hard to over commit when you have seven players but somehow they managed to tie game with one minute left just like last game another pinch kickoff but first is ready for it this time got that mid boost that's key anytime you see first pick up a full pad there you didn't get that one you know the golds are in trouble they might have given him too much space here actually no not sunless khan has demoed first killer the entire seven gold team in defense they're really trying not to give up that game-winning goal don't want to over commit i have no words for what i just witnessed there 15 seconds and counting emotions running high eight hearts pounding a little whiff there the entire team is up to save it first is there for the shot he scores first has killed the gold on a zero second heartbreaker how did it get through that crowd golds are having a heart attack i'm having a heart attack what a series use code sunless you
Channel: SunlessKhan
Views: 3,673,637
Rating: 4.948833 out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, rocket league pc, rocket league best, rocket league guide, rocket league funny, rocket league moments, rocket league pro, funny rocket league videos, multiplayer games, xbox video games, ps4 video games, free pc games, pro gamer, funny gaming, rocket league free to play
Id: bkXhiDzdjVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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