*PAINTED BLACK MARKETS ONLY* 100,000s OF CREDITS ARE ON THE LINE! | Blind Trading in Rocket League!

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another 50 000 subscribers another blind trading in rocket league this time it's painted black markets only no one's ever done this before i've never done this before i've never had enough painted black markets to do this this could be big and i am so excited all these people on these lists minus a couple are here for blind trading today if you want to get involved with blind trading in the future then please do join the pixel army discord server discord gg forward slash pixel army it's a great time over there drop a like as well if you want to see more of this subscribe down below if you're on the majority people watch this video that have not subscribed and are a part of the pixel army because we are well on the way to 900 000 subscribers and then 1 million in the year 2021 this is serious business i'm gonna need to bring my chair up a little bit as you can see by my name down there please use pixel army in the rockley item shop now sit back relax let's get started first one d3 jff we're just gonna be chilling today one thing i love about blind trading there's something going on at all times it's just a relaxing time but it's also it's also pretty exciting so if we go to my garage we go to manage inventory and then we go to the archive and put on black market painted right here this is what we have to work with all of these bad boys what if i do most recent that's a better mix i think if i do alphabetical there's a lot of similar black markets bunched together so what i'm gonna do i'm going to do most recent and then we'll do the black market blind trading from there we got black sub-zero white interstellar a few black sub-zeros some painted mainframes in there oh my goodness oh god oh my gosh i pray this isn't a trend minimum play times in online match is not reached so apparently i haven't reached the minimum level of playtime required to trade in rocket league i have over 3 000 hours in the game it has to work it has to work i'm on the steam account now so i haven't played long enough on epic games but i've okay right we move pick a number from one to eight here we go ladies and gentlemen we finally have the blind trading apparently you can't trade if you haven't played on the exact platform but here we go three now one two seven what's it gonna be it could be a black sub-zero no that's row two what we're talking about could be a bouncier atomizer could be a crimson it's a gray atomizer he said three three so there you go you got yourself a great atomizer if that was two three it would have been a black sub-zero and that would have been absolute scenes but there we go congratulations trade number one off the list and now we move on to the next player that is a much better way to do it you love to see it thank you lad t-y have a great day sorry for the scare i removed my friends list but i added him back now we can remove epic friend and get out of the party just to keep things clear for future episodes floating sword get back in my party lad and here we go this is a vibe it's a good day at the time of recording it's a friday if you guys don't know my schedule or anything like that i record the videos that go up on a wednesday on a friday because that's just how i do it i like to be prepared up until the next wednesday when i end the week so it's a friday afternoon the sun is shining the guinea pigs are chirping and uh here we are yes okay pick a number from one to eight so let's have a look and see what out of here is gonna be the best ones to guess let's see we got the most recent the most valuable one i have is probably i would say the black sub zero so two and three that's solid crimson mainframe very valuable titanium white solar flare also very valuable and then down here we do have the interstellars and stuff like that we have a white striker airstrike probably quite valuable as well one here okay we've got a sky blue sub-zero in the mix now one to seven are they trying to say one six for the old um you know what was it in the past titan white apex wheel if he says six i have a feeling oh five saffron fireworks for floating sword all right we'll get rid of you on my list floating sword in a bit lad there we go i hope you enjoy the fireworks my guy boom i got that in a crate very recently i'm pretty sure no i don't know i probably could have checked it before i traded it away it might cancel we might have to no it definitely this left my inventory so we're gonna give it away eventually once this processes i think that cancelled because i invited him to trade then he invited me to trade when you're trading if both of you do it it seems to go wrong but there you go there's the saffron fireworks that will now 100 work i've done enough trace to know that if you both invite each other to trade even if one accepts and one doesn't it goes completely wrong so this will go through there we go trade has been completed juju's my guy and now we move on tysm let's go it's been real floating sword thank you so much for stopping by this the classic disappear without a trace now we have just that uh jessica v that's a much better way to say there we go so thank you floating sword it's been real are we going to lose a black sub-zero today i don't know i think the next episode will probably be the uh the rocket league lottery where i give out trade-ups and then if they snipe the black market that they got in the trade up then they win the absolute jackpot my credit tally is lower than it was recently it was a million and now it's 600 000 due to all the crates and stuff i've bought and the very rare items but we move we do have a saffron exalter in the item shop which is pretty cool so be sure to use code pixel army if you want to support me let's try and get this guy into our party and then we'll go from there oh look at this guy he's got the muscle boys yo pick a number from one two eight bada bing bada boom wearing that for a second i thought it was a fire call but it is an interstellar with a fennec painted and a halo to match and i guess the wheels to match as well i don't personally know how people do it but then again they can see a lot better than i can black market here we go what's it gonna be number two oh okay okay okay we got whites and black black markets in this row now one two seven what's it gonna be could be a grey tune could be a pink 20xx there's a lot of stuff in here one and two they are the moneymakers i do think black subzero is my most valuable one titanium white singularity what a snipe how many white black markets do i have we have the white solar flare i know i have two white solar flares i do indeed a white tune but there we go titanium white black market in blind trading thank you so much for stopping by lad give him a little heart dip out of the party and then we just remove him off the friends list like so and then we invite pro simple one two three four it's as simple as that we'll get him off my list here as well bada bing bada boom and we move on to the next trade we have the octane i forget what that decal is called what is it called i love that i love the um the characters here but i can't remember what it's called i wanted to say like windswept or something but i just know that i've absolutely bottled that oh my god hi get in so like i said if you do want to be involved with these blind tradings the last few times right they've been on the discord server for a long long time i would normally at everyone and be like everyone i'm doing a blind trading get your name in the blind trading chat but now the main chat is so active i don't even need to at anyone in the server i can just say to the people that are literally active in the server you guys want to do some line trading and there's enough people to do it so honestly the discord server is absolutely popping and there's enough people on there basically at all times for me to do a blind trading whenever so definitely go onto the discord server get involved and remain active because it's a sick community we've got but now number three okay now one to seven if he says two guess the crimson mainframe four titanium white solar flare which is worth about 2 000 credits black tune very uh very decent as well purple solar flare okay there you go not too bad i'll take that purple soda flare is decent it looks different to the the original so i would say that's that's a pretty cool thing that's a pretty cool black market to get hopefully pro simple is pro satisfied and then we can move on t-y-s-m no worries like quite a basic car so i'm glad i could provide you with the painter black market leave the party pro simple remove epic friend i tell you what is exciting we've got roy xyn now coming in uh i did say in my video where i did trade-ups and stuff like that how arsenal were playing in the europa league right and they hadn't caught them yet qualified and knowing arsenal they were going to bottle it but then as i was speaking about arsenal i got a titanium white octane so i then was like oh it's a lucky day arsenal are guaranteed to qualify and i edited and rented that video before the game was played and it was going to go up on youtube even though they might have lost arsenal only went and won four nil so i'm telling you i've got the luck i've got the vibes and i'm feeling good about myself pick a number from one to eight seven oh a different number this could provide some juicy black markets maybe maybe the air strike titanium white unless it's moved up oh okay so not the air strike but the black sub-zero and the painted interstellars are on this row so just to check so you guys know one two three four five six seven and here we go so now between one and seven so six and seven painted interstellar and then four is going to be a black sub-zero what's it gonna be what's it gonna be this is huge this is huge two a lime fireworks ah you were so close black meteor storm black atomizer row seven is actually row six and seven are probably the most stacked purple sub-zero white air strike black sub-zero then this one black sub-zero sky blue and white interstellar that's a pretty stacked row line fireworks not bad black atomizer also very very cool but titanium white tune you would have just seen their sneaking in to row seven as well row eight if they say row eight next time i will just give them the final black market because that is the only one left in row eight so let's get rid of you off the friends list and now we go to tarte duck get in my game son and then we move on roy take him off the list we have one two three four five six more trades to make let's just i'll see you when we get into the trade and we'll go from there this guy's got a very similar car to that other guy just with cristiano's instead of white zombies we're actually here already so i'll say right now we'll go straight through pick a number from one to eight so like i said if he picks number eight he doesn't need to say anything else because we only have one there row eight is automatically a black 20 xx so row five which is an interesting one row five right here oh oh okay a few painted sub-zeros few painted tunes and a painted mainframe i think there's gonna be an interesting one there's a white solar flare in slot one as well eight seven six five just to count from both sides paragon white solar flare interesting stuff it's going to be three sky blue sub-zero i think that's the most valuable one i've given away so far clocking at over 2 000 credits more valuable than every non-painted black market except dueling dragons i think either it's the same value as dueling dragons or a couple hundred credits cheaper but that is a big dub for luffy my guy no worries lad thanks for stopping by and again i'll see you when we get into the next trade i think luffy is tart duck 880. yo what's up my guy all right a number between one and seven now because there is no row eight if you go to black market most recent painted boom seven rows okay what's it gonna be and then whatever he says now we go again okay now one to seven again bang what's he gonna get could be a black sub zero if he says number one could be a painted 20xx painted tune i think he's gonna say three oh he said three i managed to get out just before he said it in the chat to make it look scripted but there we go we got it it's a forest green hexed from oh what series is that can't even tell you because it's so far off the screen but either way oh yes there you go man i hope you enjoy that thank you for stopping by tides i believe that was tides right am i am i wrong am i wrong we will remove you from the friends list thank you for stopping by now we have try to be pro much love to you man uh try to be pro i could have involved invited noel here but we tried to be pro as well the thing is with try to be pro if you don't know this guy's an absolute legend very active on the discord server hence he was able to get involved but this was the guy you remember when the item shop was all black markets he spent thousands tens of thousands of credits buying the entire black market item shop using code pixel army so he's an absolute hero so i'm more than happy uh between not between pick a number we'll just say one to seven don't say between i might have said that a few times but i'm more than happy to give back to this guy as he's already given to me what's it gonna be though that is the question we have a striker painted black market there it is it is burnt sienna so we don't have to look too far into that black playmaker sub-zero that's obviously a cool one so let's see what it what he gets there's so many cool stuff around here a lot of black sub-zero spiced in there a lot of people saying row number three not quite sure what they're after but now we'll go now one to seven again if he says three he gets himself a titanium white solar flare valued at about 2 000 credits wouldn't be a bad snipe number six sky blue atomizer that's not bad probably cooler than all the black markets he bought from the item shop given the majority of them i think might have been unpainted i can't really remember tysm thank you so much man okay it's not let me type but either way i'm sure he understands he's probably watching this video so much love to you dude pleasure to be trading with you let's remove him off the friends list and now all we have actually is two more null 4 thousand and zach 07 and that is going to be it that is actually going to be 10 trades because one of them hasn't shown up we have here a fennec with a dissolver and a draco wheel all right you love to see it let's invite them to trade it's nice actually that because of that minimum trade requirement i didn't realize until today that you needed to have minimum playtime on the epic account as well as steam so i can actually still add people on epic but go onto my regular steam account which is always handy so yo pick a number from one two seven and now let's see what he can get i think it seems based on the guessing trends of most other people in this lobby the black sub-zeros seem to be safe where are they currently at two and one i don't believe anyone's gonna say that for whatever reason and then we have six and seven and is there not another black sub-zero in here i feel like there should be two well three right i don't know i'm tripping there's let me let me look close one there two in one yes there's that's oh is this one no that's orange and the only one is there oh do i only have two black sub-zeros i thought i had three but there we go another number three guess now one to seven again so what do you get this three and three could still be the titanium white solar flare there's a crimson mainframe on this row four the cobalt mainframe actually a very cool one not gonna lie three and four cobalt main frame bob is your uncle go and check out ttv knoll 4000 just just his name there why not go and drop him a follow from the pixel army all right i believe we have one more trade to go from zach 07 so there we go the trade has gone through he's got a very cool car so he might not want to use the mainframe but there we go it does look to be fair it looks kind of sick i'm not gonna lie no worries lad let's get into the final trade it's going to be where did zach go where where where's zach i mean this guy it was it was patrick he was one of them and then zach was the other but i i think he literally just dipped he literally just dipped i mean i do say you have to be online you have to be ready zach doesn't know how close he came to being in the video he was online two minutes ago and now he's gone i mean i don't know the circumstances he might have lost power he might have had to go but either way i guess that's going to do it if you did enjoy this episode of blind trading and want to see more in the future then please do smack a like on it i was more encouraged to do another episode of blind trading quicker after you guys got like nearly half a million views on the last episode of blind trading and that really showed me that you want to see me do it more so honestly your support your feedback your likes and comments they do mean a lot to me and they do show me what you guys enjoy watching hence this video today so leave a like if you enjoyed subscribe down below to join the pixel army ivan pixel you have been awesome and i'll see you in the next video very soon
Channel: pickapixel
Views: 175,583
Rating: 4.9691734 out of 5
Keywords: pickapixel, ROCKET, LEAGUE, rocket league blind trading, blind trading, blind trading with fans, pickapixel blind trading, best rocket league inventory, black market blind trading, best inventory in rocket league, pickapixel trading, trading, rocket league trading, Pixel, white octane, titanium white octane, white octane blind trading, white octane trade, pickapixel white octane, white apex, rocket league white apex, painted black market trading, painted black market blind trading
Id: cCPdPjWWtkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 20sec (980 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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