Minecraft, But If You Think Any Item, You Get It...

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welcome to minecraft but if you think any item you get it in today's video i'm gonna be introducing you guys to my brain so this means every 60 seconds i can speak to my brain and if i explain what i want correctly i could get any item i want can i be the dragon or will my own brain try to stop me stay tuned to find out and only 19.99 of my viewers are actually subscribed so if you do enjoy the content feel free to subscribe with me in three two one there we go welcome to the team and for today let's try and see if we can break a record number of get ready it's a big one five hold likes enjoy guys here we go guys welcome to minecraft but whatever item i'm gonna be thinking i'm gonna be getting and that probably doesn't make any sense right away but if you look at my hotbar right now we have a brand new gelatinous pink item called the brain so if we hover over the brain it says hey i'm your brain crazy right brain is here to help out but please be nice to brain brain will try his best but only when brain is not tired generally i don't know what that means i got this set up for me but let's see what happens when i right click this brain in three two one you speak to your brain you have six seconds um oh my brain hello brain um i'm like no the bread time is up brain will now interpret how's it going brain i i kind of didn't uh do that wrong brain is mad i'm so sorry no all right i didn't expect my brain to sound like that but brain uh can i use you again oh no my brain is currently recharging okay so brain are there any rules i have to follow to use you do you have any rules of you know of the brain brain wants you to be respectful brain wants you to be happy okay brain thank you for caring about me or caring really about us brain i appreciate that a lot brain today we're gonna be trying to kill the ender dragon and you know beating minecraft for maybe like the 80th time brain only wants you to explain things in terms non-minecraft related why though are you okay brain brain doesn't like minecraft but brain you're in minecraft what is this rain doesn't want to be questioned okay mr frame by the way we have a nice village right here okay mr brain i got my tools but you know this is kind of like a very boring beginning so mr brain let me real quick some of you again are you ready all right 14 seconds brain i want something very oh okay brain you're getting inside of my brain i want something blue shiny and like uh nice and i can use it for really cool stuff rain likes blue brain like shiny okay come on brad you know what i want brain thinks he knows what you want this is not okay brain brain brain this is blue and shiny this is not shiny mr brain i appreciate not being far away this is an ocean brain oh gosh all right look right i'm looking forward look brain but look i i think we have a mutual interest right here where we want to you know beat the game and and you know make all the progress we can so i'm going to try one more time brain i think you'll understand this one okay it'll be an easier one all right brain oh six seconds okay i'd like a a triangle a uh egyptian sand oh gosh that that was not a good description brain please give me the right thing brain is thinking brain will deliver brain understood enjoy oh is this going to be good frame please tell me you understood all right brain it's been a while where where is this uh thing i ordered rain found thing brain found the thing okay no oh wait uh brain this is uh this is not the thing i ordered i i know i was not supposed to say the name but i ordered a desert temple brain well what what is this brain likes this cat you like this cat or even is oh there oh it is a nice cat brain what are you doing brain okay i'm gonna order one more thing and please braid and it's just a simple request okay i have this stuff for this brain i like the shiny blue cave shiny blue cave that's all i want oh no i didn't have enough time did i breathe shiny blue cave yes brain brain where is this cave i'm looking for one right now and i'm struggling brain sees lava brain seize ravine be careful with that line with that ravine please brain love lava no well i said no please i have no armor brain but this is actually a pretty nice cave all right thank you brain okay so um where are the shiny blue diamonds i asked for brain um oh wait oh okay thank you brade all right that's exactly what i needed brain there we go four diamonds not all the times i'm gonna need this video but you know what i'm gonna give you another request brain i think you've been learning we've been evolving with you brain and maybe maybe maybe i can ask for something better okay i think we have a good relationship with your brain all right brain i want something simple i want a book that helps me get more diamonds book more shiny blue stuff book more shiny stuff can you do that for me brain brain like that brain you like shiny blue stuff brain like shiny oh i'm i'm glad bray brain has what you have requested oh brain oh wait that might actually be a brain all right brain throw it at me what is this please don't be dead strider oh brain thank you so much brain i think we have a good relationship here i appreciate you man you know i'm gonna i'm gonna eat all my vitamins and everything just because of that i appreciate rain doesn't like your hairline oh okay brain brain you're probably bald but it's all good but if you're watching this video and you know who the brain is voice wise feel free to comment down below because uh you know i kind of want to make it a mystery for now but if you do know what it is you know comment oh there we go brain is recharged okay brain summoning you six seconds i'd like uh 64 of the white shiny stuff white shiny stuff 64 brain like white shiny stuff oh gosh please i have one life do not give me anything bad mr brain you're you're thinking you know you do all the thinking you need mr brain brain knows what you want brain you know what i want oh this is not a 64 white shiny brain likes that frame brain this is white carpet why brain brain i did not mean to call you bald brain come on you don't got to do me like this okay let's try this one more time brain 64 of some shiny white stuff they look like candy bars they're they're big and then like they're nice now that was the worst description ever brain looks like he's thinking oh gosh hmm brain likes this brain wants to deliver brain deliverer oh all right i thought of it and i got it 64 irony against thank you very much bro compliments you are an amazing brainy honestly you know in the comments down below leave a compliment for the brain he deserves it so we can all get really good items and real quick fortune three diamond pickaxe there we go okay this should help us a lot hey brain i got you some iron boots would you like to wear some iron boots brain well they can't fit on my head can they they can't fit on your head but you know what you you can make two bra oh oh i didn't expect that oh brain you're wearing iron poo take those off parade you're not supposed to wear iron boo brain is angry no no no no no no no no you gave brain boots and didn't let brain wear bring your brain brain you looked beautiful on those iron boots brandon i'm gonna need your help real quick okay okay brain thank you brain brain brain brain brain all right brain i need some more shiny blue stuff i need a nice eight vein of shiny blue stuff hmm brain knows what you want brain go get okay brain let's do this okay braid brain found blue shiny blue shiny make sure it's you know that very shiny blue all right brain uh send it over brain i'm ready brain found blue shiny all right yes brad you've been very nice lately i appreciate that brain and what the new fortune 3 gave me look at this brain watch this real quick boom boom nice evade of diamonds how many times are we going to get from this i might actually be able to make full diamond and 18 diamonds you know brain that's a good job good stuff brain let's see what this we might as well i'm gonna go ahead and make a brand new diamond sword which brain while i do all this i'd like a book that's very good for fighting everything very sharp brain like that yes yes yes thank you brain okay let's go back to doing stuff brain found book brain bound why do you sound like that brain thank you brain like to change voice it's very nice all right nice you have a sophisticated voice brain yes very sophisticated harvard degree the book has been delivered oh my gosh brain brain like that this is not ah for all right brain i guess we're back to step one brain but it's all good we're making progress all right brain we're gonna try this one more time i would like i'm gonna ask for a lot this time shiny blue stuff a lot of it and a lot of the sharp of the five of these uh very strong very strong sword brain i asked for a lot there brain but i know you can come through come on buddy oh wait actually even if you don't come through brain look at that right there okay don't mind if i do i'm just gonna you know real quick get this got the fortune three and with that we have 14 diamonds not bad okay green found found a book oh gosh all right love book brain brain brain red red ring do not burn the did you burn the book brain brain burned book brain brain have to book oh two book thank you bro brain give book no brain oh my god brain you've recharged we're gonna be using you one more time brain i'm full diamond now brain we can do this me and you okay brain i want very sharp sword very good archer weapon very good archer weapon brain deliver brain deliver brain go get and brain deliver all right you you got this brain okay i'm honestly making great progress right now and it might be that time again to actually go into that nether so um brain i'm really counting on you right now brain found book brain give book okay brain you got this i'll brain here we go what is this yes frane let's go sharpness five enchanted book thank you braden i appreciate that and just like that you know real quick short miss five from the brain thank you man or i guess it's in my brain brain wants you to name sword oh wait i can name it right now okay brain what what name would you like the sword to be hashtag bald hashtag bald okay is there any reason for this brain brain likes bald that's pretty nice all right let's get this engine table made done and boom and then we can finally inject oh no brain you made me use all my levels i gave it in chat right now actually hey brain can i get some uh with some of that shiny green stuff brain like shiny green you like shiny everything brain it sounds like oh brain very happy brain found green you found the green okay give me that experience buddy let's do this green do this green light sorry where is it oh that is not a brain okay that is rain give green oh that's a lot of green okay brain brain brain come on come on buddy that is not the bright green variety i wanted but you know what it's the effort that counts i'm not gonna be mean to your brain okay brain buddy how about let's try this again just a little bit of the shiny green stuff that makes my levels go up brain bring go get i think brain knows what you're talking about okay okay brain found green brain tp green i i'm not green but okay green light green just in case of brain i'm oh gosh oh 18 levels thank you parade that is way more than enough you are too charitable mr brain appreciate it brain i'm gonna need one more thing from you and um beautiful boots by the way i want you to thank you for me to the surface i i don't really feel like going back up so you don't teleport me back up there and then we should be good to go to the nether brain go all right brain i'm trusting that you'll just get me up there brain will get you up there okay sounds good buddy rain really high brain like high brain sky brain sky okay yeah the surface all right sounds good let's do this brain brain brain green high brain this is why y5000 brain i don't even know where the floor is this is not the surface this is the sky brain brain brain i'd like you to teleport me to the surface please brain please oh okay brain tp surface okay thank you brain i appreciate that i don't really like this being this high up brain tpu now oh thank you brade okay that's oh that's better all right oh what that's a nice jungle over there you see that brain brain do you see that right over there we have a nice desert temple okay i'm actually gonna go in there before i ask actually no while i go explore this desert temple brain i want you to build me a door to another dimension the red dimension okay brain brain like building doors all right yeah yeah do deep doors make sure you know in a safe spot brain and good luck i'm gonna see what's in this nice desert temple oh okay that's gonna be definitely helpful oh some golden apples nice some diamonds too some gold this is actually going really well guys we're on a good pace to kill this dragon and the brain seems to be working with me a lot i do hope that the brain is making this nether portal though because if he's not then i'm probably screaming brain found door brain tp's you two door okay brain all right do your thing buddy rain like door brain will you be happy if i fall on this brain like diving all right there there you go foreign door to right dimension brain orange dimension red dimension okay bro brain go fly brain go get dimension okay you know you can't really bring me a dimension but you can bring me into a dimension okay brain oh brain understand now okay there we go brain good stuff ooh brain found red okay all right show me the red buddy okay brain this is a brain but you uh definitely took me to somewhere that's not very safe brain um oh gosh brain brain brain brain drop gold shine thing brain drop cool shiny thing please please please please brain gold brain drop gold shiny thank you brain oh gosh okay that could have been a bit bad real quick brain i think i found it okay we got a fortress and a brain you're already going inside there it looks like brain what are you doing in there brain like going inside brain go find very good loot okay brain i'm gonna make one quick request brain okay i'd like you to give me 16 of the green stuff 16 green that was really big oh no that's gonna green go get 16 green oh no you don't have to do that i was trying to say enterpro brain found 16 green brain like it you like the 16 green okay brain wow and nice brain found it now i gotta go back to the the fortress brain they thank you for your work of art right there honestly you are an artist all right let's try this one more time brain brain i will like the teleportation balls 16 of the teleportation balls that would be very appreciated brain brain understand the brain to understand okay brain are we gonna get a brain i'm ready for it oh oh gosh okay brain give brain give your brain not the best time for you know anything but okay no okay we're good we're good we're good also 12 eyes of under i think we should be good there brain i'd like to be teleported out of here back to the normal dimension okay somewhere safe brain tp to somewhere safe oh gosh what is safe to the brain brain like this brain brain brain brain brain brain that is not what you call safe what the heck brain no no no i think we're good brain that was not cool but thank you for taping me back i have another request though okay i'm gonna ask for a big thing for me okay this is gonna be really tired uh brain brew burn this is a big request okay please please understand when i say this brain i want you to put me in the mode where i can get anything i want for 15 seconds please brain i really need it is this gonna work i don't think brain likes cheaters brain like oh brain did it right another yes yes yes and oh gosh yes yes thank you brain said no more oh thank you brain we're getting close to the end here though i got my end portal frame so brain we're about to go into battle brain i'm gonna kill the ender dragon you're gonna watch and uh can i make any more requests because i actually do need one more request because i wasn't kind of dumb there and i forgot to get a really important might accept requests okay brain i would like some pointy shooty things and some sleeping things brain go get thank you brain thank you i appreciate that brain giving pointy all right what is the pointy stuff gonna be please don't be oh wait what is this arrow of leaping a lot of arrows of leaping okay interesting choice brain but you know i'm not gonna complain it's not like the dragon's gonna start leaping on me so good stuff brain appreciate it all right full protection one and we got cover me and debris very nice sharpness five bold and a power one so i think this should be it guys let me double check if i have everything i need brain i actually do need another thing brain i would like a flying mechanism the flying jet pack brain give flying jet pack brain found flying jet pack oh hey wait that actually worked thank you brain okay you know for once you're being nice a lot of consecutive times all right brain i think it's time we are gonna be going into the end brain and this is gonna be the end game we've had a great adventure there's a weather right there we're going now brain we're gone oh and here we go we are in the end brain please do not do anything crazy right now i you know i'm just gonna cross the bridge right now ooh brain doesn't like the end oh you don't like the end brain it's all good buddy you know if we're gonna kill this dragon i'm gonna finally finish this challenge and brain we're gonna you know come back together and become one again look braid i'm just gonna kill the dragon now you do your thing brain actually brain i do have a little bit of request for you now that we're up here brain could you real quick how about you help me break down these crystals brain i think you'd do a great job to do that brain brain light crystals oh yes you do like your crystals brain go do that please please don't hurt yourself brain though i still need you brain break crystal good good job brain oh you're breaking them brain break yes good job brain okay i think that might be all the crystals rain good job okay time to just kill the dragon brain honestly you can even help me kill the dragon if you'd like a brain what else do i need right now to kill this dragon a bit faster it's coming down oh it's purchasing you need a buy stick server and you need to purchase a lunar cape oh do i i mean you know what thank you brain you really are my brain after saying that brain what are we doing up there brain making platform brain like dnd brain brain okay you got to follow my commands now i need some more arrows brain i would appreciate that brain go find arrow you're we're gonna find arrows and then brain found them in my hand is that an instant healing hero wait arrow of strength i don't think this will be good for the dragon all right well at least the tnt is gone now brain brain don't get any ideas brain please brain no i know you want to kill the dragon too it's almost dead no brain no no that's gonna crash the surfer brain no no brain it's done we killed the dragon it's over we beat minecraft everything i think it's gonna be done no brain no well brain it was a good time now me and you let's go back to normal hope you guys all enjoyed have a great one and here's a video just like this one bye guys
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 5,157,041
Rating: 4.8850965 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, manhunt, minecraft but challenge, minecraft but, minecraft but crafts are, mc but, Minecraft But If You Think Any Item You Get It, Minecraft but if you think, minecraft brain, minecraft but you can
Id: Nxx49w77bsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 13sec (1093 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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