Rocket League with No Balls

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[Music] the other day i suddenly had the best idea i've probably ever thought of rocket league with no balls think about it you can't miss the ball if there is no ball but what would it look like what would the players do how would you score there were a lot of questions and there was only one person i knew who could help me answer them that person was cinderblock the rocket league modding genius together we created something that no one has ever seen before something completely new something that i'm proud to say is truly magical but we needed to test the new game mode so i gathered some of the most respected and popular names in the rocket league community to try rocket league with no balls for the first time i had no doubt they would all love rocket league with no balls but i was slightly nervous that some of them wouldn't be smart enough to really understand its genius so my main goal today is to try to get them to say how much they love the game so i can quote them in the description of this video i love it a lot i'd say it's better than snow day it's the surprising maybe psyonix would even add rocket league with no balls as an official game mode when they saw all the great things their content creators were saying about it it's like uh great i see this potential you know when you go to the carnival and you get like a cool toy and it's like wow this is a really cool toy but trust me it's amazing now let's get to our testers and see their very first reactions to rocket league with no balls this is a brand new game mode that we have created and i brought you here today because i want you to test it out i think it could be like the next big thing yeah the next big thing sounds interesting all right y'all who's all mine all right let's go all right you gotta kick off nope wait why is my arrow pointing to the wait where's the ball okay the ball the arrow's pointing to this oh do you have to follow the arrow uh what do you think so far uh yeah where's the ball i hmm first to seven what what are we doing to each other i don't i don't really know what's happening my greatest fear had been confirmed my testers did not understand this game mode i tried to give them hints on how they could score but they just kept asking about balls sir ball in this game mode there is no ball okay so what how do what do you what do we do just look at each other's cars all day or that's an option am i winning no it's tied 0-0 can you see the score i don't know where the ball is i don't know if it broke or is this normal sunless is this okay are we okay this is the game yeah so what do you guys think there's no ball cam okay i'm just saying i want to see if the ball's like invisible or something no there's no ball yeah i can't see a ball um yeah there's no ball demoing contacts on it it's that i can't balk him either there's no ball yeah that's actually the mate that's kind of mean so is it just demo uh is that the game mode you could score there's no billboard my sam doesn't know what to do we're working on names for this but right now i'm settling on rocket league with no balls okay i feel like like an invisible heat seeker ball which i'm trying to find because i don't know where it spawns it's gone it's not here it's just not here yeah there's no ball clearly a lot of our testers were ball chasers and they couldn't get over the fact that there was no ball but after the initial confusion wore off they finally figured out how to score what do you think so far it's uh it's all right it feels like i'm bored already well you haven't even tried to score like for one all right so before you knock the the game mode why don't you try to actually score sure okay what if like scoring is me putting myself in the net yo uh use me suddenly someone in the net it's the easy goal we scored wait what's the job all right one nothing oh you scored nice so you just run into their net yeah yeah like you're the ball because there's no ball are you the ball as well yeah i'm also the ball oh i see the main feature of this is there's no ball okay so you're just driving to the goal and that's how you okay so kind of like american football you just like get a touchdown but yeah except there's no ball there's a ball in american football so it's like american football with no balls okay so i'm thinking like i need to you know score you then well you can't score because it's demo on contact oh okay um you're actually you've gotten the longest out of everyone without scoring this is incredible am i actually like am i stupid [Music] oh my gosh he's so dumb guys welcome to rocket league with no balls are you kidding you did not bertsy welcome to rocket league with no balls oh my god i see i see okay let's do it let's do it i'm ready can you stop like demoing me okay so now that you know how to play i won't go easy on you okay so now i'm supposed to prevent preventing you from getting into the net oh my goodness okay yeah it's a game i'm pretty sure i mean i could just beat you like all you have to do is drive in oh no that's a goal that's a goal yes there we go obviously rocket league with no balls was a massive hit but there were some problems why don't you try that again just go for it okay what okay there are obviously some kinks why don't you try it one more time am i missing the net even in this game mode like i might you can't use this you are the bomb i am the ball and i was missing what if i just like try to defend the net here it's pretty hard though taking the ball away i i just think it really creatively opens up the game a little bit oh okay so they're actually trapped in this game oh yeah definitely it's actually pretty deep wait you might beat me on this yeah dang it meta is i'm going to ball whoever this is waiting easily so john's pretty good at this nearly enough why did i just go for like middle you're gonna beat me yep yep it's like the gran turismo didn't take the apex there tied it up it's a weird concept where you like get beat but technically i'm not beat because there's no ball right i can keep trying to go to your net just whoever's exactly that's this is like breaking my mind she got like oh oh no athena just scored dude i i've just kind of balled away he crossed me up there i didn't want to touch you and free play here oh get juked [Music] are you doing fakes are you using fakes on me right now i'm kind of clapping you though you're kind of good at it yes maybe i should go pro and rock like with no balls yeah you're pretty good too so you said it's first to seven right and that's where things started to go horribly wrong up until then we were having a great time but i could tell my testers were getting bored yeah why are you bored you know honestly a little bit yeah oh i messed up my seatbelt that's it a very fun mode very interesting yeah yeah it's a bit of a different take on rocket league you could say i mean what are you gonna do okay ball cam is really screwing me up yeah in this mode it's just cam i need sunless cam oh i saw what you did there that was pretty that was pretty yeah that's a wave dash they start doing that around diamond it's something is it was it wanted like your comment sections like now this is uh this is a sunless con original this is from my oh really this is from the brain yeah this is all me there's only one ball like in rocket league though so it would be rocket league with no ball yeah but in a greater sense it's like think about all the games that are going on in the rock of the universe like no you don't you don't gotta make it weird though and be like balls and stuff i think i do though [Music] oh but you avoided me so hard you might no no listen i knew you would try to go after me i knew what you were trying to do so and then i did that game is deeper than i realized all right good job you're good at this thanks man you're good at rocket league with no balls yeah i'm with no ball now for the big moment it was time to hear how much all the creators loved rocket league with no balls rocket league with no balls it's uh i don't know it's it's uh it's it's like uh it's not that great well there's no outplay potential which i kind of thought just made it pretty boring they had us in the first half i i don't want to be mean but it's like i it wasn't that much fun after like the first two three times i guess i this is what i expected that's for sure i'll give you that it's surprising i mean it could work i see his potential okay has potential yeah can i quote you on that would you recommend this to like higher ranked players or lower ranked players uh no i definitely wouldn't i wouldn't recommend this since some of the players didn't really get rocket league with no balls i tried to make them more interested by asking how they would improve it the downside of this was i had to listen to their terrible ideas and how they would ruin rocket league with no balls how would you improve it rocker league with no balls maybe edible had a ball i would add a ball i don't know i don't like this too much without the ball i don't know if i could do that okay i don't know if i could do that to rocky with no balls that would be kind of that would be kind of against the whole spirit of the game there should be like a like a certain boost and you have to go to that full boost right and then grab it kind of like capture the flag and then take it to capture the flag yeah or like a ghost you know in mario kart where it's like your ghost like you have to like your best previous time best time yeah like beat it or something i feel like not having the ball really takes away the luster when you cast her at rocket league it just doesn't work for me john you know what you need what i'm scared so what would you rate this out of ten compared to all the game modes like heat seeker snow day hoops i mean i'm gonna put rumble and heat sticker at like nine okay poops and drop shot like six so there's like maybe eight um i'm gonna give you a two probably like a two or three but you didn't even get to the advanced stuff i'd probably put this at like a a two this was going poorly but i still had a couple tricks up my sleeve well you know you could do like there's some advanced mechanics too that you haven't considered like you can also you can ceiling shot see right now that's pretty cool i guess but the problem is there's no way to defend it so like if i just like you go for a ceiling shot right yeah so as i'm just going in a straight line and then so you can't really i see what you're saying yeah i just say like i love it a lot i love it a lot three out of ten okay i'm not using that i'll just use the part where he said i love it [Music] okay i love it a lot and you know what i'd say it's better than snow day it's snowing better than snow day okay it's the worst game mode in the game i'll take that okay honestly that's a win thanks for playing this that was well it was something what were you gonna say it was fun i yeah i think it's happened
Channel: SunlessKhan
Views: 1,050,953
Rating: 4.9313803 out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, rocket league pc, rocket league best, rocket league guide, rocket league funny, rocket league moments, rocket league pro, funny rocket league videos, multiplayer games, xbox video games, ps4 video games, free pc games
Id: 6mEd9LJp7qM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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