Meet the youngest Grand Champion in the world...

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[Music] so the other day I got a mysterious email with the subject line that read video idea you might be interested in not gonna lie like with the rocket League mods thing I have grown just a wee bit skeptical of ideas from viewers now don't get me wrong I've made some great videos directly from viewer ideas like rocket League mafia I trust me I love you guys but still video idea I think you might be interested in didn't exactly pop out to me but I opened it anyway it was from a guy named melt a Grand Champion since season 8 we had a pretty big claim he said he had met a champ two player and came to discover that this player was 9 years old from there on it became melts mission to make him the youngest GC in the world well it turns out Henry this is Henry by the way was the ideal candidate because the kid learned fast after just a week of grinding and ranked the kid had not only reached GC but obtained his season 12 GC title and rewards now you might be thinking well it sounds like melt just boosted Henry to GC and I was thinking the same thing could be true but melt insisted in the email that Henry had picked up things so quickly in GC lobbies that he's confident he'll be up that rank with or without melt now so far the youngest G seed i've heard of is the 12 year old from flips video from a while back so obviously at nine years old Henry kind of beats this guy out by a few years I had to find out if he really was GC so I decided to do exactly that let's give him the ultimate test let's make him queue up some doubles with me because we all know I ain't carrying anybody if anything I need to be carried my whole strategy is to get carried if we could win some games together I think it would prove quite a bit about this young protege in other words I'm gonna a find out if this story is true and B queue up together to see if he really is at a GC level so first things first I needed to meet Henry's parents before I included someone that young in a YouTube video well turns out Henry's dead is actually awesome and super involved with Henry's gaming MO meaning again you're grounded his name is Trent and he's actually a solid rocket League player himself so I hopped in a private lobby with melt Trent and Henry to get to know them a bit first let's do chaos jost yeah two hours late oh man I don't know if we can get a cast match let's just use a private lobby what Henry do you carry your dad yes playing yeah not that much I asked him if you want to play it down time she doesn't say anything about yeah I was really conscious of her teens rank I super didn't why her dragon he kept telling me no don't worry about it no worry about all ranked backed up that's actually kind of how I met Colonel long back in the day he carried me to like champ 1 for the first time back in season 3 Batman Henry was like 2 years old probably you know I was thinking about it and if you wanted to be an RCS you just thought the wait six more years okay so you ran into each other in ranks but like anything you just played really well and decided to party up right like how did that yeah I asked me if you want to do comm she was like sure we started talking on notice he was pretty young as I started like giving them tips and stuff like he was improving a lot and like he was pretty quick learner I've been kind of I know how thing it I've been trying to coach Henry as much as I could but you know me being terrible I have no idea nuances at that level and one metal started mentioning those little things that I had no clue about but it makes a huge difference when'd you get the the white octane oh my dad got for my birthday that is the best gift ever that's sick yeah right we should just queue ranked Henry hey play some twos we had one problem though the competitive season literally ended last week making the timing of this video about as bad as possible after placement matches even the best players in the game are placed below grand champ and it takes a couple weeks for mid and low G C's to get back up even high G C's take a bit for instance musty who's obviously a very high level player only just got back there so hopefully you're getting my point that in this video were basically G C's but we're not actually G seats totally legit anyway turns out both Henry and I were currently champ too so we made it our goal to get to champ three so without further ado here's how it went you play more twos or threes boy coos I haven't put yours in a long time yeah I don't play much 3z they're nice demo oh oh what a save that pass was nuts oh just talk to me so hard a hole oh I've no idea I've heard people talking about left goes all right really yeah some people know it some I don't know why it's a I only do it cuz uh verge does it nice you know birch a youtuber no I don't think so he's a coach of Dignitas why do you watch oh you watch like the pros and stuff you watch our LCS yeah oh that was so weird let's go I don't even know what happened I had ball c'mon just shadowing did melt tell you about like shadow defense or do you know about shadow defense ah have you heard that yeah I guess that's kind of a basic thing like if rock is still around for like five or six years you've literally like grown up playing rock like that's kind of crazy oh I got dunks all good you faked him what a say ho oh you're seriously like nuts with the saves oh no I'm in a rule number while do you get where's time for that it's all oh good save or clear to drive so I'll do that Oh close nice catch just gonna take it up and around let's go yes sure that's perfect kick off whoa yes great kill it's just fun to watch yeah he's heard tense games my shots accurate oh you had even know many planned to you didn't know what to do Oh what is that in all that was the perfect to host the 50 of my life he's gone Oh see ya oh that was like the best 50 of my life hey champ three okay now we got to get me there easy then am i next and boost no oh no what oh my god I'm gonna have a compilation of just the nuttiest saves from this play session dies on the kitchen that was that was insane I have no idea how Wow nice let's go a shot this is rocker think yeah it's kind of good for that perfect clear on a platter I was so nervous I was gonna miss that one open that it was so perfect I think they just realized who it was where did they say something yeah and the in-game chat that's one nice shot that's funny yeah I can't yeah it's just weird that I can't see it oh you're not sir dagger dude we were down one with 20 seconds left now we're up the backboard Reid I was the get on I thought we were down and out go for a demo got him let's go what a plan oh I can't believe that worked I missed I got it pressure them let's go great oh what a comeback this session has been crazy man we've had some awesome comebacks I must be so cool I have to be so close are you down to play another one Henry ah you down alright alright let's do it but I'm gonna try come out strong and not get in the situation where we have to come back a son he's good oh well nice shot oh how I got the perfect challenge that's what I'm talking about because I could've been more to you but oh no oh oh we're so close yes we did it again can't be stopped at the last 10 seconds Henry died for that nice I got it let's go you guys they just want to save each other you could have scored that sorry I just went after it like a madman there it is serious clutch mr. clutch nests that's your new nickname Henry mr. clutch Ernest yeah thanks for being cool and hanging out guys problem thank you thank you for doing this and yeah thanks for playing with Henry this is a blast hey maybe we could try to get chaos sometime if you will actually get a chaos game in well we're added so maybe we should just hit me an invite you can carry me back to G CIT perfect [Music] [Music]
Channel: SunlessKhan
Views: 5,576,884
Rating: 4.9411268 out of 5
Keywords: rocket league, rocket league pc, rocket league best, rocket league tutorial, rocket league guide, rocket league comedy, rocket league funny, sunless, rlcs, rocket league moments
Id: i-G7zQSMJqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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